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  • Analytical information about the possession of modern educational technologies. Analytical reference of the teacher

    Analytical information about the possession of modern educational technologies.  Analytical reference of the teacher

    Analytical reference

    Onoprienko Natalya Anatolyevna in the educational process is guided by the ideas of a developing and student-oriented approach. One of the priorities of her activity is the creation of conditions for identifying pupils' motives for the development of cognitive activity. The teacher uses health-saving technologies, problem-based learning technologies, game technologies, project activity technologies, student-centered and information and communication technologies.

    Name of technologies

    Usage level

    Health saving technologies.

    Technologies of problem learning.

    Game technologies.

    During the whole day.

    Technologies of project activity.

    In daily activities, during the day.

    Person-oriented technologies.

    In daily activities, during the day.

    Information and communication technologies.

    in educational activities.

    Modern health technologies,used in the system of preschool education, reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work: the familiarization of children with physical culture, the use of developing forms of health-improving work. Natalya Anatolyevna uses the following health-saving pedagogical technologies in her work:

    ~ dynamic pauses;

    ~ outdoor and sports games;

    ~ relaxation;

    ~ aesthetic technologies;

    ~ finger gymnastics;

    ~ gymnastics for the eyes;

    ~ breathing exercises;

    ~ invigorating gymnastics;

    ~ physical education.

    essence problem learningin kindergarten lies in the fact that the teacher creates a cognitive task, a situation and provides children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Problem-based learning activates the thought of children, gives it criticality, teaches them to be independent in the process of cognition. The formulation of the problematic task and the process of solving it takes place in the joint activity of the educator and children. The teacher engages students in a joint mental search, provides them with assistance in the form of instructions, explanations, questions. Cognitive activity is accompanied by heuristic conversation. The teacher raises questions that encourage children to compare, compare individual facts based on observations, previously acquired knowledge, and then come to conclusions through reasoning.

    Gaming technologiesthe educator uses in direct-educational and everyday joint and independent activities. A game is a method of organizing children's activities in educational activities or a set of methods built in logic, both studying a given program material and organizing an interested cognitive activity of preschoolers.

    Games or game exercises used by the teacher provide an interested perception of the material being studied by children and involve them in mastering new knowledge. They help to focus the attention of children on the learning task. The game allows you to make complex learning tasks more accessible and contributes to the formation of conscious cognitive motivation of preschoolers.

    Technologies of project activityfocused on the joint activities of participants in the educational process: educator-child, children-parents, educator-parents. These technologies are diverse: they can be entertainment, develop into learning, into creativity. Also, one of the advantages of design technologies is that each child is provided with recognition of the importance and necessity in the team. The specific result of work for children can be a drawing, an album, a concert, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop activity, responsibility, independence, a sense of trust in each other, and an interest in learning.

    Natalya Anatolyevna carried out the following projects:

    ~ "This is Victory Day!" (short);

    ~ "Road Safety" (short-term);

    ~ "Healthy baby" (short-term);

    ~ "In the world of toys" (long-term).

    Learner-Centered Technologyincludes the humanistic direction of the content of the activities of the teacher and children. Provides comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of the child's personality, realizes his natural potentials. The emphasis is on the priority of personal relationships, an individual approach to children.

    Self-education of a teacher in 2012-2013 was conducted on the topic "Personally-oriented approach in the education of preschoolers."

    Information and communication technologies(ICT) are used by the teacher to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

    Natalya Anatolyevna uses the above technologies in accordance with the age characteristics of children. In the process of introducing these technologies into the pedagogical process, the teacher conducted a diagnostic examination in each age group. After analyzing the results of pedagogical diagnostics for the period from 2010 to 2013, it can be noted that there is a dynamics in the assimilation of program material in all sections of educational areas.

    Thus, we can conclude that the use of modern technologies and methods in the work contributes to an increase in the level of development of children, helps to make the material more interesting for perception, and diversifies the information that is used in working with parents.

    Results of diagnosing the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods

    Dynamics of the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process

    Based on the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies and methods, the following results of the level of development of children were identified:

    2010-2011 academic year.

    Middle group.

    Beginning of the year:

    high level of development - 46%;

    average level of development - 17%;

    low level of development - 37%.

    The end of the year:

    high level of development - 60%;

    low level of development - 20%.

    2011-2012 academic year year.

    Preparatory group.

    Beginning of the year:

    high level of development - 61%;

    average level of development - 22%;

    low level of development - 17%.

    The end of the year:

    high level of development - 69%;

    average level of development - 20%;

    low level of development - 11%.

    The productive use of new educational technologies and methods qualitatively changes the nature and goals of learning, the relationship between the participants in the process. Innovative techniques contribute to the activation of reflection and self-development. The use of new ones helps to increase the intensity of the learning process. It is accompanied by ever more complicated actions of children. Through them, students learn discipline, improve individual qualities. Such training is very productive.

    The use of new educational technologies: rationale for the choice

    Within the framework of the national curriculum, the teacher is presented as a person who thinks creatively. He must have modern methods of education, methods, means of independent modeling of the process in the conditions of practical activity. Equally important is the ability to predict results. The productive use of new educational technologies, on the one hand, shows the level of preparedness for the professional activities of a teacher. On the other hand, the results obtained show how much the individual characteristics of children, their priorities and interests are taken into account.


    The main principle on which the productive use of new educational technologies is based is the systematic use. To unlock the potential of each child, the teacher shifts the focus to the active forms of the process. In particular, they are cooperation, interaction between the teacher and children. The productive use of new educational technologies by the educator and teacher involves the formation of certain stages:

    interactive board

    The productive use of new and senior classes is closely related to the level of equipment of the educational institution. The use of modern means of presenting information is impossible in the absence of appropriate equipment. For example, an electronic board allows you to introduce interactive learning elements not only directly in the classroom, but also at conferences, as part of extracurricular activities. With this tool, the teacher and the children themselves can demonstrate various student products. Information appearing on the surface of the board can be broadcast on screens installed in the classrooms. Data transfer can be carried out online.

    Building Research Competence

    The productive use of new educational technologies makes it possible to form one of the key abilities of the child. It is expressed in the presence of interrelated skills, knowledge, skills that are required for effective activity in the field of learning (including independent), self-development. Technologies aimed at the formation of research competence are used in the performance of practical and laboratory work in the exact sciences (astronomy, physics), preparation for regional, all-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

    Assessment of the quality of the pedagogical process and the achievements of children

    The level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is shown by the final certification. The productive use of new educational technologies is aimed at the formation of criteria for self-assessment of the creative, cognitive work of the child. Creating a portfolio is one of the modern methods of evaluating and recording the achievements of children. This, in turn, makes it possible to increase the level of preparedness for the final exams in subjects, improve skills and knowledge, and focus on the most priority areas of individual development. This embodies a qualitatively new culture of learning.

    Transformations in teaching practice

    The productive use of new educational technologies is expressed in rethinking and changing the teacher's existing approaches to teaching. Currently, there is a qualitative update in the content of education. This, in turn, changes the role and tasks of the teacher. Today, the main goal of the educational institution is to teach children to be educated throughout their later life.

    Universal skills and abilities

    The productive use of new educational technologies involves the formation in children of:

    Individually oriented models

    They contribute to the purposeful development of children. Their introduction is accompanied by the formation in each child of the ability to manage an individual learning process, the transformation of the student's independent activity into self-development. The productive use of new educational technologies at school is expressed in the transition from external (on the part of the teacher) control and evaluation to the individual internal self-analysis of the child. This, in turn, changes the motivation of children. They begin to form a need for knowledge, stimulated interest in studying the material in the disciplines. The productive use of new educational technologies at school also implies giving children a certain freedom to choose the timing in which certain planned results should be obtained and presented. Students are more responsible for their actions, organizing an individual learning plan.


    This is one of the most productive educational technologies. It contributes to the improvement of the child in the learning process. In addition, the teacher himself develops, increasing his professionalism. The dissemination of knowledge and the inclusion of children in independent work begins with the developed portfolio modules. Educational equipment is selected in such a way as to reduce the dependence of children on the teacher. They should try to independently master the topics, be included in research activities. The acquired method of independent management of the educational process, in which the portfolio acts as a tool, has a long-lasting and positive effect on the child. To implement the tasks set, the teacher must be ready to use the technical resources available to the school.

    Student activities

    Working out the structure of the portfolio can be carried out in group sessions. This allows you to include children in the process of self-assessment and self-government in the course of studying disciplines, planning their achievements. Each child experiencing difficulties has the opportunity to receive clarifications or advice not only from the teacher, but also from classmates. Work on self-assessment of one's own achievements should be organized within a strict time frame. This interval is given to children for solving problems, analyzing their actions and results. Evaluation is carried out according to jointly developed criteria. Children are given the freedom to choose various projects for participation in olympiads, conferences, individualization of their training programs.

    Portfolio Tasks

    Technology formats allow:

    Opportunities for the teacher

    The implementation of the portfolio model allows the teacher to:

    1. Correctly place emphasis on improving critical thinking and learning ability, increase the motivation of children, and expand the scope of the pedagogical process.
    2. To form in students the ability to set goals, model, organize individual work.
    3. To develop the ability of children to independently control the process and evaluate their own level of knowledge, determine the dynamics of assimilation of material on the subject.

    Benefits for the child

    New educational technologies in general allow the student to:

    1. To form the ability to independently learn throughout life, to improve in the chosen professional activity.
    2. To increase one's own motivation and responsibility for the results of work, to develop a conscious attitude towards education.
    3. To assimilate not only a certain amount of information, but also to develop creative and cognitive abilities.
    4. Confirm the correctness of the chosen field of study.
    5. Become competitive in today's labor market.
    6. Choose the areas of vocational training and specialization that suit your skills.
    7. Adapt to constantly changing conditions.
    8. Develop key personal qualities.

    Analytical reference

    The productive use of new educational technologies is one of the key tasks of the modern teacher. Introducing certain approaches, techniques, the teacher must ensure:

    Control over the activities of the teacher himself is carried out by the methodologist or director of the educational institution. Based on the results of the assessment, an analytical report is compiled. The productive use of new educational technologies can be presented additionally in the diagram. Of no small importance in achieving the goals set is the teacher's self-analysis, his own assessment of the effectiveness of the work. Based on the performance indicators, the teacher carries out long-term planning. Using educational technologies, the teacher must proceed from the fact that each student must work according to each method throughout the entire educational period. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

    1. Age features of children.
    2. Continuity of technologies and methods.
    3. Singularities of groups in parallel classes.
    4. Increasing the degree of independence of children.

    The teacher must constantly engage in self-education. Each teacher should take individually-oriented educational technologies as a basis. Only in this way can the goal of methodological improvement be achieved.

    During the lesson, various types of tasks are evenly distributed, mental activity alternates with physical minutes, the time for submitting complex educational material is determined, and time is allocated for independent work.

    1. A favorable psychological and emotional climate is created in the classroom (children are cheerful, not afraid to express their thoughts aloud).
    2. Reduced fatigue and morbidity (at the beginning of the year, more than 35% of students were sick, by the end of the school year - 8%).
    3. 100% of students are covered with hot meals and medical care (all have been properly vaccinated).
    4. Conducted individual monitoring of physical. development of students (100% of students have the main health group).
    5. The office has different levels of desks and chairs. Ventilation is maintained.

    The result of applying this technology is:

    1.Creation of electronic presentations, projects on paper (individual projects "My Family", "My School", "Favorite Animal" were created, as well as collective projects "Planets of the Solar System", "Plants and Animals of the Red Book of the Samara Region").

    2. Performances with individual projects in class in front of classmates, at school in front of primary school students, at a parent meeting.

    3. Joint release of booklets.

    The results of this technology are: 1. Increased motivation for the subject (100% of students work with interest in those lessons that use ICT).

    2. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to work with ICT among students (computer presentations “Do you know fairy tales?”, “My crafts from natural material”, “Cheerful alphabet” were made). 3. Use of ICT for access to information (participation in competitions and olympiads).

    4. Ability to work in the system of control and monitoring of the quality of knowledge PROCLass, the modular system of experiments PROLog (under the guidance of a teacher).

    5. Classes using a computer develop perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, develop finger motor skills, which has a positive effect on working with a pencil and brush. Complexes, tightness, stiffness disappear.

    1. Formation of reading techniques and techniques for understanding and analyzing text (92% of students read above the norm, 100% of students understand the content of what they read).

    2. Simultaneous development of interest in reading, the need to read in order to find the necessary information (100% of students are enrolled in school and city libraries, regularly prepare for extracurricular reading lessons).

    3. Development of oral and written speech, mastery of speech and communicative culture (96% of students are able to retell what they have read, have a large vocabulary; more than 70% of students write dictations accurately).

    4. Development of children's creative abilities (baby books "ABC in Pictures", "Proverbs and Sayings", "Riddles" were created; short reports about writers were prepared; fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin were illustrated).

    5. 78% of students learned to work with additional sources of information (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.)

    As a result of using this technology, the following are formed:

    Cognitive UUD:

    1) the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts and present it is formed;

    2) the ability to identify the essence, features of objects is formed;

    3) the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects is formed;

    4) the ability to generalize and classify according to features is formed;

    5) we form the ability to find answers to questions in the illustration.

    Communicative UUD:

    1) the ability to listen and understand others is formed;

    2) the ability to build a speech statement is formed in accordance with the tasks set;

    3) the ability to formulate one's thoughts orally is formed;

    4) the ability to work in pairs is formed.

    Regulatory UUD:

    1) the ability to express one's own assumption is formed on the basis of work with the material of the textbook;

    2) the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task is formed;

    3) the ability to predict future work is formed (to make a plan);

    4) the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection is formed.

    Personal UUD:

    1) the ability to express their emotions is formed;

    2) motivations for learning and purposeful cognitive


    3) the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation is formed.

    Use in the educational process of modern educational technologies and methods

    I, as a teacher, increase the effectiveness of teaching througheducational and research activities of schoolchildren, which isinnovative pedagogical technology.

    The use of modern educational technologies (technology for organizing research activities of students, game technologies, technology of project-based learning, interactive technologies, case method technologies) in the practice of teaching is a prerequisite for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students

    In the process of educational activity, the teacher applies various methods and techniques of teaching, including innovative ones: problematic, heuristic, search

    Educational technologies and their effectiveness.


    Result of use

    Teaching and research technology

    Development of research skills in the learning process in the classroom and outside of class.

    Presentation of the results in the form of an abstract, slide films, research work, individual and group projects. Participation in olympiads, competitions, NPC.Development of public speaking skills.

    Game learning technology

    Activation of students' activities. Lesson-role-playing game, lesson-travel, lesson-theatricalization, literary cafe, etc.

    Development of the communicative aspect.

    Collaborative learning

    Group tasks, case method technology, group projects.

    Development of communication skills.

    Problematic - search engine.


    Consciously stimulates creative, search activity, careful study of the studied material. Develops the skills necessary for communication.Critical thinking, public speaking skill.

    Integrated Lessons

    They help to overcome the shortcomings of subject education and contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in students.

    Development of linguistic, cultural and communicative competencies.

    Information and communication technologies

    Development of educational presentations by students. Request to expand access to the INTERNET. The use of electronic versions of tests in the Russian language.

    slide presentations, watching movie episodes.

    Meta-subject learning outcomes.

    Lecture-seminar-test system, testing

    Helps to adapt in the future in universities. It provides for the formation of general educational skills and abilities.

    System - activity approach

    Introduction of interactive forms of education.

    Writing creative works based on personal impressions.

    Use of the exercise system.

    Introduction of a special approach to understanding the text.

    Complex text analysis

    Development of communicative competences.

    When planning the use of educational technologies, I proceed from the fact that each student must work in all pedagogical technologies during the period of study. In doing so, I take into account:

    Age characteristics of students;

    Continuity of technologies;

    Features of class groups in parallels;

    class profile.

    As part of the transition to a specialized school, I follow new lines of educational and methodological complexes. Since 2008, the principle of division into basic and specialized content of education has been clearly observed in the teaching of literature.

    Profile education allows, due to changes in the structure of the content and organization of the educational process, to more fully take into account the interests, inclinations, and abilities of students.

    Over the past five years, she has released profile classes (including those of a social and humanitarian orientation - 2009-2010).

    In 2012-2013 she taught in three 9th grades of pre-profile training. In the 2013-2014 academic year, I work in the 10th profile classes.

    Participation in experimental activities


    Pre-profile training and profile training for schoolchildren


    Introduction to the educational process of experimental programs and elective courses


    Organization of network interaction within the framework of methodological support of specialized education


    1.Introduction of pre-profile training and profile training (implementation stage).

    2. Organization of the GIA of 9th grade graduates.

    3. Organization of the exam.

    5 .


    Approbation of regional monitoring of the quality of general education.

    Professional expert activity.

    Municipal Subject Commission for Checking Olympiad Works in the Russian Language and Literature


    Approbation of electronic educational resources

    2009 -2013

    Monitoring studies


    Municipal Commission for the verification of attestation works in the Russian language in the GIA format.


    Participation in the work of the jury in the poetry recitation competition of Musa Jalil
