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  • Conversation in the younger group “Books are best friends Summary of drawing classes book baby
  • Book corner in kindergarten. Why is there a book corner in kindergarten? Book corner design tools

    Book corner in kindergarten.  Why is there a book corner in kindergarten?  Book corner design tools

    Knizhkin House The presentation was prepared by the teacher Sigaeva E.V.

    For books to live together They need to build a house!

    book corner

    Children's books are written for education,

    And education is a great thing

    they decide the fate of man

    Belinsky V.G.

    What is a book corner? This is a special special place in the group room. In the design of the corner, each teacher shows individual taste and creativity. The main conditions that must be met are convenience and expediency. The corner of the book should be cozy, attractive, inviting the child to leisurely focused communication with the book.

    • development of cognitive and creative abilities of children by means of children's fiction;
    • meeting the diverse literary interests of children. ;
    • the formation of preschoolers' interest in fiction;
    • creation of psychologically comfortable conditions in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children in the group;

    • develop the ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of the action, empathize with the heroes of the work;
    • cultivate respect for books.

    Rules of conduct in the book corner

    At a younger preschool age, the teacher introduces children to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose; teaches to consider books in a specially designated place; states the rules to be followed:

    • Take the book only with clean hands.
    • Flip carefully
    • Do not tear, do not crush, do not use for games.
    • After looking - always put the book back.

    So that the books do not crowd,

    Not torn and not dirty,

    They were laid out on shelves

    And divided by topic.

    • "Want to know everything"
    • "Object Pictures"
    • "Children's Work"

    Target: Introduce the child to reading fiction in the process of getting to know fairy tales. To cultivate a love for folklore creativity is a love for a fairy tale.

    • Target : learn information from different spheres of life, teach to reason logically, fantasize and enjoy the process of learning.
    • Children's encyclopedias, books about the animal world.
    • works of folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, fables, riddles). Portraits of children's writers

    book best friend

    Opens a window to the world

    Everyone around knows it

    Such a friend is not lost.

    There are books about children here,

    About puppies and piglets

    About the fox, about the hare

    And a fluffy kitten.

    And about the greedy boy

    Clubfoot forest bear.

    To date, such a type of children's literature as a talking book has become widespread. Children's interactive books really stand out for their new approach to learning. Another important advantage of children's interactive books is that kids love them. Not only editorial staff, but also psychologists are working on their creation. Bright pictures, an interesting thematic selection, simple sentences, cheerful sounds of books capture the young reader.

    The work of a teacher with children in the book corner

    • -Teaches independent focused communication with the book;
    • - Encourages collaborative review and discussion. Communication between the educator and the child is warm, trusting;
    • - Forms the ability to perceive the book in the unity of verbal and visual arts;

    like this wonderful house We created for children. We will continue to develop We are still full of ideas!

    Thanks per Attention!


    On the creation of "Books - babies"

    For preschool children



    MBOU DS No. 479

    Grigorieva Elena Vasilievna

    Chelyabinsk 2016

    Stages of the Baby Books project

    I. Preparatory stage

    The goal is to define tasks, determine the content of the literary corner of the group.

    At the beginning of the work, the team (children, educators, parents) of the junior group MBDOU DS No. 479 determined the topic of the project, selected the material, and chose a place for placement.


    ¾ increasing the level of professional competence;

    ¾ determination of the volume of material that will be addressed to children.


    The activity of the teacher:

    ¾ Creation of the Baby Book booklet

    ¾ Introduction to the problem, setting goals and objectives.

    ¾ Collection and analysis of information on this issue.

    ¾ Study of specialized literature.

    ¾ Study of the individual characteristics and needs of children.

    ¾ Conducting consultations for teachers and parents.

    Children's activities:

    ¾ Recognize and personally perceive the problem.

    ¾ Accept project objectives.

    Parent activities:

    ¾ Reading works of art.

    ¾ Exhibition of favorite books.

    ¾ Book repair at home.

    An important role in the formation of interest and love for fiction among preschoolers is played by the corner of the book. A specially allocated and designed place in the group, where the child can choose a book according to his own taste and calmly examine it. Here the child sees the book not in the hands of the educator, but remains alone with it. He carefully and concentratedly examines the illustrations, the child joins the fine arts, learns to see and understand the graphic ways of conveying literary content. Only in the corner of the book does the educator have the opportunity to instill in children the skills of a culture of communication and communication with the book. A loving, careful attitude to the book is one of the important qualities of the culture of reading, without which a real reader is unthinkable and which is most successfully formed together, allotted for reading.

    II. Practical stage (or project implementation stage)

    The goal is to get acquainted with literary works; the ability of children to freely combine elements of the plot of a literary work in an unusual and unexpected situation.

    ¾ Contribute to the cognitive activity of the child, the development of creativity, research and experimentation.

    ¾ Development of fine and gross motor skills, sensory perception.

    ¾ Contribute to social and emotional development, ideas about the world around.

    ¾ Promote artistic and aesthetic development.


    ¾ material grouping,

    ¾ drawing up a plan,

    ¾ design of baby books.


    The activity of the teacher:

    1. Long-term planning of joint and independent activities.

    2. Conducting cognitive, artistic and aesthetic classes, reading fiction, conducting role-playing and didactic games, using poems and nursery rhymes in sensitive moments.

    Children's activities:

    ¾ Perform the necessary tasks and actions.

    Parent activities:

    ¾ Making baby books with your child.

    Long-term planning of joint and independent activities with children and parents during the project

    Tasks Activities Material
    Maintain a strong interest in familiar fairy tales, poems; learn to empathize with the characters in the story. To cultivate a love of reading, to form the skills of careful handling of books. Conversation with children about a children's book in a lesson on familiarization with fiction Synopsis (app)
    To cultivate interest in fiction, to develop the ability for a holistic perception of works of different genres, to ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it Reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems in a group and at home Program Reading List of Fiction (Appendix)
    Build a positive attitude towards poetry. Arouse the desire to expressively recite familiar poems GCD with children of primary preschool age "Introduction to the poems of Agnia Barto from the cycle" Toys " Synopsis (app)
    Development of children's ability to build an elementary composition. Arouse children's interest in drawing based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" GCD on artistic and aesthetic development "Drawing heroes of favorite fairy tales" Synopsis (app)
    Activating children's knowledge of fairy tales Showing the presentation "Riddles based on favorite Russian - folk tales" Presentation to children
    Getting a positive emotional response from communicating with the book; increasing children's self-esteem, pride in their work, the development of children's speech in the process of making a book Making baby books at home based on your favorite fairy tales Brochure for parents to help (attachment)
    Raise interest in fiction; understanding the importance of books in human life Replenishment of the literary corner of the group, the exhibition "Favorite book of kids" exhibition photomaterial
    Involving parents in the development of children's interest in books and reading fiction. Information for teachers "Recommendations for cultivating love and interest in the book." Advice for parents: "The child and the book" Methodical material (appendix) Consultation (appendix)
    To consolidate and develop a steady interest in the book, to cultivate a love for the artistic word. Entertainment with children and parents "Book-baby" Synopsis (app)

    Methodological support

    1. Organization of a subject-developing environment (literary corner) associated with the artistic and aesthetic development of children during the implementation of the project.

    2. Creation of books - babies on various topics.

    3. Consulting material for parents.

    4. Generalization and dissemination of the accumulated material on the sites and blog MBDOU.

    III. Generalizing stage

    The goal is to sum up the results, determine the prospects.

    During the implementation of the joint project "Baby Books", certain results have been achieved:

    1. Development of interest in fiction; understanding the importance of books in human life; receiving a positive emotional response from communication with the book; increasing children's self-esteem, pride in their work, the development of children's speech in the process of making a book.

    2. An exhibition of "Baby Books" was created on the theme "Favorite book of kids"

    3. Replenishment of the literary corner of the group.

    4. Developed consultations for teachers and parents.

    5. Entertainment with children and parents "Book-baby"

    Project implementation conditions:

    ¾ the interest of children and parents, through the creation of "Baby Books";

    ¾ material support of the project (colored paper, cardboard, glue, clippings from magazines, etc.);

    ¾ methodological developments;

    ¾ interaction with parents (legal representatives) of the children of the group.

    Project Distribution: the project can be used in any age group of a kindergarten (according to the tasks for the speech development of the OOP DO), in circle work, for children in groups of short-term stay of children.

    During the work on the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. We really hope that our work will help children fall in love with the book, instill in children the desire to read and make books and stories themselves.

    What is "good" in a homemade book?

    1. A homemade book is a product of the child's creative efforts, designed to cultivate respect for one's own and other people's creativity.

    2. A homemade book is a great opportunity for children and adults to communicate, create something smart, beautiful and useful together.

    3. In the process of making a book, the child's speech, creative thinking and fine motor skills of the hands develop.

    As part of the project in our group, the book corner was divided into several zones: A.L. Barto; my favorite fairy tales; books to read in your spare time. The children and I made a collective application “My Favorite Toys” (based on the book “Toys” by A.L. Barto) and a baby book based on the same book. Also on a separate stand were presented books - babies, made at home with parents, visual material on children's writers and illustrators, methodological literature for classes, didactic games.

    Work in the book corner was carried out systematically: reading fiction, examining postcards, illustrations of favorite books and fairy tales.
    All classes were held on the theme of the week. As a result of the work carried out, the children got acquainted with the work of children's writers; learned how to repair books; “Baby Books” were created based on the books read; children watched a puppet show and together with their parents made baby books; parents got acquainted with information on raising a love of reading. Everyone enjoyed meeting with the beautiful.


    1. OOP DOW

    2. Verbenets A. M. Methodical set of the program "Childhood". Educational area "Artistic creativity". M. : Creative Center SPHERE, 2012.

    3. Dergunskaya V. A. Integrative cognitive activity of younger preschoolers. M. : Center for Pedagogical Education, 2013.

    4. Komarova T. S. Artistic creativity. The system of work in the second junior group of kindergarten. M. : MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

    5. Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group. M. : Creative Center SPHERE, 2009.

    6. Guess what our name is: Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children. age: Book. for educators children. garden and parents / L.N. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, R.I. Bardina, L.I. Tsekhanskaya; Comp. L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994. - 96s.

    7. Ushakova O.S. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2013. - 288s.


    Conversation summary

    For younger children

    Program content:

    1. Maintain a strong interest in familiar fairy tales, poems; learn to empathize with the characters in the story.

    2. Learn to solve riddles. Continue to expand and activate children's vocabulary.

    3. Arouse interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

    4. Cultivate a love of reading, develop the skills of careful handling of books.

    Preliminary work:

    Telling tales. Showing illustrations for fairy tales, looking at them in books. Learning poems by A. Barto. Preparation of material for showing a fairy tale-dramatization (making caps). Photographing children while reading books, playing in a theater corner, etc.

    The teacher throws a scarf over his shoulders and “turns” into the Grandmother-storyteller:

    Let's sit side by side, let's play nice

    Prepare ears, eyes

    Let's start our story...

    Oh, and who came to us? (Kolobok appears in the teacher's hands).

    Gingerbread man!

    Guys, what is the mood of Kolobok?

    He is sad.

    Why? Let's ask him.

    I rolled down the path, rolled and got lost.

    What to do? Guys, where does Kolobok live?

    In a fairy tale

    Where do fairy tales live?

    In books.

    Maybe we can help Kolobok find his fairy tale?

    Let's help!

    Then we go to the bookish kingdom, the fairy-tale state, and we will take the Sun to help us.


    The sun rose in the morning (we stretch)

    And went for a walk (walking in place)

    And on our street

    He liked everything (head tilts left and right)

    The sun ran

    Golden track (running in a circle)

    And the sun hit

    Directly to our window (we put our hands in the "window")

    Together we will go

    With the Sun on a long journey (walking in circles)

    The sun caresses

    Everyone around at once (stroking each other on the head)

    Guys, look where we are?

    in the book state.

    Ku-ka-re-ku! (the teacher puts on a comb-hat and “turns” into a Cockerel). Hello guys, why did you come to our fairy-tale kingdom, the book state?

    Find a fairy tale Kolobok, he got lost.

    It's a good thing, but I just can't let you in, you have to complete my tasks, can you handle it? (children's answers)

    Do you know fairy tales? (children name familiar tales)

    Can you guess the stories from the pictures?

    Game "Guess the story from the picture"

    And now, my children, guess you riddles!

    On the edge, on the forest

    Visible painted house

    He is not Belkin, he is not Mishkin

    This house is the house of the Bunny.

    Here is a new house built

    Animals settled in it

    Carved stakes

    Painted windows!

    Mixed with sour cream

    It's cold on the window

    Round side, ruddy side

    rolled (kolobok)

    Near the forest, on the edge

    Three of them live in a hut

    There are three chairs and three mugs,

    Three beds, three pillows.

    Guess without a clue

    Who are the heroes of this tale?

    Heals young children

    Heals birds and animals

    Looking through his glasses

    Kind Doctor (Aibolit)

    And you know that not only fairy tales live in the book kingdom, but also poems. Look at my beautiful bag. Toys from poems by A. Barto live in it

    Game "Wonderful bag"

    Children take out a toy and read a poem about it (bear, ball, horse, boat, etc.)

    Well done! You can be let into our fairy-tale kingdom, the bookish state, come on in!


    On the path we will go

    Let's go straight to a fairy tale

    Jump through the hole

    Through the hummock skok-skok

    Boom, fell, where did we hit?

    Guys, look

    The house stands in the meadow

    But, and the path to the house is closed ...

    We open the gate

    We invite you all to visit!

    The table stands on a thick leg,

    Near the chair by the window,

    Two barrels under the table...

    This is how we see the house.

    Guys, who lives in the house?

    Grandfather and grandmother!

    Kolobok: “This is my house! Here is my story! Guys, thank you! »

    Guys, look what kind of Kolobok has become in mood?


    The teacher examines the book

    Oh, I understand why Kolobok got lost. The book in which he lived was torn. What to do?

    Repair, fix! (glue the book)

    Well, now everything is in order, Gingerbread Man will not get lost, what good fellows we are! But if you and I are in a book state, can we show a fairy tale?

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

    Guys, do you really want the Fox to eat Kolobok?

    So let's run it:

    We stomp our feet

    Let's clap our hands

    Hee hee hee, ha ha ha

    What a beauty!

    Well, it's time for us to return to the kindergarten.

    One, two, three, fairy tale, bring us back to the kindergarten!

    Let's remember where we were, what did we do? (conversation)

    Then the teacher exposes photographs of children (“children read”, “show fairy tales”, etc.)

    Let's take a look at these photos... What are you doing in them?

    Do you have any favorite books?

    Do you take good care of books?

    At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children their photographs.


    Course progress.

    Teacher: Hello guys! Today I want to remember with you the poems that Agnia Barto wrote for her children.

    The teacher shows a portrait of A. Barto.

    Educator: - But first I want to play with you.

    The game "What toy?"

    Game for the development of imagination.

    Educator: - I will show pictures, and you have to figure out what kind of toys this or that picture looks like. (Appendix)

    Educator: - And now I will tell you a poem about a toy with which the children played very inaccurately.

    Dropped the bear on the floor

    They cut off the bear's paw.

    I won't throw it away anyway.

    Because he's good.

    Educator: - Look, the bear is offended, crying. Let's say good things to him. What bear?

    The answers of the children are kind, cheerful, beautiful, furry, soft, etc.

    Educator: - Here is our bear cheered up, let him listen to poetry with us.

    Educator: - Now listen to the verse about the bull.

    A bull is walking, swinging,

    Sighs on the go:

    Oh, the board is over

    Now I will fall!

    Educator: - Let's try to walk along the board and try not to fall.

    The teacher offers to walk along the bench 1-2 times. We must try not to fall and when performing the task, pronounce the words of the poem. At the words "now I will fall!" the child must jump off the bench. The educator definitely helps unsure children.

    Educator: - Well done guys, you are all so clever. Bull also wanted to stay with us and listen to poetry. He promised not to make noise. The next poem will be about a girl who was playing with a ball and dropped it into the river. Who knows, help me.

    Our Tanya is crying loudly:

    Dropped a ball into the river.

    Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

    The ball will not sink in the river.

    The teacher proposes to conduct an experiment "Sinking - not drowning."

    Educator: - Why do you think the ball did not sink?

    Children's answers.

    The teacher summarizes the answers and concludes: - The ball has air inside, which prevents it from drowning. Let's see which items aren't sinking yet.

    Educator: - I have a large container of water on my table, a net to get objects. Plates, in them objects (wood, polystyrene, glass ball, stones, paper, metal thing, plastic) necessary for our experiment.

    The teacher conducts an experiment, together with the children notes the results. And he concludes that: heavy objects sink, light ones do not.

    Educator: - Here is another poem about a toy that the hostess forgot on the street.

    The hostess abandoned the bunny -

    A bunny was left in the rain.

    Couldn't get off the bench

    Wet to the skin.

    Educator: - Tell me guys, when it's raining outside, what do we wear or take with us to the street?

    Children: - Rubber boots, raincoat, umbrella, ... .

    Educator: - Well done, guys. And another poem I really like. Listen.

    Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

    Lie down in a box on a barrel.

    Sleepy bear went to bed

    Only the elephant does not want to sleep:

    The elephant nods its head

    He sends a bow to the elephant.

    Educator: - Look how many toys came to visit us. They must be very tired and want to sleep. Let's build them a bed out of cubes and bricks. I will now show you how to do it.

    The teacher shows how to build a bed. Divides children into groups and they build according to the model of the bed for toys.

    When the cribs are built, the teacher asks the children about whom they liked the poem the most. Several children retell the verses they have read. Put the toys to bed. The lesson smoothly turns into a game.


    Summary of GCD with children of the younger group in drawing on the topic:

    "Drawing the heroes of your favorite fairy tale"


    Equipment: colored cardboard, glue stick, stencil, simple pencil, satin ribbon, scissors, A4 sheet of paper, poems, nursery rhymes according to the topic, we have cultural and hygienic skills, thematic stickers, cut-out pictures, photographs.


    We take sheets of A4 colored paper, fold it in half, draw an incomplete circle, circle it with a simple pencil and cut it out.

    For a book (depending on its contents), any amount of paper of any color is taken. We circle them all at once and cut them out.

    - using a hole punch, make a hole for a satin ribbon

    On the first page, we cut out a free-form thematic picture and glue it - we sign the title of the book. Got a cover.

    On the following pages, we glue pictures on the topic, sign or paste text on the topic.

    - “The book is a baby: “Nursery rhymes” is ready!




    Theme: "Book - Baby"

    Target: To consolidate and develop a steady interest in the book, to cultivate a love for the artistic word.


    ¾ Develop a desire to participate in joint collective activities, stimulate the speech creativity of children.

    ¾ To unite children and their parents with a common experience, emotional mood.

    ¾ Draw the attention of parents to the need for systematic reading to children.


    A chest with masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip", with finger puppets - heroes of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".

    Gifts for children - coloring.

    Entertainment progress


    Guys, parents, today the Little Book came to visit us.

    Guys, look how beautiful she is, and how many fairy tales are in her!

    Book-Baby, you probably want to play with us?

    Quiz "Guess the fairy tale"

    Purpose: To maintain interest in familiar works.

    Well done guys, you know a lot of fairy tales!

    Look, the Book-Baby did not come to us empty-handed

    (the teacher shows the chest).

    Let's see what's in it? (masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip")

    Guys, what fairy tale can we play with you? "Turnip"

    Children's dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

    Purpose: To develop artistic abilities based on the application of acquired knowledge, speech skills and abilities.

    What good fellows you are! Sit on chairs.

    The little book has prepared riddles for you.

    Quiz "Listen and Guess"

    Purpose: To develop auditory, visual memory, form the imagination - the ability to mentally imagine the event and the heroes of literary works.

    Guys, there is something else in the chest (finger puppets)

    Do you know what fairy tale these dolls are from? "Kolobok"

    Children, rest, prepare your ears, open your eyes wider, parents will now show us the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

    Puppet theater "Kolobok" (parents show)

    (While the guys are watching the play, the Little Book is hiding)

    Guys, where is our guest? Where is the Baby Book?

    Baby Book

    Answer me, where are you?

    Come on guys, let's eat it. I think she's in trouble! (Children walk around the group and look for the Baby Book)

    Dramatization by children of an excerpt from the poem "Book-baby".

    Purpose: to instill the skills of a culture of communication and handling of the book.

    Guys, sit down, Vova wants to tell us something.

    Sorry guys

    I broke the book...

    The pages are torn

    There is no crust.

    Forgive me,

    She is no more.

    We will cure the book!

    Bring the sick to us

    Bad boy!

    The teacher and children glue the book.

    Book-Baby: Thank you guys, you saved me!

    Katya takes Vova by the hand and speaks to her parents and children

    It's a shame, Vova, to tear books,

    Books must be respected!

    Books teach us goodness

    See beauty in everyone.

    Jack of all trades book

    And always save from boredom!

    Educator: Guys, how clever you are! Look, Baby Book brought you a gift - coloring. (The teacher takes out coloring pages from the chest and gives them to the children).

    Book-Baby thanks the children. Says goodbye to them and leaves.

    Our fun has come to an end. Thank you parents for coming to us.




    on the creation of "Books - babies"

    Organization: GBOU "School No. 1359" preschool department No. 3

    Location: Moscow


    • Raise in children an interest and love for books;
    • develop speech activity, the ability to verbally describe and illustrate;
    • identify familiar books and fairy tales.

    Conversation flow:

    Educator:- Guys, do you like when people read books to you? Who reads them to you? Are there any books in our group? Where do they live? That's right, in our book corner. Have you noticed that Katya doll recently came to our book corner, she read a lot of books and that's why she became so smart. All day she sits here on a chair, watching us, and in the evening, when you go home, she talks to me. Katya agreed to talk to you today.

    Educator:(takes the doll): "Hello guys! I watch you every day and see who among you loves books, who knows how to handle them with care and precision. But smart people have long said: "Books are best friends"! Poems and fairy tales, funny stories and bright pictures live in books.

    Educator:- Katya, but our children do not yet know how to read themselves, how will they know what, for example, this book is about?

    Doll:- Let them first look at the picture and say who is drawn on it (bunny). Who knows the poem about the bunny? Who is pictured here? (goby, bear - reading poetry). You see, you recognized your favorite book called "Toys" from the pictures.

    Now try to guess what fairy tale this riddle is about?

    Masha sits in a box, she looks far away.

    Who carries it, answer, with quick steps?

    And the bear carries it along with pies.

    Spent his baby, he will be smarter in the future.

    Here is our book. This is (Masha and the bear).

    caregiver: Find this book in our book corner and show it.

    (same for other books)

    From flour he was baked,

    On sour cream was mixed.

    On the window, he was chilling,

    He rolled down the path.


    Once upon a time there were seven guys -

    White little goats.

    Mom loved them very much

    She fed the children milk.

    Here teeth click and click

    A gray wolf appeared.

    (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

    Educator: You know, Katya, the guys and I read fairy tales, and then we play them. Let's show how we do it!

    Warm-up game "Smooth Circle"

    How did Grandma Kolobok cook? (show movement)

    How did Masha collect mushrooms in the forest?

    How did grandfather pull a turnip from the ground?

    (put back on chairs)

    Doll: - Do you know that there are people who can compose interesting fairy tales, funny stories for children?

    Educator: - Of course, in our book corner there is a portrait of the writer Korney Chukovsky, and the guys know his books well. What is the name of this book, for example? ("Fly-Tsokotuha", "Moydodyr", "Telephone", "Aibolit").

    caregiver: - Listen, Katya, I will read a few lines from these books, and the guys will definitely help me.

    Doll: - Well done! I realized that you love books, and therefore I decided to give such smart and well-mannered children a chest of books.

    caregiver: - Thanks, Kate! Guys, let's see what books are in this chest.

    These are baby books, both the smallest children and older children love them very much. It is convenient to put them in your mother's bag or in your backpack and bring them to friends in kindergarten.

    And this is a great book of fairy tales. Look at the amazing pictures in it. Do you know these stories? (show first familiar 2-3 illustrations, and then new ones). We will be reading this wonderful book here as a group.

    The smartest book is an encyclopedia! In it you can find answers to a variety of questions: why does the sun shine? where do the clouds go? Why does a hedgehog need needles?

    This book is called ABC! Do you want to learn to read? All people: your mothers and fathers, grandparents learned to read the ABC. So this book will come in handy for you too!

    Guys, is it possible to draw in these books? Of course not! There are special coloring books for this, and Katya gave us such books!

    Let's all say "Thank you" to Katya together and promise to take care of them and be sure to read all these books.

    Before we look at the principles by which a corner of a book should be organized in kindergarten, we note that just at preschool age, children begin to acquire their first reading experience.

    Every preschooler has a high potential for development. This also applies to his reading skills.

    Thanks to a good children's library, you can discover these skills and implement them.

    Children begin to feel the need to use the library when the existing home books have already been read, but the desire to read new books still remains.

    Literature allows a person to develop a love for the word. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the reading of books into the child's experience when he develops speech.

    Those images that children emphasized in books, they will carry all their lives in memory.

    It is in the preschool period that future readers need to be educated. Preschoolers perceive what they read as reality. Therefore, they are very scared when they read the relevant stories.

    Also, children are very emotionally perceive what they read.

    When a child listens to the reading of a fairy tale, he vividly shows his emotions. He can cry, laugh, resent and sympathize with the characters. This is good - so the child becomes an empathetic person.

    On the other hand, very strong emotions often interfere with a sober assessment of what has been read. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor not only the emotional perception of literary works, but also the rationality of thinking when reading. Also, children are very eager to imitate others.

    Therefore, they prefer those books that are liked by their peers and educators. This is not always correct, it is better to teach the child to develop independence in matters of choosing literature.

    The features of preschoolers described above are negative personality traits of the future reader that need to be worked on. And positive features must be developed. Consider four groups of common stereotypes.

    Stereotypes of the future reader

    Attitude towards the process of reading

    The first group is relational stereotypes to the very process of reading. Children may perceive reading as an unpleasant duty, and may enjoy it, or perceive reading as entertainment. All of these stereotypes are considered negative.

    It is necessary to help children develop positive stereotypes: it is necessary that children treat reading as a serious activity that requires mental work.

    Children should understand that reading is very useful and enriches their spirituality, makes it possible to better satisfy the need for knowledge.

    Reader preferences

    The second group of stereotypes is reader preferences. For example, a preschooler may love fairy tales but not perceive poetry. There are also children who are ready to read all the books indiscriminately, including adults.

    There are readers who choose only those books that their peers liked. Positive stereotypes of this group - the reader chooses only those books that he considers useful.

    Perception of the book

    The third group of stereotypes is the perception of the book. Often preschoolers begin to compare themselves with the hero of the book and perceive the plot of the book as a reality. This is bad, because it interferes with the objective analysis of the plot.

    Later in the school, children are required to describe the author's intention and methods for revealing it, and such children will not be able to do this. Also, such a stereotype makes it impossible for the child to critically evaluate the plot of the book.

    If it becomes noticeable that the child perceives the plots of books in this way, then this requires correction. It is important that the reader perceives himself as an interlocutor with the author of the book.

    Also, the reader can play the role of a critic who thoughtfully approaches the reading process, tries to enrich the disclosure of the author's intention with his own findings.

    It is necessary to teach preschoolers so that they do not reincarnate as heroes of books, but try on what they read and compare themselves with the heroes.

    Evaluative stereotypes of books

    And the last group of stereotypes are evaluative stereotypes of books. Often children cannot appreciate what they have read at all. Other children cannot evaluate the book critically. Therefore, we need to help children think critically and be creative individuals.

    It is necessary to determine the circle of children's reading. It depends on the age of the readers, what their preferences are, what they know about the adult world, what books are available in the family library and in the public library.

    Book selection

    According to L.N. Tolstoy, you need to choose books based on their artistry and the interest of children in them.

    Usually, the first circle of books for children includes publications with folk art, especially with fairy tales. But it is important not only to acquaint children with Russian fairy tales, but also with other peoples close to Russia, and with world-famous works.

    The second circle of books for children are usually Russian classical works that were written specifically for preschoolers, or those that were transferred over time from books for adults to books for children.

    For example, these may be the works of famous Russian classics, such as Pushkin A.S. , Chekhov A., Tyutchev F., L. Tolstoy and others.

    According to many authors. It is very important to include classics in the books you read with your children. It allows children to experience new thoughts and feelings, experience new moods, and try out new ideas.

    Children over time will begin to feel affection for certain authors. And this can only be achieved through regular reading.

    The third circle of books for preschoolers are other well-known works written specifically for children.

    Numerous works by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto and other remarkable authors are known in this direction.

    Raising a grateful reader in a child, you need to help him improve his reading comprehension. It is important that he be able to comprehend the listened works of literature and enrich his sensory experience.

    Reading characteristics in children

    Usually preschoolers have the following characteristics:

    • children are very interested in the content of a literary work, they like to establish various connections;
    • children learn to perceive the read work, its form and content;
    • children are interested in paying attention to expressive language means;
    • they perceive the heroes of the books as characters that are very close and understandable to them;
    • they show sincere sympathy for the characters in the books, they really care about them;
    • they can perceive the ulterior motives of the characters in the book;
    • at this age, children already experience quite deep feelings when reading a book, they can express them in different ways. Some children laugh out loud, others just smile. Someone starts looking at their comrades. Others, on the contrary, inhibit their external activity and sit motionless, listening to the reading;
    • children can already quite consciously carry out an elementary analysis of the book they have read.

    In order to be able to raise a future literate reader from a child, you need to correctly select literary works.

    To do this, you can use the pedagogical principles that have been developed by many domestic teachers.

    The main principle of choosing books

    One of the main principles is the recommendation to select such books that satisfy the tasks of education. And here we are talking about the education of the intellectual abilities of the child, his aesthetic perception, his moral culture.

    Only if this condition is met, reading a book with a child will have a certain pedagogical value.

    The book should show the ideals of justice and goodness to the preschooler through concrete images.

    The child must know how courage is manifested. He learns to treat other people and himself correctly. He learns to properly evaluate his own actions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children at preschool age.

    S.Ya. Marshak wrote that age characteristics are not taken into account by the fact that it is necessary to simplify the plot of the book and lisp with the baby.

    It is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics of a preschooler, his degree of concreteness of thinking, his level of impressionability, his vulnerability.

    The book should give the child great pleasure and benefit his development.

    An entertaining book should not be due to the topic and not because of something new for the child.

    Entertaining is the work that allows you to discover something new in the already familiar, and something familiar in the still new. It is important that the composition of the book is light and has only one plot line.

    All artistic images of the book should reveal one main idea. It is important that the actions of all the characters convey this thought. But it is not necessary to choose only small books.

    It should be borne in mind that the child's abilities are gradually growing, and gradually he can perceive more and more voluminous works.

    According to the works of A.S. Makarenko. it is important that fiction books go ahead, that is, slightly ahead of the possibilities of the preschooler's psyche.

    When choosing books to read, you can focus on the following types of works: folklore works (various songs, proverbs, fairy tales, sayings).

    It is important that the child can get acquainted with books representing different genres of literary art. It should be not only prose, but also poetry, not only fairy tales, but also stories, not only serious works, but also funny and comic.

    Also, the subject of books should be varied: it can be childish themes, fairy tales about animals, descriptions of events from adult life, descriptions of the beauty of nature, various environmental difficulties, and much more.

    It is very important that the child is familiar with a wide variety of literary movements.

    A corner of a book or a book in a baby's life

    An important role in the formation of interest and love for fiction among preschoolers is played by the corner of the book.

    The book in the life of a child performs cognitive, educational, developmental functions, presents him with the first lessons of mental, moral, aesthetic education.

    In all age groups of a preschool institution, a book corner should be equipped - a specially allocated and designed place where a child can independently or with an adult choose a book.

    A meeting with a familiar work, favorite characters deepens the child's penetration into the author's intention, helps him clarify the images that have arisen while listening, once again empathize with the characters of events and adventures.

    A child comes to the corner of the book to communicate with a work of art, a complex of educational tasks is solved by means of fiction.

    Requirements for the design of the corner of the book

    • its location, if possible, away from places where children play, since noisy games can distract the child from focused communication with the book;
    • ensuring proper lighting: natural (near the window) and artificial for the evening;
    • expediency and convenience, disposing the child to leisurely, concentrated communication with the book;
    • aesthetics and functionality of the destination;
    • taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the child.

    It is important that every child could have the opportunity to choose books according to their interest, and viewing the book encouraged him to communicate with peers and adults.

    Selection of literary works

    One of the important issues in the design of the corner of the book is to take into account the principles of selection of literary works for preschoolers:

    • availability;
    • artistry;
    • diversity;
    • gradual complication;
    • taking into account national and cultural characteristics of works;
    • taking into account the reading preferences of preschoolers;
    • plot entertainment;
    • simplicity and clarity of composition;
    • closeness of the content to the experience of the child.

    Teachers choose literary works on the basis of various reasons:

    • genre (mystery, nursery rhyme, nickname, teaser, proverb, saying, fable, story, poem, author's fairy tale in verse, fable, etc.);
    • formal signs (vers libre, figure verse, poems with a pronounced rhyme);
    • themes (about children, animals, phenomena of the surrounding reality, landscape lyrics, etc.);
    • mood and character (humorous, entertaining, narrative, etc.).

    This will allow children to develop a breadth of reading interests, selectivity, and individual literary preferences.

    The principle of organizing the corner of the book

    The main principle by which the corner of the book is organized is to satisfy the various literary interests of children. From this principle follows the conclusion that it is impossible to determine the exact time spent in the corner of each individual book.

    There are books that children are ready to leaf through and look at for a long time, constantly discovering new interesting things in them.

    Books of this kind can and should stay in the corner for a long time, bringing the joy of daily communication to children.

    For others, interest is lost rather quickly, and, observing a persistent indifferent attitude, the teacher can remove the book from the shelf without waiting for the scheduled time. On average, the period of stay of a book in a book corner is 2 - 2.5 weeks.

    Corner of the book - content in different groups

    Junior groups

    In the younger groups, the teacher forms the first experience of independent communication with the book in children: he introduces the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teaches them to look at books and pictures only there.

    Informs the rules that must be observed when entering the corner of the book (take books with clean hands, flip through carefully, do not tear, do not crumple, do not use for games; after looking, always put the book back, etc.).

    As a rule, a few books (4-5) are exhibited in the book corner, however, the educator should have additional copies of the same books in stock, because young children are very prone to imitation, and if one of them begins to look at the book , then others have a desire to get exactly the same.

    Repeatedly returning to a favorite book, communicating with it individually and deeply, the child not only becomes more aware of its content, but also experiences the great creative joy that an encounter with art brings.

    In the corner of the book, as a rule, publications already familiar to children are placed, with bright large illustrations.

    In addition to books, there may be separate pictures pasted on thick paper, and small albums for viewing topics close to children of this age (“Toys”, “Pets”, thematic exhibitions: “Tales of Korney Chukovsky”, “Autumn Poetry”, etc. .).

    Examining albums with subject pictures is interesting and important for children who learn the subject world at this age.

    To fully comprehend the work, young preschoolers need to clearly see every detail, every plot twist.

    book corner decoration

    Therefore, when designing a book corner for children of this age, special preference is given to picture books, such as "Kolobok", "Teremok" with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov; "Children in a cage" S.Ya. Marshak with drawings by E.I. Charushin; stories from the "ABC" by L.N. Tolstoy with drawings by A.F. Pakhomov.

    The illustrations of these books follow the text step by step, revealing in detail the artistic world of the work to the child, helping to enter this world, to be an accomplice in all the events and adventures that happen to the characters.

    The illustrated book is also the first art museum where the child directly enters and where he first gets acquainted with the work of remarkable artists - I.Ya. Bilibina, Yu.A. Vasnetsova, V.V. Lebedeva, V.M. Konashevich, E.I. Charushin and others.

    The teacher teaches children to carefully examine the pictures in the book, recognize the characters, their actions, encourages them to remember and retell individual episodes.

    Later, he will draw the children's attention not only to the heroes and their actions, but also to the expressive details of the illustrations (the hero's costume, unique furnishings, some details of the landscape, etc.).

    middle groups

    In the middle group, the basic skills to examine books independently and carefully become fixed and become a habit.

    The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that books are easily wrinkled and torn, shows how to care for them, organizes the repair of books.

    senior groups

    For an older preschooler, the book becomes an important part of spiritual life, he develops literary predilections and expressed individual interests.

    Some children prefer works about animals to all other books, others love fairy tales, someone is interested in the primer and the alphabet, and many boys look at adventure books for a long time.

    Given the special, constant, predominant interest of all preschoolers in fairy tales, it is necessary to place 2–3 fairy tales in the corner of the book.

    The influence of literature on the child

    Children's literature plays a huge role in shaping the civic traits of a child's personality.

    Therefore, in the corner of the book there should always be poems, stories that ensure that children get acquainted with the history of our country, with its current life.

    A preschool child is attracted by nature, its beauty, the hidden mystery of the living, and in the corner of the book you should always place 2 - 3 books about the life of nature, about animals, plants.

    Looking at the illustrations of natural history books, the child naturally enters the world of nature, better learns its secrets and patterns.

    In the book corner for a certain period there should be publications of works or illustrations, the content of which coincides with the topics of classes, games.

    Their examination gives the child the opportunity to deepen his initial ideas, to consider them more carefully.

    Children especially enjoy looking at funny pictures in humorous books. Meeting with them satisfies the child's need to have fun, laugh, creates a joyful calm atmosphere in the group, emotional comfort.

    Funny books S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, A.L. Barto, M.M. Zoshchenko, N.N. Nosova, V.Yu. Dragunsky, E.N. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists should definitely be in the corner of the book.

    Communicating with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops the ability necessary for a person - the ability to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.

    In addition, interesting, well-illustrated books that children bring from home can sometimes be placed in the corner of the book; "thick" books that the teacher reads in a group for a long period of time.

    In addition to books, in the book corner there can be a variety of albums for viewing, children's magazines.

    There may also be albums created by artists on certain topics; baby books compiled by children together with a teacher or with parents from individual postcards and drawings about their family, nature at different times of the year, the work of adults and other topics.

    Educators of senior groups arrange thematic exhibitions of books in the book corner.

    The purpose of such exhibitions is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make this or that literary or socially important topic particularly significant and relevant for preschoolers.

    This may be an exhibition of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin (with illustrations by various artists), books by L.N. Tolstoy, thematic exhibitions dedicated to calendar holidays, and others.

    Organization of the exhibition

    When organizing an exhibition, the following rules are observed:

    • the theme of the exhibition must be relevant and interesting for children;
    • a special, careful selection of books is needed in terms of decoration, external condition;
    • the exhibition should be short in time - no more than three or four days, since then the attention and interest of preschoolers will inevitably decline.

    At older preschool age, children are quite independent in the choice of books, the ability to handle them, so pedagogical guidance becomes more indirect, correct.

    The teacher helps to create a calm, comfortable, cozy environment in the group for independent, concentrated communication of children with literary works, which is so important to teach preschoolers.

    At the same time, it is necessary to involve children in the joint examination and discussion of books.

    Communication in the corner of a book

    Communication between the educator and the child in the corner of the book is emotionally comfortable and trusting.

    Encouraging children to consider the book together, talk about it, the educator thereby forms the ability to perceive it in the unity of the verbal and visual arts.

    Introducing children to the wealth of the literary heritage of the people, highly artistic accessible literary works will also be facilitated by the opening of their own library in the preschool education institution.

    The kindergarten library is a separate room equipped with library shelving and catalog boxes. The same corner of the book, but on a larger scale.

    The library fund is represented by children's fiction (on the central shelves, in the preschool access zone) and methodological literature in all educational areas of the preschool education curriculum, as well as other information resources on various electronic media.

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