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  • Which auto-aim is better for World of Tanks
  • Auto-aim with capture behind an obstacle 0.9 10.

    Auto-aim with capture behind an obstacle 0.9 10.

    To fight in close combat, and not only, many World of Tanks players often use auto-aim. When you press the hot key (right mouse button by default), the crosshair itself is fixed on the center of enemy armored vehicles and stays on it until it disappears from the visibility zone or is destroyed. Such a function is very useful during the fighting, but as you know, you always want something more than you have. And therefore, an auto-aim mod was created with an indication of the enemy and target capture behind an obstacle for World of tanks 1.1.0, in which the skilled developers tried to supplement the existing functionality. And what did they get?

    Now, when you start the auto-capture function, you can catch enemy tanks and pets that have decided to hide behind some kind of cover. They are not visible to the player, but are viewed by other allies. When this option is enabled, the gun barrel starts moving behind the target, even if it is located behind the ruins of a house or a small hill. In addition, an inscription appears showing the name of the "lucky one", who, perhaps, will soon go to the hangar to rest. This opportunity allows you to evaluate your strengths and understand that the “arte” will definitely not be good, but the KV-4 will not even react to the small-caliber shots of the ST gamer.

    Installation and setup

    Values ​​in config

    ATTENTION: Making changes to the “mod_target.json” file using the Notepad++ editor, save in UTF-8 encoding. To apply changes in the configuration of the mod, you must restart the client.

    • “enable_mod” – enable/disable the mod*;
    • "KeyOnOff" - enable / disable the mod during the battle *;
    • "autoaim_ON_E" - use the E key to lock on and drop a target;
    • “delay” – delay in m.sec. before target acquisition (0.5 - standard);
    • “angle_target” – capture angle, depends on distance_target parameter in meters;
    • "distance_target" - the minimum distance from the enemy that the auto-aim will capture, a large capture angle is triggered.

    Block “target_panel”:

    • “visible” – enable/disable the target auto-lock indicator, auto-lock is operational;
    • “color” – text color (captured tank name in the indicator);
    • “x” – horizontal coordinates of the indicator;
    • “y” – indicator's vertical coordinates.
    • * - differences in mod versions

    You can configure the option from Spoter in the file
    In the file, you can change the capture angle and other parameters.

    The mod is prohibited and can lead to account blocking. You use it at your own risk.


    Other prohibited mods

    • Assembly of cheat mods WotSpeak - modpack WotSpeak

    With this scope, the effectiveness of a tanker on the battlefield will increase several times, because cheating capabilities give a huge advantage over the enemy.


    A few years ago, no one would have thought that a lot of cheat modifications would be created for World of Tanks, but now there are a lot of them. One of the main such mods are auto-aims, which provide the player with a lot of opportunities. Now you do not have to wait for the enemy to appear in the line of sight to capture him, you do not need to frantically calculate the lead, the auto-aim will do everything by itself!

    • Capturing targets located behind obstacles. Without a cheat, you can turn on auto-aim only when you see the silhouette of the enemy, now just right-click near the enemy and the sight will automatically take the target. Even behind cover!
    • Automatic advance. The standard sight does not calculate lead at all, because it always looks at the enemy tank, but the option from Sae allows you to hit even a fast-moving tank. The mod itself switches between melee and ranged combat modes.

    • The most useful feature is the choice of the point where the sight looks, a function is implemented in the form of an alternative mode, which can be turned on by pressing ALT + right mouse button. In this mode, you can select a particular point in the enemy's armor, for example, a turret, rollers or a side. The mod will remember this point and will try to hit it when fired. But there is one small minus, when the alternative mode is activated, the two previously listed functions are disabled, so you have to choose what is more important to you. I advise you to combine it with this auto-aim in order to immediately see the weak zones of enemy equipment. Or you can use , then the enemy will have little chance of survival.

    In some cases, when several enemy vehicles are close at once, there may be a problem with unwanted switching of auto-aim to another tank, if this happens, press the E key, which disables aiming.

    This cheat mod can improve the standard auto-aim in WoT. With this mod you will shoot ahead as it calculates the speed of the enemy tank as well as the distance to it. This will greatly facilitate the gameplay.

    In addition to smart preemption, the mod has the ability to capture a target that is behind obstacles, for example, behind a building or a hill. Another modification is able to select the specified point on the enemy’s armor. This can be activated thanks to the Alt + RMB combination by aiming the sight at a certain place. Like many others for the game, this one is in good demand.

    Cheat on auto-aim download

    This cheat modification, like many other similar mods, is prohibited by the developers for use. So for her, you can get your account blocked. To avoid a ban, the creators of the cheat advise not to share screenshots and videos from the game.

    To put the cheat on auto-aim, you need to download the file and extract the scripts folder from it at: / WoT/res_mods/[update folder], agreeing to a replacement. Now you can start the game and try to play with the improved auto-aim.

    In the archive version for the client: 1.1.0
    There is a video inside

    Description: Obstacle target capture mod belongs to the category of legal mods - this is an improved model of the standard auto-aim.

    Main changes:
    - Mod updated for patch 1.1.0;
    - Added second option PUSH001;

    The mod, like the usual standard auto-aim, captures the target, but already behind obstacles. You can immediately reassure players who are afraid to use cheats - this mod is not a prohibited wargaming. Please do not confuse Auto-aim with target acquisition behind an obstacle 1.1.0 for WoT and - these are completely different mods designed for different areas of application in combat.

    Thanks to this mod of target locking behind various types of obstacles, you will be able to lock on the target even faster, especially when it starts swinging near all kinds of buildings and hills, with rushes in cluttered areas. Another small function when taking an enemy tank into auto-capture, the nickname lights up in a different color - which will help you quickly determine which tank was captured, as you understand, with a large accumulation of vehicles, it is not clear which tank is on the auto-aim ...

    Installing scope for client 1.1.0:
    Copy folder mods with replacement in the folder with the game World_of_Tanks\
    Important! Mod installation path has changed!!!

    Mod setup:
    1. Auto-aim from PUSH001 path to configs\target\mod_target.json file
    2. Auto-aim from Spoter path to configs\autoAimOptimize\autoAimOptimize.json file
    In the config, you can configure other auto-aim parameters.