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  • Download auto-aim for the test server. Overview of the cheat sight

    Download auto-aim for the test server.  Overview of the cheat sight

    With this sight, the effectiveness of a tanker on the battlefield will increase several times, because cheating capabilities give a huge advantage over the enemy.


    A few years ago, no one would have thought that a lot of cheat modifications would be created for World of Tanks, but now there are a lot of them. One of the main such mods are auto-aims, which provide the player with a lot of opportunities. Now you do not have to wait for the enemy to appear in the line of sight to capture him, you do not need to frantically calculate the lead, the auto-aim will do everything by itself!

    • Capturing targets located behind obstacles. Without a cheat, you can turn on auto-aim only when you see the silhouette of the enemy, now just right-click near the enemy and the sight will automatically take the target. Even behind cover!
    • Automatic advance. The standard sight does not calculate lead at all, because it always looks at the enemy tank, but the option from Sae allows you to hit even a fast-moving tank. The mod itself switches between melee and ranged combat modes.

    • The most useful feature is the choice of the point where the sight looks, a function is implemented in the form of an alternative mode, which can be turned on by pressing ALT + right mouse button. In this mode, you can select a specific point in the enemy's armor, for example, a turret, rollers, or a side. The mod will remember this point and will try to hit it when fired. But there is one small minus, when the alternative mode is activated, the two previously listed functions are disabled, so you have to choose what is more important to you. I advise you to combine it with this auto-aim in order to immediately see the weak zones of enemy equipment. Or you can use , then the enemy will have little chance of survival.

    In some cases, when several enemy vehicles are close at once, there may be a problem with unwanted switching of auto-aim to another tank, if this happens, press the E key, which disables aiming.

    • Update date: 07 Aug 2019
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    Information about the latest update:

    Updated 08/07/2019:
    • Trial extended.

    In order to shoot at a moving enemy in battle, it is necessary to correctly take the firing lead, predicting the location of the target in the next moment. If you can’t learn how to do this in any way, you can use the preemptive shooting cheat called Aimbot Shaitan from ZorroJan.

    Please note: an aimbot is a cheat. For its use, players receive a permanent account ban. Use at your own risk - in training, for training, or do not use at all.

    Shooting at a moving tank presents a certain difficulty. To hit such a target, you need to take into account the speed of its movement, direction, distance to it and the speed of the projectile of your gun. As the number of fights increases, most players develop the ability to do the right lead and additional help is usually not needed. If, for some reason, it’s easier for you to entrust this task to “electronics”, the game mechanics allow you to use a cheat to automatically pre-empt fire.

    Aimbot works like this:

    • You aim the aiming marker at a moving enemy tank
    • The cheat mod takes into account the distance to the target, the speed of your and enemy tanks, the speed of the projectile
    • Aimbot calculates the distance that the enemy will travel during the flight of the projectile
    • The aiming point automatically shifts to account for this distance.

    Aimbot does not guarantee 100% hits, since the program's ability to predict human actions is limited, but, in many situations, it will make your shooting more effective.

    This cheat mod can improve the standard auto-aim in WoT. With this mod you will shoot ahead as it calculates the speed of the enemy tank as well as the distance to it. This will greatly facilitate the gameplay.

    In addition to smart preemption, the mod has the ability to capture a target that is behind obstacles, for example, behind a building or a hill. Another modification is able to select the specified point on the enemy's armor. This can be activated thanks to the Alt + RMB combination by aiming the sight at a certain place. Like many others for the game, this one is in good demand.

    Cheat on auto-aim download

    This cheat modification, like many other similar mods, is prohibited by the developers for use. So for her, you can get your account blocked. To avoid a ban, the creators of the cheat advise not to share screenshots and videos from the game.

    To put the cheat on the auto-aim, you need to download the file and extract the scripts folder from it at the address: / WoT / res_mods / [update folder], agreeing to a replacement. Now you can start the game and try to play with the improved auto-aim.

    Updated 08/06/2019: checked for patch 1.6

    ProAIM is one of the best automatic sights that have been created for our game with you. It will facilitate battles and give the tanker a lot of features, for example, the automatic lead function.

    Overview of the cheat sight

    In short, this is an analogue of a conventional auto-aim activated by pressing RMB. But the mod will add several cheating features, because of which Wargaming banned this work.

    • Lead calculation. Unlike the standard auto-aim, this option will independently calculate how much lead to take on a moving target. You probably know that it is very difficult to fire at a very fast firefly, but now even the fastest enemy will not hide from your projectiles!
    • Forget about contour capture. Previously, you could only auto-aim a target if the marker was aimed directly at an enemy vehicle, now you can simply right-click on an enemy that is behind an obstacle, and ProAIM will take the target. Very comfortably.

    Similar auto-aims have already been created, you can download if this one for some reason does not want to work.

    And the third, also very important feature of the modification is the automatic capture of different points of the enemy tank. This can be the bottom of the hull, a vulnerable point in the turret, or the middle of the hull. Just select the desired mode by pressing Numpad6 and activate auto-aim. With this feature, you can choose the highest priority point in the enemy's armor, thereby increasing the chances of a successful shot. If three stars appear on the screen, the target is hidden behind some kind of obstacle and therefore it is not recommended to shoot.

    Sometimes the scope will go haywire, jumping from one target to another (if the enemy tanks are very close), so don't forget about the standard on/off auto-aim key, this is the "E" button.

    Don't forget to look at other cheats for WoT, for example, which will save you more than one million silver.

    Sight installation

    • For the mod to work, you need to copy one folder from the archive to World_of_Tanksres_mods [current patch number].
    • Turning on / off the scope capabilities is carried out using the Numpad9 and Numpad6 keys.
    • If you have other alternative scopes installed, such as

    Updated for patch

    If you want to maximize the effectiveness of your shooting, then the latest Pro Aim cheat auto-aim for World of tanks 1.5 will be a great help in battle.

    By setting this sight option, your shots will deal damage to the enemy much more often. The main advantage of this cheat sight is a smart algorithm for calculating the trajectory of the enemy’s movement for firing in advance. For this, a lot of factors are taken, such as the speed of the projectile, the practical auto-capture of the enemy, who is hiding behind cover. A very convenient indicator of the enemy's availability for firing.

    If displayed in green, then the enemy is available for firing at him, red indicates that the enemy is hiding in cover. You can also select the aiming point.

    Crosshair activation in battle is set to keys by default KEY_NUMPAD6 and KEY_NUMPAD8.

    Additional settings of the sight are carried out in the file res_mods\game_version\scripts\client\mods\pro_aim.xml . You can make the necessary changes using Notepad++.

    in the file, you can edit the size of the enemy capture sector, select the language used, turn on the graphical indicator, adjust the self-off time when the enemy leaves the light, the distance to turn off the lead, and much more.

    Cheat auto-aim Pro Aim by developers and you can get banned for using it.



    Checked for World of tanks 0.9.18 WOT patch.


    Mod updated for World of tanks client 0.9.17


    Fixed bug with replays and dynamic platoons.


    Mod tested for client World of tanks 0.9.15


    Mod tested for client World of tanks 0.9.13

    Installing the cheat-auto-aim ProAim from Makst

    • Download and unzip archive
    • Move scripts folder to res_mods\GameVersion