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  • Alexey Tikhonov red Yar. Will the “fabricated” case be reviewed in Krasny Yar after the reception with Roman Zaitsev? Achievements of RK "Slava"

    Alexey Tikhonov red Yar.  Will the “fabricated” case be reviewed in Krasny Yar after the reception with Roman Zaitsev?  Achievements of RK

    On the highway M-5 "Ural" traffic police officer Valery Tikhonov. Investigators are investigating the causes of his death, and the villagers and relatives still cannot recover from the shock.

    There was nowhere for an apple to fall in Valery's yard

    It seemed that the whole village of Krasny Yar came to say goodbye to the traffic police inspector of the traffic police department of the police department of the Krasnoyarsk region. Colleagues from Samara also arrived. A line of cars, armfuls of red roses and carnations ...

    Mikhail Belov worked side by side with Valery for eight years. A stocky, gray-haired man, who previously served in the riot police, is laconic.

    – He was very good-natured, sympathetic and always smiling, no matter how hard the day was. We came to each other's rescue every day. We don’t even need to talk, we just looked into the eyes and made a decision. He was such an indispensable person for me, - Mikhail Belov says in a manly way.

    Krasnoyarsk residents did not believe in the outcome of the tragedy until the last

    On May 8, the crew of Valery and Mikhail, as usual, patrolled the roads of the region. Ahead - May 9, a long-awaited holiday and a well-deserved day off. Valery Tikhonov phoned his friend Peter Krasnov in the afternoon. They were supposed to meet on Victory Day.

    - I was also at work that day, he was at work. We exchanged a few words about the family, about current affairs. Everything was calm. And on the morning of May 9, our mutual friends told me about what had happened. I still don't believe that Valera is gone, - Peter Krasnov says with tears in his eyes.

    There was no place to crowd on the streets of Krasny Yar

    The tragedy on the Chubovsky ring, and that is how it is called in the Krasnoyarsk region (M-5 Ural highway .. The patrol car of Valery Tikhonov and Mikhail Belov was on duty. The traffic police inspectors explained to the nonresident driver how to drive along the route he needed.

    Suddenly, a crossover Mercedes took off at high speed along the highway from the direction of Ufa. The driver of a foreign car, who had been driving for two days, lost control and ran into a traffic police officer and a patrol car standing on the side of the road. The police lieutenant died at the scene from his injuries.

    The head of the UGIBDD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region, Igor Antonov, took this tragedy as a personal one.

    This section of the road is well lit. In this case, the factor of surprise worked. According to preliminary data, the driver of the crossover exceeded the speed limit and fell asleep at the wheel. So far, we do not have data on the results of the driver’s analysis for alcohol intoxication,” said Igor Antonov, head of the Russian traffic police department for the Samara region.

    Residents of Krasny Yar recall that Valery Tikhonov was seen almost exclusively at work. Worked on weekends and holidays. The always smiling and kind inspector was noticed a mile away, because he was 198 cm tall. He had no obvious ill-wishers and enemies, say his fellow villagers.

    - Professional in his field, one of the best in the unit. He always fulfilled all the assigned tasks, a man of a kind soul, who did not offend even a kitten, - this is how his boss Vladimir Venchakov speaks of the deceased lieutenant.

    Grief rallied Krasnoyarsk residents

    Viktor Tikhonov was born in the village of Krasny Yar on March 3, 1971 in an ordinary family. His mother with a beautiful name - Kapitolina - was the chief accountant. Father - Alexander - worked as an oilman. Svetlana Gordeeva sat with Valery Tikhonov in the class at the same desk, and he always helped her solve math problems.

    “First he solves my problem, then he solves his own. As a result, I have four for the task, and he has a three. He always rescued everyone first, and then he thought about himself. Sometimes they were naughty in the classroom, they checked which of us had better fingers to bend, but this did not interfere with studies, ”his classmate says with tears in her eyes. And, wiping his tears, he adds - He wanted to become a traffic police officer since childhood, this dream was already in him then.

    Being a traffic police inspector is an honor

    As his friends say, after the 10th grade, Valery entered the Bezenchuk Agricultural College, from where he was drafted into the army in 1989. Together with them, he served as a driver in the strategic missile forces in Altai.

    “The girls always liked him, he was tall, kind and with a sense of humor, they immediately paid attention to him,” recalls Alexander Nikulin.

    In 1991, Valery was demobilized and returned to finish the technical school in Bezenchuk. Here he met his future wife Irina. Now she works as a teacher at the Krasnoyarsk vocational school.

    As expected, they built a house, raised a son. He is now 23 years old and works as a school teacher. And Valery himself realized his dream, graduated from the Agricultural Academy and entered the internal affairs bodies, in which he faithfully served for about 20 years.

    - We always turned to him for advice, he suggested: what kind of car is better to buy, how to properly transfer it from one region to another, what documents are needed for this, he knew everything. They used to visit his family, he and his wife Irina were a good couple, - Igor and Marina Arslanov say.

    The funeral procession to the rural churchyard stretched for several hundred meters. The coffin with the body of Valery Tikhonov was carried by his friends from home to the cemetery in their arms ...

    When the traffic police inspector was buried, the district was announced by the sirens of patrol cars.

    - Heaven takes the best to itself ... - Valery's friends and relatives whispered ...

    Near Samara, in Krasny Yar, they saw off Valery Tikhonov, a traffic police officer who tragically died on Victory Day on the M-5 "Ural" highway, on his last journey. Investigators are investigating the causes of his death, and the villagers and relatives still cannot recover from the shock.

    It seemed that the whole village of Krasny Yar came to say goodbye to the traffic police inspector of the traffic police department of the police department of the Krasnoyarsk region. Colleagues from Samara also arrived. A line of cars, armfuls of red roses and carnations ...

    Mikhail Belov worked side by side with Valery for eight years. A stocky, gray-haired man, who previously served in the riot police, is laconic.

    – He was very good-natured, sympathetic and always smiling, no matter how hard the day was. We came to each other's rescue every day. We don’t even need to talk, we just looked into the eyes and made a decision. He was such an indispensable person for me, - Mikhail Belov says in a manly way.

    On May 8, the crew of Valery and Mikhail, as usual, patrolled the roads of the region. Ahead - May 9, a long-awaited holiday and a well-deserved day off. Valery Tikhonov phoned his friend Peter Krasnov in the afternoon. They were supposed to meet on Victory Day.

    - I was also at work that day, he was at work. We exchanged a few words about the family, about current affairs. Everything was calm. And on the morning of May 9, our mutual friends told me about what had happened. I still don't believe that Valera is gone, - Peter Krasnov says with tears in his eyes.

    The tragedy on the Chubovsky ring, and that is how it is called in the Krasnoyarsk region (M-5 Ural highway. -, occurred at about 1:20 on May 9. The patrol car of Valery Tikhonov and Mikhail Belov was on duty. Traffic police inspectors explained to a nonresident driver how to drive along the route he needed.

    Suddenly, a crossover Mercedes took off at high speed along the highway from the direction of Ufa. The driver of a foreign car, who had been driving for two days, lost control and ran into a traffic police officer and a patrol car standing on the side of the road. The police lieutenant died at the scene from his injuries.

    This section of the road is well lit. In this case, the factor of surprise worked. According to preliminary data, the driver of the crossover exceeded the speed limit and fell asleep at the wheel. So far, we do not have data on the results of the driver’s analysis for alcohol intoxication,” said Igor Antonov, head of the Russian traffic police department for the Samara region.

    Residents of Krasny Yar recall that Valery Tikhonov was seen almost exclusively at work. Worked on weekends and holidays. The always smiling and kind inspector was noticed a mile away, because he was 198 cm tall. He had no obvious ill-wishers and enemies, say his fellow villagers.

    - Professional in his field, one of the best in the unit. He always fulfilled all the assigned tasks, a man of a kind soul, who did not offend even a kitten, - this is how his boss Vladimir Venchakov speaks of the deceased lieutenant.

    Viktor Tikhonov was born in the village of Krasny Yar on March 3, 1971 in an ordinary family. His mother with a beautiful name - Kapitolina - was the chief accountant. Father - Alexander - worked as an oilman. Svetlana Gordeeva sat with Valery Tikhonov in the class at the same desk, and he always helped her solve math problems.

    “First he solves my problem, then he solves his own. As a result, I have four for the task, and he has a three. He always rescued everyone first, and then he thought about himself. Sometimes they were naughty in the classroom, they checked which of us had better fingers to bend, but this did not interfere with studies, ”his classmate says with tears in her eyes. And, wiping his tears, he adds - He wanted to become a traffic police officer since childhood, this dream was already in him then.

    As his friends say, after the 10th grade, Valery entered the Bezenchuk Agricultural College, from where he was drafted into the army in 1989. Together with them, he served as a driver in the strategic missile forces in Altai.

    “The girls always liked him, he was tall, kind and with a sense of humor, they immediately paid attention to him,” recalls Alexander Nikulin.

    In 1991, Valery was demobilized and returned to finish the technical school in Bezenchuk. Here he met his future wife Irina. Now she works as a teacher at the Krasnoyarsk vocational school.

    As expected, they built a house, raised a son. He is now 23 years old and works as a school teacher. And Valery himself realized his dream, graduated from the Agricultural Academy and entered the internal affairs bodies, in which he faithfully served for about 20 years.

    - We always turned to him for advice, he suggested: what kind of car is better to buy, how to properly transfer it from one region to another, what documents are needed for this, he knew everything. They used to visit his family, he and his wife Irina were a good couple, - Igor and Marina Arslanov say.

    The funeral procession to the rural churchyard stretched for several hundred meters. The coffin with the body of Valery Tikhonov was carried by his friends from home to the cemetery in their arms ...

    When the traffic police inspector was buried, the district was announced by the sirens of patrol cars.

    - Heaven takes the best to itself ... - Valery's friends and relatives whispered ...

    Oksana Banina

    On September 9, the celebration of the 285th anniversary of the village of Krasny Yar took place in the regional center
    Residents and guests of the holiday watched the theatrical performance "Krasnoyarsk time", which intertwined the history of the formation of the village and today.
    The guests of honor were present at the celebration:
    Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma - Viktor Fedorovich Sazonov;
    First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Government of the Samara Region - Roman Vladimirovich Nekrasov;
    Deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov;
    Head of the Krasnoyarsky municipal district - Mikhail Vladimirovich Belousov;
    The head of the rural settlement of Krasny Yar is Alexei Gennadievich Bushov.
    At the festive celebration dedicated to the 285th anniversary of the village of Krasny Yar, the guests of honor presented the honored residents of the settlement with the awards of the Governor of the Samara Region and the Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma.

    Arnold Vera Timofeevna, a mother who adequately raised seven children, was awarded the distinction "Maternal Valor" 1st degree.
    Gratitude of the Governor of the Samara Region was presented to:
    1. Fomin Vladimir Viktorovich - head of the economic department of Ural-Lada LLC;
    2. Zabolotina Nadezhda Alexandrovna - surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk Central District Hospital.
    Gratitude of the Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma was presented to:
    1. Suleymanov Kamil Anvarovich - head of the central repair shop of JSC "Krasnoyarsk repair and technical enterprise";
    2. Marat Ismagilovich Nasyrov - head of the household for the improvement of the MKU "Improvement" of the rural settlement of Krasny Yar.

    There are many people in our village who give their all to make our life better, more comfortable and safer.
    On May 9, 2017, a police lieutenant, an inspector of a separate platoon of the traffic police of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk region, Valery Alexandrovich Tikhonov, died in the line of duty.
    He was a native redneck. Here he was born, finished school. He gave 20 years of service in the internal affairs bodies. Many people knew him and deservedly respected him. He was dedicated to his profession.
    Until the last minute, he was at his official post, responsible for safety on our roads.
    The meeting of representatives of the rural settlement of Krasny Yar decided to award Tikhonov Valery Alexandrovich posthumously with the Badge of Special Attention and Distinction "For Valor".
    The award was presented to the widow of the deceased - Irina Ivanovna and son Sergei.
    Also, the Deputies of the Assembly of representatives of the rural settlement decided to perpetuate his memory - to give the name "Valery Tikhonov" to a new street in the village of Krasny Yar. The decision was handed over to the parents of the deceased.

    The head of the rural settlement A.G. Bushov and the Chairman of the Assembly of representatives of the rural settlement A.S. Erilov presented a certificate of conferring the title "Honorary resident of the village of Krasny Yar" to Margarita Mikhailovna Barchukova, a teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Krasnoyarsk secondary school.

    Residents and guests present at the solemn event watched the bright performances of the creative teams of the MKU "Culture" and the RDK "Dream"; art studio "Pilgrim" in Novosemeykino and the dance group "Vostorg".

    At the end of the celebration, fireworks were given.

    Krasnoyarsk time is the time of our formation and creation.
    This is the life of several generations of Krasnoyarsk residents who have contributed to the development of the village. Much has been done, more remains to be done. And we can do it, because we are one big and friendly family!


    In 1974, thanks to the initiative of Dmitry Alekseevich Paramonov, General Director of the Second Moscow Watch Factory Slava, a rugby team was created. The appearance of Slava gave impetus to the development of rugby in our country, and the club itself, whose pupils now play in all the leading Russian teams, later became one of the strongest in the country.


    In the late 60s and early 70s, the Moscow Aviation Institute had a very strong rugby team that played in the top league of the USSR championship. "Maevtsy" twice became silver and once bronze medalists of the USSR championship. At the club, a children's and youth sports school was created, in which the son of Dmitry Alekseevich, Alexei, studied. Dmitry Garkusha, Mikhail Parshin, Alexander Chvanov, Yuri Dmitriev started their rugby career at the same school.

    “Dmitry Alekseevich attended all the matches of the youth and men's teams, he knew all the players,” recalls Yuri Sigaev, a Slava player in 1975-78. - The MAI team played well, but there were no conditions for training. I will give one example. We came to the head of the Department of Physical Education and said that we could not train in the evenings due to the lack of lighting at the Luch stadium, to which we received a shocking answer: “Learn to catch the ball in the dark. Then there will be no problems even in the light.”

    The guys who worked as engineers played for the club at the same time, but ordinary students, of course, were not supposed to have any money. In 1974, a large group of rugby players were graduating from college and the question arose of what to do next. The merger proposal came from the Moskvich team, they were interested in the option of merging the two clubs into one. But eventually there was a water polo team. We, the Mayites, received a tempting offer from Dmitry Alekseevich Paramonov to go to work at the Slava plant and continue to train. As a result, 17 players moved to the newly created team. And all the guys had the title of master of sports. Together with us, the junior team, in which 15-16-year-old guys played, also left for Glory.


    In 1973, the MAI team was unable to maintain a residence permit in the highest rugby society and flew to the first league, but a year later, the MAI team regained their place in the elite division. It was at this moment that Slava was created, the leaders of which sent a letter to the Rugby Federation and asked to include the team in the major league instead of the MAI. There were no objections from the Aviation Institute. At first, the issue seemed to have been settled, but then the "May" public raised a storm, they say, how is it, we are losing the team. Then the Federation decided to keep the place for the MAI team, expand the league and hold a transitional tournament in which Slava, Lokomotiv Tbilisi, which finished last in the top league, and Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic, which finished in the first league after MAI. The Slavs easily resolved the issue of entering the big leagues, having won two confident victories (22:8 over Lokomotiv and 35:6 over Polytechnic).

    - An offer to become the head coach of the team was made to the head coach of the MAI Valery Varinsky, - says Yuri Sigaev. - But he was an assistant professor of the department of "Physical education" and did not dare to leave the institute. Then, on the recommendation of the Federation, the proposal was received by Edgar Taturyan, who at that time headed the Orbita teams, based in the Altufyevo district and speaking at the Moscow championship.

    - I want to note another important factor, - continues Sigaev, who worked at the "Second Watch Factory" for 30 years. - Dmitry Alekseevich, inviting the guys to Slava, thought about their future, which is very important. Finishing playing at the highest level, many continued to work at the plant and in the future occupied fairly high positions. Rugby players did not have a headache about where to go to work at the end of their careers, and the plant received qualified specialists with higher education. Here's an example for you. The head of the shop calls the head of the personnel department and says: "Find me some rugby player, I need to pull out a section here." Subsequently, Aleksey Barbariush was the deputy head of the shop, Gleb Psarev, first the head of the huge 5th shop, mechanical, and then took the position of deputy general director. Valera Baranov eventually became the chief engineer of the plant. And there are many such examples.

    The life of the club began to boil. At the suggestion of Paramonov, the plant acquired the Mashinostroitel stadium, known to everyone as Slava. We prepared for the games at the base in Khimki, which we rented for the team. The Ikarus bus was bought, at that time it was something out of the ordinary in the good sense of the word. The team is dressed to the nines, everyone had suits. Dmitry Alekseevich created all the conditions for the team - there were no domestic problems, we only had to train and play.

    Slava's starting season in the major leagues can be safely called successful: 5th place among ten participants is a quite encouraging result for a newcomer. Although the playing coach of the champion-75 club "Fili" Boris Gavrilov, commenting on the results of the season on the pages of one of the Moscow newspapers, stressed that "Slava" could be among the winners of the championship, if not for the excessive self-confidence of its players. There was a lot of truth in his words, since Slava shared points with the champion himself - 21:17 and 3:19, and against the bronze medalist, the capital's Lokomotiv, she won both matches - 18:9 and 19:9, behind railroad workers and BVA rugby players who took 4th place by only 2 points. Of course, among the matches of the 1975 season, Slava's fights with MAI students were especially sharp and principled. If in the first meeting success was on the side of Slava - 19:12, then in the second leg the students took revenge - 10:6. Slava's achievements in the 1975 season also include the individual success of the team's sniper Yevgeny Kozhin, who for the first time became the top scorer of the championship, scoring a total of 87 points, which was more than a third of the points scored by Slava in the national championship.


    The next two seasons were extremely successful for Slava, the team won silver medals twice. Both times the red-yellows let VVA go ahead. Moreover, both in 1976 and in 1977 the gap was only three points.

    Fifth place in the 1975 season was regarded by many experts as a clear success for a major league debutant. But not everyone thought so. The results of their start among the strongest clubs in the country were self-critical, first of all by the players of Slava themselves, not to mention the coaches and the club's management. It should be noted that the rugby players did not hear a word of reproach from their main fans, employees of the watch factory. On the contrary, everyone tried to support us, and Dmitry Alekseevich Paramonov gathered the players in his office and offered to discuss the details of the preparation plan for the next USSR championship. It was decided to turn to the experience of the Romanian colleagues and play a number of friendly matches with them. As far as I know, not many of the Soviet teams of that time could boast of close contacts with the European masters of this sport. And "Slava" followed the path of the club of the BVA team, which regularly met with rivals from the leading rugby countries of continental Europe - Romania and France. Prior to the start of the USSR championship, namely in April, Slava played three matches with Romanian rugby players. And already in late autumn, when the first notable success came to the team - the silver medals of the national championship, another no less valuable award was a trip to one of the giants of the world rugby - the rugby players of Wales. Evgeny Kozhin became the most productive player of the championship for the second year in a row, gaining 111 points. Slava also set a record in the resumed games of the USSR Cup, defeating Spartak Kharkiv - 92:0.

    In addition to silver medals, the achievements of Slava in the championship-77 include the fact that, on his debut in our team, the former player of Filley Mikhail Grazhdan set a performance record (178 points) in the games of the USSR championships. Valery Novikov entered the top five scorers of the season (68 points - 17 attempts), and the club scored a record number of game points for the season - 512, having made 77 attempts. Slava's victory over Universitet Nalchik with a score of 93:0 until 2007 was the biggest in the club's history.


    In 1978, the Slavs did not have a good season, the red-yellows were in a fever throughout the championship, and besides, there were many dissatisfied with the head coach Edgar Taturyan in the team. Slava finished in 5th place, and instead of Taturyan, Vladimir Nekrasov became the head of the coaching staff in 1979.

    “You can say that Taturyan worked according to the Tarasov system,” says Sigaev. - "Physics" was given a lot of attention. We ran with “pancakes” and with each other around our necks. There were series of 10 straight lines of 100 meters each, when we carried each other on our hands or on our backs. The players, of course, grumbled."

    In 1979, 10 teams took the start in the USSR championship. According to the results of the preliminary stage, the best six had to continue the fight for medals. Slava finished second, leaving Lokomotiv Tbilisi ahead.

    The final stage started badly for the Slavs. At the start, the wards of Vladimir Nekrasov suffered two defeats: first at home 0:6 from Aviator Kyiv, then away from the main competitor of Tbilisi Lokomotiv 6:13. However, these defeats not only did not break Glory, but forced the team to unite. The red-yellows won 6 victories in a row and won gold medals 2 rounds before the end of the championship. It is interesting that the "Slavs" won the championship without entering the field.

    The Tbilisi players released the disqualified Guram Sutiashvili on the field under a false name, for which they were credited with defeats in games with Moscow teammates, Kiev and VVA. Therefore, when the STK decided to punish the “railwaymen”, and this happened on September 28, on the eve of our return game with the VVA, we breathed a sigh of relief, as we were ahead of the Fili and Monints following us by 5 points (the victory was estimated at 3 points , draw - in 2, and defeat - in 1).

    At the end of the season, six Slava players were included in the list of the 30 strongest players: Lysenko, Grazhdan, Pozdnyakov, Barinov, Korotaev, Kolesnikov.


    After the "golden" 1979 "Slava" took two steps back. The championship of the USSR-80 "Slavs" had a very uneven. Only VVA passed the preliminary stage without losses. The red-yellows lost to the “military aircraft” 6:12, after having beaten them in the national championship matches for two years in a row. The tradition of failures in matches with VVA began to return. True, Slava went through to the final tournament without much trouble, losing only three gold points - apart from the BBA, Vladimir Nekrasov's wards missed a point in the meeting with Lokomotiv Tbilisi - 15:15.

    The gap between VVA and Slava was three points. Ahead were two face-to-face meetings of the main contenders for the title of champion. Lokomotiv Moscow, having lost two opening matches of the final stage, including Slava - 6:9, seemed to be no longer able to intervene in the upcoming duel of leaders. Moreover, in the first round, the red-yellows defeated VVA - 15:10, and the gap between the current champion and the leader was reduced to a minimum. Slavs got 21 points, VVA - 22. But then Slava had a nightmarish series of four defeats: from Lokomotiv Tbilisi - 8:11, Aviator - 9:18, Lokomotiv Moscow - 6: 12 and finally from BBA - 14:22. Thus, the residents of Monino celebrated the victory in the national championship ahead of schedule. Two rounds before the finish line, the leader had 36 points, Slava had 28, and the Moscow railway workers scored 29 and beat the Slavs by one point.


    Season 1981 "Glory" began quite powerfully. Matches of the preliminary stage of the national championship gave hope that last year's "bronze" success for the team is far from the limit. Slava finished the preliminary stage in the fourth position in the standings, lagging behind the leader - VVA by only 3 points.

    The Slavs completely failed in the final part of the championship: in 14 games they managed to win only four victories and drew one more meeting.

    As a result, "Slava" in the standings managed to get around the rugby players of Tbilisi "Lokomotiv", who also pushed their teammates from Moscow to fourth place from the podium.

    - In the middle of the season, we had a change of coach, - continues Nilovsky. - Instead of Vladimir Nekrasov, the team was again led by Edgar Taturyan and a month later he led the team to victory in the USSR Cup. At one time, Edgar Amoyakovich's requirements for the training process and organization of affairs in the team in 1978 were not accepted by the team. Therefore, Slava left the players who at one time were involved in the departure of Taturyan from the team, as a result of which Glory rejuvenated a lot. Then Mikhail Parshin, Igor Nechaev, Valery Ignatiev showed themselves well.

    Prior to this, Slava's greatest achievement in the USSR Cup was reaching the final in 1978, in which the red-yellows suffered a crushing defeat from Lokomotiv Tbilisi - 3:30. This time the lot brought the old rivals together in the semi-final. Only at the very end of the meeting, the Slavs managed to tip the scales in their favor - 10:3. In the final, the red-yellows were waiting for a meeting with the Moscow Lokomotiv.

    The final was a kind of duel between the snipers of the two clubs. In Slava, this role went to Andrey Barinov, and at Lokomotiv it was played by Alexander Kuzovkin, who until recently played for Slava.

    At first, a noticeable advantage of Slava began to emerge. Already by the 10th minute we took the lead - 6:0. I managed to hit two free throws. But soon Kuzovkin struck back - 6:3. When less than ten minutes remained before the end of the match, Barinov had another free kick and the score became 9:3. However, Kuzovkin has not yet said his last word. His immediate answer followed - 9:6, and the nervous situation on the field continued to persist until the final whistle. A few tens of seconds (!) Before the end of the regular time of the game, Lokomotiv got the right to a free kick. Kuzovkin approached the ball, but the “melon” flew just a few centimeters from the goal post.


    The final tournament of the championship-82, in which 8 teams took part, Slava passed in one breath and repeated its result of the preliminary stage, drawing only twice (with Moscow Lokomotiv 15:15 and Kutaisi DSK 10:10). Convincing victories were won in other meetings, and the 14th number of the "Slavs" Pavel Berzin with 202 points became the most productive player of the championship. The red-yellows took first place, ahead of BVA rugby by 4 points.

    - That season in Slava, everyone shot, – says Pavel Berzin . - We haven't lost a single match in the whole championship!We had a very ambitious and ambitious coach Edgard Amoyakovich Taturyan. The team that fell into his hands was perfect. Adult and experienced fight. It will not be an exaggeration if I say that our attackers had outstanding physical data. The battle of "Glory" in the USSR was the largest, but not by weight. When the corridor got up, then in it, except for one person, Alexander Epifanov, the player of the first line, everyone was over 190 cm. Another hooker was 188 cm, and the second post, Sergey Bogdan, you won’t believe it, 194! Of course, under such a fight it was very comfortable to play. Fan, who appeared in the main team, was very young. My 29-year-old brother Alexander was the oldest in it. In that season, we just flew around the field, and each player of "Slava" tore his counterpart.


    In 1983, the red-yellows won the bronze medals, and a year later they remained below the medal line, finishing in fourth place. The next big success for Slava came in 1985, when Taturyan's wards won the USSR Cup for the second time. Just a little bit was not enough for the “golden double” – the backlog from the champions of the BVA team was only 2 points.

    In the final, as in 1981, Moscow Lokomotiv was waiting for Glory. This time, the advantage of the "Slavs" was 11 points (21:10), and Andrey Barinov again became the hero of the meeting, putting two attempts.

    The red-yellows won the next and last trophy to date in 1989, when the country was already covered in a fog of problems and changes that could not but affect sports and, in particular, rugby. And again it was a success in the USSR Cup, won against all odds.

    - In the late 80s, Slava began to lose ground, we took 5th place in the championship, and the victory in the Cup was needed like air, - recalls Nilovsky, in 1989 the head of the team. - A month before the final match, 9 players left the American football team, where they began to invest a lot of money at that time. Head coach Evgeny Ivanovich Antonov had no other choice but to bring the nearest reserve to the main team. - Whatever you want to call it, a sporting feat, a miracle or something else, but the fact remains - we beat Krasnoyarsk in the decisive match with a score of 12:3, - says Berzin, who scored 8 points in that match. - The final was held on October 15 at the Slava stadium in monstrous conditions - incessant rains flooded the entire field. Our extreme Valery Nefedov made some phenomenal attempt. He blocked the hit of the 15th number, the ball bounced into a puddle, and Valera, in the course of his movement, tried to hit him on his own, and the ball in some incomprehensible way flew not forward, but vertically upwards. Our player caught him and gave up. I scored this conversion, also added two free throws to it. The advantage of 9 points (for a try they gave 4 points) was very comfortable, the opponent, even taking into account the attempt and conversion, could not catch up with us in the score.


    However, this surge did not help the club regain lost ground. The team slowly began to slide down, in 1990 and 1991, 6th place, in 1992, 7th, in 1993, the last, 10th ...

    - The second watch factory with the departure of Paramonov from his post stopped helping the club, - says Nilovsky. - In the 1994 season, we played at the first stage, and then withdrew due to lack of funds. After that, for two years the club was in a deep financial hole, and we simply did not have a team of masters. In addition to the stadium, which was constantly pouring in, we had nothing. It was decided by hook or by crook to save the children's school. We received moral and somewhere administrative support from the Tver Council. There were up to 40 commercial tents on Seleznevskaya Street, and thanks to the dividends received from them, we somehow remained afloat. Let me remind you that we had a women's team that performed very well in the national rugby championship.

    In 1997, the semi-amateur team "Slava" played at the preliminary stage in the super league, and then, due to the lack of all the same notorious, but so necessary funds, continued its performance in the major league. After that, this picture was repeated from year to year for another 5 years.

    In 2002, the team went through the entire championship from start to finish, finishing 5th. The Slavs showed the same result in the next two seasons. Let us dwell in more detail on the meeting that took place on October 14, 2004.


    In order to secure the title of champions of Russia, the VVA team near Moscow had to beat Slava twice, which by that time occupied the 5th place in the table and did not claim anything.

    “I remember that game very well,” Nilovsky recalls with a smile on his face. – For the sake of fairness, it should be said that the Moninites arrived without the proper attitude. Moreover, almost everyone was confident in the victory of the VVA. And the head coach of Yenisei-STM, Alexander Pervukhin, let the legionnaires go home, not believing that we could defeat the “military aircraft” and provide his team with a “golden” match. Our team came out to play with soul, in good spirits, we were not dominated by the result, and the guests were too relaxed. During the match there was direct contact with Krasnoyarsk. From there they constantly called, asked what the bill was. When the guests realized that everything could end badly for them, it was too late - we got lucky, the game was given. We won 28:22, and in Krasnoyarsk they were almost going to erect a monument to us on the banks of the Yenisei (laughs).

    - In the last minutes of the match, we played the fight in our own 22-meter line, - recalls Slava player Sergey Sugrobov. - At this time, the attacking guests Alexei Marchenko, in all seriousness, suggested that we lose it, saying the following: “Give up your fight, why do you need this victory?” Of course, we played fair and won that fight, and a few minutes later the referee blew the final whistle.

    TURNING 2005

    2005 turned out to be a landmark year for us, if I may say so, - continues Nilovsky. – Bank Zenit, represented by Aleksey Arkadyevich Sokolov, agreed to finance not only children's and youth rugby, but also a team of masters. After that, the life of the club began to improve, there were serious successes. In general, cooperation with Zenit Bank, which began back in 1998, is one of the glorious pages in the history of Slava, along with victories in the championships and Cups of the USSR.

    In the 2005 season, the "Slavs" solved the intermediate task, taking 4th place and ahead of "Penza". In addition, for the first time in many years, a team from Krasnoyarsk, Krasny Yar, was beaten.

    A year later, "Slava" stopped a step away from bronze medals, losing in a bitter struggle to "Yenisei-STM" a series for 3rd place.

    The next two seasons were the most successful in the club's Russian history. In 2007, the red-and-yellows became bronze medalists, winning four matches and drawing twice with Krasny Yar.

    The next season, the Slavs had a brilliant run and climbed another step in the standings, beating the same Krasny Yar in a dramatic semi-final series.

    - Successes in the matches against Krasny Yar cooled the team, and the guys went to the first home game in the series for 3rd place, so to speak, to draw up a winning record, - continues Nilovsky. - As a result, we lost in Moscow 17:34, but this defeat mobilized the guys, and they went to Krasnoyarsk with a strong desire to win the series.

    Which, in fact, "Glory" succeeded. In the second game, Vitaly Sorokin's wards pulled out victory with a score of 27:26, and the winner in the decisive battle had to be determined by additional shots on goal - the main and extra time ended in a draw 9:9. Muscovites coped with the nerves and snatched the victory. And with it, a ticket to the final, where, however, they lost to VVA-Podmoskovye. However, this fact is unlikely to upset the “Slavs” very much.

    In 2009 and 2010, Slava was ranked 4th, and at the end of last season it dropped to 7th in the standings.


    “When the construction of the pioneer camp in Snegiry was just beginning, and this was the initiative of Dmitry Alekseevich Paramonov, our team took an active part in this process,” says Alexei Nilovsky, ex-player and now president of Slava-SHVSM. In the off-season, Slava's rugby players traveled to Snegiri for a month and helped build the camp. It was a very good administrative move. Thus, Dmitry Alekseevich tried to make the team and the plant as close as possible. And he succeeded: the guys were well acquainted with representatives of various workshops, that is, the process of communication between them was going on all the time.


    In 1979, Slava became the champion of the USSR for the first time in its history. The most interesting thing is that among the competitions of the SDUSHOR in all five ages, the rugby players of Slava also became the champions of the country. Unique case.

    “At that time, the Slava Sports School belonged to the Labor Center,” says Yuri Sigaev. - When I got there they told me: "You all won, apply for the school of the Olympic reserve." For me it was then incomprehensible, because rugby was not an Olympic sport. However, we submitted all the documents and "Slava" was awarded the title of the school of the Olympic reserve. At first, the school was under the trade union committee of the plant, then under the Moscow trade unions, then the Central Committee of the trade unions, the Moscow and the central committees took under its wing. That is, the high status of the youth sports school was the main reason why it did not go unnoticed by the authorities.”

    Now about 400 children are studying at the Slava Sports School. The school is represented by 11 teams in nine ages (from 1993 to 2001). In addition, there is a youth team in which children born in 1991-1992 perform.

    Dmitry Alekseevich PARAMONOV

    Founder of RK "Slava".

    Awarded with orders:

    • October revolution,
    • Labor Red Banner,
    • Badge of Honor (twice)
    • 11 medals,
    • including
    • Medal for the Defense of Moscow and
    • Medal for labor prowess (three times)!

    He began his career in 1943 at the second Moscow watch factory.

    From 1969 to 1980 - General Director of the Second Moscow Watch Factory Slava.

    Achievements of RK "Slava"

    • Champion of the USSR - 2 times (1979, 1982)
    • USSR Cup winner - 3 times (1981, 1985, 1989)
    • Silver medalist of the Russian Championship (2008)
    • Silver medalist of the USSR championship - 4 times (1976, 1977, 1985, 1986)
    • Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship (2007)
    • Bronze medalist of the USSR championship - 2 times (1980,1983)
    • Winner of the Cup of the Mayor of Moscow among the teams of capital cities in 2007.
    • Winner of silver medals of the Moscow Mayor's Rugby Cup in 2008.
    • Winner of the Moscow Mayor's Rugby Cup in 2009.
    • Bronze medalist of the Russian Rugby-7 Championship 2013

    Colors red-yellow

    home stadium"Glory", Moscow, st. Seleznevskaya, 13a


    In 2011, at the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand, where the Russian national team played for the first time in its history, four Slava players played - forwards Sergey Popov, Denis Antonov, Mikhail Sidorov and midfielder Andrey Bykanov.


    forwards- Vladimir Pozdnyakov, Andrey Barinov, Valery Tokarev, Mikhail Arabkin, Dmitry Garkusha, Sergey Bogdan, Anatoly Filenkov, Vasily Korotaev, Mikhail Arkhipov, Alexander Epifanov, Vladimir Krasilnikov, Nikolai Vatoshkin, Vladimir Petukhov, Pavel Kolesnikov, Sergey Belov.

    Defenders– Valery Lysenko, Valery Tigiev, Valery Ignatiev, Valery Novikov, Alexander Berzin, Ivan Mironov, Alexander Virtser, Sergey Belkovich, Alexander Chvanov, Mikhail Grazhdan, Mikhail Parshin, Evgeny Kozhin, Viktor Belyaev, Sergey Demidov, Alexey Paramonov, Yuri Ushakov, Vladimir Fedorov.

    Senior coach

    Trainer- Gleb Vadimovich Psarev

    Team leader- Valery Nikolaevich Baranov


    forwards- Alexander Epifanov, Vladimir Petukhov, Pavel Kolesnikov, Sergey Bogdan, Vasily Korotaev, Mikhail Arkhipov, Sergey Fedorkov, Alexei Nilovsky, Andrey Barinov, Anatoly Gusev, Vladimir Pozdnyakov, Sergey Konfetov, Igor Lysov, Yuri Mironov, Alexander Valalshchikov, Konstantin Medeksha.

    Defenders- Sergei Demidov, Igor Nechaev, Alexei Berzin, Mikhail Parshin, Igor Ermakov, Boris Shishkov, Pavel Berzin, Viktor Belyaev, Yuri Ushakov, Valery Ignatiev, H. Salavatov.

    Senior coach– Edgar Amoyakovich Taturyan

    Trainer– Sergey Andreevich Cherenkov

    Team leader- Yuri Borisovich Sigaev



    forwards– Alexander Epifanov, Andrey Barinov, Vladimir Pozdnyakov, Dmitry Garkusha, Vasily Korotaev, Alexei Nilovsky, Sergei Bogdan, Anatoly Gusev, Mikhail Arkhipov, Sergei Fedorkov, Valery Tokarevsky, Shamil Khusainov, Pavel Kolesnikov, Valery Tigiev, Alexei Barbariush, Mikhail Arabkin, Yuri Mironov, Alexander Komlyakov, Alexander Knakin.

    Defender- Alexander Berzin, Mikhail Parshin, Igor Nechaev, Sergei Demidov, Igor Ermakov, Viktor Belyaev, Boris Shishkov, Yuri Ushakov, Valery Lysenko, Igor Uspensky, Valery Ignatiev, Valery Tikhonov, Yuri Dmitriev, Oleg Kopylov, Eduard Sadov.

    Senior coach– Edgar Amoyakovich Taturyan

    Trainer- Vladimir Nikolaevich Nekrasov

    Team leader- Gleb Vadimovich Psarev


    forwards- Alexander Epifanov, Alexander Valalshchikov, Anatoly Gusev, Pavel Kolesnikov, Igor Lysov, Sergey Konfetov, Vasily Korotaev, Boris Samardin, Sergey Strelnikov, Andrey Sokolov, Andrey Barinov, Sergey Fedorkov, Valery Tigiev, Viktor Senin, Oleg Kiryukhin.

    Defender- Alexander Berzin, Mikhail Parshin, Sergei Demidov, Igor Ermakov, Boris Shishkov, Pavel Berzin, Valery Ignatiev, Dmitry Shlimmer, Alexei Vankov.

    Senior coach– Edgar Amoyakovich Taturyan


    Administrator- Alexey Igorevich Nilovsky


    forwards- Alexander Yukhno, Igor Martynov, Boris Samardin, Konstantin Medeksha, Sergey Fedorkov, Alexander Valalshchikov, Sergey Strelnikov, Andrey Barinov, Sergey Fokin.

    Defender- Valery Nefedov, Mikhail Parshin, Boris Shishkov, Sergey Demidov, Vladimir Karpov, Pavel Berzin, Sergey Molchanov, Valery Ignatiev, Alexander Fomin.

    Senior coach- Evgeny Ivanovich Antonov

    Trainer- Vladimir Mikhailovich Pozdnyakov

    Administrator- Sergei Filippovich Bogdan

    Doctor– Alexey Alexandrovich Balakirev

    Masseur- Vasily Kuznetsov

    Club director- Alexey Igorevich Nilovsky