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  • Influence of a name and a surname on destiny. How does the surname affect the fate of a person? Fatal vibration of numbers and letters

    Influence of a name and a surname on destiny.  How does the surname affect the fate of a person?  Fatal vibration of numbers and letters

    American fortuneteller and numerologist Daniela Klint lives in New York. And she is engaged in choosing a successful pseudonym for a person. Thanks to the change of surname and name, a person is noticeably going uphill. Daniela shares the secrets of the profession with a Pravda.Ru correspondent.

    What numbers bring good luck. Secrets of a numerologist

    — Daniela, I’ll start right away with a specific question, can you give examples of changing the last name and first name, which brought good luck to the owner?

    There are so many examples in world practice that it is impossible to list them all. Famous Hollywood actor and producer Michael Douglas. The real name of his father, also a Hollywood actor, is Issur Danilovich Demsky. Issur Danilovich was born into a family of emigrants from the Russian Empire. In Hollywood, Demsky took a memorable pseudonym: now the whole world knows Kirk Douglas as the founder of a famous acting dynasty and as the father of Michael Douglas.

    Norma Jean Baker. The girl Norma Jean was named by her mother, who worked in the film laboratory, after two great actresses: Norma Talmadge and Jean Harlow, in order to charge her daughter's name with a successful fate. Oddly enough, but it worked. Only aspiring actress Baker at the 20th Century Fox studio was immediately offered a pseudonym. At first she was Carol Lind, but the producers did not like this combination. A month later, they came up with a new pseudonym: Marilyn Monroe, taking the mother's maiden name and the name of the popular Broadway actress of the 20s, Marilyn Miller.

    The adored actress Sophia Loren made her first steps in Italian cinema under her real name - Shicolone. This name can even be found in the credits of old tapes. But then her producer and husband Carlo Ponti came up with her pseudonym Sophia Loren. The talented and extraordinary actress is adored by the whole world.

    Directed by Woody Allen. He had a very complex name Allen Stewart Koenigsberg. The pseudonym Woody Allen brought him fame and money.

    Everyone's favorite Spanish actor Jose Antonio Dominguez Bandera threw out his long last name. And, turning into Antonio Banderas, he became the favorite of millions of women.

    Before becoming the highest paid actress in Hollywood, Demi Moore was known to the world as Demetria Jean Hynes. She changed her long and unsound name before going to the movies. And she became famous as Demi Moore.

    There are also many people in Russia who change their names. The name Lazar Iosifovich Weissbein will not tell you anything. But everyone knows and loves the pop singer and the leader of the orchestra.

    Only when Lenin led the revolutionary movement in Russia did a radical change of power take place. Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. on the lips of the soldiers went into battle, and Russia won the Second World War. You can list indefinitely.

    A change of surname and name is not only a desire to make your image more memorable, but also completely change your destiny. Many are skeptical about the numerology of the name, but the fates of the listed people are a prime example. Look how successful their careers have been, few people in the world know them by their old surnames.

    - You list the pseudonyms of Hollywood stars and world politicians, but how can this work for ordinary people?

    - For ordinary people, this practice also works. And even more so, when a person emigrates and changes his country of residence, then secret knowledge of numerology is necessary for further identification. And it doesn't have to be an alias. It is enough that when moving to another country, the Slavic alphabet of the name changes to the English alphabet, thanks to which the person receives a different name according to the documents.

    And in America, the surname and name are not only spelled and sound differently, but are often abbreviated, as Americans love to abbreviate everything, they are always in a hurry and save time. It has been repeatedly observed that after changing the name, a person changes not only the mentality, thinking, but also completely changes outwardly.

    After the move, does the change in mentality, appearance, worldview happen for the better?

    No, unfortunately not always. Successful people from Russia come (for example, they won a green card), change their name to an English-language manner, and over time, sad metamorphoses begin to occur in their lives: illness, failure, depression. They say: "In Russia, we were relatively good, but here it became bad, and this is because a foreign country, foreign laws." In fact, not because it is a foreign country, but because the energy of the name and surname has changed. The energy content of the personal number has disappeared.

    It happens that due to a change of surname, a person loses the patronage of family ancestors. After all, it was not without reason that five hundred years ago such religious surnames were given as: Pokrovsky, Preobrazhensky, Voskresensky, Voznesensky, Rozhdestvensky. Or noble aristocratic families, talking about the high origin of the owner, carrying the protection of the family: Bestuzhev, Raevsky, Golitsyn, Potemkin, Sheremetev.

    Jewish surnames also carry a lot of information about the family, about the generation, point to the class features of the ancient Jewish society. As you know, there were three such estates: priests or priests (cohanim), the flock (leviim) and the rest of the people (am Israel). This social division is a deep and revered tradition of the Jewish people.

    Therefore, before changing the surname, you need to think carefully. When emigrating, it is worth considering that you can lose it.

    - What else do you need to know before changing your last name, inventing a new name for yourself, taking a pseudonym? How does it even work? And what exactly are you doing?

    - The numerology of the name has long been described as an ancient science of studying human character and fate. Each letter of the name carries a vibration similar to digital, and therefore the name can be translated into a number. The energy of the number gives the owner certain qualities. In addition to the name, the number of the surname and patronymic carries a large semantic load. I make a calculation and see how fate changes and what gives a person a new name; how it works, what energy it brings to the owner, how it will be perceived in society, what will happen to this name in the future in life. We are unique and inimitable, for each person everything needs to be selected individually. But first of all, the new name and surname should be liked, the soul should lie to the new.

    In addition to the transcription and numerology of the first and last name, I look at the numerology of the city in which the person lives. The name of the city has a special meaning for every person. Someone is contraindicated in a crazy rhythm in a noisy and restless city with an inappropriate name. One person in the metropolis is going awry, and it is better for him to change his name and move to a more peaceful place. And another person with a first and last name, whose numerology contains dynamics and movement, is not shown to live in the village. Despite the good climate and fresh air, staying in a quiet and unhurried place shortens his life for many years, since the combination of his first and last name requires active action. Otherwise, it will not be realized in life, will not fulfill its purpose. Again, everything is very individual.

    I have a friend who moved from a small Russian city to New York. In that town, she was nothing of herself: she earned little, she was not confident in herself, outwardly she was also not interesting. She changed the registration of the name and surname in English order, reducing them to more euphonious ones. And after a while it changed beyond recognition. I got a new education, found an interesting, well-paid job. Energy, confidence came, real success came. In the people, this is called "the suit has gone." Now she doesn't even want to hear about any other city.

    And another friend of mine in the same New York felt uncomfortable, suffered setbacks, was simply lost. Then she moved to Florida, got married, took her husband's English surname and changed her real name Ludmila to the name written in English letters Mila. Now in a new place, with a new name and surname, she feels comfortable. She says that she changed the perception of the world, got rid of health problems.

    Sometimes changing a person's first or last name is very correct and necessary. For example, a girl or a boy at birth is named after some relative or relative, and the life of these people was not happy. Therefore, if a person does not want to repeat the fate of his relatives and ancestors, then he needs to give up his surname. And if the surname is not sonorous, difficult to pronounce, or generally funny, then there is every indication to change it.

    A person should enjoy the way he is presented in society. Therefore, a well-chosen beautiful surname or pseudonym gives great priority when meeting, not to mention the fact that the life of its owner will flow in a different direction.

    Interviewed and prepared for publication by Anzhela Yakubovskaya

    From the point of view of numerology, a surname is a numerical code of a person's kind, which came to him from the depths of centuries, the energy of previous generations. In some cases, the change of surname is good, in others - vice versa. At the same time, the old one will still affect the "owner", since he received it at birth. And the new one is to supplement, correct the impact of the old one, either making life easier or more difficult for a person. That is why, before changing a surname - it doesn’t matter when you get married or for some other reason - you must first calculate its numerical code.

    How to determine the number of a surname

    Checking how favorable the surname is for you is quite simple. Each letter of the alphabet has its own number. It is necessary to add up the numbers related to the letters of your last name, bring to a single digit - and read the transcript. If it turned out 11, 22 and 33 - do not add these numbers further, they have their own meaning. Example. Let's say your last name is Petrova. Using the table, we find the number of each letter: P=8, E=6, T=2, P=9.0=7, B=3, A=1. Add up: 8+6+2+9+7+3+1=36. We bring to a single-digit number: 3+6=9. It remains only to read its description below.


    1. By nature, you are independent and persistent. You have a powerful willpower and a strong character. You are able to quickly find the right decisions and take responsibility.

    2. You are peaceful, calm, very sensitive, do not like conflicts and find compromises easily. Prone to partnership, work well in a team.

    3. Friendliness, openness and optimism are the main features of your nature. At the same time, you are endowed with a good sense of humor and extraordinary creative abilities.

    4. You are hardworking, organized and extremely patient. You make decisions thoughtfully, weighing all the pros and cons. Know how to calculate the consequences.

    5. You are freedom-loving and independent, you are oppressed by any framework, you cannot stand the routine. But they are easy-going and quickly adapt to any changes.

    6. You are looking for balance in everything. At the same time, you can be called a pragmatic and mundane nature. For you, the most important thing is a profitable interaction. Your position in life: "You to me - I to you."

    7. You are always open to new knowledge, easily assimilate information and know how to use it. Observant, prone to analysis, meticulous, attentive to detail. You have excellent leadership qualities, you strive for power and wealth.

    8. Know how to manage money and increase their amount. Such people are successful in business.

    9. You are dreamy and open. Your main qualities are compassion, emotionality and humility to people and circumstances. You have difficulty making decisions.

    11. You have good organizational skills, you can easily lead, you can inspire people to serious business. Your life is a continuous search for your path.

    22. You are a materialist, you have an innate gift for management, you know how to competently organize any business. Patient, resilient. At the same time, it is important for you to be useful to people.

    33. People with such a surname number are good mentors, teachers. By nature, they are very responsible, persistent in achieving the goal. At the same time, they are friendly, unforgiving and open.

    Everyone wants to be happy, successful and lucky. Often, the fact that life does not turn out the way we would like, a person blames external factors, for example, an unsuccessful name. But is it really possible to change fate for the better by changing it?

    One of the favorite pastimes of children and teens is trying on another name. This may take place as part of a role-playing game, and sometimes the "nickname" is invented as a practical joke for new friends. On this peculiar tradition, in fact, the principles of nomination are based in the context of all kinds of chats, forums and social networks. In other words, the game of “another name” has always captivated and continues to captivate categories of the population of different sexes and ages.

    But sometimes this game turns into a rather serious intention to permanently change the name once given by the parents. What motivates people to take such decisive action?

    It is not uncommon for a person to feel a certain detachment and foreignness of his own name from childhood. And with age, this feeling only grows stronger and becomes more definite. Sometimes the reason for changing a passport is a cardinal change in a person's life status, for example, entering the clergy, moving to a permanent place of residence in another country, changing sex, and similar serious changes. But whatever the reason for such an important decision, it must be remembered and taken into account that there is such a factor as mystery of the name. In other words, the choice of your new “nickname” should be approached as thoughtfully and rationally as possible.

    A human name is not just a certain sound combination. Most people are fully convinced that proper nouns are necessarily magical in nature. And by abandoning the name that is destined from above, a person thereby shows disobedience to those forces that are not worth arguing with.

    But even those who do not believe in any magic and sorcery will not argue with the fact that each name contains strong energy. This energy largely determines the formation of the person who wears it; influences the formation of character, habits, life priorities and, thus, fate. After all, how we relate to the world depends on its attitude towards us, as well as the results of many situations and collisions.

    One way or another, it is obvious that the reason why it is worth deciding to change the name must be really weighty. If, due to an eccentric imagination or an oversight of your parents, you bear the name of a great-uncle, who is still remembered as a maniac-butcher, the desire to renew your passport can be understood, then taking the name of your favorite artist or literary character, as well as blindly following fashion, is completely inappropriate and absolutely stupid.

    Often, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchanging a different name can lead interpretation of names. For example, if a girl who has been suffering from failures in her personal life for a long time finds on the Internet the news that an unsuccessful name is to blame for all her adversities, then the intention to take another most likely will not be long in coming.

    Whatever the reason for your desire to quickly go to the passport office, remember that all your thoughts can turn out to be only the fruits of self-hypnosis and attributing your own shortcomings and oversights to factors beyond your control. Before changing the name given at birth, one should certainly consider the pros and cons, because such a change, according to experts, is quite capable of negatively affecting the psyche and incurring a number of other problems.

    The name of a person and his Fate are inextricably linked. Many women are in no hurry to change their last name after marriage, fearing that this procedure will entail negative changes in their lives. Does the change of surname really affect the life path, and is it worth being afraid of such changes?

    The influence of the surname on Destiny

    The surname has an even greater influence on the fate of a person than his own name. The name contains individual information about us, it reflects our inclinations, aspirations, life principles. The surname goes into the depths of our family, there is a centuries-old history behind it - and therefore it contains family traits that are passed down from generation to generation. The surname is saturated with powerful energy, which accompanies a person throughout the entire life path. But this energy can be both positive and negative, and depending on this, the surname can open the path to success for its owner, or, on the contrary, hinder the achievement of the goal.

    Therefore, before changing the surname, it is worth calculating its former number, and then the one that will be after marriage. This will help you numerological calculation scheme. If the qualities that the resulting number contains suit you, why not change your life for the better? And if the outcome is unfavorable, but the spouse insists on changing the surname, you can always take a double one, preserving both your uniqueness and harmony in the family.

    Approach the fateful steps thoughtfully and responsibly, and any changes will bring you happiness. Your fate is in your hands. We wish you only positive changes, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    24.11.2015 01:00

    A life chart is an effective way to predict the future. With the help of numerology, you can find out what your ...

    change of surname changes fate!

    By changing his last name or first name, a person can thus make a strong correction in fate.
    Date of birth, name, patronymic and surname, from the point of view of metaphysics, is the first factor that lays down the main character traits. The numerology of the date of birth (the values ​​of the day, month and year) is fatal (fateful) in nature, since the numerical vibrations of the date of birth determine the possibilities and destiny of a person.

    The vibration of the date of birth, first name, patronymic and last name is calculated by sequentially summing up the numbers of the day, month and year of birth and bringing them to a single digit, as well as parsing the letters in the name. The resulting value corresponds to such important elements of the personality as virtues, shortcomings, purpose, life goals, karma, fateful and important events of a person.

    When parents give us a name at birth, this is an important procedure. Since a correctly chosen name gives the advantage that if the name is consonant with the last name and date of birth of the child, his fate will be more successful than those whose parents unsuccessfully named, which did not fit in with the fate of the child. And such a child will have many obstacles, because the name does not help the child, but vice versa.

    When a woman changes her last name upon marriage. Every family has a surname. The surname consists of letters, each letter has a vibration of a certain planet and a number.

    Also, each surname is a whole family that has its own egregor, and, accordingly, karma, both good and bad. The surname has a consonance with the vibrations of the date of birth of a person. Therefore, it sometimes happens that the vibrations of a surname carry a lot of influences, starting with the numerological and astral code, to karma and the developments of the clan.

    When a woman marries, accordingly, she shares the karma of his clan with a man, mixing her karma with the karma of her husband's clan, and also accepts the vibrations of the surname that she took. Unfortunately, this does not always have a positive effect on the fate of a woman. Since the surname did not match the date of birth by vibration, or there is a decent karmic load of the husband's family. There may be ancestral developments of a negative nature, ancestral curses or suicides.

    But it happens that a woman improved her fate by changing her last name.

    When a person himself decides to change his last name or first name, he can thus make a strong correction in fate, but if the choice is unsuccessful and does not fit harmoniously with the date of birth, then fate can present unpleasant surprises and worsen the fate of a person.

    Therefore, before deciding to change your surname, do not be lazy and calculate which Number you belong to from birth, and which Number you will get if you take your husband's surname.

    We add up the year, day and month of birth, the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name, bring the result to a simple number up to 9 and look at the result.

    Do the same operation with your first name, middle name and last name, which you are going to take after the wedding.

    1. Independence, craving for leadership, the ability to make decisions independently, masculine character traits.
    2. The mood for partnership, the ability and desire to work in a team and take into account the interests of another person. The eternal search for a compromise.
    3. The ability to achieve any goals with the help of a word, sociability, creativity. Optimism, enthusiasm.
    4. Forced obedience to circumstances, diligence, attitude to overcome difficulties and at the same time - unwillingness to live by the rules.
    5. The desire to change the place of residence, occupation and partners. Craving for extreme sports and adrenaline rushes. Avoidance of responsibility.
    6. Search for beneficial interaction (you to me, I to you), refusal to communicate if there is no such benefit. Search for balance and harmony. Responsibility for those around you.
    7. Closure, the desire to analyze everything, meticulousness, attention to detail.
    8. Craving for hoarding and power, the desire to measure everything with money, the ability to competently handle finances, the desire to manage the family budget.
    9. Service to other people, submission to others - forced or voluntary, humility. Inability or unwillingness to make decisions. Dreaminess, romanticism.

    From a numerological point of view, it is considered ideal when the Number of the Name before the change of surname coincides with the Number of the Name after its change. This suggests that you have truly chosen your person, and you have every chance to live a long and happy life with him.

    However, if you want to save yourself and not offend your husband, you can consider the option with a double surname. And if the numerological indicators of this option will suit you more than just changing your last name.