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  • Aquarius horoscope for September d health. How to treat drug allergies

    Aquarius horoscope for September d health.  How to treat drug allergies

    In September 2016, the chances of meeting a calm, balanced Aquarius are equal to the chances of finding a large diamond on the sidewalk. Thunderstorms will rumble in the soul of this zodiac sign at the beginning of autumn, storms will rage and tornadoes will spin, and emotional bad weather will inevitably break out sooner or later. Partners of Aquarius should come to terms with the idea in advance that a person is not able to be bright, smiling and optimistic 24 hours a day, from birth to the grave. Love is not only compliments in the ear and gifts on Valentine's Day, but also patience, self-sacrifice and forgiveness. This month, you torture your loved ones with grumbling so much that they will start to catch themselves on the bloodthirsty desire to pour poison into one particular plate. In general, in September, the horoscope advises not to provoke Aquarius to an explosion of emotions and not to try to correct their mood. The evil representative of this zodiac sign looks like an angry Godzilla, who steps on the ground with a heavy tread. Normal, adequate passers-by at the sight of an evil monster with cries of horror scatter in different directions. It is hard to imagine a person who, in such a situation, grabs a piece of sausage and starts waving it in front of the lizard's nose, shouting: "Chick-chick-chick, good boy, go to daddy!" We hope that you understood the advice of our horoscope regarding Aquarius, who is in a bad mood, and in case of danger you will have time to run away to your neighbors or barricade yourself in the toilet. Do not think that in September 2016, the excess reactions of the children of the Air will be exclusively negative. With no less fervor, they will rejoice at happy events: a major purchase, a vacation trip, a winning lottery ticket. The problem is that troubles (being late for work, rudeness in a minibus, turning off hot water) happen in our lives much more often than winning the lottery, so it will seem to people in September that Aquarius is constantly in a bad mood.

    At the beginning of autumn, the horoscope advises Aquarius to please relatives and loved ones more often. If you do not understand what this advice is for, then read the previous paragraph again. This month, those around you will have a hard time, so they need to periodically inject positive emotions and love vibes. Those nerve cells that ingloriously died in the fight against your mood should be replaced with new ones as soon as possible, and in what way this is done is up to you. Aquarians will surely find an approach to the hearts of the oppressed family masses, giving the offended bread, circuses and rich borscht, along with clean socks. The main thing is that the household should be quick-witted and gratefully accept the material and emotional gifts of the children of the Air, because they come from a pure heart.

    In September 2016, Aquarius will want self-realization, as a result of which many representatives of this zodiac sign at work will begin to behave like a capricious child at the table. You are ready to sit for hours, considering a list of future projects and choosing pieces that are tastier and sweeter. According to the firm conviction of Aquarius, work should bring not only wages, but also moral satisfaction. Rare children of the Air in the coming period will be able to force themselves to do boring, monotonous work, but if the task is interesting, unusual and new, then they will lay down their bones to complete it quickly and efficiently. The horoscope warns that such a fastidious approach to job duties will not be to the taste of the workforce of this zodiac sign. If in childhood, parents resignedly finished eating tasteless food for us, then in adult life no one will do this. Imagine how colleagues feel when they have to pore over a mountain of papers while you implement another innovative and global project? It is quite understandable that envy and dissatisfaction gnaw at them, and if you also try to delegate your routine duties to someone else at the next department meeting, then people will simply pounce on you and bite. In September, do not pull the labor blanket over yourself, otherwise angry employees will completely push you out of bed!

    Attention, the horoscope of Aquarius for the month of September 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2016 year of the Red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

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    The horoscope for September 2016 for Aquarius calls on the representatives of the sign to act on their own and rely only on themselves.

    Of course, they will help you, but no one will do all the work for you. Aquarius already had all the chances and opportunities of September 2016, but he either missed them or ignored them.

    For a whole month he will be drawn to something new. In this, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to ignore any boundaries and conventions, fanatically running after another chimera.

    On September 6, 8, 15, 21, Aquarius will be concerned about their personal finances, savings, prospects for receiving money. Representatives of the sign will spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to manage not only their own money, but also those of others.

    It is likely that this sign of the Zodiac will receive an inheritance in September 2016 and he will definitely not know what to do with it and where to put it.

    The September 2016 horoscope for Aquarius promises the realization of long-standing previously unfulfilled dreams (a trip to a distant country, additional education, reaching a new social level thanks to a love affair with someone rich and influential.

    Horoscope for Aquarius - men for September 2016

    Aquarius man in September 2016 feels constrained by circumstances and someone else's will. In no case do not put him any kind of framework and limits. If you do this, the Aquarius man will endow you with his sensuality to the fullest. And this means that on September 1-12, Aquarius men will be ready to take responsibility for your relationship. Your Aquarius can successfully find a new job.

    Horoscope for Aquarius - women for September 2016

    Aquarius-Women will not sit at home. With the whole family, you will get out into the world, into the city or beyond. Be sure and willing to get in touch.

    You should not count on Aquarius women in September 2016 in terms of solving household chores and issues. You will want to motivate your family to help you, and you will succeed.

    Financial horoscope for Aquarius for September 2016

    September 2016 is marked in the horoscope of finance for Aquarius by the fact that everything will be just fine with finances. Representatives of this zodiac sign will receive an extraordinary award (for excellent work). Perhaps the financial situation will be replenished from not the most trivial sources.

    However, if you want more money in September 2016, you will have to work hard. Especially you will have to finish everything that you didn’t have enough time and energy for before.

    Turn on your creative streak and then you can easily do the job. You've been trying to do this for so long. September 2016 is the best time for this.

    But in no case do not think about changing jobs. The time is not right for this. You don't have to stand on your own either. Useless. Your ability to persuade is at absolute zero.

    Career horoscope for Aquarius for September 2016

    The eclipse of September 1 stands out in the entire career horoscope for Aquarius for September 2016. This is the optimal period to resolve the financial issues of the company / department / own business.

    From September 1 to September 22 (Mercury Retrograde), a clear vision of the financial outlook will leave for a while.

    Until September 20, any career and financial issues will not be resolved. Aquarians are asked to wait.

    Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Aquarius: September 1, 29, 30.

    Aquarius love horoscope for September 2016

    According to the love horoscope for September 2016, Aquarius is shown a vacation, or at least a short vacation. September 26 may pull to rest somewhere on the sea. Don't resist.

    For Aquarius, this is so important that he can spend all his savings on such a trip together.

    Auspicious days for love relationships in September 2016 for Aquarius: September 14, 23 and 25.

    Health Horoscope for Aquarius for September 2016

    Aquarius should not ignore the warnings of doctors in September 2016. The disease must be treated, otherwise you may not recover at all.

    Aquarius are especially let down in September 2016 by the organs of vision. Aquarius is very prone to eye infections during this month.

    Those Aquarians who have heart problems, do not forget to visit the doctor once again.

    Aquarius horoscope for September 2016. In September 2016, Aquarius will need a white suit! Because while other signs of the Zodiac will be poking around in ... Aries (not to be confused with Aries), you will all be in "white"! But, do not flatter yourself too much - this does not mean that in September 2016 you will be “on the horse”, rather next to the “horse”, which is also not bad. After all, most of the other signs of the Zodiac will be in September 2016 "under the horse." So, you will definitely be better than others! So in September 2016, Aquarius will stand out from the gray crowd of losers among other signs of the Zodiac. Well, Aquarius is no stranger to standing out from the crowd, so this role is familiar to you, understandable, and even loved. True, in September 2016, Aquarius men will especially stand out, and not Aquarius women. So, Aquarius men, don’t be surprised if in September 2016 they tell you: “You are strange ... You came, messed up, and left !!!” They just do not understand that there is nothing strange in this. It would be strange to come, make a mess and stay ...

    So, judging by the horoscope for September 2016 for Aquarius, next month you will feel successful and confident. Self-esteem is at the proper level, there is enough energy, so what, that "without a twinkle in the eyes." Well, in September 2016 you will not have a “light in your eyes”, but everything else will be, including your characteristic unpredictability. Unpredictability is the most important trump card of Aquarius, with which they easily beat any card of their enemies or relatives !! As long as you are expected to do something good and necessary - you “op-pa” and do what you want. Of course, you can do “good and necessary”, but only if you yourself want it. So in September 2016, most often you will win your desires, and not the planned necessary. We will not recommend or advise anything, since it will not affect you anyway, and will not change. Although, judging by the horoscope in September 2016, many Aquarians will really be drawn to do something good. And now this is just more about Aquarius women. The main thing is that your desire to do something good does not boil down to the desire to put handcuffs on someone and fasten beds. After all, as you know, humanity still does not plow the expanses of the galaxy just because some woman once said: “Your physics is dearer to you than me.”

    Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius favorable days - 4, 6, 7, 12, 18, 21, 26 and 28.

    Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius unfavorable days - there is no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given tasks for the holidays, so take unfavorable days as a “control task before the holidays” or favorable days.

    Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius career, work and business. In the professional sphere, September 2016 will also be extremely favorable for Aquarius. And all because you will know exactly what, where, when and how much. You can call it intuition, you can call it sensitive...oops. But, in September 2016, your sixth sense will allow you not only to avoid sharp corners, but also to bypass your rivals on them. And the competition and struggle in September 2016 promises to be quite large and dense. Be ready for undercover wrestling, and for classical wrestling on the carpet, and for the position you are on the ground, and your boss is not on top, but behind. So follow the information, and be prepared for unfair competition, set-ups, and intrigues. And even if you yourself organized it all.

    In this regard, Aquarius businessmen and Aquarius leaders need to pay special attention to personnel and subordinates. Check not only their diligence, but also the cash register, revenue, goods and information. There is a possibility that someone in your environment will want to "turn the table", or simply betray or sell you.

    Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius Finance. Aquarians, you are familiar with such a situation - you lived to see your salary, but there was still money left ... And you sit and think: did you learn how to save money, or did you forget to pay for something? Approximately such a situation will be with you in September 2016.

    Love horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius. Horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius Love. Aquarius Have you ever noticed that the strongest threads in socks are those with which they are sewn? And this issue also applies to Aquarius women. So what did you notice? This is the same situation you will have in relationships in September 2016. The threads that bind you will be much stronger than the socks themselves or the relationship. For some, these threads will be children, for others, sex, for others, common interests and living space. So in September 2016, the threads will be much more important than the socks themselves or the relationship. Therefore, think about what connects you the most with your partner, what are the main threads in your relationship and take care of it.

    For lonely and active Aquarius, the horoscope for September 2016 indicates that you should be less specific in new acquaintances. And then even Aquarius women to a simple question: “Shall we dance?” They can immediately answer “Snore?”. Do not forget that while you immediately think about sex, others are still thinking about the first kiss. Well, for male Aquarius, advice from the cat Matroskin is useful: “You are wrong, Uncle Fedor, you are gluing a woman. You put a lot of likes, but you need one and wait until she likes in response. And only then still like.

    At the end of the horoscope for September 2016, Aquarius, suggests that since you will already stand out among other signs of the Zodiac, try not to let this affect your friendship and relationships with loved ones. Remember, there's a time to "show off" and there's a time to collect rocks after the "show off," so don't go overboard with the "show off," white suit, and show off. In order not to get into a situation, as in a joke about 3 friends in a restaurant: “What can I bring you? — I'll have a latte macchiato. — And I want a mojito with ice. - I'll have an apple smoothie. "I'd like a beer and three new friends, please."

    Happy September 2016 to you!

    Well, what did you like the horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius, from the site site?

    If, "yes", click "like", and may the force be with you, the INTERNET and the site throughout September 2016!

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    Aquarius, the penultimate zodiac sign of the classical (European) zodiac ribbon, in September 2016, like the entire air trine, will not have a “heavenly leader”, that is, an additional astral patron. And although this does not seem to be the most positive event, in reality, this situation will not upset Aquarius themselves, because in their life there will already be enough positive influence from the celestial bodies of the solar system. Here, first of all, it is necessary to note Saturn, the planet-ruler of your sign, which at the current stage will receive a qualitative increase, and Mercury, the traditional exaltant of Aquarius, which has fully preserved its classical position. At the same time, the Sun will stand by your side, which usually plays the role of the planet responsible for the "exile" of Aquarius. Surprisingly, this is not a particularly life-affirming moment, because solar energy will partially “kill” the positive of Saturn and Mercury, unequivocally blocking all the encroachments of Mars. And if everything goes just fine with regard to the main celestial warrior, then the situation with Saturn and Mercury will make itself felt. Fortunately, not a total negative, but that still "Santa Barbara".

    Speaking more specifically about the field of work, it is worth noting that in September 2016, Aquarius will have to, as they say, compete for a place under the sun. And although some exceptional efforts will not be required from you, the stars recommend not to lose vigilance and clearly follow the vector set by feelings. Now intuition should become your full leader, and let the mind rest. In fact, if you feel, literally feel in the air, that one of your colleagues is frankly negative towards you, despite the fact that there are no external manifestations, then it is so. Take all necessary measures, but in turn also act discreetly and carefully, without causing unnecessary "noise". If you work for yourself, you can seriously look for a "mole" in your ranks, and even if in the end you find nothing, your strength will obviously not be wasted, because in any case a lot of curious things will be revealed to you. If we are talking about Aquarius, who does not work for himself, then in this case you need to carefully observe the leadership and do the same. Not in the sense of sycophancy and others like him, but in the sense of adopting a truly competent and objectively correct course of action.

    As for the “love front”, here Aquarius is recommended to pay no less, if not more, attention to his own “sense”, the notorious “sixth sense”, which (there is an opinion) is still different from intuition. Think about what you really want, focus on your desires and act according to your heart. Do not be discouraged if, already in the first days of the first decade of this month, you suddenly find that you have decided to abandon your "soulmate". It means that she was not such in reality, and the gap will really benefit you. But such remarks should not be interpreted as a call to action! Each situation is as individual as possible and you should, guided by emotions, in no case turn off your head for good! That is, it is not at all necessary to jump from the roof of the sign if the heart tells to do so. In this case, we are talking more about mental illness, but let's not talk about sad things. The first autumn month will allow you to achieve what you want and realize your plans, however, all this will happen only if you manage to remain honest with yourself until the very end, until the denouement, the finale of the current situation.

    Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2016 for the Aquarius zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is of a generalized nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

    Other horoscopes for the Aquarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aquarius sign:

    The horoscope for September 2016 for the Aquarius zodiac sign advises - in September 2016, gather your strength and be prepared for the fact that your words and thoughts may not find support from the environment. And the truth will be on your side, and you will definitely prove it.

    Work, career, business

    Representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign in the first and second decades of September 2016 will continue the problems of the past months. As before, they are associated with disagreements of a financial nature, and friends or high-ranking persons may be involved in this situation. Most likely, you will consider yourself right, but your opponents have a different point of view, and this month the conflicts will reach their peak. The situation will begin to change towards the end of the month - you will either prove your case, or part with ungrateful comrades and go on your way. In both cases, the conflicts will end at the end of September or already in October. Jupiter is changing its position to a more favorable position for you, and his help will support you in the fall and winter of 2016 and all of 2017. In the meantime, carefully check the papers and do not lose sight of the little things.


    The financial situation of the Aquarius zodiac sign in September 2016 is not particularly stable, and only in November everything will begin to change for the better. And in September 2016, receipts are real, which may look like financial support from partners, money from the bank, help from loved ones.

    Love, family

    Those representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, who are busy with their personal lives, will carry out a large amount of organizational work related to real estate. On the agenda of many are plans to move to another city or to another country, and in different periods of the next 2017 they can be realized. In another, more modest version, a move to a new house is being prepared and all activities related to this are being completed. In the middle of the month, trips are likely, meetings with old friends and people whom you have not seen for quite some time.