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  • The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions - Rossiyskaya Gazeta The results of attestation of workplaces are used
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  • New realities of certification of workplaces. The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions - Rossiyskaya Gazeta The results of attestation of workplaces are used

    New realities of certification of workplaces.  The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions - Rossiyskaya Gazeta The results of attestation of workplaces are used

    What does the certification of workplaces for working conditions include? What is the procedure and frequency of certification of workplaces? What is a job attestation card?

    Are you an employer and want to make sure that your company's employees work in a safe environment? Would you like to save on deductions to the budget? Are you tired of endless additional checks by supervisory authorities?

    Then you definitely need to certify all the workplaces of your enterprise for working conditions.

    1. Do I need certification of workplaces for working conditions in 2019?

    As early as 01/01/2014, the norms governing the certification of workplaces for working conditions have changed significantly, and on 01/08/2019 the next, but not such global changes in the relevant legislation came into force.

    Special assessment of working conditions(SOUT) - measurement of factors that adversely affect the well-being of staff during the performance of their duties. Fixation is carried out with the help of special devices.

    The legislator unified and combined three previously existing assessment measures into one. Many procedures from the previous regulation were transferred to the new legislative act, practically without undergoing any changes. The certification algorithm itself remained the same.

    However, there have also been some innovations. For example, according to the new rules, all places of employees, even those located in office centers, are subject to special assessment. Previously, only places associated with the maintenance of industrial equipment, technical equipment, tools, sources of danger, etc. were evaluated.

    However, such an event is not necessary:

    • homeworkers;
    • telecommuters;
    • personnel working for individuals (not individual entrepreneurs);
    • religious employers.

    The changes also affected certification, which was not carried out according to the approved plan (unscheduled). Now the employee cannot initiate it by submitting an application.

    After checking the appraised item, a special card is formed for it. Moreover, analogue places have one common map.

    It contains:

    • data on actual working conditions and recommendations for their improvement;
    • list of stipulated compensations and benefits;
    • information about personal protective equipment (PPE).

    Dear readers, although the procedure has undergone adjustments, changed its name, in the framework of this publication I will also operate with the “old”, most familiar name for most of us for this event - certification of workplaces for working conditions.

    2. What does the certification of workplaces for working conditions include - an overview of the main points

    We have defined the main concept. Now I propose to get acquainted with the most significant moments of the certification process.

    I propose to consider them in more detail.

    Moment 1. Hygienic assessment of the conditions and nature of work

    Evaluating such indicators, the executive experts determine the factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the well-being of the staff.

    They are divided into 4 classes.

    Classification of indicators:

    Based on the results of the survey and the degree of deviation from the norm, each workplace is assigned a certain class. All results are recorded.

    Moment 2. Assessment of psychophysiological factors of the labor process

    They mean:

    • monotony of work;
    • his tension;
    • emotional stress;
    • duration of work;
    • operating mode.

    The obtained indicators are compared with standard values.

    Moment 3. Evaluation of injury safety of the workplace

    The executing company evaluates workplaces for compliance with safety standards.

    The status of protection against:

    • mechanical damage;
    • electric current;
    • chemical substances;
    • temperatures (high, low).

    The assessment process checks for the presence of protective equipment and devices that prevent personal injury. It is found out whether there are devices in the working area that signal equipment malfunctions, emergency stop means.

    According to the results, the experts assign the subject of assessment a class of injury hazard.

    Moment 4. Assessment of the availability of personal protective equipment

    Experts, assessing the availability of PPE workers, compare the list of funds actually issued with standard norms. The performers check the availability of certificates of conformity for the issued PPE.

    The certifying company also checks whether there are violations of the procedure for providing employees of the enterprise with personal protective equipment.

    3. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions - 7 main stages

    Any process is easier to understand by breaking it down into steps. Certification of workplaces for working conditions is no exception.

    I conditionally divided this event into 7 stages. I suggest you take a look at them.

    Stage 1. Issuance of an order for certification

    5. How to choose a company for certification of workplaces - 3 simple tips

    Is it time for a special assessment? Then take the article a few more minutes and read the helpful tips.

    Believe me, they will not be superfluous!

    Tip 1. Check for a certificate for the right to conduct certification

    Each company that has the right to conduct SOUT must present to the customer a notice of its inclusion in the register of the Ministry of Social and Labor Protection of the Russian Federation.

    Check this document carefully. So you can get a good quality service.

    Tip 2. Pay attention to the technical base of the company

    When choosing a company where you plan to place an order, pay attention to the technical base of potential candidates, the availability of accredited laboratories.

    SOUT is carried out using measuring equipment. The quality of the examination carried out depends on its accuracy.

    Tip 3. Choose companies that are members of the SRO

    Many Russian companies are trying to save on labor protection and attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

    Since the SOUT procedure is mandatory and it is not possible to avoid it, employers apply for its implementation to firms offering lower prices, and as a result, inadequate quality of service.

    Specialists of such companies sometimes perform assessments even without going for measurements, thereby violating the rules for holding this event.


    The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2015 monitored the quality of the special assessment of working conditions in many Russian regions.

    Some of them revealed regulatory violations in 80% of the examinations. Poor quality assessments were found even in large companies such as, for example, Transaero and Sibir.

    Does the law require attestation of workplaces and for whom? What does such an event include? How often is certification of workplaces carried out, for how many years is it valid? Due to the fact that the term AWP has been replaced by SOUT (special assessment of working conditions) since 01/01/14, let's look at the regulatory nuances.

    In accordance with the provisions of Art. 209 of the Labor Code, certification of workplaces for labor protection is a set of measures to assess the safety of working conditions in order to identify and subsequently eliminate various hazardous or harmful factors. Why do you need job certification? This procedure is aimed at establishing classes / subclasses of the level of harmfulness (danger) of working conditions (clause 2, article 3 of Law No. 426-FZ). Based on the results, measures are developed to bring labor conditions in line with the legislative requirements for labor protection; by assessing the pro-risk; providing employees with additional benefits, guarantees and compensations, etc.

    Note! For the FSS, attestation of workplaces is important when setting the amount of discounts or surcharges to the basic rate for "injuries". This information must be confirmed annually by insurers.

    Since 2014, the definition of attestation of workplaces has been replaced by SOUT. This happened after the cancellation of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 342n dated April 26, 2011 and the adoption of Law No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013. However, the essence of this procedure remained the same and consists in assessing working conditions. Therefore, that the workstation, that the special assessment of jobs in terms of working conditions - these are synonyms.

    Certification of workplaces - mandatory or not

    According to stat. 212 of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to ensure the safety of employees. In this regard, the enterprise must not only comply with the current labor protection standards, but also conduct the SOUT in accordance with the requirements of the law. The federal assessment procedure is regulated by Law No. 426-FZ, which, among other things, defines:

    • Obligations and rights of personnel and the employer in the SOUT.
    • The order of the evaluation.
    • Formulation of the results of SOUT.
    • Other conditions of labor assessment.

    Should all businesses conduct appraisals? In accordance with the provisions of Art. 212 of the Labor Code, absolutely every employer is obliged to take care of the safety of working conditions for staff. But since some organizations have already conducted AWPs before, such companies are allowed not to organize a re-assessment if 5 more years have not passed since the end of certification (clause 4 of article 27 No. 426-FZ). An exception is cases of unscheduled inspections under paragraph 1 of Art. 17 of Law No. 426-FZ. SATS is not carried out in terms of homeworkers; remote specialists; employees who have labor relations with citizens without the status of individual entrepreneurs (clause 3 of article 3 No. 426-FZ).

    Frequency of certification of workplaces, terms

    How often do employers need to conduct a special assessment of working conditions? In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 8 No. 426-FZ SOUT should be organized every 5 years, unless other requirements are established by law. The designated period of validity of the certification of workplaces begins to be calculated from the date of approval of the results of the assessment.

    For example, attestation of workplaces in a school should be carried out once every five years, as well as in preschool children's institutions. AWP of office workers is not carried out if the employment of such persons is directed to the organization's own needs (clause 4 of Order No. 342n). And for unscheduled activities, the period for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions is 12 months. since the commissioning of new places of employment, changes in the conditions of production technologies that affect the degree of danger (harmfulness) of labor (clause 2 of article 17 No. 426-FZ). In other situations, the unscheduled AWP period is 6 months.

    How is certification of workplaces carried out at the enterprise

    Which institutions have the right to conduct AWP or SOUT? Of course, these are not all companies, but only those that have the right to engage in such services. In the updated Classifier, attestation of workplaces, OPKD 2, occupies a separate block. To carry out the automated workplace, the employer, on the basis of GPC agreements, engages a third-party independent enterprise, the requirements for which are listed in stat. 19 No. 426-FZ. Such an institution must be included in a special register and have at least 5 certified experts on staff.

    Certification and rationalization of workplaces are carried out after the employer approves the order on the need for such events and the appointment of a responsible person. Then an institution is selected that is capable of conducting AWS in a quality manner. For the legality of the procedure, a contract for the provision of services is drawn up, in budgetary structures, attestation of workplaces according to KOSGU - article 226. Upon completion of the procedure, a report is drawn up, a card for attestation of the workplace for working conditions, protocols, a statement, an expert opinion and other mandatory documents (Art. 15 No. 426-FZ).

    Certification of workplaces for working conditions includes:

    • Determining whether the employer has harmful and / or dangerous factors for personnel.
    • Measurement of such factors on special devices, as well as carrying out test work.
    • Establishing the level of classes (subclasses) of labor conditions at individual workplaces.
    • Compilation of the final package of documentation based on the results of the automated workplace, including a report, protocols, recommendations, expert opinion.

    Penalty for the lack of certification of workplaces 2018

    From 01/01/15, the stat. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In accordance with part 2 of this article, for the employer’s absence of an automated workplace at the workplace, as well as for violations of the procedure for carrying out such a procedure, the following sanctions are provided:

    • For responsible officials - an announcement of a warning or a fine of 5,000-10,000 rubles.
    • For entrepreneurs - a fine of 5000-10000 rubles.
    • For legal entities - a fine of 60,000-80,000 rubles.

    Assessment of workplaces- this is a set of measures to assess working conditions at the workplace of an employer organization in order to identify harmful and dangerous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with the norms of legislative acts that establish the relevant state regulatory requirements.

    All workplaces of the employer organization are subject to certification of workplaces.

    At the same time, the employer organization must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

    Certification of workplaces is carried out by the head of the company together with the certification organization involved in work under a civil law contract.

    An attesting organization can only be a duly accredited legal entity that has the right to provide assessment services.

    jobs according to working conditions.

    In this case, the certifying organization must be an independent organization in relation to the organization - the employer, which evaluates jobs in terms of working conditions.

    Why do you need job certification?

    Certification of workplaces is carried out to separate all production factors according to the degree of negative impact on human health into classes and subclasses.

    This division is of great importance.

    Thus, employees employed in the labor process with negative working conditions can count on a reduction in the length of service in order to assign a pension and receive benefits.

    Goals of workplace certification

    Certification of workplaces allows you to give a full assessment of each workplace.

    The objectives of workplace certification are the following:

      assessment of the degree and level of how the factors of the working environment affect the employee;

      identification of the severity and intensity of individual production cycles on the health status of an employee;

      determination of the level of injuries and safety of the workplace;

      determination of the security of each employee with overalls, in life-threatening areas of work.

    The result of such an assessment is the completion of a certification card, which is taken as the basis for the development of measures to reduce injuries at the enterprise.

    Who is assessed working conditions

    Special certification of workplaces applies to all categories of employers.

    These include:

      legal entities regardless of the type of ownership;

      commercial firms;

      budget institutions;

      individual entrepreneurs with at least one employee in the state.

    Only individual entrepreneurs who do not have employees are not subject to such a procedure.

    The procedure for certification of workplaces

    The process of determining the level of hazardous work can be carried out in several ways:

    1. Conducted at the expense of the employer. This procedure is used by large enterprises.

    2. The whole range of works is carried out by a third-party company, which is responsible for certification of work places. It must be certified and have the appropriate license.

    3. Conducted by joint forces. Financial and preparatory work is carried out by specialists of the audited organization, and measurements are performed by a third-party company.

    The whole process of a special assessment of jobs can be represented in the form of several stages:

    1. The preparatory stage, which consists in preparing for the work.

    2. The main stage, which consists in the verification itself.

    3. The final stage, the development of final documents with records of the results of all studies.

    4. Evaluation of the results obtained during the procedure.

    5. Preparation for certification of the organization based on the results of the audit.

    Let's consider each stage in more detail.


    The head of the organization, which is subjected to a special assessment of workers, appoints the chairman of the commission.

    The chairman of the commission, in turn, forms the commission.

    Basically, a person responsible for labor protection at work is appointed to the position of chairman, this may be an occupational safety engineer (OT).

    In any firm or organization, the certification committee includes:

      OT engineer;

      personnel officer;

    • electrician or power engineer;

      Certification of workplaces: details for an accountant

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        What guarantees are valid based on the results of certification of workplaces? What regulatory documents should be guided by employers ...? What guarantees are valid based on the results of certification of workplaces? What regulatory documents should employers be guided by ... where the validity period of the results of attestation of workplaces has expired, they should have carried out a special assessment ... whether a special assessment or attestation of workplaces was carried out, what documents guarantees should be established ...

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        Why was developed a system of certification of workplaces. The Ministry of Health and Social Development determined by orders ... are provided to employees based on the results of attestation of workplaces. If positions and professions ... production factors, confirmed by the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions. The employer ... of the labor process is confirmed by the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions (now ... labor, determined by the results of attestation of workplaces (now special assessments), and not ...

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        2018 The results of the previous certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions can be used ...

    Many already know that the certification of jobs has changed dramatically. The reason for this was the adoption of a new federal law and amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the name of the procedure itself has changed. Now, instead of certification, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out. New rules come into force since January 2014.

    Let's take a closer look at the special assessment of working conditions and the main points that were affected by the changes. In our article, you will learn how this assessment is carried out, whether it is mandatory, who conducts it, and the sanctions applied to violators. So, let's begin.

    Recent changes in the law

    The main change was not only the change of the name of the process, the procedure itself changed radically. Significantly tougher penalties for violating the requirements established by law have also become an important point.

    According to experts, the introduction of a completely new mechanism is due to the fact that the certification of workplaces, carried out earlier, did not give the desired effect and could not protect workers. The innovation should give an incentive to entrepreneurs to pay due attention to the special assessment, and the sanctions are designed to ensure the enforcement of the established rules.

    According to statistics, 35% of all violations are the admission of those employees to workplaces who have not been instructed in labor protection.

    Some simply signed, not paying attention to the study of safety regulations. Slightly less percent was scored by the lack of personal or collective protective equipment among workers. The top three "leaders" closes the lack of certification.

    It will not be superfluous to remind managers and employees of the accounting department that at the time of reporting to the Social Insurance Fund, it will be necessary to indicate the presence of a special assessment. This requirement has been made from January 1, 2015. According to the results of the assessment, each workplace is assigned a hazard class. This will determine the amount of insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund. There is a directly proportional relationship - the greater the harmfulness (class), the greater the pension contribution.

    If it seems to you that this is nothing, then pay attention to the fact that the absence of a special assessment of working conditions automatically prevents the submission of a report for the quarter to the Social Insurance Fund, as well as the calculation of pension contributions. Thus, the "snowball" of violations of the current legislation begins to grow, and, consequently, sanctions for their non-compliance.

    What should be done now?

    A special assessment is a holistic set of activities that are aimed at identifying hazardous, harmful production factors, as well as assessing the level of their impact on employees, taking into account fluctuations in the actual value and the established standard. The main task of the special assessment is to determine whether the conditions of the workplace meet the requirements established by law, and to detect workplaces where working conditions are harmful or dangerous. Employees working in such conditions must necessarily receive appropriate compensation and additional guarantees.

    A special evaluation is being carried out all employers without exception: and at various types of enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs. Workplaces of the following categories are not subject to verification:

    • belonging to workers who are engaged in home-based work;
    • employees working remotely;
    • employees of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs.

    Previously, certification was required only at those workplaces where equipment, hand tools, machines, mechanisms, installations, devices, vehicles, apparatuses were used, or where sources of danger were located. Now inspection applies to any workplace, regardless of the factors and criteria used in the past. This means that a special assessment of office staff jobs is also necessary. Before the adoption of the law, the issue of office jobs was debatable.

    To conduct this special assessment, a special organization is involved, whose experts professionally assess working conditions.

    The legislator also worried about the transition period. An employer who has carried out an attestation of a workplace under the old legislation (before January 1, 2014) is exempted from the obligation to conduct a special assessment until the expiration of the results of this attestation. But no more than December 31, 2018. The results of certification are also used for the tasks of a special assessment - for organizing medical examinations, for informing employees about working conditions, for providing employees with personal protective equipment, calculating compensation, etc.

    As for companies that have jobs with dangerous or harmful working conditions, they should conduct an assessment immediately. As well as with jobs that allow an employee to leave for an early retirement pension. Other organizations conduct a special assessment until December 31, 2018. The certification of workplaces, which was carried out in 2014, is considered illegal, and its results cannot be used. This is discussed in a specially issued Letter from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

    Detailed information about the special assessment is in the following video:

    Who and how conducts a special assessment?

    Let's start with the one who conducts the special assessment. According to the law, the obligation to conduct and finance the assessment rests directly with the employer. It is he, regardless of whether it is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, who organizes the assessment of the workplace of employees.

    Now let's dwell on the timing of the special assessment, which are of no small importance. The timing directly depends on the type of assessment - scheduled or unscheduled. Planned is carried out at least once every five years. It is necessary to count five years from the day when the report on the previous special assessment was approved. At the request of the employer, a special assessment can be carried out even before the expiration of the previous one. This is possible if conditions in the workplace are improved. The question arises, why conduct a premature assessment, and not wait for the next one? The improvement will save on insurance premiums, employee compensation and personal protective equipment.

    The need for an unscheduled assessment arises in the event of a change of office and the introduction of new jobs. It must be carried out within 6 months from the date of their commissioning.

    The law also provides for other cases of unscheduled assessment:

    • when changing the technological process;
    • equipment replacement;
    • when changing the composition of the raw materials or material used;
    • after an accident at work or the establishment of an occupational disease due to the influence of hazardous or harmful factors;
    • at the request of the trade union;
    • when changing means of individual or collective protection, etc.

    Moreover, during an unscheduled assessment, only jobs affected by the changes are subject to it. The procedure is similar to the procedure for scheduled certification and is contained in the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

    A few more words about the special assessment of similar jobs. Very often you can see that several employees work in the same conditions, performing the same functions, which means that their jobs are identical. In this case, the assessment is carried out in relation to 20% of jobs, but not less than two.

    Similar means that the places are located in the same type of premises, their ventilation, air conditioning, heating and lighting systems are the same. It is also important that the equipment, materials and raw materials used by employees in similar places should be of the same type, and personal protective equipment should be the same.

    To start the assessment an appropriate commission is created and an organization specializing in its implementation is involved. Usually a civil law contract is concluded with such an organization. The head of the commission is directly the employer or his representative. It necessarily includes trade unionists, if they are at the enterprise, and a labor protection specialist serving this organization.

    Then the experts begin to study jobs and identify among them those that are exposed to dangerous or harmful factors. Those places where such factors are absent are entered in the declaration, which is subsequently submitted to the labor inspectorate. Where these factors exist, they should be carefully measured. Each place is assigned a class of working conditions.

    The last stage is the commission report, which contains the following data:

    • a list of jobs with an indication of dangerous and harmful factors;
    • protocols of all measurements and tests;
    • expert opinions;
    • and etc.

    The employer acquaints his employees with the report against signature. The review period is one month. If there is a site, the information from the report is published on it.

    Possible fines and other sanctions

    As for any other offense, failure by the employer to fulfill his obligation to conduct a special assessment of working conditions is subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine or suspension of activities:

    • The amount of an administrative fine for an individual entrepreneur will be from five to ten thousand rubles or the suspension of his activities for up to 90 days.
    • Legal entities that have committed violations will pay much more - from sixty to eighty thousand rubles. The suspension of activities is also relevant for them, the duration is similar.

    For comparison, here are the previous amounts of sanctions:

    • individual entrepreneurs paid from one to five thousand rubles;
    • for legal entities, the violation cost a pretty penny - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles.

    The body that holds employers accountable for this category of offenses is Rostrud.

    A repeated violation threatens individual entrepreneurs with a fine of thirty to forty thousand rubles, for legal entities - from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles.

    So it’s worth considering what is better - to take care of the correct assessment of the workplace or pay a fine, or even lose profits that will not be received due to the suspension of the company or individual entrepreneur.

    An accident at an enterprise in the absence of a special assessment is direct evidence of the employer's guilt for the court. In this case, this act is no longer subject to administrative sanctions, but to criminal ones. The punishment is: a fine - up to 400,000 rubles, correctional labor for 2 years, forced labor for up to a year, or imprisonment for up to a year.

    Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions is mandatory for all employers. Failure to do so will result in administrative liability. When conducting certification, it is important to follow all the stages of the procedure and take into account many nuances.

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    What it is?

    Certification of working conditions is a series of activities, aimed at identifying harmful, dangerous production factors at the enterprise.

    If such problems are found during certification, the leaders of the organization have the opportunity to take measures to bring the working conditions of employees in accordance with existing state standards.

    Certification must be carried out with a certain frequency - once every 5 years. Subject to examination all jobs in the organization without exception.

    During certification, the employer's performance of the following main conditions for organizing the work of employees:

    Watch the detailed video about certification of workplaces:

    Legislative regulation

    At the moment, in the legislation, the generally accepted term "attestation of workplaces" has been replaced by a new concept - SUT (special assessment of working conditions). The term is used in professional circles, but in practice the concept of “attestation of workplaces” is still used.

    The main legislative act regulating the issue of certification, is No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions." According to this law, each employer must carry out systematic certification of workplaces in order to identify possible violations, dangerous and harmful factors.

    Such checks allow improve security workers and improve their working conditions.

    Who is undergoing the procedure?

    Certification is aimed at assessing the organization of work at a particular enterprise, for this reason officials are responsible for the results of the audit whose responsibilities include ensuring proper working conditions in the organization.

    With a small number of employees (less than 50 people), the following can be responsible for labor protection:

    • Head of the organization;
    • other authorized employee;
    • an organization or a labor protection specialist cooperating with the employer under a civil law contract.

    In enterprises with more than 50 employees, a a separate labor protection service, or, at a minimum, the position of a labor protection specialist has been introduced.

    By default, the responsibility for labor protection is assigned to the direct head of the organization. If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, then the responsible person automatically becomes himself individual entrepreneur.

    Who conducts certification?

    Certification is carried out by the employer with the assistance of an accrediting organization. A legal entity accredited to conduct such inspections acts as an attesting organization.

    The fact of cooperation between the parties is confirmed by the concluded bilateral civil law contract. On the basis of this agreement, a legal entity, for a certain remuneration, makes all the necessary measurements, as well as an assessment of the working conditions of employees.

    Based on the test, it is concluded on the compliance of working conditions in the organization with existing state standards, on the presence of violations, or dangerous and harmful production factors.

    The organization involved in cooperation must have nothing to do with the employer. That is to be completely independent in conducting their research.

    The law does not prohibit the involvement in certification several third parties. In this case, the employer can distribute a certain number of jobs between them, or divide the range of work performed on the basis of a contract.

    To carry out the procedure, the employer creates an attestation commission, which includes:

    Heads the commission employer representative. The composition of the commission, as well as the work schedule, are approved by the order of the employer.

    Functions of the attestation commission:

    • management process;
    • implementation control for carrying out work;
    • package formation documents necessary for the procedure;
    • listing jobs to be checked;
    • holding special events aimed at study of working conditions(determining the presence of harmful factors in production, measuring the level of injury risk, determining the availability of special clothing for workers, studying the composition of equipment and raw materials, comparing the obtained indicators with those of past inspections, etc.);
    • numbering jobs;
    • filling out cards attestations;
    • signing kart;
    • preparation proposals for changes, or additions to employees;
    • grade the results obtained;
    • development of an action plan aimed at improving the level of labor protection.

    Procedure steps

    The process starts since the creation of the certification commission with an odd number of members. The employer approves the work schedule of the commission and the list of planned activities.

    Main stages:

    There are 4 main classes of working conditions in the workplace:

    1. optimal(normal conditions corresponding to existing standards);
    2. admissible(minor impact on the body, which manifests itself exclusively at the workplace and disappears after leaving the workplace);
    3. harmful(the impact on the health of employees of unfavorable working conditions can lead to occupational diseases that cause partial or complete disability);
    4. dangerous(high probability of occurrence of occupational diseases, injury, or the appearance of a threat to life).

    Attestation card and other documents

    Certification card - a document that contains information about actual working conditions at the workplace, availability of compensation, recommended measures to improve the situation.

    If there is a certain amount similar jobs a single attestation card is compiled for all these objects. The document is drawn up for the workplace, which is the first in the list of similar jobs.

    Sample Workplace Attestation Card (clickable):

    The completed card contains the following required information:

    • Complete Name, details of the employer.
    • Employee position according to . The specified profession must correspond to the name in the all-Russian classifier. If the required position is not in the classifier, an appropriate entry is made.
    • Name of the structural unit. If the employer does not have structural divisions, an appropriate entry is made.
    • Number of similar jobs.
    • Number of employees according to the staff list, indicating separately the number of women, minors.
    • Equipment list, materials, devices, raw materials used in the workplace.
    • Evaluation of working conditions(according to the degree of harmfulness, danger).
    • Description of the production environment(chemical factors, biological factors, etc.).
    • Description of the labor process(severity, intensity).
    • Final grades conditions of the working environment, the labor process (based on measurements).
    • Class injury risk.
    • Provision of PPE employees(personal protective equipment).
    • Information about compensation(for hard work, for work with harmful, dangerous working conditions): the name of the existing compensation, the actual amount and procedure for calculating payments, the need to assign compensation to employees.
    • The need for medical examinations.
    • Recommendations to improve conditions, change the working regime, organize recreation.
    • Recommendations for recruitment.
    • Commission conclusion for the surveyed workplace.

    Map signed chairman of the commission, its members. Also, the document is signed by a citizen working at this place.

    The attestation card is compiled based on the results of the surveys. All instrumental measurements are documented in protocols. Forms of documents are established by normative acts.

    The following protocols exist:

    • protocol for determining the severity and intensity of the labor process;
    • protocol for assessing the safety of the workplace;
    • protocol for assessing the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

    Test Results

    At the end of the check, a final report for certification of jobs. The following information is attached to the report:

    Maximum 30 working days after receiving the results of the inspection the employer is obliged to disclose the results obtained to the staff and post information in the public domain (for example, on the organization's website).

    After that it is necessary take appropriate action aimed at eliminating identified violations, improving working conditions, reducing the level of harmfulness and danger at work, assigning appropriate compensation to employees, etc.

    After the approval of the report (on paper, electronic media) and the signing of the order to complete the audit, the employer obliged within 10 calendar days from the date of signing the order to send to the territorial representation of the state summary sheet and information about the certifying organization.

    In which case the workplace is recognized as certified:

    • no harmful and dangerous working conditions;
    • safety requirements are met;
    • conditions meet hygienic standards.

    Jobs related to the 3rd class of working conditions (harmful) usually conditionally certified. At the same time, the class is indicated and proposals are made to improve the workplace.

    The place is recognized as not certified when it belongs to the 4th (dangerous) class of working conditions. This rate is subject to liquidation or complete restructuring.


    An independent organization accredited to carry out these types of audits may refuse to cooperate with a particular employer.

    Refusal may be received due to the unwillingness of the employer provide experts with the necessary regulatory documents or due to the unwillingness or unwillingness of the employer to provide the experts with the appropriate conditions for measurements and assessments.

    How many years are certification results valid for? Every job must be assessed at least once every 5 years. The moment of the last check is considered the date of completion of the last certification of this workplace. The start date of a new inspection is the day the employer issues an order to create a commission and approve the work schedule of the commission.

    Thus, the period of validity of attestation documents is equal to 5 years old.

    New workplaces must be certified within 60 days from the date of their organization.

    Cost and fines

    The average cost of the attestation procedure for one workplace varies from 1000 to 3500 rubles. The amount depends on the number of necessary procedures, measurements and assessments that need to be made during the certification of a particular workplace.

    There are the following administrative penalties for the lack of attestation:

    Repeated violation of the legislation on the need for certification can lead to a significant increase in the amount of the fine and an extension of the suspension of activities. The head of the enterprise, who repeatedly violated the law, may be for a long time denied the right to hold leadership positions(from 1 to 3 years).

    Thus, the certification of workplaces is mandatory procedure, which each employer must produce within the time limits established by law. To carry out the inspection, a special commission is created, which checks the working conditions of employees and identifies possible violations.

    Results sent to the competent authorities, and the employer organizes measures to eliminate the identified violations and improve working conditions in the organization.