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  • Criteria and methods for assessing the personnel of the organization. Basic personnel assessment methods

    Criteria and methods for assessing the personnel of the organization.  Basic personnel assessment methods

    Personnel assessment in an organization is an important aspect of management practice and theory. The team of both the private enterprise and the public service must be able to realize the goals of the company, based on its values. In order to form and maintain a powerful team, to achieve the strategic goals set by the administration, it is necessary to systematically evaluate employees using various existing methods.


    The most common form of performance appraisal is personnel appraisal and appraisal, which is a special managerial measure carried out periodically in an organization in full compliance with national labor laws. This is done by a special commission, which includes representatives of management, heads of structural divisions, representatives of the personnel department and other employees who are somehow related to personnel management.

    Attestation is a complex system that uses various assessment methods. Its results are necessary for:

    • Evaluation of the employee's compliance with the current position, his specialization and skill level (grade), the possibility of revising the salary within the appropriate levels for this position.
    • Monitoring the fulfillment of the goals set for employees during the previous certification.
    • Setting goals for the next period.
    • Definitions for employee development activities.
    • Making personnel decisions: changing the salary, transferring an employee to another grade, changing specialization, promotion / demotion, transfer to another job, dismissal.
    • Changes in the compensation package by transferring to another grade (position).

    Certification and evaluation of personnel, if possible, should be carried out regularly. Its frequency depends on the position. When carrying out certification, certain characteristics of a particular person are compared: business qualities, sociability, professional qualifications. Then the results obtained are compared with the results of the work of other employees and industry standards for this position.

    Selection of indicators

    Before developing a procedure for attesting employees, it is necessary to carefully study all the functions and tasks that employees must perform in accordance with the job description. Based on the analysis, indicators are selected - criteria for assessing personnel.

    For each specific function performed by an employee, or for each individual task, it is necessary to develop clear, well-understood performance indicators and performance standards for subordinates. To establish standards for the performance of work, the optimal number of indicators is selected, which will serve as benchmarks for assessing the various qualities of an employee. In practice, a certain set of evaluation criteria is most often used for this. It may include, for example, the following items:

    • Professional knowledge.
    • performance and participation.
    • Attitude towards managers and employees.
    • Reliability.
    • Quality of work.
    • Work intensity.
    • The pace of work.
    • The ability to express yourself.
    • Ability to organize planning.
    • Attitude to work.

    Evaluation Criteria Requirements

    When defining standards, certain requirements must be met. Thus, the developed criteria should:

    • Display normative ideas about personal and business qualities, labor behavior, the results of an employee's activities, based on organizational and individual goals.
    • Have quantitative certainty to evaluate different levels of performance.
    • Be reliable and valid to exclude subjective errors.
    • Be understandable to managers and performers.

    In addition, the costs of the evaluation process should not exceed the benefits of its results. To obtain a thorough description of the object of analysis, it is necessary to use a sufficient number of criteria.

    Sequence of evaluation processes

    When evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of employees, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions in order to ultimately obtain clearly structured data. Such analytical material is easier to process, and the business assessment of the staff will be as correct as possible.

    1. The first step is to define the goals to be achieved. They should be described as clearly as possible, otherwise the whole point of certification is lost.
    2. The level of performance actually achieved against the established standards is then measured. The range of methods, ways, tools for this is huge and depends on the structure of the organization and the tasks it performs.
    3. The third step is to compare the actual results with the desired (or expected). This will help to objectively rank employees among themselves based on achievements and failures.
    4. The next stage is the mandatory discussion of the results of the assessment with employees in compliance with all the rules of business ethics.
    5. At the end, motivational, qualification, administrative and other decisions are made based on the results of the study.

    Whatever the assessment of personnel management, employees should know what positive results they achieved in the reporting period, what prevented them from successfully solving problems and what recommendations they can use in their future activities.

    Valuation principles

    Personnel assessment methods will fully function subject to the following principles:

    • Objectivity. Only reliable information bases and systems of indicators are used in determining the characteristics of an employee. Current activities, period of work, dynamics of results are taken into account.
    • Publicity. Comprehensive familiarization of the audited employees with the assessment methodology, bringing the results to the attention of interested parties.
    • Efficiency. The speed and timeliness of certification, the regularity of its conduct.
    • Democracy. Participation of members of the audited group in the assessment of subordinates, colleagues.
    • Unity of evaluation criteria.
    • Clarity, accessibility and simplicity of the procedure.
    • Efficiency. Taking prompt action based on the results.

    Personnel assessment in the organization is carried out in two areas of activity: current and prospective. Current activities are analyzed in terms of labor productivity and compliance with the requirements for a particular position. When planning long-term activities, managers determine what qualities need to be developed, what needs to be taught to the employee, the procedure for improving qualifications, and how best to unleash his potential.

    Basic indicators

    In order for the assessment of the work of the personnel of an organization, enterprise, institution to be adequate, it is recommended to first determine a list of the most important indicators. For example, they may be:

    • labor productivity;
    • professional conduct;
    • personal qualities.

    The business assessment of the personnel must meet the following requirements: completeness and reliability of displaying the results, specificity, ensuring compatibility with the achievements of other employees, as well as with the previous period.

    For different positions, the main indicators may vary. Somewhere stress resistance is important, somewhere speed of decision-making, perseverance and scrupulousness, the ability to convince or the ability to say “no”. A person cannot be perfect in everything. Therefore, 2-4 positions are determined that are critical for a particular profession, and when checking, they focus on them.

    In order for the assessment of the professional activities of employees to be objective, a variety of methods should be used that are best suited to the structure of an organization, its goals, and the nature of the team's activities. Professional sources describe many methods for studying and analyzing the competence of employees. Among them:

    • Certification is an assessment of the work of personnel, which uses an integrated approach using various methods. During the verification, the attestation commission determines the compliance of the candidate with the vacant position or the position he occupies.
    • forced choice method. This procedure consists in the selection by experts of the most suitable characteristics for the employee, for example: the ability to plan one's activities, sociability, work experience, etc.
    • The descriptive method involves the creation of a consistent, detailed description of the positive and negative traits of each employee.
    • Testing is a system for assessing personnel, in which professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, and personality psychology are determined. These qualities are revealed with the help of special tests that can be deciphered using "keys".
    • A business game is a kind of management game, during which the knowledge and skills of an employee are analyzed, and his ability to work in a small group is also assessed.
    • Management by objectives (in foreign literature - Management by Objective (MBO)). Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel by this method involves the general setting of tasks by the manager and employee, after which the results of their implementation are evaluated at the end of the reporting period. This system covers all positions in the company - from technical to institutional levels.
    • Performance Management. According to this system, not only the final results of the employee's work are evaluated, but also his competencies - those personal qualities that are necessary to achieve the goals set.
    • The assessment center (group and individual) is designed to test employees in terms of competencies for specific personnel tasks. Personnel assessment methods may include behavioral interviews, as well as case studies (game situations). For the selection of candidates for high positions and in the evaluation of top managers, the emphasis is on behavioral interviews, and for the promotion of employees to the personnel reserve - on business games.
    • Self-report (performance) consists in making oral presentations by the head or specialist to the work team, during which the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations is analyzed.
    • 360° method. According to him, employees are evaluated by colleagues, managers and their subordinates. For each person, an individual and general questionnaire is filled out.
    • Evaluation by the method of committees. In accordance with this method, the work of employees is discussed in a group, while it is divided into separate tasks. As a result, a certain list of actions is compiled, each of which is evaluated as successful and unsuccessful.
    • Method of independent judges: an employee is evaluated by independent persons who did not know him (usually 5-7 people act as "judges"). At the same time, personnel assessment methods are based on the principles of cross-examination.
    • Interview: The applicant acts as an HR manager and interviews several job applicants. The ability to correctly analyze and select employees is checked.
    • observation. In this case, the employee is assessed both in an informal (on vacation, at home) and in a working environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day.

    It should also be noted that at each stage of an employee’s work in a company, certain assessment methods can be used: for example, in the process of selecting an employee for a vacancy, you can use the interview and testing method at the same time, and to make a decision on dismissal from a position, it is enough to conduct an employee appraisal.

    Scope of Research

    The analysis of personnel assessment directly depends on the amount of research, the quantity and quality of the study methods used. In terms of content, they can be partial, when they evaluate only certain qualities of the performer or the level of work performance, and complex, when they consider business and personal qualities, labor behavior, and performance results in a complex.

    According to the regularity of the study, they are divided into those that are organized constantly with a certain frequency (depending on the position: once every six months, a year, two, etc.), and episodic assessments that are due to a certain stage (completion of the probationary period, promotion service, disciplinary responsibility, etc.).

    Depending on the frequency, the assessment is divided into current, final and prospective. The current one determines the level of performance of duties by the employee at the moment. The final summaries the performance of the work and its results at the end of a certain period. Perspective determines the abilities, qualities, motivations, expectations of the employee, that is, it allows you to predict his potential.

    Grading system

    Depending on the criteria, a quantitative, qualitative, analytical (reduction of all results according to all criteria) assessment and determination of time guidelines are distinguished. Personnel performance appraisal is divided into two types:

    • Systemic: when all blocks of the analysis system are involved;
    • Unsystematic: when the appraiser has the right to choose criteria, methods, methods, tools, analysis procedures.

    Subjects of evaluation

    This concept refers to employees evaluated by their manager, colleagues, clients, subordinates. They can also be subjects of a comprehensive, so-called 360° assessment, which takes into account all of the above factors in combination.

    In addition, the so-called self-assessment, or internal assessment of personnel, is practiced. Information in this case is obtained after motivational monitoring. The combination of conclusions on external and internal testing allows you to more fully implement the orienting and stimulating functions of research.

    Evaluation of the labor activity of the personnel allows:

    • Assess the professionalism of an employee, namely: the level of professional training (knowledge, skills), the level of psychological preparation (orientation of the personality, motives of behavior, adaptability, character traits, temperament), labor efficiency (productivity, quality of labor), the desire for rationalization and inventions.
    • Develop recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees.
    • Determine the degree of compliance of remuneration, its effectiveness with the efforts of the employee and his expectations.
    • Determine the main directions of personnel development.
    • Form an effective mechanism for professional motivation of employees.

    Foreign experience

    The assessment of personnel in foreign countries is somewhat different from how this process goes in our country. In the USA and Western Europe, a special personnel assessment test is used - the Bussiness Personality Test (BPT). It contains 100 questions, the results of staff assessment vary on a scale from 0 to 10 points. This allows you to get much more information from each question for analysis than using the traditional “no / yes” scale, or choosing from given answer options.

    In the giant General Electric concern, criticism was found to be an ineffective means of informing subordinates about shortcomings in their professional activities. In order to provide feedback, there needs to be a two-way discussion on specific performance improvement issues. In Japan, personnel assessment is based on the production philosophy adopted here, that is, the abilities of each employee are determined individually. A feature of this assessment of personnel is its regularity and obligation for all.

    Domestic experience

    In Russia, both analytical methods for assessing personnel and special electronic devices that work by analogy with “lie detectors” are used. For example, the Luch apparatus, created by researchers at the Institute of Psychology, allows specialists to test such human qualities as quick wits and reaction speed.


    Not all of the above methods are equally good in the implementation of the personnel assessment process. Their effectiveness directly depends on the goals set, the level of maturity of the company, its objectives and the type of corporate culture. Equally important is the assessment of staff training, possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Agree, it is better to evaluate an employee using the performance management method, since each company works directly for the end result, which is customer satisfaction and profit. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to periodically check how the work of each employee is performed. Already on the basis of these data, the administration can make an appropriate managerial decision to increase wages or, conversely, to reduce it, to promote career growth or to dismiss a person.

    Personnel assessment methods- these are effective management tools that allow you to objectively assess the contribution of employees to the achievement of common goals, identify promising employees, their personal and business qualities.

    The simplest example is the selection of employees when hiring. Many enterprises also carry out recertification of employees, which helps to determine the level of competencies and professionalism. But the real problems that can be solved using modern personnel assessment methodologies are much wider.

    Objective - this is an opportunity to clearly define the place and role of each employee in the company, identify promising, ambitious people, weed out unreliable and incompetent personnel. All this is focused on improving the efficiency of the enterprise or organization, the successful achievement of goals and objectives. According to statistics, 72% of companies use personnel assessment methods to hire employees, 62% - to promote their employees, 40% - to identify promising employees.

    Methods for assessing personnel in an organization should be selected based on the goals and objectives set. For example, to determine the level of professionalism of employees, you should opt for a combined assessment: testing, interviewing, or working on “simulators”.

    To draw up psychological portraits of employees, a testing or interview method is suitable, which will allow you to implement a scoring or other quantitative method. And to identify business or professional skills, HR managers most often choose business games.

    When conducting assessment work and analysis, the competence of experts, the availability of a prepared methodological base (cases, tests) and procedures come to the fore. Only in this case can we talk about an objective assessment, which can later be used to optimize the structure of the company, promote promising employees, establish bonuses, form wages, etc.

    Free catalog of policies and procedures for personnel assessment in the organization

    Basic techniques

    All the main methods are divided according to their focus: qualitative, quantitative, complex and combined. They differ in the evaluation criteria and the set of tools that is used by the HR department or management.

    Qualitative methods of personnel assessment.

    1. Matrix. Provides for a comparison of the characteristics of the employee with the initially specified (reference). This method is the simplest and most common.
    2. Method of arbitrary characteristics. It involves determining the best achievements of the employee and his strengths. The data is compared with the most gross errors in the work, from which conclusions are drawn about the success and efficiency.
    3. Method for evaluating the fulfillment of the assigned tasks. Allows you to get generalized conclusions about the work of an employee, because it evaluates his work activity as a whole (often as a result of a conversation).
    4., including the assessment of each employee by management, colleagues, subordinate personnel and self-assessment.
    5. Method of group discussion. It involves an open discussion of the results of the employee's work with experts, representatives of the HR service and management.

    Combined methods of personnel assessment.

    1. Test method. Evaluates personnel based on the results of their tasks.
    2. The method of summing up the estimates. It is necessary to evaluate all the characteristics of an employee on a given scale, after which the average indicator is compared with the reference one.
    3. Grouping method. It involves the grouping of workers into groups based on the results of work.

    quantitative methods.
    1. Ranked. Drawing up ratings of success and efficiency of employees. They are made up of several managers, after which the data obtained are verified, and the personnel who have taken the lowest positions are reduced.
    2. Scoring. It provides for the accrual of points to each employee for specific achievements in labor activity. Based on the results of the period (often a year), all points are summed up and the most successful and lagging behind employees are determined.
    3. Free scoring. The process provides for the assessment of each quality of an employee (personal or professional) by independent experts. The points received are summed up.

    These methods are considered the most objective, since they allow drawing general conclusions and expressing them in numerical terms for further comparison.

    Another effective personnel assessment is a comprehensive one. It involves the implementation of a certification methodology that allows you to identify the level of compliance of an employee with a position in the company. Many firms practice certification of all employees with a frequency of 1 time per year.

    Psychological methods of personnel assessment

    Of great interest to modern HR management are the psychological methods of personnel assessment. They allow you to determine not only the existing personal and professional qualities, but also to identify prospects and opportunities in the development of each employee.

    Psychological methods for assessing professionally significant personal qualities of employees may include:

    • conversations;
    • interview;
    • business cases;
    • psychological testing;
    • application of "archival" methods;

    Also, when conducting a psychological assessment, a structured interview, training exercises and a self-presentation method are often used.

    Psychological methods are implemented by experts in the field of psychology, who select the appropriate methodology and reliably convert the results into demonstrative conclusions. Psychological assessment methods provide high accuracy and good detail, but can be expensive for the company due to the need to involve professional psychologists for the objectivity of the analysis of labor productivity. This seems to be the most reasonable for assessing the leadership potential of employees, the psychological portrait of future managers, and introducing a system for assessing the results of personnel work.

    Non-verbal personnel assessment technique

    Non-verbal technique belongs to the category of non-traditional methods. Most often, it is used when hiring a new employee, when there are difficulties with an objective assessment of the psychological portrait of an applicant for a vacancy, his professional qualities. The non-verbal technique allows you to determine with great certainty:

    • temperament;
    • sociability;
    • volitional qualities;
    • leadership traits.

    Specialists who use non-verbal techniques to evaluate working personnel analyze during a conversation with an employee (or potential employee):

    • the total duration of the answers to the questions;
    • pause duration;
    • the complexity and nature of statements;
    • errors;
    • reservations;
    • corrections in speech;
    • the presence of speech defects;
    • facial expressions;
    • breath;
    • coughing;
    • gestures;
    • posture changes;
    • direction of view.

    It is the involuntariness and spontaneity of a person's non-verbal reactions that allow experienced psychologists to see the true emotional state of a person, even if he tries to disguise it. Non-verbal communication, unlike verbal communication, contains practically no deceit, so specialists have the opportunity to assess the true intentions of the employee, and not just declarative statements.

    Modern methods of personnel assessment

    Modern techniques represent a set of the most objective and effective traditional methods. Assessment centers, which represent centers for assessing personnel and performance results, have become widespread. Work in them is based on modeling situations in which an employee is able to show his strengths in the workplace, both in terms of personal qualities and in terms of professional skills. Such exercises usually include:

    • analytical presentations;
    • written business exercises;
    • group discussions;
    • personal questionnaires;
    • role-playing games.

    Modern methods of personnel assessment show the most promising areas of employee development, allow a comprehensive assessment of the necessary personal data for the performance of job duties. Often, such methods are automated and computerized classical methods for evaluating business qualities, greatly simplifying the interaction between assessed employees and experts (involved from outside or employees of the same company).

    The modern popular methods for determining the competencies of employees include the “360 degrees” method. It was developed in 1987. In Russia, the method gained popularity only in the 2000s. Its main advantage is that it involves determining the suitability of the position held and feedback, which is implemented through the employee's self-assessment.

    Of particular importance is the complete anonymity of the 360-degree survey. If this requirement is neglected, the correlation with independent testing is less than 1%, the technique becomes completely ineffective. Evaluation of an employee using the 360-degree method is considered stressful, therefore it is recommended to use it when planning further career advancement or forming a list of employees sent for training, etc. The evaluation should be clearly justified.


    As an example of a comprehensive assessment of personnel in an enterprise or organization, the following cases can be cited.

    1. The HR department was tasked with evaluating employees in terms of intellectual level, diligence, sociability, desire for self-development, stress resistance and non-conflict. These qualities are important for effective and successful work. For a systematic assessment of such a large set of characteristics, complex methods were chosen, including psychological testing, competency interviews, training exercises for communication skills and a 360-degree assessment.

    2. In a distribution company, an assessment was made of professionally significant personal qualities of managers working with clients. It is necessary to evaluate the orientation towards achievements, organizational skills, charisma, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts in front of the public. A set of tools for assessing such characteristics was selected as follows: self-presentation, business case, psychological testing.

    3. To evaluate the leadership qualities of personnel at a large industrial enterprise, an assessment was made of the most promising employees. For this, an external expert organization was invited, which offered the following set of assessment tools: interviews, psychological testing, written business exercises, role-playing games.

    Improving methods for assessing the results of personnel work

    In order for the work on personnel assessment in an enterprise or organization to be constantly improved and become more efficient, a number of factors must be observed:

    • management interest;
    • involvement in the assessment of competent highly qualified specialists to assess the characteristics of employees and their professional activities;
    • documenting the work of the personnel assessment system;
    • regular informing employees about the conduct and principles of the personnel assessment system;
    • establishing a strong and understandable connection between the evaluation system and the system of labor motivation.

    Compliance with all of the above conditions creates the necessary minimum basis for the successful implementation of a system for assessing employees, improving the method used to evaluate the results of personnel work in an organization.

    The main requirement for the system is efficiency. If, based on the results of the personnel assessment in the company, there have been no changes in the staffing table, wages, and bonuses to employees, then the assessment system will be perceived as an unnecessary link in personnel management.

    An effective system will be when employees who have received high ratings in the evaluation system will have higher bonuses compared to those who have received low results. Alternatively, successful employees can be sent for training, advanced training, enrolled in the personnel reserve, awarded vouchers or valuable prizes.

    In addition to being effective, the personnel appraisal system should be practical (easy to apply in practice). The constantly improved evaluation system allows:

    • accurately determine the effectiveness of the work of employees;
    • form a personnel reserve in a timely manner;
    • create a corporate identity and a clear understanding of corporate objectives and goals.

    To improve the system and methods for assessing the organization's personnel and the results of their work, it is required:

    • increasing the role of the personnel service at the enterprise;
    • competent regulatory and legal support of evaluation activities;
    • introduction of tools of responsibility for the made personnel decisions;
    • development of a system for recruitment and selection of personnel;
    • improving the quality of professional training of employees.

    It is necessary to exclude all unnecessarily complex methods and techniques, to try to lay down the most objective evaluation indicators that will not cause resistance and negative attitude of employees.

    Personnel assessment methods for hiring

    Hiring personnel is always a responsible decision that can affect the further development of the company, especially when it comes to top management. Therefore, the enterprise needs to develop an objective system for personnel selection, which will allow assessing professional achievements and personal qualities.

    Most often, personnel services use the following 3 methods when hiring.
    1. Psychological testing.
    2. Interview. Includes situational behavioral interview and competency assessment.
    3. Non-verbal assessment methods.

    Methods for evaluating candidates for vacancies are selected based on the characteristics of the company's field of activity, the vacancy itself. They will be radically different in the case of selecting a foreman and a sales manager, since they require the assessment of various personal qualities necessary for successful professional activity.

    Methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management is a tool that allows you to determine how efficiently the personnel service works, to what extent the costs associated with the implementation of the personnel activity program are justified, how successfully employees can realize their potential.

    Key performance indicators of the personnel management system:

    • labor productivity;
    • personnel costs;
    • quality of products (services);
    • psychological situation in the team;
    • level of staff satisfaction;
    • the effectiveness of the implementation of management programs.

    When evaluating the effectiveness of employee management, the organization of managerial work, the quality of personnel management are taken into account. The following methods are used for this:

    • mathematical and statistical modeling;
    • based on the experience and knowledge of professionals;
    • based on the analysis of information flows;
    • complex methods.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management is carried out systematically. It is the comparison of current and previous assessment results that will make it possible to analyze the dynamics, see the improvement or deterioration of the personnel policy of the enterprise and take timely corrective measures.

    Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the context of the company's strategic objectives.

    During the assessment, the employer compares the employee holding a particular position with a specialist ideally suited for this position.

    In the West, formalized valuation appeared in US companies at the beginning of the 20th century.

    In the 1960s, a new methodology appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objects) - the personal achievements of each employee were evaluated.

    In the 1980s, a technique called Performance management (PM) was created - performance management. Not only the result is evaluated, but also the ways to achieve it. Assumes large-scale feedback from the employee. It can serve as a tool for predicting the further professional development of an employee and planning his career in the company.

    In the 1980s - 1990s, the objectivity of the assessment increased with the advent of a new technique - "360 degrees", which involves a systematic survey of people (manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients) with whom the employee works.

    At the same time, the Assessment Center (Assessment Center), which involves a comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to enjoy popularity. It was mainly used in the evaluation of senior managers for the purpose of appointment to these positions and for enrollment in the personnel reserve of companies.

    In Russia, attestation is considered the traditional way of assessment.

    Modern valuation methods have appeared in Russia recently, with the arrival of Western companies on the Russian market. The number of companies using RM, Assessment Center, including internal, "360 degrees" is growing, but not as fast as we would like. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of the continuity of Western technologies, distrust of them, as well as a craving for stability and conservatism.

    Consider the main methods of personnel assessment used in Russian companies.


    The certification procedure is set out in officially approved documents. In the absence of such, the organization must have a "Regulation on the certification" of the company's personnel approved in the prescribed manner. The procedure and all regulations are agreed and approved by the first persons of the company.

    Attestation is the right of the company administration, which can be exercised in relation to all or certain categories of employees. Employees who have worked for less than one year, pregnant women or those with children under three years of age, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessment.

    Certification is carried out once, twice or three times a year. It may be by decision of the administration of the regular or extraordinary.

    Certification assesses qualifications, results of work (evaluation sheet or on the recommendation of the manager), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard exam), business and personal qualities.

    The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and positions.

    An attestation commission is being created from middle-level representatives, personnel officers, and trade union members. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants in the amount from 5 to 11. The commission, in the presence of the employee, considers all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the organization.

    The results may be the basis for the dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    In case of disagreement with the decision of the certification commission, the employee has the right to appeal to the labor dispute commission at the enterprise or go to court. The Commission must provide reasons for its decision.

    It consists in the joint setting of tasks by the manager and the employee and the evaluation of the results of their implementation after the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

    The assessment affects all categories and positions of the company.
    1) A list of tasks is compiled:
    a) the manager himself sets tasks, and then brings them to the employees. Then there is an adjustment taking into account the suggestions of the employee;
    b) the manager and the employee set tasks independently of each other, and then agree on them at the interview.
    2) Criteria for completing tasks are determined (coefficient, weight as a percentage of the overall success for each task) in accordance with the company's strategy.
    3) The success of the task is determined. The opinion of the manager is considered a priority or a higher manager is involved in the decision.
    4) Measures are outlined to improve the quality of work.

    Evaluates the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies areas for development, plans an employee's career. Participation is accepted by all categories and positions of the company. The emphasis is placed on the feedback of the leader with the subordinate in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

    Task-setting interviews and a final interview (conducted jointly by the manager and subordinates) are held once a year, where the employee is provided with feedback on his work and ways to develop his success and quality of work are developed. The results of work on tasks and competencies are evaluated, areas are identified and plans for employee training and career development are drawn up.

    "360 degrees"

    Competency assessment performed by people who work with the employee on a regular basis.

    It is used both for individual personnel tasks and as an addition to the main system. The employee himself can initiate this method of assessment in order to determine his areas of development.

    An opinion about an employee is made by four parties: a manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients (from above, below, next to and around) in the amount of 7 - 12 people. It is desirable that people evaluate not only positively, but also critically.

    Competencies assessed:

    People management
    Organizational skills
    Ability to make decisions

    The data of completed surveys and questionnaires is collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to achieve complete confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). Only the leader can show his assessment, thus providing feedback.

    The results of the assessment (usually on a five-point scale) are received by the employee and his manager.

    Assessment Center

    1) Preparatory stage:
    - determination of the objectives of the assessment;
    - development (updating) of the competency model. The model should be consistent with the overall strategy of the company and include the competencies necessary to perform a specific task. To develop competencies, business leaders and preferably the first person of the company are necessarily involved. Competences are prescribed by levels.

    2) Development of the Assessment Center procedure:
    - development of a plan-scenario (timing and logistics of the event);
    - modeling and/or adaptation of exercises;
    - determination of the set and sequence of evaluation methods;
    - training of experts, training of observers;
    - familiarization of assessed participants with the Assessment Center program.

    3) conducting the Assessment Center:

    - conducting a business game, case studies, group discussions in which the selected competencies are manifested. The topic can be anything, and does not have to correspond to the content of the employee's work. Each case provides an opportunity to assess several competencies in different combinations. Exercises are performed in a group or in pairs. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - external consultants, employees of the HR department, representatives of business units;
    - individual interviews, tests (for intelligence, personality) with each participant according to the results of the game;
    - overall assessment of the game participant (integration session)- summarizing assessments. All observers express their opinion on human behavior during business games and discuss the overall assessment of each competency;
    - drawing up a report on the results of the Assessment Center;
    - providing feedback to the participants of the Assessment Center. It is very important that the consultants/observers who give feedback are extremely tactful and cautious. Often ambitious employees with high self-esteem are evaluated in Assessment Centers. After giving feedback, they should leave a positive impression.

    Also, evaluation methods can be informally dated coaching, which is not basic, but gives more detailed information about the employee - his potential, motivations, intentions, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a strong motivating and initiating employee responsibility method for their activities, therefore, at all stages of an employee’s work, it can be used both as an assessment method, and as a development method, and as a way to motivate an employee.

    Comparative characteristics of various methods, stages of implementation of the assessment system in the company, as well as the difficulties that arise in this.

    Determination of the need for personnel assessment
    The company must evaluate, and the consultant can help in this by informing (the pros and cons of each valuation method), which valuation method is acceptable for the company and whether it is necessary at all, based on an analysis of the following factors:
    The date of the last assessment.
    Company age.
    To what extent the company is financially prepared for the implementation of the assessment activity.
    Have a strategy and mission.
    How developed is the corporate culture of the company and what are its features.
    Company size.
    The scope of the company, the nature of the products or services provided.
    Socio-psychological atmosphere in the company.
    Stage of work of employees to be assessed and other factors.

    To determine the actual need for an assessment, the consultant and the customer need to understand the reason for contacting a consulting company, because the wishes for an assessment can be very different, from the real need to identify the level of success of the company to the assessment as a tribute to fashion. The last wish is not a need for an assessment, and its implementation can start the irreversible process of the company's collapse. Therefore, the process of determining the true intentions, where a clear goal, result and specific tasks of the company are built, is the first and most important stage in the actual assessment of the personnel.

    Each stage of an employee's work in the company involves the use of certain assessment methods

    Can only be used in combination with other methods
    + - can be used separately

    At the end of the probationary period, evaluation interviews and tests on knowledge of the subject of activity are used.

    Benefits of an assessment

    Benefits of valuation for a company
    1. Determining the results of work, the level of knowledge and skills of the company's personnel.
    2. The possibility of personnel rotation and the creation of a personnel reserve.
    3. Creation of purposefully personnel development program.
    4. Staff motivation.
    5. Building a corporate culture.
    6. Organizational development.

    Benefits of assessment for an employee
    1. Determination of the place and role of each employee in the company - horizontally and vertically.
    2. A clear understanding of the tasks set, the criteria for the success of their implementation, the dependence of wages and bonuses on the results of work.
    3. Opportunity to receive feedback from the immediate supervisor.
    4. Ensuring that achievements are not left without attention (if the system works effectively).
    5. Opportunity for professional and career growth.

    The place of personnel assessment in the process of personnel management
    Training. Personnel assessment helps to identify the needs of employees for training, as well as to determine the effectiveness of the training programs used.
    Personnel planning. Evaluation of performance indicators allows you to determine both the current and future quantitative and qualitative need for staff.
    Personnel selection. Information from the performance appraisal is used to improve the recruitment and selection methods used.
    Employee development and career planning. Evaluation of performance indicators allows you to assess the potential of an employee and outline ways to perform more complex and responsible work.
    Stimulation and motivation of work. Performance appraisal helps to improve the effectiveness of the motivation and incentive system by providing feedback to employees, evaluating their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and department.
    Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Evaluation of the work and working behavior of employees underlies the formation of a reserve and determining the effectiveness of its preparation.

    Implementation of a personnel assessment system in the company

    The implementation of the assessment system in the company takes place in several stages:

    1) Deciding on the creation of an assessment system in the company by top management and the HR department of the company. Actions at this stage:
    Determine the goals of the assessment and its impact on the motivation of employees (previously conduct a survey of employees).
    The HR function should make a presentation to senior management about the advantages and disadvantages of various evaluation methods.
    Deciding on the implementation of the assessment system in the company as a whole and on its method of implementation.
    The decision to create a working group.

    2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and company employees. The group provides senior management with a detailed action plan for the creation and implementation of the system, and a budget, if necessary.

    3) Selection of assessment methods and development of the first version of the system. Stages:
    a) development of a system of corporate competencies.
    b) the organizational structure of the company and linear subordination are specified to clarify the cascade of the hierarchy.
    c) the evaluation system correlates with the business planning system in the company and KPI
    d) the evaluation system should fit into the entire range of HR tools.
    e) review and clarify job descriptions.

    The result is a final decision on the assessment method, the structure of the assessment system, a set of competencies, an assessment scale, options for forms and forms.

    4) Refinement of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: assessment regulations, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

    5) Information support of the system within the company, conducting training for managers (evaluators) according to the plan: explaining the benefits of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, the structure of evaluation forms and how to fill them out, training in setting goals and relating them to the business plan , a story about the consequences of the result for employees and the company, training in the skills of conducting an evaluation interview with employees.

    6) Refinement of the system, taking into account the wishes of middle managers.

    7) Conducting training for staff.

    8) Conducting an assessment.

    9) Summing up, analysis of successes and failures.

    Mistakes and difficulties in the implementation of the assessment system
    Inconsistency in the method of assessing the degree of maturity of the company.
    Negative attitude of employees to any assessment of their work.
    Evaluation of the personal qualities of employees in isolation from job duties and competencies.
    The evaluation system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.
    Managers feel they don't have time to evaluate.
    Participation of employees in setting tasks is minimal.
    Managers give bad feedback, and employees don't know how to take it.
    Low or high self-esteem of employees.

    • Personnel assessment, assessment


    1 -1

    For the successful development of an organization, it is necessary to know its prospects, correct mistakes, and continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved with the help of personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR departments to more effectively conduct personnel policy, and managers to make competent management decisions aimed at improving staff performance. How to apply personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

    The assessment is used both in relation to working employees and in relation to applicants. One of the tools that will help to conduct a qualitative assessment is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each head of the department may have their own ideas about this.

    Personnel assessment: what is it for?

    After the manager has decided to conduct a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, based on it, choose the one that will be applied. Next, you need to create a working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include the development of an action plan for the development and implementation of the assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare documents:

    Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

    Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the review process.

    regular interview.

    Method #4

    Pairwise comparison method

    Often used for group assessment. At the same time, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample, and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are changed and the comparison is made again. As a result, a total is summed up for each participant, it is determined how often he was the first in his pair, and according to these data, a rating of his success is compiled.

    Method #5

    Method of decisive situations

    This term usually denotes typical working moments in a particular position. During the evaluation process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in this situation, and to assess the correctness of his decisions. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the evaluation is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the immediate supervisor of the employee. Moreover, this can be done even in working order, without informing the employee.

    Method #6

    Comparison method

    Often used in evaluation, it is very useful and important in the case when it is necessary to assess how an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list with the criteria that this employee must meet. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for evaluation. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to take a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among the specialists of the same position by a simple comparison.

    Method #7

    Observation Method

    Behavior tracking can be more effective than other methods of assessing management and rank and file workers. But its implementation requires much more resources, since the observer will have to perform this evaluation work for a rather long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that in such a study, cases are tracked when the behavior of an employee was somewhat specific, and both positive and negative points are important. The minus of the technique is spending a lot of time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of the observer's attention.

    Method #8

    Situation Modeling Method

    Creation of close to real working conditions and management situations, for example, development of draft documents, selection of business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the ability of the employee to organize work, plan. Work style, flexibility, resistance to stress are also evaluated.

    Method #9

    Psychological methods

    ratings are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can conduct and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests, exercises, assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in employees. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are evaluated here, but the potential of the employee. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

    Method #10

    Case interview method

    employees are given descriptions of identical situations, and then asked questions about their solution.

    There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

    1. 360-Degree Evaluation Method. The employee must be assessed not only by colleagues and immediate supervisor, but also by customers, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out the same assessment forms, which then undergo computer processing.
    2. Business game method more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Employees are given a virtual task to which it is necessary to choose solutions. So in a playful way, a variety of work skills and professionalism are evaluated.

    use the results of personnel assessment? directly depends on the goals and objectives of the employer. As a rule, the primary tasks are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, develop new technological systems, and increase staff motivation. With the help of the results of the assessment, the potential of employees with the necessary skills and abilities for career growth can be identified.

    PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

    You can promote excellent students based on the results of the assessment. If it is thoughtful and complex

    After all, the assessment reveals the real achievements of employees and their competencies. When running an assessment center, meet four requirements. First: establish quality criteria for evaluation, link them to the strategy and corporate culture of the company. Second, carefully prepare the evaluators so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it dismissively and will not open up. Fourth: consider the personal characteristics of people. For example, extroverts often take advantage of business games and group assignments. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

    Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which the employee himself, and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist in the HR department are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the employee and the manager have the greatest differences, comments and suggestions are spoken out.

    The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or the appointment of an allowance is negotiated.

    The efficiency of any enterprise depends on how competent its staff is. In order to establish the effectiveness of the performance of each employee of the company of their duties, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team, as well as to fulfill the requirements for confirming the qualifications of employees, it is necessary to assess the personnel. To this end, the enterprise should develop a personnel assessment system that allows not only to assess their skills, abilities, experience, but also to draw up a program to improve work with personnel, improve their qualifications, professional selection and create a personnel reserve.

    Personel assessment. Why is this needed?

    In the process of working at the enterprise, each employee not only applies his existing skills, but also gains experience that is necessary to solve new, more complex tasks. Accordingly, it is necessary that the assessment of personnel be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the study of the characteristics of a particular labor process. This allows you to determine, first of all, the compliance of an employee with his position, and also helps to identify his potential, which should be rationally used to solve the main goals and objectives set for the company.

    An employee is hired in accordance with certain requirements established for qualifications and experience, which are confirmed (or not confirmed) exclusively during labor activity. Already in the process of joint cooperation, the skills of the employee declared upon admission to work, additional knowledge are revealed, the characteristics of his personality are manifested. Only in practice it is possible to determine how these data correspond to the criteria of the organization's production goals.

    It is also important that the employee himself evaluates his abilities on his own. As a result of such an analysis, it will be possible to establish how much the real abilities of employees coincide with the needs of the enterprise, and what contribution to its success can be made by the activities of each individual.

    Only carrying out a personnel assessment allows you to create a rationally working structure, distribute the company's labor resources in the most efficient way, and also increase their efficiency. Constant control and opportunities that open up for each employee as a result of assessing his work allow optimizing the work of each member of the team, stimulating them to perform their work duties with great zeal.

    To evaluate the work of employees, you can use not only programs for monitoring working hours. A multifunctional DLP system helps to see who and what is doing during working hours .

    Objectives of personnel assessment

    Evaluation of the work of personnel allows you to achieve the following goals:

    • match costs, aimed at performing a specific amount of work, and funds allocated for the maintenance of the employee, his workplace. If a certain specialist has low labor productivity, his content becomes unprofitable for the employer. In this case, it is necessary to reshuffle personnel as soon as possible so that this employee takes a job in accordance with his real capabilities and skills;
    • identify the functional role of a particular employee throughout the organization according to his skills. There is a possibility that a certain employee does an excellent job of working in a team, actively develops, strives to show his best working qualities. Such a person can become a valuable link in a certain direction of the company's activities. This can positively affect the economic component of the success of the enterprise, if the appropriate conditions are created;
    • assess the potential of an employee, which can be applied in favor of the enterprise without additional investments. A certain number of ordinary employees over the years of work acquire experience, knowledge, and skills that are important for the company, which become a strong base so that such people can work effectively in leadership positions. In this case, the owner of the enterprise does not need to spend money on finding and training new management personnel.

    Tasks of personnel assessment

    During the assessment of personnel performance, important production tasks are solved:

    • a strong personnel reserve is created, consisting of full-time employees of the enterprise, which reduces the cost of recruiting new personnel;
    • training of specialists with a high professional level is carried out, potential middle managers are identified directly within the company, their retraining or advanced training is carried out;
    • methods of enterprise management are being improved, control of production discipline is being strengthened, the interest of personnel in increasing labor productivity is increasing;
    • the staffing table is optimized due to the rational distribution of functions and responsibilities based on the results of the assessment: transfer of employees to other positions, reduction in accordance with the negative indicators of labor productivity identified during the assessment of work;
    • introduction of additional motivational levers capable of stimulating employees to improve their production competence and qualifications. The result may be career growth, improvement of financial situation, realization of the potential of employees in terms of implementing their proposed projects.

    Evaluation of the work of the company's personnel performs administrative, informative, motivational functions.

    1. Administrative function is performed to close vacancies by means of personnel reshuffling, as a result of which:
    • the employee can be transferred to another position in accordance with the results of the assessment;
    • an employee is promoted;
    • a vocational training plan is drawn up;
    • a decision to dismiss is made;
    • workers are rewarded.
    1. informative function is implemented to improve management methods for working with personnel by informing about the existing requirements for quality and volume labor indicators. In this direction:
    • the degree of loading of production personnel is revealed;
    • the effectiveness of his work, the degree of compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the company is determined;
    • opportunity to increase wages.
    1. Motivational function allows you to increase the interest of each member of the team in increasing labor productivity. Evaluation of production personnel has a positive effect on the development of not only each employee, but also the company, since the presence of feedback is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

    As motivation, stimulating levers of influence are used:

    • career;
    • the possibility of self-realization.

    When is a staff appraisal needed?

    In order for the personnel assessment system to give a significant result, it is necessary to determine before its development and implementation:

    • what parameters will be evaluated, on what scale to measure them;
    • what methods to use to collect realistic information;
    • to whom to entrust the work of personnel assessment, whether there are competent employees for this;
    • what to do with non-measurable aspects of processes;
    • how to avoid the influence of personal sympathies.

    The need for personnel assessment with the development and implementation of the system is most often caused by:

    • the appearance of a stable outflow of personnel;
    • lack of a personnel assessment system at the enterprise;
    • the need to make management decisions on the company's HRM;
    • planned more intensive development of certain areas in the company's work with the allocation of investments for these purposes;
    • change (shift planning) of the team of the management sector of the enterprise;
    • change (planning change) of strategic directions in the work of the company;
    • the need to form a project team designed to solve strategic problems;
    • the emergence of legal priority grounds for the movement of employees within the company;
    • changes in the structure of the enterprise, optimization by reducing the number;
    • the importance of optimizing processes in the company;
    • the need to restructure the company;
    • the need to understand for the formation of the program and training plan how competent the staff is;
    • the need to form a personnel development plan, create a reserve of personnel;
    • decrease in indicators of labor discipline;
    • increased conflicts between employees;
    • complaints of the company's employees against the employer to the relevant inspections;
    • the need to change or create an incentive system for employees.

    Personnel assessment methods

    To assess the working staff, a variety of methods are used to evaluate each employee most accurately. These methods include:

    • documentation analysis: familiarization with resumes, written recommendations, documents on education, qualifications, characteristics of managers, etc. The reliability of the submitted materials is assessed based on the determination of actual performance indicators related to the duties performed, skill level, experience, achievements, etc.;
    • analysis of established requirements regulatory documents, standards, requirements for internal production processes, the quality of manufactured products and compliance with these requirements by personnel. To do this, a standard rating scale is being developed;
    • psychological testing to obtain the results of the assessment of personality characteristics in a quantitative and descriptive way. By quantitative results, it is possible to compare the specific qualities of employees. A survey on personality tests can be conducted by a specialist familiar with the methodology, the processing of the results should be carried out by a specialist trained in the methodology of using specific questionnaires;
    • assessment of working behavioral characteristics, an interview with an employee for his assessment;
    • professional testing for specific working professions, positions, basic skills and knowledge. The development of tests is usually entrusted to the immediate supervisors of the assessed personnel, it is possible to involve external experts who are specialized specialists;
    • business essay- assessment of the possibility of solving a certain production problem in a limited time period, identifying the employee's strategic vision abilities, the ability to find an algorithm for solving specific work issues;
    • ranging- conducting a comparative analysis of employees in a particular unit, between structures related in processes, building a rating chain in accordance with pre-selected criteria;
    • assessment of personnel by competencies- selected characteristics of behavior, showing how well the tasks are performed in a particular position at the enterprise;
    • 360 degrees- processing information about the actions of the employee in the natural working environment, the presence of the necessary business qualities. This data comes from employees, clients, colleagues, subordinates, etc.;
    • comprehensive assessment of competencies according to the Assessment-center method, at which a set of positions is evaluated. The monitoring team monitors the performance of the group's various tasks. During this process, the actions and behavior of each member of the group are evaluated against pre-prepared, work-related scenarios of behavior. The results obtained are discussed jointly, after which decisions are made;
    • MBO (Management by Objectives)- management by goals, involving joint (boss-subordinate) setting of key goals for an employee for a certain period of time (from six months to a year). The number of goals should not be large, the main thing is that they reflect the most significant tasks inherent in the position of the employee for the planned period. It is necessary to adhere to certain criteria when setting goals - specificity, measurability, significance, time orientation, achievability of the tasks assigned to the employee;
    • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) evaluation of personnel performance according to the main performance criteria. It is necessary to establish how this assessment works as a monitoring of results and improving the performance of staff. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main goals of the enterprise, the evaluation criteria should be understandable for any employee for whom this method of evaluation is applied;
    • personnel audit- allows you to assess the state of human resources at the enterprise, how effectively the personnel management system works in terms of implementing the strategy, tasks, achieving the goals set for the company. This method also allows you to identify areas of risk and development;
    • attestation- it is assessed to what extent the employee's activity meets the standard requirements for performing work at a particular workplace in accordance with the position held;
    • test cases- a methodology that is a structured description of a specific production situation that an employee must analyze in order to find the most acceptable solutions. This allows you to train or evaluate an employee on certain parameters. In this case, the real state of professional knowledge, skills, competence, personal characteristics is determined.

    The choice of personnel assessment method depends on the motivation system that is implemented in the organization. On the theory and practice of employee motivation ...

    What is the use of personnel assessment in an organization

    The results of the assessment of personnel performance should be systematized, structured in order to obtain a real picture of the state of human resources in the organization. This procedure allows:

    • establish the current state of personnel competence;
    • determine the compliance of the qualifications of labor resources with the tactical tasks and goals of the enterprise;
    • evaluate the professional contribution of staff to the effective operation of the organization;
    • to apply in adequate amounts the remuneration of employees in accordance with their qualification level;
    • identify the compliance of the employee's area of ​​responsibility with his job duties;
    • identify the functional imbalance of the organization in terms of human resources;
    • identify priorities during the next performance appraisal;
    • identify possible legal risks (labor disputes, penalties from inspecting authorities) in accordance with certain regulations;
    • analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the procedures used for personnel assessment;
    • develop recommendations to eliminate the violations identified during the assessment;
    • develop recommendations for improving work on personnel training;
    • outline directions for development, pay attention to risk areas of human resources in the organization.

    Implementation of a personnel assessment system: mistakes and difficulties

    During the implementation of personnel assessment, it is necessary to choose the right methodology, since often the chosen methods in practice do not correspond to the level of maturity of the organization. Often the assessment system is not tied to the system of motivation - material and non-material. In addition, employees may have a negative attitude towards the implementation of these activities, and managers do not want to spend time on their implementation. Often, the feedback from the managers conducting the evaluation with the employees is low, and the latter cannot perceive it. Some employees have overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify real skills and competencies.

    The implementation of personnel assessment measures is a serious step that allows you to optimize the activities of the enterprise in each of its areas. As a result, the efficiency of the work of employees and their motivation increase, the staff becomes more competent and productive.