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  • Windows writes insufficient memory - what to do? Why does not enough memory write in here.

    Windows writes insufficient memory - what to do?  Why does not enough memory write in here.

    When working with the Yandex browser for a long time, the user may receive an emergency notification “Due to lack of memory, the page was reloaded”, after which the application or its individual web page is restarted. This “blocking” began to appear after recent browser updates. Today we will talk about the causes of this problem, as well as all the simple ways to solve it, which will take you a few minutes.

    Reasons for reboot

    Actually, in the description of the error, the main source of the problem is indicated - this is the computer's random access memory (RAM), or rather its lack. Most often, the error appears on computers with a small value (2-4 GB), or in programs overloaded with background work by the system. By itself, the Yandex browser eats a lot of RAM, and if there are still several “heavy” pages open there, then the memory may be critically lacking. The word “heavy” should be understood as websites with a large number of scripts, inserts of flash banners, or pulling up pre-installed plug-ins. For example, the same online cinemas can consume up to ~200 Mb on average. You should not compare such resources with the same VK, optimization will be better there.

    Launch Reset “The page was reloaded due to lack of memory”

    How to fix low memory?

    All of the above factors add up to give the appearance of a browser reset. In most cases, the reset is a one-off and a simple restart of the application, or Windows, solves the problem. If this does not help, then you will need to clean the system and increase the paging file. Naturally, let's start with the simplest steps.

    We clean the system and browser

    Enlarge the paging file

    If you have little dedicated RAM for applications, then all of the above will only be half measures. The only correct solution is to manually add virtual memory. This is done on Windows 7/8/10 in almost the same way:

    For those who do not understand, here is a visual video on this method for Windows 7.


    That's all, these simple steps should solve the error “Due to lack of memory, the page was reloaded” in Yandex.Browser. In the end, I would like to say about viruses that are able to actively load the Internet connection - be sure to check your PC. You can use scanners such as AdwCleaner, MalwareBytes, as well as a pre-installed antivirus.

    Error: Out of memory - restart World of Tanks. This error happens on weak computers. It occurs when there is not enough RAM. That is, less than 4 gigabytes, at least.

    The problem is the lack of RAM. The game itself, when starting and loading into the hangar, takes up almost 1 gigabyte of RAM in memory. In addition to the game, there are also Windows system processes. They take an average of another 1 gigabyte. And this is already 2 GB in total. That is, back to back. But we also want to play and listen to music, which will also eat away its part of the RAM.

    For example, I have 16 gigabytes on my computer and this error does not occur. But, having conducted an experiment before / after, I will clearly show.

    As you can see, the weight of the game has increased significantly. But I didn't get any errors in the game. Because what? That's right, I have enough RAM.


    Options for solving the problem. There are two possible ones.

    Option 1 - Software

    1. Poke around in the game settings and reduce the quality of the picture, maybe remove unnecessary visual effects, such as shadows, caterpillar tracks, etc.
    2. Clean the system of junk programs that are loaded with Windows. I can recommend AdwCleaner. Removes pop-up banners, adware and other nasty things from your computer. The solution is not 100% universal, but often helps. AdwCleaner can be downloaded for free in Russian on the official website.

    Option 2 - Iron

    • The option is simpler, but requires money. Buy more RAM. The recommended total size is 4 GB or more.

    If the home computer or laptop is relatively new (bought a maximum of 5 years ago), then, for sure, it has at least 4 gigabytes of RAM installed (although there may be exceptions). This volume is more than enough for most everyday tasks: browsing the web, playing videos, working with documents and playing games.

    "Close programs to prevent data loss" message

    However, if the user runs very heavy or not optimized programs, he may see a system message about the lack of RAM "There is not enough memory in the system." If a window pops up: there is not enough memory in the system, save files and close programs - we correct the error in the text below. Familiarize yourself with it so that you no longer have problems with a lack of RAM.

    Causes of the message "There is not enough memory in the system, please save the files" on the PC

    If you use only up-to-date versions of popular applications, then you should not have any messages about low memory. The fact is that developers are now optimizing their programs well, embedding functions in them that make sure that the software does not overflow the RAM.

    However, old programs or applications developed by no one knows who can consume a lot of RAM. This, in turn, leads to an out-of-memory message.

    Another option, when the error "There is not enough memory in the system, save files and close programs" occurs, suggests a low amount of memory. If, suddenly, only 1-2 gigabytes of RAM are installed in the system, then the corresponding system message may also occur when using the latest versions of the software.

    How to fix the out of memory error

    First you need to check which applications are consuming a significant amount of RAM. Therefore, despite the request of the operating system to “save files and close programs”, do not immediately close all programs and / or restart the computer. Instead, you need to do:

    However, this does not apply, for example, to graphic editors, video editing programs and games. For them, eating 3, 5 or even 7 gigabytes is normal. And, here, if, for example, an audio player consumes at least 400-500 megabytes, then this is a problem. It's better to download another one.

    If you have a lot of applications running, then you just need to disable those that you do not use constantly. For example, you can close the torrent client and iTunes. However, first go to their settings and find the autorun options. There, uncheck "Run at OS startup" so that the application does not load at system startup.

    How to increase the page file size

    If you need all these programs to work, then buy additional RAM modules. You can also get by with a half-measure - increase the size of the paging file. For this.

    They say that when there is not enough memory, restart the game world of tanks - a fairly decent number of users of the well-known game "World of Tanks" face such a problem. Naturally, anyone who notices such a message on their PC has a very obvious question: what to do about it?
    It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because the reasons can be completely different. But, as a rule, most often this problem is faced by users whose personal computer is equipped with a small amount of built-in RAM.

    What to do when you see the inscription: “not enough memory, restart the game world of tanks”?

    Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon is that your computer is very weak and has insufficient RAM resources, or they were somehow damaged. The most logical thing in this case is to contact a specialist, or visit the store yourself and purchase additional RAM cells.

    If you are an ardent fan of the game and spend a good amount of your free time in it, then such a message serves as a beacon in order to completely update the hardware resources of your computer.

    Of course, not everyone will like this option, it takes time, knowledge and, most importantly, financial costs, which not all users of online games are ready for.

    To leave your budget alone, you can first try to fix this problem from the inside.

    There are hopes for success here, especially if you notice such a message not at the first start, but already during the game. To do this, you can download specialized programs via the Internet. There are a huge number of programs that help the user free up space and optimize it.

    If this does not help, then there is nothing left but to use the first option.

    Also, you can try to increase the size of the swap files, for this:
    Right-click on "My Computer";
    We are looking for "Properties";
    After: "Advanced" or, in another way, it may be called - "Advanced options"
    Next chain: "Performance", then click - "Settings", then look for - "Advanced", then click - "Virtual Memory", and finally - "Change";
    Enter a new value. Naturally - more than already indicated. At the same time, the disk must have at least 10 gigabytes of free space on one of your disks

    If this does not help, then we will definitely return to the first option.

    This manual is about what to do if, when you start a program, you see a Windows 7 or 8 (or 8.1) message stating that the system does not have enough virtual or simple memory and “To free up memory for the normal operation of programs, save files , and then close or restart any open programs."

    I will try to take into account all possible options for the appearance of this error, as well as tell you how to fix it.

    About what kind of memory is not enough

    When in Windows 7, 8 and Windows 8.1 you see a message that there is not enough memory, it means primarily RAM and virtual memory, which is, in fact, a continuation of the RAM - that is, if the system does not have enough RAM, then it uses the Windows swap file or, otherwise, virtual memory.

    Some novice users mistakenly mean free space on the computer's hard drive by memory and wonder how it is: many gigabytes are free on the HDD, and the system complains about the lack of memory.

    Causes causing the error

    In order to fix this error, first of all, you should figure out what caused it. Here are some possible options:

    • You opened a lot of things, as a result of which there was a problem with the fact that there is not enough memory on the computer - I will not consider how to fix this situation, since everything is clear here: close what is not needed.
    • You really have little RAM (2 GB or less. For some resource-intensive tasks, 4 GB of RAM may not be enough).
    • The hard disk is filled to capacity, so there is not enough space left for virtual memory when the paging file size is automatically adjusted.
    • You yourself (or with the help of some optimization program) adjusted the size of the paging file (or disabled it) and it turned out to be insufficient for the normal operation of programs.
    • Some particular program, malicious or not, causes a memory leak (gradually starts using all available memory).
    • Problems with the program itself, which causes an "out of memory" or "not enough virtual memory" error to appear.

    If I'm not mistaken, the five options described are the most common causes of the error.

    How to Fix Out of Memory Errors in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1

    And now, in order, about how to fix the error in each of the listed cases.

    Little RAM

    If your computer has a small amount of RAM, then it makes sense to think about buying additional RAM modules. Memory is not expensive these days. On the other hand, if you have a very old computer (and old-style memory), and you are thinking about acquiring a new one soon, the upgrade may not be justified - it's easier to temporarily accept the fact that not all programs run.

    Low hard disk space

    Despite the fact that the volumes of today's HDDs are impressive, I myself often had to see that a user has 1 gigabyte or so free from a terabyte - this causes not only an “insufficient memory” error, but also leads to serious brakes during work. You shouldn't bring it up.

    Well, the main advice - do not store a lot of films and other media that you will not listen to and watch, games that you will no longer play and similar things.

    Configuring the Windows paging file resulted in an error

    If you have configured the Windows paging file settings yourself, then it is likely that these changes led to the error. Perhaps you did not even do it manually, but some program designed to optimize the performance of Windows tried. In this case, you may need to increase the swap file or enable it (if it was disabled). Some old programs will not start at all with virtual memory disabled and will always write about its lack.

    Memory leak or what to do if a separate program takes all the free RAM

    It happens that some separate process or program starts to intensively use RAM - this can be caused by an error in the program itself, the malicious nature of its actions, or some kind of failure.

    You can determine if there is such a process using the task manager. To launch it on Windows 7, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager from the menu, and on Windows 8 and 8.1, press Win (logo key) + X and select Task Manager.

    In the Windows 7 Task Manager, open the "Processes" tab and sort by the "Memory" column (you need to click on the column name). For Windows 8.1 and 8, use the "Details" tab for this, which gives a visual representation of all the processes running on the computer. They can also be sorted by the amount of RAM and virtual memory used.

    If you see that some program or process is using a large amount of RAM (a large amount is hundreds of megabytes, provided that it is not a photo, video editor or something resource-intensive), then you should figure out why this is happening.

    If it's the right program: Increased memory usage can be caused both by the normal operation of the application, for example, during automatic updates, or operations for which the program is intended, or by failures in it. If you see that a program is using a strangely large amount of resources all the time, try reinstalling it, and if that doesn't help, search the Internet for a description of the problem in relation to a particular software.

    If it is an unknown process: perhaps this is something malicious and it is worth checking the computer for viruses, there is also the option that this is a failure of some system process. I recommend searching the Internet for the name of this process in order to figure out what it is and what to do about it - most likely you are not the only user who has this problem.


    In addition to the options described, there is one more: it is the instance of the program that you are trying to run that causes the error. It makes sense to try downloading it from another source or read the official support forums for this software, there may also be described options for solving problems with insufficient memory.