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  • Solving problems with an alternative installer (launcher). What is World of Tanks game launcher Deleted wot launcher exe

    Solving problems with an alternative installer (launcher).  What is World of Tanks game launcher Deleted wot launcher exe

    Why doesn't the "Launcher" of the World of Tanks game client work?

    When opening the Launcher, a number of errors may occur, the solution of which you can find below.

    Problem 1: “Critical error. Updates could not be installed. The application cannot continue. Detailed information is available in the log file";

    Problem 2: The gear is constantly spinning;

    Problem 3: "An unhandled exception is occured The application will be restarted";

    Problem 4: "Failed to display the web page";

    Problem 5: Launcher starts and disappears;

    Issue 6: The Play button is greyed out;

    Issue 7: The status bar displays "Updating bootloader: Checking for updates";

    Problem 8: "Critical error failed to download updates via http. The application cannot be continued. Detailed information is available in the log file."

    Problem 1

    Description: "Critical error. Updates could not be installed. The application cannot continue. Detailed information is available in the log file."

    Close the game client, delete the "" folder by going to:

    "Vista", "Windows 7" C:\Users\UserName\AppData (which is a hidden folder)\Local\Temp\\

    "Windows XP" C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\temp\\

    (where "UserName" is your Windows account name)

    You can also get into the folder without changing the visibility settings. Enter "%appdata%" (without quotes) in the explorer address bar, or use "TotalCommander".

    Launch Launcher. In the Launcher settings, enter port 6881 for incoming connections and activate the "Allow torrent" setting, click OK. Restart the Launcher, wait for the client to automatically update. Turn on your antivirus software. Try adding the game folder to the trusted zone of your antivirus.

    Do a full scan of your computer for viruses first.

    Also try to create a new Windows account (new user) and run under this account.

    Problem 2

    Description: A gear spins continuously.

    Open Internet Explorer.

    Try resetting the Internet Explorer settings by opening Tools using the Alt+X keyboard shortcut while in the Internet browser. In the menu, select "Internet Options", in the window that appears, select the "Advanced" tab, where you should click on the "Reset ..." button. In the window that appears ("Reset Internet Explorer settings"), activate the "Delete personal settings" item and click the Reset button. After completing the steps, you will need to restart Internet Explorer. Then launch the Launcher and wait for the game client to automatically update.

    Open the "Programs and Features" component: "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e

    For "Windows XP": "Start" -\u003e "Run". In the Open box, type appwiz.cpl and click OK. It may take a few seconds to create the program list. Scroll through the list and select "Windows Internet Explorer" and then click the Uninstall button. After the above steps, you need to restart your computer.

    Problem 3

    Description: "An unhandled exception is occured The application will be restarted"

    There are several ways to solve the problem and they are outlined below.

    Check all drives and files on your computer for malware. Such as viruses or spyware.

    Virus Removal Tool can be downloaded from the Kaspersky website

    CureIt can be downloaded from Dr. web

    Remove all Microsoft Visual C++ components installed on your PC.

    Open "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Programs and Features" or "Add or Remove Programs".

    Remove all Microsoft Visual C++ libraries.

    Be sure to restart your computer.

    Download and install the following libraries in the order listed:

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x86)

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (x86)

    Libraries that are additionally installed only on 64-bit systems:

    Visual C++ 2008 SP1 x64

    Visual C++ 2010 x64

    Be sure to restart your computer after installing the libraries.

    Try checking the integrity of the system files.

    For Windows XP: Click Start > Run > type cmd, press Enter

    Sfc /Scannow and press Enter

    For Windows Vista, 7, 8: Click "Start", in the search for files and programs, type "CMD.exe", when cmd.exe appears in the results, right-click on it and select "run as administrator".

    In the window that opens, enter the command:

    Sfc /Scannow and press Enter

    Problem 4

    Description: "This web page could not be displayed."

    Update "Adobe Flash" to the latest version from the manufacturer's website.

    Update the Java software from the manufacturer's website.

    All updates must be installed directly for the Internet Explorer Internet browser.

    Open Internet Explorer.

    To do this, click the "Start" menu, type "iexplore.exe" (without quotes) in the "Run" menu (for "Windows XP") or in the search bar (for "Vista", "Windows 7") (If you are using Windows 8 OS, press the key combination Win + R and enter the command in the window that appears). After opening the Internet browser, hold down the "alt" key on the keyboard, open the "File" menu and uncheck the "Work offline" item.

    Problem 5

    Description: Launcher starts and disappears.

    Reinstall Internet browser "Internet Explorer". To preinstall the browser, do the following:

    For Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8:

    Open Programs and Features: Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. Info block template. In the left pane, select View Installed Updates. Select "Internet Explorer" and then click the Uninstall button. Enter the administrator password or password confirmation if prompted. Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall "Internet Explorer". When finished, restart your operating system.

    For "Windows XP": Start >

    For "Vista", "Windows 7", "Windows 8": download and install "Internet Explorer" version 10 from the manufacturer's website.

    For "Windows XP": download and install "Internet Explorer" version 8 from the manufacturer's website.

    You also need to update the "Java" software for "Internet Explorer", for this, follow the further instructions by clicking on the link.

    Problem 6

    Description: The Play button is greyed out.

    Reinstall Internet browser "Internet Explorer". To preinstall the browser, do the following:

    For Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8:

    Open the "Programs and Features" component: "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Programs and Features". Info block template. In the left pane, select View Installed Updates. Select "Internet Explorer" and then click the Uninstall button. Enter the administrator password or password confirmation if prompted. Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall "Internet Explorer". When finished, restart your operating system.

    For "Windows XP": Start > Run. In the Open box, type appwiz.cpl and click OK. It may take a few seconds to create the program list. Scroll through the list and select "Windows Internet Explorer" and then click the Uninstall button. After the above steps, you need to restart your computer.

    For "Vista", "Windows 7", "Windows 8": download and install "Internet Explorer" version 10 from the manufacturer's website.

    Click "Start" (If you are using Windows 8, press the key combination Win + R), in the "Start Search" field, enter "cmd", left-click on the file "cmd.exe"

    Enter the command "ping" in the command line and press the "Enter" key.

    Make sure the number of packets sent is equal to the number received.

    Problem 8

    Description: "Critical error failed to download updates via http. The application cannot be continued. Detailed information is available in the log file."

    Launch Launcher. In the Launcher settings, enter port 6881 for incoming connections and activate the "Allow torrent" setting, click "OK". Restart the Launcher, wait for the client to automatically update.

    To play World of tanks, you need to install the game client. This requires administrator rights on the computer, on each computer if you plan to play on several, for example, at home and at work. The task can be simplified using a portable client.

    The standard installation of the game makes changes to the Windows system registry, installs additional libraries and components. This requires administrator rights, or at least "power user" if your system has such. For a home computer, this is not a problem in most cases. If you want to play not only on your personal machine, but also with friends, at work or at the institute, then the standard installation method will not work for you. You will need not only administrator rights on each computer, but also downloading the game client with a volume of about 8 gigabytes, graphics settings, etc.

    If you want to "carry the game with you", make World of Tanks portable and be able to play on any computer - install the portable client. It is less demanding on the power of the gaming computer, due to the optimization of system settings and up to 12.5% ​​The portable client takes up less space on the hard disk - only about 3 gigabytes compared to 8 GB of a standard installation. It does not require administrator rights to install and even to run - just download and unzip it. All you need is access to USB to connect a "flash drive" of a suitable size.


    • Download the torrent from the link below
    • Run the file Wot_Portable_1.6.0_Setup.exe and wait for completion
    Share and win from 100 gold

    Probably many of you have encountered such a problem in the game launcher: Critical error. Error when starting the game. The application cannot be continued. Detailed information in the log file

    Let's look at the screenshot of the problem.

    For example, I came across it twice for all the use of the world of tanks game.

    Solutions to this problem are different, from reinstalling the game, to picking the registry and updating Microsoft system files. All errors are written to a file WOTLauncher.log in the folder with the installed game (according to the standard C:\Games\World_of_Tanks)

    This instruction is suitable for both checking the full version and updating. You can check the checksums in the file manager "" or a separate utility "" ().

    Initially, you should place the downloaded checksum file () in the same directory as the installer or patch file.
    The file is relevant for version 0.8.6 and patch .

    In "Total Commander"
    1. Go to the folder with the checksum file, select it and run it;

    2. Next, a window with the progress of the check will appear. If no errors were found as a result of the check, then the client installer is original and was downloaded completely (not damaged);

    3. If errors were found during the check, the installer is damaged and you need to download it again.

    In "MD5summer"
    1. Place the file "md5summer.exe" in the folder with the checksum file and the installer;

    2. In the program interface that opens, click the Verify sums button;

    3. Select the required md5 file and click Open;

    5. If no errors are found (which will be indicated by a green indicator), then the client installer is original and was downloaded completely (not damaged);

    6.If errors were found (red indicator) - the installer is damaged and you need to download it again.

    6. Solving the problem with Wargaming Launcher Critical Error (Problems when starting the client/launcher)

    If a critical error occurs when trying to launch, the client crashes, or the game does not launch, follow these steps:

    Install the latest drivers for your video card from the manufacturer's website:
    « »
    " " or

    Install the latest version of "DirectX" for your operating system:
    Download this software from the official Microsoft website:

    If you do not have the following libraries installed, be sure to install them:

    « Visual C++ 2008

    « Visual C++ 2010» Download this software from the official Microsoft website:

    « NET Framework» All of the following versions must be present on your system. Download this software from the official Microsoft website:

    Possible audio problems, then install the latest drivers for your audio card from the manufacturer's website:

    7. Why doesn't the "Launcher\Launcher" of the game client work? Here are more versions of solutions to problems from Wargaming

    Problem 1
    Description: "Critical error. Updates could not be installed. The application cannot continue. Detailed information is available in the log file."
    Close the game client, delete the "" folder by going to:
    "Vista", "Windows 7" C:\Users\UserName\AppData (which is a hidden folder)\Local\Temp\\
    "Windows XP" C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\temp\\
    (where "UserName" is your Windows account name)

    You can also get into the folder without changing the visibility settings. Enter "%appdata%" (without quotes) in the explorer address bar, or use "TotalCommander".

    Clear the "Updates" folder located in the root directory of the game (example: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates). At the time of the update, we recommend temporarily disabling anti-virus software.

    Launch Launcher. In the Launcher settings, enter port 6881 for incoming connections and activate the "Allow torrent" setting, click OK. Restart the Launcher, wait for the client to automatically update. Turn on your antivirus software. Try adding the game folder to the trusted zone of your antivirus.

    Do a full scan of your computer for viruses first.
    Also try to create a new Windows account (new user) and run under this account.

    Problem 2
    Description: "Critical error failed to download updates via http. The application cannot be continued. Detailed information is available in the log file." Published: 20-06-2013, 00:23

    Click on the title of the section to see the full details - or on the description of the bug for a solution.

    What is a launcher

    If you installed the game not through the Game Center, but using the launcher, then in the folder with the installed game you will find two files with which you can launch the game:

    1. game client - WorldOfTanks.exe;
    2. game launcher - WOTLauncher.exe.

    If you launch the game using a shortcut on the Desktop or from the Start menu created during the installation of the game, then the launcher is launched. The launcher window looks like this:

    If you click on the "Play" button in the launcher, the game client file (WorldOfTanks.exe) will be launched. Its window looks like this:

    Launcher is a dispatcher program that allows you to quickly find the necessary information about the game, change the main settings, find out the latest news, go to the official portal and project guide, social networks and the Premium Shop, replenish your account and enter the game itself.

    After starting, the launcher automatically checks the integrity of the game files and the compliance of the game client with the latest version and, if necessary, updates the game to the current version.

    Additional features of the launcher

    Through the launcher, you can also start the game in safe mode or start the game with a graphical reset. To do this, click on the arrow next to the "Play" button and select the desired mode.

    • Starting the game in safe mode is useful if you are playing with mods and encounter problems while playing. To check if the problem is related to mods, start the game in safe mode. Installed mods will be disabled until the next restart of the game.
    • If after starting the game you hear the music of the intro video, but the screen is black or the inscription "OUT OF RANGE" is visible on it, start the game with a reset of graphic settings.

    Update 1.4.1 won't load

    For the correct operation of the launcher and the game client, a permanent Internet connection is required.

    If you have difficulty updating the game client from version 1.4 to version 1.4.1 through the launcher, please use an alternative method of installing the update. For this:

    1. Download the 1.4.1 update files yourself by clicking on the links below:
      • File #1(136 MB, MD5 checksum:):
        directly or via torrent.
      • File #2(185 MB, MD5 checksum:):
        directly or via torrent.
      • File #3(required for HD client only, 199 MB, MD5 checksum:):
        directly or via torrent.

    2. Move the downloaded files to the Updates folder, which is located in the folder with the installed game (for example, C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates). List of files to be moved:

    • wot_1.4.1.19471_1.4.0.19449_client.wgpkg,
    • wot_1.4.1.19471_1.4.0.19426_sdcontent.wgpkg,
    • wot_1.4.1.19471_1.4.0.19426_hdcontent.wgpkg (This file is needed if you are updating the HD client).

    3. Launch the game launcher (file WoTLauncher.exe, which is located in the folder with the game installed) and wait until the update is installed.

    Failed to unpack updates

    If you see such a message on the screen, follow the instructions below (in order, until the problem is solved):

    Method 1

    Check your computer for malware: viruses, spyware, etc. To check, we recommend using the following free utilities:

    • Virus Removal Tool (by Kaspersky);

    Method 2

    1. hard disk for errors. The check should be performed for the local drive where the game is installed.
    2. In the antivirus settings, the game client is in the trusted zone.
    3. Clear the "Update" folder, which is located in the folder with the installed game client (for example, C:\Games\World_of_Tanks).
    4. After completing these steps, find the file - WOTLauncher.exe in the folder with the installed game, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".

    Method 3

    1. Completely disable anti-virus programs.
    2. Find the file in the folder with the installed game - WOTLauncher.exe, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".
    3. Wait for the update to finish installing.

    Method 4

    1. additional Windows user account with administrator rights.

      When creating an account, use only Latin characters.

    2. Log in to your computer using the account you created.
    3. Start the game.

    Method 5

    1. working memory.
    2. Run as administrator.
    3. Wait for the update to finish installing.

    "Update bootloader: check for updates"

    If the status bar shows "Updating bootloader: Checking for updates", do the following:

    1. Clear cache "".
    2. Check access to the update server. For this:
      • Press keyboard shortcut Win+R, in the "Open" field, enter cmd, click OK.
      • ping Click Enter.
      • Make sure the number of packets sent is equal to the number received.

    "Failed to display the web page"

    If you see the message "Failed to display the web page" on the screen, try resetting Internet Explorer. For this:

    1. From your web browser, click alt, then click Tools > Internet Options.
    2. In the window that appears, select the "Advanced" tab and click on the button Reset.
    3. In the appeared window "Reset Internet Explorer settings" activate the item "Delete personal settings" and click on the button Reset.
    4. After completing the steps above, restart Internet Explorer.
    5. Launch the launcher and wait for the game client to update automatically.

    Unable to click on the "Play" button

    If the Play button is grayed out and cannot be clicked, do the following:

    1. Reinstall Internet Explorer after deleting the current version of this browser.
      • For Windows Windows 7, Windows 8:
        • Remove Internet Explorer:
          Click "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Programs and Features" > "Turn Windows features on or off", in the list of Windows features, uncheck the box next to Internet Explorer. In the window that opens, click the button Yes. Restart your computer.

        • IE 9 for Windows Vista/7/8 x32 ;
          IE 9 for Windows Vista/7/8 x64 .
      • For Windows XP:
        • Remove Internet Explorer:
          Click Start > Run. In the "Open" field, enter the command appwiz.cpl and click on the button OK. It may take a few seconds to create the program list. Scroll through the list and select "Windows Internet Explorer" and then click on the button Delete. Restart your computer.
        • Download the Internet Explorer browser installer:
        • Restart your computer after installation.
    2. Update Adobe Flash Player to the latest version from the manufacturer's website.

      It is desirable to update/install Adobe Flash Player through the Internet Explorer browser.

      • Click on the link or copy and paste it into the address bar of your Internet Explorer browser.
      • On the loaded page, uncheck the boxes and click on the button Install now.
      • Save the file and follow the installer's instructions.
    3. Reinstall Java. To do this, download Java from the manufacturer's website or from our server.

    Launcher restarts automatically, error "An unhandled exception is occured"

    This problem usually occurs due to damage to some components of the operating system:

    To resolve the issue, follow these steps in order.

    Antivirus check

    Check your computer with anti-virus software other than the one installed (for example, the free Dr.Web CureIT utility or the free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool), as it may be damaged by a virus and does not indicate the presence of malicious software.
    It is recommended to run the scan in Safe Boot Mode.

    Checking System Integrity

    1. Click Start(for Windows 8, Windows 10: press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R), in the "Open" field, enter cmd, then right-click on the file cmd.exe and select "Run as administrator".
    2. At the command line, type Sfc /Scannow and press Enter.
    3. Wait for the system check to finish.

    Reinstalling Internet Explorer

    For Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10:

    1. Remove Internet Explorer:
      Click "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Programs and Features" > "Turn Windows features on or off", in the list of Windows features, uncheck the box next to Internet Explorer. In the window that opens, click the button Yes. Restart your computer.
    2. Download the Internet Explorer 11 browser installer for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
    3. Restart your computer after installation.

    For Windows XP:

    1. Remove Internet Explorer:
      Click Start > Run. In the "Open" field, enter the command appwiz.cpl and click on the button OK. It may take a few seconds to create the program list. Scroll through the list and select Windows Internet Explorer, then click the button Delete. Restart your computer.
    2. Download the Internet Explorer Browser Installer: Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP.
    3. Restart your computer after installation.

    Reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++

    1. Remove all Microsoft Visual C++ components installed on your computer:
      • Click on the button Start and open Control Panel.
      • Select "Programs and Features" or "Add or Remove Programs".
      • Select and remove all Microsoft Visual C++ libraries.
      • After removing the libraries, restart your computer.
    2. Download and install the following libraries in the order listed:
      • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (x64)
      • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x64) (optional for 64-bit systems only).
    3. After installing the libraries, restart your computer.

    Installing MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 3:

    1. Follow the link and click Download.
    2. Check the msxml.msi checkbox and click
    3. Run the downloaded file and go through all the steps to install the package.
    4. After installation is complete, restart your computer.

    If after following all the above recommendations, the problem persists, contact the service center for a correct reinstallation of the operating system.

    Failed to download updates

    If you see this error message when launching the launcher, follow the instructions below (one at a time, until the problem is solved).

    Method 1

    1. Click on the button Start Win+R). In the Search programs and files box, type cmd.
    2. cmd.exe- right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".
    3. At the command prompt, enter the command ipconfig /flushdns and press the key Enter.
    4. Then enter the command ipconfig /registerdns and press again Enter.

    Method 2

    1. Open the folder with the game installed (for example, C:\Games\World_of_Tanks).
    2. Find the WOTLauncher.cfg file in the folder and open it with a text editor (Notepad, Notepad+, etc.) for editing.
    3. With a combination ctrl+f find the line 3 .
    4. Replace it with a number 3 on the 2 (if worth 2 , then vice versa).
    5. Save changes and close the file.
    6. Launch the launcher and try to update.

    Failed to connect to update service via http

    If you see one of these messages on the screen, follow the instructions below (in order, until the problem is solved):

    Method 1

    1. Click the button Start. (For Windows 8: press the keyboard shortcut Win+R).
    2. In the "Start Search" field, enter cmd.
    3. The search results will show the file cmd.exe- right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".
    4. In the command prompt that appears, enter the command ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
    5. Then enter the command ipconfig /registerdns and press the key again Enter.
    6. Launch the launcher and try to update.

    Method 2

    As a workaround, try setting your DNS server addresses to Google's public DNS servers. For this:

    1. Click Start, select "Control Panel" from the menu that opens.
    2. At the top right, in the "View" field, select "Small Icons" to make it easier to find.
    3. Select "Network and Sharing Center" from the menu.
    4. In the menu on the left, click "Change adapter settings".
    5. Right-click on the connection icon for which you are going to change the DNS settings. Select "Properties" from the menu that opens.
    6. In the window that opens, select the "Network" tab.
    7. In the 'Components checked are used by this connection' box, select 'Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)'. To the right under the field, click the button Properties.
    8. In the lower part of the window that opens, on the "General" tab, check the box next to "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the following addresses: and
    9. Click OK to save changes. Restart your network connection (disconnect and reconnect) or restart your computer.
    10. Launch the launcher and try to update.

    Method 3

    1. In the antivirus settings in the trusted zone.
    2. Launch the launcher and try to update.

    Method 4

    1. If you have a router, try connecting to the Internet directly, bypassing the router.
    2. Launch the launcher and try to update.

    World of tanks is one of the most popular online games today. With the help of this simulator, the player gets into the atmosphere of the battles of the Second World War. The game features the most famous battles and more than two hundred tanks that took part in the war on different sides of the conflict. In order to immerse yourself in the unforgettable and dynamic world of tank battles, you just need to install the game on your computer and provide an Internet connection. For the convenience of users, the game is launched through the launcher. Before each launch, this program checks for current updates to the game client, downloads them if available, and only then launches the game itself.

    How to download Wot_launcher.exe for free?

    Also in the program window you can find the necessary information about registration, support service and the basics of the game itself. However, there are often problems with the launcher, so on this page we suggest downloading wotlauncher exe. Many players complain about problems with this particular part of the game client. In order not to reinstall the game completely and eliminate the long waiting time for installation, you can simply download wot launcher exe on our website. By downloading wotlauncher exe for free from our resource, you can not worry about the safety of the rest of the game files and will be able to continue enjoying gambling battles in a couple of minutes, without wasting time on a long search for solutions to problems in numerous forums.