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  • Enterprise assets. Assets and liabilities of the enterprise: what is it What are the assets of the organization

    Enterprise assets.  Assets and liabilities of the enterprise: what is it What are the assets of the organization

    0 In our speech, in works, films and the Internet, various anglicisms are quite often encountered, and the meaning of some of them is rather vague, and not everyone can interpret it. Lately, people are facing this " misfortune"More and more often, lost in conjectures, and flipping through hundreds of pages of explanatory dictionaries in search of an answer to the question we are looking for. Therefore, we decided to create this Internet dictionary in order to collect in one place the transcripts of the most commonly used words, both from professional slang and from Youth jargon. Add our resource site to your bookmarks to always stay up to date with the most popular concepts and expressions. Today we will talk about a rather ambiguous word, this Assets which means you can read a little below.
    However, before I continue, I would like to recommend you a couple of other interesting publications on random topics. For example, what does Trigger mean, what are Lanites, how to understand the word Mandrazh, which means Bonus, etc.
    So let's continue what does active mean? This term was borrowed from Latin activus", and translated into Russian as " current", which in turn comes from the word " actus", What means " act". This term has several meanings, and we will consider only the most popular ones.

    Assets- this is someone who always tries to take a dominant role in a sexual relationship, which is different from a passive who tries to get more than give

    Synonym of Active: leading, dominating.

    Assets- this is the name of the most active part of any community, team, etc.

    Assets- these are resources that are controlled by the firm or company, and from which it expects certain dividends in the future

    Assets have several degrees of liquidity, that is, how quickly they can be sold on the market. These include illiquid, low-liquid, and finally the most " delicious"- highly liquid. Usually, the last type of asset is understood as banknotes themselves.

    Assets is any thing, intangible or tangible, that is of some value to the owner

    Synonym of Active: savings, means, pledge, goodwill, asset, fund.

    By this we mean either cash, as we mentioned above, or something that can be quickly and easily converted into it. Exceptions include payments of car tax, local tax, as well as premature rent payments, that is, all payments made before the approved deadline.
    Tangible assets are understood as real estate ( buildings, houses, apartments, land, any inventory, various professional equipment), and various trademarks, patents, copyrights, "goodwill" (intangible assets, which are expressed in the excess of the value of a business over the value of its tangible assets) should be attributed to intangible ones.

    After reading this informative article, you learned what is Active, and now you will not be in a quandary when you find this complex term again.

    Enterprise assets- this is a set of property rights that are the property of the organization in the form of financial claims to individuals or legal entities, fixed assets or available stocks. In a more simplified interpretation, this will be the name of the investments made or the set of requirements.

    The term is used to refer to any property or property owned by an enterprise.

    Description of the assets of the enterprise in simple words

    In other words, it is property. Those. everything that the enterprise has in stock, which is felt by the touch of a hand: cash savings, securities, buildings, premises, cars, devices, machine tools, goods, finished products and other tangible and intangible values.

    It should be noted that assets can be tangible or intangible.

    • In the first case, we are talking about a stock of cash, as well as other financial instruments, which can be made deposits in cash, cash on hand, shares (securities), an insurance policy and, directly, monetary assets that can be presented in any currency.
    • With regard to intangible assets, they include, first of all, non-monetary assets that do not have a physical form. This category includes the intellectual property of the company (logo, registered trademark, patents for inventions) and even the general goodwill of the company.

    According to the degree of direct participation of assets in a single production cycle, they can be divided into current and.

    • For the former, the trend is that assets diverge completely within one cycle. At the same time, they are able to ensure the entire operational activities of the company.
    • Non-current assets, in turn, are realized gradually. This happens over several separate production cycles. The cycle of non-current assets ends when their full value is transferred to the output.

    The assets of an enterprise can also be classified by the source of formation, as well as by the level of liquidity. The process of formation of net assets is carried out exclusively at the expense of equity, while gross assets are also carried out with the help of borrowed funds. At the same time, the available capital also takes a direct part in the formative process.

    As for grouping by liquidity level, in this case assets can be illiquid, low-liquid, medium-liquid and highly liquid.

    This is necessary in order to obtain high profits. Assets with a high level of liquidity will be considered funds that are in the settlement accounts of the organization or in the cash desk of the enterprise for a specific period of time.

    The assets and liabilities of a single organization, through interaction with each other, are able to have a direct impact on the overall financial condition of the enterprise and determine the level of its solvency. From this follows the conclusion about the competitiveness of the company and its ability to maintain its positions in the market for a specific period of time.

    Assets and liabilities are one of the key concepts in accounting. However, knowledge about them is quite applicable in everyday life. The idea of ​​assets and liabilities contributes to the competent formation and use of equity capital.

    Many of our compatriots who are interested in improving their financial situation learned about what assets and liabilities are from the works of Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki is an investor and a teacher, and his interpretation of these concepts certainly deserves attention. However, some readers are misled by it.

    Two Definitions of Assets and Liabilities

    There are two main definitions of assets and liabilities. One introduced Kiyosaki, and it is characterized by accessibility and simplicity. The second is used by people who are not engaged in education, but in business. Therefore, it may seem somewhat ponderous to the unprepared reader.

    To begin with, let's analyze the interpretation proposed by Kiyosaki. An American understands an asset as “everything that does the work for you and allows you to receive passive income without making any effort,” and a liability as “everything that makes you have to spend.” If you manage to successfully invest in any progressive project, you get an asset - let's say, solid stocks that are steadily growing in price. A liability, on the contrary, forces you to pay, for example, for a car bought on credit. Agree, Kiyosaki explains quite clearly.

    But not everything is so simple. Let us turn to the definition that is customary for accounting workers.

    Assets and liabilities represent two parts of the balance sheet, which records all information related to the economic situation and commercial activities of the company.

    In general, the balance sheet is essentially a table from which you can easily find out:

    • what is owned by the company;
    • who is the owner of this company;
    • what are its financial results;
    • what are the sources of its funds.

    Information about the property is contained on the left side of the balance sheet (in the asset). The asset includes:

    • working capital (funds on the current account; materials used in production, spare parts);
    • non-current, or fixed capital (production shops, office space, patent rights, intellectual property rights, trademark, know-how, etc.)

    The right part (passive) is intended for sources of property.

    • own funds of the enterprise (authorized capital + retained earnings);
    • loans;
    • involved funds.

    Why is it considered that liabilities are sources of assets? It's simple: the use of liabilities contributes to an increase in assets. The table of assets and liabilities is called the "balance sheet" because both parts of it ideally balance each other.

    Let's take an example. When a certain enterprise receives a loan (let's say 2 million rubles), two events occur:

    1. 1. These 2 million rubles appear on her accounts (which is recorded in the asset).
    2. 2. Those same 2 million are added to debts on loans (and this is reflected in liabilities).

    The International Financial Reporting System (IFRS) offers the following formula, which clearly demonstrates the "relationship" of assets with liabilities:

    Equity + Liabilities = Liabilities = Assets

    This formula, by the way, gives an idea of ​​what capital is. According to it, capital is considered to be the share in the assets of the enterprise, which remains after the deduction of liabilities.

    Types of assets

    Information about the economic means that the enterprise has is reflected in active accounts. You can find out how these funds are distributed by looking at the account balances.

    The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the property and its value at one time or another are recorded in the asset (left side of the balance sheet). Assets are often referred to as all the property of a company. The balance sheet form adopted in Russia provides for the division of assets into two classes:

    1. 1. negotiable, or those that are used to carry out the activities of the enterprise. These include:

      Financial resources;
      - raw materials, materials, spare parts, finished products;
      - on acquisitions;
      - investments in securities (short term);
      - debts from individuals and legal entities;
      - other assets.

    2. 2. Non-current- those assets that are not involved in the economic turnover. Among them:

      fixed assets;
      - intangible assets;
      - investments for the long term;
      - products in the process of production.

    Speaking of assets, the following points should be noted:

    • The use of assets gives the company the opportunity to obtain economic benefits.
    • The event that led to the opportunity to receive benefits has already happened.
    • The net asset value is the difference between the total assets and liabilities.

    Types of liabilities

    Passive accounts are designed to display the sources of funds. Account balances give an idea of ​​the origin of such funds. All sources of funds formation can be designated by the word "obligations".

    Thus, the obligation is called the debt of the company that already exists at a certain moment, formed as a result of some operations. The repayment of obligations leads to the fact that assets decrease - for example, due to the payment of funds, the provision of services, the replacement of one obligation with another.

    Liabilities include both equity and debt capital. Own, in turn, is formed at the expense of the authorized and joint stock.

    Obligations can be:

    1. 1. Short-term. These include:

      Accounts payable, i.e. debts of the enterprise itself - for example, to its own employees;
      - credit obligations to be repaid within a year;
      - reserves for future expenses.

    2. 2. Long-term. For example, deferred tax and credit liabilities.

    Assets and liabilities in the personal and family budget

    Are we not paying too much attention to the disclosure of these concepts? - by no means! The fact is that, firstly, knowledge of the basics of accounting can be useful not only to a businessman, but also to any person who has his own savings and runs a household. The presence of assets and liabilities is also characteristic of the personal and family budget. Understanding their essence contributes to the meaningful formation and distribution of "home" capital.

    Secondly, many of our readers, striving for financial independence, are taking the first steps towards starting their own business. And knowing the key concepts of accounting will definitely not hurt them.

    And now back to where we started - namely, to the definitions given by Kiyosaki. How does his interpretation of asset and liability fit in with the "harsh reality"?

    One of the main advantages of the interpretation proposed by this author is its accessibility. But one should not think that in an economy, even a domestic one, everything should be “accessible” and simple. Simplifying concepts does not always lead to the desired results. Without economic literacy, you can make the wrong decision.

    According to him, it turns out that assets- this is all that a person has, and that he uses. And it does not matter whether he spends his money or, on the contrary, receives income.

    Liabilities but these are all the debts (obligations) of a person. These include taxes in favor of the state, and gifts to employees for the New Year, as well as retained earnings.

    Note, by the way, that there is no distributed profit as such - it is converted into assets. And the profit that accumulates throughout a person's life can be called capital.

    Why is the above approach good? Let's try to figure it out.

    Present your family budget in the form of a balance sheet. The entries in the Assets column will be very different from the entries in the Liabilities column. You will see that it is impossible to confuse assets with liabilities.

    Assets are real-life objects and objects (documents, material values, etc.), while liabilities are something abstract. Liabilities (debts, overdue accounts, accumulated profits) are fixed on paper and exist in memory in the mind, but they are intangible.

    Kiyosaki did not write anything about the intangible: he, after all, was guided by Americans who love specifics. But liabilities are just something that cannot be touched. Therefore, the generally accepted definition of assets and liabilities, even if adapted, seems to us more accurate than the definition given by the American educator.

    In conclusion, let us give readers advice: do not neglect the theoretical foundations! If you are planning to start your own business, knowing the basic concepts will give you the opportunity to feel more confident.

    (left side), reflecting the composition and value of the property of the organization on a certain date. The totality of property rights: material values, cash, etc., belonging to a legal entity.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .



    • Utah
    • Administrative divisions of the United States

    See what "Active" is in other dictionaries:

      assets- a, m. actif m., lat. activus. 1. Cash. Dal. Any property, in contrast to the debts lying on it (liability). Pavlenkov 1911. Part of the balance sheet of a bank, enterprise, institution, etc., including all types of material values ​​and cash ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      ASSETS- (fr.). 1) in commerce, the constituent parts of property (money, goods, securities), without regard to the liabilities lying on it. 2) in grammar: active voice. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      assets- Resources received or controlled by a particular economic entity, arising from past transactions or events, and which are the source of expected economic benefits in the future. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

      ASSETS- (asset) Any item, tangible or intangible, that is of value to its owner. In most cases it is either cash or something that can be converted into cash; the exception is early ... ... Financial vocabulary

      ASSETS- ASSET, asset, husband. (from lat. activus real, active) (polit. neol.). 1. The most advanced, politically hardened and active part of the members of a party or other public organization. Party asset. Trade union asset. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      assets- Cm … Synonym dictionary

      Assets- (in relation to the balance sheet) one of the two parts of the balance sheet, which reflects non-current and current assets. The organization bears the risk associated with their use. The asset accumulates funds invested ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of the head of the enterprise

      Assets- and passive. An asset in business language is called the components of property, regardless of existing debts, that is, cash, bills of exchange, securities, goods, tools, machines and implements, or buildings and land, as well as having to be ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

      Assets- (asset) Any object, tangible or intangible, that is of value to its owner. In most cases, this is either cash or something that can be converted into cash; the exception is early payments ... Glossary of business terms

      ASSETS- assets (from Latin activus effective) 1) the totality of property and funds belonging to an enterprise, firm, company (buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, inventories, bank deposits, investments in securities, patents, ... ... Economic dictionary

    These two terms are one of the basic concepts of accounting. Everything that is in the enterprise is divided into assets and liabilities. And therefore it is very important to understand what is an asset and what is a liability, what they do and what are their differences.

    Asset and liability of the balance sheet for "dummies"

    Participation in the economic process of the enterprise of assets and liabilities is continuous, they are always present in it, sometimes only changing their composition and form of value. To understand assets and liabilities, you first need to get acquainted with the balance sheet.

    In domestic accounting practice, balance is a way of summarizing the assets and liabilities of an enterprise in monetary terms. The balance sheet characterizes the financial position of the enterprise in monetary terms at the reporting date.

    The balance of assets and liabilities is called planned. It is developed on the basis of a data plan for the organization's income and expenses, a plan for financial profit and expense, the use of investments, etc.

    The main tasks of drawing up a balance sheet of assets and liabilities are:

    • formation of highly realizable organization and guaranteeing its conditions;
    • planned calculations of the creditworthiness of the organization, as well as their reflection on the balance sheet;
    • argumentation of the conditions for the capitalization of the organization and the growth of its value.

    In other words, the planned balance is the place where assets and liabilities are stored. The balance of assets and liabilities is depicted in the form of a table in which assets are located on the left and liabilities on the right.

    The total sum of all the data on the left side must be equal to the sum of the data on the right side. The indispensable equality of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet is an important rule that should not be forgotten. If equal values ​​are not displayed, it means that a mistake was made in accounting, which must be found.

    In order for the planned balance sheet to be drawn up correctly, it is necessary to clearly understand what an asset and a liability are, and for this you need to consider them separately.

    Enterprise assets

    The assets of the enterprise are the values ​​that are under control, which must certainly bring income in the future. In the case of non-profit organizations, the second part is not taken into account.

    Assets may include: fixed assets (OS), finished product, goods, etc.

    There are the following types of assets:

    1. Material.
    2. Intangible.
    3. Financial.

    Material assets include assets that exist in physical form (finished products, equipment, etc.). Accordingly, it will not be possible to touch intangible assets, most often these are patents, trademarks, and so on. Financial assets include cash investments, accounts, receivables.

    According to their characteristics, assets are also divided into current and non-current:

    1. Working capital - cash and cash equivalents, not limited in use and others intended for sale within 12 months from the date of the balance sheet or during the course of the operating cycle. Current assets can be: cash, financial short-term investments, receivables (if the maturity is not more than a year), inventories, value added tax on acquired valuables, etc.
    2. Non-current (non-current) - assets with a useful life of more than 12 months or more than the operating cycle. These may include fixed assets, long-term financial investments, intangible assets, etc.

    By type of use, assets can be gross (obtained on the basis of not only own, but also borrowed capital) and net (formed exclusively on own investments).

    On the balance sheet, you can also find assets that do not actually exist. The so-called fictitious assets are often used in fraud, untimely write-offs of assets.

    There are also "hidden" assets. They are not reflected in the company's balance sheet. Such assets may include:

    • organizational expenses when creating an organization;
    • expenses for obtaining a license;
    • decommissioned fixed assets worth less than 40,000 rubles;
    • improvement and modernization of fixed assets;
    • library fund;
    • marketing research results;
    • long-term contracts;
    • other "hidden" assets.

    Liquid assets are assets that can be quickly and cost-effectively converted into cash.

    Another type of assets is called "imaginary". "Imaginary" assets are reflected in the balance sheet of the enterprise, but are actually absent. Most often, such assets have been written off for some time, but for some reason remain not written off. The fact of "owning" such assets has no financial benefit, either now or in the future. Or such a benefit may exist, but its size is negligible, in comparison with the costs of maintaining the asset.

    “Imaginary” assets include:

    • unwritten receivables that have no chance of repayment;
    • unnecessary or excessive modernization of fixed assets;
    • unsuitable materials;
    • unwritten value of fixed assets no longer fit for use;
    • other inefficient assets.

    Liabilities of the enterprise

    Liabilities are called the perpetrators of the creation of assets. In other words, liabilities are the guarantees that the enterprise has assumed and all its financial sources.

    Liabilities are divided into:

    • current liabilities;
    • long-term debts;
    • long term duties.

    Current liabilities include liabilities that are due next year. Long-term debts are loans and bonds placed on the financial market for a long period of time. Long-term liabilities may be liabilities to staff, landlords, deferred taxes.

    Classifications of obligations may be different. For example:

    • actually existing;
    • "hidden";
    • "imaginary".

    Assets and liabilities of the balance sheet. Conclusion

    The assets and liabilities of the enterprise's balance sheet are components of any financial system. They are components of the balance sheet, and therefore assets and liabilities are always equal, because it is impossible to purchase anything for an amount greater than what is available.

    A minimal change in one part of the balance immediately entails changes in the other. So, for proper accounting, it is extremely important to learn how to separate assets from liabilities.