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  • Trees in the summer cottage signs. What tree to plant near the house

    Trees in the summer cottage signs.  What tree to plant near the house

    In ancient times, people believed that all trees were endowed with some kind of supernatural power: good or bad. Folk signs were collected by our ancestors for more than one generation, people relied not only on magical components, but also on everyday experience. In this article, I will talk about which trees will be unwanted neighbors for your home, as well as what consequences can await a person who decides to ignore ancient signs.

    Trees that should not be planted near the house


    Oak is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as they say in modern times. However, this tree is not intended for planting in the backyard or in close proximity to the house.

    Popular beliefs say that this tree draws vitality and energy from the household. In addition, an oak tree planted near the house promises the imminent death of the head of the family.


    Spruce, like other conifers, is not advised to be planted near the house. In the old days, it was believed that spruce helps evil spirits and sorcerers, and households can promise melancholy and depression. In addition, many call the spruce a symbol of death, since in the old days the path to the dead was covered with spruce branches.

    For the female half of the house where a spruce is planted, this coniferous tree promises loneliness and childlessness. The Slavs believed that such a girl would never marry, and if she did, she would not be able to give birth to a child.

    It is believed that spruce does not like men. She will do anything to get them out of the house. Spruce can provoke a quarrel in the family, which will turn into a divorce. It also interferes with the birth of boys.

    Folk legends also say that a goblin hides in the branches of a spruce, and a werewolf sleeps under the highest tree.


    From ancient times, fir was feared, as it was believed that it was able to lure dead souls to dwellings. People considered fir a tree that shows the way to the other world.

    In general, fir is a female tree. But, alas, it does not bode well for women. Beliefs say that a woman living in a house near which a fir was planted will be left alone for life.


    Birch is a Russian beauty, a favorite of many poets. So many laudatory songs and poems have been written about her. Birch is a symbol of innocence, purity, girlhood, a young bride.

    However, it is impossible to plant a birch directly near the house. It should grow at least behind the fence of the house, but in no case closer.

    In ancient times, it was believed that for women, a birch planted near the house promises diseases that can lead to infertility.

    In addition, this tree was also feared because it was from the branches of the birch that the witches made their brooms. No wonder no one wanted another witch to get so close to home.

    If you plant a birch behind a fence, it was believed that it would drive away evil spirits and spoilage. Also, a birch can help a person heal if you pour the water in which he bathed under this tree.


    Willow is not the best tree for planting near the house. It is believed that a person living in this house will constantly cry.

    Willow promises only grief and sadness to the household. No wonder this tree has long been called weeping.


    The sign says that whoever plants a willow near his house will call for a quick death. It is especially dangerous to plant this tree on the occasion of the birth of a baby. The ancients believed that then the child would get sick a lot, and when he grew up, he could drown or die in another way.


    Thuja is a tree that is very often found in cemeteries, because it is a tree of sadness.

    There is definitely no place for such a tree near the house, since in ancient times it was believed that girls from this house would never know the joy of marriage and motherhood.

    In addition, thuja can portend an imminent illness to one of the inhabitants of the house, which can lead to death.


    Another coniferous tree that should not be allocated a place on its site. In addition to the fact that pine, like spruce, will prevent marriage, it is still capable of ruining your entire crop.

    No plant will grow next to a pine tree. This is partly because the pine simply shade all other plants.


    Poplar is a tree that is not recommended to be planted close to the house. The point here is not even in folk signs, but in practical considerations. The fact is that this tree has very powerful roots that can contribute to the destruction of the foundation of the house.

    In addition, according to popular beliefs, poplar can fall on the house during strong winds or as a result of a hurricane, thereby causing damage.


    Another tree that is undesirable to grow near the house. Walnut, like poplar, also has very branched roots, which can also harm the house.


    Since ancient times, people have treated this tree with suspicion and fear. It is believed that this tree was not spared by witches. They make their whistles out of it in order to kidnap children from their home with them.


    Aspen is a tree that should only grow in the forest. Signs say that such a tree planted near the house can bring misfortune and illness to the household.

    In addition, aspen is not yet planted because of the fear of witches, since it is believed that it is from aspen wood that witches kindle their fires in order to brew a potion later.

    Summing up

    1. All coniferous trees are not recommended to be grown in close proximity to the house, as they entail not only death, but can also doom girls to loneliness.
    2. Some trees have a powerful root system that can destroy a house.
    3. According to popular beliefs, trees such as birch, alder and aspen are trees from which witches made pomelo, whistles and made a fire on their wood.
    4. Many trees can bring death, such as oak and willow.
    5. I talked about the most common folk legends associated with planting trees near the dwelling. To believe in them and follow them, of course, is everyone's business.

    Rowan has long been considered one of the most mystical and powerful trees. Folk signs about this tree can help you learn about the future in time and predict future events to your advantage.

    At all times, people attached great importance to signs and customs. The most faithful of them were passed down from generation to generation, eventually reaching us unchanged. Today, practitioners in the field of healing and bioenergy draw conclusions about upcoming events in the fate of a person with the help of folk signs about mountain ash. This tree with bittersweet "fiery" berries is not in vain considered one of the most mysterious and endowed with mystical powers.

    Folk signs about mountain ash

    • Early flowering of mountain ash - by a hot and dry summer.
    • The leaves on the mountain ash turn yellow and fall off in the summer - by a harsh and long winter.
    • If the flowers on the mountain ash fall without opening to the end, late winter should be expected.
    • If the rowan leaves do not fall off completely, but wither, remaining on the branches, then February will be fierce and frosty.

    A lot of red rowan: true signs

    Rowan at all times was considered an extremely unusual tree. In the early burial rites of the Slavs, its berries were used, and rowan branches were hung over the door to protect the house from the dead, curses and diseases.

    • If a lot of rowan berries were born, then a long and harsh winter should be expected.
    • Early ripened berries speak of long cold weather and late spring.
    • Berries fall from the branches, not ripe - to a rich harvest and rainy summer.
    • A large harvest of red rowan promises a cold and long winter.

    Rowan in the yard: signs and beliefs

    In addition to protecting against otherworldly forces, mountain ash has long been considered a “female” tree: it protects the beauty and youth of girls living in a house under the protection of this tree.

    It is believed that three rowan trees planted around the house will protect it from fires, thieves and other troubles.

    One mountain ash in the yard is able to restore health to any sick person who is in the house for more than three days. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of the leaves, flowers or berries of the tree and give the patient to drink it three times a day until recovery.

    Two rowan trees near the porch, according to legend, drive away uninvited guests and people who come to the house with malicious intent from the house.

    It is believed that one mountain ash growing near the fence of the ancestral home indicates the presence of magical abilities in women from this family.

    Folk signs about mountain ash in the house

    According to beliefs and signs, a bouquet with rowan berries, presented to a girl, speaks of an imminent wedding.

    A sprig of rowan, hung over a window frame, will help protect the house from damage, the evil eye and unkind wishes.

    According to popular beliefs, a girl who wants to preserve her youth and beauty should make beads from ripe rowan berries and wear them on herself.

    Scattered rowan berries - to great happiness with your loved one.

    Do not miss the moment when joy and luck knock on your house, proven folk signs about happiness will help. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    06.09.2017 01:59

    A popular belief forbids taking out the garbage after sunset. According to belief, such an act threatens with serious troubles.

    In order for a personal plot or cottage to have a complete look, trees are needed. Such plants are the basis of landscape design and landscaping.

    Summer residents also prefer to acquire fruit representatives in order to obtain a crop. What trees to plant on the site and what should be considered when choosing?

    Principles for the selection of plantings for your own site

    Gardeners and summer residents want to see beautiful plants full of health on their site. In order for a seedling to take root and develop, aesthetic preferences alone are not enough.

    An important element at the stage of selection of varieties is the existing conditions and the condition of the soil. A common cause of wilting and death of plantings is the wrong selection of plants.

    Now breeders have bred new resistant species that are adapted to more severe weather conditions. You should not hope that a heat-loving tropical plant will take root in the northern latitudes.

    We also contain some varieties of exotic representatives of the flora. Such instances are often more demanding in terms of content. Therefore, choosing those unusual for your climate, be prepared for the fact that you have to devote more time and effort to care.

    Before you plant a tree in your garden, make inquiries about its needs and features. First make sure that the climate suits it, and it will not die.

    In addition to weather conditions, it is worth taking into account the quality and condition of the soil, the characteristics of the relief, the proximity of groundwater and the size of the site.

    Selection of trees according to the climate zone

    Before you buy seedlings, be rational about their choice. Southern heat-loving specimens quickly die or do not take root at all in cold areas. Often, gardeners unsuccessfully try to grow fruit crops in the country that are demanding on air temperature.

    Trees for northern latitudes

    Among the decorative representatives of the flora, the following common species perfectly tolerate a cold climate:

    • black or Russian willow
    • willow
    • white acacia
    • birch (various varieties)
    • blue spruce
    • Norway maple
    • Amur velvet

    Things are more difficult with fruit. Most of them die in icy winters. Pay attention to walnut, resistant varieties, hawthorn, cranberries, blueberries. Other fruit crops adapted to harsh conditions are now on the market.

    Trees for mid-latitudes

    In the temperate climate zone, the choice for planting green spaces is huge. Broad-leaved (beech, ash, linden), coniferous (spruce, pine), small-leaved (aspen, birch) species, as well as most fruit representatives, take root perfectly.

    Severe frosts in the middle latitudes, if they occur, then last for a short time. In the temperate zone, temperatures can drop to -25-30 C. Therefore, choose plants that can withstand such cold.

    Trees for the south lane

    Warm weather conditions with little temperature fluctuations are the ideal place to create a fertile garden.

    In the south, heat-loving ones develop and bear fruit well:

    • peaches
    • apricots
    • cherries
    • pears
    • cherries
    • sea ​​buckthorn
    • barberry
    • mulberry
    • plum

    We are planning to create a fruit-bearing garden

    What fruit trees to plant on the site? Focus on your preferences and suitability for the climate zone. After you decide on the list of varieties that can be grown in your area, proceed directly to the choice. At the stage of organizing a garden, different aspects and parameters are taken into account.

    Create a landing pattern

    Before you start taking action, create a landing pattern on paper. Sketch a plan for the location of seedlings.

    Decide on the quantity

    Think about what you need fruit crops for. Do you want to please yourself with fresh berries and fruits in season, are you planning a planting or do you want to get a harvest for a commercial purpose? How many family members will you share the collected and berries?

    If you do not count on the further sale of fruits, you should not plant 25 seedlings of the same species.

    Create a preference list

    Write a list of those representatives of the flora that you would like to see near the house in the first place. Think about what fruits and berries you need the most? What cultures do not cause sympathy? Are you allergic to any of the plants?

    Make a list in descending order of their importance. Start buying from the first positions. At the end of the list should be the least fit and desirable specimens.

    Take into account the size of the plot

    If you want to try as many fruits as possible, and the size of the plot is modest, use the following tricks:

    Plant dwarf breeds. The advantage of these is compactness and ease of maintenance. The owner will have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits, despite the small territory. However, many gardeners note that columnar specimens deplete the soil more.

    In order to get different fruits, use the graft. This technique will allow you to get branches hung with fruits of different varieties (plums, apples).

    Leave enough space between plants

    When planted, the seedlings are miniature and slender, and grow significantly over time. Leave enough space between them. Consider the variety and size in adulthood.

    Choose the Right Neighbors

    An important detail is the correct combination of neighboring trees. Cherries are better pollinated and grow in the company of their own kind. It makes no sense to plant one cherry tree in the garden.

    Place the walnut away from other green spaces. It will try to destroy nearby plants. But the mulberry will not interfere with any neighbor.

    You can plant several fruit trees near the house, or start creating a whole garden. It is worthwhile to correctly calculate your strength. If the area is large, it may be better to invite a professional team.

    What trees are suitable for lowlands and wetlands

    The best option for the garden is a perfectly flat relief. However, not every land plot can boast of such characteristics. Most often, there are lowlands near the estate, which must be filled competently.

    In the low part, you should not arrange a garden. Fruit trees and shrubs are demanding on the soil, and in conditions of dampness and high humidity, their roots will begin to rot. Groundwater must lie at least 2 m deep from the surface of the earth.

    If the entire garden is in a lowland, but you want to plant fruit crops, use the following technique. Make earth mounds 35-45 cm high and place seedlings on artificially created hills.

    If there is a lowland on the site, and there is no way to create a good drainage system, certain plants are specially planted. Aspen or willow will help remove excess water.

    There are other representatives of the flora that tolerate low-lying areas and nearby streams well:

    • . A beautiful deciduous plant, famous for its long flowering period from July to September. Perfectly complements the green design.
    • Willow white. A tree traditionally found in marshy soils along rivers and streams. Thanks to its impressive size, it creates a tangible shadow.
    • Hawthorn. A shrub studded with fruits that resemble small apples. Often used for medicinal purposes.
    • Gray . A tree that grows up to 20 m. It does not tolerate drought, so wet soils are what you need.
    • Honeysuckle. It is of interest as an ornamental plant. There are varieties with edible fruits of an unusual shape.
    • Deren. Such species as white, red and offspring are common. Differs in unpretentiousness and high adaptability.
    • . Each owner will be pleased with the presence of viburnum on his territory. An unusually beautiful shrub will delight with useful fruits.

    Planting plants in wetlands will help reduce moisture levels and green the area. Trees will help to achieve completeness and integrity.

    To create a certain style in a country house or a personal plot, decorative varieties are needed. If you want to get a single composition, select plants that are similar in style. To make the garden look neat, you will have to remember from time to time about pruning and shaping the crown.

    For hedges, choose small trees and shrubs. Remember that tall plants will change significantly in size over time, shading the territory of their neighbors in the country and taking root in adjacent areas.

    It is better not to plant pine trees on the site, or to move them as far as possible. Their features are such that they can destroy all vegetation around.

    It is believed that plants have a certain energy. The aura of each is special, it can give or take away strength. According to superstition, it is undesirable to plant the following representatives of the flora near the house.


    In fact, a real protector. However, it is better to take it out of the gate and build a bench next to it. There she will not interfere with the owner and will not let negativity on the threshold.


    Even our ancestors considered aspen an energy vampire. It is believed to bring sickness and loss. The cross of Jesus Christ was made of aspen.


    Some say that whoever plants it will soon die. Even if you are not a superstitious person, you should not tempt fate.


    It often grows near water bodies, but is not suitable for planting near the house. Willow is traditionally considered a symbol of weeping and suffering; in the old days, women came to her to grieve about a difficult fate.


    It also raises many questions. There is controversy: is it possible to plant spruce near the house? Some believe that she is an energy vampire and is able to absorb energy during the summer and give it back in the winter. Others say that spruce protects from quarrels and bad mood.

    However, in regions where spruces are common, they do not believe in omens.

    There is a huge selection on the market now. Many varieties are artificially bred by breeders and are more resistant to adverse conditions.

    When choosing seedlings and preparing a planting plan, the owner should take into account the climate, topography, soil nature and crop compatibility.

    You will learn about which conifers are best planted at their summer cottage when watching an interesting video:

    Nowadays, summer residents use the most modern tools and enthusiastically order seeds from world-famous breeders. But why, when we take someone's cuttings from a bush, do we try to "give a coin"? Sometimes it is difficult to guess where these strange beliefs and prejudices come from. Let's try to put them together and explain them scientifically.


    It is necessary to bury aspen stakes in the corners of the plot

    This superstition came not only from biblical traditions that the aspen is a cursed tree on which Judas hanged himself. Even in pagan times, aspen branches were stuck into the wattle fence or into the walls of buildings where cattle were kept. Aspen leaves have very thin petioles, so they tremble at the slightest wind, as if they are “afraid” of something. In addition, the aspen grows very quickly, the trunk does not have time to increase its power, and in a strong wind this tree sways and rapidly loses its leaves. Our ancestors believed that the evil force would also be afraid of aspen twigs and would not penetrate the territory. Now, witches and other evil spirits have been clearly excluded from the evil force, but they have not ceased to be afraid of thieves and the evil eye, therefore, in the corners of the site and at each gate post and gate, some stick aspen stakes.

    A photo Michal

    Near the porch it is necessary to plant rowan

    I am not a supporter of planting any tree close to the house, because I do not like to do extra work - sweep fallen leaves from the veranda floor in autumn or faded flower petals in spring. But some acquaintances argue that it is urgent to plant a mountain ash at the very entrance in order to ward off evil spirits.

    The answer to this superstition is simple. It turns out that since pagan times, the Slavs, Scandinavians and Celts believed that this tree protects against witchcraft and wars, and crosses from its twigs will help from the evil eye. The underside of the rowan berry looks like a star, one of the ancient pagan symbols of protection.

    A photo Nadia

    You can not plant spruce on the site

    We don’t have a winter pass to the dacha, but we really want to celebrate the New Year in our house and decorate our own Christmas tree in the yard!

    A photo ***sale***

    But for spruce there is a bad omen. It is believed that spruce is bad: loneliness, death, and as soon as it grows higher than the house, the one who planted it dies. Of course, this is all superstition. They are connected with the fact that in the old days the heating in the houses was stove, the houses themselves were one-story, and the spruce, growing up, could partially close the chimney with its powerful branches. In our time, such signs are no longer useful. The only thing that spruce is bad for is that it is really tall, and you need to choose something for it so that it does not obscure the garden area and neighboring plots. In addition, spruce needles acidify the soil, so spruce should be planted away from flower beds and beds.

    A photo Black Nigella

    Be sure to plant viburnum on the plot

    The Slavs considered viburnum to be a tree-protector of women's happiness, and legends of the 13th-15th centuries associate viburnum berries with drops of blood of girls who heroically saved their villages from Horde raids. Many legends and songs are composed about viburnum and girlish love, so this tree is perceived as a talisman of the family hearth and conjugal love.

    A photo Nadia

    You can not cut your own fruit trees in the country

    It is believed that to cut down an old fruit tree, you need to hire someone, and not uproot it yourself. This prejudice also takes its roots from pagan traditions. It so happened historically that the life of the Slavs was associated with trees, and therefore many beliefs about trees are firmly rooted in our minds. It was believed that the fruit tree is a kind of "double" of a person. At the birth of children, it was customary to plant his "own" apple tree, pear, or other fruit tree.

    pear photo BabaTanya

    apple tree photo bagheera123

    To attract good spirits, you can plant a birch on the site

    With this belief, everything is clear - the birch has always been considered the most "Russian" tree, light and native. Even today, many, walking through the forest, hug a birch and talk to her in a moment of sadness.
    But in the country, planting a birch is possible only with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. The roots of the birch spread in breadth, and it is impossible to grow other crops near it, not only because of the shade, but also because the birch draws all the moisture from the ground.
    MNBer writes: “We mentally draw a circle around the birch according to the projection of its crown. We don’t plant anything in this circle, it won’t grow, only grass (well, even lilies of the valley, but still they will crawl from the trunk, the periwinkle sits stunted near the neighbors). You can arrange pots, stumps, carts, all kinds of beauty, a scattered shadow near a birch, everything will grow in pots. And behind the projection of the crown, you can start planting either annuals or flowers with a powerful root system.

    You can’t rest under the elderberry, otherwise you can get sick

    This belief should be observed, and it is connected with the fact that the unripe berries of the black elderberry are poisonous, and the red (bunchy) and grassy elderberry are actually poisonous. In case of accidental ingestion of berries, it is necessary to take the victim to the hospital.

    A photo E.N.

    You can not kill frogs, otherwise there will be a flood

    A frog may well get under a lawn mower, what can you do. But some are beginning to worry that soon because of this there will be a heavy downpour, and the whole crop is simply. This prejudice came from the old idea that those who drowned as a result of the Flood were turned into frogs, and, of course, they must not be killed, otherwise punishment will come.

    A photo Orchid mist

    If you are given seedlings or cuttings, you need to give a yellow coin

    There is such a superstition that if you give away planting material for free - any bulbs, layering or sprouts, then everything will grow in the person you are gifting, and yours will be transferred. There is no exact scientific explanation why it is necessary to give a yellow coin, and not a paper bill or a silver coin. Most likely, the yellow color of the coin is associated with copper money, which, unlike silver, was changeable, the smallest, which it was not a pity to symbolically give away for seedlings.

    Stolen plants will grow better

    Diametrically opposite to the previous one is the prejudice that it is better to steal a plant than to pay for it. Sometimes they even jokingly say: "Turn away, and I'll steal from you." This is due to the fact that when buying, we can sometimes create too ideal conditions for the existence of a sprout, and this is not always useful. And if you inadvertently pinch off a branch, passing by, and then just stick it into the ground, then it takes root easier. But most likely, if the stolen and does not take root, we simply forget about this cutting, and, thus, the survival statistics of purchased and stolen plants are erased.

    Before sowing, you must say "I will give to the earth, and the earth will give to me"

    If such auto-training calms, it is quite possible to pronounce these words, there is nothing wrong with that.

    It is necessary to sow seedlings and make preparations on "women's days"

    Many adhere to the rule to sow on the days of the week, which are feminine nouns - on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This tradition is connected with the fact that the feminine principle has long been associated with fertility. There is no other scientific explanation for this sign, therefore, of course, you can sow on any day.

    When the Moon is growing, it is necessary to sow what grows above the earth, and vice versa

    What country signs and superstitions do you know? Do you use them? Share in the comments to the article!


    It is always nice when the house is surrounded by fresh greenery. In the southern regions, evergreens are especially pleasing. Let's figure out which trees can not be planted near the house according to folk signs.

    According to signs, low garden trees are ideal next to the house - cherries, apple trees, lemons, tangerines. Tall fruit trees can also be planted in the courtyard of the house - pears, plums, mulberries, apricots. All these plants have a powerful positive biofield that is friendly to humans.

    To clean the air in the yard, you can plant juniper. This is a difficult plant with strong magical properties. The smoke and essential oils of juniper easily dispel any evil spell.

    Juniper increases the craving for knowledge, ease of perception, prevents the development of pulmonary and catarrhal diseases, strengthens the immune system. Juniper gives self-confidence, its berries can be used as a seasoning for meat and can replace salt. But an easy life next to the juniper will not work. People are seized by the craving for wandering, new experiences, ideas, a fresh wind settles in the soul and calls for itself.

    If your priorities include a happy marriage and quiet home comfort, you should avoid juniper and do not plant it near the house. If you are satisfied with eternal loneliness, the company of cheerful friends, the rapid maturation of children and their departure from the parental nest on powerful wings - with a good education and brilliant prospects - the juniper in the yard is your best friend.


    The thuja tree protects not only from the common cold. The plant perfectly copes with hypertension, repels annoying insects and fills the house with an intoxicating fresh aroma. You can plant thuja in the yard only in warm climatic conditions. In the middle lane, thuja is put out for the summer in the yard in large pots, and for the winter they are brought into the house or into the greenhouse.

    From the point of view of energy, thuja contributes to the most vivid manifestation of individuality. If you are engaged in art, you need thuja as the best and most powerful source of inspiration. But you can forget about a strong family. Quarrels, quarrels, scandals between spouses and servants, quarreling and fighting children are a side effect of outbreaks of individualism. Thuja is a tree of talented and bright egoists. You don't have to worry about marital fidelity either - it won't happen at all. Anything - advanced ideas of marriage, experiments with different partners and partners, tender spiritual friendship, hippie community. But just not a standard family - it's too boring for a person who has fallen under the spell of a thuja.


    Spruces should not be planted - in spiritual terms, they can only give strength to skilled shamans, they will simply fill everyone else with gloomy forebodings, the expectation of the inevitable. Spruce branches are used by shamans to hide the entrance to the lower world - to the souls of the dead. The New Year or Christmas tree is essentially a memorial tree. A tradition that emerged at the junction of several different cultures.


    Planting willows, willows - to tears. Willow protects against staph infections and you will always have beautiful, radiant white, clear skin. Maybe. You will keep youth for a long time, everyone will ask the secret of beauty and recipes for creams. But eternal melancholy, sadness, mild forms of hypochondria, a languid and sad look are a direct consequence of the willow nearby.


    Yew berry, a favorite shrub for park hedges in parts of England. Planting it near the house is not a good idea, the plant has a gloomy overwhelming aura and creates a heavy atmosphere around. The life expectancy of a plant is up to 4 thousand years. In Russia, yew thickets can be found in the Crimea.

    Tourists sometimes confuse yew with juniper and pick poisonous yew berries as a condiment. You can get poisoned with one handful or a decoction of berries or leaves. Toxin accumulates in the body, a lethal dose can be gained several times by sprinkling fragrant and environmentally friendly seasonings into food.

    If the distance to the boundaries of the site is more than 50 meters, you can plant a yew alley. The shrub has strong bactericidal properties, perfectly purifies the air and even traps salts of heavy metals. When eating yew branches by livestock, animal poisoning is possible. Milk also becomes poisonous. For fatal poisoning, it is enough for an animal to eat 200-400 grams of leaves.

    What trees can not be planted near buildings for safety reasons

    In addition to signs, there is common sense and safety precautions that do not allow planting trees that reach great heights directly near buildings. This applies to poplars, elms, birches and other softwood trees. You can not plant trees with a developed root system, as they can damage pipelines and sewer pipes. Tall trees and shrubs, accustomed to dry periods, are best planted at some distance. Oak, walnut grow a huge root system, which can damage even city communications.