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  • Proposals from the inhabitants of the city. Skate park business plan: necessary equipment and cost calculation Stages of working with our company

    Proposals from the inhabitants of the city.  Skate park business plan: necessary equipment and cost calculation Stages of working with our company

    Extreme sports require an equipped place to perform stunts and workouts. For this reason, many skaters and riders are thinking about how to make a skate park in their area. The construction of the park will require not only special equipment, but also obtaining permission from the city authorities.

    Skate park device

    A skate park is a specially equipped sports ground for training using a skateboard, aggressive rollers, a bicycle, a scooter and other types of transport that are considered extreme.

    The park can host local and national competitions, demonstration performances, master classes, and meetings with professional athletes. Such a platform can help popularize and attract young people to a healthy lifestyle, develop in adolescents the desire to achieve high results in sports and improve their skill level.

    In addition, a skate park is a way to remove young people and teenagers from the territory of architectural monuments, the roadway and other places not intended for the listed sports. The usual area for such leisure is a danger to the lives of the athletes themselves and nearby people.

    Skateboard equipment mimics street obstacles and allows you to train without the risk of injury, reduces the risk of child injuries in road accidents.

    It is important to provide space for beginners, a place for parents to relax, as well as figures for the collective training of athletes.

    A skate park may include the following basic figures:

    • dispersal / quarters;
    • fanboxes / pyramids;
    • railings / grindboxes;
    • ramps / mini ramps;
    • additional small figures.

    Zoning the space will keep beginners safe and give professionals the opportunity to unleash their skills.

    Necessary tools and materials

    When building a park for extreme skiing, you will need the following materials:

    • wooden beams;
    • waterproof plywood;
    • timber;
    • grooved board and simple;
    • steel pipes;
    • corners, screws, bolts with nuts and washers.

    All wooden materials must be made from dry wood. If it was not possible to find waterproof plywood, you can soak the plywood sheets in drying oil or rub it hot with a brush (roller) already on the ramp. The seams between the sheets are closed with a piping impregnated with glue.

    To avoid overspending material, you need to prepare drawings. Woodworking is best left to a carpenter.

    Nails are not used when assembling figures, because due to the vibration that occurs when riding, they fall out over time.

    How to make a skate park with your own hands - step by step instructions

    For those who want to figure out how to make a skate park with their own hands, the following instructions will help:

    1. It is better to build a site together, so first you need to create an initiative group and choose a leader in it who can negotiate with the authorities to obtain permission.
    2. Before visiting the city authorities, you need to collect signatures in support of the skate park (the more signatures, the better).
    3. A project should be developed. Draw up an approximate budget, try to attract entrepreneurs to the construction. Sponsors can be businessmen who sell sporting goods, including skateboards, roller skates, bicycles, etc.
    4. Sports entertainment today is in demand among young people, so the park can be made paid, then all expenses will pay off faster. But in this case, the site must have a high-quality coating and be equipped with various equipment. You can rent roller skates, bicycles, skateboards.
    5. An application is sent to the Main Architecture and District Administration. Within a month, it will be considered, after the expiration of the period, either a building permit or a reasoned refusal will be issued, which can be appealed in court.
    6. After receiving a positive response, you will need to approve the project (again contact the Main Architecture and the Cadastral Chamber) and provide a work schedule, estimates and contracts with contractors. You can do without this documentation: build the site yourself and, in fact, apply to the relevant authorities with a request to accept the finished structure on the balance sheet or transfer the site for long-term gratuitous use to the population.
    7. After bureaucratic procedures, you can start equipping the site.

    The figures must be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from each other. At the same time, those devices that involve jumping with a skateboard are placed in the center of the arena. Roll-outs and paths for acceleration should be provided, tracks for beginners should be located separately, the width of which varies from 3 to 9 m.

    The complexity of the construction of a skate park is beyond doubt, because for a comfortable ride you need to take into account many factors: the surface in the park, height, dimensions, ramp and railing angles, and much more. The matter becomes even more complicated when not professional builders and designers are engaged in construction, but young skateboarders.

    The Ramex Park indoor skate park, unique in its kind, appeared in Ramenskoye near Moscow at the beginning of this year. The author of the project and one of its creators, Stas Nikitin, is a rider best known for his participation in the Russian film about skateballing, Theater of the Absurd.

    Hey Stas. Tell me something about yourself.

    Hello, my name is Stas Nikitin, now I am 24 years old, I love skateboarding and have been skating for quite a long time - since about 14 years old. I didn't ride for almost four years because of back problems. Fortunately, they are already behind and I can again do what I love.

    How and when did the idea for the park come about?

    The idea of ​​creating a park came to me last fall, when the only indoor skate park in Moscow was closed. It became clear that in winter in Moscow there is simply nowhere to ride. I had 2 options: go on a tour abroad or try to build a park myself. In connection with my work and constant employment, I decided to try to build a park, because I already had experience. Initially, a small room of about 100-150 square meters was planned. Unfortunately, nothing suitable was found. There were options, but they did not pass through various parameters. As a result, the only more or less acceptable option turned out to be very close, or rather, 100 meters from my main job. The design was done by me and my friend Vitaly Zimakov, who was responsible for the software part.

    What problems did you encounter during construction?

    The main problem is the terrible state of the room and the lack of a flat floor. There were a couple of walls that needed to be removed. There was no entrance, that is, it had to be done by yourself. Absolutely everything in the room was covered with a layer of white dust from one to three centimeters - waste from the production of plastic panels, the production of which was carried out by previous tenants. To begin with, we washed the entire room with a fire hose - the ceiling, walls and floor. This took several days. Next, they installed lamps, since there was not enough light. Then, we brought in all the necessary materials, and the construction went at full speed. On the eighth day, the first line of the park was completed, and with it, the materials also ran out. After working a little in this mode, we collected the missing money and took up the second line. It was built not so quickly: in about two weeks it was ready.

    How much does it cost to build a skate park in Russia?

    If we talk about building from scratch, then the cost of materials for a park of 450 square meters can cost from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles - it all depends on the chosen coverage. To this amount must be added the cost of rent. When the park opened, we had to immediately pay the cost of two months of rent. It is worth remembering about other additional costs: lighting, dignity. node and the like. You also need to have some "initiative group" that will help in the construction. Building a park is hard work.

    Where did you get the experience of building a park, designing ramps and squares?

    Experience has been accumulated over many years. I was constantly trying to build something due to the banal lack of normal spots. Moreover, the construction sometimes took longer than the subsequent skating. As a result, my hobby has grown to the point that two years ago my company "Best Day" built a park in our city of Ramenskoye by state order. Unfortunately, it did not last long - only about six months. This was due to the proximity of the site to the houses and the high noise level. In this situation, the riders themselves played a big role, who rode at night, thereby preventing people from sleeping. Returning to the question, I will say that it is not necessary to have any special skills in design. If you have ridden in normal parks and know how to use basic tools, building a park will not be a problem. The main desire.

    What is the park like right now?

    The park consists of two lines. The first is two banks with a smooth ride, straight and inclined edges, as well as a kink rail for any rack. The second one is a bank with a smooth entry, a radius and bank pyramid and a radius smoothly going into the wall.

    We visited the new skate park and saw those who built it

    Heroes, Kursk skateboarders, without thinking twice, picked up hammers and nails, and carried out their long-standing project to build an indoor skate park.

    Six enthusiasts - Nikita Tolpekin, Sasha Rudenko, Vadim Kichigin, Dima Chepelev, Vanya Novikov and their Siberian colleague Ilya Vyalov - created their own on the basis of an abandoned factory space, called kurSKate.

    A bit of history, or how difficult it is to be a skateboarder in Kursk

    The question naturally arises: why is it so difficult? Buy a board and all the streets are at your disposal. Parks, sidewalks, architectural monuments, stairs, fences, curbs are your training grounds for practicing elements and free skating. That's right, that's what the guys do in the summer and in the off-season, when the weather allows. But what to do in the winter, which lasts from three to five months. Training, they say, is impossible to interrupt - the more you ride, the more you want. Yes, you lose the skill.

    The skaters organized their first closed workouts in 2007 at the Rodina cinema. Skated in the evenings in the hall in front of the big screen. It turned out to train three times a week, when no one went to the cinema. The guys call the place their first winter lair, where they even managed to build a ramp and a springboard.

    To the great joy of skaters, in 2008 the only indoor park "3UROVEN" in the Chernozem region was opened in the "Manezh" Shopping Center. He worked for 6 years, but in 2014 the Kursk extreme sportsmen were again left without a training ground. The park was closed due to its unprofitability.

    Then began serious reflections on the creation of a new site. Appeals to the Administration of the city and the region did not lead to anything, the guys decided to follow the advice "help yourself." They began to look for premises and funds. Building materials for the equipment of the park were donated by the organizers of the site in the Manege. The guys themselves dismantled everything piece by piece and put it in the garage until better times.


    skateboard school founder

    “The hardest part was finding a place. And then I had to work - there were holes in the walls, there was no heating, huge layers of dust on the floor and on the walls. We are still in the process of building. We ennoble the walls with graphics, we want to continue playing with the themeStar Wars. The uniqueness of the park is that it is compact and contains all the elements for a quality workout. We thought of every detail, even made a retractable figure out of another figure to save space.”



    Square meters, or safety precautions

    It is hard to imagine how a skate park can fit on an area of ​​70 m². When you enter the hall, it seems that two riders will hardly part here. But then you realize that experienced skaters feel confident even in such slightly cramped conditions.

    Up to 7 people can ride at the same time. These 70 m² are used to the maximum - some elements of the structure are mobile, they can be rearranged, thereby modifying the landscape, depending on the level of training of the group of riders. There are retractable elements. Dima notes with pride that you will not find such parks in the country. This is only the third part of the structures that stood in the 3UROVEN park, so it can be expected that amateur builders will periodically supplement, and maybe even change the concept.



    « Our skate park has 2 large ramps and one smaller one for the smaller kids to learn how to get off the radius and do tricks at a safe height. Also in our arsenal there is a large box, a small retractable box, a large incline for more experienced riders, sills, 3 steps high, a portable slide rail and a high jump bar. The park is designed for rollerblading, scooters and, of course, the main emphasis during its construction was placed on skateboards.”

    Street spirit or sports discipline?

    Skateboarding is a lifestyle, freedom of movement, the spirit of the street, a taste of extreme sports, danger, arrogance and confidence, adrenaline. Not surprisingly, there are very few official schools and societies across the country, and many riders are vehemently opposed to elevating skateboarding to the status of a sports discipline. For them, the spirit of rebellion is primary.

    XSA Ramps builds bespoke indoor skate parks.

    An indoor skate park is a must not only for professional athletes, but also for those who have just started to develop in action sports. Novice athletes need good conditions for year-round training no less than professionals.

    The construction of an indoor skate park is a very hot topic today. This is due to the fact that skateboarding and BMX freestyle were included in 2016-2017. to the Olympic program. The first Olympics will be held in 2020 in Tokyo.

    It's no secret that outdoor skate parks require favorable weather conditions to train. During rain, snow or during the cold season, training is not possible. And without systematic training, it is impossible to provide a guarantee for the development of athletes. Based on this, in order to form a worthy team of a region or city, it is necessary to have an indoor skate park.

    It is extremely important to create conditions for athletes for their progress. Breaks for the winter holidays, lasting 3-4 months, not only will not allow development, but will also negatively affect the level of skill of athletes.

    How to build an enclosed area

    Building an indoor skate park is an important task. This requires a careful approach.

    1. Choose a room for the future site

    When choosing, pay attention to the size of the room, ventilation, the possibility of creating changing rooms and toilets, the availability of space for spectator stands, lighting, and most importantly, the presence of high ceilings.

    2. Choose Shapes

    In indoor skate parks, you can install the following figures:

    You can get a list of indoor park equipment and its cost by ordering a quotation from XSA RAMPS.

    MS Word Volume: 33 pages

    Business plan

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      Skate park business plan

      There was definitely not enough skate park in our city, but I had ideas how this project could be implemented. Little was missing: the knowledge that would allow me to act accurately at every stage. This is where your business plan comes in. Even I, a completely inexperienced entrepreneur, quickly figured out how to proceed. Everything started to work out, and now the project is already at the completion stage.

      Eugene, you are right, our business plans are really designed even for those entrepreneurs who do not have experience in this area. And this is an undeniable advantage of the document. We are glad that everything is working out for you, and we wish you success in the future.

    The main thing about the business plan of the skate park

    In large cities, the entertainment industry is developing especially rapidly, attracting businessmen with the opportunity to receive the highest possible profits. Every year the number of sports complexes, nightclubs, bowling clubs increases. But young people who are interested in extreme sports are still not satisfied with what businessmen offer them.

    An acute shortage of specialized areas for skateboarding or rollerdromes is felt even in large cities. What can we say about the regions in which young people simply suffer from the inability to play their favorite sports. Existing skate parks are not able to accommodate everyone, and many of them are also located in inconvenient areas that are difficult to get to.

    Since this niche has been empty over the past years, businessmen who understand the hopes and aspirations of young people have every chance to take their place in this market sector by opening their own skate park with all amenities.

    From hill to hill

    So, in order to open your skate park, you will need, first of all, a spacious room - at least 400 sq.m. It is advisable to find a covered building with the possibility of heating during the cold season. It is known that it is in autumn and winter that the maximum number of visitors is observed in skate parks. Do not try to find a room on the outskirts of the city, it is best if it is located near the center, and pay attention to the transport interchange - it should be very convenient.

    Having found a suitable room, take care of its quality arrangement. For this, hire experienced builders who have an idea about the features of building a skate park site. All structures must be as reliable as possible, which will avoid injuries and unpleasant situations. You can’t do without changing rooms, cubicles for storing personal belongings, as well as a medical office on the territory of the skate park. Most likely, a rental point will also be in demand, where everyone can get a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, as well as roller skates and boards for a certain fee.

    There are certain requirements for the activities of such institutions, which you can clarify in the local regional committee on youth policy, physical education and sports. To avoid trouble, skate park equipment must be ordered from well-known companies that specialize in the manufacture of such equipment. Once you have completed all the preparations for the opening of the skate park, take care of advertising, which will draw attention to the new institution.

    Judging by the reviews of more experienced players in this market, an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand dollars to open this type of business (subject to rent, and not building a site from scratch). The approximate payback period for investments with active attendance is about 6-8 months. If you wish, you can find opportunities to save costs, and the easiest way to do this is by relying on a competent example of a business plan for opening a skate park with ready-made calculations.

    A ready-made business plan for a skate park from scratch with examples of opening calculations

    We offer you a business plan for a skate park, an interesting and non-standard undertaking that will allow you to gather skateboard lovers in one place. Every year this hobby is gaining crowds of new fans in its ranks. You can attract the youngest skateboarders and mature people who have been devoting decades to their hobby to your park. The main thing is to equip everything so that skateboarders get the maximum opportunity to develop their hobby.

    This sample skatepark business plan with calculations will help you understand the effort required and know what points should be given extra close attention. In such a park, it is necessary to equip high-quality smooth paths with a special coating. There should be no holes and chips on the roads, and special equipment should also be installed that allows skateboarders to perform a variety of acrobatic somersaults with maximum safety.

    We offer you to study the business plan for opening a skate park right now, because it's time to think about the stages of establishing your business. For beginners and those who prefer to use skateboards for rent, you should think about purchasing the appropriate equipment: branded boards with various additional devices, protective sleeves and knee pads, helmets. After a good physical activity, your visitors may want to drink refreshing drinks and something to eat, so equipping the park with food tents and small retail outlets will allow you to generate additional income from this type of activity.

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