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  • Horoscope for the month of April Capricorn. What to do Capricorn in April

    Horoscope for the month of April Capricorn.  What to do Capricorn in April

    The month brings many opportunities for Capricorns. Make the most of them and be open to new things that come into your life! In April 2016, love planet Venus meets unpredictable Uranus, so things can change. Perhaps you yourself will be their initiator.

    From April 6, 2016, Mercury moves into your house of love, the time will come for flirting, erotica, romantic adventures. In the middle of the month, Mercury forms harmonious aspects with Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter. Maybe the time will come for all-consuming bright passion and interesting love stories.

    For those who are married or have a long-standing relationship, the period is also favorable. In the family sector of the Capricorn horoscope, there is a beneficent planet Venus, its influence will help you bring more harmony and harmony into family life. If you need support from relatives, including financial support, you can get it.

    In the last decade of the month, the Sun transits through the love house of your sign, giving you energy and desire for love. You will be more open to love, and will be able to both give and receive it. If you are not alien to curiosity and the desire for novelty, then you can bring something new into the relationship to get fresh experiences.

    The Full Moon on April 22, 2016 affects Capricorn's houses of love and friendship. Maybe your friends will introduce you to someone. Sincere and open communication will help. If you already have a relationship - find time with your loved one to be in the company of friends.

    Career and finance horoscope for Capricorn for April 2016

    In April 2016, Capricorns have great creativity and will be able to express their talents and abilities in the best possible way. The period is especially successful for those whose activities are related to the stage, creativity, the entertainment industry, research, and communications. Perhaps romantic feelings will affect career and business affairs.

    Collaboration with other people promises to be productive. Your current work will largely depend on collective discussions, reports and on the results of trips. It is likely that new connections will appear that will be useful for career and professional development. You will meet partners who have a sharp mind, and are also pleasant to talk to.

    The financial situation in April is favorable for representatives of your sign. You can expect an increase in income, an increase in wealth. In many ways, financial interests will be related to family, property and real estate. The family will support you in your work, you can count on financial support.


    All month you are active and in good physical shape. April 2016 is the right time for diagnosis, medical examinations, treatment, and medical consultations. A good result will bring trips with the goals of treatment and recovery. However, health issues should not be overlooked, since retrograde Mars in the twilight twelfth house of Capricorn can bring unpleasant surprises. There is a risk of injury and accidents. Do not overload yourself with work and find enough time for rest.

    If you have new ideas regarding business or finance - start implementing them!

    For representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn, the second spring month of 2016 will be an exceptionally bright life stage, which will be full of a wide variety of events and phenomena, in many ways - fateful, not only for Capricorn himself, but also for his environment. The fact is that Saturn, the ruling planet of the Capricorn sign, will also play the role of the “heavenly leader” of the earthly trine in April, thanks to which people born under this sign will be protected from almost any negative influences, not only external, but also internal born in their own soul. In addition, Mars, which is traditionally the exaltant of Capricorn, will be especially strong now. The red warrior will definitely help you, not only in confronting opponents, but also in the most ordinary, everyday situations that may require stamina and courage. This will be a positive time, but large-scale astral support does not at all mean that you will be “immune” to problems and worries. Difficult situations may arise on your way, but to solve them you will need a minimum of strength, only attentiveness and desire will be enough. The rest, as they say, is a matter of technique.

    The work direction in April 2016 will give Capricorn a lot of opportunities, but the main thing here is not just to use them, but also to get the maximum benefit from them for others. In fact, it is not at all difficult, it is enough to concentrate on the task and try to look at it from a different angle, non-standard for you personally. In general, the height of spring will teach you to solve problems not by the most common methods, original ones, and therefore - as productive and successful as possible. Feel free to make your dreams and aspirations come true, even if they seem, to put it mildly, “crazy” to your environment. If you work for yourself, now you can use any, even the most controversial and risky options for developing your own business. Charming Lady Luck will be entirely on your side, and it would be unwise not to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity! Therefore, boldly go forward, even if you occupy a frankly low position. Now the initiative can be the key to career growth. You have every chance to strengthen and improve your position. To do this, be open and friendly, do not be afraid to express your opinion and, if necessary, give a worthy rebuff to the biased and unfair "attacks" of opponents.

    But in terms of personal relationships, the situation will develop quite standardly and you personally will not need any ingenious and original solutions. On the contrary, in April 2016 your significant other (actual or potential - it does not matter) will require you to be decisive and straightforward. Remember the medieval knights who were said to be "straight as a blade"? This is your benchmark! If you manage to “correspond” to it all April, you will definitely achieve what you want and even more. When doing this, pay attention to how easy or hard it is for you to do this. If the concepts of honor and straightforwardness are far from your real life, then this is a good reason to think, because in the future these qualities will come in handy more than once, even if your entire previous life proves the opposite to you. The fact is that if there is only dirt around, this does not mean that you need to imitate it, otherwise ask yourself the question - why are you better than those you hate? Indeed, in fact, this is a long-known truth - when a hero fights evil, sooner or later he takes his place. Therefore, the struggle (in the context, of course) is vicious in itself. In the coming month, you will have to prove it, first of all, to yourself.

    Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2016 for the Capricorn zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is of a generalized nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

    Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

    Horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn - the month of personal life, relationships and home is coming.

    April is a very productive month. Use it to upgrade your career,.


    Horoscope for April 2020 for Capricorn by decades

    Capricorn wants to communicate, enjoy life. Look for new connections and contacts. Flag in hand, cho.

    First decade

    Wait for freedom. A businessman of this sign is likely to have personnel changes.

    Reward those who deserve it.

    The hired worker needs to keep his ears open. And communicate with colleagues. As often as possible.

    Lonely Capricorn does not need to rush. And the busy ones… Think about how your family and friends perceive you.

    If so, something can be fixed.

    third decade

    In the second decade of April, it's time to think about your own topic.

    In terms of work, you need to behave as confidently as possible. Or even brazenly.

    You have enough will and leadership qualities.

    Lonely Capricorn needs to act on feeling, but it’s better for a busy Capricorn to listen to his mind.

    The main thing is to be yourself

    Second decade

    The third decade of April 2020 is the time to remember why you exist. And what is the purpose. Not from the point of view of metaphysics, but from the point of view of reality. Need to change something? Do it!

    And no - well, okay. Decide for yourself.

    The end of the month is moving time. And/or large purchases.

    Focus on your other half. Or a potential soul mate!

    What to do Capricorn in April?

    Capricorn was sucked into an unfair exchange. And it will happen on April 1-2. You know it's an unfair world. But when it happens to you, the injustice is worse. Demonstrate intelligence and commitment on the 3rd and 4th. And don't give up, no matter what others read about the mighty events of April 5th and 6th. Starting on the 7th, you get what you deserve, which is good. If luck were contagious, you would gladly start an epidemic.

    Until the 18th, you have a choice. Or turn one deal into something more...

    It is on the 18th that honesty and justice are again relevant. And you are the villain, not the victim. Although you are well versed in the turns between 20th and 22nd, a temporary rescue is not a solution at all.

    From the 23rd to the 29th, no matter how much you wonder what kind of world this is, you must live in it. Around the 27th, promising seeds sprout from the fertile soil.

    Capricorn will receive many times more than he invested. People are starting to listen to you again from April 30, 2020. Better let it be.

    Horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn by date of birth

    April is a real high point. But only for those Capricorns who were born on January 14-17.

    Put your crazy energy into action. Find your guidelines. And you will be happy!

    But if Capricorn was born from December 22 to 25, then you better save your strength. Whether physical or life. Reflection does not reflect itself.

    An interesting story awaits those representatives of the sign who were born on December 26-31. You will turn the loss in your favor. Most importantly, don't try to please everyone.

    Lunar calendar for Capricorn for April 2020

    • Auspicious days for April 2020 April 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 23, 28
    • Bad days for you in April 2020 April 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30
    • All the other days in this month we classify as can I cover myself with a blanket? Or complexes?

    Horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn man

    A Capricorn man in April shines sickly. More precisely, you have every chance of it. Don't be satisfied with small things. Everyone should immediately understand that Capricorn is a pure leader.

    A lot of men of your sign shine in the boss chair. And / or a cool and profitable project.

    Want cool results? This month is about that.

    Even those Capricorns who have not yet decided will find themselves in April. And a dream job even more so7 The planets are positioned so that your sign will find the best way to use their talents. And going to work in April guarantees you a decent income. And great career growth.

    There will also be communication with the boss. Enjoy! Get everything you could not even dream of. For example, change your work schedule. You are ready to go forward.

    Horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn woman

    The first decade of the month is the time of awakening your intuition. It is the inner voice that will tell you everything about the upcoming events.

    In the second decade of the month, relations with younger relatives will deteriorate.

    Don't blame them. Blame yourself.

    For the third decade of the month, plan real estate transactions. You can both buy and sell.

    April 2020 Health Horoscope for Capricorn

    Capricorns tend to care more about feeling strong and healthy. And the numbers on the scale or the size are such garbage. You know what's really important. In this regard, April 2020 is no exception. The first week of this month will help you reach your personal fitness goals. Try something new on April 10 and 11, 2020 - it can spice up your daily routine. And you will really enjoy your workout again.

    Let your friend or girlfriend tell you what she or he likes to do. This is especially useful in the middle of the month. And Capricorn will suddenly find that his spirit and mind will be in good shape.

    The stars will add drive and strength to you in the last week of April. Do something that will make you sweat.

    Love horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn

    On the 1st and 2nd, Capricorn's current love interests learn more about your previous relationships. If everyone is lucky, it will only make this story more interesting. On April 3 and 4, communication with wonderful people shines for you. On the other hand, attempts to win hearts and minds can be misunderstood on the 5th and 6th.

    Then on April 7, a week and a half dedicated only to you will begin. You are important to the right person. He or she will gladly wait. No one hurts anyone else, especially on April 11th and 12th. Then the present and future of Capricorn merge into one big happy spot.

    Love is songs and dances from April 15th to 17th. Be it in clubs, weddings or other public celebrations of romance and unity. Whatever it is, you need privacy on the 18th and 19th. Two people answer each other's questions without being distracted. Note. Everyone grins between the 20th and 22nd. Someone - because he knows the secret. Someone just like that. By all logic, this happy state of affairs should continue. But from the 23rd to the 29th, you have a nagging feeling that something is not quite right. April 30, 2020 presents you with a great opportunity to be true to yourself.

    Career horoscope for April 2020 Capricorn

    Necessity overrides professional courtesy on April 1st and 2nd. At least this applies to Capricorns.

    New employees resent the older ones. Only they are jealous not for benefits, but for experience. Feelings have no place at work. If you can restore team unity on the 3rd or 4th, it's worth it. And it will definitely be worth your time.

    Changes in staff or appointments throw the 5th and 6th off balance. But this new state of affairs is definitely in your favor. The next 11 days will clearly demonstrate this.

    Around April 7, Capricorn will cooperate with colleagues who share your vision of future success. On the 9th, the reinforced concrete plan takes shape.

    Capricorn no later than April 12, the stars promise an autobahn leading to success. Promising outsiders and bright underlings fill in the edges of your picture on the 15th. Just be careful around the weekend around April 18th. And put up with the absurd decisions of the leadership on April 19th.

    Close this trade between the 20th and 22nd. And immediately start thinking about other projects.

    What will you do if your best ideas from April 23 to April 29, 2020 turn out to be someone else's intellectual property?

    The Research & Development mode is just what you need for your innate flexibility.

    Money horoscope april capricorn

    The main condition for getting money in February is to write down all your affairs in a diary!

    And remember, there will be no changes for the better. Unless, of course, Capricorn is not ready for compromise and sanity.

    And take the trouble to get a lawyer so as not to get into an unpleasant story.

    Choose your business partners carefully if you are a businessman. But it's time for employees to take in April. Well, at least not for long.

    At work, Capricorns are full of grace in April 2016. New opportunities will open up for you, but you should use them with a certain amount of altruism, without focusing on your own benefit. Think about the people around you, try to bring them as much benefit as possible. And the stars will surely reward you for your good deeds. At first glance, the task seems complicated, but in fact, everything is much simpler. You just need to focus properly, find a fresh approach. Look for bright, non-standard solutions that can surprise not only others, but also yourself. In April, originality will be synonymous with success.

    The second spring month will give you the opportunity to fulfill your wildest dreams. Exactly those that you were afraid to embody, which others considered insane. It's time to take a risk! If you have your own business, now is the best time to develop your business, to take a decisive leap forward. After all, it is in the middle of spring that Luck itself will be with you at the same time, and it is not in your interests to miss this chance. Throw away all fears and fears, boldly go forward, even if you cannot boast of great achievements now. The initiative will provide you with career growth and great prospects. Show firmness of character, do not let your opponents "sit on your neck." But at the same time, be kind and courteous, then Fate will provide you with chances to strengthen and improve your position.

    Now many financial prospects will open before you. You will not need to work hard to get a bonus or a tangible increase in wages. But, despite such material success, do not lose your vigilance. Right now you are in an increased risk zone and can become the target of scammers.

    You definitely need to find time and opportunity to improve your skills. Choose any courses that are close to your activity. This will help raise your own value as a good specialist, and then the management will have no choice but to raise your wages.

    When trying to expand your own business, do not go along with your partners. They will offer you dubious transactions that will sooner or later lead to significant losses.

    Capricorn Woman Financial Horoscope for April 2020

    You can expect to receive good dividends. However, for this you should completely revise the style of your work. When carrying out all the instructions of the authorities, do not forget about your own initiative. Your entrepreneurial spirit and ability to make innovative decisions will help you get the coveted position with a very good salary. But do not forget, in order to stay on such a money place, you have to work hard.

    You may encounter a situation where the money runs out too quickly, and in order to pay off the next loan payment, you will lack some amount. Just do not try to borrow money from friends again. It is better to try to find temporary additional income. You will easily succeed, and you will be able to solve your financial problems that have arisen.

    Despite some stability and temporary success in money matters, you still need to learn how to save. You are completely careless about money, and this is fraught with increased waste in the future. Be careful with all signed invoices. Any small mistake can result in a serious fine.

    Capricorn Man Financial Horoscope for April 2020

    Having done some serious work in the previous months, you can now relax. The dividends received will be enough for you in full to satisfy all your needs. However, do not completely abandon things. Especially when it comes to your own business. Having loosened your grip and lost your vigilance, those who will benefit from it will definitely take advantage of your state. And then you will only look at papers with incredible accounts with regret, and then you may accidentally discover an outflow of profits to left accounts.

    To cope with your desire to gamble, you need to learn to control yourself. You don't know how to stop, especially if things don't go the way you planned. And in this case, such a hobby is fraught with a complete emptying of the wallet.

    Stop constantly borrowing money from friends. It is already becoming your habit. You will make good money, and there will be no need for this. But for some reason it is more pleasant for you to manage and spend other people's funds, but not your own. But then you have to give just your personal savings.