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  • Village magic - the witchcraft secrets of our ancestors Independent death rituals of village magic
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  • Village magic for money, cattle, well-being in the house and from enemies. Village magic - the witchcraft secrets of our ancestors Independent death rituals of village magic

    Village magic for money, cattle, well-being in the house and from enemies.  Village magic - the witchcraft secrets of our ancestors Independent death rituals of village magic

    The woman who buried her husband must burn her widow's handkerchief on the fortieth day, while reading a special plot. If she does not get rid of the widow's handkerchief, then it is possible that she will live out her life in solitude. The conspiracy is this:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I go out into the street through the bracket and up to the ceiling, I carry a handkerchief in my right hand. Go, my misfortune, with smoke, come back with a wedding crown, wedding ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

    To make it easier to get up in the morning

    To make it easier to get up in the morning, to make it easier for you to wake up, and not to fall asleep during the day, every time before you go to bed, drink a glass of water, after reading a conspiracy 12 times on it:

    Sleep at night, get up in the morning. I'll get up briskly, I'll go briskly. Forces of the day, enter me, live in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Seven stones from seven troubles

    This summer rite will help you quickly get rid of many troubles. It is especially effective when it is carried out at sea, but any other body of water is also suitable - a river, a lake, a pond.

    Go to the water and collect seven stones along the way. Stand with your back to the water, with your right hand throw stones over your left shoulder in one movement into the water and say three times:

    “Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (Now in your own words, briefly in the affirmative, say what needs to be got rid of or what must be fulfilled.) So be it and so it will be!

    Come home to continue the ceremony - it must be completed in one day. Take a raw chicken egg, sit down at the table, put a new white candle and prepare everything that may concern your desire: photographs, things, documents (after all, we can talk about a company, court, exams, relationships ...) The choice of desires is unlimited. Hold the egg for a little while over the flame of the candle and start rolling over the items related to your problem. For at least five minutes, you tell the egg that you want to decide what result you want. Do not press hard on the egg. If you split it, the problem may not be solved for a long time!

    Now take a carnation or a needle and an egg and go outside. You need to find a tree with a male name - oak, poplar, maple, cypress (what you grow) and, having made a small hole, lay an egg in it. With a nail or a needle, after you sprinkle the “burial site”, circle this place and say the conspiracy three times into the sky: “Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (What a disaster…) So be it and so it will be!”

    We immediately throw a needle or a nail, we return home. Under no circumstances should you look back! At home, you need to rinse your hands under running cold water and forget to think about the problem. Everything is formed within 28 days.

    Ritual for love, prosperity and sweet life

    This ritual is done once a year at the crossroads of years. So, a week before the New Year, on the night of Thursday to Friday, on a sheet of A4 paper, you should write your three most cherished desires related to money, a good life and love, which you would like to fulfill in the coming year.

    Moreover, your desires should be connected only with you. That is, wishing a salary increase to your husband or a happy marriage to your best friend in this ritual is not only not recommended, but forbidden. Simply put, the ritual will have no effect if you yourself are not the main character in it.

    After you have written down on the sheet your three most cherished desires, you should write under them: “So be it!” Next, you must put the following components on the wish list: a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar and one red rose, which must be bought by you personally, and not donated by someone.

    After that, the leaf should be picked up and whispered frantically, like a primitive priestess, for at least five minutes, that all your desires will be fulfilled within a year. All of the above components - bread, sugar, a rose - you must roll into a leaf, and then wrap the precious bundle with red and green threads, and also seal it with white candle wax. By no means yellow! You must put the bundle under the mattress, where it must lie for two weeks (fourteen days and nights): one week before the New Year and one week after the New Year. In the event that you do not spend the night at home, then this night does not count in this ritual, and the time the bundle lies under your mattress increases by exactly one day.

    After the allotted time has elapsed, and you have slept on your package with wishes for fourteen nights, this package should be placed on your photo in the highest and most open place in the apartment (wardrobe, sideboard, etc.) in such a way that other people can see your magical the bundle could not be seen. This ritual is done for one year, that is, it works exactly one year.

    Ritual to bring a person home

    If you need to remind yourself of a person who does not make himself felt for a long time, and force him to return home, then resort to the help of this rite. If the person is alive, he will soon show up. The spirits sent for him will not leave him alone: ​​they will force him to call, write or return. Sending, or - in other words - return, is done in the following way. They take the dress or shirt of the one who is to return, tie it in a knot and hang it on a rope from the ceiling, then put the knife with its sharp end in the corner of the room and say:

    "Spirit, go! Bring the servant of God (name)! Until he comes to his house, He will not find peace in his heart. Through the burning candles he is tortured and suffering. Go home!"

    Having said this, the knife is rotated so hard that the blade creaks. After that, the apple is broken open, one half is immediately eaten, the second is placed next to the knife. They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so exactly forty candles.

    Rite of Establishing a Connection with Ancestors

    The first rite that you will need to perform is the Witch's Blessing ritual.

    The essence of the ceremony is to establish a spiritual connection with sorcerers, magicians, healers who lived before you; and if you had a sorcerer or witch in your family, then this is generally fine. For the ceremony, you will need 12 candles, a black cloth and water. The rite is performed on the growing moon and, as a rule, it is not necessary to fake it. The rite will need to be repeated if you do not feel a spiritual connection, but this time the plot will need to be read not three, but twelve times. On the day when you will conduct the ceremony, you must fast, and also give up all kinds of fun, in order to set yourself up for the ceremony. Late in the evening, lay a black cloth on the table, put water in the center, and 12 candles around it. Read the Our Father three times and then the conspiracy three times:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. All who lived before me, did divination, knew the fates, healed with herbs and roots, now I call on you. I bow my knees before you, I bow my knees before you, I expect help from you. You will bless me for this work, protect me from the forces of darkness, save me from enemies. I speak these words in truth, and if I retreat, let the earth take me to itself, not one sorcerer will save me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After that, you need to leave the water on the table until the candles burn out. After drinking water.

    Now you have help and shelter from another world. Before an important ceremony, when you need help, read the conspiracy "Witch word before the ceremony" three times:

    “Children of witchcraft, Childbirth of healers, read this conspiracy with me and help me in business. Amen. »

    If we take the philosophy of this rite, then it is as follows: the church divides the saints into categories - prophets, martyrs, righteous people, great martyrs, pious kings, etc. Although the modern church does not recognize healers, but remember the Gospels when they told Jesus that someone heals in his name and he said that they should leave him and let them treat him. This is the essence of this rite to call for help the RIGHTEOUS souls of healers and masters, whom the Lord vouchsafed Paradise for their diligent merits, righteous deeds and all-night prayers. Why are they worse than saints? After all, we pray to the saints, martyrs, the righteous! The healers also fasted, spent days and nights in prayer and worked miracles in the name of the Lord, and therefore we can and will turn to them for help when we need it.

    Conspiracy for generosity

    “Your body is holy, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, and may it be with us in eternal life, and your honest blood for the remission of sins: wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and gladness; in your terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me the sinful position at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your most pure Mother and all the saints.

    Then take a photo of a man or imagine his visual image, and read the plot:

    “I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah, God's servant (name). Send me 12 angels with white wings and gilded candles. Let all 12 go, they will find the servant of God (name), put three nails in his heart: the first - you can’t be greedy, the second is an expensive gift, the third is a generous soul, from the last one so that a penny buys me everything I want. The word is mine, the deed, Ilya, is yours. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

    Speak out of anger and temper

    On the flawed moon on a women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) for a woman, on a men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) - for a man in the morning, afternoon and evening, close the hook (latch) on the door and say:

    “My cross, my strength, the Cross is God's symbol. My Baptist is with me, my great Cross. The angel was holding him. The evil of the demon from the slave / slave (name) cast out. Conquered by God's word."

    Conspiracy against trouble

    “I am speaking, a slave (name), my beloved young man (name) from a peasant sorcerer, from a raven karkun, from a witch woman, from an old man and an old woman, from a skhimnik, a skhimnik. I send from my dear friend everyone to walk through the forest, to take a needle case, according to his faith, and as long as he is alive, no one would have dishonored him or overlooked him. I am talking to a slave (name), my beloved young man (name) about saving on the road tightly, forever, for life. Whoever plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, and he would not have overcome my word, my conspiracy has not been terminated. Which of the evil people will review him, and look down, and bewitch, and spoil, then their eyes would be turned out of their foreheads into the back of their heads, and my beloved young man (name) will have a path and a path, good Health at my separation.

    Today you can hear about village magic not as often as it was 45-50 years ago. During the existence of Russia, such witchcraft was the only method to cure and save a person's life, a kind of medicine. Village magic in ancient times was considered a conductor between God, nature and man himself.

    By combining these 3 concepts, a person (sorceress, grandmother, healer, healer), who has deep knowledge, skills and strength in the field of natural witchcraft, was able to help change the life of the needy for the better (heal from illness, return good luck, etc.).

    Since ancient times, each village had its own village witch, sorceress or sorceress. Initially, they treated people for diseases and various ailments, and also put a dying person on their feet. No one knew how this was done, and over time, rumors began to circulate that people with magical abilities sold their souls to the devil, and in return received power over death and life. Of course, no one sold his soul to anyone, just such people had the gift and knowledge, often inherited from their ancestors.

    Village witchcraft today and then

    In the old days, especially in the times of paganism, magic was an integral part of the life and life of a person with a large household and family. What in the modern world people call witchcraft, in those days had a deep meaning. For example, if today someone performs a specific rite on their land or livestock to increase their productivity, then those around them will boldly call these actions white or black magic.

    In the pagan era, the performance of one of these rites (and there were a large number of them) was an obligatory and integral part of the harmony of nature and human life.

    At its core, village magic is a strong fusion of folk signs and beliefs, communication with nature and the use of its gifts, the commandments of the Christian faith and pagan cults. Rituals passed down by witches from generation to generation, overcoming a large amount of time and many prohibitions, exist in the modern world. Village healers and witches lead their usual way of life and continue to help people who turn to them with a particular problem.

    Village love spells - the power of ancient magic

    There is an opinion that ancient magic has quite simple and at the same time effective rituals. However, the power of ancient witchcraft depends primarily on the type of ritual used. In ancient love spells, conspiracies for food, drink, lining, etc. are most often used. In villages where all the inhabitants know each other, it is much easier to perform such rituals than in a large metropolis, where it is unlikely that anyone will let a stranger even on the threshold of their house.

    The effectiveness of village love spells, first of all, depends on the strength of the sorcerer or sorceress, as well as on how much energy will be invested in the ritual. Negative consequences after performing a love spell or any other rite of village magic can appear if you make any mistake during the performance of magical actions, or if you do not worry about appropriate protection in advance.

    Salt in village witchcraft

    The most effective and effective in ancient magic are conspiracies in which salt was used. From time immemorial, it has been considered a strong magical object; a large number of rituals and signs are associated with it.
    In magic, salt is divided into light and dark. White salt is cured of various diseases, protected from evil, spoilage is removed, and dark salt is used exclusively for "black" deeds. It is black salt in magic that is a symbol of curses and grief.

    Village magic, which uses salt, is available to almost everyone, which makes it in demand and popular.

    Conspiracies differ in purpose, method of execution and purpose. When performing the ceremony, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, only in this way can the intended result be achieved.

    In this ritual, lining is done in any way

    With the help of salt, rituals are performed to remove or induce damage, enrichment, love spells, etc. Whatever the desires of the performer, magical salt will always help them come true.

    Spell of a guy on salt

    It is necessary to put a small amount of salt on a saucer, put it on the table, light a church candle and say the following words:

    “Just as everyone adds white salt to food, as they love it and cannot live without it, so may God’s servant (the name of the beloved) me, God’s servant (his name), also love very much and cannot live without me. Amen".

    The charmed salt should be imperceptibly poured into the food of a loved one, and if this is not possible, then simply pour it on the threshold of his house.

    Love spell of a girl on salt

    Magical salt should be started to speak in the morning, then throughout the day you need to carry it with you, after placing it in a leather or fabric bag. Salt, as in the previous case, must be put on a plate and cast the following spell over it:

    “I will get up early in the morning, go to one door without crossing myself, go to another, go from one passage to another without being blessed, go out into a clean, wide field and onto the damn sea. On this devil's sea there is an iron hut, and in it is a stone bridge, under the bridge there is a pillar of marble, on the pillar there are 12 devils, three of them are my elder brothers. I will come closer to them, bow to them and lower:
    “My elder brothers, do a service to me, dry, spin the girl (name) so that she walks, but does not walk around, drank, but does not get drunk, eats, but does not seize, loves passionately, but does not forget that the girl (name) dries ) for me (my name) all 12 veins, 30 hamstrings, 40 joints, 70 joints. Amen".

    In the evening of the same day, you should salt the food with your beloved spoken salt. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the girl eats everything to the last crumb, otherwise the conspiracy will not work.

    If you do not have a ritual tablecloth, make it yourself from a piece of natural linen

    Spell to keep husband

    For the ceremony, you need to prepare a black tablecloth, a red candle and salt. Next, you need to lay a tablecloth on the table, light a candle and, sprinkling salt on the burning flame of the candle, say:

    “Let God's servant (husband's name) be one with God's servant (his name), always one, like air, fire and earth with water. Let the thoughts of God's servant (husband's name) to me, God's servant (my name), be constantly attracted like the rays of the sun to the earth. Let the spirit (his name) be above the spirit (his name) like pure water over the mighty earth, let him deprive God's servant (his name) of the strength to drink, eat and sleep without God's servant (his name). Amen".

    Salt after the spell must be dispelled in the field in the wind.

    In ancient magic, there are not only conspiracies for salt, there are many others. For example, you can bewitch a person with twigs. To conduct such a ceremony, you need to buy a new broom, get 2 twigs out of it and speak them with the words of any prayer or love spell. When pronouncing a spell, one must imagine that in the hands are not twigs, but a beloved person. After the conspiracy, the spoken rods should be folded crosswise and placed under the threshold of the chosen one's home. As soon as the young man steps over his threshold, the love spell will immediately begin to act.

    Basic rules of witchcraft

    Witchcraft has always inspired people with fear and awe. The ability of a person to cause material or physical damage to someone, to heal or exterminate someone, to communicate with spirits and representatives of the animal world has always been something beyond understanding for ordinary people.
    During the Middle Ages, many people believed in witchcraft. They believed and feared any of its manifestations. Even the slightest suspicion that a person is associated with witchcraft practices was severely punished by the church, because it was believed that the sorcerers made a deal with evil spirits.

    Witchcraft is balance. Any witchcraft actions and rituals create energy. Sometimes, especially at the beginning of training, our lives suddenly begin to swing like a pendulum, creating problems that we had no idea about before. When you cast witchcraft, you are telling the universe that you are ready to find balance in your life. But in order to find balance, your life and habits must change.

    Often teenagers say that they no longer want to practice witchcraft, because something is happening to them that they did not want at all. They think that if they give up witchcraft, then life will return to normal. Nothing like this. Life will change anyway, and possibly for the worse.

    Basic rules of witchcraft

    Your life, from birth to death, is made up of cycles of change. If the situation does not change, then life turns into a stagnant swamp. Stagnation is tantamount to death. Change is a vital part of our being. Sorcerers learn to respect change and strive for balance.

    Basic rules of witchcraft

    • Any witchcraft must be part of a spiritual plan.
    • Any witchcraft needs the participation of the spirit.
    • Turn to divination tools before embarking on any witchcraft actions.
    • Remember that every action you take creates consequences that affect your life and the lives of others.

    witchcraft rules

    1. "Do whatever you want, but don't hurt anyone."
    2. "Everything you do comes back to you threefold."
    3. "Witchcraft should not be contrary to the free will of other people."
    4. "Watch your thoughts and words."
    5. "Always have a backup plan."
    6. "Everything that is created in the witch world manifests itself in the real world." While you are studying, perform all witchcraft operations in a magic circle or in a sacred space.
    7. "Stay away from alcohol and drugs."
    8. "Never threaten or frighten people with your sorcery."
    9. "Strive for balance and respect change."

    Prejudice at all times was enough in any field of activity. Nevertheless, the facts remain facts: even in modern times, spells and rituals help to find harmony in relationships, get rid of illness, attract good luck, and not just attack with the intent to harm. You need to know that the sorcerer does not just turn the stream in the right direction, you have to pay for everything. The fee can be different, depending on what forces the practitioner works with, what his personal energy costs are and how difficult the work is in its essence.

    Unfortunately, despite the development of science and technology, as well as the development of mankind as a whole, dark influences on a person continue to exist, so a modern person needs to know the symptoms of damage and the evil eye and ways to protect against attacks with malicious intent. Such an impact can bring a lot of problems to you and your loved ones, in some cases even very skeptical people agree that it can be difficult to give a rational explanation for certain negative manifestations in personal life.

    However, there must be a measure and conscious thinking everywhere. Do not immediately look suspiciously at people if you have a loss, illness, a breakup in a relationship, or trouble at work. No one promised us an easy and pleasant life, many situations are given to us for experience or for development, and in such cases it is simply useless to carry out cleansing procedures or try to correct the situation. In addition, you should know that our energy field resembles the immune system and is able to cleanse itself. With a mild negative impact, the resulting gaps in the field can be tightened without special treatment.

    Village magic is considered to be as strong as traditions and folk signs in today's villages. Since ancient times, our ancestors used witchcraft in order to protect themselves and their homes from evil spirits, enemies, remove damage, the evil eye, and get a good harvest. For many reasons, such magic deserves separate consideration. In this article, you will learn all about the mysterious technique.

    In our time, as in the old days, in almost every village and village there are rumors about women who have magical skills. Usually they live alone on the very outskirts of the village. Previously, such residents were called witches, but they rarely saw anything bad in this. The witches were highly respected, all interested local residents actively resorted to her services. The sorceress could help remove damage, get married, return her husband to the family, heal from a serious illness. It should be noted that for many years the house of the local witch healer was practically the only place in the village where one could get quick help and medicine.

    However, village sorceresses, as a rule, had a complex character and in some cases could seriously spoil life. That is why the locals tried to appease them in every possible way, giving them all kinds of gifts. These could be:

    Witches almost never took money for their work, but they did not refuse various treats. The more serious the problem was solved, the more valuable the gifts should have been. Witchcraft knowledge and skills were inherited, only occasionally secrets were learned by ordinary people. This is how the villagers subsequently learned about various conspiracies, love spells, whispers. Today, village magic is also available to modern city dwellers. Most rituals are as simple as possible and do not require hard-to-find things like a lizard's tail or fresh milk directly from under a cow. In the villages, they rarely used such things, usually they took what was at hand.

    Features of the work of village witches

    rustic witchcraft directly related to natural forces. A couple of centuries ago, many women possessed special knowledge, recipes, and were able to cure various diseases with the help of plants. Unfortunately, with each generation, the secrets of magic are lost, lost in time.

    Consider a few features of village witchcraft:

    In general, this type of magic is quite simple. At the same time, doing it, you need to be quite courageous and self-confident person. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the negative consequences that may arise if you invest insufficient energy, perform the ceremony incorrectly, or do not take care of additional protection.

    Herbalists quite often were not only women, but also men. Sorcery was also passed down from generation to generation, children had to develop and protect their gift in every possible way. It should be noted that herbalism itself is quite dangerous for the person who practices it. These people often have health, physical and psychological problems.

    Harvested plants used both singly and in various collections. The complex use of herbs literally guaranteed the creation of a miracle. Herbs are dried, various tinctures, decoctions, ointments are prepared, which are later used to get rid of the disease, remove damage or love spells. Most commonly used:

    Preparation of herbs begins directly with their collection. Village witches believed that absolutely any plant has its own field and energy. To perform rituals and rituals, the plants were collected and stored in a certain way. The place of grass growth is of great importance: the collections were carried out far from littered territories, roads, highways. To prepare especially strong compositions, witches collected herbs in the cemetery.

    The timing of harvest also matters.. Like humans, plants come in larks and owls, so some are best picked at night, others early in the morning. As for the preparation of the potion, for some compositions it will take one day, for others - several years. We bring to your attention some simple, but very effective recipes from village magic:

    Village witchcraft is quite rarely associated among people with the call of brownies, spirits, evil spirits. Most often, rural sorcerers and sorceresses operate with conspiracies and spells. Such conspiracies can be composed both in rhyme and in prose, some of them need to be read several times in a row.

    Conspiracies were used for a variety of purposes: for a good harvest, so that livestock would not get sick, in order to get a lot of eggs from their chicken coop, and also in order to get rid of poverty, attract prosperity to the house, and return a loved one.

    One of the most popular rituals is to get rid of poverty. For it, you will need to go to the market, buy 12 green apples, while it is important in no case to bargain and not bring down the price. On the way home, half of the apples must be distributed to the poor, the next day give them 3 more pieces. The remaining fruits will need to be taken to the cemetery and pronounce the following conspiracy:

    From the cemetery, you must immediately return home, while not talking to anyone along the way. For the same reason, most of the rites in village magic are performed late at night - so as not to meet anyone. and no one to talk to.

    Another simple ritual will help reconcile neighbors, friends, family members. If you often have quarrels in your house, and you want to correct the current situation, you need to prepare a festive dinner, set the table. A prerequisite is to lay a tablecloth made of natural linen with the wrong side up. What exactly to cook - you choose. But keep in mind that the table should be quite modest. For all food they read such a conspiracy:

    Having dinner at such a table. family members, relatives or friends will stop quarreling.

    It should also be noted that the use of black salt, which was made in a special secret way on Thursday of Holy Week. Black salt was used in magic for a wide variety of purposes: to reconcile spouses, to heal the soul and body. Often it was worn on the amulet as a powerful amulet. Such salt was stored for a year - during this time it did not lose its magical properties.


    An integral part of this type of magic are, of course, whispers. They have been used in a wide variety of situations. In order to whisper the right words, you need only a couple of seconds, if you first learn a few of the most useful texts. Unlike complex incantations and rituals, whispers can be spoken anytime, anywhere. This is a kind of mystical help that will help out in difficult times. That is why many locals were afraid to offend the witch - she could take revenge instantly.

    So, if you weren’t paid for a product or service, you need to whisper to the departing person: “Don’t pay with money, pay with luck” . If you feel that someone is opposed to you, found a black lining in the house, whisper: “Your business is in your body.”


    In village witchcraft, there are a large number of conspiracies, rituals in order to bind a person to himself. One of the most common ways- lining. The witch slandered a certain thing, then this thing was quietly brought and hidden in the victim's house. As a rule, the most harmless, ordinary things were chosen: a handkerchief, a fork, a ring, threads. In addition to love spells, pads were also used to induce damage.

    Amulets, protection

    Women, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, damage, wore a variety of charmed earrings, rings, beads. Also, jewelry was spoken to attract good luck, love, money, in most cases they were passed down from generation to generation. Men wore charmed belts to protect themselves from village witchcraft.

    Another popular amulet is wooden figures that were worn in a pocket or around the neck. Each figurine had its own meaning. So, for example, figurines in the form of fish helped to maintain peace in the family, a figurine in the form of a horse protected the owner from the evil eye. Similar figurines were also kept at home as protection from evil spirits, evil spirits. amulets, according to village magic, you can not show anyone and even more so give.

    Witchcraft Protection

    Village magic has its roots in ancient times, knowledge is inherited from generation to generation and in our times. Real healers and witches are wary of this type of witchcraft, realizing that it can both improve a person’s life and completely destroy it. Of course, you should not take everything too seriously, but you still need to adhere to certain rules:

    After the negative impact is removed, it will take time and energy to restore and strengthen the energy sector. Very often witches offer to wear all kinds of amulets, amulets. Moonstone, agate, cat's eye, malachite and jet are best protected from witchcraft. At the same time, it is also important to build up personal strength: meditation and various trainings will help.

    Conspiracies for all occasions

    This chapter will be devoted to all useful spells in general. For thousands of years, these folk prayers have evolved from all life's adversities. There is a conspiracy for every human misfortune, and maybe that's why we began to get sick more and life became more difficult because we forgot about the tradition of the conspiracy. Of course, conspiracies should not be considered a panacea for all diseases and troubles, but when trouble hits the wall, all ways to get rid of it will seem good. Try it, maybe folk wisdom will help you. Moreover, almost all conspiracies are distinguished by extraordinary poetry and reading most of them is as interesting as a fairy tale forgotten from childhood.

    We will start with conspiracies for the general well-being in the house. Who doesn’t want harmony, love and everyone in the family to be healthy in the house.

    For well-being at home

    This conspiracy is read into the water three times, but before it it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”.

    “Peace, salvation and grace to this house and to all who live in it. Sow, Lord, in this house the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and the spirit of humility. Drive out of him all the power of the devil and every enemy visible and invisible enemy. Oh, the most pure life-giving cross of the Lord, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on you, strengthen me in the fight against all enemies, visible and invisible, carnal and spiritual observance and temptation. Amen".

    Spoken water should be sprinkled in all corners of the house. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold.

    1. It is necessary to throw garlic into the fire and say: “Let it protect from the evil eye, drive away illness, torment, crime, injustice, lawlessness, spoilage.”

    2. “I am speaking, a servant of God (name), my amicable red young man (name), from a peasant - an evil sorcerer, from a raven - a black croak, from a woman - a simple-haired sorceress, from an old man and an old woman, from a schemer, a schemer. I send from my dear friend everyone to walk through the forest, to take a needle case, according to his faith, and as long as he is alive, no one would have scrutinized and neglected him, spoiled him. I, the servant of God (name), my loving red fellow (name), are talking about saving on the road firmly, forever, for life, forever and ever. Whoever plucks and eats all the green grass from the meadow, drinks all the blue water from the sea and does not become hungry, and he would not overcome my word, would not break it, my conspiracy would not be terminated. Which of the evil people will scold him and survey him, bewitch and spoil him, then their eyes would be turned out of their foreheads with meat - in the back of the head, and to my beloved red fellow (name) - the path and the path, good health in my separation.

    3. “Lord, You pray in the blue sky, and we, the people, on earth. As the sown scarlet poppy is difficult to collect from the earth, so it is difficult to offend the servant of God (servant of God) (name). As the dead do not raise their hands, so the enemies would not go to war against the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, save the servant of God (name) in water, in fire and on earth. Amen".

    This plot must be read on the water at 12 noon in front of a fire, stove or burning candle. Read three times, spitting over your left shoulder each time. With spoken water before going to bed, you should wash your face and chest, and also drink three days, 3 sips a day. Then you need to take a break for three days, say water again and use it for the next three days. Then the whole operation should be repeated again.

    “Mother fast water, you wash steep banks, white combustible stone, yellow sands and roots with your fast seething golden jet, wash you from the servant of God (servants of God) (name) longing for melancholy, grief fuel, sorrows, sorrows and illnesses, invincible thought and inexorable pain, evil thinness. Rinse, rinse from the servant of God (servants of God) (name) - from a violent head, from a white face; carry them, mother fast river, with your fast seething golden stream over the blue sea, over the trampling mud, over the quicksand, over the aspen dark forest, over the aspen frequent tyn; wash away, rinse from a zealous hot heart the longing from the servant of God (servants of God) (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

    From human malice

    1. “Not on a great day I was born (was born), I fenced myself with an iron fence (protected myself), I went (went) to my dear mother, to my dear father and to the whole family and tribe. My dear mother got angry, broke my bones, pinched my body, trampled on my feet, drank my blood. My sun is clear, the stars are bright, the sky is clear, the sea is calm, the field is rich - you all stand quietly, and meekly, and quietly. My dear mother, dear father, the whole family and the whole tribe would produce kind words for me, the native servant of God (the native servant of God) (name). As wax burns and melts from fire, so would the heart of my relatives melt and burn. As a swan yearns for a winch, so the whole family and the whole tribe would yearn for me, his own servant of God (his own servant of God) (name). As a spring pours water all the days, so the heart of the family and tribe would flow for everyone for me, a servant of God (servant of God) (name). As the door to the jamb is pretending, so would my words to the family and tribe pretended all the days, at all hours, in the days and nights, at noon and at midnight.

    2. “I am walking across an open field, seven black demons with half-spirits meet me - all black, all evil, all unsociable. You would go, spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people! Put them on a leash so that I am safe and sound from them - on the way and on the road, in the house, in the forest, with strangers and relatives, in land and in water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My plot is strong, my words are debts. Whoever changes his mind, to be in everything in failure for worse, not in good, as it is said ahead.

    3. “I will become a servant of God (servant of God) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the east, to the east side. Cover me, Mother Lady of the Most Holy Theotokos, with your light and gold riza from the sorcerer and sorceress, from every villain-adversary, an evil person.

    4. “On the hands - handcuffs, on the legs - scabbards, on the eyes - blindness, on the ears - deafness, on the tongue - a pip-knocker.”

    “I, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), ride a fast horse, a month behind my shoulders, the sun between them. God is my helper with all his angels and archangels. I, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), ride a horse to the pan. Pan stands on a hill, and whom he meets, he takes out his eyes, closes me from enemies. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    2. Before you hit the road, read the following plot:

    “I cross the threshold, I crawl out like an evil viper, I shut up all my enemies. I don’t go, but I ride like a black ox, so that all my enemies have a stake in their tongues. Amen".

    3. “Good evening, bright clear lightning! You are three sisters in heaven! The first is evening, the second is midnight, the third is daytime. You illuminate meadows, fields, forests, shores, stone sands. Light up my name from my enemies, protect me from my enemies with your light, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    From insomnia

    1. The words of this conspiracy are whispered into wax. Then the wax should be placed at the head of the bed.

    “Dawn-lightning, red maiden, mother queen herself; the moon is bright, the stars are clear, remove from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight sleeper, give me a dream book, drowser, midnight sleeper. In the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay me down, and take away the accursed evil power from me, and give me the Hand of the Savior, the Mother of God castle. My angel, my archangel, save my sinful soul, strengthen my zealous heart; the enemy is satan, give up on me. I am baptized with a cross, I protect myself with a cross, I call upon an angel with a cross, I drive away the evil one with a cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know and remember the holy signs!

    2. “And you, midnight bats, envious, joyful, ducks, from the evil sorcerer-man, go to the mosses, to the swamps, to the rotten decks: you all have a place there, you won’t be in a white body. Go out of the white body of the servant (s) of God (s) (name).

    3. A conspiracy from insomnia in a child must be read three times:

    “I will get up, a servant of God (servant of God), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from hut to hut, from door to door, from gate to gate to the east, to the east side. Above the eastern side walks the mother of the morning dawn Maria, the evening dawn of Maremyan, the mother of the cheese, the earth of Pelageya and the blue sea Elena. I will come closer to them, bow to them lower. Arise, morning dawn Mary, evening dawn Maremyan, come to him (her), God's servant (God's servant) (name), to the baby, take from him (her) a night owl and a tickler from a white body, from hot blood, from zealous heart, from all flesh, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from the whole human composition, from every vein, from seventy-seven joints, carry them over the high mountains, over the dense forests, over the wide seas, over the deep rivers, over the trampling mud to a beluga pike with sharp teeth, take it to the blue sea. A pike in the sea, a tongue in the mouth, a castle in the sky, and the key in the sea is closed and the key is drowned in the water!

    4. “Dawn, lightning, there are four sisters in total: morning, noon, evening, midnight. Remove, dawn, from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) longing, sadness, crying, insomnia, give him (her) sleep from all sides, from all saints, from all heaven.

    “Zarya-lightning, red maiden, morning Irina, midday Daria, come, take the daytime cry and the midday half-cry, take it to the dark forests, to distant lands, beyond the blue seas, to the yellow sands. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    6. “Kurushki-kurushki, take insomnia, and give your sleep-rest, good peace to the servant of God (servant of God) (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    1. This plot must be rewritten and left in the house in a secluded place.

    I go out of my doors

    Servant of God (servant of God) (name),

    I stand in the middle of my yard.

    Nikolai Ugodnik is standing next to me.

    I'll lock myself up, I'll shut up with a bolt lock.

    There are two angels sitting on both my doors.

    Who is going - will pass by,

    Whoever walks will pass by.

    The robber will enter the yard - he will not reach the house:

    His legs will become stiff, his hands will turn to stone,

    His eyes will darken.

    A fast river flows around my yard,

    There is a steep mountain, a dark forest grows.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    God bless us, save and save

    Windows and gates, chimney and doors,

    All cracks and iron tyn.

    Around our house

    Tyn is pretended to be a prayer,

    Protected by the Holy Cross.

    So that the plants in the garden grow well

    1. When planting or sowing, you need to say three times, while spitting over your left shoulder, the following words:

    “I will wash myself, (name), at early dawn with morning dew, outline myself with my ring finger and say: “How bright you are in the sky, morning dawn, and you, evening dawn, fall on mine (name the plant), so that they grow, like a forest, tall as an oak, thick, be, my words, strong. And now, and forever, and forever and ever."

    2. Plot for cabbage (speak when planting):

    “Don’t be an ankle-biter, be you pot-bellied. Don't be empty, be tight. Don't be red, be delicious. Don't be small, be great, be incomprehensible!"

    3. For the grain harvest, there is the following plot, which must be read over the grains intended for sowing:

    Mother of God!

    Gabriel the Archangel!

    bless you,


    Bless us with the harvest:

    Rye and oats

    Barley and wheat

    And every life a hundredfold!

    An Easter egg is placed in the grains prepared for sowing and they say: “Give birth, God, hemp is as white as this egg.”

    You can also say:

    Come, Lord, to the field of bread,

    Haystacks in the yard

    For all the hungry

    On thieves, on the weak, on cattle.

    After sowing, in order for the grains to sprout, you need to say: “Grow, grow, thick green grass, to the forest, and golden rye to the barn.”

    To keep cattle

    1. When buying livestock, you need to pray to God together with the seller, then circle the animal around you three times, while holding on to the bridle or leash with your hand wearing a mitten. Bringing the cattle home, you need to say the following words:

    “Here you are, hostess, a shaggy kind beast to a rich yard: drink, feed, smooth the surface with a mitten.”

    2. If you have jinxed a cow, the following conspiracy can help. You need to read it when the lightning rises, and at the same time circle the udder three times with your ring finger.

    “Roll down, fall down, sorrow-diseases, this cow has from her udder. They came from high mountains - go to the mountain, they came from the dark forest - go to the forest, they came from black mud - go to the mud, they came from the fast river - go to the river, they came from evil people - go to people. Roll down, fall down, diseases, this cow has her udder!”

    3. When you drive your cattle out to pasture for the first time in the spring, say the following words:

    "Christ is with you! Egory the brave, take our animal for the whole full hot summer and save it!

    4. It is believed that the brownie patronizes pets. In order for him to look after the cow, you need to say the following words:

    a) “Grandfather-domovushko, give water to my cattle. Drink and feed, and graze smoothly drive.

    b) The brownie needs to leave some food in a secluded place and say:

    “Owner-father, take care of my good cattle. Hostess, father, take bread and salt from me, drive the cattle smoothly. Grandfather-neighbor, love my good cattle. Domovushko-grandfather, water everyone, feed the lambs, okay, but smooth the smooth surface and lay them softly.

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    Village magic is considered to be as strong as traditions and folk signs in today's villages. Since ancient times, our ancestors used witchcraft in order to protect themselves and their homes from evil spirits, enemies, remove damage, the evil eye, and get a good harvest. For many reasons, such magic deserves separate consideration. In this article, you will learn all about the mysterious technique.


    In our time, as in the old days, in almost every village and village there are rumors about women who have magical skills. Usually they live alone on the very outskirts of the village. Previously, such residents were called witches, but they rarely saw anything bad in this. The witches were highly respected, all interested local residents actively resorted to her services. The sorceress could help remove damage, get married, return her husband to the family, heal from a serious illness. It should be noted that for many years the house of the local witch healer was practically the only place in the village where one could get quick help and medicine.

    However, village sorceresses, as a rule, had a complex character and in some cases could seriously spoil life. That is why the locals tried to appease them in every possible way, giving them all kinds of gifts. These could be:

    • Expensive fabrics;
    • Products, most often - bakery products;
    • Tableware;
    • Decorations.

    Witches almost never took money for their work, but they did not refuse various treats. The more serious the problem was solved, the more valuable the gifts should have been. Witchcraft knowledge and skills were inherited, only occasionally secrets were learned by ordinary people. This is how the villagers subsequently learned about various conspiracies, love spells, whispers. Today, village magic is also available to modern city dwellers. Most rituals are as simple as possible and do not require hard-to-find things like a lizard's tail or fresh milk directly from under a cow. In the villages, they rarely used such things, usually they took what was at hand.

    Features of the work of village witches

    rustic witchcraft directly related to natural forces. A couple of centuries ago, many women possessed special knowledge, recipes, and were able to cure various diseases with the help of plants. Unfortunately, with each generation, the secrets of magic are lost, lost in time.

    Consider a few features of village witchcraft:

    In general, this type of magic is quite simple. At the same time, doing it, you need to be quite courageous and self-confident person. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the negative consequences that may arise if you invest insufficient energy, perform the ceremony incorrectly, or do not take care of additional protection.

    Herbalists quite often were not only women, but also men. Sorcery was also passed down from generation to generation, children had to develop and protect their gift in every possible way. It should be noted that herbalism itself is quite dangerous for the person who practices it. These people often have health, physical and psychological problems.

    Harvested plants used both singly and in various collections. The complex use of herbs literally guaranteed the creation of a miracle. Herbs are dried, various tinctures, decoctions, ointments are prepared, which are later used to get rid of the disease, remove damage or love spells. Most commonly used:

    Preparation of herbs begins directly with their collection. Village witches believed that absolutely any plant has its own field and energy. To perform rituals and rituals, the plants were collected and stored in a certain way. The place of grass growth is of great importance: the collections were carried out far from littered territories, roads, highways. To prepare especially strong compositions, witches collected herbs in the cemetery.

    The timing of harvest also matters.. Like humans, plants come in larks and owls, so some are best picked at night, others early in the morning. As for the preparation of the potion, for some compositions it will take one day, for others - several years. We bring to your attention some simple, but very effective recipes from village magic:

    Village witchcraft is quite rarely associated among people with the call of brownies, spirits, evil spirits. Most often, rural sorcerers and sorceresses operate with conspiracies and spells. Such conspiracies can be composed both in rhyme and in prose, some of them need to be read several times in a row.

    Conspiracies were used for a variety of purposes: for a good harvest, so that livestock would not get sick, in order to get a lot of eggs from their chicken coop, and also in order to get rid of poverty, attract prosperity to the house, and return a loved one.

    One of the most popular rituals is to get rid of poverty. For it, you will need to go to the market, buy 12 green apples, while it is important in no case to bargain and not bring down the price. On the way home, half of the apples must be distributed to the poor, the next day give them 3 more pieces. The remaining fruits will need to be taken to the cemetery and pronounce the following conspiracy:

    From the cemetery, you must immediately return home, while not talking to anyone along the way. For the same reason, most of the rites in village magic are performed late at night - so as not to meet anyone. and no one to talk to.

    Another simple ritual will help reconcile neighbors, friends, family members. If you often have quarrels in your house, and you want to correct the current situation, you need to prepare a festive dinner, set the table. A prerequisite is to lay a tablecloth made of natural linen with the wrong side up. What exactly to cook - you choose. But keep in mind that the table should be quite modest. For all food they read such a conspiracy:

    Having dinner at such a table. family members, relatives or friends will stop quarreling.

    It should also be noted that the use of black salt, which was made in a special secret way on Thursday of Holy Week. Black salt was used in magic for a wide variety of purposes: to reconcile spouses, to heal the soul and body. Often it was worn on the amulet as a powerful amulet. Such salt was stored for a year - during this time it did not lose its magical properties.


    An integral part of this type of magic are, of course, whispers. They have been used in a wide variety of situations. In order to whisper the right words, you need only a couple of seconds, if you first learn a few of the most useful texts. Unlike complex incantations and rituals, whispers can be spoken anytime, anywhere. This is a kind of mystical help that will help out in difficult times. That is why many locals were afraid to offend the witch - she could take revenge instantly.

    So, if you weren’t paid for a product or service, you need to whisper to the departing person: “Don’t pay with money, pay with luck” . If you feel that someone is opposed to you, found a black lining in the house, whisper: “Your business is in your body.”


    In village witchcraft, there are a large number of conspiracies, rituals in order to bind a person to himself. One of the most common ways- lining. The witch slandered a certain thing, then this thing was quietly brought and hidden in the victim's house. As a rule, the most harmless, ordinary things were chosen: a handkerchief, a fork, a ring, threads. In addition to love spells, pads were also used to induce damage.

    Amulets, protection

    Women, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, damage, wore a variety of charmed earrings, rings, beads. Also, jewelry was spoken to attract good luck, love, money, in most cases they were passed down from generation to generation. Men wore charmed belts to protect themselves from village witchcraft.

    Another popular amulet is wooden figures that were worn in a pocket or around the neck. Each figurine had its own meaning. So, for example, figurines in the form of fish helped to maintain peace in the family, a figurine in the form of a horse protected the owner from the evil eye. Similar figurines were also kept at home as protection from evil spirits, evil spirits. amulets, according to village magic, you can not show anyone and even more so give.

    Witchcraft Protection

    Village magic has its roots in ancient times, knowledge is inherited from generation to generation and in our times. Real healers and witches are wary of this type of witchcraft, realizing that it can both improve a person’s life and completely destroy it. Of course, you should not take everything too seriously, but you still need to adhere to certain rules:

    After the negative impact is removed, it will take time and energy to restore and strengthen the energy sector. Very often witches offer to wear all kinds of amulets, amulets. Moonstone, agate, cat's eye, malachite and jet are best protected from witchcraft. At the same time, it is also important to build up personal strength: meditation and various trainings will help.

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