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  • Bioptron zepter lamp indications for use. ZepterTorg - Zepter tableware online store, Zepter water filters, Bioptron

    Bioptron zepter lamp indications for use.  ZepterTorg - Zepter tableware online store, Zepter water filters, Bioptron

    The light therapy complex called BIOPTRON is manufactured in Switzerland and is handled by BIOPTRON AG. In our country, Zepter Bionic has been operating for more than 10 years, the lamp has successfully passed medical testing in the best medical centers in Russia (the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, the Sklifosovsky Research Institute in Moscow, the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the clinic named after Sechenov and etc.). As a result of multiple tests, Zepter Bioptron proved to be the most effective, safe and reliable tool for the treatment of both adults and children.

    Therapeutic effect Zepter Biotron has a strong anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating power, relieves swelling and stimulates tissue repair.

    It sounds fabulously good, but in fact, the device for light therapy has already become a real legend, a home doctor.

    If you have a son, you know exactly what constant bruises and abrasions on your knees are - you will forget about these problems, because everything heals right before your eyes.

    Winter is already rushing to our lands with might and main, bringing with it its faithful, but unpleasant companions: colds and SARS, flu and other diseases, but there is a salvation - Biontron. Does your dad have constant back or lower back pain? With our lamp you will forget his complaints. It is hard to overestimate the importance of the Zepter Bioptron device for women and girls. Its effect on the skin is healing. It's better than massages and expensive treatments in a beauty salon.

    Bioptron treatment

    How does this miracle device work, which successfully replaces medicines and even doctors? When used, the device emits a beam of light of a certain length, affects special points on our skin and the membranes of organic cells themselves, which has a general therapeutic effect.

    From research it became known that the Bioptron lamp is effective in the treatment of surgical, dermatological, rheumatological, pediatric, dental and gynecological diseases and has a wonderful anesthetic effect. The lamp has a beneficial effect on the immune system, stimulating its uplift. A beneficial effect on immunity is due to the fact that the device activates a process called phagocytosis in the body and dramatically increases the total number of antibodies. This feature makes Zepter Bionic just a necessary tool for both prevention and treatment of colds, flu and other ARVI diseases (especially for children who get sick very often).

    Everyone knows how harmful and ineffective drugs are in our time, so using the lamp, you can reduce the amount of "Chemistry" taken or completely refuse drugs.

    Any device from the extensive series of Bioptrons is a certified product of the company. Millions of people around the world have already appreciated the therapeutic effect of light therapy. And it is not at all surprising that Zepter lamps are very popular medical devices, both for home and for stationary medical use.

    The phenomenal success of Bioptron lamps encourages the search for more and more new areas for their application. The extraordinary possibilities of light therapy and the beneficial effects of light on the human body are being explored by renowned scientists around the world.

    It should be noted that the company DEKRA, which certifies and supervises medical devices throughout the European Union, has officially expanded the list of indications for the use of therapeutic light from Bionic (Compact) and Bioptron 2 devices.

    Bioptron - reviews of the Zepter lamp. Usage experience.

    Lyudmila Serafimovich. Rostov-on-Don. The first time I tried Bioptron with a friend, she said that the skin after it noticeably improves. For some time it was a pity to buy the same money for myself, I took it from a friend from time to time, mainly to put my skin in order. But very often, herpes pops up on my lips, once I took the device home, and in just three sessions, almost everything went away! So I immediately bought myself my own device, after all, I need to always have it at hand.

    Natasha. The device has been working with us for several years for two families: my husband has a job with constant physical activity, it helps a lot with pain, especially when his back starts to hurt. Well, with ordinary colds, we also use it, if you catch yourself early, you don’t notice at all how quickly everything passes. And parents often take it, mom treats joints and makes father do sessions. We want to buy a second one so as not to carry one back and forth, but we don’t know which one to take is better. We thought it might be outdoor, but it’s interesting: is it the same in itself, that is, it differs only in size and appearance?

    A.S.V. Ekaterinburg. We have been using the device for about 5 years now. Bought urgently, because it was necessary to treat quite serious burns. This device was immediately advised to us so that everything would heal faster and there would be no traces left. I don’t know how everything would have ended with us if they hadn’t listened: I still remember how the doctors were surprised that everything was growing so quickly. The main thing is that there are no scars left. Now there is nothing extreme, thank God, but the device still helps - children have recently been treated for bruises, and I irradiate myself in the last face to prevent wrinkles. It’s a pity that I didn’t start earlier, otherwise I just recently read that many people use it for this and have a very good effect.

    _tortilla_. Saint Petersburg. We, too, will probably soon have like 5 years for the device. But we use it from time to time, only if something hurts. And acquaintances have probably already enlightened themselves at every point - they just constantly say that they cured one thing, then another. But the truth has recently turned on again, otherwise my neck has been hurting a lot in recent months, and I just remembered that you can get treated right at home.

    Okulova. T. Yaroslavl. I tried to treat children with a bioptron, otherwise they get sick very often, I took the device home from my parents several times. It turned out only once, when my daughter had a purulent tonsillitis, she somehow still gave in, everything quickly passed. And if I try a simple runny nose or throat, then this is already impossible. In the same place it is necessary to catch them and make them sit quietly for at least a few minutes. True, it happened that it worked out, but it is still very difficult to conduct regular sessions with children.

    Paul. Saint Petersburg. Often the back hurts, the device helps. My wife was also treated a couple of times, she had some kind of pain in the female part. And so almost always the device is with the parents, they constantly use it, of course they have more sores there.

    Nadezda. Maykop. Mom brings me Bioptron every time, as soon as the children get sick. But the eldest son is still sitting quietly, and the youngest cannot stand it, spinning. On the one hand, it seems to be good, otherwise rinsing your throat is also difficult to force them, or dripping drops is also a whole problem. And it only takes a few minutes. However, I don't see much of an effect. Somehow we were treated in childhood with folk remedies, and nothing got better. And then I can’t believe that light can really help, ordinary means are more familiar.

    -=Ninok=-. Vladivostok. And we did not even try to treat children with a bioptron. Basically, only grandparents are treated with us. At work, she also gave it to a friend so that her husband could process the stitches after the operation. He says that it helped, the scars healed, but it’s not all the same, they had to be applied immediately, and they probably had 2 months after the operation. My husband does not believe at all that such a device can work, laughs at me when I see through my face.

    Kuzovkin. O. Krasnodar. I've probably been using it for two years already, I have chronic sinusitis, my parents bought it for me, because I don't want to do any operations, I'm afraid. It helps, but I think I still have to do something sooner or later.

    Katerina. Moscow. I usually warm up my husband's back when we remember, we are not too lazy to apply it regularly for a week, everything seems to pass. Then it starts again, after all, the work is sedentary, you can’t get away from it. We need to get ready to take care of our health. And then when they bought it, the amount was serious for us at that time, but the situation was also frightening - a caesarean instead of making a cosmetic seam for me, it turned out very scary. They didn’t know what to do, so they bought it, the seam healed very well, well, we abandoned the device after that. Occasionally, only now with severe pain from her husband we get it.

    If you have experience with the Bioptron Zepter Lamp, please contact us: [email protected] website . We will publish it on the pages of our site!

    Light therapy in medicine plays an important role, especially in the last few years. Even Hippocrates described that a bunch of diseases can be cured by using only sunlight. Now everyone knows that the human body converts all the light it receives into electrochemical energy. And this leads to the activation of the biochemical process, which allows you to cover the entire body, and not just the skin.

    History of occurrence

    Many centuries ago, man began to study light and its beneficial properties. And although they could not fully recognize its nature, already in ancient Greece, such therapy was actively used. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to Dr. Finsen, originally from Denmark, some forms of tuberculosis could be treated with light rays. However, at that time, doctors began to give preference to medicines. In 1938, phototherapy fell out of favor as it was replaced by penicillin.

    Now, thanks to modern physicists and their developments, various devices are being created that can affect the human body, based on a biological system.

    It is to such developments that a device manufactured by a Swiss company can be attributed.

    Device structure

    The Bioptron lamp consists of:

    On top of the control panel is the head of the device, which consists of:

    • light source;
    • Brewster mirrors;
    • protective glass filter and dust protector;
    • UV protection;
    • medical filter.

    The device can be installed in three positions: horizontally, vertically and at an angle. The case is designed in such a way as to ensure sufficient cooling of the system in any of the positions. The main thing - before starting work with the Bioptron lamp, make sure that the ventilation hole and the fan located in the oval cover are not blocked by anything.

    Main parameters of the device

    The weight of the device is no more than 0.5 kilograms. Main parameters:

    • power supply with a nominal value of 230 V;
    • the current frequency is 50 Hz;
    • color temperature allows about 2600 K;
    • the rated power of the lamp is 20 W;
    • wavelength - from 480 to 3400 nm;
    • specific power - 40 mW/cm2.

    Service life at the correct operation of the device is not limited.

    Color filters

    Since the light of the device causes excitation of active zones and points on the skin, especially in a narrow light range, the wavelengths are different and are characteristic of a particular color.

    In addition to the device itself, the system includes seven color filters "Bioptron" and three homeopathic remedies, which in their composition contain essential oils and plant extracts that contribute to the transmission of information.

    All light therapy programs, as the basis of a person's psychophysiological state, are aimed at restoring and maintaining informational and energy balance.

    Light, passing through the filters, acquires additional properties, for example: drainage of the lymphatic and venous systems, reduction of slagging of the body, and so on.

    Each filter color has its own healing effect:

    • red - relieves pain, restores blood fluidity, stimulates blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, and also helps against sadness;
    • orange - restores the functions of the intestines and the genitourinary system, relieving inflammation, is an antidepressant, and during menopause it can reduce discomfort;
    • yellow - relieves constipation, lowers acidity, helps the spleen and the absorption of food by the body, improves the lymphatic system;
    • green - tones, cleanses the lungs and bronchi, fights heart disease, helps eliminate headaches and restore the nervous system;
    • blue - fights against any ENT diseases, helps to heal burn wounds, relieves hyperactivity;
    • blue - relieves insomnia, depression, sinusitis, conducts epithelialization of wounds and elimination of pain syndromes in the back, joints;
    • violet - a tranquilizer for the nervous system, antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, can cause active growth of leukocytes in the spleen.

    To achieve the highest performance, you can combine colors, taking into account the exposure time.

    Operating principle

    Treatment with "Bioptron" is very effective and safe, as the principle is based on the interaction of a light beam on the skin.

    Cellular energy under light exposure is accelerated several times, which allows you to start, in addition, the process of microcirculation, which affects the biostimulation of body cells. Protein metabolism increases, and this, in turn, allows the production of collagen and elastin.

    The use of "Bioptron" is possible either by acting directly on the problem area, or on biological points.

    User manual

    Despite the fact that the Bioptron Zepter system is very easy and can be used at home, it is still worth consulting a doctor. The specialist will tell you how to achieve the best result of therapy.

    The instructions for Bioptron are very simple:

    • it is best to use the device in a relaxed state, preferably in the morning or before going to bed;
    • before use, it is necessary to clean the area of ​​​​skin from dirt and fat, on which therapeutic manipulation will be carried out;
    • the device is installed at an angle of 90 degrees, but at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the treated area;
    • 1 treatment zone should be given separately for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening;
    • when using the device in the face area, the eyes should be closed;
    • upon completion of the procedures, the device should be disconnected from the network.

    During the procedures, the apparatus may cause discomfort in the area of ​​application. But you shouldn't worry about this. There is no threat to the human body. You just need to relax as much as possible by closing your eyes. Depending on the frequency of use of the device, discomfort will pass each time.

    When operating the device, you must be careful, as the elements consist of fragile glass and plastic.

    Always check that air can flow freely through the ventilation openings of the machine so that the maximum degree of cooling is achieved.

    Only original accessories should be used. The manufacturer will not be responsible for the malfunction of the device if damage was caused during operation due to non-original stands, tripods, etc.

    In case of replacement or repair of the lamp of the device, it is necessary to contact only specialized workshops for warranty service. If the repair was carried out independently, the manufacturer is not responsible for the work performed.

    You should monitor the humidity in the room where you plan to turn on the device. Humid and hot rooms should be avoided. It is desirable that the temperature is from 10 to 40 degrees.

    Do not allow dust or liquids to get inside the instrument. Protect from vibration and shock.

    Indications for use

    Since light therapy in our time has been widely used in various fields of medicine. The Swiss apparatus "Bioptron Zepter" is a clear certified example of the uniqueness of the light flux as a biological therapy. He has a permit for the use of medical technology, which was issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development (FS No. 2010/188 of 05/27/2010).

    The areas of application, as confirmed by the reviews of "Bioptron", are different:

    • dermatovenereology - acne, urticaria, dermatitis, mycosis, psoriasis, scars, etc.;
    • dermatosurgery - preoperative preparation, various rehabilitation programs;
    • aesthetic cosmetology - stretch marks, wrinkles, premature aging;
    • otolaryngology - tonsillitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, papillomatosis, etc.;
    • therapy - osteochondrosis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, hypotension, arthritis, peptic ulcer, etc.;
    • urology - prostatitis, balanoposthitis, impotence;
    • neurology - stroke, fainting, depression, migraine and more
    • pediatrics - prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, hormonal crisis, etc.;
    • surgery - hemorrhoids, bruises, injuries, wounds, burns, hematoma, fistulas, bursitis, etc.;
    • dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.;
    • ophthalmology - barley, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, myopia;
    • obstetrics and gynecology - colpitis, warts, cervical erosion, frigidity and more.

    Contraindications "Bioptron"

    Despite the breadth of successful applications, there are limitations to the use of the device. There is a certain list of diseases that prohibits the use of the device:

    • active tuberculosis;
    • sick heart and kidneys;
    • epilepsy;
    • disease of the blood vessels;
    • violation of cerebral circulation;
    • transplanted organs.

    Also, the device must not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

    There are diseases in which the use of the device is permissible, but strictly adhering to the instructions of "Bioptron" and under the close supervision of a specialist:

    • oncology, since the effect of light on mutated cells of the body has not been fully studied;
    • thrombophlebitis (acute form), since a blood clot under the influence of a light beam can come off.

    Where to buy the device

    If you decide to purchase the Bioptron device, then without hesitation, you should contact the official dealers of the Zepter company. The order should be placed on the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of fakes! Now many people are trying to cash in on a big name. The device is manufactured only in Switzerland.

    Along with the usual and time-tested physiotherapy devices, more advanced ones that have appeared quite recently are used today. One of the representatives of a new generation of such equipment is the Zepter lamps, called Bioptron.

    Today they are used both in home treatment and in hospital therapy. This device allows you to recover faster after surgery and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms.

    Read also:

    How Bioptron works

    Light therapy has a fairly long history of use. But treatment with light pulses reached a new level after devices like Bioptron began to appear. The action of Bioptron is based on light exposure, which leads to increased blood flow in a certain area of ​​the body. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to strengthen local and general immunity, remove manifestations of allergies, and reduce local inflammation.

    The radiation generated by the equipment has a wide spectrum. It is 480–3400 nm. At the same time, the light that "generates" the device does not contain UV radiation. Thus, Bioptron affects the skin and the body as a whole much safer than ordinary sunlight. It is no coincidence that the scope of Bioptron is incredibly extensive. And its contraindications, at the same time, are not too great.


    Possessing a rather mild effect, such equipment can lead to various changes in the functioning of the body. But the effect is especially noticeable in areas that are exposed to radiation. The lamp is mainly used in dermatological practice, in orthopedics, traumatology and ophthalmology. Although it is applicable in other areas.

    In general, indications for using the device can be presented in the form of such a list:

    • allergic skin rashes;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones;
    • skin diseases of various nature, including acne, ulcers, boils;
    • inflammatory processes localized in the organs of the genitourinary system;
    • broncho-pulmonary diseases of a diverse nature .;
    • herpetic lesions;
    • corneal edema, eyelid demodicosis, conjunctivitis.

    To take advantage of the lamp, you should first get acquainted with the correct technology for its use. As mentioned, it is possible to be treated with such equipment both in the clinic and at home. Naturally, for the most part, consumers are interested in the second option.

    Instructions for use

    Perhaps the most fundamental question is to correctly determine the place of impact. After all, there are 2 radically different ways of exposure to a light pulse. The first method assumes that the lamp is directed directly to the diseased area. The second method is directed irradiation of biologically important points. In official medicine, the first method is more recognized, although the second one also has the right to exist. At home, however, it is much easier to apply a local approach to treatment, since this will more accurately follow the technology of application.

    The instruction is quite simple. It is only required that certain recommendations be followed as correctly as possible. You can imagine the process of applying the lamp in the form of the following steps.

    1. To perform the procedures, it is necessary to select the most comfortable time at which you can completely relax and escape from extraneous worries. It is good if you manage to allocate time both in the morning and in the evening. Application twice a day gives the most noticeable and quick effect.
    2. If possible, it is necessary to qualitatively clean the area to which light radiation will then be directed. It is clear that when using Bioptron to treat conjunctivitis or corneal edema, this is difficult. But, by the way, at home it is desirable not to deal with these problems. Still, specialists should take up the treatment of such diseases. In other cases, a cleansing lotion or ordinary soapy solution will do to get rid of dirt.
    3. Place the light filter of the lamp over the diseased area so that the radiation falls on the area at an angle of 90°. You also need to make sure that a distance of at least 10 cm remains between the area and the light source. Turn on the device, making sure that the diseased area and the lamp will not move relative to each other subsequently.
    4. The exposure time of Bioptron is 5-10 minutes for each procedure. It is desirable that the exact period of exposure is determined by a specialist in advance. Sometimes it happens that the affected area is too large for the beam to affect it all at once. Then it is necessary to carry out "processing" gradually. To do this, the beam is displaced after the required time for exposure to one area has elapsed.
    5. When the session is completed, just turn off the device and continue with your usual activities.

    It is worth making one important clarification. If you still plan to use the device for eye treatment, it is necessary to remove contact lenses before the session. When the impact is carried out on the area near the eye, you need to constantly keep your eyelids closed. Otherwise, frequent exposure may adversely affect vision. Thus, there can be no difficulties in following the recommendations during the use of Bioptron.

    Lamp price

    The device has not yet found wide distribution. And there is a fairly serious "deterrent" in this case. The downside is that the lamp is very expensive. Those wishing to purchase such a device as the Bioptron lamp, the price is sometimes simply shocking. It is enough to name the main types of equipment and give their approximate cost:

    • a compact model for local use will cost 50-70 thousand rubles;
    • for the same model, complemented by a convenient stand, you will have to pay 5–10 thousand rubles more;
    • a lamp model with a wide beam already costs from 100 thousand rubles.

    In general, the most functional samples of the device can cost up to 1 million rubles. It is clear that equipment of this type is no longer purchased for home conditions. It is used in beauty salons, clinics, sanatoriums and other professional institutions. And for home use, the simplest, relatively cheap models are also suitable.

    However, not everyone who wants to use Bioptron is ready to pay even at least 50 thousand rubles for it. But on the other hand, you can always order a course of procedures in the salon, which will cost three times cheaper.

    Not everyone can afford to buy a device of this type for home use. However, the result with the correct use of the lamp will be excellent. Exposure to light helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin, reduce foci of inflammation, and defeat a variety of diseases. For this reason, it is worth considering the purchase and continued use of the Bioptron lamp, if financial possibilities allow.

    Bioptron is a physiotherapy device that emits visible and invisible parts of the spectrum (UV and IR), which are used for medical purposes.

    Before using Bioptron, you must consult a doctor, as the procedure can cause burns.

    History of phototherapy

    Light therapy uses the effect of different light spectra on the body. Classical phototherapy uses irradiation with bright fluorescent light, which physically corresponds to sunlight. At illumination from 2500 to 10000 lux, Bioptron is used to treat mental illness - seasonal affective disorder and depression.

    With the help of ultraviolet radiation, skin diseases can be effectively treated. Infrared light relieves pain due to its warming and blood circulation effect.

    Greek doctors believed that their patients could benefit from moderate exposure to sunlight. Avicenna, a Persian scientist and physician, recommended sunbathing for skin disorders in the 10th century.

    In Europe, French physicians in the mid-eighteenth century were able to test the positive effects of the sun on patients with skin infections. Since then, some doctors have sent patients to spa treatments for skin diseases.

    Radiation types

    The wavelength spectrum of 4000 - 7000 Å is equal to the spectrum of visible light. Above 7000 Å - infrared rays, below 4000 Å - ultraviolet.

    Infrared radiation is mainly used as a thermotherapeutic agent. The human eye is not able to see it, but a person can feel a slight warmth in the treated area.

    Ultraviolet radiation has a therapeutic and biological effect on the body. However, when overdosed, there are also harmful effects, especially if the wavelength is very short.


    Physiological effects that Bioptron causes:

    • Local hyperemia: reddening of the skin due to increased vascularity.
    • Anti-pigmentation effect: it occurs due to the migration of melanin due to the photochemical effect.
    • Anti-rachitic effect: Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium from food and strengthen bones. Because the skin is not completely opaque, light reaches the blood, which circulates through capillaries located in the most superficial layers. The skin contains provitamin D, which is converted to vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. You do not need to sunbathe in excess, as a small amount of vitamin D is enough.
    • Anti-anemic effect: light is able to increase the synthesis of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
    • Bacteriostatic effect: Vitamin D builds "bridges" between DNA bases and thus prevents bacteria from replicating.

    Phototherapy is a type of physical therapy that has an antidepressant effect by increasing the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. Portable "Bioptron" does not cause side effects when used correctly.

    Cost, instructions and characteristics

    "Bioptron" can be rented for about 800 rubles, or purchased at a specialized medical equipment store. The price of the device varies from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles.

    Description of the technical characteristics of "Bioptron":

    • Power consumption: 100-240V, 50/60Hz;
    • Halogen lamp power: 20W;
    • Weight: approx. 0.6 kg;
    • Wavelength: 480 - 3400 nm.


    1. Clean the area to be treated with light.
    2. Relax and hold the Bioptron at a distance of 15 cm.
    3. Use the device no more than 3 times a day.
    4. If adverse effects occur, discontinue physiotherapy.


    Phototherapy is used to increase the synthesis of vitamin D in the treatment of rickets and osteomalacia (softening of the bones due to hypovitaminosis D). Bioptron is also prescribed for the treatment of anemia, local bacterial diseases, acne, psoriasis, is used in the treatment of physiological jaundice of the newborn and against mood disorders. Indications are determined by the doctor.


    The main contraindications for use:

    • Heart failure in the phase of decompensation.
    • Decompensated changes in the hepatorenal system.
    • active tuberculosis.
    • Dermatological diseases aggravated by light.

    Side effects

    Common side effects:

    • Atrophy of collagen fibers, which leads to premature aging of the skin.
    • Keratosis: A precancerous lesion due to a mutation that can lead to 3 types of cancer - squamous cell, basal cell and melanoma.
    • Photosensitivity: a particular sensitivity to light caused by certain cosmetics or drugs. There are 2 types of photosensitivity: phototoxic and photoallergic.
    • Photoconjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis due to sunlight. Often there is inflammation, redness, itching.
    • Photokeratitis: Inflammation of the cornea that can cause scarring.

    Duration of treatment

    The therapeutic success of phototherapy depends largely on the dose and distance of the light. Since each light therapy lamp can emit different wavelengths, it is recommended that you consult your doctor to avoid unwanted effects.

    Regular treatment is also important (even during asymptomatic periods of the disease). Evening light therapy should only be done after consulting a doctor, as radiation can disrupt the circadian cycle. Some medications, such as tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, or lithium, increase photosensitivity. Therefore, an ophthalmological examination should be carried out before phototherapy. Similarly, prior consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended for all eye conditions.

    The phototherapy procedure does not cause serious side effects. Very rarely, users of the device complain of headaches, redness of the eyes, and dry skin. These symptoms usually go away after a short time. Irritability and manic moods are also extremely rare (euphoria, increased drive, flow of speech). Since the effect of light therapy lasts for a very short time - one to two days - it is necessary to carry out the treatment, preferably daily, to achieve the desired effect.


    Skin allergy, itching, redness of the skin.

    Used: cleaning solution, Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

    Treatment Method:
    1. Cleanse the damaged area of ​​the skin with a gentle cleanser
    2. Irrigate the affected area of ​​the skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
    3. Treat the skin along the margins with the Bioptron lamp. Each field
    illuminate 4 minutes.
    4. Again irrigate the affected area of ​​the skin with a thin layer of oxy-
    spray and allow to air dry.

    Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

    Attention! Itching disappears in most cases after the first treatment. Oxy spray can be used between treatments. Oxygen accelerates the regeneration process. It is very important to get an explanation from the doctor what caused the allergy in order to avoid any subsequent manifestations.


    Abscesses of the skin and oral cavity.

    Are applied: Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

    Treatment Method:

    1. Apply a thin stream of oxy-spray to the abscess. During dental treatment, this operation is not performed.
    2. Illuminate the abscess with the Bioptron lamp for 4 to 6 minutes. In case of an abscess of the oral cavity, illuminate the oral cavity directly for 6 to 8 minutes, or direct light to the affected area through the cheek.

    Course of treatment: 1-3 times a day.

    Attention! Start treatment immediately with the appearance of the first symptoms. Abscesses occur due to improper functioning of the kidneys and intestines. If there is no improvement after 5-7 days, contact your dentist.


    Eczema of all kinds.

    Are applied: Bioptron Compact, Bioptron Pro 1, Bioptron 2, oxy-spray.

    Treatment Method:

    2. Treat the skin with the Bioptron lamp over the fields. Each field is illuminated for 4 minutes.
    3. Spray the damaged area again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow the skin to air dry.

    Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

    Attention! Start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear! Oxy spray can be used between treatments. Oxygen supports regeneration processes. Avoid taking spicy foods, cheese, sausages and chocolate. If there is no improvement after 7 days, consult a doctor.


    Herpetic vesicles, herpes.

    Are applied: Oxy-spray, Bioptron Compact.

    Treatment Method:

    1. Cleanse the damaged area of ​​the skin with a mild cleansing lotion.
    2. Irrigate the damaged area of ​​the skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
    3. Illuminate the damaged area of ​​the skin for 4 minutes.

    Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

    Attention! If treatment is started immediately when the first symptoms appear, the process is localized.



    Are applied: Bioptron Compact, Bioptron Pro 1, oxy-spray.

    Treatment Method:

    1. Irrigate the damaged area of ​​the skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
    2. Illuminate each point of the damaged area for 4 minutes.

    Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

    Attention! Start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear!

    HERPES labial

    Lip herpes and other types of herpes.

    Are applied: Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

    Treatment Method:

    1. Irrigate the damaged area of ​​the skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
    2. Illuminate the damaged area for 4 minutes
    3. Spray the damaged area again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow to air dry.

    Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

    Attention! Start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear. It localizes the process.