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  • Color blindness test. Vision test for color perception for drivers

    Color blindness test.  Vision test for color perception for drivers

    To identify color blindness (color blindness) and its manifestations in modern ophthalmology, Rabkin's polychromatic tables are used. According to the degree of color perception, ophthalmologists distinguish: trichromats (normal), protoanopes (people with impaired color perception in the red spectrum) and deuteranopes (people with impaired color perception of green).

    To pass the test for color blindness, you should follow certain recommendations:
    - the test is carried out in normal health
    - first you need to relax
    - try to keep the picture and eyes at the same level during the test
    - Up to 10 seconds to view the image

    Picture 1

    The picture shows the numbers "9" and "6", which are visible to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is intended to explain and show people what exactly is required to do when passing the test.

    Figure 2

    This picture shows a square and a triangle, which are visible, as in the previous version, to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is used to demonstrate the test and to identify the simulation.

    Figure 3

    The picture shows the number "9". People with normal vision see correctly, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum (deuteranopia and protanopia) see the number "5".

    Figure 4

    The picture shows a triangle. People with normal vision see the triangle depicted, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see a circle.

    Figure 5

    The picture shows the numbers “1” and “3” (corresponding to “13”). People with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see the number "6".

    Figure 6

    People with normal color perception distinguish two geometric shapes in the picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum are not able to distinguish the figures shown in the picture.

    Figure 7

    The picture shows the number "9", which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with color blindness.

    Figure 8

    The picture shows the number "5", which is able to distinguish between people with normal vision and people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum. However, for the latter, this is difficult or even impossible.

    Figure 9

    People with normal color perception and people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum are able to distinguish the number "9" in the picture, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum can see both the number "9" and "8" or "6".

    Figure 10

    People with normal vision distinguish the numbers “1”, “3” and “6” in the picture (they answer “136”), while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see “69”, “68” or “66”.

    Figure 11

    The picture shows the numbers “1” and “4”, which are seen by both people with normal color perception and people with manifestations of color blindness.

    Figure 12

    The picture shows the numbers “1” and “2”, which are able to distinguish both people with normal vision and people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum do not see the numbers at all.

    Figure 13

    The picture shows a circle and a triangle that people with normal color perception can distinguish. At the same time, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum in the picture see only a circle, while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum only see a triangle.

    Figure 14

    People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish between the numbers “3” and “0” in the upper part, while they will not see anything in the lower part. Whereas people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will distinguish between the numbers “1” and “0” at the top, and the hidden number “6” at the bottom. And people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will see “1” at the top, and “6” at the bottom of the picture.

    Figure 15

    People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish between a circle and a triangle (in the upper part), but they will not see anything in the lower part. People with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will see 2 triangles (top) and a square (bottom). People with blindness in the green part of the spectrum can distinguish between a triangle (top) and a square (bottom).

    Figure 16

    People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish between the numbers "9" and "6", while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum only "9", and with blindness in the green part of the spectrum - only "6".

    Figure 17

    People with normal color perception see a circle and a triangle in the picture, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum see only a triangle, while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum see only a circle.

    Figure 18

    People with normal color perception in the picture will see multi-colored vertical and one-color horizontal rows. At the same time, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will see the horizontal rows as one-color, and the vertical 3, 5 and 7 as one-color. People with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will see the horizontal rows as multi-colored, and the vertical rows 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 as solid colors.

    Figure 19

    People with normal vision are able to distinguish between the numbers "2" and "5" in the picture, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will only see the number "5".

    Figure 20

    People with normal color perception are able to distinguish two geometric shapes in the picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will not be able to distinguish between the depicted shapes.

    Figure 21

    In the picture, people with normal color perception and people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will distinguish between the numbers "9" and "6", while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will only see the number "6".

    Figure 22

    The picture shows the number "5", which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with manifestations of color blindness. However, for the latter it will be difficult or even impossible to do this.

    Figure 23

    In the picture, people with normal vision will see multi-colored horizontal and one-color vertical rows. At the same time, people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see one-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows.

    Figure 24

    In the picture, the number "2" is what people with normal vision see, protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this figure.

    Figure 25

    Trichomats (people with normal vision) see the number "2" in the picture, people with blindness in the green and red parts of the sector, the number "2" is not distinguished.

    Figure 26

    People with normal color perception distinguish two shapes in the picture: a triangle and a square. People with blindness in the green and red spectra, these figures do not distinguish.

    Figure 27

    Normal trichomats see a triangle in the picture, people with color perception disorders distinguish the “circle” figure


    It should be noted that if the answer is wrong, there is no need to start panicking, since perception may depend on a number of factors: room illumination, excitement, monitor matrix and its color (when passing the test online), etc.
    If deviations are detected during a free online vision test, it is recommended to see a specialist for a more thorough diagnosis.


    Picture 1.

    Figure 2.

    Figure 3

    Figure 4

    Figure 5

    Figure 6

    Figure 7

    Figure 8

    Figure 9

    Figure 10.

    Figure 11.

    Figure 12.

    Figure 13. Normal trichromats read a circle and a triangle in the table.

    Protanopes distinguish only a circle, and deuteranopes a triangle.

    Figure 14.

    Figure 15.

    Figure 16.

    Figure 17.

    Figure 18.

    Figure 19.

    Figure 20.

    Table 21

    Figure 22.

    Figure 23.

    Figure 24.

    Figure 25.

    Figure 26.

    Figure 27.

    trichromats(from other Greek - color).
    deutanopia- green blindness
    People suffering dichromatism dichromatism are deuteranopia and protanopia deuteranopia protanopia protanop

    4.3. color perception

    color vision- the ability of the eye to perceive colors based on sensitivity to different ranges of radiation in the visible spectrum. This is a function of the cone apparatus of the retina.

    It is possible to conditionally distinguish three groups of colors depending on the wavelength of radiation: long-wave - red and orange, medium-wave - yellow and green, short-wave - blue, indigo, violet. The whole variety of color shades (several tens of thousands) can be obtained by mixing the three primary colors - red, green, blue. All these shades are able to distinguish the human eye. This property of the eye is of great importance in human life. Color signals are widely used in transport, industry and other sectors of the economy. The correct perception of color is necessary in all medical specialties, at present, even X-ray diagnostics has become not only black and white, but also color.

    The idea of ​​a three-component color perception was first expressed by M. V. Lomonosov as early as 1756. In 1802, T. Jung published a work that became the basis of the three-component theory of color perception. G. Helmholtz and his students made a significant contribution to the development of this theory. According to the three-component theory of Young - Lomonosov - Helmholtz, there are three types of cones. Each of them is characterized by a certain pigment, selectively stimulated by a certain monochromatic radiation. Blue cones have a maximum spectral sensitivity in the range of 430-468 nm, for green cones the maximum absorption is at 530 nm, and for red cones - 560 nm.

    At the same time, color perception is the result of the action of light on all three types of cones. Radiation of any wavelength excites all the cones of the retina, but to varying degrees (Fig. 4.14). With the same stimulation of all three groups of cones, a sensation of white color occurs. There are congenital and acquired color vision disorders. About 8% of men have congenital defects in color perception. In women, this pathology is much less common (about 0.5%). Acquired changes in color perception are observed in diseases of the retina, optic nerve and central nervous system.

    In the classification of congenital disorders of color vision by Chris-Nagel, red is considered the first and denotes it "protos" (Greek protos - first), then come green - "deuteros" (Greek deuteros - second) and blue - "tritos" (Greek. tritos - third). A person with normal color perception is a normal trichromat.

    Abnormal perception of one of the three colors is designated respectively as prot-, deuter- and tritanomaly. Prot- and deuteranomalies are divided into three types: type C - a slight decrease in color acceptance, type B - a deeper violation and type A - on the verge of loss of perception of red or green Color.

    Complete non-perception of one of the three colors makes a person dichromatic and is designated respectively as prot-, deuter- or tritanopia (Greek ap - negative particle, ops, opos - vision, eye). People with such a pathology are called prot-, deuter- and tritanopes. The non-perception of one of the primary colors, such as red, changes the perception of other colors, since they do not have a share of red in their composition.

    It is extremely rare to find monochromats that perceive only one of the three primary colors. Even less often, with a gross pathology of the cone apparatus, achromasia is noted - a black-and-white perception of the world. Congenital disorders of color perception are usually not accompanied by other changes in the eye, and the owners of this anomaly learn about it by chance during a medical examination. Such an examination is mandatory for drivers of all types of transport, people working with moving mechanisms, and for a number of professions where correct color discrimination is required.

    Assessment of the color discrimination ability of the eye. The study is carried out on special devices - anomaloscopes or using polychromatic tables. The method proposed by E. B. Rabkin, based on the use of the basic properties of color, is considered generally accepted.

    Color is characterized by three qualities:

    • color tone, which is the main feature of color and depends on the wavelength of light;
    • saturation, determined by the proportion of the main tone among impurities of a different color;
    • brightness, or lightness, which is manifested by the degree of proximity to white (the degree of dilution with white).

    Diagnostic tables are built on the principle of the equation of circles of different colors in terms of brightness and saturation. With their help, geometric figures and numbers ("traps") are indicated, which are seen and read by color anomalies. At the same time, they do not notice a figure or a figure drawn in circles of the same color. Therefore, this is the color that the subject does not perceive. During the study, the patient should sit with his back to the window. The doctor holds the table at the level of his eyes at a distance of 0.5-1 m. Each table is exposed for 5 seconds. Only the most complex tables can be displayed longer (Fig. 4.15, 4.16).

    If violations of color perception are detected, a card of the subject is compiled, a sample of which is available in the annexes to the Rabkin tables. A normal trichromat will read all 25 tables, an anomalous type C trichromat will read more than 12, a dichromat will read 7-9.

    In mass surveys, by presenting the most difficult to recognize tables from each group, large contingents can be examined very quickly. If the subjects clearly recognize these tests when repeated three times, then it is possible to draw a conclusion about the presence of normal trichromasia without presenting the rest. In the event that at least one of these tests is not recognized, a conclusion is made about the presence of color weakness and, to clarify the diagnosis, they continue to present all the other tables.

    Identified violations of color perception are evaluated according to the table as color weakness of 1, II or III degree, respectively, for red (protodeficiency), green (deuterodeficiency) and blue (tritodeficiency) colors or color blindness - dichromasia (proto-, deutero- or tritanopia). In order to diagnose color perception disorders in clinical practice, threshold tables developed by E.

    Anomaly Detection: How is color vision screening done for drivers?

    N. Yustova et al. to determine the color discrimination thresholds (color strength) of the visual analyzer. With the help of these tables, the ability to capture minimal differences in tones of two colors that occupy more or less close positions in the color triangle is determined.

    I suggest that those who wish to check their color perception.


    Difficulty with color discrimination may be due to monitor settings.

    Picture 1. All normal trichromats, anomalous trichromats and dichromats distinguish the numbers 9 and 6 equally correctly in the table (96). The table is intended primarily for demonstration of the method and for control purposes.

    Figure 2. All normal trichromats, anomalous trichromats and dichromats distinguish equally correctly two figures in the table: a triangle and a circle. Like the first table, it is intended primarily for demonstrating the method and for testing purposes.

    Figure 3 Normal trichromats distinguish the number 9 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 5.

    Figure 4 Normal trichromats are distinguished in the triangle table. Protanopes and deuteranopes see a circle.

    Figure 5 Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1 and 3 (13). Protanopes and deuteranopes read this number as 6.

    Figure 6 Normal trichromats distinguish two figures in the table: a circle and a triangle. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Figure 7 Normal trichromats and protanopes distinguish two numbers in the table - 9 and 6. Deuteranopes distinguish only the number 6.

    Figure 8 Normal trichromats distinguish the number 5 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish this figure with difficulty, or do not distinguish it at all.

    Figure 9 Normal trichromats and deuteranopes distinguish the number 9 in the table. Protanopes read it as 6 or 8.

    Figure 10. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1, 3 and 6 (136). Protanopes and deuteranopes read two digits 66, 68 or 69 instead.

    Figure 11. Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes distinguish a circle, or a circle and a triangle.

    Figure 12. Normal trichromats and deuteranopes are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1 and 2 (12). Protanopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Figure 13. Normal trichromats read a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes distinguish only a circle, and deuteranopes a triangle.

    Figure 14. Normal trichromats distinguish the numbers 3 and 0 (30) in the upper part of the table, and they do not distinguish anything in the lower part. Protanopes read the numbers 1 and 0 (10) at the top of the table, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom. Deuteranopes distinguish the number 1 at the top of the table, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom.

    Figure 15. Normal trichromats distinguish two figures in the upper part of the table: a circle on the left and a triangle on the right. Protanopes distinguish two triangles in the upper part of the table and a square in the lower part, while deuteranopes distinguish a triangle in the upper left and a square in the lower part.

    Figure 16. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 9 and 6 (96). Protanopes distinguish in it only one number 9, deuteranopes - only the number 6.

    Figure 17. Normal trichromats distinguish between two shapes: a triangle and a circle. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes distinguish a circle.

    Figure 18. Normal trichromats perceive the horizontal rows in the table of eight squares each (color rows 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th) as one-color ; vertical rows are perceived by them as multi-colored. Dichromates, on the other hand, perceive the vertical rows as one-color, and protanopes accept as one-color vertical color rows - 3rd, 5th and 7th, and deuteranopes - vertical color rows - 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th. th and 8th. Colored squares arranged horizontally are perceived by protanopes and deuteranopes as multi-colored.

    Figure 19. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 9 and 5 (95). Protanopes and deuteranopes can only distinguish the number 5.

    Figure 20. Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Table 21 Normal trichromats distinguish the vertical rows in the table of six squares each (color rows No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) as one-color; horizontal rows (No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) are perceived as multi-colored. Dichromats, on the other hand, perceive vertical rows as multi-colored, and horizontal rows as monochromatic.

    Figure 22. Normal trichromats distinguish two numbers in the table - 66. Protanopes and deuteranopes correctly distinguish only one of these numbers.

    Figure 23. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 36 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

    Figure 24. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 14 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

    Figure 25. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 9 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this figure.

    Checking color perception according to Rabkin's tables online with answers

    Figure 26. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 4 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this figure.

    Figure 27. Normal trichromats distinguish the number 13 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this figure.

    Thus, normal trichromats read all twenty-seven correctly, protanopes - seven to eight tables (1, 2, 7, 23, 24, 25 and 26), and deuteranopes - nine tables (1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 23 , 24, 25 and 26).

    In humans, color-sensitive receptors are located in the central part of the retina - nerve cells called cones. Each of the three types of cones has its own type of color-sensitive pigment of protein origin. One type of pigment is sensitive to red with a maximum of 552-557 nm, the other is sensitive to green (maximum about 530 nm), and the third is sensitive to blue (426 nm). People with normal color vision have all three pigments (red, green and blue) in the cones in the required amount. They are called trichromats(from other Greek - color).
    dichromia- the absence of color sensations in the blue-violet region of the spectrum.
    deutanopia- green blindness
    People suffering dichromatism, to reproduce all color tones, only two colors are needed, and not three, as required by people with normal color vision. Varieties dichromatism are deuteranopia and protanopia, manifested in a sharp decrease in sensitivity to green and red colors, respectively. As a result, people suffering deuteranopia, are relatively insensitive to the average wavelengths of the green part of the spectrum, and those suffering from protanopia- insensitive to long-wavelength light. In other words, in order to protanop distinguished red, the intensity of the latter should be much higher than usual.

    Can color blindness be cured?

    What is Daltonism?

    Color blindness is considered to be the inability of a person to perceive certain colors. This deviation was named after the English scientist John Dalton, who identified it in himself and described it in detail. Dalton himself could not distinguish red, later scientists identified and classified a number of deviations in color perception, giving them the appropriate names. So, for example, the disease that Dalton himself suffered from (the inability to distinguish a red tint) is called protanopia, and immunity to green is called deutranopia. There are also people who are unable to see the color blue, this deviation is called tritanopia, and it is very rare. It is noteworthy that those suffering from tritanopia not only do not distinguish shades of blue, but also have the so-called night blindness - they do not see objects well in twilight conditions.
    There is another type of color blindness called achromasia. This is the most serious form of deviation, in which a person literally sees everything around him in black and white.

    As you know, when passing a medical examination to obtain a driver's license, everyone must pass a color blindness test on Rabkin's special tables (you can see the color blindness test with answers here) and those who have this disease are no longer able to get rights. This is logical, because it is very dangerous for a person who cannot distinguish the colors of a traffic light to drive.

    Therefore, many are interested in the question, is it possible to cure color blindness?

    How to cure color blindness?

    The cause of color blindness is a genetic failure, this disease is inherited and most often men suffer from it (about one in twelfth). There are cases when color blindness is acquired in nature, the cause of which is injury or eye disease. In this case, it is possible to restore color perception if it is possible to diagnose and eliminate the cause, but hereditary (congenital) color blindness cannot be guaranteed to be cured yet. However, medicine is developing rapidly and research in the field of treatment of this disease is ongoing (for sure, the one who first learns to treat it will get rich very quickly, given the number of people who cannot get a license because of color blindness), there have already been cases of curing color blindness during experiments on animals. For example, American scientists performed a successful operation on two monkeys by injecting a harmless virus with the missing photosensitive receptor gene into the retina.

    Testing the vision for color perception of drivers is one of the conditions for road safety

    Viral particles did not cause any disturbances, and color sensitivity was restored. Experiments on humans have not yet been carried out, but those suffering from color blindness have a real hope of getting rid of their ailment.

    Also, more recently, information has appeared that the American company EnChroma has developed special glasses that selectively remove some waves between the red and green parts of the spectrum, actually expanding the gap between them. The use of such glasses allows people suffering from one of the varieties of color blindness to distinguish between red and green colors. So the times when color-blind people can live a full life are just around the corner ...

    In the meantime, you can use some tools that can help compensate for the color vision problem:

    • Specially colored contact lenses and glasses can help you see the difference between colors. However, these lenses do not provide normal color vision and may distort objects.
    • Glasses that block bright light (with side shields or wide frames) are useful because people with color vision problems can see the difference between colors better in less bright light.)
    • If you don't see color at all and rely only on retinal rods for vision (rod monopigmentation), then you may need to wear lightly colored or dark glasses with side shields because cones work best in dim light.

    The human eye is able to perceive not only different colors, but also a large number of shades. However, as in any other visual function, various anomalies can also occur in color perception. Diagnose color disorders with the help of special tables, tests, devices.

    What is human color vision

    The ability of the eyes to see the world in all colors is provided by special cells located in the retina of the eyeball - cones, rods, which contain a visual protein pigment that is sensitive to the influence of a light flux of waves of various lengths. Cones are made up of three basic elements that can perceive color.

    1st - red.

    2nd - blue.

    3rd - green.

    The rods are responsible for black and white perception. All other colors, as well as shades, are provided by light stimulation of all three color elements of different strength. As a result, full-fledged color vision is created in the brain, or rather its visual center.

    Anomalies in the color function of the visual apparatus may be present in humans initially - transmitted genetically, or as a result of diseases of the visual apparatus, the nervous system. For example, such as:

    • Retinal burn (from a welding machine, due to the action of aggressive ultraviolet radiation).
    • Traumatic brain injury.
    • Diabetic macular degeneration.
    • Cataract.

    Acquired disorders of color sensation can be successfully treated with timely access to an ophthalmologist.

    What is the diagnosis of color vision

    An example of a Rabkin table (photo:

    Basically, multi-color pigment tables and tests are used to assess color perception.

    The Rabkin table has found wide application not only for diagnosing a violation of any type of color vision, but also for examining people for admission to work, for example, related to driving vehicles, operating mechanized vehicles, serving in the armed forces, where there is a need for a clear distinction between colors and shades.

    People who during the examination revealed any violations of color vision are not allowed to work.

    Color vision test

    Pathological perception of color can negatively affect their professional activities, or create an emergency situation.

    The Rabkin table uses such basic color characteristics, which make it possible to identify various pathologies of color perception in the full spectrum, such as:

    • Color tones.
    • Saturation.
    • Brightness.

    Research types

    Diagnosis of color perception is carried out by an ophthalmologist using various tables, tests or devices. For example, such as:

    • Ishihara test, FALANT-test, Holmgren.
    • Tables of Rabkin, Stilling, Yustova.
    • Spectral instruments anomaloscopes of Negel, Rabkin, Heidelberg. An anomaloscope is a microprocessor-based device. His work is based on the principle of mixing colors. For example, the Heidelberg instrument consists of an optical device, a tilting tube, a test field, and control knobs.
    • Electroretinography. Gives you the opportunity to explore the functionality of the sticks.
    • Chromatic perimetry. It is used by ophthalmologists to detect color blindness provoked by various eye pathologies at an early stage of the disease.

    Indications for the study of the color ability of the eyes

    Color perception, without any pathologies, is called trichromasia. Insufficient color vision has a definition - color blindness, which is classified according to the following forms of this pathological process:

    • Color weakness. The patient experiences some difficulty with the designation of shades. Often makes mistakes or needs more time for identification than it is supposed (no more than 10 seconds).
    • Color blindness (achromatopsia). genetic anomaly. The function of color pigments is completely absent. The patient sees the world in black and white.
    • Color agnosia. It occurs due to damage to the cerebral cortex, often accompanied by a violation of various types of sensitivity (decreased vision, hearing). Patients may completely lose the function of color identification or lose the ability to match similar shades or associate color with the name of an object.

    Dichromasia. Congenital pathology of color perception, which is characterized by the absence of one of the color-receptive elements. The patient can see 2 colors.

    In turn, dichromasia is classified into the following types:

    • Protanopia is the inability of cones to perceive long wavelength red light. The most common type of color blindness.
    • Deuteranopia - lack of perception of green medium-wavelength color.
    • Tritanopia - the visual apparatus of patients with this pathology cannot absorb blue light, which is short-wavelength. This pathology is often accompanied by a violation of the light sensitivity of the eyes.
    • Monochromatic is the absolute loss of function of two or three color elements. The patient can only see one color.

    Males are more predisposed to genetic color blindness.

    Women and men are equally prone to various color vision disorders that have arisen due to ophthalmic pathologies, diseases of the nervous system.

    All of the above pathologies are a direct indication for contacting an ophthalmologist.

    Important! Often a violation of color perception is one of the first symptoms of various anomalies of the visual apparatus (retinal detachment, pigmentary dystrophy, glaucoma). Underestimation of the condition in the early stages of the disease can lead to delayed diagnosis and the development of severe pathologies.

    For persons whose professional activity is associated with a load on color vision, this type of examination is mandatory for admission to work (drivers, pilots, railway workers, military).

    Possible contraindications for eye color tests

    Conducting any type of color vision diagnostics should be postponed if the patient has the following pathological manifestations:

    • Damage to the eyeball (foreign body, trauma, burns).
    • Unstable mental state.
    • Increased body temperature.
    • Infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis).
    • Dizziness, headache.
    • High blood pressure.
    • General weakness.
    • Violation of night sleep.

    How to prepare for a color vision test

    Diagnosis of color vision is quite simple and does not require special training. However, in order for the results of the survey to be the most reliable, the following recommendations should be observed:

    • Before the study, a good night's sleep is important.
    • It is necessary to avoid nervous and mental strain. Eye fatigue.
    • Diagnosis is best done in the morning, after a light breakfast.

    How is the study going

    According to the Rabkin table, one can determine the severity of genetic color blindness, as well as differentiate it with an acquired form of the disease.

    The patient is offered to study special tables, in which, among the background image in the form of circles of a uniform color, circles different from them in color are drawn, forming a figure or number.

    The tables are shown in turn at a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter. No more than 10 seconds are allocated for each object.

    All drawings are identical in brightness. If the patient is forced to wear lenses or glasses in everyday life, then there is no need to remove them during the diagnosis.

    People who suffer from abnormal color vision are unable to determine the desired figure, figure.

    The examination is carried out only in good lighting (artificial daylight, natural diffused lighting) in a calm environment.

    When passing the Holmgren test, the person being examined is asked to take a skein with multi-colored threads, distribute them in such a way that the primary colors are laid in three separately provided places.

    To diagnose color blindness using an anomaloscope, two light fields are most often used. The first is illuminated in yellow, the second in green and red. Both screens are in view. The patient must change the intensity of the colors (mix) on the second screen until the colors of both fields are equal and become the same (yellow).

    With obvious protanopia or deuteranopia, patients equate a pure green or red color with a yellow field.

    Advantages of various types of color vision diagnostics

    Anomaloscope - a device for studying color perception (photo:

    Rabkin's tables are successfully used for the main examination of patients, the identification of genetic, acquired pathologies of color vision. It is not a complicated, reliable diagnostic method. It also makes it possible to understand the degree of color blindness, as it allows you to determine in full all the colors and shades that the patient is not able to see.

    Anomaloscopes are used much less frequently. They are needed for a more accurate diagnosis. Also, these devices are used not only to study the function of human color perception, but are also designed to train the vision of people whose professional activity is to observe a variety of color designs.

    In addition, anomaloscopes allow you to track the degree of eye degradation in the process of work-related loads on color vision.

    How the research results are deciphered

    If the study was carried out using the Rabkin table, then the diagnosis is made on the basis of the number of numbers and figures deciphered by the patient.

    If pathologies of color vision are detected in the ophthalmological office, a special form is created in which there is a reduced duplicate of Rabkin's numbered tables. The doctor makes notes on unidentified samples, which makes it possible to correctly diagnose and determine the severity of the disease.

    A person with normal color vision will accurately identify between 25 and 27 images.

    There are 27 main pictures in the table. The pictures are compiled in such a way as to trace the slightest deviations of color vision as much as possible.

    Patients with signs of color blindness are divided into 3 categories according to the severity of the pathology - A, B, C.

    For non-hereditary color blindness, there is difficulty in identifying all three colors, in contrast to the genetic color vision disorder, which is characterized by an abnormal perception of red and green. However, with pathology of the optic nerve, patients can make the same mistakes as genetic color abnormalities.

    When the retina is damaged, there is a violation in the definition of blue and yellow.

    Acquired diseases associated with abnormal color perception are almost always accompanied by various disorders of the functions of the visual apparatus.

    It is very important at the first symptoms of visual impairment to consult an ophthalmologist in time.

    Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid the further development of various pathological conditions and will make it possible to improve or completely restore color perception.

    Exercises for the development of color perception

    postby Alfiya» Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:57 am

    The ability to perceive color in humans has developed in the process of evolution to identify objects, along with the ability to perceive their other properties (size, hardness, warmth, etc.). This need to recognize objects developed and fixed in the human mind a stable idea of ​​a certain color.
    With the help of the eyes, a person perceives illumination (lightness), color, size, shape of objects, determines the movement and direction of objects during movement, and orients himself in space.
    The lifestyle of modern man, with gray buildings surrounding him and dusty flowers, is very different from the life of his ancestors, who had to hunt and survive, escaping predators.
    It is not surprising that the visual acuity, as well as the sharpness and accuracy of color perception, become an atavism.

    What is left for people to do? Work on perception constantly.
    The visual perception of the shape of an object is affected by the size of the object, the distance to the eyes, the illumination, the contrast between the brightness of the object and the background. Cognition of the form involves the activation of semantic perception, the formation of ideas and the development of thinking.
    Important informative features in objects and images are color and contrast. The color is fixed visually and remains in consciousness for a long time. At the stage of object detection, color is a signaling agent that attracts attention. Even an ordinary color spot stimulates the visual response.
    Color as an objective property of form has great emotional expressiveness. All shades of the spectrum are emotionally associated with sensory perception. So, red, orange colors are associated with warmth; green, blue - with cold. Also, the color actively influences the mood. For example, red color excites and mobilizes, while green and blue calm.
    The presence of color vision plays an important role in the recognition of objects and images, allows you to better distinguish the details of objects and perceive a large number of information features.
    Here are some exercises to develop color perception.

    1. Contemplation of color spots
    In a state of calm with closed eyes, a person contemplates color spots that spontaneously appear before his eyes. These are not hallucinations, but so-called sequential images. They are explained by the peculiarities of the work of the retina of our eyes. Contemplating color spots, one can feel a direct connection between color and emotion, the unity of color and emotion.
    You can make it a rule to periodically look at Ishihara's tables. Over time, the nuances of the shades become more and more obvious.

    2. Contemplation of flowers
    Stare still at a color for one or two minutes, then close your eyes and contemplate that color or color scheme. Colors can seem quite vibrant! When the color scheme disappears, open your eyes again and look at the color sample again. So go on.

    3. Schulte tables
    For the development of peripheral vision, it is useful to use Schulte tables. This exercise, with regular use, allows you to defocus your vision by covering more space.
    The field is divided into cells. Each cell contains a number. It is required, concentrating the vision on the red dot in the center of the screen, to calculate in ascending order all the numbers located on the field.

    Color blindness test

    Horizontal and vertical eye movements are prohibited. Cover all numbers, both on the top line and on the bottom line, not counting numbers. The enumeration of numbers is given to train attention, and not as a goal. It is important to cover the entire field first, and not to find everything as quickly as possible.
    Readers with good attention parameters and with a wide field of vision (developed peripheral vision) spend 30 seconds on one table. As you train, the search time is gradually reduced and can be brought up to 11 seconds, and in some cases up to 7 seconds. Usually the delay is increased only because of the delay on one of the numbers, which, as it seems, is missing from the table.
    There are Schulte tables: to expand the field of view, a red-black version of the Schulte tables to switch attention. Targets: an exercise to expand the field of vision, to improve reaction and color perception, has a mysterious hallucinogenic effect.

    4. Wake up the imagination
    By reading or listening to new information, you can clarify what color this or that detail is. This is an opportunity to improve color perception. Consider how objects and figures are located in the picture, where the light comes from.

    5. According to the method of A.N. Lutoshkin about color perception, seven colors are identified and their correspondence to a certain mood is determined:

    red color - enthusiastic;

    orange - joyful, warm;

    yellow - light, pleasant;

    green - calm, even;

    blue - sad, sad;

    purple - anxious, dreary;

    black - complete decline.

    At regular intervals or in the case of a sharp change in mood, it is necessary to characterize your condition on the scale given.

    Test for color blindness according to Rabkin's polychromatic tables

    in front of you a diagnostic test using Rabkin's polychromatic tables, used to detect color blindness, as well as its manifestations. This test is familiar to every male Russian - all conscripts pass it at the medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office.

    We will tell you what each of the 27 pictures above means and what kind of deviation it reveals. The test also has "test" cards - for calculating simulators.

    Test rules:

    • Relax, look at the pictures from a decent distance, preferably about a meter, it is important not to look at them with your nose at the screen.
    • Take your time, allocate about 5 seconds for each picture.
    • Then read the text below the picture and compare with your results.
    • If you see deviations in yourself, do not panic. When passing the test from the monitor screen, everything depends on the settings of the image itself, the color of the monitor, etc. However, this is a recommendation to contact a specialist.

    Explanation of some terms in signatures:

    • A person with normal color perception normal trichromat;
    • Complete non-perception of one of the three colors makes a person dichromate and are denoted accordingly as prot-, deuter- or tritanopia.
    • Protanopia- the inability to distinguish some colors and shades in the areas of yellow-green, purple - blue colors. Approximately 8% of men and 0.5% of women occur.
    • Deuteranopia - decreased sensitivity to certain colors, mainly green. It occurs in about 1% of people.
    • Tritanopia - characterized by the inability to distinguish some colors and shades in the areas of blue-yellow, violet-red colors. It is extremely rare.
    • Also rarely seen monochromatic that perceive only one of the three primary colors. Even more rarely, with a gross pathology of the cone apparatus, it is noted achromasia- black and white perception of the world.

    All normal trichromats, anomalous trichromats and dichromats distinguish the numbers 9 and 6 equally correctly in this table (96). The table is mainly intended to demonstrate the method and to identify simulators.

    All normal trichromats, anomalous trichromats and dichromats distinguish two figures equally correctly in the table: a circle and a triangle. Like the first, the table is for demonstrating the method and for control purposes.

    Normal trichromats distinguish the number 9 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 5.

    Normal trichromats are distinguished in the triangle table. Protanopes and deuteranopes see a circle.

    Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1 and 3 (13). Protanopes and deuteranopes read this number as 6.

    Normal trichromats distinguish two figures in the table: a circle and a triangle. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Normal trichromats and protanopes distinguish two numbers in the table - 9 and 6. Deuteranopes distinguish only the number 6.

    Normal trichromats distinguish the number 5 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish this figure with difficulty, or do not distinguish it at all.

    Normal trichromats and deuteranopes distinguish the number 9 in the table. Protanopes read it as 6 or 8.

    Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1, 3 and 6 (136). Protanopes and deuteranopes read two digits 66, 68 or 69 instead.

    Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes distinguish a circle, or a circle and a triangle.

    Normal trichromats and deuteranopes are distinguished in the table by the numbers 1 and 2 (12). Protanopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Normal trichromats read a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes distinguish only a circle, and deuteranopes a triangle.

    Normal trichromats distinguish the numbers 3 and 0 (30) in the upper part of the table, and they do not distinguish anything in the lower part. Protanopes read the numbers 1 and 0 (10) at the top of the table, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom.

    Normal trichromats distinguish two figures in the upper part of the table: a circle on the left and a triangle on the right. Protanopes distinguish two triangles in the upper part of the table and a square in the lower part, while deuteranopes distinguish a triangle in the upper left and a square in the lower part.

    Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 9 and 6 (96). Protanopes distinguish in it only one number 9, deuteranopes - only the number 6.

    Normal trichromats distinguish between two shapes: a triangle and a circle. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes distinguish a circle.

    Normal trichromats perceive the horizontal rows in the table of eight squares each (color rows 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th) as one-color ; vertical rows are perceived by them as multi-colored.

    Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by the numbers 9 and 5 (95). Protanopes and deuteranopes can only distinguish the number 5.

    Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

    Normal trichromats distinguish the vertical rows of six squares in each as one-color; horizontal rows are perceived as multi-colored.

    Normal trichromats distinguish two numbers in the table - 66. Protanopes and deuteranopes correctly distinguish only one of these numbers.

    Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 36 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

    Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 14 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

    Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 9 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this figure.

    Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 4 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this figure.

    Normal trichromats distinguish the number 13 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this figure.

    They call the reduced ability or absolute inability of people to distinguish the colors of the spectrum, accessible to the perception of a person who does not have vision problems.


    In the center of the retina there are receptors that are sensitive to different colors - a kind of nerve cells, called cones for their shape. There are three types of them, each with its own type of pigment:

    • one gives susceptibility to red variants;
    • the other is the ability to distinguish shades of green;
    • the third - helps to see blue colors.

    People who normally perceive the entire spectrum are called trichromats. They have a standard set of pigments that are present in the optimal amount.


    Color blindness is of the following types.

    1. congenital i.e. inherited.
    2. Acquired which may develop due to:

    • damage to the retina or optic nerve;
    • aging of the body, provoking development, contributing to a decrease in visual acuity and worsening color perception;

    • taking a number of medications.

    Classify such color vision problems. Dichromacy, in which a person distinguishes two of the three primary colors. She happens:

    • protanopic, which means the inability to see shades of red;
    • deuteranopic, which is expressed in the inability to see green;
    • tritanopic, when there is no sensitivity to blue.

    When the ability to perceive colors is not absent at all, but only slightly reduced, they speak, respectively, of such phenomena as:

    • protanomaly;
    • deuteranomaly;
    • tritanomaly.

    Clinically, absolute and partial color blindness are distinguished. The complete inability to see the spectrum is called achromatopsia. This disorder is less common than others..

    Indications for checking the color susceptibility of the eyes

    As a rule, people suffering from such disorders apply for this.

    1. color weakness. A person looks at the image for a long time, as he has difficulty in describing some shades, and often makes mistakes.
    2. Absolute color blindness. People with this disorder see the world only in shades of black and white.
    3. . It develops in connection with destructive processes in the cerebral cortex, which often cause a violation of various types of sensitivity, including vision and hearing. People with such anomalies completely lose the ability to identify colors or cannot group similar shades.

    The degree of violation of color sensitivity, as well as its features, ophthalmologists in most cases determine using. These are 27 card pages, on which the drawing is applied in the form of colored spots and dots of equal brightness, but different shades. Depending on what kind of visual impairment a person suffers, he can distinguish between individual images, and sees some pictures as monochrome.

    How is the test

    In order for the results to give objective information, the test is carried out under the condition:

    • normal general well-being and mood;
    • location of the picture on the same level with the eyes of the person being checked;
    • looking at the picture for no more than 10 seconds.

    Otherwise, the results will be unreliable.

    Table decoding

    In order to convert the test results into a diagnosis, it is important to know what deviations a particular vision of each picture reveals. It should be borne in mind that only an ophthalmologist can accurately decipher the results, and the test will be as informative and accurate as possible when it is performed using paper rather than electronic media, because the settings of a particular computer can change the true test colors. So:

    • card 1. It has the number "96" on it. The table does not carry a special diagnostic load, as it is intended more for explanation and familiarization with the test;

    • card 2. A square and a triangle are distinguishable here. Those who do not see this are simulators;

    • card 3. It has the number "9" on it. The colorblind will say it's "5";

    • card 4. In this figure, a person with normal color vision sees a triangle, and with deviations, a circle;

    • card 5. The number "13" is distinguishable. Those suffering from color blindness will claim that they see "6";

    • card 6. On it is a circle and a triangular figure. A person who does not distinguish colors well will not see them;

    • card 7. The number "9" should be seen by both people with normal and problematic color perception. Do not see? Simulators;

    • card 8. The number "5" on it is visible only to healthy people;

    • card 9. For those who do not distinguish between shades of red, it will seem that in the figure "8" or "6". And only people with normal color vision will see the nine;

    • card 10. Anyone who sees "68" in this picture, as well as "66" or "69", has problems with the perception of colors. A healthy person will find "136" here;

    • card 11. The number "14" should be read here by both people with normal vision and those with deviations;
    • card 12. The number "12" is visible here, but those suffering from the non-perception of red will not see this;

    • card 13. The picture shows a circle and a triangle. Those who have problems with green will only detect a triangle. If red is not perceived, only a circle will be visible;

    • card 14. On it are the numbers "3", "6" and "0". With the inability to distinguish green, "1" and "6" will be visible. And if there are problems with red - "1", "0" and "6";

    • card 15. Only healthy people can distinguish between a circle and a triangle with a square here. Those who have problems identifying colors will offer other answers;

    • picture 16. On it is the number "96", which is easily read by a person with normal vision. If there are difficulties with the red spectrum, then only nine will be visible. When there is a problem with green, a six will be noticeable;

    • picture 17. The triangle and circle shown here will only be seen by healthy people. People with impaired color perception recognize only one of the figures;

    • picture 18. In this picture, a healthy person will see squares of different colors arranged in horizontal and vertical rows. With incorrect perception of colors, there are assumptions about the monochrome of some rows or columns;

    • picture 19. It has the number 95 on it. A person with a color anomaly will only see "5";

    • picture 20. The test subject, who has a healthy perception of colors, will describe a circle and a triangle here. A colorblind person will not see them.

    As for the pictures from #21 to #27, they repeat those described above.

    Interpretation of results

    It is based on the number of correct and incorrect answers from the point of view of a person with normal color sensitivity. When the test gives reason to suspect color blindness, another test is carried out, but with a set of cards that allow you to clarify the nature of the deviation.

    Rabkin's tables are a simple and fast, accessible and informative method that allows you to diagnose the degree of color perception, but only if the testing is carried out according to the rules, and the ophthalmologist gives the interpretation of the results.

    Other ways to check vision for color perception

    It is possible to identify or exclude visual anomalies in which a person incorrectly distinguishes colors in another way.

    It is based on a description of the image in the pictures, reminiscent of Rabkin's cards. They consist of spots of different colors of similar brightness, where images are encrypted. Depending on what the person being checked managed to see, conclusions are drawn about the nature of the violation of his color perception.

    It also consists in determining anomalies using tables and was developed by the author in 1949-1951. Prior to this, all diagnostic pictures were created through trials and fitting. Yustova's cards are based on scientific indicators about the characteristics of the sensitivity of the eye, which made it possible to determine by calculation pairs of colors that color-blind people do not perceive.

    FALANT study

    It is used in rare cases, for example, when it comes to hiring with strict requirements regarding color vision. It allows not only to identify visual anomalies, but also to see how factors such as:

    • degree of brightness;
    • duration of visual attention;
    • atmospheric pressure and composition of the surrounding air;
    • noise level;
    • age and other parameters.

    In the United States, for example, everyone who wants to enlist in the military must undergo such a study.

    The essence of the method is to determine the color emitted by a beacon installed at a certain distance from the one being tested.

    Its glow is made up of a combination of the three main shades of the spectrum, slightly muffled by a special filter. People with color blindness are not able to accurately determine the color, although there is evidence that a third of those suffering from a mild form of visual impairment successfully pass the study.

    This is another way to identify color blindness and its features. It consists in the fact that the person being checked is offered to lay out skeins of woolen threads of different shades according to the three primary colors. It would seem that there is nothing easier. So it is, if you do not take into account that there are 133 such tangles. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn about the degree of color sensitivity of the eyes.

    Stilling method

    Its essence is in assessing the correctness of the description of colors in 64 pictures with different shapes and color fields.

    Instrumental Methods

    These are the methods of testing for color blindness using special equipment:

    • spectroanomaloscope Rabkin
    • instruments of Girinberg and Abney;
    • Nagel anomaloscope.

    It is based on mixing the pure colors of the spectrum to obtain and compare shades obtained in different ways. So, for example, the testee is asked to mix red with green in such a way that a shade of yellow is obtained, taken as a sample.

    Occupational limitations for color blindness

    Unfortunately, blindness to colors and shades limits a person in his professional capabilities. Colorblind people will not be able to become, for example:

    • doctors and;
    • military, as well as civilian sailors and pilots.

    This is explained by the fact that the inability to recognize colors endangers the life of the person himself, as well as those with whom he interacts in the course of his activity. So, for example, immunity to traffic signals can lead to both minor accidents and large-scale ones, with the death of the driver, passengers and pedestrians.

    Is there a cure for color blindness?

    Therapy for congenital color blindness is not possible. As for the acquired, he:

    • corrected surgically if the cause is a cataract;
    • can be corrected by wearing special optics, contact and non-contact.

    Despite the fact that color blindness does not threaten health, it seriously impairs the quality of life.


    Color vision testing has become a mandatory procedure in many cases. It is carried out by different methods, and the results sometimes deprive people of the opportunity to do what they love. With this in mind, there are those who wish to acquire a certificate without passing the examination. You should be aware that in such cases, the responsibility for the consequences lies entirely with the owner of the false document, and if fraud is detected, he can be held administratively liable and fined tens of thousands of rubles.

    Video - Test for color blindness

    Color blindness can significantly ruin a person's life. This is a genetic damage to the eye that does not affect visual acuity in any way. There are many myths and rumors associated with it. How is the test for color blindness and what methods of testing vision exist, read in our article.

    Myth 1

    Colorblind people see everything in black and white or do not distinguish between red and green.

    This is not entirely true. There are quite a few types of color blindness, they are associated with the absence of a pigment in the retina that can distinguish certain colors.

    Sometimes these pigments are not enough, a person distinguishes all colors, but they look muted, in pastel colors.
    With another type of color blindness, the world before the eyes of a person looks like in an old photograph in which blue or green dye was added during printing.

    As compensation, color blind people are able to distinguish many more shades that appear the same to the normal eye.

    Myth 2

    Only men are colorblind.

    This is also not entirely true. About 5% of people on Earth suffer from some degree of color blindness. And among them every tenth is a woman. This is a hereditary condition, if there were people with such a problem in the family, it can be transmitted even after several generations.

    The pathological gene is associated with the X chromosome and is passed from mother to son. If in the family the father is color-blind, and the mother is a carrier of the gene, then the pathology can also be revealed in the daughter. Color blindness in a girl can also appear if the paternal grandmother was the carrier of the pathological gene. Since most often only one X chromosome is damaged, women have a spare, healthy one.

    Most cases of color blindness are detected by people by chance, during medical examinations.

    Myth 3

    This is a congenital condition, it is impossible to get sick with it.

    Under certain circumstances, the retina of the eye is injured, the pigment ceases to be produced in it, because of this, the person ceases to distinguish colors. Men and women are equally susceptible to this disorder. It can even happen to a child.

    Sometimes, with a retinal injury, color blindness develops in only one eye, the other remains with normal vision.

    Temporary color blindness occurs when taking certain medications. If you do not pay attention to this, it can permanently damage the retina and develop into a permanent one.

    Partial deterioration sometimes occurs with age, the process is slow, the person does not notice the changes.

    Myth 4

    All dogs are color blind and see the world in black and white.

    The latest research has shown that dogs are guided by color and its intensity and brightness.

    It is impossible to determine color blindness by the appearance of the eye - it looks exactly the same as a healthy one. The peculiarity of vision is often paid attention to in childhood, when the child constantly confuses colors, cannot identify the same ones, and so on. In many cases, this has no consequences.

    Reasons for the appearance

    There are several causes of color blindness.
    It is congenital and acquired. Congenital affects mainly boys.

    Acquired arises also for many reasons.

    • cataract

    With this disease, the lens becomes cloudy, light cannot pass through the cones normally, and color perception is disturbed. In this case, only one eye can be problematic, the other remains healthy.

    • malfunction of cones

    the pigment is located in the cones themselves, if their work is disturbed, it is produced incorrectly.

    • eye injury

    With a minor injury, color blindness is temporary and does not need treatment. The eye needs only rest. In more complex cases, treatment is required, which will be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The eye needs complete rest.

    • tumors

    A growing tumor acts on the nerve endings of the eye. This disrupts the passage of the impulse, color perception is disturbed. Any tumor should be removed, after surgery treatment is carried out.

    • CNS diseases

    If color blindness is associated with this problem, it should be treated by a neurologist along with an ophthalmologist. If the cause of the disease is identified and eliminated, color blindness will pass.

    • Parkinson's disease and stroke

    With these diseases, the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to the eye, to photoreceptor cells is blocked, due to which color perception is lost.

    • diabetes
    • Taking medication

    If such a problem arises, you need to inform your doctor, it may be possible to change medications, find their analogues.

    Acquired color blindness can be present in both eyes, most often it is uneven, it can even be of various types.

    Color blind people and professions

    In many cases, color blindness does not affect a person's choice of profession. But there are those where the ability to perfectly distinguish colors plays a key role. For example, drivers, machinists, pilots. They should not be engaged in medicine, it is unlikely that they will succeed in the field of interior design or fashion.

    It will also be difficult for them in teaching, especially with children - in many cases it is necessary to distinguish colors.

    In general, all professions where you need to be able to distinguish colors, shades and halftones.

    It is for this that various tests are carried out to detect deviations in the ability to distinguish colors.

    Checking for color blindness in children

    A small child with a color vision disorder does not realize that he sees the world a little differently than other people, for him his vision is natural. It makes no sense to diagnose him before 3 years. You can suspect something is wrong by indirect signs - if the child does not always reach for the brightest toy, but can take a gray and pale one.

    Usually children memorize the names of colors by the age of 3-4. Find objects of the same color even earlier. But if the baby has color blindness, he is physically unable to do this. Parents are angry with him, but the child does not understand the reason.

    Most often, the child does not distinguish between red and green, blue and yellow.

    If a child has such a feature of vision, then first of all you need to calm down. First of all, parents - color blindness is not a disease, the child just has to adapt to such vision, and parents have to come to terms with this feature of the child.

    Parents can check their eyesight for color blindness even before the child enters school quite simply - by watching how he paints pictures.

    If he often mixes up the color of the grass or the sky, in his drawings they are unnatural, this can be an alarming sign.

    Older children are given several single-color sheets of colored paper and asked to choose the same color. If the baby is at a loss, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

    For older preschoolers and younger students, you can already use the same tests as for adults.


    For schoolchildren, this problem can cause many difficulties in learning. What is written on the board with colored chalk is often invisible and indistinguishable for him. And their own drawings differ in unnatural colors. Teachers should be aware of this feature of their student, help him cope with circumstances beyond his control - for example, he should sit in the classroom so as not to see light reflections on the blackboard.
    If, before school, you did not encounter a similar problem for your child, then primary school is the time to do it.

    For adults, there are other diagnostic methods.

    Diagnostic methods

    There are many types of color blindness. The easiest is the inability to distinguish between shades of color. For example, deep pink is perceived as red, while lighter tones are seen as white.

    Rabkin's tables

    The most famous and popular diagnostics is using Rabkin's tables. They depict a lot of multi-colored circles of different shapes and sizes. All these circles are of the same brightness, and among them numbers or geometric figures stand out in a different color.

    A person with normal vision can almost easily distinguish them from the rest. If there are violations, these encrypted figures will be indistinguishable for him.


    It happens simply - signs are placed in front of the subject in good uniform lighting, the patient examines them for several seconds and says what he sees. In this case, the person should be in a relaxed state and feel good. It takes 7-10 seconds to look at one picture, the pictures are located at a distance of 1 meter from the eyes at the same level with them.

    In these tables there are also figures-traps. For example, a person with normal color perception sees 9, and a color-blind person sees 5, or a circle. They are seen only by color blind people with a certain type of color blindness, the doctor will be able to determine from his tables what kind of pigment is missing on the retina.

    Several pictures in the set were created to identify simulators, those who, for some reason, want to deceive the tablets when passing the test. These plates depict pictures that are clearly and clearly distinguishable with normal vision and with any form of color blindness. The doctor can easily determine which color the patient does not distinguish.

    The circles on the tables are selected in such a way as to check all possible deviations. And the color combinations are not random. However, when passing the test in a healthy person, errors are possible - the result may depend on the screen of the computer itself and on the lighting.

    There are 48 plates in the set, 27 are used for general diagnostics. The rest are needed for a deeper analysis. They are necessarily included in the examinations of professional drivers, machinists, pilots.

    The main tables of Rabkin can be bought, the rest remain for a more detailed analysis from the doctor. It is useless for a color blind person to simulate healthy vision, the doctor will decipher it anyway. It is also useless to pretend to be colorblind at military commissions - the remaining plates will still show color perception, it is impossible to learn them.

    If these charts show a severe color impairment, such as red and green looking the same, the person will be denied a license altogether. The same will happen if there is no color discrimination in the blue-yellow range.

    Checking for color blindness using the Rabkin table is used all over the world, it gives the most reliable result, type and degree of pathology. And control pictures will clarify the diagnosis.

    Yustova's technique

    This technique also consists of cards and is designed to identify which particular color violation is present in the patient.

    The subject is offered four sets of cards, each of them reveals the pathology of one primary color.

    • The first set reveals violations in the perception of red and its shades,
    • the second is the green spectrum
    • the third is blue
    • fourth - black and white text

    The tables are special pictures with "broken" squares, which depict a stylized letter C, with a gap in one of the sides of the square. The subject must determine the location of the break.
    There are 12 tables of the test, each table shows several pictures with such an image. All cells form one tone, the test is constructed in such a way that the possibility of its “memorization” is excluded.

    The test is also good because it is easy to conduct with children who do not yet know numbers and geometric shapes.

    Such a test is also popular among ophthalmologists in the world. It is also used in the diagnosis of acquired color blindness in adults after various injuries, diseases and taking certain medications.

    Ishkhara test

    The test is somewhat reminiscent of Rabkin's tables. In it, the subject is also offered tables consisting of many circles of different colors and sizes. But in it a person should no longer distinguish numbers or letters, but pictures and simple images.

    Such a test is mainly used to diagnose color blindness in children, they like such pictures and they willingly guess encrypted images. These pictures can also be offered to those who "learned" Rabkin's tables for "passing a medical examination." If color blindness is present, a person will not be able to distinguish the desired image.

    Some other tests for determining color blindness work in much the same way. These are the color schemes of Stilling, Schaaf, and some others. Their principle is about the same.

    Special cases

    There are special cases when checking vision for color blindness. When more in-depth studies are required, and the subjects are subject to increased requirements for the ability to distinguish colors.

    Correct perception of colors is necessary not only for drivers of any transport. There are times when this can be key.


    When passing the military commission, such a test will be carried out. With normal visual acuity, they will still be drafted into the army, but you can serve in a very limited number of troops. In any case, it will not be possible to deceive the military registration and enlistment office,


    All physicians require full color perception. The health of other people depends on this, so doctors regularly check these parameters of their vision.


    If it is difficult to distinguish colors, then you can get very chemically. Many solutions outwardly differ only in shade, and the properties of the substances are different. It is better for a color blind person not to do chemistry professionally.

    Treatment of color blindness

    How to help a color blind person see the world in all its fullness of colors? After all, this is especially offensive if the loss of the ability to distinguish colors is acquired as a result of an accident.


    Now it is impossible to cure congenital, genetically determined color blindness. In order to somehow help a person, multi-colored lenses are specially selected for his vision. But this method is ineffective, controversial. It can even be dangerous for general vision. So while research is being done, and such contact lenses are not used.

    Special glasses with multi-colored lenses have been created, but these are experimental models, they operate in certain lighting conditions and cannot be worn for a long time.

    Attempts are also being made to introduce the missing genes into the retina of the eye - so far only with the help of computer programs on virtual color blind people. But research in this area is ongoing and, perhaps, a solution to the problem will still be found.


    Acquired color blindness can be cured. Treatment depends on what caused it.

    • If medications were the cause, they must be canceled, color perception will be restored over time.
    • Operably - by eliminating cataracts or other damage to the retina

    Most often, when acquired color blindness occurs, visual acuity begins to fall in a person.

    Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor, you cannot prescribe it to yourself - this can result in an irreversible change in vision, which will only worsen, until a complete loss of color perception.