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  • After laser vision correction - all that is possible and impossible
  • Limitations after LASIK vision correction. After laser vision correction - all that is possible and impossible

    Limitations after LASIK vision correction.  After laser vision correction - all that is possible and impossible

    In the early postoperative period, healing may be accompanied by tingling. Within two weeks, fluctuations in distance and near visual acuity are likely, and also depending on lighting conditions. Achieving a sustainable effect and stabilization of twilight vision occurs after about 2-3 months and depends on the accuracy of following the recommendations of the attending physician.

    Precautions After Refractive Surgery (LASIK)

    In the postoperative period, there may be a displacement of the corneal flap due to accidental eye injuries. In order to avoid accidental eye trauma during the first month after surgery, the patient is recommended to wear any glasses: tinted, sun-protection, with and without ultraviolet protection, or not tinted. Light brown glasses are best. In the event of injury, the goggles will take the hit. It is recommended to limit interaction with pets (dogs, cats, etc.) and small children. You can not use glasses indoors, provided that accidental injuries are excluded.

    • visit swimming pools, baths, saunas;
    • play sports in gyms;
    • take long baths;
    • arrange picnics in nature;
    • carry out long trips, especially with a change in climate and regime;
    • take alcoholic drinks, salty and spicy foods.

    For a long period (about a year), contact sports that increase the risk of eye injury should be excluded: wrestling, boxing, martial arts. In certain cases, for example, with high myopia, it is recommended to abandon these sports for life.

    How to use drugs

    • Dexamethasone solution 0.1%: the first week - 3 times a day, the second week - 2 times a day, the third week - 1 time a day.
    • Solution of chloramphenicol 0.25%: 3 times a day during the first week.
    • Oftagel: 3 times a day during the first month; apply last. If, after the end of instillations, unpleasant sensations appear in the eyes (dryness, sensation or a foreign body) over the next two to three days, then the use of oftagel is recommended to continue for another two weeks, gradually reducing the number of instillations: 3-2-1 instillations per day.

    Basic rules for instillation of drops:

    • Wash your hands with soap immediately before instillation.
    • Do not touch the pipette tip or .
    • The interval between successive instillations should be 3-5 minutes.
    • You should remember to bury your eyes on the way home.

    Visual loads near (computer, reading)

    For patients with close visual loads in the first two weeks are limited. From the third week, you can apply rational visual loads (reading or working at a computer), using frequent and long breaks. The duration of visual loads gradually increase, and the pauses are reduced. Also in the third week, you can use training glasses according to the instructions.

    For patients with near visual load, it is possible to exercise starting from the first days after the operation.

    Driving a vehicle

    Driving vehicles must be excluded in the first month for your own safety. In the early stages after surgery, the brain and eyes need to adapt to new optical conditions, as visual acuity, visual field, and estimation of object sizes and distances are changed. It is not recommended to open car windows or direct the fan towards your face to prevent dust from getting into your eyes.

    In the evening, the appearance of light aberrations is possible: glare, flashes, halos, iridescent circles around car headlights or other light sources.

    Physical activity and sports

    It is recommended to limit physical activity during the period of use of steroid drugs (eg, dexamethasone), as there is a risk of increasing intraocular pressure. For athletes, half physical activity is allowed from the second week, gradually increasing it.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in patients with myopia, areas with thinning, dystrophy, stretching and other defects on the eye are often detected. In most cases, the manifestations of these disorders are directly proportional to the degree of myopia. Some patients undergo pre-prophylactic laser eye enhancement. It can also be done after surgery. Usually, patients are given recommendations on how to maintain a lifestyle: limit long-term body bending, limit or exclude sports, shaking, vibration, jumping. Women are provided with recommendations on methods of childbirth and obstetric care.

    Changes in the retina due to myopia persist after refractive surgery and should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist in dynamics. It is also necessary to follow recommendations about behavioral restrictions.

    General restrictions after laser vision correction

    • The first few days after the operation, you should wipe the skin around the eyes and eyelids with boiled water. It is necessary to wash your hair with your head tilted back, trying not to get shampoo in your eyes. You can use detergents in the eye area one month after the operation. All other hygiene procedures are performed in the usual way.
    • You can use decorative cosmetics after 3-4 weeks, better later, because during this period it is necessary to constantly instill preparations. Moreover, when wearing dark glasses, the issue of cosmetics is not relevant.
    • It is not recommended to sunbathe during the first summer season (especially after LASEK and). Sunbathing is allowed for 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening hours. In the future, sunburn should be avoided. In the summer it is mandatory to use glasses with UV protection.
    • You need to protect yourself from colds.
    • Sexual relations are not limited.
    • Pregnancy should be postponed for 2-3 months after the operation, since hormonal preparations (dexamethasone) are used in the postoperative period.
    • The treatment of other somatic pathologies is not limited. The use of drugs (including hormonal) should be agreed with the attending physician.
    • If the patient had myopia, then it is possible to return to work only after the restoration of near vision, i.e. after 1-3 weeks, depending on the age and degree of myopia. Patients with farsightedness may start work earlier if it is not related to distance vision strain (for example, drivers).

    In this article, we will focus on the postoperative period after laser vision correction and try to answer the questions that most often concern patients and their relatives:

    • how is the stage of rehabilitation after the intervention on the eyes;
    • are there any restrictions in the recovery period;
    • how to behave to the patient immediately after the intervention;
    • when vision is restored;
    • are there any advice and recommendations from specialists so that the postoperative period passes without complications;
    • When does the patient become able to work?

    After LASIK laser correction, the patient stays in the clinic for about two hours. During this time, vision is restored, the visual picture becomes clear and crisp. The doctor during this period observes the patient and decides whether he can go home.

    Postoperative control and visual quality test show the first results of the intervention. The power of vision may change for some time after the operation, but these fluctuations are usually minor. It is advisable to wear sunglasses during this time. Doctors are allowed to work and drive a car, as a rule, after 3-4 days. All restrictions are individual, but there are general recommendations.

    Restrictions after LASIK

    1. Observation by an ophthalmologist after laser vision correction.

    Immediately after the operation, specialists confirm that all results are normal. After that, the control is carried out after 7 days after the intervention, after 30 days and after 60 days. Final testing is carried out after 3 months. Most of the preliminary examination, as well as both examinations after 7 days and one month after the intervention, can be carried out by an ophthalmologist observing the patient at the place of residence, who can transfer the results of the examinations to the clinic. In the future, patients visit an ophthalmologist after 6 months and a year later.

    2. Regular use of eye drops after laser vision correction.

    Within 10 days after the correction, it is necessary to apply eye drops (perhaps the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic), and use a moisturizing gel for a month. If the eye heals normally, the ophthalmologist changes the composition of the drops. Eye drops and moisturizing gel should continue to be instilled regularly, according to the prescribed regimen. It is very important that the pipette or tube of gel does not touch the cornea.

    3. Protective mode for the eyes after LASIK laser vision correction.

    Within a month, you should protect your eyes from getting detergents (shampoo, conditioners, soap, etc.) into them.

    It is necessary to dose visual loads, it is impossible:

    • overwork while reading;
    • work at the computer for a long time;
    • rub your eyes;
    • put pressure on the eyes;
    • squint a lot.

    With increased lacrimation, at first, you can apply a sterile napkin under the eye, but do not make active movements with this napkin. It is better to sleep on your back at first. You can watch TV immediately on the first day after the operation, but you should listen to subjective feelings and, if necessary, cover your eyes, achieving complete comfort. Windy weather and drafts should be avoided. Do not play with small children and animals (there is a possibility of injury to the eye)

    4. Driving a car after laser vision correction LASIK.

    It all depends on each individual case. Most patients of the clinic already on the first or second day after LASIK acquire the necessary (albeit uncorrected) visual acuity, which allows them to officially (according to all the rules) become a road user. In this case, you need to think about the fact that the driver's license, as a rule, removes the note: "driving a vehicle only using vision correction aids." Please note that active participation in traffic is possible again only when sufficient visual acuity of the eye on which the operation was performed is restored. Often this is possible already on the first day after the operation.

    In some cases, this may take longer. So, in the presence of bilateral refractive errors of a high degree, driving a car is partially possible only after treatment of the second eye. You should not drive a car for a long time and at first refuse to travel at night.

    In this regard, it is necessary to conduct an individual consultation.

    5. Make-up after laser vision correction LASIK.

    Within 10 days after laser vision correction LASIK, the patient should not rub his eyes, apply makeup on eyelashes and eyebrows. It would be optimal to give up decorative cosmetics already 2 days before the operation and within a month after it.

    6. Sports after laser vision correction.

    For several weeks, it is recommended to avoid serious physical exertion, sports, swimming pool visits. The possibility of practicing extreme sports in the future must be discussed on a case-by-case basis, but it is better to forget about football, tennis, diving, scuba diving, team sports, wrestling and boxing for a year. Do not bend over, sharply throw your head back, lift weights.

    7. Pressure drops after LASIK laser vision correction.

    Within six months after the LASIK operation, you can not bathe, visit the Finnish sauna, Russian bath, fly on airplanes. It is also advisable to refrain from long trips to another climatic zone. Plan pregnancy only 6-7 months after the correction. You should also know that after the operation it is especially important to deal with constipation.

    8. Ability to work after laser vision correction.

    One of the main questions is, “How long will I be out of work after LASIK?” In fact, it is very individual. Many patients can work in the next few days without any problems. Some patients feel better if they stay at home for a few days. Those who have undergone surgery should listen to their body and follow the recommendations of their doctor.

    9. The use of lenses after laser vision correction LASIK.

    After the operation, it is very difficult to find a lens that, when inserted, took the desired shape. Therefore, you need to contact an experienced and qualified specialist. A large percentage of a successful result depends on the correctly selected lens. Depending on the type of lens, the doctor may adjust the postoperative restrictions.

    10. Influence of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes after laser vision correction.

    One of the restrictions in the period after the operation is the avoidance of direct sunlight. For some time after the correction (3-6 months), you should not visit solariums, you should not go to the sea (blinding sun and glare from the water), you need to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation with glasses so that there is no retinal burn. It is advisable to buy glasses with unbreakable lenses and light brown glasses.

    11. Nutrition after laser correction.

    There are no contraindications in the choice of products in nutrition. But alcohol must be excluded for at least 10-20 days.

    Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is advisable to be in a calm state and do what you like, but taking into account the advice of doctors. If you neglect the recommendations of ophthalmologists, then complications are possible, for example, detachment or damage to the corneal flap, superficial keratitis.

    Laser Vision Correction Results

    The purpose of laser correction is to do without glasses or contact lenses in everyday life. The ability to see, corresponding to the requirements of everyday life, is acquired by almost all patients.

    Some patients have residual effects of visual impairment that can be identified, but in everyday life they do not harm the patient. In some special conditions, for example, when driving a car at night, the patient is advised to make a small additional correction with glasses.

    Contact lenses can be worn after all refractive surgeries. However, this is very rarely necessary. In any case, after surgical interventions on the cornea due to a change in its shape, the correspondence of the lenses should be technically better.

    Since a patient who previously had visual impairments becomes a person with “normal vision” after the operation, nevertheless, with the onset of age-related farsightedness (from 45 years of age), he needs reading glasses, which by nature is necessary for every person with normal vision . Age-related farsightedness is a natural process that naturally occurs in every person, regardless of whether he underwent surgery or not.

    90-94% of the patients of the clinic receive excellent distance vision after the operation. Only about 6% of patients report good distance vision after their second LASIK operation.

    Some patients use weak distance glasses for special occasions, such as driving in the dark.

    Many patients are concerned about the question - “Is it possible, after LASIK treatment, to also carry out surgical correction of ophthalmic diseases that arose later (for example, cataracts or glaucoma)?

    LASIK surgery does not affect the treatment of age-related visual impairments such as cataracts or glaucoma.

    If no ophthalmic treatment has been performed, as well as for patients who have been treated with LASIK, it is possible to perform all the operations necessary to treat the disease.

    In order to avoid problems in the future with the determination of the parameters of artificial lenses, all patients of the Artemis clinic after the operation receive an appropriate card with data for careful storage. Therefore, turning to any doctor in the clinic even after a few years, the patient is guaranteed a qualified consultation with an analysis of the dynamics based on the initial data, high service and valuable recommendations.

    The purpose of laser correction is to improve vision in various disorders. The operation helps to see well without glasses and contact lenses, which improves the quality of human life. Laser correction does not treat age-related visual impairments, including glaucoma and cataracts. Surgical treatment of these diseases after laser vision improvement remains possible. What limitations after laser vision correction exist and how to get around them, read in this article.

    Returning home after laser treatment

    After laser eye surgery, it is advisable to stay in the clinic for several hours. During this time, visual perception becomes crisp and clear, although some visual instability is possible. It must be remembered that the power of vision may change more than once in the first time after the operation, but such fluctuations are usually insignificant.

    After laser correction, you cannot leave the clinic unaccompanied, because at first the vision is unstable. It is advisable to come to the operation with a relative or friend. Also, before the procedure, you should inform the doctor about planning long independent trips in the first month after the operation.

    Laser correction does not impose a ban on flights, but immediately after the operation it is better not to use air transport. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the eyes to light and blurred vision, which persist for some time after laser correction.

    When to visit an ophthalmologist

    Immediately after the operation, the doctor must confirm the results, and only after his approval can you go home. It is advisable to visit a doctor at 7, 30 and 60 days after the correction. The clinic will help to remove the bandage lenses.

    The final analysis of visual function is carried out after 3 months. It is noteworthy that examinations for 7 and 30 days can be carried out by an ophthalmologist at the place of residence. However, you need to transfer the results to the clinic where the operation was performed.

    Recovery and return to work

    After the operation, vision is restored on average in a day. It is recommended to postpone work for a day, including the day of the procedure. After a complex intervention, recovery occurs in 3-5 days, and it is better to take a vacation for 7-10 days.

    The question of working capacity is very individual. Many patients return to work after a few days, others take longer to recover. You have to listen to your body and follow your feelings.

    The time to return to work also depends on the patient's activity. It is advisable to ask the doctor to give recommendations for a particular case. It must be remembered that in many patients the recovery process proceeds differently. As a rule, it takes 1-3 months for vision to stabilize. Only after this time can the results be evaluated.

    Eye care after laser correction

    Since laser correction involves intervention in the structures of the eye, discomfort after surgery is normal. The following symptoms are possible: profuse lacrimation, sensitivity to light, inflammation, dilated pupils, sensation of a foreign body, swelling of the eyelids. Spots or flies may appear before the eyes. These are temporary consequences of the operation, which, in the absence of visual load, disappear very quickly.

    If there is a need to clean the eyes, you need to use gauze soaked in boiled water at room temperature. It is advisable not to touch the mucous. You should not use special liquids for the eyes, because they increase redness, itching and swelling. For severe dryness, discomfort, and tightness, your doctor may prescribe tear substitutes without preservatives. If there is profuse lacrimation, you need to use a sterile napkin, gently wiping the tears under the eyes.

    After laser correction, regular use of eye drops is required. For 10 days, moisturizers are prescribed, and sometimes even antibiotics. It is recommended to use a moisturizing gel for a month. With normal healing, the doctor changes the drops, but moisturizers should continue to be used.

    After laser correction, it is difficult to choose lenses that would take the desired shape, so the choice should be entrusted to a professional. The result of the correction largely depends on the correct selection of contact lenses. After correction, it is necessary to gradually increase the adequate load on the visual system.

    Protective contact lenses prevent irritation of the epithelium and reduce discomfort. After putting on the lenses, pain may appear, which will disappear after 6-20 hours. After 3-4 days, you need to return to the clinic to remove them.

    In case of intolerance to bandage lenses, they are removed earlier. This need is evidenced by significant discomfort and pain during their use. To enhance the effect, you need to rest and take analgesics. Do not exceed the dosage of drugs and remove bandage lenses yourself. Discomfort may increase when the lens falls out of the eye. No need to try to insert it back, you should consult a doctor.

    On the first day after the correction, it is forbidden to rub your eyes and close your eyes tightly. You need to try to relax, rest and give up activities that require concentration of vision (reading, watching TV, using a laptop or computer). If there are children in the house, you need to ask relatives for additional help.

    Eye protection after correction

    The first few weeks after laser correction, you need to wear sunglasses while walking. Glasses help to reduce sensitivity to light and reduce irritation. In spring and summer it is necessary to use high-quality glasses with a high degree of reflection of ultraviolet radiation. Glasses should be worn even in cloudy weather, because the clouds only increase the effect of ultraviolet rays.

    In dusty rooms and in the wind, you need to protect your eyes from pollution with glasses. It is advisable to use special glasses that have protection on the sides. You need to use glasses for at least a month after laser correction.

    Within a week after the intervention, smoky rooms and active smoking should be avoided. In the early days, it is better not to play with children and animals, because this increases the risk of injury to the operated eyes.

    Permissible load on the eyes

    It is important to dose visual loads. You can not overwork yourself with reading, rub your eyes, put pressure on them or squint hard. Depending on the degree of laser correction, the patient may have difficulty reading small print. This phenomenon should not cause concern as it will disappear in a few weeks.

    Patients over 45 years of age may need glasses for presbyopia. Additional correction for age-related changes in vision is needed only for certain types of activities. These are usually activities that require good near vision.

    You can watch TV on the first day, but it is better to focus on your feelings. For complete comfort, you can cover your eyes. When using technology with displays, you should take breaks every 45 minutes. After the operation, prolonged concentration of vision greatly tires the eyes for the first 3 weeks, which can cause various disorders.

    Nutrition rules

    There are no special restrictions on food after laser correction. It is important to follow a diet that prevents constipation. It is advisable to give up alcohol for 10-20 days to reduce the load while taking medication.

    Drinking alcohol in the first 3 days is prohibited. Alcohol will blunt the effects of antibiotics, and being drunk increases the risk of eye injury. Alcohol can increase the load on the liver when combined with medications, as well as provoke dry eyes.

    sleeping position

    Even the slightest mechanical impact on the healing eye can lead to complications. At first, it is better to sleep on your back, but strict restrictions on the position of the body during sleep apply only to the first night after surgery. In the following days, you can sleep in any position, just do not bury your face in the pillow.

    Hygiene procedures

    It is important to prevent water from getting into the eyes for the first week. In the shower, you should turn your back on the pressure and stand one step further than usual. In this position, you need to lean back, and then less water gets on your face, and the shampoo will drain past your eyes. If shampoo or other hygiene product gets on the mucous membrane, do not rub your eyes. For washing, you need to use refreshing drops to relieve burning sensation and prevent burns.

    Do not allow tap water to enter the eyes, which can provoke inflammation and affect the results of the operation. Water from the pool and natural reservoirs is also dangerous.

    Makeup after laser vision correction

    It is necessary to limit the use of decorative cosmetics 2 days before the operation and for 30 days after the procedure. Within two weeks, you can not apply cosmetics to the area around the eyes and eyelashes, but it is better to completely abandon makeup. Creams, moisturizers and corrective products should not be applied close to the eyes.

    Since waterproof mascara is more difficult to remove from eyelashes, you can use this tool only a month after correction. During the week, you can not use shadows, eye creams, mascara, eyeliner, makeup removers. Also, do not spray aerosols, hairsprays and makeup-fixing products.

    Any cosmetics should be used carefully to prevent them from getting into the eyes. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the irritant with refreshing drops without rubbing the eyelids.

    Physical activity restrictions

    Laser vision correction is a reason to abandon intense physical activity for the period of complete restoration of the visual system. As a rule, this process takes a month, but it is better to consult a doctor on this issue. During the rehabilitation period, you can not go to the gym, dancing, yoga, fitness, Pilates and jogging. For complete safety, it is better to give up football, tennis, boxing, wrestling, scuba diving, diving and team sports for a year.

    Restrictions on different types of activities:

    1. Running - 2 weeks.
    2. Aerobics - 1 week.
    3. Yoga and Pilates - 1 week.
    4. Strength training - 2 weeks.
    5. Swimming - 1 month.
    6. Football - 1 month.
    7. Non-contact martial arts - 1 month.
    8. Sauna, steam room - 1 month.
    9. Snowboarding and skiing - 1 month.
    10. Squash, cricket, tennis - 1 month.
    11. Rugby, contact martial arts - 1.5-3 months.
    12. Scuba diving - 3 months.

    During sports, you need to protect your eyes from sweat. To do this, wear a bandage. After laser correction, it is not recommended to tilt your head back, bend over sharply and lift heavy objects.

    It is better to plan pregnancy six months after laser correction. Hormonal imbalance and subsequent childbirth can affect the results of vision correction.

    Driving after laser vision restoration

    After laser correction, you can not drive until the attending physician permits. In order not to create a danger on the road, a person must see clearly at a distance of 20 m. Driving should be abandoned until the vision stabilizes. It is necessary to wait for the disappearance of blurred vision, even if it appears episodically. After the restoration of visual function, you should abandon long-term driving and driving at night.

    Features of outdoor activities

    After surgery, direct sunlight should be avoided. Within 3-6 months it is forbidden to visit the solarium and relax by the sea. To avoid retinal burns, it is important to wear good quality glasses with UV protection (not all sunglasses have this). It is advisable to choose glasses with durable lenses and brown glasses.

    In the first week after the intervention, it is better not to plan long trips in order to be able to visit the doctor on time. When visiting countries with a hot climate, you need to wear high-quality sunglasses with special UV protection. The goggles must block ultraviolet A and B rays.

    Sunbathing is prohibited for a month after laser correction. The beach is dangerous due to water and sand getting into the eyes, as well as increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Winter sports require the use of goggles with full UV protection, which is very damaging to the eyes in the mountains.

    Complications of laser correction

    Local anesthesia helps to make laser correction painless, but after the termination of its action, discomfort occurs. The sensation of a foreign body in the eye persists for 24-38 hours. Depending on the technique of the operation, the discomfort may be milder or stronger, so this should be discussed with the doctor before the procedure. Medications and special contact lenses will help you feel comfortable after surgery. If even after a day the feeling of severe pain persists, you need to contact the clinic where the operation was performed. Emergency doctors are unlikely to be able to adequately treat the complications of laser correction.

    During the recovery process, there may be a slight clouding of the cornea, which will disappear a month after the operation. This reaction is normal and often mild, so most patients do not notice it. In rare cases, turbidity persists for six months or even a year.

    The risk of corneal clouding may increase with drug overdose. If necessary, you should consult with your doctor. Severe forms of clouding require additional therapy (eg, steroid drops).

    After surgery, there may be residual disorders, which are usually mild. When driving or operating hazardous machinery in poor lighting conditions, some patients are advised to continue to use additional correction, but most often after laser correction, the need for glasses and lenses disappears completely.

    If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, you can provoke a detachment of the corneal flap and superficial keratitis. Therefore, it is impossible to overstrain the visual system ahead of time, even if there is no discomfort. It is better to wait a few days and rest before returning to an active life.

    It is important to observe a number of restrictions regarding work, hygiene and lifestyle. These measures are temporary and allow you to avoid complications, as well as to shorten the recovery period as much as possible. The nature and duration of the bans to a large extent depend on factors such as age, type of operation, as well as the characteristics of the original problem.

    Types of laser technologies to restore vision

    There are a number of medical technologies that can improve visual function with the help of laser equipment.

    Table 1. Laser treatments that improve visual function.

    The intervention affects the superficial layer of the cornea, where notches are made that change the refractive characteristicsMyopia: within -10 diopters; hypermetropia: up to +5 diopters; astigmatism up to 6 diopters.
    The intervention affects the middle corneal layers. The flap is separated and moved away, a piece of tissue is removed under it. Then the flap is placed in its original place, while the seams are not applied.Astigmatism: up to +6 diopters; myopia up to -6; farsightedness: up to +6 diopters.
    A method used on thin corneas.Astigmatism: +4 diopters; farsightedness: +4 diopters; myopia: -8 diopters.
    Combined version of laser vision improvement. It is more suitable for people suffering from myopia, within the average degree, since the cornea with such a pathology has a flattened shape.Astigmatic defect; myopia, farsightedness.
    A method of correction that is performed through a small incision that eliminates the need to form a flap.Hyperopia: (-0.5) - (-10) diopters; astigmatism of myopathic origin. In some cases, it gives a chance to restore vision to -12.5 diopters.

    The choice of method is determined by the type of visual impairment, however, the general restrictions on the period of postoperative recovery will be similar.

    Fears and concerns regarding the postoperative period

    Laser correction as a way to improve vision has been practiced for more than three decades. During this period, a huge number of operations were performed, and millions of people began to see better. Despite the successes, many potential patients do not have much confidence in such treatment. Reason: fear of irreversible deterioration, as well as restrictions that can significantly complicate life.

    In order to avoid the captivity of terrible illusions that prevent you from making a positive decision about the operation, you should trust only reliable information received from an ophthalmologist or posted on specialized Internet resources dedicated to eye health.

    Real restrictions recommended by doctors after laser vision correction

    The procedure takes place in stationary conditions, where the patient stays for another 2 to 3 hours. During this time, the ability to see normally returns: the picture before the eyes acquires real colors and contrast.

    It is believed that the functional abilities of the eye are fully restored within 30 days after surgery. This period obliges the patient to comply with certain restrictions, which:

    • are general, as they relate to all patients who have undergone such a correction;
    • are due to the characteristics of the health of the body as a whole, and are prescribed in addition to the general ones.

    In order to properly organize your life in the weeks of recovery, it is important to know that:

    • 2-3 days you can not rub and scratch your eyes, despite noticeable itching, which means normal healing of the cornea. With mechanical action, there is a risk of damage and infection of the operated cornea. Ophthalmologists recommend not even washing yourself in these essences so that moisture and soap suds do not cause irritation. It is allowed to perform hygienic facial care in the usual way - with water and cleansers, a week and a half after laser correction;

    • due to the probable ingress of water particles on the eye cornea, it is not allowed to wash the head for three days after leaving the clinic. In the future, the hair should be washed and rinsed, tilting the head back and closing the eyes. Upon completion, it is recommended to drip "Oftakviks" ("Floxal") to completely remove accidentally trapped water particles from the surface of the cornea;

    • for a week and a half it is forbidden to visit swimming pools - open and closed, as well as swimming in natural reservoirs. In addition, baths are not recommended - no matter what steam is there - dry or wet, because in addition to the likelihood of water getting on the surface of the operated eye, they are dangerous for burns from heated and “wet” air;
    • for the first week you will have to sleep exclusively on your back, because if you lie on your side, the blood flow in the face area increases, which means that healing will take longer. Resting on the stomach, “nose in the pillow”, is also impossible because of the risk of compression and damage to the cornea;

    • 14 days you can not use cream and eye shadow, as well as mascara. It is not recommended to use hair styling sprays. Chemical compounds that have fallen on the surface of the cornea can cause inflammation and cause serious discomfort;
    • stay in the open air in the first 2-3 weeks is better to reduce, and on windy days to exclude completely. Short walks in good weather are allowed. When leaving the house during the day, it is recommended to wear glasses with dark glasses, preferably with a UV protective layer, because sunlight irritates the eyes;

    • in the first week, reading and staying at the computer are completely prohibited. The removal of restrictions occurs gradually, starting from 1 hour of viewing per day, with a subsequent increase by 15 minutes every day. When sitting in front of a TV set or PC monitor, it is better to set the screen brightness to the minimum degree or wear dark glasses. Within four weeks after the operation, visual strain should be avoided, which means it is important to take frequent breaks from working at the computer;
    • in the evening it is better not to turn on the bright light in the room, but to use a weak lamp. Such a restriction is set, as a rule, no more than for the first 7 days, but sometimes it is longer;

    • within 5 weeks it is required to avoid physical exertion and sports training, including morning exercises. This restriction is removed one of the last, and this happens about a month and a half after surgery. Getting used to the previous activity should be gradual. In the first 4 weeks, it is forbidden to lift and carry loads that weigh more than 10 kg. Athletes, after 3 weeks from the date of the operation, are allowed to bring physical activity from training to half of the usual volumes, with a gradual increase over the next 14 days;
    • the entire recovery period is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, but it is better to extend the restriction to 3 months. This will once again insure yourself against the likelihood of inflammation or accidental injury to the cornea, and also not delay the recovery period;

    • contact lenses. In some cases, the need for their use remains, despite the use of the laser method. This is due to problems of refraction, which even by surgery are not always completely eliminated. It is allowed to return to the use of contact optics in these cases not earlier than a month after the intervention, and only if the healing is normal;
    • driving a car will also be prohibited at first. After a week, if the doctor allows, you can try yourself behind the wheel. Getting used to the new vision, it is better to practice a little on wastelands and abandoned tracks. It happens that after the correction the eye also changes, you also need to adapt to this. In the first 30 days, you should not leave in the evening and at night.

    It is important to understand: when it comes to a specific case, the timing and nature of the restrictions may vary slightly, but in any case, these will be temporary measures.

    Disability after laser correction surgery

    Features of rehabilitation impose prohibitions on actions and circumstances that for many people constitute a labor function, such as:

    • weight transfer - for loaders;
    • running and strength exercises - for coaches and professional athletes;
    • hard work at the screen of a PC or laptop - for accountants.

    After laser correction, a “sick leave” is issued

    Private clinics that perform eye surgery, together with the discharge summary, issue the patient a medical certificate, which he should present to the clinic located at the place of residence in order to issue a “sick leave” sheet there. Initially, it is issued for a couple of weeks, but in special cases this period can be extended.

    Control after surgery

    Periodic visits to the eye doctor for examinations are another important condition for the recovery period. They are needed to control the dynamics of the condition, as well as to timely identify possible complications and take adequate medical measures.

    The first postoperative trip to the ophthalmologist should take place in a week, then it should be seen after a month, and then after another 7-8 weeks. It is not obligatory to make an appointment at the place where the correction was made. You can visit an ophthalmologist at the clinic closest to where you live. Those who have undergone LASIK surgery will have to check with the eye doctor twice more during the year.


    Rehabilitation limitations of laser vision correction are necessary and justified. Prohibitions and minor restrictions apply only to certain areas of life and are established for a short period. Their importance is explained by the desire to speed up the recovery period and get the maximum benefit from the operation, which, among other things, costs a lot of money.

    Video - Restrictions before and after laser vision correction

    When choosing a place where the operation will be performed, you should pay attention to how the medical facility is equipped, how qualified the doctors are, and be sure to find out about the reviews of those who have already been operated on here.

    Types of surgical interventions

    Among the types of surgical intervention to restore vision, the main ones can be distinguished, these are laser treatment, such as scleroplasty and vicrectomy. All operations have their own characteristics and warnings, always the final decision remains with a qualified surgeon.

    • Laser treatment is used to remove the superficial layer of the cornea. For this, the LASIK method is used, as well as such a method as the PRK operation. In rare cases, intervention is resorted to when it rises greatly. Glaucoma may only go away for a certain amount of time, symptoms may return, so other methods are required to treat more serious conditions.
    • Scleroplasty aims to fix the upper layers of the eyeball, which allows you to eliminate. This method is also well developed and refers to simple interventions. It does not carry any serious consequences, the patient is operated on under local anesthesia.
    • Vitrectomy is a complex type of surgery that is performed on an outpatient basis, and takes a rather long period, about three hours, in the absence of complications. During the process, the surgeon removes the tissues affected by the disease, the destructive fibers of the vitreous body, and in especially severe cases, the vitreous body is removed completely. As a replacement, a special liquid or silicone filling is used.

    Read more about PRK surgery.

    This species is quite well developed, therefore it is very popular. Here, the operation is carried out using the excimer laser method, in most cases it is successful, and the lost vision returns to the person without any damage to health. Among the indications for use, there are several indicators:

    • If there is clouding of the lens.
    • Detachment of the retina on the face.
    • The structure of the vitreous body has changed.
    • The vessels of the retina have traces of damage, most often associated with diabetes.

    Laser eye correction

    After the treatment is completed, the patient is under the supervision of doctors for a couple of hours, this is necessary for a control eye examination. The surgeon must ensure that the upper layers of the cornea are properly attached. It is strictly forbidden to touch the eyes at this time. The subsequent period also requires a certain behavior of the patient:

    • After leaving home, you should remember about regular visits to the clinic as prescribed by the doctor. This is done to control the healing process.
    • The doctor makes an appointment to instill a special solution into the eyes according to the scheme, which must not be violated in any case. The duration and frequency of instillation should also be strictly controlled, usually the procedures are carried out at home two to three times a day. Drops are sold in pharmacies by prescription.
    • Medications may be used after surgery for sedation or pain relief.
    • It is not recommended to sleep on your side or stomach on the first day after the intervention, only on your back.
    • After it is strictly forbidden to use shampoos, soap, any irritating agents. This period should be kept for 3-4 days.
    • Smoking is excluded for a week. Alcohol for a longer period.
    • Also within seven days it is worth giving up: swimming pools, saunas, swimming in any reservoirs, visiting beaches and solariums.
    • Extreme sports and strong physical loads are prohibited.
    • Wear sunglasses with sun protection and stay calm.

    To speed up the rehabilitation period, many clinics offer to take an adaptation course using a device specially designed for this purpose. It is based on computer training using video manipulation. These trainings allow you to speed up recovery and should not be abandoned.

    cataract surgery

    It must be remembered that after a complex operation on the eyes, the body is in dire need of recovery. Naturally, the question of rehabilitation arises. If you follow all the points of this period, then you can prevent negative consequences in the form of complications.

    When you return home after surgery, you have on hand prescriptions for drops that come in many forms: antibacterial or anti-cataract. For the adaptation of the eyes, they are extremely important, so taking them is the basis of the rehabilitation period.

    How to properly instill drops in the eyes:

    • You need to lie down, because standing up to do the procedure is impossible.
    • The lower part of the eyelid should be slightly pulled back.
    • Drip two drops and release the eyelid.
    • You can press a sterile napkin.
    • When prescribing several drugs, observe an interval of at least five minutes.
    • Do not touch parts of the eye with the pipette.

    If your eyes are watery, which drops you need to drip, see.

    The order of instillation and rules of use drops:

    • in the supine position;
    • use a clean pipette;
    • use the right amount of drops;
    • apply a clean cloth against leakage.

    Remember, your health depends on the cleanliness and sterility of objects.

    Visual loads (reading, computer)

    No matter how avid reader you are, you should forget about reading for a while, until such time as there is permission from the doctor. Otherwise, you may face trouble in the form of a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, this is an unnecessary burden on the damaged organ.

    The same goes for the computer. Overexertion is categorically unacceptable, especially in the first weeks after the operation. Even watching TV from the right distance will have to stop until your eyes heal.


    Driving is not allowed for four weeks. If the recovery is proceeding properly, then the doctor may be allowed to drive earlier, but this is already decided on an individual basis depending on personal indicators.

    One way or another, while driving, increased attention from the driver is required, and sharp rotating movements with operated eyes, head turns, all this will stop the healing process and create inconvenience while driving.

    Physical activity and sports

    At first, you should not even do exercises, since any rush of blood to the head increases pressure, and this is a direct path to hemorrhage. Due to sudden movements, the lens can be released, and this will lead to disastrous results.

    For two months you will have to forget about the bike, horses, jumping and running. Only after complete healing and the permission of the ophthalmologist and a full examination, you can start doing small exercises and return to a full life.

    Information about eye drops for conjunctivitis at.

    If you decide to resume sports activities before the specialist allows, the problem of sore eyes can not only return, but also get worse.



    Do not be self-willed and do not experiment on your health. The eyes are a very sensitive and delicate organ. Any sudden movement after surgery can deprive you of positive results and lead to complications.

    Interested in the question of whether glaucoma can be cured without surgery, take a look at.