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  • If a guy likes you. How to please a guy - a dozen effective ways

    If a guy likes you.  How to please a guy - a dozen effective ways

    The secret of female wisdom, which allows you to understand men, is to look closely at those things that testify to his feelings not directly, but indirectly. A beautiful deception can be faked, but some manifestations cannot be faked, or at least not at every moment.

    The first sign that you have really hooked this man is persistence. He is ready for anything, and is not afraid to look ridiculous or funny, trying to get your attention.

    When a man loves his lady, he is in no hurry, and he will not rush her. Forcing intimacy and insisting that sex happen as soon as possible - this behavior is typical for those people who first of all need this very sex, but there is most likely no question of any feelings in this case.

    If a man really likes you, then he will try to achieve your location, he will not look at others. If he doubts, being interested in several, does not know who to choose, goes on dates not only with you, this clearly indicates that he is not serious about any of these.

    Keep up the conversation. It is often common to talk about yourself and your interests, but the girl will not be comfortable in such an environment, and she will try to disappear as quickly as possible. Therefore, be interested in the opinion and point of view of the lady.

    Show that you can be relied upon. Usually young people brag about the fact that they can afford to have fun for a long time in trendy clubs. This can impress young and immature persons. But girls will be respectful and friendly to those guys who know how to make money and use it wisely, and not spend everything on entertainment.

    Follow hygiene. It is cleanliness and tidiness that make the first impression. And if it is not the best, then it will be difficult to correct the situation. Make sure that the hair is clean and combed, there is no unpleasant smell from the mouth and body, there is no dirt under the nails, and the clothes are fresh and ironed.

    Be proactive. Of course, in modern society, many are calm about the fact that a girl is the first to show attention to a guy, and some even benefit from it. But deep down, any young woman would like the first step to come from a man. This would be obvious evidence that he is serious, responsible and thinking about the future.

    Don't bother. If the girl is not eager to communicate with you or answers specifically “no” to your proposal to start dating, then respect her choice. Persuading, annoying and begging, you will only expose yourself not in the best light.

    Be moderate in your feelings. Men often pride themselves on how easily they can flirt with women. But in an effort to win a specific girl, this can play a cruel joke. She may think that you are too frivolous and not seriously interested in her. So be careful with flirting.

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    When meeting a young girl, a guy has a natural desire - to conquer her. And it is not always free. It is possible to achieve her location and love, but you just need to make every effort and creative abilities. Your actions should first of all show her how you are better and more reliable than her young man.


    Be her friend. This will help you get closer to the girl, learn more about her environment, worldview. Based on the information received, build a further plan for its conquest. Pay special attention to the qualities that she does not like in men or in a loved one. And under no circumstances show them.

    Be firm in your intentions. Girls love to play pranks to fulfill their desires. So play along with her, do not back down at the slightest difficulty. It is important that you yourself are passionate about what is happening, then you can arouse the appropriate interest in her.

    Surprise with surprises. Do not be afraid to invite on a "friendly" date, to give flowers. Girls are especially attracted to creativity in relationships: arrange a meeting in a balloon, offer a tour of the city at night. If possible, spend a date on a ship or boat. Nothing so excites the heart of a girl as a romantic atmosphere and a reverent attitude towards her.

    At the first stage of building relationships, focus on friendship so as not to scare the girl away. Give her the opportunity to get to know you better, to see your concern. At the same time, flirt unobtrusively, arousing interest in yourself and kindling the fire of passion.

    Watch your appearance. A well-groomed and tastefully dressed guy always arouses genuine interest among the fairer sex. In many cases, clothes can tell a lot about the owner: habits, taste, style, neatness, character.


    Girls do not like rash acts and guys who do not know how to keep their word. Therefore, carefully think over each step, do not commit rash acts.


    • How to make a girl fall in love with you

    The sympathy of a guy and a girl is not always mutual. It often happens that a guy falls in love unrequitedly. However, this situation is not a reason to worry, because you can find a way to seduce a girl.


    To please a girl who does not pay attention to you, you must make it so that you get into the same company with her. Maybe you have mutual friends and acquaintances who can arrange a meeting for you. When communicating with her, behave relaxedly, confidently in yourself. Try to be in the center of everyone's attention, tell jokes and jokes, smile. Be the soul of the company. However, it is worth remembering that girls do not like or banal humor. Also avoid silly phrases or boring compliments. If you tell a girl that she is very beautiful or looks great, you risk getting on the list of not too original and boring men.

    Dates and pleasant surprises can awaken reciprocal feelings in your beauty. Arrange a joint evening, go to the cinema, ride horses or on a boat, visit some exhibition or planetarium. Give the girl a beautiful bouquet. However, banal roses should be avoided. It is better to give preference to tulips, daisies or other delicate flowers. And even better. if you secretly find out from her friends what kind of bouquets she likes. In addition, you can give your beloved a small gift. Guys very often give their soulmates teddy bears and hares, but there will be no originality in this either. Better buy her an interesting soft toy as a gift. Let it be a funny mouse or someone else.

    Do not forget about clothes, because people always pay attention to the appearance of a person. Do not choose dark colors for a date. It is better to give preference to a bright shirt and jeans. Remember that the first thing women look at when meeting guys

    What to do if you fall in love with a friend's girlfriend?

    First of all, try to find out what this representative of the fair sex feels for you. To do this, it is not at all necessary to talk to her or ask your mutual friends about it. Just pay attention to her behavior at the moment when you are in the same company. There are many signs of female sympathy. Look into her eyes, she can look at you either with indifference or with tenderness. Body language and gestures also speak volumes. In the event that you notice that she is showing interest in you, you can proceed further.

    What to do with a friend whose girlfriend you like?

    Act like a man and honestly tell a friend about your feelings, because sooner or later any secret will be revealed. Understand that if you tell him the truth, not you, but someone else, it will only get worse, as he will doubt your frankness and consider such an act a betrayal. If this person really values ​​​​your friendship, he will understand that you did not commit any meanness and did not beat off his girlfriend behind your back.

    Then it all depends on what your friend feels for this representative of the weaker sex. If he loves her, he will ask you not to interfere in their relationship, and you, as a true friend, will most likely decide to come to terms with the fact that they will be together. If a young man is indifferent to a lady and meets with her only because of boredom, he must understand that you are serious, ready to love, appreciate and take care of your mutual friend, so he will step back and give you a chance to win the heart of a beauty.

    What to do with the girl you like if the problem with a friend is solved?

    After you have clarified your and his intentions with a friend and decided that you will seek a girl, you should wait until they put an end to the relationship, and then begin to act. Now you need to forget that once this lady was with your friend. Now she is completely free, so you can win her heart in the same way as you did with other girls. Invite her on dates, arrange surprises, say a lot of compliments. Tell her that you need to talk urgently, make an appointment, and during the conversation be honest about your intentions, and if she feels the same feelings for you, most likely, you will enter into a more serious relationship in the near future.

    It doesn't matter how long you wait to meet him, the one who will turn your head and make your heart burst out of your chest. Perhaps these are still only dreams, or maybe you have already fallen in love, and your life has acquired a new meaning. In any case, every self-respecting girl should be fluent in the knowledge of how to please a guy.

    You have probably already heard a lot of advice about this and, most likely, you are completely confused. Some talk about beauty standards and say that you should make every effort to meet them. Lose weight, change your image, become a star, memorize the names of all the players of his favorite football team, etc. Others, on the contrary, urge you to abandon all stereotypes, rely on individuality and, in general, “don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” So who is really right and how to please a man?

    If relations with yourself have improved and inner harmony has been achieved, you can proceed to the next question: how can a guy like you? Source: Flickr (Nikos_Koutoulas)

    Girls you can't pass by

    Have you ever watched a fashion show? What do you think, what trait is inherent in all models entering the catwalk? Thinness doesn't count. It's not about the figure and not about appearance at all, it's about the look. They look into the camera lens, and you literally feel how confident these girls are. They can look comical in strange outfits, get tangled in their own long legs and fall right in front of an astonished audience, but not for a second doubt their own superiority.

    It is this inner self-confidence that in spite of everything attracts men in the first place. This is the foundation on which everything else is then layered - the style of clothing, hairstyle, manner of speech, etc. Without this, there will be nothing. Any of your images will collapse before our eyes, like a house of cards, and all efforts will be in vain if you do not have a solid foundation under your feet - unshakable self-confidence. Don't ask how a guy will like you if you're fat. Learn how to please yourself first.

    Nobody says it will be easy. Monotonous affirmations “I am the most charming and attractive” cannot solve the problem. Try to go from the opposite: you can’t love yourself the way you are now - become the way you would like to see yourself.

    Important! Once you decide to change, do not adapt to the preferences of some guy. Become what you see yourself in your own dreams.

    What do guys like in a girl?

    So, the first and most important thing is confidence, regardless of any circumstances (appearance, overweight, lack of a red diploma or the title "Beauty Queen"). If relations with yourself have improved and inner harmony has been achieved, you can proceed to the next question: how can a guy like you?

    1. Individual style.

    Don't chase fashion - guys don't understand it anyway. Determine your body type and choose clothes based on this. Complete the look with original accessories, because the style is shown in the details.

    2. Hairstyle.

    Hair drives men crazy - it's true. Do not spare the money to go to a professional hairdresser who will select the right haircut for you. Not a single dress can change a girl as dramatically as a successful hairstyle and hair color. No one talks about complicated styling, for which you need to wake up 2 hours earlier. It's about the right length and healthy shiny curls.

    3. Makeup.

    This is exactly the area where naturalness should be preferred. If possible, keep the amount of tinting agents to a minimum. Fresh, radiant skin without imperfections is what you should strive for. A little mascara on the eyelashes, gloss on the lips and you're done.

    4. Manicure.

    When meeting, he will certainly look at his hands. Thin wrists attract guys no less than curvy hips. This is how the subconscious mind works, you can’t go against its laws. Make sure that your fingers look well-groomed. By the way, short oval nails covered with nude varnish are more relevant today than ever. It is this minimalism that most men like.

    5. Charisma.

    Whatever meaning you put into this word - kindness, positive, good sense of humor, sharp mind - you will be right. Do not stop learning new things, find a hobby, get carried away and be interested. Men like light women, on whose faces one can read joy and love for life.

    How to attract attention and arouse sympathy?

    Now you have two options. The first is to take care of yourself and wait for him to notice your magical transformation, and then he will take the first step. The strategy is risky, because you can wait for the weather by the sea for a long time. Option number 2 - gently and unobtrusively, but act on your own. What to do to please a guy?

    1. Smile.

    Don't act like a snow queen by walking past indifferently or saying a cold hello. When meeting, look into his eyes, please him with a sincere smile and wish him a good day. Do not be afraid to betray your feelings in this way, these are just good manners.

    2. Give compliments.

    Guys are greedy for flattering words and praise no less than girls. The main thing in this matter is sincerity. No need to compliment him every time for no reason. But from time to time to notice the details is a must. Do you think a new shirt suits him? Note this casually. Perhaps he brilliantly defended the project? Make a slight curtsy towards his intellectual abilities. Even if he does not give a sign, do not hesitate - he will be flattered, especially if you notice this in the company of his friends.

    3. Flirt.

    If a friendly relationship has arisen between you and you don’t know how to please a friend, allow yourself a game on the verge of a foul - invade your personal space. If he doesn't trust you, he won't let you get any closer than an arm's length. Observe the distance and gradually reduce it. Put your hand on your shoulder, hug when you meet, sit closer (but on the side, not opposite!). The art of seduction is a subtle science. Learn feminine things:

    • straighten hair, exposing the line of the neck;
    • throw a leg over the leg, running a hand on the thigh;
    • shyly look away.

    Try to avoid hackneyed clichés and standard phrases - so you will not stand out among his familiar girls. Source: Flickr (nikos_avdikos)

    1. How to please a guy if you are fat?

    Sounds unpleasant to say the least, right? So why do you allow such turns of speech in communication with yourself? Until you fall in love with your reflection in the mirror, any attempts to please the guy you are interested in will be in vain. If you really have problems with excess weight, then do not try to disguise them under oversized outfits. Take care of yourself for your own health! But remember that strict diets are dangerous to health. First of all, make an appointment with a nutritionist, take tests, and only then, together with your doctor, choose the appropriate weight loss tactics. If you approach this issue from this side, then the result will not be long in coming.

    Important! Don't forget to praise yourself for the smallest accomplishments. Just as a reward, buy yourself not a sweet cake, but slimming underwear that corrects your figure. Changing day by day, you will learn to admire yourself and then he will certainly begin to do the same.

    2. How to please a stranger guy?

    Use social media. To do this, first, put your page in order. Only the most profitable photos, positive statuses and, of course, no “everything is complicated” or “actively searching”. “Free” is the most suitable option that will convey the necessary information, but will not scare away with unnecessary pressure.

    Now you can start taking action. You do not need to immediately add him as a friend, this will only cause bewilderment. Look at what publics he visits, in which groups he is registered and go there. Like his comments, join the discussion. Sooner or later, he will definitely look at your page. Well, if he is not too active in the communities, then you can try to start a dialogue with him on the pages of mutual friends.

    3. What to do to please a pen pal?

    When the contact is established, it's time to think about how and what to write to him. Try to avoid hackneyed clichés and standard phrases - so you will not stand out among his familiar girls. Connect all your creativity, joke, tell funny stories. Don’t ask “how are you?”, but ask about something specific, for example, has he seen a new video of some group. Yes, knowing his musical preferences will give you a huge advantage and give you a lot of topics to talk about.

    If you do everything right and manage to interest him, then soon you will certainly want to know how to please a guy at the first meeting. In this case, remember the first and most important rule: you will not get a second chance to make a good impression. Either he will like you right away, or he will send you to the bench for a long time. To prevent this from happening, avoid 5 main mistakes:

    • nervousness;
    • vulgarity in clothing and makeup;
    • talkativeness;
    • constant silence, diluted only with short "yes" and "no";
    • overly serious.

    Act like you're old buddies or childhood friends. Be sincerely interested in what and how he lives, have fun, joke and just enjoy communication, because you have been waiting for this for so long!

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    It is difficult for girls to understand the intentions and thoughts of guys, because we have completely different views on life, a different type of thinking, a different behavior. But this understanding is necessary, because how can a guy like you if you don’t see him as a person? And this personality is influenced by many factors, knowing about which, we will reveal the secret of how to please any guy.

    In contact with

    How to communicate to make the right impression?

    It should be remembered that other people's thoughts on how to please a guy, advice on the most correct development of relationships is quite subjective and not always suitable. There is no consensus on how to communicate with a guy in order to please him, because everything is situational and individual with us. At the same time, there are some universal aspects that captivate guys in communication. So, you need:

    1. Be natural. This applies to both appearance and demeanor. Excessively mannered girls cause few people to be attracted.
    2. Be moderate. If you have the opportunity to exchange words, you should not talk too much, as well as be silent for a long and boring time. You can't brag, just like you can't gossip. But casually showing your erudition, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to independently choose a topic for conversation, is worth it.
    3. Be spontaneous. The planned often goes through the stump-deck. And if you give yourself the opportunity to act as your heart tells you, using some tactical moments, the result will not be long in coming.
    4. Be interested. Both in communication and in a guy. The feigned interest is always felt, but if you like this particular guy, the interest in what he says wakes up on its own.

    How to please a guy?

    The signs of the zodiac can only give an approximate idea of ​​​​a person, because the date of birth alone cannot influence the mind, thinking, and beliefs. But among the guys of the same zodiac sign, there are common points, emotional characteristics, behavior patterns.

    It follows that the question “how to please a guy according to the sign of the zodiac?” not well placed. Rather, how to please any guy, given the sign of the zodiac.


    1. You should not directly object to such people, it is pointless. And if something is forbidden to the Aries guy, you should not be surprised that you will get the opposite effect.
    2. In no case be imposed, do not pull the Aries guy. They like to conquer themselves. Do not deprive them and yourself of this stage.
    3. Be punctual and accurate. Aries will not like a careless girl.
    4. Praise the Aries guy. This does not mean that you need to look into your mouth and look with loving eyes at the bow stuck in your beard. Undeserved praises bring up tyrants. But if the guy did something really good, serious and right, then it's better to let him know that you appreciated it.


    1. Given their desire for constancy and stability, regardless of where and how, you can please a Taurus guy by demonstrating the seriousness of his intentions. This can manifest itself in the form of, say, spending time with him or discussing important issues with him.
    2. Do not impose and give Taurus the opportunity to be alone with yourself.
    3. Solve problems immediately and personally. Quarrels are difficult for them, they are loaded for a long time on the topic of even trifling disagreements, therefore it is better to immediately dot the i and not make the scandal public.


    1. Avoid public criticism, Gemini is already sensitive to it, especially to condemnation by society.
    2. How to please a Gemini guy, forgetting about their variability and dynamism? Use your inner resources to be sufficiently multifaceted. Love experiments and new things, then Gemini will love you.
    3. Do not limit such a guy, otherwise he will run away to where no one will forbid him anything.


    1. Don't force things and don't push Cancer too hard. He will crawl out of his shell when he sees fit. But don’t be afraid to take the initiative sometimes, just don’t push.
    2. Gently, indirectly praise him. Bright compliments make them uncomfortable.
    3. Share his interests. Cancers love to collect things, to collect. Try to find your charm in this, the Cancer guy will like this participation.
    4. The best way to please a Cancer guy is to open up for him and be feminine in all manifestations: as a friend, as a lover, as a mother.


    1. The very name of this zodiac sign speaks about how to please a Leo guy. Leo guy is a king. Let him reign. Let him take the initiative on his own.
    2. Do not brag, because Leos are prone to envy and competition with anyone. Complaining and whining Leo is also not worth it.
    3. Let me know that you are permanent. These guys are very jealous, they are unlikely to like intrigues on the side.


    1. Virgo guys are very fond of order and organization. How to please a Virgo guy if you are always late for a date and you have a stable mess in the room? But no way. Watch yourself.
    2. Do not try to close the world of the Virgo guy on yourself. They decide for themselves what, when, where and how much. Personal space is the place of their internal recharging.
    3. Don't get down. These guys can only like smart and educated girls. Try to improve your intellectual level if you want to keep his interest.


    1. If you have heard about the way to the heart through the stomach and agree with this, then the question of how to please a Libra guy will not be a problem for you. Delicious to eat. See beautiful pictures or movies. Listen to melodic music. But not in a club, but in a cozy and pleasant place.
    2. Libra guys do not like quarrels and avoid them. If you feel that something is wrong - solve the problem quietly and peacefully. No tantrums.
    3. Embrace the fickleness of the Libra guy and use it as another way to experience something new. And you may like it, and the guy will appreciate such sympathy.


    1. These are very difficult people to communicate with. And demanding. Your erudition and inner core can help in how to please a Scorpio guy. They do not need simple and light ladies.
    2. Do not forbid and do not try to make the Scorpio guy live the way you want. They are quite capricious and will not ask permission.
    3. Show that you are reliable. This guy will only open up if he realizes that you can be trusted.


    1. How to please a Sagittarius guy, even in whose name there is even a love of hunting? Give it a whirl. Let them show activity, initiative.
    2. Do not impose, otherwise you risk being rejected. Do not get jealous, it repels him. And sticky girls are unlikely to please anyone at all.
    3. Love the new, love the adventure and never betray his trust, because it is very difficult to achieve it.


    1. You need to carefully make it clear that the Capricorn guy is interesting to you, because he tends to restrain his inner impulses and not take the first steps without a great need.
    2. Capricorns are well-mannered and polite. Do not lose face in this regard, especially in front of his family. How to please a Capricorn guy if his first authority - his mother - criticized you from the first note?
    3. These guys will like girls with classic femininity. Kind, flexible, sweet, economic. In this aspect, Capricorn guys are quite conservative.


    1. Learn to give in and admit that he is right, it is vital for them.
    2. Develop intellectually, because before you like the Aquarius guy, you should establish yourself as a worthy interlocutor and ally.
    3. Avoid hypocrisy and lies. Aquarius guys feel this wonderfully, and it is very easy to undermine their trust.


    1. Consider their emotionality and romance. How to please a Pisces guy is often written in classic novels - about gentle young men, although Pisces does not always turn out to be like that.
    2. Pisces guys are characterized by a certain degree of altruism, so allow him to help you and periodically remind him of his own needs.
    3. Learn to be attentive to finances, because Pisces are just prone to irrational behavior with money.

    Compatibility table of zodiac signs

    By correspondence

    It is impossible to say clearly about how to correspond with a guy in order to please him. Again, because everything is individual. But there is something to analyze here.

    As a rule, correspondence of this kind takes place on social networks, for example, on Facebook or Vkontakte. According to correspondence alone, it’s probably difficult for a guy to like, because here we just reflect our words on a letter, and we don’t show ourselves as a person to another person.

    How to chat to please him?

    There are certain principles that should be followed in order to keep interest and not cause rejection. These principles indicate how to please a pen pal if he is at least somewhat intellectually developed.

    Actually, this is the first situation in which there is a desire to arouse the sympathy of a guy. How do you get a guy to like you at school? Lots of ways.

    1. First of all take care of yourself. Be smart, be interested in new things, work on your own development. All worthy guys of the school will be yours if everything is harmonious inside you.
    2. About appearance, too, should not be forgotten, although this is secondary. Moderation and the ability to emphasize one's individuality have always been valued by the opposite sex. Do not be afraid to experiment with appearance and style, but do not go to extremes either. It is much more difficult for especially radical girls to please a guy.
    3. Be pleasant in communication. If you can talk with you on any topic, there will be a lot of willing guys. Do not forget about a sincere smile and laughter.
    4. Avoid gossip and slippery situations when it is scary to bend your line and go against public opinion. If there are no other options, it is better to insist on your own. A strong girl attracts guys much more than one of a herd of sheep.

    At work

    If you want to please the guy with whom you intersect in a work environment, you win: you have a common cause, therefore, there are points of contact. How to please a guy at work, if fate itself has already pushed you against each other in one enterprise?

    Much depends on the status of this guy. When he is much higher in rank, you should avoid gross flattery, because such relationships, if they start, are unlikely to last long, since everything is tied to profit and pride.

    If he is one of your subordinates, you should not use your official position to attract his attention. Here again the question of profit and self-interest emerges. Remember that in this way you can warm up a careerist who will go further over the heads, not forgetting to break your heart.

    The best relationships are with people who see each other as equals. In this case, it is better to discuss some of your ideas about a common cause or news, but you should not criticize others and gossip.

    How to fall in love with a guy who doesn't care about you?

    What to do to please a guy if his attitude, to put it mildly, does not match yours? Here, two options are subject to consideration: the guy doesn’t give a damn about you, or you cause him clear antipathy.

    If you do not cause any emotions in him, but you certainly want attention, interest should be gradually kindled. This includes visiting those circles, places, groups, in which he has an interest by definition. This also includes reading books, watching movies that evoke a response in him.

    When there is something in common between two people, it is difficult to remain indifferent. But before you ask yourself how to please a guy who doesn’t care about you, decide for yourself why you need all this and whether it’s worth spending time and energy on it.

    But how do you like a guy who obviously doesn't like you? You should think about the reason for the antipathy that arose in him and reconsider your behavior in this vein. As a rule, girls themselves become the reason that a young man actively avoids them. After all, you should take care of yourself, keep fit, behave appropriately. Suddenly you often and loudly swear? Suddenly you like to arrange public tantrums? Suddenly you bite your nails and slouch? Such situations help us to find shortcomings in ourselves and correct them, and not be angry that "all men are goats" or that "they need a lot of pain."

    But if there is no time and opportunity to find out in advance about the interests, preferences and tastes of the guy you like, another question arises: how to please a stranger?

      1. About the vulgar appearance, you can not stutter. How can a guy like you if you look like a parrot man or a clown? Well, unless we're at the circus. Dressed should be tasteful and everything should be in moderation. It is worth remembering the appropriateness of certain outfits. Let's say it's not very good to be in jeans in the theater, and at a picnic you will cause at least bewilderment if you are in a short dress and heels.
      2. Sign language. Most of the information we perceive at the subconscious level. Don't be afraid to smile. Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Eye contact is a sign of interest and trust. Keep your hands away from your face.
      3. Don't talk too much, especially about yourself, the personal lives of others, religion, politics. If the guy is already talking, give him the opportunity to reveal himself, do not interrupt. Better ask questions.

    Useful video

    Useful information on how to please a guy can be found in the following video:


    1. In order to arouse interest in a guy, you need to be natural, engage in your own development and take into account the characteristics of his personality.
    2. If we talk about calling sympathy by correspondence, priority is usually given to competent and erudite interlocutors.
    3. Certain personal patterns are observed in guys of the same zodiac sign, so this can also be taken into account when communicating with them.

    Schoolgirls, students, women of the older generation are concerned about the question: how will a guy like it if he likes another girl? In youth, the objects of sympathy for guys change quickly. It takes a little effort to turn his attention to himself.

    How to please a guy at school: 10 ways

    School is not only a source of knowledge. On the territory of the educational institution, they share experiences, find friends and build love. For a guy to pay attention, you need to remember ten basic rules:



    1. Don't join the crowd.

    Young people notice girls who stand out from the crowd. Do not be like other people, live by your own rules and you will be singled out.

    1. Minimum makeup - maximum grooming.

    A girl should learn from childhood: a healthy complexion is more attractive than a mask of cosmetics. Components of this formula: a sufficient amount of liquid, a healthy diet, frequent walks in the fresh air.

    1. A woman must be feminine.

    Robber girls, boorish and hooligans like guys as a friend. For love, they will choose a gentle and soft person.

    1. Beautiful forms are half the battle.

    From a young age, boys love beautiful pictures. For a guy to pay attention, the forms must be perfect. There are no such? Make them or make them stand out with clothes.

    1. Flirting helps start a relationship.

    Guys love praise. Give him compliments, as he knows mathematics very well, plays football and makes crafts for labor lessons. In front of classmates, he will not pretend that he is pleased, but your comment will be appreciated.

    1. A common interest is the key to a strong friendship.

    Don't aim to be his girlfriend. For the first time, be a good friend. Find a common interest, it will consolidate your communication.

    1. A man should feel strong and powerful.

    In his eyes, you look like a small, helpless girl who needs to be protected, helped to bring the briefcase home and rearrange the desk. He will like this state.

    1. One friends for two.

    Boys care what their friends think of them. Make friends with them, then they will have a good opinion of you, and the object of sympathy, respectively.

    1. Men need to be taken care of.

    Even the most powerful guy needs to be taken care of. Show it in help with homework and tips on tests

    1. Mysterious maneuver.

    You can't tell everything about yourself. You are a riddle that he will guess all his life.

    These 10 ways will help win the sympathy of classmates. They will become a practice before further flirting with a man.

    How to like a pen pal?

    The simplest and most open is acquaintance by correspondence. This technique is widely known among the modern generation of schoolchildren and students. But it also has some basic rules:

    1. Communication should be interesting. If we confine ourselves to the same type of phrases: “how is life”, “what are you planning to do”, then this communication will not lead to love. You need to intrigue him so that he looks forward to your appearance on the network. Tell funny stories, share experiences in the field of education, find common topics for discussion;
    2. Follow the spelling rules. A huge number of errors cannot but confuse;
    3. If the guy does not want to communicate, do not impose on him, otherwise he will decide that your place is on his “black list.

    The modern method of dating has a plus: communication becomes simple, open, relaxed. It becomes possible to create a conversation with several candidates at the same time.

    There are also disadvantages: a person may not always be what he wants to look like on the network.

    In this video, psychologist Alena Sergeeva will give some tips on how you can please a guy in just one day:

    How to make a guy who has a girlfriend fall in love with you?

    You can communicate with a guy, pay attention to him, fall in love with him, and then find out that he has an object of sympathy with whom a relationship was born. School love is beautiful, because love is not obligated to anything, it quickly arises and fades away.

    Does the guy have a girlfriend? Don't make a problem out of it! If you want, you can fully replace it.

    • Collect information about the productivity of relationships: the duration of the union, quarrels and relationship features. Assess the situation, do you want to destroy the harmony?;
    • Don't try to be like your competitor. Catch its positive and negative qualities, become better than it;
    • Start a conversation with him, find him on a social network, create common interests, strive to interest him.

    If for a long time the object of sympathy does not respond to flirting, then it is better not to impose yourself on communication with him, so as not to look stupid.

    Features of the first date

    If it was possible by correspondence, then the first date cannot be avoided. In order for it to go harmoniously, it is necessary to observe Basic Rules:

    • Best Dressed: Romantic dress or skirt with blouse. The more tender the image, the better he will form an opinion about his partner. More charm, less vulgarity;
    • Even if the image looks unfinished, even posture will allow you to finish it. It's hard not to notice a woman walking confidently along the sidewalk;
    • No matter what you say, pay attention to how you do it. Play with intonation, smile more;
    • If you manage to make him laugh, then the date is already successful. Guys adore ladies with a sense of humor;
    • There should not be a tense atmosphere on a date, communicate with him as with a best friend.

    Adhering to five simple rules, your date will impress the interlocutor, he will certainly want to repeat it.

    How to eliminate a competitor?

    Girls are often interested in: how a guy will like it if he likes another, or several more girls claim his heart. Mutual intrigues and the desire to show the opponent in an unfavorable light become the main mistake. In fact, it is enough to be yourself, to remain natural and not to be like other girls.

    You should act as if you are morally superior to your rivals and do not want to stoop to their level. Stay confident and inaccessible. Then not only the object of sympathy will pay attention to you, but other guys will torment themselves with thoughts about how to achieve your location.

    In this video, a young psychologist Vlad Topolev will give advice to girls on how to please a guy, especially if he has another girl, how to make him fall in love with you:

    From this article you will learn:

    Every girl once has to solve the problem, so that he pays attention to her. So you want to stand out for him from the whole crowd, so that his awesome smile is addressed only to you. Not everything always goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you point-blank, or you are completely unfamiliar. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take into account a few useful tips, perhaps you will succeed.

    What kind of boy would like?

    What kind of boy would like?

    If you want to please a boy, everything will depend on who he is. It's one thing if you are in the same class with him and are constantly in front of each other. And it's a completely different thing when you barely know each other. So, who do you want to like:

    • at school: a classmate, a boy from another class;
    • beloved;
    • former;
    • unfamiliar;
    • if he loves another;
    • by correspondence.

    If you need to please a boy who is not on this list, act according to the circumstances. In addition, there are some universal tips that can be used in any situation. Even if your boy is the most extraordinary in school.

    Do you want to please a tough boy and therefore try to be a match for him - impudent, vulgar and overly self-confident? Be careful: psychologists say that it is these guys who are distinguished by complexes and vulnerability. So by your behavior you can inadvertently offend him and push him away from you forever.

    Tips on how to please a boy

    Small universal instructions on how to please a boy, will help you establish a relationship with any person. Just do not break the rules outlined here, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any results.

    1. Find out his interests and look for information that might captivate him. This will help to start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
    2. Start taking care of yourself. To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, make-up should be unobtrusive, clothes - not defiant, emphasizing the dignity of your figure. And don't forget well-groomed nails.
    3. act natural. Do not begin to grimace at his appearance, laugh out loud and joke stupidly.
    4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, distinguish him from the crowd, turn to him more often than others - let me know if you like the boy.
    5. When communicating more closely, do not open up 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to solve.
    6. Don't brag. Don't just talk about yourself. Be able to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
    7. smile at him. We have already talked about the magical effect of a smile on a person.
    8. Show that you have many images. If you are an obedient student at school, and he is used to seeing you like this, do not be afraid to play a little hooligan on a date outside the school walls.
    9. Praise him.

    The main thing - do not overdo it. Do not be intrusive - and you can any boy will like whoever he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about your own. Do not do this. He should know that you are a complete person who has his own hobbies. So he will respect you. Well, if you add a few specific ones to these universal tips that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

    How to please a boy at school?

    Situation #1: how to please a boy at school, who is so close - here he is, passing you along the corridor, sitting next to you in the dining room ... Much will depend on whether he is your classmate or not.


    So, how to please a boy from the class:

    1. If you're a better student than him, try offering to help him with his homework.
    2. If he learns better than you, ask him for help with this.
    3. Try to get close to his friends, who are probably in your class. From them you can learn more about him and easily join his company.
    4. Participate in extracurricular activities with him. Make a wall newspaper together, put on a skit, dance or sing a song - rehearsals and success after the concert will bring you together.
    5. You have the same number of lessons at school - so what's stopping you from going home together?

    If you need to please a boy classmate, act according to this scheme - and there will be no disappointment.

    From another class

    You will have to behave a little differently if you do not study together. How can like a boy from another class especially if he is older than you?

    1. Try to catch his eye more often during changes, but at the same time do not be intrusive. Model the situation so that you find yourself next to him by chance.
    2. Get friends who communicate with him - this will help you cross paths more often.
    3. If he is older, you must match his level. Develop, read books, watch the news. If in a conversation with him you express your own opinion about something to him, he will surely be amazed and will stop seeing you as a little girl.
    4. Ask him for help in something: in studies, in sports, in staging a school scene.

    To please a boy at school, find any points of intersection with him - this will allow you to get closer, get to know each other better. So it will be easier to become necessary to him and attract his desired attention.

    Did you know that...

    do most boys really enjoy the process of conquering a girl so that they can enjoy the victory that follows? So do not give up to him right away: play and stay for him that very impregnable fortress, for the sake of taking which he will move mountains.

    How to please your beloved boy?

    Very often, girls want to please their beloved boy, with whom they seem to have a good relationship, but they want him not to be disappointed in you and love you more every day. Well, there is nothing difficult in this.

    1. Don't try to have him run after you in front of everyone. You must be equal in relationships.
    2. Respect his opinion. Listen to what he says.
    3. Never make fun of him in front of others.
    4. try hard do not sort things out with raised voices. Whims and tantrums are what boys don't like.
    5. Do not demand too much from him: do not force him to give you expensive gifts, leave his friends for you, run away from home, etc.
    6. Take care of him.
    7. Show him your love, and preferably not in public, but when you are alone.
    8. Always look good.

    These useful tips on how to please a boy, with whom relations have already been established, will help to continue and strengthen them. Do not allow yourself to relax and think that he is attached to you forever. Love in adolescence is a very fragile flower that needs to be groomed and cherished.


    It turns out that boys are madly in love when compliments are given to them.

    How to please an ex-boy?

    Everything is much more complicated if you want, with whom, for some reason, relations were severed. To begin with, decide for yourself exactly: do you really want to renew them or is this desire just an amusement for wounded pride? If the latter, then it's not worth starting. Well, if this desire is the only thing you need, proceed as follows.

    1. Don't run after him. Show that you are fine without him. Communicate with everyone, smile more often, have fun and enjoy life.
    2. Communicate with him at ease: say hello, smile.
    3. Now you need to look much better than before. Make a new hairstyle, manicure, it’s good to add fashionable little things to your wardrobe and generally change your image.
    4. Intersect with him more often so that he sees your cheerfulness and ease. This will make him look at you in a new way.
    5. Don't tease him with relationships with other boys. He may think that you are serious with someone, and will refuse you.

    Now you know how to make a boy like you, with whom, it would seem, you no longer have anything in common. Interest him again, as before, and the relationship will be renewed. Perhaps you both will take into account your old mistakes and not make them again.

    Keep in mind that the boy in any situation must be a winner. So if you want to really like him, you have to lose something to him. Are you ready for this?

    How to please a stranger boy?

    It will not be very easy, with which nothing connects you at all: neither a common company, nor a school, nor interests. But even here the situation is not hopeless. You can always try to do something. What if he is your destiny?

    1. If there are no mutual acquaintances, it is necessary to establish visual contact. When meeting, cross your eyes with him and hold your eyes on him for a few seconds.
    2. This will make him pay attention to you. After 2-3 days of such visual contact, you can smile at him.
    3. Say hello to him first in a couple of days.
    4. After 2-3 days after that, you can unobtrusively talk about anything.

    Here's what you need to do to please a boy you don't even know. And do not be afraid to take the first steps: drop all prejudices. If it is unobtrusive and modest, he will later only be grateful to you for your acquaintance.

    For your information.

    How to please a boy who loves another?

    An extremely difficult situation develops when it is not clear how to please a boy if he loves another. Intrigue, intrigue and try to separate a couple - there is nothing worse. Discard this scheme of action immediately. It will not lead to anything good, it will only exhaust everyone's nerves. The only thing that can be advised:

    1. Become his friend.
    2. Don't interfere in his personal relationship with another girl. Never. You can give advice, but only if he himself asks you about it.
    3. Wait patiently for this relationship to end. Perhaps it is you who will be the only one from whom he will seek solace.
    4. There is one big risk in all this: if a boy is used to seeing you as a girlfriend, it will be difficult for him to see in you a girl that he wants to date.

    Here how to please a boy if he likes another. This is the only way out of this situation. In general, it’s better to understand right from an early age that you won’t be forced to be nice and you can’t interfere in a couple’s relationship. You don't have to be the third wheel. How to please a boy by correspondence?

    Today, social networks have become an integral part of teenagers. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more often the question arises, how to please a boy by text. There are a few unshakable rules and tips that you should follow if a similar situation arises.

    1. Don't bombard him with messages.
    2. You can start the day with an unobtrusive “Hello!” and end it with a non-binding “Bye-bye”.
    3. Once every few days, when he is online, you can ask how he is doing.
    4. Post photos, but not 10 at a time.
    5. You can ask him for his opinion on one of them.
    6. Ask for his advice more often.
    7. Offer to help him solve some problems. Be helpful to him.

    Now you know, what to do to please a boy, - so you can act according to useful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you do not chop off your shoulder, be able to control your emotions and find a golden mean in everything - the boy you like will definitely pay attention to you.