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  • Weight gain of a baby up to a year. Newborn weight norms by months

    Weight gain of a baby up to a year.  Newborn weight norms by months


    What is the rate of weight gain in newborns by months we will consider in the table and why there are deviations in different directions.

    Many expectant mothers are looking forward to the date of birth, since the birth of a baby relieves mom from many “pregnant problems” (the stomach will no longer interfere with sleep, the gait will improve, the back will stop hurting, the legs will not swell). This is true, but these difficulties will be replaced by others: constant care for the baby, worries and concerns about his health.

    One of the main indicators of the health and normal development of the baby in the first few months from the moment of his birth is weight. At a monthly examination, the pediatrician necessarily measures the height and weight of the child in order to draw a conclusion about his development.

    "Where to start counting"

    The first time the baby is weighed immediately after birth, then - at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital. These two numbers are needed to further control weight gain.

    How much does the baby weigh

    The birth weight of a full-term baby fluctuates from 2700 to 3700 grams . This indicator is affected by:

    • baby health;
    • hereditary indicators (large children are most often born to tall mothers with a lot of weight);
    • gender (usually boys are larger than girls);
    • mom's nutrition (it's no secret that the foods that the expectant mother eats during pregnancy go to the baby, if the mother eats high-calorie foods, the child gains more weight);
    • the mental state of the mother (constant anxiety and stress of the mother during pregnancy will affect the health and weight of the child at birth);
    • mother's bad habits (mothers with bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) are more likely to give birth to children with insufficient body weight)

    Where does the weight go

    Traditionally, it is customary to measure two indicators of the weight of a newborn baby. As a rule, in the first 2-3 days of life, babies lose weight. There are several reasons for this:

    1. fluid loss. A born baby begins to breathe with his lungs, excess fluid leaves through the respiratory tract and skin;
    2. power setting. a born child eats maternal colostrum in small portions, getting used to new food;
    3. getting used to new conditions.

    In the aggregate, in the first few days after birth, the child loses about 6-10% of its initial weight, therefore, weight gain is usually considered from the second digit, since it is more informative.

    How does the baby grow

    After discharge from the maternity hospital, the baby begins to gain weight. The rate of increase is individual for each child and depends on:

    • general well-being and health status. A sick child eats worse;
    • appetite
    • type of feeding. Artificers gain weight faster than their "colleagues" on breastfeeding;
    • quantity and quality of food. The more mother's milk or formula a child receives, the faster he gains weight;
    • baby mobility. Nimble kids gain less;
    • daily routine. The baby will gain less if you feed him at a strictly defined time “by the clock”;
    • age. In the first few months, weight gain is rapid, by the year this process slows down.

    Despite such a large number of nuances, doctors have established average rates of weight gain for newborns.

    How much will the baby add

    From birth to six months, the baby is actively gaining weight:

    • the first month - 90-150 grams per week (within a month, the baby should gain 360-600 grams);
    • 2-4 months - 140-200 grams per week (per month 560-800 grams);
    • 5-6 months - 100-160 grams per week (per month - 400-640 grams).
    After 6 months, growth and weight gradually slow down. For clarity, we present the indicators in the form of a table.

    Why the weight deviates from the norm

    Approximate tables of weight gain for a baby from birth to a year can be found on baby food banks, outpatient clinic information stands, on social networks, on mommy forums. All parents can compare normal indicators with statistical data. Of course, each child is unique and weight gain is different for everyone, however, extremely low, as well as high increases, can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Excess weight is fraught with problems in the future, a lack of mass can be the “first bell” of a developmental lag.

    Very rarely, babies fit into generally accepted standards, so you should not panic ahead of time. Only a doctor can assess the situation. Excessive body weight, like its deficiency, can be caused by many reasons:

    • individual features of development;
    • baby growth. Tall kids gain more. If we compare two children with a height of 52 and 58 centimeters, then the second one will gain an average of 40 grams more per week due to their height;
    • gender (girls gain weight more slowly);
    • type of feeding. Babies get fat slower.

    There are a lot of reasons why a baby can gain more or less than the norm. In each individual case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Only a competent doctor can assess the condition of the crumbs and the rate of weight gain.

    Hearing the first cry of a baby for a mother tired during childbirth is happiness. But complete satisfaction for relatives and obstetricians - gynecologists comes after measuring weight, height, head and chest volume. The data is recorded in the child's medical record, which pediatricians and other doctors are guided by, observing further development.

    The rate of weight gain and growth in newborns

    By measuring the main parameters of the child at the time of birth, the pediatrician sees the physical indicators, comparing them with the established norms. The level of development of babies is determined by the pace at which they gain weight and body length. But the same numbers for crumbs are not provided. This table of weight gain and height in infants shows average data. Many other factors influence performance.

    Table of weight gain and growth in infants

    Norms are developed based on the results of ongoing research on the nth number of children of average weight and height. There are a number of factors that can affect the change in numbers when measuring newborns from birth to a year.

    Factors affecting the height and weight of children:

    • types of feeding crumbs - on artificial nutrition they become fatter more actively;
    • genetic predisposition - in overweight and thin mothers, the body weight of children at the time of birth is different, but it is recruited differently, is not considered a deviation;
    • weak, normal and excessive lactation, which is influenced by psychological and other problems of the mother, the level of nutrition;
    • the gender of the baby - boys, girls develop differently;
      the growth of parents affects the increase in the length of children up to a year, during life.

    Therefore, doctors of different profiles, considering deviations in the parameters, take into account the factors that affect it. The conclusions of the calculations indicate that the child develops within the normal range. Or they give recommendations to the mother on how to increase lactation or apply the mixture additionally.

    Increase in height and weight of the child by months

    If we start from the accepted norms for the weight of children at birth - 2600-4000 gr., height - 45-55 cm, an approximate pattern of parameters up to a year can be traced.

    The increase in the height and weight of the child by months shows the following:

    • in the first week, children lose 6-7% of their weight, which is natural for this period, is associated with the physiology of the newborn;
    • from the second week to 3 months, when breastfeeding or formula, babies gain weight intensively - daily 20-25 grams, and lengthen by 3 cm;
    • from 4 months, the indicators of weight gain gradually decrease - from 750 to 350 gr. at the end of 12 months;
    • increase in growth decreases: from 3 months. increases from 3 cm to 2.5 cm, and by 10-12 - within 1-1.5 cm.

    The rapid increase in weight and height in newborns is due to the low activity of children - they eat and sleep. From 4 months, activity increases, teeth appear. From 8-9 months they try to walk, run, explore the world. Motor activity contributes to less rapid weight gain - the baby develops mentally.

    Causes of weight problems

    Normal weight gain and height in infants pleases parents, pediatricians. But the problem of insufficient increase in body weight arises in some children. The reasons contributing to this require the intervention of doctors.

    Reasons for underweight are:

    • lack of breast milk in the mother;
    • low percentage of fat milk;
    • the child eats milk less than the prescribed amount;
    • does not cope with the nipple of the breast;
    • dysbiosis inhibits the absorption of milk in the body;
    • facial muscles are underdeveloped, the baby cannot quickly suck out milk;
    • the child falls asleep ahead of time;
    • mother cannot adapt to the child during feeding, so he does not suck out the prescribed portion;
    • takes in air when breastfeeding, gasses form, throws up the breast without receiving part of the milk.

    The pediatrician, after finding out the reasons for the small weight gain, gives the child a referral to other doctors to consult the mother. Explains how to properly guide the breast and lay the baby down to feed. Gives recommendations for improving nutrition to increase milk fat content and quantity.

    Individual calculation of baby weight gain by pediatricians

    Based on the accepted norms of weight gain, pediatricians approach each child individually. The parameters are calculated according to the formulas: up to 6 months, from six months to 12 months. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn, which are recorded on the map, and instructions, advice, parting words for parents.

    Example 1. Formula from 0 months to six months

    M. t. (body weight) \u003d m. t. at birth + 800? n (number of months)

    If the child was born with a weight of 3250 gr., For a period of 3 months, the body weight will be added and will be 5650, based on the formula.

    Control of the milk eaten by the baby from the mother's breast. If there is a fear that the baby is not getting better, at home you can find out the amount of milk eaten. For this purpose, the baby is weighed before feeding and at the end. Scales to buy electronic, to obtain accurate data. With a control schedule for 2-3 days, go to an appointment with a pediatrician for advice: what to do, what to do.

    On the Internet, weight gain tables are provided - the growth of the baby. When studying on your own, you should not be upset if the child’s data varies from month to month with the figures presented. Only noticeable deviations do not tolerate postponing “for later” a meeting with a pediatrician.

    A small difference may be temporary, due to the child's illness or teething. Doctors, together with parents, will develop tactics for feeding and caring for the baby, and problems will be resolved.

    One of the most serious questions that awaits you after the birth of a baby is weight gain in newborns by months. agree that it is important to know if your baby has enough milk? Sometimes the reverse situation happens: the child is gaining weight perfectly, but growing very anxious. You may think that there is not enough milk, although the behavior of a "hungry baby" is not a reason to supplement with formula. Let's deal with the increments so that you have guidelines: is there enough milk?

    Birth weight is an important parameter for future calculations!

    The weight of the baby at birth is the first factor that affects the future weight gain of the baby. Remember how immediately after the birth of the crumbs, he was immediately examined, measured height and weight.

    Normal weight is considered to be from 2.7 kg to 3.7 kg, subject to the birth of a healthy child. This parameter depends on many points, so it would be wrong to compare children of different builds who gain weight in different ways. So, the weight of a newborn can be affected by:

    1. The physical condition of the baby, the nutrition and well-being of the mother during pregnancy, her adherence to a healthy lifestyle;
    2. Heredity - parents of short stature and average build often have small children, and "heroes" appear in families where mom and dad are rather big;
    3. Gender of the child: girls, as a rule, are "smaller" than boys.

    A few days later, an extract from the hospital was due, before which the child was weighed again at a routine examination, and the weight could be different from what it was after birth.

    You may be worried that the baby has lost weight after birth, but there is no reason to worry. This is all understandable, the weight may decline slightly for a number of reasons:

    • After birth, a child loses a lot of fluid: his lungs straighten out, he begins to breathe, and “excess” moisture is also released through the skin;
    • The baby gets used to a different type of food. At first, the mother secretes colostrum - it is very nutritious, but its amount is very small. Imagine that the calorie content of 1 drop of colostrum = a bowl of soup. Now you understand why it is not enough? However, it is necessary for the child to create a favorable microflora in the intestines of the child. An important article about the successful start of breastfeeding >>>
    • The baby is adapting to a new environment, everything is new to him: air, temperature, vague outlines and distant sounds, which will soon be distinct and clear, and a lot of strength and energy is expended on all this.

    This phenomenon is called physiological weight loss. Therefore, weight gain in infants should be calculated from discharge weight, and not from birth weight.

    WHO baby weight chart*

    0 3,3 3,2
    1 4,5 4,2
    2 5,6 5,1
    3 6,4 5,8
    4 7,0 6,4
    5 7,5 6,9
    6 7,9 7,3
    7 8,3 7,6
    8 8,6 7,9
    9 8,9 8,2
    10 9,2 8,5
    11 9,4 8,7
    12 9,6 8,9

    * - Data are given according to the charts of the World Health Organization (WHO):

    • Weight of girls from birth to 2 years.
    • Weight of boys from birth to 2 years.

    The dynamics of the weight of the newborn: we identify the factors that affect it

    Are you wondering why weight gain in newborns of the same age occurs differently: some faster, others slower? The fact is that this process is regulated by the following factors:

    1. Genetics. The thing is stubborn, pull up your medical card or husband's card and take a look at what weight dynamics you had;
    2. type of feeding. The best is breastfeeding, it is a guarantee of a balanced metabolism and normal weight gain. Often, "artists" experience problems associated with excess body weight.
    3. An overly strict diet for a nursing mother can also affect the amount of milk. You can learn more from the course Safe nutrition for a nursing mother >>>
    4. It is believed that the gender of newborns also matters: boys gain weight faster than their peers.

    It is possible to answer clearly how much a newborn should gain weight only after all of the above factors are taken into account.

    Weight gain in newborns: what is considered the norm from birth to a year?

    If before the age of two weeks the child restores its original weight, and this is considered normal for him, then the remaining period until the age of one is divided as follows:

    • Age from 2 weeks to 3 months is the period of the most intensive weight gain. It was then that the rate of weight gain in a newborn is the most significant - a baby can add from half a kilogram to two kg in body weight every month.

    And for a healthy breastfed baby, this will be a good indicator. Very often, a small increase in a newborn may be associated with some kind of disease or genetic predisposition;

    • Age from 4 months to six months is considered important in the development of the baby, he begins to move more and expend a lot of energy. Not surprisingly, weight gain during these months is comparatively lower than during the previous life stage. The norm is 500-1000 g in one month, sometimes a minimum threshold of 300 g is allowed, but this is rather an exception.

    When it is required to track the dynamics of weight gain in newborns, data is usually taken once a week, the minimum result should not be lower than 125 grams weekly until six months of age;

    • The age of 6-9 months in healthy children is marked by the fact that food becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods. A minimum of 200 grams and a maximum of 500 grams is the norm for weight gain in newborns of this age. Read the current article for this period on the introduction of complementary foods and child nutrition >>>
    • At 9-12 months, the child improves his motor skills, crawls a lot, walks, including trying to move independently. Therefore, if your baby at this age adds only about 100-300 grams per month, this is normal, there is no reason for concern.

    It turns out that by the age of six months the child should increase his weight by about 2 times, and by the year - 3 times compared to what he was at birth. There are even special methods for tracking weight gain in newborns by months: a table and a calculation formula. If everything is quite simple with the first one, we just look at the finished data, then the formulas look like this:

    1. Weight + N * 800, where N is the number of months, and weight is calculated in grams, valid for babies from birth to 6 months;
    2. Weight + 800 * 6 + 400 * (N-6), where N is the day of the month after six months of age, and weight is also calculated in grams;
    3. This simple arithmetic allows for allowable fluctuations of one kilogram up or down, if we are talking about the first year of life.

    Reasons for reduced weight gain in a newborn: let's figure it out together

    Many mothers, knowing what the optimal weight gain should be for babies by months, get upset and even panic if the increase begins to decrease significantly. Let's figure out together why this can happen:

    • The child has been ill: it is quite natural that with an illness, appetite decreases and digestion worsens;
    • An abrupt change in the usual environment, a move to another place, a summer vacation for parents - any trip, even the slightest bit significant, can become stressful for the baby. His world is still too small for him to be able to quickly rebuild and adapt to new conditions;
    • Increased physical activity in the form of visits to the baby pool, gymnastics or an elementary course of massage procedures also affect weight gain in newborns. This includes the development of new skills and abilities - coups, crawling, sitting and walking;
    • Are you often in public? Be prepared for the fact that this can also cause changes in the life of the child. Kids quickly get tired of a large number of people, a noisy environment;
    • The changed mode and rhythm of feeding directly affects the weight gain of the newborn;
    • Mom went to work, another important person appeared in the life of the child - grandmothers, nannies, etc. This is also a kind of stress, the response to which is a decrease in weight gain.

    How to weigh a newborn on a scale?

    To get an accurate indicator, try to follow these rules:

    • weigh the child at the same time;
    • In the same clothes;
    • remove the diaper during weighing;

    Also be sure to look at the error of the scales. If these are floor, adult scales, then they have an error of 200-500 grams. It's too much. For weighing babies, it is better to purchase or rent special, baby scales. they will show the exact result and the real state of affairs.

    If weight gain is low, then breastfeeding should be addressed, or if the child is already on complementary foods, a combination of breastfeeding and complementary foods should be considered. In any case, this already requires an individual analysis, not an article.

    The appearance of a baby is always awaited with excitement and impatience. The mother and father of the baby imagine how he should be, imagine the process of his growth and upbringing. And finally it happens, bringing with it a lot of all sorts of troubles and problems. A very important indicator of the correct development of a child up to one year is his body weight. How does a child gain weight before the age of one?

    Normal weight immediately after birth

    As soon as the baby is born, he is immediately examined by a doctor. He necessarily measures his height, and determines the mass with the help of special scales. After that, the child, together with his mother, remains in the hospital for some time, and is under the supervision of specialists.

    If the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory, then after about a week they are discharged. The last weigh-in in the maternity hospital is made on this day. It is from these two indicators: body weight in the first minutes of birth, and the same indicator during discharge from the hospital that determines what increase he will have in the future.

    It's no secret that any child is an individual, including body weight and height. Currently, there is a lot of controversy about what weight a newborn is considered to be the norm. Pediatricians prefer to adhere to certain indicators that the WHO has set. According to them, normal rates at birth are from 2.9 to 3.9 kilograms.

    Russian experts adhere to other figures in this matter. In this case, the normal weight of the baby is considered to be in a certain interval, and it ranges from 2 kilograms 600 grams to 4 kilograms. Initially, it all depends on many different factors:

    • the state of health of the child;
    • features of heredity (when parents are thin, then the child is born the same);
    • gender of the baby (boys are most often born larger);
    • features of the mother's nutrition during gestation, while if the mother preferred food with a high calorie content, then the baby is more dense;
    • the body weight of the baby also depends on the physical and psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. If she was under permanent stress while waiting for the baby, or was often sick, then this can significantly affect not only her health, but also the baby’s body weight;
    • an important point is also the presence of negative habits in the mother, if she drank alcohol and smoked during pregnancy, not to mention the use of drugs, in which case the child is usually born sick with a large underweight.

    At discharge

    It should be noted that the first few days of their lives, children lose a little in this indicator, and this is due to such factors:

    1. After birth, the child begins to breathe, and through the respiratory organs (lungs) and the skin loses a large amount of fluid.
    1. He is just starting to get better nutrition. He consumes mainly colostrum (in small portions), which is not a high-calorie product, and mother's milk appears a little later.
    1. A certain state of stress during the transition from intrauterine life to the external environment also contributes to weight loss. The baby gradually gets used to the new way of life, and this leads to a slight loss.

    Based on all these reasons, it follows that, in an absolutely normal condition, the baby's weight at discharge will be slightly less than it was recorded immediately after birth. Its difference is about 10%. The final figure must be recorded by the doctor, and it is the starting point when calculating the indicator, what should be the rate of weight gain up to a year for a particular child.

    Below is a table of newborn weight gain by month

    What does weight depend on?

    After the baby gets home, his weight should gradually increase, and his addition depends on such reasons:

    • health (for various diseases, the baby eats poorly), and in this case it should be shown to the doctor;
    • appetite;
    • features of feeding (artists gain weight faster);
    • the amount of milk in the mother and its qualitative composition;
    • activity of the baby, more mobile children are thinner;
    • unfavorable home environment (when there are scandals and screams in the family, the newborn will not have an appetite, and he will refuse to eat);
    • the correct schedule of feeding hours;
    • age (the older the child becomes, the slower the body weight increases).

    What are the addition rates

    Each newborn is very individual, but scientists have developed general principles according to which a child’s weight gain for months up to a year should be as follows:

    1. For the first week, a small person should come to the indicator that was recorded immediately after his birth.
    1. In the first month, the baby's weight normally increases from 90 to 150 grams in one week.
    1. Starting from the second month and including the fourth month of life, the set should be from 150 to 200 grams in seven days.
    1. If we take data from the fifth month to the sixth, the child normally gains again from 100 to 150 grams, while his weight should double compared to the original (at discharge).
    1. In the future, there is a slowdown, and by one year the baby should have a body weight three times higher than the initial figure.

    Possible deviations from the generally accepted norm

    Since there are various reasons, the deviation from the norm, in each individual case, occurs quite often. It happens that the baby has too much weight, and this negatively affects its development and mobility, or there is a strong shortage, which is also not good. Possible reasons why the monthly weight gain of a child up to a year is violated may be:

    1. Features of the rate of development. Some develop faster, while others develop more slowly.
    1. The growth of the baby also affects its weight. Children who are taller than usual gain weight faster.
    1. Boys develop faster physically up to a year, and therefore their body weight grows faster. Therefore, the table of newborn weight gain by months for boys is somewhat different from these indicators for girls.
    1. This indicator also depends on feeding. Formula-fed babies are usually fatter than their breastfed peers.

    There are other reasons that can only be identified when examining the baby on an individual basis. Only after a full examination and questioning of parents can a definite explanation be given. And as a result, advise parents on what should be done to correct the situation.

    Of course, the newborn weight gain schedule was created as a standard, and it should be as close as possible to it. However, it should be understood that any indicators in height, weight and other parameters are displayed in an average form, and should not be considered exclusively correct. If the baby, with minor deviations from the norm, looks healthy, his tests are excellent, he plays and has fun, then you should not panic. Perhaps you should reconsider the regimen of the day, the periods between feedings, and after 6 months, options for complementary foods. All of these tips can be obtained from your doctor.

    Approximately this should be the rate of weight gain in infants by months. However, in each case, this issue should be approached individually.

    The birth of a child is the happiest event in any family. Bored diets during pregnancy, buying clothes, toys and cribs for the baby - everything is a thing of the past. Now young parents expect more responsible tasks.

    Monthly baby weight gain chart

    Visits to pediatricians, endless household chores, a new diet for moms. With the advent of a baby in the house, life changes dramatically.

    The most important indicator of a healthy baby, for which special attention must be established, is the rate of weight gain in infants. It is these data that allow us to trace the full development of the child.

    Table of weight gain in infants girls and boys:

    The presented table shows how much should be a normal weight gain in infants.

    It is worth paying attention to the difference between boys and girls: sons are inherently larger than daughters, therefore their weight gain rates are slightly higher. If the indicators are a little beyond the tabular results, you should not worry.

    The weight gain table is an average. The weight of infants is affected by the type of feeding of the child, the quality of the mother's nutrition, the sex of the child and birth weight.

    Each child is unique, not like the others, respectively, for all the increase goes in an individual direction. The tabular results are only a kind of guideline that will help parents calculate the weight gain of the baby.

    Weight gain in infants by month

    According to statistics, the average weight of a full-term baby is from 2500 to 4500 grams. These indicators are fixed immediately after birth, because in the first days of his life, the baby will lose about 10% of his weight. This is due to a sudden change in the environment of the newborn.

    Adjusting to the new world takes a lot of energy, and the baby's body loses a lot of fluid. Even mother's milk does not immediately acquire the necessary fat content, because a full-fledged product of the mammary glands is produced only 2-3 days after birth. Therefore, a noticeable weight gain in infants begins at about 5 days.

    In order to correctly calculate the rate of weight gain in infants by months, experts recommend relying on the following.

    • weight gain is calculated according to the indicator that was recorded before the child was discharged;
    • the first 3-5 days of weight gain may not be observed;
    • children who had a smaller initial weight at birth gain weight faster than large babies. By the end of the first year of life, these indicators are approximately smoothed out.

    The first 3-4 months the newborn has the maximum weight gain. This is explained by the almost motionless way of life of the baby and the high need for nutrition. The newborn only sleeps, eats and "goes to the toilet" - energy costs are minimized.

    From 0 to 5 months. Only in the second month of his life, a child can add a whole kilogram: approximately 30 grams per day. At 4-5 months, the activity of the baby noticeably increases: he begins to move more, sleep less, and, accordingly, spend more of his vital energy. Despite good nutrition, weight gain no longer reaches those high rates that the first months of life. Now the baby adds at least 400-500 grams.

    From 6 months to 1 year. The weight of a six-month-old child approximately doubles, compared with the original indicators. That is, now normally it should weigh approximately 6-8 kilograms. At 10-12 months, weight gain becomes the smallest. The activity of the child increases, he begins to roll over, crawl, try to walk. According to pediatricians, the weight of a baby by the year of life increases three times compared to the initial one.

    Weight gain in breastfed newborns

    When a child is breastfed, the mother's diet plays an important role here. From the fact that it is, the rate of weight gain of the newborn depends.

    Do not forget about the feeding process itself: the fattest (pediatricians call it hind) milk is at the end of feeding. Therefore, changing the breast during the process is not recommended. If, after following all the rules, the result has not changed, a specialist consultation is necessary: ​​it may be necessary to adjust the feeding regimen of the baby.

    Rapid weight gain in newborns breastfeeding may be a cause for concern. To finally make sure that the baby has no diseases, it is recommended to take tests. If the indicators are negative, there is no need to worry. By the end of the first year, the results will even out and be close to the table.

    Newborn underweight- the main reason for parenting. When the norms of weight gain in infants are minimized, and the child has poorly expressed subcutaneous fat, it is necessary to make small adjustments to the diet.

    If weight gain is very slow, then you should pay attention to the amount and fat content of milk. By following certain diets, these indicators can be improved. Most often, in such cases, wet nurses include walnuts and broccoli in their diet.

    Supplementary feeding Most often, mothers switch to mixed feeding, giving the baby, in addition to breast milk, infant formula. By the way, the table of weight gain in infants (WHO) is oriented to this type of feeding, since weight gain in this case becomes more predictable.

    As you can see, a mismatch with tabular data is not always a bad result. The fact is that each child with his mother is individual. If there is a shortage or too rapid weight gain, pay attention to the condition of the baby. If he feels great, then everything is in order.

    Trust your child, listen to mother's intuition - this is what will warn you when developmental deviations appear. Calmness and love of others will be the best assistant in weight gain in babies!

    After the newborn, as he grows, he gains less, and the increase is up to 600-1000 g per month. If you have a scale at home, you can check the weight every week, if you weigh the baby more often, these results cannot be considered plausible.

    Causes of poor weight gain in infants:

    • the child was not breastfed or fed immediately after;
    • the newborn does not grasp the breast correctly;
    • impaired lactation in the mother;
    • if the baby is weak or premature, he does not have enough strength to eat;
    • transferred disease of the newborn;
    • change of scenery, for example, moving or the arrival of a large number of people .;
    • any environmental change is stressful for the child;
    • long walks or trips to visit can also affect the baby;
    • small weight gain in infants may be due to new skills, such as learning to roll over or a massage course.

    Normal weight gain in artificial babies is considered the same as with breastfeeding. But it is worth noting that babies who are fed mixtures gain weight much faster. Only this is not a reason to switch to supplementary feeding.

    If it is possible to restore weight with breast milk, it is better not to resort to artificial feeding.