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  • When can you start postpartum recovery? Beauty and health after childbirth are available to every woman: how to recover properly

    When can you start postpartum recovery?  Beauty and health after childbirth are available to every woman: how to recover properly

    Pregnancy and childbirth are a big burden on a woman's body, and it may take time to recover and return to her usual form. Meanwhile, a newborn requires a lot of attention, care and strength, and the main burden of caring for a baby falls on her mother's fragile shoulders. But maintaining good health after the birth of a baby is not so difficult, and our recommendations will help you with this.

    The well-being of a young mother after childbirth directly depends on how the postpartum period proceeds, how quickly the reproductive system of the body recovers and returns to its normal, “pre-pregnancy” state. One of the manifestations of this process is lochia - specific spotting from the genital tract, which normally can last from 1.5 weeks to 1.5 months after childbirth. In the early days, lochia can be very plentiful, with clots, then become more scarce and lighter and gradually subside. During the entire time that these discharges continue, the young mother remains at a high risk of developing infectious complications, so the rules of intimate hygiene during this period are especially important.

    After giving birth, use a bidet or shower instead of toilet paper after every toilet visit and every time you change your sanitary napkin.
    - Use only special gynecological ("postpartum") intimate pads and change them regularly (every 3-4 hours).
    - If there are stitches on the perineum, treat them regularly (at least 2 times a day) with antiseptics (brilliant green, iodine or a strong solution of potassium permanganate), and as they dry out, anti-inflammatory drugs that accelerate healing (for example, containing solcoseryl or dexpanthenol).
    - During the rest, air baths of the intimate zone several times a day (lying in bed, place an absorbent diaper under the buttocks, remove the underwear and lie down for several minutes with legs apart, bent at the knees).

    Tip 2. Help your body get back into shape faster after giving birth

    The main criterion for the recovery of the body of a young mother after childbirth is the rate of uterine involution. This term means the return of the uterus to its normal size, the state of the muscular and mucous layer, which is characteristic of it outside of pregnancy. The involution of the uterus occurs due to its periodic contractions, due to which the uterus decreases in size, its cavity is cleared of excess mucous membranes formed during pregnancy (they form lochia), the mouths of the vessels on the damaged mucosa are closed, which prevents the development of postpartum hemorrhage, and the healing of the placental cavity is accelerated. sites (wounds left at the placenta attachment to the uterus). You can help the process of uterine involution as follows:

    • lie more on your stomach - in this position, the tension of the abdominal muscles occurs, which is transmitted to the muscles of the uterus (myometrium) and stimulates its contractions;
    • regularly empty the bladder - in a full state, it prevents the uterus from contracting and being cleansed of lochia;
    • apply the baby to the breast on demand, every 1.5–2 hours (during sucking, the mother’s body produces oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions).

    After the birth of a baby, mom needs to be very careful about her diet. Firstly, this is due to the start of breastfeeding: the composition of the breast milk that the baby eats depends on the diet of the nursing mother. However, breastfeeding is not the only reason for taking your menu seriously: such an important factor in well-being as regular bowel function directly depends on it. During pregnancy, its mode of operation could change significantly due to the pressure of the growing uterus. After childbirth, the pressure in the abdominal cavity decreases sharply, the uterus gradually decreases in size over the course of a month - and the intestines again have to adapt to the changes that have occurred. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, after childbirth, it is recommended to follow simple and effective nutrition rules:

    • frequent fractional meals during the day (6-8 times a day in small portions);
    • drink at least 1.5 liters per day (water, weak tea, fermented milk drinks);
    • eating only natural home-made products, and with gentle heat treatment (steaming, baking, boiling and stewing);
    • uniform distribution in the diet of proteins of plant and animal origin;
    • the predominance of fruits, dried fruits, berries and vegetables in the menu;
    • daily consumption of dairy products;
    • do not forget about cereals;
    • do not eat pastries, fatty, spicy and spicy foods for 1 month after childbirth.

    To avoid complications during breastfeeding, you need to be careful about:

    • take a shower twice a day with detergents (baby soap, hypoallergenic shower gels);
    • after a shower, apply a remedy to prevent cracking on the nipple and areola;
    • wash your hands with soap and rinse your breasts with running water before each feeding (do not use detergents);
    • use a separate towel for your breasts and change it daily (you can use disposable paper towels).

    After the birth of a baby, a young mother should monitor her health with double attention - after all, good health, full lactation and the ability to care for the baby directly depend on it. At the slightest sign of malaise, you should, without delay, consult a doctor. The following symptoms should be alert:

    An increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C may indicate a cold, stagnation of breast milk, or an infectious complication of the postpartum period. Untimely access to a doctor often leads to a deterioration in the condition and requires hospitalization.

    Cough, runny nose, sore throat - a manifestation of the flu, SARS or other respiratory infections, which, against the background of a general weakening of immunity after childbirth, can give a severe course and dangerous complications.

    Nausea, vomiting, upset stool may indicate an enterovirus infection, food poisoning, or other disorders of the digestive system. Such diseases are more severe during this period and are dangerous with complications (disruption of the liver and pancreas).

    Pain in the abdomen can be a manifestation of an inflammatory process or retention of blood clots in the uterus; if you do not see a doctor in time, it threatens the development of metroendometritis (purulent-septic inflammation of the mucous membrane and muscular membrane of the uterus).

    The abrupt cessation or intensification of lochia, the appearance of an unpleasant odor may be due to the retention of blood clots in the uterus, its low contractility. This condition is dangerously high risk of uterine bleeding and the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the uterus.

    Pain, bloody or purulent discharge in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sutures is a possible symptom of divergence, infection and suppuration of the sutures.

    Pain in the chest and a violation of the outflow of milk are a sign of the development of lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary gland) and the threat of developing mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland).

    Tip 6: Avoid strenuous exercise after childbirth

    By the time of discharge from the hospital, the physical strength of a young mother should be fully restored. And, most likely, immediately after returning home, you will have to return to normal household duties. Theoretically, there are no special prohibitions on household chores - washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking - are not provided, and if desired, a young mother can take care of these worries herself, the main thing is a little. The only thing that must be firmly abandoned in the first 6 weeks after childbirth is lifting weights (up to 5 kg). After operative delivery, it will take 2 months to avoid heavy bags and home physical activity (washing the floor by hand, hand-wringing clothes) - such restrictions are associated with the risk of postoperative suture divergence.

    The first and easiest way to provide the body with adequate physical activity after childbirth is walking. And to implement this sports project is within the power of any newly-made mother. In your "postpartum" life, a new, very important duty arises - to walk with the baby. If you want to regain your harmony, remember: when you go outside with a stroller, you should not sit on the nearest bench! Walk for real, twice a day for a couple of hours - and the result will appear in two weeks. By the way, the position of the hands, rolling or pushing a stroller with a baby in front of you, is a great exercise for biceps and pectoral muscles! Two weeks after childbirth, when the spotting decreases and the lochia becomes more scarce and becomes pinkish, you can start restorative gymnastics. All exercises recommended during pregnancy are suitable for this period. The recovery complex includes a consistent warm-up of all parts of the spine, exercises for tension and relaxation of the pectoral muscles, turns to the side, tilts, stretches, rotations of the pelvis (element of "belly dance"), walking on toes, heels, inner and outer sides of the foot. If perineal tissues have been torn during childbirth, you will have to refrain from stretching the perineum until the sutures are completely healed, which the doctor must confirm during the examination. The rest of the exercises can be performed in the usual volume.

    Before embarking on any physical activity after childbirth, you should consult with a specialist. Depending on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, your doctor will be able to give individual recommendations for physical activity.

    Advice! 3-6 weeks after giving birth, all women are advised to visit a gynecologist.

    This is the main and most important rule of behavior for a young mother, which determines not only the restoration of physical strength after childbirth, but also the general state of health, reducing the risk of postpartum complications, strengthening immunity, establishing full lactation, the state of the nervous system, mood, and even the well-being and behavior of the baby. ! After all, after the birth of the baby, it is still very closely connected with the mother psychologically and emotionally. Therefore, the most common cause of anxiety for a child is not his own poor health, but nervous,.

    The second most common risk factor associated with lack of sleep and overwork of a young mother is insufficient milk supply. Indeed, against the background of the depletion of the nervous system, the amount of prolactin (the hormone that controls lactation) decreases. Of course, following this rule is not so easy: the baby often needs attention, he needs to be fed, dressed, walked with him, bathed, and in between to have time to redo the usual household chores: wash, stroke, buy and cook food, tidy up, etc. P. And yet, a young mother should find time for herself to relax. In order for this rule to become achievable, it is very important to correctly prioritize. You need to learn not to grab onto all things at once, divide responsibilities into necessary and secondary ones, if you feel unwell, refuse some things that can be rescheduled for another time or another day, do not hesitate to ask your husband and loved ones for help. Despite the apparent abundance of daily tasks and responsibilities in the life of a new mother, only three fall into the category of things that cannot be canceled: feeding, dressing the baby and providing him with attention on demand. Everything else - cleaning, washing, walking, bathing and other duties - is no doubt just as important, but still not more important than the well-being of a young mother, and if necessary, they can and should be sacrificed in favor of a little rest! Otherwise, if, against the background of overwork, the mother begins to have serious health problems, these duties will definitely have to be performed by someone else! So take care of yourself, and recovery after childbirth will be quick and without problems.

    In this article:

    Childbirth is a very important stage in a woman's life. The birth of a child cannot but affect the psychological and physiological state of the mother. Serious changes take place in her body after childbirth. Let's see how a woman changes after the birth of a child, how recovery occurs after childbirth.

    Condition in the first 3 days after birth

    What does a woman feel after the baby is born? These feelings are quite difficult to describe in words, as they are twofold. On the one hand, one feels delight, because the child has finally been born. Good mood is explained by the release of endorphins, also called joy hormones, into the blood. On the other hand, a woman feels exhaustion, discomfort. On the first day after childbirth, the following symptoms may occur:

    • bloody discharge from the genitals;
    • painful contractions of the uterus, indicating the return of the organ to its previous size;
    • pain in the perineum;
    • difficulties with urination, bowel movements.

    Regarding bloody discharge from the vagina, it is worth noting that they resemble menstruation. Experts call them lochia. The only difference between lochia and regular menstruation is that the discharge after childbirth bothers the woman for a month, and sometimes longer. Allocations occur immediately after childbirth. During the first 2-3 days they are very plentiful. During the day, you have to change 5-6 postpartum pads.

    What changes occur in the mammary glands? In the first 2-3 days, a small amount of colostrum is secreted from the mother's breast - the first milk, priceless in its composition. Even a few drops are needed for a newborn. After about 3 days, the breasts fill with milk. With the onset of lactation, the mammary glands become more sensitive.

    The first few days after childbirth, a woman will have to stay in the hospital. As a rule, they are discharged 3-4 days after a natural birth and a week after a caesarean section. Doctors in the maternity hospital monitor the condition of the child and mother, see how the postpartum recovery proceeds.

    Period from 4th to 14th day

    Vaginal discharge (lochia) continues to appear. They become less abundant. The color of the discharge gradually changes (from bright red to brownish and yellowish white). During this period, you need to use sanitary pads. Tampons should not be used, as they can provoke an inflammatory process.

    If an episiotomy (dissection of the posterior wall of the vagina and perineum) was performed during childbirth, then the woman needs to monitor the condition of the sutures. They will gradually overgrow, but ignoring the rules of hygiene can lead to the development of inflammation. It is recommended to regularly wash the genitals with a decoction of eucalyptus, infusion of chamomile or calendula.

    After delivery, there are often problems with the stool. At first, constipation is tormented. Their appearance is explained by damage to the intestines during childbirth, weakening of the abdominal muscles. The stool returns to normal, but not immediately, as the body does not recover as quickly as we would like.

    During the first week, discomfort is felt in the chest area. The mammary glands swell, and the nipples become painful. By the second week after birth, these symptoms of body recovery disappear, and feeding no longer causes negative emotions in the mother.

    Period from 2nd week to 2nd month

    By the end of the 2nd month after the birth of a child, the woman stops lochia. The uterus, cervix, vagina acquire their former dimensions, which were observed before pregnancy. Approximately 1.5 months after the birth of the crumbs, the woman will have to undergo a mandatory postpartum examination. The doctor will check the condition of the genitals, ask the mother if she has strange vaginal discharge or pain in the abdomen.

    In a woman during this period, postpartum recovery is completed, all body functions return to normal. Mom becomes more active. She is no longer tormented by pain, no longer distracted by uncomfortable sensations. The fair sex devotes all her time to the baby, because he needs constant care.

    2 months later

    A couple of months after delivery, the female body is completely restored. During this period, you can begin to engage in yourself - to restore the figure, chest. The mother's body is ready for physical activity.

    Women should pay special attention to their diet. You can’t limit yourself in food, but some dishes should still be excluded from your diet. This applies to fatty, fried, flour and sweet foods, which contribute to the deposition of fat. Proper nutrition will positively affect the condition of the mother and baby. The woman's body will recover faster, and the baby will receive only useful substances with her mother's milk.

    Restoration of the menstrual cycle

    The beginning of critical days some time after delivery is a signal that the woman's body has fully recovered and moved to the state that it was before pregnancy. Do not confuse menstruation with lochia. Postpartum discharge is nothing more than a natural cleansing of the uterus and birth canal, lasting for several weeks. After lochia, menstruation may not occur for a very long time.

    Breastfeeding affects the restoration of the menstrual cycle. The longer a mother feeds her baby with her milk, the later her period will begin. Milk in the body of a woman is produced due to a special hormone - prolactin. It is he who prevents the onset of menstruation and ovulation.

    As a rule, the first menstruation after childbirth begins after the introduction of complementary foods in the baby's diet. Mom feeds her baby less and less every time, and in her body the production of prolactin decreases. Sometimes the delay in menstruation is longer - the cycle is restored after complete weaning. Menstruation can also occur 6-10 weeks after delivery, if the woman does not breastfeed at all for some reason.

    Recovery of the body after childbirth can proceed with deviations. In some situations, the help of a doctor is required. You should contact a specialist in the following cases:

    • breastfeeding was stopped 2-3 months ago, and menstruation has not begun;
    • the color of menstrual blood seems suspicious (discharge of a bright red hue may be a sign of bleeding that has begun);
    • during menstruation, the state of health worsened (weakness is felt, dizziness began to occur, there are fainting spells);
    • there are large clots in the menstrual blood;
    • menstruation has a sharp and unpleasant odor.

    Figure restoration

    Most women after the birth of crumbs can not boast of their figure. Nature provided for the future mother to form a fat “reserve” during pregnancy. It is necessary so that in case of hunger, the fair sex can breastfeed the child, using "own reserves".

    It will not be possible to quickly restore the figure. It may take several months to shed extra pounds. To restore the figure, you must:

    • eat a balanced diet;
    • exercise daily;
    • wear a postpartum bandage.

    After giving birth, you can not go on a diet or overeat. It is recommended to eat food in small portions and at least 5 times a day, drink more liquids (still water, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, compotes).

    A couple of months after giving birth, you can start daily exercise. Before starting classes, you should consult with a gynecologist and make sure that the body has recovered and is ready for stress. Only serious sports are contraindicated.

    After giving birth, you must wear a bandage. Thanks to him, the process of restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles is accelerated, the abdominal wall does not sag, and the internal organs are supported. Also postpartum bandage reduces the load on the spine and pain in the back.

    Breast reconstruction

    How to recover quickly after childbirth is a question that is asked by many women who are faced with a deterioration in the shape of the mammary glands. Breasts are the most beautiful part of the female body. After childbirth, it increases by 1-2 sizes, as milk begins to arrive. However, after the cessation of feeding, the breast sags. Its shape can be compared to a deflated balloon. Returning former forms is quite a feasible task.

    In order for the breast to recover faster, a woman should:

    • after childbirth, both at night and during the day, wear a comfortable bra without pits, made from natural materials (underwear supports the pectoral muscles and prevents skin stretching);
    • carry out self-massage (slow, stroking movements in a clockwise direction help to improve blood supply and restore skin elasticity);
    • apply masks on the mammary glands using only natural products (for example, a kefir-based mask prepared from 100 ml of a fermented milk product and 2 tablespoons of honey can give a good effect);
    • perform physical exercises that affect the muscles of the chest.

    Vaginal restoration

    During natural childbirth, the vagina has a very strong load. At the time of the passage of the baby, it stretches. After childbirth, women feel pain in the intimate area, dryness, irritation. Due to overstretching of the vaginal muscles, the quality of sexual life decreases. In some cases, women report urinary incontinence.

    All of the above symptoms disappear a couple of months after childbirth. The vagina regenerates on its own. To speed up this process, you can perform special exercises developed by the famous doctor Arnold Kegel:

    • for compression (for 5–10 seconds, it is necessary to compress the muscles in the same way as when stopping urination, and then relax them);
    • for contractions (the essence of the exercise is to tense and relax the muscles at a fast pace);
    • pushing out (you need to push moderately for 30 seconds, and then relax for 30 seconds).

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that recovery after childbirth is a laborious and rather lengthy process. You just need to gain strength and follow the advice of doctors. Then you can achieve the desired result much faster.

    Useful video about the health of a woman after childbirth

    The long-awaited baby was born, and the body of his mother enters a new, very specific period - the postpartum period. Instead of creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus, the woman's body must now adapt to the conditions of feeding the baby, while restoring strength and healing the damage done to him by pregnancy and childbirth. It is very important for a young mother to understand the features of this process in order to correctly assess her condition, distinguish the norm from pathology, and know in which cases it is worth seeking qualified help.

    How much does the body recover after childbirth?

    The condition of a woman in the postpartum period changes on an individual basis, but in almost every young mother, the following moments of body restructuring after childbirth can be noticed:

    • Heart rate, very intense during childbirth, decreases to normal over the next 1-2 hours;
    • By the time the baby is 2-3 weeks old, the cardiovascular system of his mother loses those features that helped organize the fetal circulation process;
    • In a woman, the volume of blood plasma decreases by approximately one liter;
    • During the postpartum period, the uterus, which weighed 1-1.5 kg at the time of delivery, decreases to 70-75 g;
    • About 2-3 weeks after childbirth, gradually weakening bloody vaginal discharge is observed. So the uterus, contracting, is cleared of the remnants of blood and membranes. The activation of this process is evidenced by cramping spasms that occur when the baby is breastfeeding;
    • Colorless discharge (lochia) may last for 4-6 weeks;
    • The female body after childbirth is aimed at feeding the child. The mammary glands begin to work. Within a few hours after delivery, colostrum is released, and on days 2-3 - full-fledged milk;
    • Microtrauma of the surface of the uterus and birth canal disappear within 5-7 days. Large sutured tears and perineal incisions may take several weeks to heal;
    • Some women who have given birth for the first time, within 4-6 hours after birth, urinary retention occurs. Sometimes this condition requires medical attention. After repeated births, on the contrary, urinary incontinence is often observed;
    • Many young mothers in the postpartum period experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids for the first time;
    • Within a few weeks after the birth of a child, the musculoskeletal system returns to its normal state, which has changed in order to adapt to bearing;
    • A sharp change in the hormonal background often causes excessive dryness of the skin, brittle nails and hair.

    How to restore the body after childbirth?

    The postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, the uterus returns to its previous size, the discharge stops. In women whose children are bottle-fed, the menstrual cycle is restored.

    Even in the case of a baby being born through a caesarean section, doctors consider the young mother healthy enough by the time the postpartum period ends to do physical education, which helps get rid of excess weight, stretch marks and other cosmetic defects. Proper nutrition, adherence to the daily routine, good rest, regular walks in the fresh air contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after childbirth. Equally important is the constant support of other family members, their help in caring for the baby.

    Some experts say that the female body rejuvenates after childbirth. In a sense, this is true. No one will deny that the hormonal surge, characteristic of pregnancy and lactation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs and systems of a woman's body. So, an excess of estrogen helps to optimize the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves skin condition, tones, strengthens bones, and normalizes blood pressure.

    However, to talk about how the body rejuvenates after childbirth, it makes sense only to those expectant mothers whose age has passed the mark of 35 years. Indeed, what kind of rejuvenation can we talk about if a woman is 20-25 years old, which is optimal for the birth of her first child? Do not forget that the first childbirth in middle age, when “rejuvenation” is quite relevant, carries quite a lot of risks for both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, such a property of pregnancy as the possibility of renewing the body cannot become the main motive in making a decision to conceive in women over 35 years old. In such a situation, it is necessary to weigh all the circumstances, assess the state of one's own health, consult with doctors, and only then competently and responsibly approach the issue of procreation.

    When carrying a baby, hormonal changes occur. Every woman recovers her body after childbirth, but the timing is different. This is influenced by changes that occur with the genitals, hormones, figure and face. Compliance with the daily regimen, exercise and good rest will help to return to the previous form.

    The process takes place over several periods. These are the first days in the hospital, then two months at home. From the first to the third day, colostrum is produced, the uterus contracts due to breastfeeding. After arrival from the maternity hospital, the amount of discharge decreases, the bloody output of lochia decreases.

    How long does it take for the body to recover after childbirth? Depending on the state, this will take from two months to one and a half years. Influenced by age, what was the account of the pregnancy. It is important what mom does to get back in shape.

    Hormonal background. Prolactin levels drop, estrogen and progesterone levels rise, so the hormones begin to work normally.

    Sex organs. The uterus recovers within 6-8 weeks. The first three days of lochia resemble menstruation, then there is a decline. A week later, with natural delivery, the discharge brightens. With caesarean section, this period increases to one month.

    How long does it take for the reproductive organs to regenerate after childbirth? The uterus returns to normal after 6 weeks, the vagina - after a month. If a woman does not feed, the cycle will return after two months. With mixed feeding, this will happen in six months, with constant feeding, the period increases to two years.

    Menstrual cycle recovers within a month after stopping breastfeeding. If this does not happen, they turn to an endocrinologist. With the restoration of the genital organs after childbirth, the production of hormones decreases, which leads to vaginal dryness. Involution of the cervix is ​​completed after 4 months.

    Muscles, bones of the pelvis. In the process of bearing the fetus, the muscles stretch, lose their tone, the press weakens. After the birth of a child, you can start exercising almost immediately. The complexes will help you recover if you adhere to the rate of increase in the load. Yoga classes will adjust the sensitivity of all muscles.

    The pelvic bones are affected during pregnancy and during childbirth. With a caesarean section, their integrity is violated. For recovery, a gentle load is used. You need to rest more, relaxing your back and pelvis. They get out of bed, turning over on their side. They use the Kegel method, since exercises are allowed to be applied after a few days. Recovery takes about 6 weeks.

    Intestine, hair, nails, vision, skin. The tone of the pelvic muscles decreases, which leads to constipation. To combat the problem, use a warm shower, abdominal massage. You need a diet rich in fiber. The first time is allowed to put candles. If hemorrhoids are detected, the help of a proctologist will be needed.

    Women note that hair and nails become brittle, stop growing. Masks, special oils will help restore them. They are applied to the hair after shampooing. For nails, products are intended that are used twice a day. It is important to choose a caring cosmetics that suits the type of hair.

    Sometimes there are problems with vision, but pass by the end of 1 month. To do this, use vitamins, do gymnastics. The optometrist will tell you how much the visibility of the eyes has decreased, write a prescription for wearing glasses or lenses.

    Why does the face change after childbirth:

    • the skin becomes dry;
    • muscles are weakened;
    • the type of epidermis is modified.

    If the face has changed after childbirth, a moisturizer or gel will help. It is applied in the morning after a shower. With frequent irritations, an anti-inflammatory or antihistamine cream is used, tablets are taken orally. Replace laundry detergents, exclude products that cause allergies.

    What to do if you are old after childbirth:

  • use cosmetics;
  • massage;
  • contact a beautician.
  • Back, spine. The cause of lower back pain is related to physiological restructuring. It matters what lifestyle a woman led before and after childbirth. Recovery time will take about two months. The pain goes away, the ligaments return to normal.

    Stomach. They visit a gynecologist after six weeks to check the condition of the abdomen, vagina, and breasts. Muscles diverge, muscles weaken. You can correct the situation with the help of exercises or resort to one of the surgical techniques.

    Immunity. Mom gives nutrients to the baby, so immunity is reduced. They increase and strengthen it with a course of vitamin therapy, drugs that are allowed during lactation. Eleutherococcus, valerian will help strengthen the body after childbirth.

    Cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Restoration of breathing occurs almost immediately, as the uterus, which displaces the diaphragm, returns to its place. Shortness of breath disappears, the load on the heart decreases. During pregnancy, increased blood volume leads to edema. It goes away afterwards. With increased thrombosis, compression underwear is worn.

    Breast. The shape of the breast is not restored. The reverse process will begin at the end of feeding the baby. The glandular tissue of the breast is replaced by fatty tissue, elasticity decreases. At the end of lactation, in two months the organ will take its final shape. If a woman does not like the shape of her breasts, regular exercises to strengthen them will be required.

    Figure. Dissatisfaction with your own body is due to the gained kilograms. The changes concern the hips, which become wider. The volume of the waist increases. The older the woman in labor, the more difficult it is to get back in shape. If the appearance of a woman has changed after childbirth, yoga complexes, Pilates are used for recovery, with the help of which they tighten the chest, hips, and reduce the waist.

    urinary system. The muscles of the pelvic floor are reduced, the mother feels frequent urge to urinate. You need to go to the toilet more often. The bladder should not overflow.

    Nervous system. Pregnancy and childbirth are stressful for any mother. Nervous breakdown manifests itself at several levels and is reflected in the internal organs. For prevention use walks, exercise, yoga. They take baths and massage.

    Seams. When applying internal sutures from self-absorbable threads, special care is not needed, they are not removed. When using external stitches, treatment will be required to increase the healing rate. On average, this process takes 2-4 weeks.

    When the body recovers for a long time after childbirth, you need to take tests, find out the cause and start treatment. It is important to maintain positive emotions. The mood should be for the speedy return of the body to its previous performance.

    Speed ​​up recovery

    The well-being of a woman depends on how the postpartum period proceeds, whether the reproductive system is restored. In the process of exiting lochia, there is a high risk of infection. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Use a bidet or shower instead of toilet paper. Gaskets must be special gynecological.

    Seams are treated at least twice a day. After drying, the skin accelerates healing with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. Air baths of the intimate zone will help. To do this, take off your underwear, bend your knees and stay in this position for 15-20 minutes.

    How to restore the body after childbirth:

    1. follow a diet;
    2. take care of the skin
    3. make hair masks
    4. apply oil on nails;
    5. pay attention to personal hygiene;
    6. use physical activity;
    7. keep a positive attitude.

    The main point is the involution of the uterus. The reduction occurs systematically when a woman is breastfeeding. You can speed up the process if you lie on your stomach, empty your bladder regularly, apply the baby every 1.5 hours.

    To restore the body after childbirth and feeding, you need to carefully monitor the mammary glands. Take a shower twice a day, apply a crack cream on the nipples. Before feeding, the breast is rinsed with cool water. Change towel daily.

    If a woman's body recovers quickly after childbirth, it means that she pays attention to health. Good health and mood, full lactation depends on it. Refer to the gynecologist with an increase in temperature. This will indicate mastitis, a cold, an infectious complication. A cough means that the mother has an ARVI or flu, immunity is reduced.

    The field of childbirth cannot immediately load the body. Physical exercises are performed every day. They can be in the form of cleaning, household chores, walking with the baby. The first two months you can not lift weights more than 5 kg. You need to rest to recover physically and emotionally.


    It is difficult to put the body in order, as the mother must eat right so that the baby gets vitamins. They determine the amount of eating food that will help not store fat and give maximum energy. A strict diet is contraindicated. You need to consume 2700 kilocalories per day. Even if a woman has gained a lot of weight, this figure should not be less than 2400 calories, otherwise it will affect lactation.

    When will weight be restored after childbirth? On average, it takes 1-2 years. If the mother is constantly engaged in physical activity, eats right, the period will decrease. It is important not to eat forbidden foods. These include coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks. You should refuse muffins, alcohol, sauces. Nuts, honey, mushrooms and legumes are prohibited.

    When recovery is underway, fruits and vegetables are consumed. Feed fractional up to 8 times a day. Three main meals and snacks are required. Follow the drinking regime. Food boiled, steamed, stewed. Evenly distribute the amount of proteins of plant and animal origin. The menu should include dried fruits, berries, dairy products.

    The food is processed to avoid the entry of microorganisms to the newborn. This will be manifested by bloating, colic and allergies, excitation of the nervous system. The diet includes mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, viscous cereals, pancakes. Pasta from durum wheat, fish and cottage cheese dishes are allowed. All products are introduced gradually, the reaction of the child to new ingredients is monitored.

    Sample menu for the week:

    Monday. For breakfast, porridge with apples and a piece of cheese, tea. For lunch, vegetable soup, fish soufflé with buckwheat. Snack on baked apples with walnuts. For dinner, you can have chicken cutlet, vegetable salad, tea.

    Tuesday. In the morning cottage cheese casserole with apples, a glass of juice. For lunch - fish soup and stuffed peppers. For an afternoon snack, ryazhenka with biscuit cookies. Dinner - fish and potatoes, celery salad with apples and vegetable oil.

    Wednesday. Wheat porridge, cheese, tea. Lunch - squash soup with melted cheese, cabbage with beef. Cream soufflé for an afternoon snack. Dinner is rice with chicken liver, salad with sour cream.

    Thursday. Buckwheat porridge on the water, carrot mousse with zucchini. They dine with pumpkin puree soup with cream, chicken fillet with an egg. Omelette for lunch. For dinner - fish in a creamy sauce, salad with boiled meat.

    Friday. In the morning barley porridge and carrot casserole. Lunch consists of vegetable soup, fish cake and boiled cauliflower. Rice pudding is made for lunch. For dinner - liver salad with egg, carrots and sour cream.

    Saturday. Pumpkin, apple puree. In the afternoon - buckwheat soup and stuffed zucchini. For lunch - cheesecakes. Dine with fish and a light salad.

    Sunday. Oatmeal, cheese, cottage cheese casserole. Lunch - chicken soup, poached eggs, zucchini. For an afternoon snack - wind pancakes. In the evening - ratatouille and tuna salad.


    Subject to the regime of the day, the body is fully restored after childbirth. A woman does not have to do all the housework. There is no need to try to do everything. You need to pay attention to yourself, the baby and the body. In the first weeks, breastfeeding takes a lot of time, so you need to rest.

    It is important to choose a comfortable position so that the moments of feeding are enjoyable. Relax as much as possible, take a nap, master the technique of meditation. Simple exercises in the form of breathing techniques will help you quickly bounce back after childbirth.

    You can watch TV with a pleasant program, listen to music, call relatives. An excellent remedy is a foot massage bath. The procedure will relieve tired feet, relax and soothe.

    To bounce back after childbirth, you need to sleep an hour and a half during the day. This time is from 12 to 15 hours, which will rejuvenate the body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and improve the cardiovascular system. If this does not work, you need to close your eyes and disconnect from problems.

    The first few weeks focus on hiking. Fresh air saturates with oxygen. Train the heart by alternating the pace of walking. Walk at least two hours every day.

    Recovery after cesarean

    The operation affects the fact that it is more difficult for a woman to recover after childbirth. Rehabilitation includes physical activity. You can get up after 6-12 hours. They give injections of oxytocin, support breastfeeding, lie on their stomach.

    Intervention in the abdominal cavity leads to temporary paralysis and weakening of motor functions, constipation. Nutrition will help in this with the introduction of products that affect peristalsis. You need to walk, exercise, feed out of schedule.

    A woman needs about six months to recover. Involution of the uterus lasts about 8-10 weeks, accompanied by profuse bleeding. The sutures are removed on the 5-7th day. At the same time, stool normalization occurs.

    The recovery of the abdominal muscles is delayed due to scarring. The press can be downloaded no earlier than after 6–8 months. Otherwise, recovery after a caesarean section occurs in the same way as with natural childbirth.

    A woman is not allowed to perform complex exercises, load muscles. Pain lasts longer, the woman in labor is not recommended to sit. Difficulties arise with weight lifting, so it is necessary to take care of the baby with relatives.

    After childbirth, the internal system and the appearance of the mother change. Problems with excess weight, sagging skin, pigmentation, stretch marks should not lead to panic and upset. Recovery takes a long time, but subsequently the woman will be strong emotionally, will be able to return to her previous form.

    What happens to the female body after childbirth? How to quickly recover after childbirth? These questions concern all mothers.

    Behind and after childbirth, you have to take care not only of the baby, but also take care of your own health. And there is a lot of “work” here - while the hormonal background is being restored, it is necessary to maintain normal bowel function, take care of the stitches after childbirth, if there were any, and establish breastfeeding. Where to begin?

    An important process that affects the further state of health. Complications may appear in the first hours after childbirth - bleeding, fever, changes in blood pressure, etc.

    The postpartum period consists of 2 periods - early and late. The early one lasts 2 hours after the birth and takes place under the supervision of the staff of the maternity hospital. Late lasts approximately 6-8 weeks, during which there is a restoration of all organs and systems that were involved during pregnancy and childbirth. Full recovery from childbirth can take up to two years. Especially if the baby was born by caesarean section. Some changes are irreversible, but outwardly they are invisible (except for stretch marks), they can be determined by gynecologists during an examination of the genital organs (the shape of the cervix and external os changes, the size of the uterus and vagina changes).

    Postpartum recovery in other countries

    In different countries, the attitude towards childbirth is different. So, in Sweden, not only mom can take maternity leave, dad can also join her (but not longer than three months). And in Australia, mothers often return to work very quickly, since maternity leave in this country is not paid. Even babies are accepted in the nursery, so girls rarely stay on maternity leave for a long time. This, in turn, affects the recovery process of the body.

    In earlier times in Africa, parturients from nomadic peoples also quickly set about their daily business. It had to do with their way of life. In China, on the contrary, they tried to take care of young mothers for 100 days after the birth of a child. In Japan, doctors started from the temperature of the armpits - as soon as it began to match, it was believed that the body returned to normal. In Russia, midwives helped women in labor, they took birth, and also helped in the postpartum period, which lasted 40 days. Their task was to protect the young mother from illnesses, housework, take care of her health and ensure that recovery goes on as usual.

    Some sources mention that recovery after childbirth lasts for 40 days. This theory has its origins in the Orthodox church rules, according to which during this period a young mother is forbidden to enter the temple. This is due to postpartum discharge.

    What happens to the body during the recovery period after childbirth?

    reproductive system

    After childbirth, the uterus is enlarged, and as the body recovers, it shrinks in size. Depending on the variant of delivery and feeding, this process can take place at different speeds. If the birth went naturally and the mother is breastfeeding the baby, the uterus will quickly return to its normal size. The contraction of the muscles of the uterus is stimulated by the hormone oxytocin, which is released during sucking movements. The process of feeding may be accompanied by pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, possibly a slight increase in blood secretions. But discomfort will be felt only at first.

    Immediately after the birth of a child, the weight of the uterus reaches about 1 kilogram. And after 2 months, during which it is actively reduced in size, the weight of the uterus is about 50 grams

    40 days postpartum

    Lochia. They last approximately 4-6 weeks. You should not be afraid - this is not a sign that something is wrong with the body. On the contrary, this is a consequence of the gradual healing of the wound surface on the walls of the uterus, which was formed after childbirth. During the entire period of recovery, the nature of lochia changes. Discharges from moderate blood flow to bloody scanty and then become mucous with streaks of blood.

    During this time, you should refrain from using tampons and shower regularly to prevent infection in the genital tract.

    A young mother should monitor her secretions. Warning signs are too much bleeding, a sudden increase in discharge, a sharp unpleasant odor, a change in color, too large blood clots, cheesy or purulent discharge. If at least one of these signs is observed, it is urgent to see a gynecologist.

    Even during pregnancy, doctors recommend doing Kegel exercises. The same exercises help to quickly restore the tone of the muscles of the vagina after childbirth.

    Hormonal background

    Hormone levels change during pregnancy. They are headed by progesterone, estrogen and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), as well as prolactin and oxytocin. After childbirth, the hormone prolactin is responsible for the start of breastfeeding. The level of prolactin gradually rises during pregnancy, and by the onset of childbirth, it reaches the required level for the initiation of breastfeeding. Oxytocin is responsible for emptying the mammary glands.

    Hormonal imbalance after childbirth is a frequent phenomenon. Basically, things will stabilize for some time without outside interference. But if a few months after the birth, the hormonal background has not returned to normal, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist to tell him how to restore it. As a rule, hormonal preparations are prescribed in such cases. They are selected individually for each girl.

    Signs of a hormonal imbalance:

    • increased sweating;
    • depression, irritability, apathy;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • decreased libido;
    • active s/excessive hair growth;
    • sudden weight change.

    urinary system

    On the first day after giving birth, there may be a problem with urination. The reason that the mother cannot urinate may be the pressure of the fetal head on the bladder during childbirth, which leads to swelling, or a spasm of the sphincter of the bladder. You can induce urination with the help of a reflex from the sound of flowing water, in extreme cases, a catheter or diuretics are used for this.

    There is also the opposite problem - urinary incontinence. It usually occurs in those who give birth not for the first time. This is due to the weakening and stretching of the pelvic floor muscles. The problem with incontinence may go away on its own after a few days. But to improve muscle tone, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises.

    Digestive system

    The first stool after childbirth comes in 2-3 days. This is due to the fact that an enema is done before childbirth. Doctors in the maternity hospital ensure that bowel movements in parturient women occur regularly, if necessary, special stimulating suppositories (for example, glycerin ones) are issued. With proper nutrition, bowel function is usually restored fairly quickly. After a caesarean section, it can take up to several weeks to restore gastrointestinal motility. Also at this time, liver function is normalized, which is reflected in the normalization of biochemical blood tests.

    Nervous system

    After childbirth, the mother's nervous system is faced with new unusual sensations. Depending on life circumstances, stimuli are different. Those who have a first child are worried about how they will take care of the baby, the awareness of motherhood comes and a huge responsibility piles up. For those who already have children, there are also enough reasons for concern - how older children will react to a new family member, how to do everything in time, when to relax ...

    The process of giving birth to a child, inevitably accompanied by pain and strong feelings, is always stressful for a new mother. It is not surprising that in the postpartum period, many mothers are on the verge of a breakdown, and someone can not stand it and breaks down. Relatives, especially the husband, can help in this situation. And also, which can be obtained free of charge at the antenatal clinic or at the maternity hospital.

    Stitches after childbirth

    Depending on the circumstances, doctors apply different suture materials to breaks or incisions: absorbable, non-absorbable, and metal staples. The first, as the name implies, resolves on its own after 5-7 days and does not entail further medical intervention, and the remaining two require subsequent removal after 3-6 days.

    Caring for the sutures on the cervix does not involve special manipulations, it is enough to observe the usual hygiene described below. The nurses begin to process the stitches in the maternity hospital with brilliant green or potassium permanganate, and then, after they are removed or resorbed, the mother herself monitors healing at home. For the speedy healing of stitches, it is also useful to take air baths.

    If there are stitches, it is forbidden to sit for several days, or sit in a certain position with support on the side where there are no stitches. Although this is unusual, some mothers will have to lie down, reclining or standing for some time.

    How to quickly recover after childbirth

    Every mother wants to get her body back to normal as soon as possible. Hurrying up and turning a blind eye to suspicious phenomena is not the best way out, since subsequently these tricks can greatly affect health in the future, even years later. Restoration of strength after childbirth goes on for everyone in their own individual rhythm, the main thing is to tune in to success and think positively. All the difficulties associated with childbirth are quickly forgotten, and attention is switched to the care and upbringing of the child. The effectiveness of recovery is influenced by proper nutrition, intimate hygiene, time for rest, Kegel exercises, help from loved ones and a positive attitude.