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  • The pubic joint hurts after childbirth. Treatment of symphysitis after childbirth

    The pubic joint hurts after childbirth.  Treatment of symphysitis after childbirth

    Quite often, doctors reveal symphysitis in women who have given birth. This pathology causes a woman numerous uncomfortable symptoms that seriously disrupt her usual way of life. Without treatment, this disease can have a rather unfavorable course.

    About the pathological condition

    The inflammatory process that has arisen in the joints between the pubic bones of the pelvis leads to the development of a pathology called symphysitis by experts.

    This disease occurs quite often in women after childbirth.

    Doctors identify a lot of reasons leading to the development of this pathology in women who have given birth. The severity of the resulting violations may be different. This largely depends on the initial state of the woman, as well as the structure of her pelvis and the size of the baby.

    Certain hormones that appear in a woman's body lead to the development of adverse symptoms in this disease. One of these "provocateurs" is relaxin. This substance contributes to excessively strong mobility of the bones and joints of the pelvic region.

    In some cases, this pathology can occur with an offset. In each case, an individual approach of the doctor is required in order to select the necessary treatment regimen.. Thus, the tactics of therapy for grade 1 functional disorders will differ significantly from that used in severe cases of the disease.

    In the next video, one of the mothers will tell her experience of overcoming symphysitis after the first birth.

    Main symptoms

    The development of pathology occurs gradually. Reviews of many women who developed symphysitis after childbirth indicate that the severity of their first symptoms was insignificant. Then adverse clinical signs began to progress.

    Often, women with this pathology complain of the appearance of soreness in the area of ​​​​the pubic joint.

    The pain syndrome is at first mild, insignificant. As time goes by, it tends to increase. Soreness in this case already spreads to other anatomical zones of the pelvis.

    Initially, pain in the womb occurs only when any active movements are made. As the pathology develops and progresses, it begins to manifest itself in a calm state, as well as in a horizontal position.

    With a pronounced pathology, a woman notes that she has a pain syndrome when performing ordinary household activities.

    Increased pain in the affected area leads to the fact that the woman begins to change her gait. Such walking is called "duck". This is a compensatory response of the body to the appearance of pain. Pain in the pelvic area contributes to the fact that the woman begins to walk with a limp or a few "waddle".

    A change in body position also contributes to increased pain. This is due to the peculiarities of the innervation of this anatomical region. So, the pain may increase while bending over to lace up your boots or when climbing stairs.

    If the pathology is already strong enough, pain syndrome can occur even when turning in bed. It can also lead to involuntary difficulty falling asleep and disturbing sleep.

    How long does it take?

    Unfavorable symptoms of the disease can persist for a long time. It depends on the initial state of the woman.

    The stronger the damage and inflammation, the longer the disease lasts.

    It may take several months for adverse symptoms to resolve. Average, improvement in well-being occurs after 3-4 months from the start of treatment. For some women, it takes six months or more to normalize the condition.


    The danger of this pathology is that it can lead to the development of disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Frequent manifestation - gait disturbance. A pronounced pain syndrome can even lead to the development of lameness or a forced limitation of the range of movements performed.

    In the absence of treatment, the pathological condition can progress. This will increase the pain syndrome. Limitation of the volume of movements performed in one zone leads to a violation of the static and support function of the entire spinal column. Over time, this situation will contribute to the development of various pathologies in other parts of the spine.

    The inflammatory process in the womb area can contribute to the development of pathologies of the urinary system. Such complications occur in some women suffering from symphysitis. For their treatment, a mandatory consultation with a urologist and the selection of drug therapy are required.

    How to treat?

    To eliminate the adverse symptoms of this disease, an integrated approach is used. The combination of several therapeutic methods at once allows you to achieve better results.

    Also, a complex effect helps to achieve a positive effect in a much shorter period of time. During the treatment of this pathology, a sick leave is issued.

    Before the doctor develops a scheme for the necessary therapy, he necessarily directs the woman to undergo a diagnosis.

    This is necessary in order to determine the cause that led to the development of adverse symptoms, as well as to identify the presence of possible traumatic injuries of the pelvic region.

    So, the method of therapy regimen will be different if a woman has torn or torn ligaments. In this situation, the duration of treatment also increases. It may take several months to feel better.

    Medical treatment

    The selection of medicines is carried out by a doctor. To do this, he assesses the general condition of his patient, and also determines whether she has contraindications due to existing chronic diseases of the internal organs.

    Multivitamin preparations enriched with B vitamins, magnesium, calcium can reduce pain. Such drugs are prescribed, as a rule, for a long-term regular intake.

    In most cases, vitamin preparations are prescribed by a doctor in tablets. However, in some situations, it is possible to prescribe injectable forms. As a rule, B vitamins are administered in this way.

    Antibacterial drugs are prescribed strictly for medical reasons. It is impossible to take antibiotics at home on your own in the absence of a doctor's recommendation.

    This can lead to a violation of the course of the disease, as well as provoke the development of dangerous side effects.

    Painkillers may be used to relieve pain. When taking them, it is very important to remember that they have contraindications and side effects. It is undesirable to use painkillers constantly. It's better to do it "on demand"- when there is pain. The possibility of a longer reception must be discussed with your doctor.

    Exercises and therapeutic gymnastics

    This pathology requires limiting intense physical activity. You also shouldn't lift weights. This can lead to a significant increase in pain.

    To reduce pain and improve the general well-being of a woman, special methods of therapeutic exercises are used. Such exercises have a positive effect on the womb area, leading to an improvement in blood supply to this area and a decrease in pain.

    Such exercises are carried out, as a rule, in the presence of a specialist in physiotherapy exercises. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic region and lower back.. The specialist also gives recommendations to a woman for self-study at home.

    It is important to remember that if during exercise the pain syndrome only progresses, then this is a reason to see a doctor. Perhaps, the scheme of physiotherapy exercises in this case was not chosen quite correctly and needs to be corrected.

    In addition to physical exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscular apparatus of the pelvis, breathing techniques are also carried out. They help to improve the blood supply to the damaged area, and also reduce the severity of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the internal organs.

    The combination of breathing practices and physical exercises allows you to achieve, as a rule, a more effective and long-term result.

    Orthopedic products

    The use of such technical means can reduce the severity of pain. The convenience of their use also lies in the fact that they can be worn at home.

    Slightly reduce pain in the spine and womb an orthopedic mattress will also help. During sleep on it, the spinal column is in a more advantageous functional position. This leads to the fact that pain in the lumbar and pelvic region is somewhat reduced.

    Helper Methods

    In order to improve the process of regeneration (recovery) of damaged tissues, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy. Such methods reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, improve blood flow, and also normalize the general condition of the woman.

    One of the used methods of physiotherapy of this pathology is ultraviolet irradiation (UVR).

    It is also possible to improve blood supply in the damaged area with the help of some thermal and light physiotherapy techniques. UHF therapy and magnetic therapy can be prescribed as treatment.. The frequency of procedures is determined individually. In some situations, several courses of physiotherapy are required to achieve a therapeutic effect.

    It is very important for women who suffer from symphysitis to monitor their weight.. Thus, obesity will increase the pain syndrome. This is due to the increasing load on the pelvis due to excess adipose tissue on the abdomen and buttocks.

    Obesity can also contribute to the formation of pathologies in the work of the hip joints. Such combined diseases, as a rule, have a worse prognosis and are treated for a longer time.

    In this article:

    The time of pregnancy is truly wonderful for every woman, because the feeling of upcoming motherhood radically changes the life of a future mother for the better. Pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by natural changes in the female body, which can cause pain and discomfort. For example, a woman may get sick in the pubic bone area. This may be a symptom of symphysis.

    Symphysitis is an inflammation of the joint that connects the pubic bones of the pelvis. Normally, during pregnancy, the pelvic bones should diverge, but not more than 5-6 mm. Such mobility ensures the safe advancement of the fetus during labor, and also facilitates the mother's condition during childbirth.

    Causes and consequences of symphysitis

    Pathological discrepancy may be due to:

    • Lack of calcium before and during pregnancy;
    • Trauma of the sacrum in history;
    • Severe toxicosis or;
    • Hormonal disorders in the body of a woman.

    Also, the pubic bone can disturb a woman not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy. It is important to choose the right method of delivery for a woman with symphysitis - in severe cases, it is safer for both the mother and the child to perform a caesarean section.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of symphysitis after childbirth

    Symphysitis in the early stages is manifested by characteristic symptoms: soreness when pressing on the pubis, then pains join when walking, trying to stand up or sit down. Visible changes are visible - there is swelling, redness in the pubic area. If a woman has pain in the pubic bone after childbirth, she should immediately contact a gynecologist for examination and adequate treatment.

    During pregnancy, pathological changes are clearly visible during examination using ultrasound during the next examination of the fetus. For the diagnosis of symphysitis, ultrasound, a study using a CT and MRI apparatus are used.

    Treatment of postpartum symphysitis

    The main principle of the treatment of symphysitis is a therapeutic and protective regimen. A woman should limit physical activity, and in severe cases - bed rest, wear a special bandage and sleep on an orthopedic mattress. In the treatment of symphysitis, medications containing vitamin B, calcium, magnesium and painkillers are widely used. In the case of the development of a urogenital infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

    Physiotherapy gives good results: UV - irradiation, electrophoresis and UHF. In severe cases of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary, during which the surgeon stitches the torn ligaments together or installs metal structures at the site of the divergence of the pelvic bones.


    Disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. A good prevention of symphysitis after childbirth is a dosed load in the form of gymnastics, as well as swimming in the pool during pregnancy.

    A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, adequate physical activity will help a woman avoid many problems during pregnancy, at the time of childbirth and in the postpartum period.

    Useful video about the recovery of a woman in childbirth

    Pregnancy and childbirth for a woman's body can be a serious test. One of the complications that occur after childbirth is symphysitis.

    Symphysitis and childbirth

    Symphysitis after childbirth occurs due to excessive divergence of the pubic joint and its damage during the passage of the child through the birth canal. There are a lot of reasons why symphysitis can occur. First of all, it is the physiology of a woman. The pubic articulation is supported by ligaments, which soften and swell during pregnancy, weakening the strength of the ligaments. In addition, the joints are filled with fluid, there is an increase in their mobility. Even with a normal pregnancy, the distance between the two parts of the pubic joint can increase by 5-6 mm, a woman may feel a slight mobility of the joint. This phenomenon disappears within 2-3 months after childbirth.

    However, if a woman already has injuries to the sacrum, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, if she experiences too much toxicosis or there are violations of the hormonal system, lack of vitamins, then there is an excessive divergence of the pubic joint. It is manifested by pain, a sensation of crunching, an expansion of the gap between the joints, swelling can be diagnosed on or X-ray. In the process of childbirth, especially if the child is large, trauma may occur - damage to the ligaments or even rupture of the symphysis. The most likely appearance of symphysitis is with a narrow pelvis or. Among other complications that can occur with symphysitis are trauma to the bladder, urethra and the subsequent inflammatory process in the ligaments.

    Symphysitis after childbirth - treatment

    Symphysitis cannot go away on its own, the ligaments of the pubic joint are not restored without medical intervention. For treatment, conservative methods are used - anti-inflammatory connections, physiotherapy, in difficult cases - joint fixation. Sometimes antibiotic therapy is required. In difficult cases, an operation is indicated with the installation of metal structures and suturing. Treatment takes 3-4 months, the prognosis of the disease is quite favorable.

    Unfortunately, childbirth leads to such a problem as symphysitis quite often. Therefore, if there is an unpleasant sensation in the pubic area, even in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an examination. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination or treatment, and will also help you choose the tactics of delivery in difficult cases.

    Childbirth is a complex work of the body, in which various processes take part. And some of them are problematic. Symphysitis after childbirth is a frequent deviation in obstetrics. Expectant mothers should know the signs of how long it takes, how to treat this ailment in order to catch it in the early stages. According to statistics, for 300 pregnancies - one with such a pathology.

    What it is? This is the general name for damage to the pubic joint. Such changes most often occur and manifest themselves during pregnancy, childbirth and sometimes in the postpartum period. In this article, we will take a closer look at the symptoms and how to treat them.

    The pelvis of a woman is formed on the sides by two bones, and behind - by the sacrum (connected in front by the pubic symphysis, and behind - by two sacroiliac joints). In the center of the connection there is an articular cavity in the form of a gap, which is filled with fluid. Ligaments give the symphysis strength. The pubic articulation is a semi-joint, therefore it is characterized by a limited range of motion.

    The medical concept of "symphysitis" means the inflammatory process of this zone. What is it caused by? Deviations are expressed in an increase in the mobility of the bones, their divergence as a result of various causes.

    Factors for the development of symphysitis:

    • pronounced secretion of the hormone relaxin;
    • joint diseases;
    • lack of calcium.

    The likelihood of getting this disease in the postpartum period is also quite high. This condition occurs as a result of the formation of a large distance between the pubic bones and the formation of a cavity between them.

    There are many factors why this happens. This may be due to:

    • damage to the birth canal at birth;
    • swelling of the joints and softening of the ligaments;
    • if the mother has narrow hips.

    Indicators of the normal distance increase in the pubic bones - 6 mm. If there are no pathologies and complications, everything should come into shape. This ailment also occurs in diseases of the joints and bone structures, injuries of the sacrum, severe toxicosis, lack of vitamins in the body, or in violation of the hormonal background of a woman.

    Signs in the postpartum period

    Delivery sometimes has pathological consequences and complications. Sometimes deviations are manifested in soreness of the groin and pubic area, discomfort when walking, and pain in a sitting position. Due to pain in the pubic junction, sometimes the gait changes. Most often, complaints about this appear already in the second half of pregnancy, when the body weight and the fetus press on the connection.

    Intense pain in the area of ​​the pubic junction, which intensifies over time, is felt with every movement of the body, and radiates to the abdomen, groin, thighs, and lower back. At the same time, it is difficult to walk, abduct the hip, climb stairs, roll over while lying in bed. The posture changes, the gait becomes like a “duck”.

    A crack appears if you feel the connection of the pubic area. Cracking is caused by the divergence of the bones and their high mobility. These symptoms make themselves felt twenty-four hours after delivery.

    If you do not pay attention to these manifestations, then:

    • gait changes;
    • urinary incontinence appears (as a result of weakening of the urogenital diaphragm);
    • intimate problems (related to the clitoris) may occur.


    How to identify the disease, how to confirm this diagnosis? The appearance of this ailment after the birth of a baby is diagnosed according to the clinical manifestations of the pathology. It is also recommended to use additional research methods. Do ultrasound, X-ray, computer examination and MRI.

    When carrying crumbs, it is allowed to carry out only ultrasound during diagnosis, so as not to harm the fetus.

    Differential Diagnosis

    This type of diagnosis is carried out with such deviations as:

    • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
    • pelvic problems;
    • with hernias of the perineum;
    • lumbago;
    • with infringement of the nerve of the intervertebral disc;
    • in femoral vein thrombosis.

    Instrumental methods of examination help determine the stage. They are distinguished by three:

    • I st. - up to nine millimeters;
    • II - up to twenty;
    • ІІІ - more than twenty.

    Staging determinations are necessary to prescribe therapy for a successful outcome. Basically, in the first stage, the patient does not need therapy. Pain in the area of ​​the symphysis and sacrum, problems with walking indicate the divergence of the bones of the second stage.

    With the third - the divergence of the bones is most noticeable. Women in labor are worried about discomfort in the pubic and sacral region, it is difficult for them to move and make any movements (tilts, turns, and others).

    How long does it take? This unpleasant state can last for a long time. How much depends on the severity of the pathology and complications. Full recovery sometimes takes a couple of months from the start of therapy. But in a more complex form of the course of the disease, recovery takes six months, and even more.


    If you notice signs of illness in yourself, contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Modern medical methods and techniques for treating symphysitis after childbirth are aimed at preventing the operation and normalizing the state of the body. Doctors attribute medications that contain magnesium, calcium, B vitamins. Sometimes antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis) are also carried out.

    After childbirth, the treatment has some nuances:

    • exemption from all types of physical activity;
    • need to wear a bandage;
    • sleep preferably on an orthopedic mattress.

    With a strong pain syndrome, painkillers are taken. When breastfeeding, you need to be very careful not to harm the baby.

    Physical exercise

    Exercises for symphysitis after childbirth are recommended to be done under the strict supervision of a doctor. They are performed to strengthen the tone of the muscles of the buttocks, lower back, groin. Performing them at least a couple of times during the day, you can ensure that the discomfort will gradually disappear.

    1. Lying on your back, put your feet so that the heels are as close to the buttocks as possible. Next, slowly spread the knees to the sides and back to the starting position. We start with five times, gradually increasing to ten.
    2. Lying on your back, put your feet away from the buttocks. Lower leg perpendicular to the floor. Raise the pelvis until it is level with the thigh. Starting with less. The number of times increased to ten.
    3. We kneel down, relax our back, leaning on our palms, and slowly arch our back. The head and neck should go down, while the abdominal muscles should tense up. We hold this position, counting to ten. Next, bend your back, and lift your head up for ten seconds. Repeat everything at least three times.
    4. We strengthen the muscles of the inner side of the thighs, in the mode of static tension. Sit on a chair with your back straight, knees hip-width apart, and place a ball between your thighs. Hold him firmly with your hips so that he does not fall. You should not feel unpleasant and painful sensations.
    5. Then we complicate this practice. Get up from a chair, the ball is in the same place, it is necessary that the posture is even. Return to starting position.
    6. Slopes near the wall. We hold the ball with our feet, closer to the knees. You need to lean your back against the wall, as if you are sitting on a chair. When exhaling, we stretch and press the lower back against the wall. Tighten your groin muscles. When inhaling, we try to return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
    7. Physical exercise "adhesive tape" in dynamics. Starting position: lying on the floor, feet hip-width apart. The ball is between the legs, above the knees. We take a breath and with an exhalation we press the ball more strongly, and slowly we tear off the floor, first the pelvis, then the lower back, until the abdominal region is at the same level with the hips. Next, take a breath and smoothly return the body to its original position. The pelvic floor is also tightened. This is done 10 times.

    How to make it easier?

    1. Corset for fixing the pelvis with an orthopedic belt.
    2. A position that is comfortable (mostly lying on your back).
    3. Swaddling.
    4. Exercises are useful for symphysitis after childbirth for the deep muscles of the abdomen, pelvic floor.
    5. Water procedures improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the perineum and articulation.
    6. Fitball training.
    7. Less movement. You can not spread your legs when the back is relaxed. Get into bed and get into the car very carefully and without unnecessary sudden movements.
    8. Under no circumstances should you carry weights.
    9. When putting on pants, tights, it is better to sit.
    10. Acupuncture for pain relief.
    11. Massage.
    12. Osteopathy and chiropractic are gentle techniques that work on the ligaments and help the body find its way to recovery.


    In order to avoid this complication, you must follow some instructions. They must be performed not only during the period of the “interesting situation”, but also before and after.

    After the appearance of the crumbs, the woman in labor must observe proper and nutritious nutrition to strengthen the bones. Eat daily healthy food rich in vitamin complexes, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, B vitamins).

    During pregnancy, a properly selected set of physical exercises and training will help prevent the development of this disease and facilitate the birth process. After delivery, gymnastics is very important and useful. After all, this strengthens the muscles of the groin, lower back and buttocks. Walking on the street, in the fresh air, will also only benefit. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the synthesis of vitamin D improves.

    Do not forget to take tests on time and be monitored by a gynecologist!

    If the discrepancy is small (without rupture of the symphysis), then it will not adversely affect the fetus or the pregnant woman. After that, it is also possible to independently restore their physiological structure.

    Be attentive to your body and health. If something worries you, then contact the specialists immediately! They will advise you and, if necessary, prescribe medical therapy.

    Hello dear readers of my blog! Today we will talk about the current topic today - symphysitis after childbirth. After reviewing the women's forums, where many share the problem of treating and diagnosing this disease, I realized that the problem requires considerable attention.

    We will analyze how to cope with the situation that has arisen, quickly return to a normal lifestyle, rejoicing at the birth of a long-awaited baby.
    To understand which methods of therapy are effective, you need to know the mechanism, the causes of occurrence.

    Symphysitis is an inflammatory process of the anatomical articulation of the pubic bones. It develops more often during pregnancy and childbirth. As a rule, it occurs during operations on the pelvic organs.
    Pain is the main agonizing symptom disease, which is aggravated by the slightest movement.

    This happens due to the inflammatory process, swelling, as a result - compression of the nerve endings. The pain syndrome reduces the woman's ability to work, thus she cannot fully enjoy motherhood, which worries her very much.

    Many women note, in addition to pain, discomfort during defecation, crackling or crunching in the pubic region due to the divergence of the pubic bones.

    Reference Information

    According to statistics, 50% of pregnant women face the problem of symphysitis. As a rule, women are afraid to go for repeated births because of the fear of a recurrence of the disease.

    Allocate three degrees of difference pubic bones, which determine the severity of the development of symptoms. The disease is diagnosed by palpation, x-ray or ultrasound.

    Symphysitis in pregnant women

    Very often, pregnant women are not even aware of such a disease, thinking that these are “normal” pregnancy symptoms. However, when the pain becomes unbearable, there is a reason to consult a specialist.

    If a pregnant woman was diagnosed with symphysitis and a divergence of bones of more than 10 mm, then delivery is performed surgically. Then, after a caesarean section, it is necessary to immediately carry out therapeutic measures in order to avoid complications.

    In the case of natural delivery with symphysitis, a formidable complication may develop - paralysis of the lower extremities.

    What will happen if not treated?

    The disease is very serious, as it is anatomically associated with nerve bundles and endings that conduct impulses to the organs of the small pelvis and lower extremities.

    With a rupture of the pubic joint, this threatens the woman with complete immobilization, namely disability. Nerve endings innervate the pelvic organs, with the neglect of the disease, a syndrome such as urinary incontinence develops.

    How to treat symphysitis

    Many women suffering from such an ailment suffer for a long time in the hope that everything will go away on its own. Such an opinion can only exacerbate the situation.
    The disease is cured at home and usually does not require hospitalization. But in more complex cases, being in a hospital is inevitable.

    In the case when conservative treatment did not alleviate the condition of the woman, they resort to surgical method of treatment . Rehabilitation after surgery includes the same set of measures as in conservative treatment. The recovery period is longer, requires more effort.

    look video « Divergence of the pubic joint after childbirth » :

    Very often, women ask the question: “Which specialist should I contact with this problem?” It is necessary to contact an orthopedist, he will conduct the necessary diagnostics and select the method of treatment individually.

    On this I say goodbye, I hope this article was useful to you. Share your knowledge with your friends on social networks - press the buttons - let them also find out how dangerous symphysitis is if it is not treated. Be healthy!