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  • Weight gain in newborns. How much weight does a newborn gain by month

    Weight gain in newborns.  How much weight does a newborn gain by month
    • full-term or premature was originally a baby;
    • constitutional, hereditary features of parents;
    • gender of the child;
    • type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial);
    • the presence of comorbidities.

    There are tables of weight and height (centile tables), which show the average rates of weight and height. You can find them on the Internet. But, as a rule, they are intended more for doctors in order to objectively assess the development of the child. It will be quite difficult to figure them out on your own, and it is inexpedient.

    The weight with which the baby was born does not always affect its development during the year, if we are talking about a healthy baby born between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight depends on how the expectant mother ate during pregnancy, what lifestyle she led (active or sedentary).

    Not always the weight of a child of 4,000 grams, for example, at birth, indicates that he will add more than a baby with a weight of 2,700-2,900 grams. It all depends on the factors below.

    On average, the weight of a full-term baby is within the following limits: for boys at birth, 3,500 grams, for girls, 3,350 grams. Deviations from the norm from 2,700 grams to 4,000 grams are allowed. The length of the body varies between 46 - 56 cm, on average - 50 cm.

    Let's analyze the norms of weight gain by months in newborns.

    The rate of weight gain in newborns by months

    In the first 6 months of a newborn's life, the rate of weight gain per month averages 800 grams. In the second half of the year, the norm of weight gain in infants is 400 grams.

    In total, the weight of the child increases by weeks, respectively, by 200 grams up to six months and by 100 grams per week after 6 months.

    Baby growth by months

    The growth of a healthy child during the first 12 months of life increases by a total of 25 cm. More accurate figures are given in the tables of height and weight.

    Norms of monthly increase in body length:

    • 1 quarter - 3 cm monthly;
    • 2 quarter - 2.5 cm monthly;
    • 3rd quarter - 2 cm per month;
    • 4th quarter - 1-1.5 cm per month.

    More accurate indicators of the rate of growth and weight of children up to a year are given in the centile tables of height and weight.

    Features of growth and weight gain in premature babies

    If the baby is premature, then the weight gain and body length depends on the gestational age (meaning the week in which the baby was born). As a rule, the schedule for gaining weight and body length in such children is individual for each specific case. And indicators of weight and height vary in relation to full-term children.

    Let's analyze the weight of the child by months in case of prematurity:

    • during the first 6 months, the average monthly weight gain for children born with a body weight of up to 1,000 grams is about 600 g, with a weight of 1,000 - 1,500 - about 740 g, and with a weight of 1,500-2,500 grams - about 870 g ;
    • in the second half of the year, children born with a body weight of up to 1000 g monthly gain about 800 grams in weight, and for larger babies, the increase per month is 600 g.

    The growth of premature babies in the first year of life increases by 26.6 - 36 cm. Usually, by the age of 2 - 3, they catch up with their peers.

    How do the constitutional features of the body and the hereditary factor affect the height and weight of a child under one year old?

    Most parents like to compare their child to others. For example: “Here, a girlfriend (neighbor, relative) has a child of the same age as mine and weighs much more than mine. Why do we add badly? So something is wrong."

    And it seems that there is something to think about, but do not panic. We are all different in genetic structure, someone is thin and tall, someone is stocky and short. So, these are the types of constitutions:

    • normosthenic;
    • asthenic;
    • hypersthenic.

    From such a factor as heredity, the development of the child also depends. If mom and dad are short, and there is no one tall in the nearest pedigree, then you should not expect your child to add 5 cm every month. This principle partly applies to the weight of the child. What is laid down by nature, we cannot change.

    Gender of the child and the rate of weight gain in infants by months

    Boys in most cases initially at birth have more weight than girls. Accordingly, the increase in both weight and height will differ. These differences are also included in special centile tables.

    Influence of the type of feeding on the weight gain of the newborn

    At this point, I would like to note such a nuance as overfeeding the child. Previously, it was believed that overfeeding was possible only on artificial nutrition. However, there are cases and quite frequent when the mother overfeeds the child.

    In both cases, there is an intensive increase not so much in body length as in body weight. That is, if a child in terms of growth adds monthly in the region of averages and 1,500 - 2,000 grams in weight, then it is worth considering whether we feed the baby too much and often.

    After all, uncontrolled feeding leads to such consequences as a delay in motor development and skills. The child later rolls over, sits down, gets up, it’s hard for him, excess weight interferes. The development of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed, the development of obesity and many unpleasant consequences are possible.

    Associated diseases and physical development

    Toddlers with certain diseases add less both in height and weight. Or, on the contrary, a situation arises when the presence of a certain disease causes a large increase in comparison with healthy children. There are many diseases, let's try to figure it out by highlighting the most common groups of diseases:

    1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Congenital heart defects, especially complex ones, with circulatory disorders, heart failure. The reason for the weight deficit in this case is the following point. Due to the presence of a defect, the heart does not fully function, blood circulation is insufficient, the exchange of oxygen and nutrients between the tissue of the organ is reduced, muscles and blood vessels also suffer. This is expressed in a delay in the development of the child's body.
    2. Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), malformations of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, severe intrauterine pneumonia. All these diseases affect the circulatory disorders. There is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, which leads to a poor increase in the weight and height of the child.
    3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Malformations of the intestine, esophagus, liver, bile ducts (, intestinal atresia). Such problems are solved by surgery in the early stages after birth. Gastro-esophageal reflux (pathological reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus), viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, in which the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall is impaired; transferred acute intestinal infections.
    4. Diseases of the endocrine system. causes an excessive increase in body weight due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body of the newborn and the formation of edema of the subcutaneous fat. To exclude such a disease allows neonatal screening, which is carried out for all newborns up to 1 month.

    Usually blood is taken from a newborn in the hospital from the heel. Such genetic syndromes as Praderra-Willi, Shereshevsky-Turner, Itsenko-Cushing can influence a large weight gain. These diagnoses can only be made by your attending physician or a narrow specialist (geneticist, endocrinologist).

    And in conclusion, I want to give advice to parents. In order not to wonder if my child is developing normally, I just need to visit my pediatrician every month, who will examine the child and control the increase in weight and height. Then he will tell you how the baby develops. If necessary, he will prescribe a timely examination and treatment, if necessary.

    The weight of a newborn is one of the most important indicators of his health. If the baby is full-term, but weighs less than 2.8 kg, they say that he lacked nutrients in utero. But if doctors do not notice health problems, everything is in the hands of the mother. Feeding the baby with breast milk or artificial formula is her task.

    The weight of newborns in the first days of life decreases. Excess fluid comes out of the body, weight is lost and with the passage of the original feces - meconium. And mommy in the first 3-5 days after giving birth has only colostrum, it is very small, enough only to satisfy her hunger, but not to make fat reserves. Normal weight indicators are reduced to 10%. That is, if a child was born weighing 4 kg, after 3 days he can weigh 3.6 kg. But by the time of discharge from the hospital, weight gain is already beginning in breastfed newborns, mommy has a lot of breast milk. Subject to active breast sucking by the child. If the weight continues to decrease with active breast sucking, this is a reason for examining the child. Perhaps there are problems with the digestive system or there is a congenital lactase deficiency. With the second reason, the baby often has green stools, severe gas formation, and a stomach ache during feedings.

    Breastfed and formula-fed newborns gain weight from 500 grams per month. The norm is considered - from 600 grams and up to about 1.5 kg. Babies usually gain weight unevenly. For example, in the first month they can become heavier by 1.5 kg, and in the second by 500-600 grams. It is important that the trend of weight growth is maintained, and the overall increase fits into the normal. For example, it is believed that by 6 months, babies should gain the same weight with which they were born. For example, a child born 3.5 kg should weigh at least 7 kg.

    In addition to the weight of honey. workers in children's clinics measure the size of the chest, head, height of the child. It must develop harmoniously. Physical and mental skills should be age appropriate. It often happens, especially in children closer to the age of one year, that the weight is slightly behind the norm, and the child himself is active and developed by age. Then doctors tend to consider this a variant of the norm, an individual feature. Perhaps the child just has a very active metabolism, and he himself is mobile, does not sit still, quickly spends the calories received with food.

    Excessive newborn weight gain- a sign of overeating. It often happens in babies who are breastfed without any regimen and in artificial people who are offered too large volumes of the mixture or they cook it incorrectly (make it too saturated). To see what normal weight gain in newborns by months can be expected - see the table. If your child is gaining weight by leaps and bounds, normalize his diet.

    1. If the baby suckles constantly, try to introduce at least small intervals between feedings. Although they say that you can’t overeat with breast milk, in practice it turns out that it’s very possible. And okay, weight, children who eat too much have atopic dermatitis (diathesis) more often, their stomach hurts more often, and infant colic lasts longer.

    2. If the baby gains weight well on artificial feeding, you need to check with the pediatrician again about the norms for using the mixture per day. Your baby is probably just overeating.

    What to do with poor weight gain and approximate norms

    Feed tighter! This is the most correct answer to the question. If your baby is a little behind in weight while being exclusively breastfed, do not rush to introduce formula into his diet. This will reduce the amount of milk. Often such a lack of weight occurs in very young children. The weight of a newborn in the first month after birth does not grow well, if he likes to sleep, during feedings he dozes almost all the time, sucks inefficiently. Due to lazy suckling, the mother's milk production is reduced. Hunger in a child, of course, wakes up, but usually in the late afternoon, when mommy has almost no milk left in her chest. At least one that can be easily obtained, without active sucking.
    The lack of weight in a baby of such a plan can be explained and “treated” by frequent attachments to the chest and attempts to wake the baby for feeding. To wake the baby, you can ventilate the room, turn on the TV, bathe, etc. Weight gain in premature babies for this reason is often insufficient. The child is small and lethargic. However, large babies born weighing 4 kg or more often like to sleep and are too lazy to suck.

    If a mother wants to keep breastfeeding, it is necessary, without sparing herself, to keep the baby at her breast almost all day long. Immediately after waking up, breastfeed, do not allow to suck water from a bottle and a pacifier, only the breast. After about a week the situation is resolved. And if all is well, you can make the intervals between feedings a little longer, but no more than 3 hours during the day and 6 hours at night.

    If the rate of weight gain in breastfed children cannot be achieved, for example, the mother has completely flat nipples, and the child does not want to suck milk through silicone pads, or frequent stress, it is necessary to supplement with milk formula. Give it should be in feeding, when the child is definitely not full. Usually in the evening. Ideally, you can buy or rent an electronic baby scale and use it to weigh your baby for a couple of days before and after each feeding. Thus, it will be possible to estimate the amount of milk drunk, and it will become clear how much mixture should be given to the child and at what time of day. Just keep in mind that such supplements often lead to a decrease in HB and its complete replacement with artificial feeding.

    In order to prevent the rapid end of breastfeeding and the child's refusal to breastfeed, one must not abandon attempts to increase lactation. Continue to breastfeed frequently, try different lactagons, drink more fluids, and be less nervous. When the level of how much a baby should normally add when breastfeeding is reached and even exceeded, it's time to gradually reduce supplementary feeding with a mixture. Only gradually. Many women have been able to transition from mixed feeding back to breastfeeding. The main desire. If something does not work out, you need to contact a breastfeeding consultant. It is in any more or less large city.
    Does the rate of weight gain depend on the sex of the child? Hardly ever. Weight gain in newborn boys is about the same as in girls, with the same amount of food. A gap of literally half a kilogram is possible. But the growth of boys by the year, indeed, turns out to be a little more than that of little ladies. Girls gain weight and height faster than boys only closer to puberty.

    In addition to nutrition, the complexion of the child depends on:

    • heredity;
    • course of the mother's pregnancy.

    On average, the weight of children in the first three months of life increases by 750 grams (per month). From 3 to 6 months - by 700 grams. From 7 to 9 months - 550 grams per month. From 9 to 12 months - by 350 grams.

    Table of the rate of weight gain for newborns from 0 to a year by months:

    Age, monthsThe rate of weight gain for boys, gr.Norm of weight gain for girls, gr.Average values ​​of weight gain, gr.
    1 400 - 1200 400 - 900 600
    2 400 - 1500 400 - 1300 800
    3 600 - 1300 500 - 1200 800
    4 400 - 1300 500 - 1100 750
    5 400 - 1200 300 - 1000 700
    6 400 - 1000 300 - 1000 650
    7 200 - 1000 200 - 800 600
    8 200 - 800 200 - 800 550
    9 200 - 800 100 - 600 500
    10 100 - 600 100 - 500 450
    11 100 - 500 100 - 500 400
    12 100 - 500 100 - 500 350

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    You have a baby. You have been waiting for him for a long time, imagining what he will be like and how you will raise and educate him. But when it finally happens, you suddenly run into a lot of unforeseen problems. One of them, which never ceases to excite every young mother and all grandmothers in the world, is the rate of weight gain in newborns.

    Normal weight for a newborn baby

    "Reference point" of the weight of the newborn

    Each newborn baby is examined by a pediatrician, and at the first examination, he is immediately weighed and measured for height (). Then the child, together with his mother, will remain in the hospital for another 4-6 days to be monitored by doctors. On the day of discharge, he is weighed again. It is from these 2 numbers - the weight in the first minutes after birth and the weight on the day of discharge from the hospital - that the subsequent weight gain of the newborn begins and largely depends. So:

    Baby's weight at birth

    All babies are born with different heights and weights, and The normal weight of a healthy baby at birth is between 2,700 kg and 3,700 kg. It should be noted that the initial weight of the child depends on a number of different factors:

    • Baby health.
    • Heredity. Mothers of high stature with high weight are more likely to give birth to large children, and vice versa: thin, short women give birth to small babies.
    • Paul. As a rule, boys are always born larger (heavier) than girls.
    • Maternal nutrition during pregnancy. With a high-calorie diet of a pregnant woman, the fetus usually gains a large mass.
    • The physical and psychological state of a woman. If a mother is unwell or during pregnancy she lived in a state of stress for a long time, then this may well affect the health and, accordingly, the weight of her newborn child.
    • Presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman. Of course, a smoker, and even more so a drinker and drug user, can give birth to sick children with insufficient weight.

    Discharge weight

    In the first few days of life, children lose some weight. Weight loss is due to several reasons:

    • Fluid loss. Once born, the baby begins to breathe, and a large amount of fluid escapes through its respiratory system and skin.
    • Power installation. In the early days, the baby drinks colostrum, and in small portions, until he gets better nutrition, and his mother begins to receive milk.
    • Adaptation to living conditions. We know perfectly well that the young seedlings transplanted by us from the greenhouse to the garden do not begin to grow immediately. Similarly, a child, having radically changed its habitat at birth, does not immediately get used to living in it.

    Thus, discharge weight differs by about 6-10% from birth weight. And it is from this, second, number that it is customary to count the norms of weight gain for each newborn.

    Weight gain rates

    You and your baby were discharged from the hospital and you ended up at home. The kid has learned to eat, his digestion and heat-air exchange with the environment are gradually getting better, and he begins to grow rapidly.

    Moms take note!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

    Video: child's weight

    Reasons for weight gain or lack thereof

    Weight gain depends on the following reasons:

    • Health. If the baby is sick, he eats worse.
    • Appetite.
    • Type of feeding: breast or artificial. Formula-fed babies usually gain weight faster.
    • The quality and quantity of food (mother's milk).
    • Child mobility. A person involved in sports is usually fit. Similarly, an active child is somewhat thinner than a couch potato.
    • Daily routine and meals. When feeding "by the clock" weight grows more slowly than "on demand".
    • age. In the first months, children grow faster, by the year growth slows down.

    Be that as it may, scientists-specialists have established some average conditional indicators of the norms of weight gain in newborns.

    Increase rates: table of weight of a child up to a year

    The average data shows that usually weight gain in the first year of life is as follows:

    • During the first month, when your baby is still very young, it is considered normal to gain weight by 90-150 grams per week.
    • From the second, third and until the end of the fourth month, the baby should already gain 140-200 grams per week.
    • From the fifth month to six months, the weight is added again by 100-160 grams per week, and by six months, your baby's weight should approximately double.
    • Further, growth begins to slow down a little, and by one year the child weighs about 3 times more than it was at birth.

    Table of weight of a child up to a year (clickable)

    Deviations from the norm: is it worth worrying

    Very often there are deviations from the above averages. This is too little or too much weight gain, which is also bad, because too fat guys become inactive and develop more slowly. In addition to possible diseases of the baby, the reasons for such deviations can be as follows:

    1. Each person in his physiology is individual, and everyone grows differently: someone is a little faster, and the other is a little slower.
    2. The norms of weight gain in all newborns of greater height are usually greater. So, if for a baby whose initial height was 52 cm, an increase of 170 grams is considered normal, then for a child with an initial height of 58 cm, it is already about 210 grams.
    3. It often happens that boys gain weight faster than girls.
    4. With artificial nutrition, babies get fat faster.

    And many other reasons, which are different in each case, and it is possible to identify them only with an individual approach. And only after identifying these reasons, it is possible to give an accurate answer whether parents should worry about this and whether to take urgent measures. In any case, the rates of weight gain in newborns are averaged and approximate, and should not be taken as an ideal. And if you have any doubts about the growth of the child, it is best to take tests and consult with specialists. If you and your baby are healthy, then perhaps for the appearance of rounded folds on his body, it is enough to start feeding him on demand, often applying him to the breast, and this will solve the problem.

    In the first year of a child's life, weight gain is of great importance for both parents and pediatricians. The baby's weight is measured every month. This parameter helps to track possible deviations from the norm in the development of the crumbs. What should be the set in weight for newborns by months, and where is the “golden mean” of the ideal weight for a baby? Let's try to figure it out.

    Birth weight - what is the norm in newborns?

    In a full-term baby, according to WHO, a body weight ranging from 2500 to 4500 g is considered normal. But parents should be aware that the digital indicators of the baby's weight are indicative. Newborns are characterized by large individual differences in body weight at birth.

    After physiological weight loss during the neonatal period, the average weight gain in infants is:

    • from 0 to 3 months - 750 g per month (about 25 g per day);
    • from 3 to 6 months - 600 g per month (about 20 g per day);
    • from 6 to 9 months - 450 g per month (about 15 g per day);
    • from 9 to 12 months - up to 300 g per month (about 8-10 g per day).

    Above are averages that can be observed in only 40% of infants. In the first month of life, most babies gain only 500-600 g in weight; in the second month it can reach 800 g, and in the third month - 1000 g (about 30 g per day).

    Important! When studying the tables, it is worth remembering the individual rate of weight gain of the child. Only a local doctor can accurately determine how normal weight gain is in a particular child and what should be the increase in the considered period of life.

    Average indicators of weight gain and height in children of 1 year of age

    After birth, the child masters food steps step by step, his digestive system develops and continues to improve. Gradually, there is a normalization of metabolism, heat and air metabolism. All this together leads to the fact that the baby begins to gain the weight necessary for further development and growth.

    Table of approximate weight gain in children from birth to a year

    Information about the rate of weight gain of the baby will be useful to parents who control the weight of the child at home with the help of scales. If in certain months the scales show an increase in body weight less than expected by 100-150 g, then do not worry - a slightly smaller increase does not go beyond the norm.

    An approximate calculation of the body weight of a child under 1 year old at home can be calculated by the formula:

    M (kg) = m + 800n, where m is the child's body weight at birth, M is the child's body weight, n is the child's age in months.

    Child's age (months) Weight gain per month (g) Weight gain in the past period (g)
    1 600 ≈ 600
    2 800 ≈ 1400
    3 800 ≈ 2200
    4 760 ≈ 2950
    5 700 ≈ 3650
    6 650 ≈ 4300
    7 600 ≈ 4900
    8 570 ≈ 5500
    9 550 ≈ 6050
    10 500 ≈ 6550
    11 450 ≈ 7000
    12 400 ≈ 7400

    Important!Is the child's weight gain much higher or lower than what is shown in the table? Large fluctuations in the weight curve should alert parents. If low weight indicators are accompanied by other body disorders, then the baby should be shown to several specialists at once - a pediatrician, a neurologist and a gastroenterologist.

    Table of approximate height gain in children of the first year of life

    An approximate calculation of the length of the body of a child up to the age of 3-4 years can be calculated using a simple formula:

    L (cm) \u003d 100 - 8 (4 - n), where L is the length of the baby's body, n is the child's age in years.

    Child's age (months) Increase in height per month (cm) Growth Gain Over Period (cm)
    1 3 ≈ 3
    2 3 ≈ 6
    3 2,5 ≈ 8,5
    4 2,5 ≈ 11
    5 2 ≈ 13
    6 2 ≈ 15
    7 2 ≈ 17
    8 2 ≈ 19
    9 1,5 ≈ 20,5
    10 1,5 ≈ 22
    11 1,5 ≈ 23,5
    12 1,5 ≈ 25

    Newborn weight gain week by week

    Rates of weight gain in newborns by week depend on a number of factors. The key points include 4 types of factors:

    1. the state of health of the child;
    2. the presence of a healthy appetite;
    3. the chosen type of feeding;
    4. daily amount of food consumed, etc.

    The most active weight gain in children under one year old occurs in the first eight weeks of life.

    Age What happens to baby's weight
    First 3 days of life5-8% physiological weight loss of total body weight.
    First week of lifeA newborn baby who is breastfed can gain a little more than 100 g in 1 week.
    Second week of lifeThe baby continues to grow, actively develop. A healthy baby gains weight up to 250 g in the second week.
    third week of lifeFor the 3rd week, the weight gain in a child can be about 200 g.
    Fourth week of lifeBy the end of the week, the baby will be one month old. Over the past time, the newborn is recovering by about 600-800 g.
    Fifth week of lifeThe baby is actively eating, growing and gaining strength. By the fifth week, the baby's weight varies from 3.9 to 5.1 kg.
    sixth week of lifeDuring the sixth week, the child gains approximately 250 g of weight.
    seventh week of lifeDuring this week, the baby recovers by about 300 g.
    eighth week of lifeThe rate of body weight growth is gradually decreasing. For the 8th week, the child gains about 200 g of weight.

    Infant weight at discharge

    The first few days of a baby's life are marked by a slight weight loss, which is often worrisome for new mothers.

    It is worth knowing that such fluctuations in body weight are absolutely normal and can be due to several reasons:

    • slight loss of fluid through the skin- the born baby begins to actively work with the respiratory organs, through which a small amount of liquid evaporates, and with it such a precious weight. Fluid is also lost through the baby's thin skin.
    • transition to a new diet- a child after birth consumes maternal colostrum from the breast in small quantities, the nutrients in which are not enough for rapid weight gain. Until the mother has lactation, the process of replenishing the mass will be very slow (and even with small losses in grams);
    • adaptation to new living conditions- the child literally changes his "environment", which is a kind of stress for the baby, and as a result, the "newborn" weight is lost.

    Weight at discharge differs from birth weight by an average of 5-8%. It is customary to count the norms of weight gain for each newborn precisely from the number that is indicated in the children's card upon discharge from the hospital.

    Weight gain in infants by months: summary table

    Weight indicators in infants have a significant relationship with the characteristics of the selected diet, lifestyle, and even place of residence. But despite this, medicine has identified parameters that are normative for most children. So, the table of weight gain in newborns by months.

    Child's age, month. boys Girls
    Body weight, g Body weight, g
    Average weight gain Increase range Average weight gain Increase range
    0 3500 3000 – 4000 3300 2800 – 3800
    1 4300 3600 – 5000 4100 3500 – 4600
    2 5300 4500 – 6000 5000 4300 – 5500
    3 6200 5500 – 6900 5900 5300 – 6400
    4 6900 6100 – 7700 6500 5800 – 7100
    5 7800 7000 – 8400 7200 6200 – 8000
    6 8700 7900 – 8950 7900 7000 – 8800
    7 8900 7800 – 10050 8100 7200 – 9100
    8 9300 8200 – 10400 8300 7200 – 9400
    9 9800 8700 – 11050 9000 8100 – 10000
    10 10300 9200 – 11500 9500 8200 – 10800
    11 10400 9300 – 11500 9800 8900 – 11000
    12 10800 9400 – 11900 10100 9000 – 11300

    On a note! The data of the norms given in the table are very conditional, taking into account the individual development of each baby.

    Monthly weight gain

    Here are some important criteria by which you can track deviations or compliance with the parameters of your baby:

    • The baby in the first month after birth grows and develops, gaining body weight at a high speed. In the very first weeks of life up to 1 month, a healthy baby gains an average weight of about 700 g.
    • The second and third months of life in a healthy child pass at the pace of rapid weight gain. By 12 weeks, the baby weighs more than 6 kg.
    • In the fourth and fifth months, the rate of weight gain is slightly on the decline - in 4 weeks, the baby's body weight can increase by an average of 600-700 g. By the age of six months, the baby can weigh about 7.5-8 kg. The growth of the child increases by 2.5 cm in four weeks, and by 6 months it is about 64-68 cm. These are absolutely normal parameters for a well-developing baby.
    • The period from seven months to nine months of the baby is accompanied by an increase in weight by 550 g per month. The growth rate also does not stand still and by the age of eight months it will increase by about 1.5 cm. The child begins to learn about the world around him, gets acquainted with the first complementary foods, shows interest in everything, and generally leads a more active, mobile lifestyle.
    • The set of body weight and height in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth months of an infant's life is less pronounced than in previous periods. A healthy child of 1 year of life weighs up to 10.8 kg. But it is worth noting that the baby becomes physically stronger, his digestive system adapts and prepares for a gradual transition to a common table, the baby feels good, gains the right weight and tries new foods with appetite.

    Note! Many young mothers and fathers are concerned about the fact that their child is objectively gaining little weight. But do not wind yourself up - if the weight of the baby is less than that indicated in the table, but at the same time the baby is healthy and develops harmoniously, there is no reason to worry. Body weight is often slightly different from generally accepted values ​​if the child grows up as an active, mobile fidget.

    Baby weight gain rates (video):

    The child "does not fit" into the normal range: why?

    Approximately 10-15% of children have weight parameters that do not fit into the averages of the above tables. Underweight coupled with height, or excessively rapid weight gain can be cause for concern. Of course, neither the first nor the second cases are very good: most likely, you will need to change the baby's diet and consult a specialist.

    Weight loss - possible causes

    So, if your baby is not gaining weight well in newborns of his age, then you should pay attention to a number of possible factors of non-compliance with conditional norms.

    Lack of mother's milk

    The situation becomes obvious when the baby is actively eating, but not full. The baby is applied to the breast, then suddenly breaks away from it, cries, and takes the breast again, trying to get enough. If the mother is under-lactated, you should consult a doctor or breastfeeding consultant - they will recommend effective and safe ways to increase milk.

    Low fat milk

    The reason for this may be improper / inadequate nutrition of the mother, the use of low-calorie foods, poor diet. It is necessary to include more high-calorie foods in the nurse's menu, and if there is a lack of trace elements, it is necessary, on the recommendation of a specialist, to drink a course of multivitamins.

    Constant spitting up after feeding

    It happens that the child eats well, but in the first 5-10 minutes after eating, he spits up the bulk of the drunk milk or mixture. In order to assimilate the entire volume of food, it is necessary to hold it in a vertical state (“column”) after feeding, so that excess air comes out.


    When the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the food consumed by the newborn is digested with difficulty, frequent stool disorders are observed. To cope with this serious scourge on your own will not work - you need to see a doctor.

    Neurological diseases

    The underdevelopment of the facial muscles and oral apparatus in a child has a bad effect on the quality of feeding and the amount of milk he drinks. If the baby sucks hard at the breast, often breaks away from it for a “breather”, cries, then the help of a pediatric neurologist and pediatrician will be required.

    Excessive weight gain - possible causes

    If a child has a tendency to gain weight much more than the average statistical indicators of the tables, then there are also several “culprits” of this:

    • Individual (often hereditary) physiology, due to which the baby gains more weight than his peers.
    • Indicators of height and weight at birth directly affect the dynamics of their subsequent set. So, a child born with a weight of 3500 g is easier to increase weight to 5 kg than a baby who was born weighing less than 3 kg.
    • One of the key factors is the gender of the child. Often, pediatricians observe that boys are more active and gain weight faster than girls.
    • The type of nutrition chosen for the baby. A formula-fed baby gains weight more rapidly than a breastfed baby.

    Important!If your child's weight matches the figures given in the tables, this is good. If not, then there is a high probability that this is also quite normal. But before you independently draw conclusions about the physical development of your crumbs, it is advisable to talk with a pediatrician and make sure that there really is no reason for worries.

    A small summary of weight gain by a child up to a year (video):

    5 tips for parents of toddlers who are not gaining weight

    Every mother should know that the weight of an infant is just one of the many parameters that speak about the health of the crumbs in general. Focus on the general condition of the baby, on his behavior, mood, activity. If you have a restless, thin, but happy child in front of you, then there is no reason for concern.

    Don't Force Feed

    In an effort to give the little baby more nutrition, mothers often put in a lot of effort, which only leads to fatigue and whims of the child. Excess milk or formula adversely affects a fragile digestive system. The baby himself knows how much food he needs, and if he feels hungry, he will ask for a breast earlier, be sure.

    Don't panic

    If you constantly hear from others that the child is “small and thin”, that he needs to be fed more, then it is difficult for even the most persistent mother not to panic. Consult with the local pediatrician, observe the well-being and behavior of the baby. Remember that girls may gain weight a little less and more slowly than boys.

    Examine your baby

    Sometimes hidden diseases (defects in the gastrointestinal tract, neurological disorders, etc.) can lead to weight loss in a child, or provoke poor digestibility of baby food. In this case, it will be possible to normalize the baby's body weight only when the disease is eliminated.

    Arrange complete meals

    Proper organization of food intake is of great importance when the child is just born. A lot of irritants (noise, loud music, annoying attention) can cause a restless state of the child, insufficient rest for the mother, which will lead to malnutrition of the baby and poor weight gain.

    Listen to the doctor's opinion

    I would like to believe that the older generation, experienced friends and neighbors can give you the right advice regarding the weight of your baby. Of course, parents themselves have the right to decide how they raise their child. But it is worth remembering that only a person with a medical education can objectively assess the state of health of the baby. Therefore, in case of any doubts regarding the development of the baby, it is first better to get the opinion of an experienced pediatrician.

    In this article:

    Every mother is concerned about the weight gain of her baby. From the first words of the midwife in the maternity hospital about the weight of the child at the time of birth, continuous monitoring begins, monthly weighing and excitement. Weighing is necessary in order to take timely action if the baby is gaining weight poorly.

    How much does a newborn weigh?

    Babies born at term have a weight of 2500 - 4500 grams. But most babies after a few days at discharge from the hospital have the same weight or even less.

    Indeed, after birth, milk does not arrive immediately, in most cases, only on the third day. All this time, the baby eats colostrum, which does not contribute to weight gain. But there is no need to be afraid and panic, the “weight loss” of a newborn in the first days is normal, as nature intended.

    During the period of forced starvation, the body of a little man is cleared of toxins and possible exposure to amniotic fluid. After lactation is established, in infants, weight gain will go uphill.

    What monthly increase is normal?

    The norms of weight gain in infants hang in the office of each pediatrician, but even different doctors can see different tables of infant weight gain. This is due to various factors that the doctor relies on when calculating the ideal weight by month. Thus, doctors have only average data, and it will be up to the individual to decide what weight will be normal for a particular child, even at the age of 8 months. The weight of the baby at discharge, and the method of feeding (breastfeeding or formula), height, as well as heredity will be taken into account.

    On average, and the first month of his life, while the feeding schedule and lactation are being established, the baby adds from 400 grams to a kilogram, no more. Then, up to 6 months, the child must gain at least 600 grams per month. After six months, the little one begins to actively move: sit and crawl, and weight gain may be less: 300-400 grams every month. In a year, the weight becomes 3 times more than at discharge.

    But for particularly anxious mothers who cannot wait to visit a pediatrician and want to know the approximate norms, we will compile a table of baby weight by months.

    Age of the newborn Boy's weight (g) Girl's weight (g)
    Immediately after birth 3200 3000
    1 month 3750 3500
    2 month 4500 4200
    3 month 5250 4800
    4 month 6000 5500
    5 month 6600 6200
    6 month 7300 6800
    7 month 7900 7400
    8 month 8500 7900
    9 month 8860 8300
    10 month 9200 8600
    11 month 9500 8900
    12 month 9700 9200


    If the scales showed an insufficient increase or the baby does not gain weight at all, this indicates malnutrition. Perhaps the mother does not have enough milk and you need to supplement the baby with a mixture or introduce complementary foods, if age already allows.

    But first you need to make sure that the lack of weight is due precisely to the lack of nutrition. If a child moves a lot, rolls over, crawls - naturally, he will not be a kind of "puffy", physical activity burns extra calories. If in general he is cheerful and cheerful, often wets diapers and has regular stools, there is no need to get hung up on the numbers of the scales. Each child is individual.

    Too much weight gain: why?

    As a rule, formula-fed babies gain more weight than their peers who are breastfed. If the weight gain in breastfed babies is too large, the mother needs to reconsider her diet. Perhaps her milk is too fatty due to some foods taken in food.

    In rare cases, excessive weight gain may be a symptom of some disease, and the doctor will refer the baby for tests.

    Don't get hung up on tables and numbers. All children are different and grow according to their own, established by nature, schedule. In addition, babies can develop spasmodically: a large weight gain in the first months, and then a “calm” for some time. In any case, if something bothers him, he will let you know by crying. Out of courtesy, he will not be silent.

    Useful video about baby weight gain