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  • Mushroom soup pickle with champignons. Lean pickle with dry mushrooms and pickles (without meat and barley)

    Mushroom soup pickle with champignons.  Lean pickle with dry mushrooms and pickles (without meat and barley)

    Pickle with mushrooms and pearl barley - a lean dish. Its main ingredients are pickled cucumbers and pearl barley. The dish belongs to traditional Russian cuisine. The recipe has remained unchanged for centuries, but modern housewives improve it by adding fresh vegetables, seasonings, rice, etc. to the soup. This way they enrich the pickle with vitamins, the taste of the dish becomes more interesting.

    Cooking time - 120-180 minutes.

    The result is 6 servings of fragrant soup.


    Products needed to prepare pickle, based on cooking in a 5-liter saucepan:

    • dried white mushrooms - 50 g;
    • pearl barley -3 tbsp. l.;
    • pickled cucumbers - 7-9 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 head;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil;
    • water - up to 2.5-3 l;
    • salt, spices, pepper and herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro) - to taste.

    The traditional recipe, if desired, is supplemented:

    The volume of water when adding broth or brine should be reduced by the volume of liquid added.

    In the absence of porcini mushrooms, the soup is prepared with champignons (400 g is needed), but the aroma will not be the same.

    Cucumbers are taken only salted, preferably barrel. Pickled categorically will not work. The taste of the soup directly depends on the taste of cucumbers.

    Pickle with mushrooms should be very carefully salted. Much will be determined by the degree of salinity of cucumbers.

    With intolerance to pearl barley, it can be replaced with rice.

    The beef low-fat broth, on which pickle is also cooked, will add satiety to the dish.

    dietary component

    All components of the dish are low-calorie: 100 g of cucumbers - 15 kcal, mushrooms - from 160 kcal, potatoes - 80 kcal, etc. The final energy value of 100 g of pickle is 42 kcal.

    Such a dish is quite consistent with the requirements:

    • Kremlin diet;
    • diet "-60" (E. Maximanova);
    • "favorite" diet on vegetable day.

    Cooking steps

    Pickle with mushrooms is prepared as follows:

    1. Dried mushrooms are poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. If champignons are used, they are peeled and cut into slices. After the mushrooms should be boiled in a separate pan, closed with a lid, until fully cooked. Covered dishes will help preserve the mushroom flavor.

    2. Barley is washed and boiled in a separate pan. To speed up cooking, cereals can be soaked ahead of time in cold water for 30-40 minutes.

    3. Cucumbers are either finely chopped or rubbed on a coarse grater. They need to be placed in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and, after boiling, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

    4. The onion is cut into small cubes and sent to stew in the main pan, in which the soup will be cooked. Previously, the bottom of the dishes is poured with oil, which must be slightly warmed up.

    5. Carrots are washed, peeled, passed through a grater and poisoned to stew with onions. If it was decided to supplement the classic recipe with other vegetables, they should be added to the pan, after washing and chopping, at this stage. The skin is removed from the tomatoes first.

    6. Potatoes are washed, peeled, cut into cubes. Add chopped tubers to stewed vegetables and fill them with water so that its level is 2 fingers higher than the vegetable mixture.

    7. 5 minutes after the potatoes have been added to the pan, the following are sent there:

    • mushrooms;
    • broth (if you want to get a more satisfying dish) and cucumber pickle (optional);
    • salted cucumbers;
    • groats.

    8. If necessary, the resulting mass is additionally poured with boiling water.

    Rassolnik is an old dish of Russian cuisine, the main ingredient of which is pickles. There are many recipes for this soup. But try another one - with champignons. The slightly salty taste is joined by mushroom, which always goes well with rice and potatoes.

    So, we take any meat broth, carrots, onions, rice, mushrooms, pickled or pickled cucumbers, salt and pepper, vegetable oil.

    Peel potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Put in a saucepan with meat broth and put on fire.

    We clean onions and carrots, wash them. Three carrots on a grater or finely chopped, finely chop the onion. Put in a frying pan with refined sunflower oil and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Then we put these vegetables in a saucepan. Wash the rice thoroughly and send it to the boiling soup. Cook until the rice and vegetables are almost done.

    One large cucumber or two small three on a grater.

    We clean the mushrooms, wash and cut arbitrarily. We put cucumbers and champignons in the soup. We cook 10 minutes. At the end, salt and pepper to taste.

    Pickle with mushrooms is ready. Serve first for lunch.

    Delicious, tender and hearty soup is ready.

    Bon appetit!

    Historically, pickle is boiled with kidneys. This is the tradition of the genre. Gradually, the strict classics of making pickle blossomed into excellent variations. Mushroom pickle in chicken broth is a light soup that can be eaten cold in the heat. Barley is often replaced with rice or millet. But pickled cucumber can not be replaced by anything. This is the main attribute of any pickle. Lovers of stronger pickle add a glass of pickle to the pot of this soup.
    We suggest trying a delicious pickle with mushrooms and pearl barley, cooked in chicken broth. We use frozen pre-boiled chanterelles as mushrooms. You can use any other forest mushrooms, including dried ones, but it is better to pre-boil the mushrooms in another pan, we talked about mushroom broth. Instead of forest mushrooms, you can cook this soup with champignons or oyster mushrooms.


    • chicken bony parts - 300 g;
    • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
    • salted tomato - 1 pc.;
    • pearl barley - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • chanterelle mushrooms - 150 g;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic, cloves - 4 pcs.;
    • bay leaf, hot pepper, salt - to taste.


    Ideally, the best chicken broths are made from home-grown chickens, but if you don't have one, store-bought ones can also be used.
    First, let's wash the chicken back - this is a spare part from a large broiler, which is suitable for making excellent broths. Put the water in a saucepan on the fire, put the back there and add a little salt. We cook the broth for 30-40 minutes.

    Let's prepare a couple of fresh potatoes, it is enough to wipe them with a hard sponge and rinse well. We need a few carrots and one onion.
    We prepare this dish in the summer, in the winter use ordinary potatoes, which need to be peeled as standard.

    Rinse barley in hot water and immediately add to the pan where the chicken broth is cooked. Boiled and frozen chanterelles should thaw.

    Prepare one pickled cucumber and one pickled tomato.

    40 minutes have passed, barley has become almost soft, and a piece of chicken can be removed from the pan. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the pot. We continue to cook potatoes with barley over low heat for another 20 minutes.

    Let's deal with the main component - pickle dressing. Cut the peeled and washed carrots. We clean and cut the onion. In a frying pan, heat up the vegetable oil and start frying our cuts.

    Cut the pickled cucumber and add it along with the mushrooms to the pan. Moisture begins to come out of the cucumber and mushrooms. Simmer our dressing for 15 minutes or more.

    Rub the salted tomato through a sieve and add it to the pan. We continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. If desired, add brine and a little tomato paste.

    Dressing for pickle with mushrooms and barley is ready. We put it in a saucepan.

    We cook our pickle for another 7-8 minutes. We try the soup for salt and adjust its salinity. Add bay leaf, hot pepper and chopped garlic. Take the saucepan off the fire.

    Pickle with mushrooms and barley is ready. Pour it into bowls and decorate with herbs.

    Rassolnik is considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. The classic soup recipe in ancient times included kidneys, duck giblets, less often housewives used homemade chicken. Today, the broth is cooked from everything that is at hand: bones, tender beef, pork. In some cases, sausages or, for example, sausages are added. If you wish, you can make a pickle with mushrooms and vegetables - this dish will surely appeal to fans of a healthy lifestyle. It is the last option that will be discussed right now. If interested, welcome to our library of recipes. We will teach you how to cook a hearty fragrant soup.

    Pickle with champignons

    This "mushroom" recipe can be slightly changed if desired. So, in the classic version, pickled champignons are included in the pickle, but if necessary, feel free to use dried or fresh ones. Soup is a hot dish that is ideal for a delicious family dinner on a day off. Arrange a small holiday for yourself and your loved ones - it is not at all necessary to look for a reason for this. Prepare mouth-watering meals and get together for a meal with your children and your loved one, such a pastime, according to experts, is a great opportunity to get closer to each other.


    • two onions
    • 120 grams of pickled mushrooms (we used champignons, but if there are none, you can change the recipe by choosing, for example, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms or milk mushrooms)
    • stalk of celery
    • ten grams of parsley root
    • 60 grams of pearl barley
    • 1500 ml hot beef broth
    • 250 grams of crumbly potatoes
    • five medium pickled cucumbers
    • two small carrots
    • vegetable oil - for frying
    • boiled and strained cucumber pickle - to taste

    To serve a meal:

    • fresh herbs - at your discretion
    • ten grams of sour cream

    Cooking method:

    We offer to bring to life a quick and tasty recipe - first of all, cook beef broth. The latter, if desired, can be replaced with pork, and if you want to make a light and not too fatty soup, we recommend buying homemade chicken, duck or turkey. So, when the broth is ready - about 40-50 minutes after the start of cooking - remove a piece of meat from it (use it in another dish), and strain the liquid itself.

    Now cut the mushrooms into medium strips, and the peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Then heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the mushrooms in it until a brownish-golden hue. When they become soft and start juice, add finely chopped celery, as well as parsley root. Put the grated carrot here, then remove the husk from the onion and cut it into cubes, brown with the above ingredients. It's time for cucumbers: carefully cut off the skin from them, and cut the pulp into small pieces. Then fill everything with warm water and put on a quiet fire - cook for about five to seven minutes. Remove the excess liquid, and put the cucumbers together with potatoes and frying in the broth, which, by the way, must first be filtered with a sieve.

    Now add well-washed barley, a few pinches of salt and, if necessary, dried spices for flavor here. Boil the soup over very low heat, about ten minutes before the end of the cooking procedure, pour the pre-boiled and strained brine into it. Immediately before serving, distribute the food on plates, garnish with chopped herbs and pour over sour cream.

    This recipe will appeal to lovers of light food. If your family is not used to doing without meat, boil the broth on it, and add a piece of beef, chicken or pork, depending on what you use, to the dish. It will turn out very tasty and satisfying, you'll see. And do not forget about seasonings, because they give a unique flavor. Allspice, dried rosemary, basil are suitable for pickle, in extreme cases, you can use parsley or dill. And one more thing: to make the cereal cook faster, soak it in warm water, then rinse and send it to the broth.

    Pickle with spinach and celery

    We offer you to master another incredibly appetizing vegetable recipe for the first course. If the traditional pickle is cooked from kidneys and offal, then we will deviate from the classic solutions and “modernize” the food a little - we will make a broth from dried champignons. In principle, you can use any mushrooms at your discretion - pickled or fresh. And if you want the soup to be more satisfying, cook it with pork or beef. When finished, remove the meat, cool the broth itself and add all the necessary products to it.


    • 40 grams dried or fresh parsley
    • 25 grams leeks
    • 30 grams of dried champignons or other mushrooms
    • fifteen grams of celery
    • salt
    • three tubers of potatoes
    • ten grams of spinach
    • three large pickles
    • two tablespoons of melted butter
    • a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise
    • three sprigs of fresh herbs

    Cooking method:

    This pickle recipe is good because it is inexpensive and versatile. In the warm season, soup can be cooked from fresh vegetables, but in winter parsley or dill frozen from summer, dried champignons will come in handy. By the way, about mushrooms: in the absence of the specified variety, use any. It should be noted that it does not really matter if they are fresh or pickled. Well, now let's talk directly about the procedure for preparing hot food.

    So, first of all, clean the roots of greens, then rinse them well, dry them with a paper towel and chop as finely as possible. Cut the onion into medium-sized cubes, then put both of the above ingredients in a saucepan with melted butter. Stew vegetables under a tightly closed lid until they change color and become soft. In the meantime, put the dried champignons into a deep bowl and, pouring them with cold water, leave to infuse for a couple of hours, then drain the excess liquid and dry.

    By the way, mushrooms can be cooked in another way. For example, take note of the following recipe: pour dried foods into slightly salted boiling water and cook for seven minutes - they should be half cooked. Then take them out with a slotted spoon, put them in a colander, let them drain, then fry them in a pan with vegetables. Peel the potatoes with a knife and cut into medium-sized cubes. Put water on a small fire, when it starts to boil, put dried mushrooms and potatoes in a saucepan. Add salt to your taste, if desired, add a few peas of allspice and your favorite seasonings.

    When the mushroom broth is ready, combine it with browned vegetables, finely chopped spinach, mix the dish thoroughly and keep it on the stove for another ten to fifteen minutes. While the food is languishing, boil the concentrated brine, strain it through a sieve and cool slightly. Boil the pickles themselves in boiling water for two to three minutes. Then pour the brine into the soup and put green vegetables here. Keep the food on low heat for some more time, then cool and pour into plates. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and garnish with homemade sour cream.

    Soup with cucumbers, rice and mushrooms

    Each pickle recipe is a separate culinary story with its own nuances and subtleties. As the practice of great masters shows, even a classic dish can be turned into something unique and different. It is enough just to replace one or two ingredients or, for example, add fragrant, exotic seasonings. Above, two options for mushroom pickle were proposed: with dried and pickled champignons, with barley and with one potato. Everyone cooks soup at their discretion, but we, in turn, offer to consider another recipe. This time we will prepare a delicious soup with rice and vegetables.


    • two large pickled cucumbers
    • any dried mushrooms - 70 grams
    • large carrot
    • parsley
    • onion - one piece
    • 150-200 grams of potatoes
    • two large spoons of white rice
    • eight grams of non-acidic tomato paste
    • refined sunflower oil
    • a tablespoon of wheat flour
    • 180 milliliters of brine
    • seasonings

    Cooking method:

    To get started, write down, remember and take note of the subtleties that will help you cook the most delicious soup. So, in order not to waste time and save precious minutes, we advise you to soak white rice in cold water in advance. Whatever cereal you use, follow this rule - the product will infuse well and cook quickly. We also note that it is recommended to add slightly sweetish tomato paste to the pickle with mushrooms, as sour sauce can ruin the dish. And finally: if you want the food to be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible, before adding brine to the soup, boil the latter thoroughly and strain. Well, now you can safely proceed directly to the culinary procedure.

    Soak the washed and peeled mushrooms in ice water for 60 minutes, in the meantime, bring slightly salted water to a boil. While it is warming up, remove the film from the mushrooms and chop them into slices. Do the same with onions, carrots and potatoes - peel the vegetables and cut them into medium cubes. Chop the parsley with a knife as finely as possible, then heat the oil in a frying pan and pour the flour into it. Fry it until a bright golden hue.

    Then add onions, soft mushrooms, herbs and other vegetables. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer everything for a while. Pour potatoes together with washed rice into boiling water, salt at your discretion. If you wish, add seasonings. Carefully peel the pickled cucumbers, cut into small pieces, bring the brine to a boil and strain. Now put the roast in the soup, throw in the cucumbers, pour in the salty concentrate, add the tomato paste and the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil, when all the products are soft, turn off the burner and let the soup brew.

    Today there is a huge number of the most diverse options for pickle. Some make a dish with seafood - crab sticks, squid - others add beans, beets, bacon and soy sauce. However, do not chase fashion - you need to cook what you like. Prefer the classics? Then you will like the traditional pickle with offal broth, but lovers of new products will surely appreciate a more original version of the soup. We have the right recipe for everyone.

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    If you are using dried mushrooms, pour hot water over them and leave for 15-20 minutes. We do the same with pearl barley. Since barley is cooked for a long time, try to soak it in a small amount of water for 30-40 minutes before preparing the soup.

    Using fresh mushrooms, immediately cut them into slices.

    The recipe for barley pickle is very simple, but in order for you to get a really real classic pickle, you must carefully approach the choice of products. Do not use pickled cucumbers, regular barrel cucumbers work best for this dish.

    Cucumbers cut into thin strips or half rings.

    We cut onions in the same way as cucumbers - into strips or half rings.

    Carrots cut into small cubes or rings.

    Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes about 2x2 cm.

    In boiling water or broth, carefully lay out the potatoes and prepared barley.

    Fry carrots and onions until golden brown and immediately add to the soup.

    When potatoes are cooked, add mushrooms and cucumbers. We cook on medium heat.

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    Now it remains to wait 10 minutes until the pickle with mushrooms and barley is ready.

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    Ready soup can be served immediately, but it is even better to let it brew for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and enjoy this amazing taste. Bon appetit!