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  • Scarlet periods without clots a week later. Scarlet menses

    Scarlet periods without clots a week later.  Scarlet menses

    The menstrual cycle is a systematic process in the body of women of reproductive age, controlled by hormones (mainly progesterone and estrogen), having a certain cyclicity and aimed at conceiving a child. In healthy women, the cycle of regulation (menstruation) can be from 28 to 32 days, but slight deviations from this range are not considered a pathology if they are not accompanied by painful symptoms and any disorders. On the first day of the cycle, menstrual blood is released from the woman's vaginal tract, which, in addition to blood itself, also contains enzymes that act as anticoagulants, mucus, particles of the epithelial layer and dead cells of the vagina.

    In some cases, a woman may notice that blood comes out of the vagina with blood clots that look like pieces of the placenta. Such a symptom can be a manifestation of very serious diseases that require complex and urgent treatment (and sometimes surgery), or a physiological norm, so it is important to be able to distinguish normal discharge from pathological signs.

    Monthly blood has a rather complex chemical composition, which is based on glandular fibers and secretory fluid produced by the glands of the vagina and cervix. Clots can form with a large number of endometrial cells - an epithelial layer with a mucous structure that lines the uterine walls from the inside and is necessary for the successful implantation of a diploid fertilized cell (zygote). Starting from the middle of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium changes its density and structure, becomes looser and thickens. If the amount of female sex hormones exceeds the required physiological threshold, during menstruation, the endometrium may prematurely coagulate in the uterine cavity and form clots.

    Thickening of the menstrual fluid can also occur with insufficient activity of anticoagulant enzymes, as well as in cases where a woman leads an insufficiently active lifestyle that contributes to stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This situation is typical for women who hold office positions, are overweight, limiting the degree of mobility, or suffering from chronic disorders of the endocrine system. For the same reason, blood clots during menstruation can be observed in women who have undergone surgery or injury and are temporarily restricted in movement.

    Important! Bad habits (nicotine and alcohol addiction, the use of drugs and toxic substances) can also contribute to increased blood clotting due to changes in its chemical composition and neutralization of enzymes that regulate the consistency of menstrual fluid.

    Video - Three questions about menstruation that women are embarrassed to ask

    Diseases of the uterus - the main cause of intrauterine blood clotting

    Uterine diseases are the most extensive group of gynecological pathologies. Almost always, violations in the work of the organ are accompanied by a change in the hormonal background, therefore, in addition to standard diagnostic methods, a woman can undergo diagnostic curettage using a curette (a more gentle method is vacuum aspiration) followed by a histological examination of the collected material in order to determine the hormonal background and exclude tumor processes.

    The most common pathology of the uterus, various forms of which are diagnosed in every fifth woman aged 20 to 50 years, is uterine fibroids. Fibroids are formed by cells of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), can have a diffuse or nodular form and proceed without any symptoms for several years. Myoma refers to benign tumors, so in most cases, doctors choose expectant tactics with careful observation of the patient and control of changes in the myomatous nodes.

    Symptoms of this type of tumor are rather poor and may include the following symptoms:

    • increased pulling pain a few days before the onset of menstruation and during menstruation;
    • excess of the physiological norm of the excreted menstrual fluid (the norm is considered to be a volume from 50 to 80-100 ml);
    • blood clots during menstruation;
    • increase in basal body temperature.

    Another reason associated with the functioning of the uterus and capable of causing premature blood clotting is congenital malformations of the uterus. They are formed during fetal growth and development, most often due to a genetic factor, but in some cases they can be a complication of inhalation or consumption of toxic products. Most often in girls and girls there is a bending of the uterus, in 90% of cases leading to the inability to bear a child while maintaining the full volume of reproductive functions, as well as an intrauterine septum - a defect often associated with abnormal development of the renal system.

    With these defects, the free exit of blood from the body of the uterus is difficult, which leads to its stagnation and the formation of small clots. The treatment of these defects is carried out only in foreign clinics, but is inaccessible to most middle-class women due to the very high cost.

    Pathologies associated with conception and pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy is a severe pathology that can lead to profuse bleeding and the development of a generalized inflammatory process. It can develop even in absolutely healthy women, but the main risk group includes patients who are obese, diabetic, and have a history of abortion and miscarriage.

    In the early stages, an intrauterine pregnancy is no different from a normal one: a woman also experiences all the manifestations of toxicosis, her mammary glands increase, and a pregnancy test shows a positive result. When the gestation period reaches 4-6 weeks, symptoms and signs begin to appear, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor. These include:

    • bleeding with an admixture of blood clots;
    • sharp, sharp, severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
    • temperature rise to 38.5 ° and above;
    • vomit.

    Note! The appearance of blood clots in pregnant women is a very dangerous clinical symptom that almost always indicates the onset of a miscarriage. Clots after childbirth are considered normal, but women with similar symptoms should be under the supervision of a specialist, since blood clots can be part of the baby's place (placenta). Normally, such discharge should not last longer than 30 days, and be accompanied by severe pain or high fever.

    Blood clots after insertion of an intrauterine device

    An intrauterine device is a type of hormonal contraceptive that is installed inside the uterus around its cervix and is made of copper or plastic. Despite the fact that the installation of the product does not apply to traumatic procedures, after it, slight bleeding may occur, which normally disappear within 3-5 days. If this does not happen, the bleeding becomes profuse, and during menstruation blood clots began to stand out from the vaginal tract, the spiral should be removed.

    It is also necessary to remove the product if side effects appear: itching, burning, headaches, skin rashes and other symptoms described in the instructions for use. Such women should consult their gynecologist about more suitable methods of contraception.

    Endometrial diseases

    The endometrium is a functional uterine layer that regulates the synthesis of hormones necessary for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy, as well as the growth of fetal development. Endometrial diseases are diseases of the uterus, but experts put them in a separate group. The most typical for this clinical picture (the release of blood clots during menstruation) are endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Both pathologies are pathological proliferation of cells and layers of the endometrium, but in endometriosis they can extend beyond the uterus and reach other organs, including the uterine appendages.

    If the endometrial tissues become inflamed, the woman is diagnosed with endometritis. The disease is dangerous due to the rapid growth of pathogenic flora inside the uterus and the spread of infection to other organs of the small pelvis. The symptoms of any pathologies of the endometrium are almost always the same and include the following signs:

    • intense pain in the lower abdomen with a transition to the side walls (with endometriosis of the ovaries);
    • heavy periods (menorrhagia) lasting more than 1 week;
    • intermenstrual bleeding with blood clots;
    • insufficient secretion of vaginal lubrication and the discomfort that appears against this background during intimacy;
    • difficulty conceiving.

    Treatment of endometrial diseases

    Treatment of endometrial pathologies includes diagnostic curettage of the uterus, as well as taking medications used in standard treatment regimens. It is impossible to use them without a doctor's prescription, as there may be individual contraindications.

    Drug groupWhat medicines to take?
    Antispasmodics to relax the muscles of the uterus, eliminate spasms and pain

    "Papaverine" (mainly rectally)

    Oral contraceptives with different levels of estrogens and progesterone for hormonal correction

    Anti-inflammatory drugs (for endometritis)

    Antibiotics and antimicrobial agents for the prevention of complications and secondary infection

    "Cefazolin" (in severe cases)
    Iron preparations with heavy blood loss for the prevention and treatment of anemia
    "Ferrum Lek"

    If a woman's health is in order, but menstruation is still accompanied by the release of clots, it is necessary to take tests for blood clotting, as well as determine the level of B vitamins in the body. With their excess, blood clotting increases, which increases the risk of uterine vein thrombosis, so this condition also requires medical correction. A large amount of vitamins of this group is found in rye and peeled flour, whole varnishes, legumes, as well as liver, eggs and many vegetables and fruits.

    If a woman consumes enough of these products, there is no need to additionally take vitamin complexes, which include B vitamins - this negatively affects the consistency and viscosity of the menstrual fluid and contributes to the formation of blood clots.

    A change in the nature of menstruation occurs in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, in the first years of regular menstruation. An examination by a gynecologist is mandatory.

    What to do when menstruation appears without clots

    Every woman's menstruation is completely different. Any change in the nature of the discharge can be a sign of uterine bleeding and lead to the development of life-threatening complications. Menstruation without clots can occur with ovarian diseases, a violation of the course of pregnancy, and blood diseases.

    During menstruation, an average of twenty to fifty milliliters of blood is released per day. It is dark in color, flows out in portions. Minor inclusions are characteristic of menstrual flow: lumps of mucus, clots. The number of lumps is constant in the same woman.

    Menstrual blood has a specific unsharp, individual smell. are also specific to different representatives of the fair sex. The spectrum of shades ranges from pinkish to dark brown or brownish. With each menstruation, this shade of color is the same.

    Differences between menstruation and uterine bleeding

    The discharge of blood without clots can be a variant of the norm, if this nature of menstruation is repeated from month to month, the number of discharges does not exceed the normal one and their duration corresponds to the norm. The situation should be alert when the characteristics of menstruation change dramatically:

    • the volume of secretions increases or decreases;
    • blood flows constantly;
    • discharge becomes liquid;
    • their color changes, becomes scarlet, intense red;
    • clots disappear in the secretions;
    • the specific smell of blood disappears.

    Bleeding without clots is characterized by an increase or decrease in the period between periods, an increase in the number of days of bleeding. It may take longer than usual. Without appropriate treatment, bleeding does not stop for months.


    The main reasons that provoke such a symptom are the following:

    • malignant tumors of the cervix and body of the uterus;
    • benign neoplasms;
    • hormonal disorders in the ovaries;
    • teenage years;
    • menopause;
    • taking hormonal contraceptives;
    • endometriosis;
    • pregnancy;
    • diseases with increased bleeding;
    • taking drugs that thin the blood.

    In adolescence and menopause, hormonal disorders are the cause of uterine bleeding. In girls, they are most often noted in the first few years after the onset of menstruation. At this time, the cycle is not yet regular. Menstruation occurs at different intervals. They vary in duration and intensity. If the periods last for a long time, they can lead to the development of anemia.

    Taking hormonal contraceptives in the first two or three months in about half of the cases is accompanied by the release of mucus with brownish streaks. They are minor, spotting, and may continue after replacing the drug with another. After the normalization of the hormonal background, after a few months from the start of the use of these drugs, the discharge stops.

    With benign tumors, as a rule, the discharges are of two types: massive with the release of liquid blood or long-term (up to several months) with a daily rejection of a small amount. These bleedings are dangerous due to the occurrence of complications: shock or anemia.

    For the treatment of certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the doctor prescribes drugs that make the blood more liquid (for example, aspirin), and prevent the appearance of microclots. Violation of the scheme of taking such drugs can lead to increased bleeding.

    The appearance of mucus with blood or leakage of liquid blood in pregnant women may indicate the onset of placental abruption and be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy.


    A change in the nature of menstruation, an increase in its duration, the volume of blood released, the disappearance of clots should alert a woman. She should immediately consult a gynecologist.

    With massive bleeding, the volume of fluid in the vessels decreases sharply. A woman develops symptoms of shock:

    • pads get wet at short intervals;
    • blood pressure decreases;
    • heart palpitations occur;
    • dizziness appears;
    • the patient becomes pale;
    • the skin is covered with drops of sweat;
    • the condition worsens with a sharp rise;
    • vomiting occurs;
    • the woman may lose consciousness.

    If the bleeding is spotting, disturbing for a long time, then there is a danger of developing anemia. In this case, the patient is concerned about such manifestations:

    • constant secretion of mucus streaked with brown;
    • over time, they change color, become lighter;
    • increased fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • the skin becomes dry, pale or with a yellowish tint;
    • fragility and delamination of nails;
    • hair loss;
    • dizziness when standing up abruptly;
    • frequent heartbeat;
    • deterioration of success in schoolgirls;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • anemia.

    If the above symptoms appear, the woman should consult a doctor immediately. Depending on the cause, treatment can be done with pills or surgery.


    The outflow of mucus with brown streaks without clots most often occurs with a variety of pathologies. Any changes in the nature of menstruation need to be consulted by a gynecologist.

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    Menstruation without clots in a woman may indicate the onset of serious pathologies. This is the first sign of uterine bleeding, its complex consequences and a number of other diseases. All of them have their own symptoms and are dangerous in their own way. In this case, you just need to consult with your doctor, who will make an accurate diagnosis, and not start the disease, if any.

    There are some signs of the norm for menstruation in a woman. If there are no clots, the blood changes color and there are changes in duration, it is worth paying close attention to this. All deviations from the norm are fraught with the development of complications.

    Causes of the phenomenon

    The norm is dark scarlet, burgundy or brown blood with mucous particles that separate from the membranes of the walls in the uterus.

    There are the following factors that affect the fact that women do not have clots in spotting during menstruation:

    • uterine bleeding;
    • ovarian diseases;
    • complications during pregnancy;
    • blood diseases;
    • malignant tumors in the uterus;
    • benign tumors;
    • hormonal disruptions;
    • transitional age;
    • menopause;
    • endometriosis;
    • taking blood-thinning medications;
    • infections;
    • inflammatory processes.

    Menstruation has a number of features. During the day, a healthy woman secretes from 20 to 50 milliliters of dark-colored blood in small portions, a maximum of 150 milliliters. It contains lumps of mucus and clots. Their number is approximately stable over the same period of time in one person.

    It is very important to distinguish healthy periods from uterine bleeding. For example, a sign of pathology is that there is a sharp change in the discharge. For example, the volume of blood changes, or it flows every day. It has no clots. The blood is scarlet in color, a specific smell disappears from it.

    Failure of the menstrual cycle

    Bleeding without clots is a consequence of menstrual irregularities. They are also characterized by a change in the time intervals between menstruation, an increase in their duration. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the blood can flow for months.

    Attention is also paid to the influence of age factors. For young ladies, uterine bleeding is typical in the first years after the onset of menstruation. In adolescents, hormonal imbalances can be the cause of changes. Menstruation does not go regularly, there are no clots in them, sometimes too long menstruation can provoke anemia. The second age category are women in menopause or menopause. In this case, lumps of mucus in the secretions may temporarily disappear or disappear altogether. This is typical for the cessation of menstruation in the fair sex.

    If violations are not treated in time when benign tumors appear, this can lead to shock syndrome. Specific clots, different from the usual ones, may appear when taking hormonal contraceptives. They look like slime with brown streaks.

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    In pregnant women, mucus along with bloody discharge or the absence of clots and liquid blood sometimes indicates placental abruption. Such signs are also characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy.

    A woman should definitely contact a doctor who will prescribe special drugs after making a diagnosis. Worth an ultrasound. If you start this process, the consequences can be dire. The gynecologist prescribes the pills, and he himself indicates the exact dosage of the drug. In some cases, only surgery can help. You should not attribute everything to age-related changes, since very serious diseases can be masked under them. It is time to pay attention to your health.

    The nature of menstruation, as a rule, changes at the beginning of the use of hormonal contraceptives or in the first year of the onset of regular menstruation. In such cases, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.

    Features of the cycle of each patient are individual. Any non-standard phenomena can be symptoms of uterine bleeding and cause life-threatening complications. Menstruation without clots is noted with ovarian pathologies, blood diseases, and improperly proceeding pregnancy.

    Features of menstruation

    What is this phenomenon? Every month, the uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg. Under the influence of hormones, the endometrium thickens, that is, the layer that serves as a place for the implantation of the embryo and is responsible for its nutrition. In the absence of pregnancy, the level of hormones becomes lower, the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the uterus ceases to be supplied with blood, and the endometrial layer is rejected and comes out. So the discharge during menstruation is a complex mixture of mucus, blood and endometrium.

    The cycle is the time from the beginning of the previous menstruation to the appearance of the next. Normally, this period is 20-35 days. Under the influence of external factors, it can change. Itself from 3 to 7 days. With age, its duration often decreases. You can track the cycle using a special calendar.

    Usually appear at the age of 9-16 years and indicate that pregnancy may occur.

    During menstruation, dark blood is released in portions in a volume of 20-50 ml. With it, clots and mucus can come out. The number of these inclusions in one woman is always constant.

    Specific, individual. Her color can also be of different shades: one woman has dark brown, the other has brown. It is saved monthly.

    Clots are a natural phenomenon if they form regularly, and the amount of discharge and the duration of the cycle do not deviate from the norm. If your period is normal, there is no need to worry about lumps. Since the endometrium is a loose and thick tissue, the secretions are not completely liquid. They include the glandular component and particles of the inner lining of the uterus. The consistency of the menstrual fluid changes daily.

    But the complete absence of clots may be evidence of pathologies, each of which is distinguished by its symptoms and danger.

    Usually, they are noted immediately after sleep or a long stay in a sitting position. This happens because the fluid lingers in the body and coagulates, and at the beginning of the movement it is brought out. The process is accelerated by special anticoagulant enzymes. In case of heavy bleeding, they do not have time to thin the blood, and it turns into clots, which is not a pathology.

    There are several factors that should alert the patient:

    • too plentiful or;
    • constant flow of blood;
    • the substance is too liquid;
    • there are no clots in the discharge at all;
    • no specific odor

    In the absence of clots, an increase or decrease in its duration is observed. If the pathology is not eliminated by medical methods, bleeding may not end for several months, which is unacceptable.

    Causes of menstruation without clots

    Usually this phenomenon is provoked:

    • cancer of the body or cervix;
    • benign formations;
    • hormonal disruptions in the activity of the ovaries;
    • early age;
    • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
    • endometriosis;
    • pregnancy
    • taking medications that thin the blood;
    • diseases with increased blood secretion

    Failure of the menstrual cycle

    Adolescents and women in menopause experience hormonal disruptions. Girls complain about the corresponding symptoms in the first years after the onset of menstruation. The cycle that has begun is not constant, the discharge appears at different times, their duration and intensity also differ. can cause anemia, that is, a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells.

    When using hormonal contraceptive pills in half of the patients, the first 2 or 3 months are noted with brownish streaks. They are spotting, not plentiful, and may continue when changing the drug.

    If there is a benign tumor, either liquid blood is released in large quantities, or dark, in small portions. In the latter case, periods without blood clots continue for a long time. With such bleeding, shock or anemia may develop.

    For the treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular system, doctors often prescribe blood thinners, such as aspirin. This is done to avoid the appearance of microthrombi. If these drugs are taken incorrectly, blood clotting may worsen.

    If a pregnant woman has bleeding or mucus with blood, then there is placental abruption or ectopic pregnancy.

    So, is it necessary to sound the alarm if the nature of menstruation has changed? Yes, when these symptoms are observed:

    • pads get wet quickly;
    • blood pressure decreases;
    • heartbeat quickens;
    • dizzy;
    • the skin becomes pale;
    • drops of sweat appear on the face;
    • when you get up quickly, you feel unwell;
    • vomiting is observed;
    • possible fainting.

    Anemia can develop with long-term spotting bleeding. In this case, the woman notes:

    • rapid fatigue;
    • weakness;
    • dry translucent or yellow skin;
    • brittleness and flaking of nails;
    • hair loss;
    • decrease in concentration.

    After determining the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication to the patient. To more accurately identify the picture of what is happening, it is advisable to do an ultrasound examination. It is better not to delay treatment in order to avoid serious consequences. The dosage of the tablets must be respected.

    Sometimes only surgery helps to cope with dangerous symptoms. It is not necessary to write off all violations of menstruation for age, since they can be associated with serious illnesses.

    Menstruation is an integral part of the intimate life of every woman. Starting from puberty (11-14 years) and ending with menopause (45-50-55 years), the fair sex every month experiences several unpleasant days, which are called critical.

    From the point of view of physiology, menstruation is the removal of the inner layer of the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which has not accepted a fertilized egg. Due to the exfoliation of the endometrium, small blood vessels that supplied it are exposed. The mucus secreted during menstruation is the rejected uterine mucosa, and the blood is a small amount of the contents of the uterine vessels.

    The color of the blood during menstruation depends on the amount of iron in the woman's body. To be precise, it depends on the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin. But it is generally accepted as follows:

    • at the beginning of menstruation (1-2 days, depending on the duration), the blood may have a bright red or scarlet color, more liquid and without the admixture of thick inclusions (clots or mucus);
    • then the secretions become darker, acquire a brownish tint, sometimes become burgundy-brown - this phenomenon is explained by the fact that iron oxidizes when it comes into contact with oxygen;
    • the smell is specific, but without stench;
    • blood does not clot, as it mixes with the mucous secretion of the uterus and vagina;
    • in recent days, small blood clots, particles of tissue and mucus may be present in the discharge;
    • the amount of discharge should not exceed 150 ml for the entire period;
    • the duration of menstruation varies from 3 to 7 days.

    A woman whose menstrual cycle is set, and critical days begin according to the schedule, will always be able to "calculate" the problem not only by the calendar failure, but also by the consistency and color of the discharge.

    Deviations from this norm can be observed in two cases that do not cause much concern, although a visit to a gynecologist will not hurt:

    • in girls whose cycle has not yet been established;
    • in women in menopause, when such discharge is accompanied by other signs of the upcoming menopause.

    If, in the reproductive period, a woman is faced with the problem of an unusual color of menstruation, their great profusion, she started a few days (more than a week) earlier and continued menstrual flow for a long time - this is a reason to consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps you are not menstruating, but uterine bleeding. And this condition is life threatening due to profuse blood loss.

    Period or bleeding?

    Scarlet blood during menstruation, which does not darken and continues to stand out for a week, or even more - this is no longer menstruation, but uterine bleeding. In this condition, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor in order to take timely therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology.

    The most common symptoms will be:

    • scarlet menstruation lasting more than a week;
    • liquid in consistency throughout the entire period;
    • practically odorless.

    Bleeding in intensity can be different - from heavy, in which you need to change the pad more than twice an hour, to almost normal, but with light blood, which does not stop for a long time.

    Symptoms of blood loss that threatens health and even life:

    • severe weakness and drowsiness;
    • unusual and inexplicable fatigue;
    • dizziness, reaching fainting;
    • dark spots before the eyes, loss of coordination of movements.

    If such manifestations occur, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where they will provide you with the necessary assistance and diagnose the causes of this condition.

    What causes scarlet blood

    The reasons when red periods indicate pathological processes occurring in the body can be as follows:

    • in early pregnancy, scarlet periods may indicate a miscarriage;
    • with an ectopic pregnancy, menstruation will be accompanied by scarlet blood at the time of the growth of the egg in the tube and the occurrence of a crack that precedes the rupture;
    • infections of the genitourinary system, which, together with the scarlet color of the discharge, are accompanied by a whole range of unpleasant symptoms: soreness, copious and pungent discharge, discomfort or pain during sexual contact;

    • ingrowth of the intrauterine device into the cervix. Periods without clots, scarlet or bright red may be the only symptoms of a problem;
    • oncological neoplasms in the uterus. Such a pathology is accompanied by a number of symptoms: heavy periods, discharge of a watery consistency and with an unpleasant odor in the middle of the cycle;
    • polyps in the uterine cavity cause heavy periods, pain during sexual contact. But this pathology can sometimes be asymptomatic;

    • after an abortion, scarlet blood may indicate that particles of the amniotic egg or its membrane remained in the cavity of the organ;
    • endometriosis is characterized by heavy and painful periods with scarlet discharge. Physiological processes such as urination and defecation can cause discomfort and sometimes pain;
    • uterine fibroids provoke the growth of the abdomen only with a certain localization of the tumor and in the later stages of the pathology. In the early stages of the development of the disease, a woman notes abundant light menstruation, spotting from the vagina outside of menstruation, and some others.

    Pathological causes that can cause bright red periods require indispensable treatment. Then the pathology of the menstrual cycle will be eliminated.

    What to do with scarlet menstruation

    If you find a change in the color of menstrual blood, which arose for the first time and is not characteristic of your body, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. If this is bleeding, you need to contact immediately. You cannot determine for yourself what happened to you - a specialist will help.

    Even if you visited a gynecologist during your period, he will be able to collect an anamnesis. And based on the results of your conversation, he will make a conclusion - you need to be examined now and take urgent measures, or he will appoint a visit after the end of the discharge. If necessary, the specialist will advise which medications to take during this period.

    If, in addition to color, your periods do not “knock out” of the usual schedule, go to the reception immediately after the end of the discharge. This period will be the most informative in terms of collecting biological material and conducting other instrumental diagnostics.