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  • Is it possible to eat raw patissons. Squash stewed with vegetables

    Is it possible to eat raw patissons.  Squash stewed with vegetables

    What vitamins, micro- and macroelements are contained in the squash, how it is useful. Can this vegetable harm and who should not eat it. The best recipes and the most interesting facts.

    The content of the article:

    Squash is an artificially bred vegetable crop from the Pumpkin family. It is not found in the wild, growing all over the world. The plant is an annual and has edible fruits that can be fried, boiled, baked, stewed, preserved. They are considered an analogue of zucchini, more beloved by gardeners in the CIS countries. Patisson is widespread in Western Europe, the USA and South America, from where it came to Russia around the 17th century. It got its name because of a very unusual shape, it is of French origin and comes from the word "pie". Only young fruits with tender pulp and soft seeds are suitable for food.

    The composition and calorie content of patisson

    There are 13 varieties of this vegetable - Orange, White, Sunshine, Cheburashka, Bunny, Umbrella, Disc, Piglet, Malachite, Snow White, Gosh, Sunny Delight, Chartreuse. The first two are the most valuable.

    Caloric content of raw squash - 19 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

    • Proteins - 0.6 g;
    • Fats - 0.1 g;
    • Carbohydrates - 4.1 g;
    • Water - 92 g;
    • Dietary fiber - 1.3 g.
    Vitamins per 100 g:
    • Thiamine, B1 - 0.03 mg;
    • Riboflavin, B2 - 0.04 mg;
    • Ascorbic acid, C - 23 mg;
    • Nicotinic acid, PP - 0.25 mg.
    Macronutrients per 100 g:
    • Calcium - 13 mg;
    • Sodium - 14 mg;
    • Potassium - 203 mg;
    • Phosphorus - 12 mg;
    • Magnesium - 26 mg.
    The composition of the patisson contains such a trace element as iron - 0.4 mg per 100 g.

    Digestible carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides) per 100 g - 4.1 g.

    The low calorie content of patissons allows them to be widely used in various diets for weight loss.

    Useful properties of patisson

    Of great importance is the fact that almost all existing micro- and macroelements are present in the fruits of the plant. As a source of vitamins, they are not very popular, since they can boast only a high content of ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the successful absorption of iron. Old vegetables that have been in the garden for more than two weeks from the moment they appear are no longer suitable for human consumption, but serve as good feed for pigs.

    Here are the properties endowed with patissons:

    1. Normalization of the heart and blood vessels. This is facilitated by the fact that potassium is included in large volumes of the patisson. It is worth revising your diet with high blood pressure, a predisposition to a heart attack, thrombosis, coronary disease, varicose veins and atherosclerosis. These fruits are recommended for dietary nutrition.
    2. Cleansing the body. These vegetables are known as wonderful antioxidants, due to the high percentage of vitamin C. They put things in order in the liver, intestines, blood vessels and blood, removing all unnecessary debris from them.
    3. Alkalinization of the body. Raw and pickled fruits, without salt, help here especially well. To make the effect of their use even better, you should additionally drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
    4. Weight loss. This can be achieved by the low calorie content of the product, which at the same time is quite nutritious and quickly saturates the stomach. After its use, the appetite is quenched for at least a few hours!
    5. Eye protection. Orange fruits are a rich source of lutein, with a lack of which the picture in the eyes becomes not so clear. They help prevent the development of astigmatism and asthenopia. This is especially true for those who like to sit longer at the computer.
    6. Slowing down the aging process. The patisson has such an opportunity due to the large amount of ascorbic acid and potassium, which are directly responsible for these processes.
    7. Improvement of the psycho-emotional state. It is achieved as a result of regular consumption of fruit seeds, with which vitamins C, B1 and B2 enter the body.
    8. Relief of gout. It is a consequence of the consumption of fruit pulp with a high content of alkaline water. It stimulates protein metabolism, normalizes the level of oxalic and uric acid, an excess of which causes this serious disease.
    The benefits of patissons are noted not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. With their help, you can provide lightening, rejuvenation and softening of the skin. To do this, a gruel of them is applied to the right place and held for 20 minutes. You can also moisten a cotton pad in the juice and pass it over problem areas.

    Important! The great benefit of patissons is also for pregnant women, since when they are used, the risk of fermentation and constipation is reduced, and intestinal function is stimulated.

    Harm and contraindications of squash

    This vegetable is definitely not suitable for those who frequently visit a gastroenterologist. This is due to the fact that it is able to increase intestinal motility and cause indigestion. For the stomach, this product also poses a threat due to its ability to increase acidity, which, if deviated from the norm, corrodes the gastric mucosa and can lead to an ulcer. You should be especially careful when eating fried fruits.

    Replace squash with zucchini or some other vegetables should also be used for the following problems:

    • Chronic hypertension of 2-3 degrees;
    • Biliary dyskinesia;
    • Cholecystitis;
    • Flatulence;
    • Heartburn.

    Important! An unequivocal contraindication is the staleness of a vegetable - when it grows for more than two weeks, caustic substances are produced in it that can cause intoxication of the body.

    Squash recipes

    The fruits of the plant can be cooked in all possible ways - pickled, canned, baked, fried, stewed, boiled. They are ideally combined with any food, both vegetable and animal origin. Especially tasty are dishes with the addition of tomatoes and cheese. The menu can include salads, mashed potatoes, stews, casseroles and more. It is allowed to combine them with various spices - oregano, basil, coriander, etc.

    Here are some of the most interesting ways to cook patisson:

    1. in the soup. Peel 2 patissons and cut them into strips. Then repeat the same with 1 potato, onion and carrot. Fry all this in cold-pressed corn oil, put it in a 1.5 liter saucepan and fill it to the top with water. Then bring the broth to a boil over high heat, make it smaller and salt the mass. After that, boil the soup for about 20 minutes and, removing it from the stove, use your favorite spices. Recipes with patissons often include parsley, sour cream and cheese, which can be used to decorate the finished dish.
    2. Stewed. Peel 2 vegetables and cut them into slices, divide the onion into rings, one head will be enough. Next, grate the carrots and combine it with other ingredients. This mixture must be poured with tomato, if there is no homemade one, then twist 2 tomatoes through a meat grinder, dilute the resulting composition in half with water, salt and pepper. After the mass is completely covered with gravy, put it on medium heat and boil for about 30 minutes. Periodically try the stew, as soon as the vegetables become soft, turn it off. This dish is served both in pure form and in addition to mashed potatoes or cereals.
    3. Conservation. This is the perfect recipe for the winter when it's hard to find fresh squash. To prepare them for the cold season, you will first need 1-liter jars. They should be washed well with detergent and sterilized for 1-2 minutes. In the meantime, cut peeled fruits (1.5 kg), cherry tomatoes (0.5 kg), two onions and the same number of carrots into circles. Pour all this with boiling water and leave for 3 hours, and after this time, transfer to prepared jars (fill them, not reaching the neck by 5-7 cm). Then pour this composition with marinade prepared in the following proportions: black peppercorns (10 pcs.), Sea salt (1 tbsp.), Sugar (1 tsp.), Apple cider vinegar (1 tsp.), Garlic (3 slices) and bay leaf (2-3 pcs.). Distribute this composition evenly over all the banks so that it completely covers the mass. Now it remains only to roll up the jars with boiled metal lids and put them in a warm place, covered with a towel. After a week, the preservation can be transferred to the basement.
    4. fried. This is the simplest and at the same time quite tasty dish, for the preparation of which you need to cut the fruits of the plant into circles and just fry them over low heat in sunflower oil. Do not wait for the formation of a golden crust, it is enough to simmer the vegetables for 2-3 minutes. Before eating the squash in this form, put them on a large flat plate, brush with melted butter, salt and sprinkle with chopped dill. Serve the dish as a side dish for mashed potatoes, pasta, cereals, etc.
    5. soaked. They taste very tender, soft and sweet, somewhat similar to apples. To prepare such a sweet, prepare a wooden barrel with a volume of about 20 liters, put 0.5 kg of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, 200 g of sugar or honey there, transfer the squash divided in half and fill them to the top with water. Cover the container with oppression and leave in the basement for a week, stir them from time to time and ventilate them.
    6. stuffed. As a filling, you can use chicken fillet and any vegetables - eggplant (2 pcs.), Tomatoes (1 pc.), Peppers (1 pc.). It turns out very tasty if you combine them, the main condition is that they should be slightly fried. Meat (250 g) should be ground in a meat grinder and also thermally processed. Now combine all the ingredients and add mayonnaise (3 tablespoons) to them. Do not forget to salt the mass. Then clean the patissons, cut out the middle of them, leaving the walls no more than 2-3 cm thick, rub with salt and fill the recesses with the prepared filling. Next, put everything on a baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 150 degrees. Keep the vegetables in it for about 40 minutes, if they are baked earlier, take them out. Before you start tasting, sprinkle the dish with cheese.
    For treatment, fresh juice of the fruits of the plant is relevant. In order to get it, grind them in a meat grinder and through cheesecloth and separate the pulp from the desired ingredient. It should be taken 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. Since the taste can be bitter, you can add a little honey. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, after which you need to take a 7-day break. Thus, you can get rid of edema, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

    Important! The benefits and harms of patissons depend on how you store them - this should be done in plastic bags on the balcony or in the basement, they can start to rot if the humidity is high. They become less useful after freezing, in which case they are cut into cubes and put in the freezer.

    It is not surprising that this vegetable did not take root in the beds of gardeners in the CIS countries. This should be blamed on his pickiness to the soil, the bush is unlikely to bear fruit on sand and clay. He feels at ease only in high-quality black soil, regularly watered with water. The acidity of the soil is also very important, the higher it is, the more obstinate the plant will be. It is because of such a complex nature that zucchini is more popular in our latitudes.

    Squash is a favorite product in France, Switzerland, Italy, Venezuela and Brazil. This is due to the fact that these countries have a milder climate in which they feel great.

    It is interesting that outwardly this vegetable looks like a pumpkin, especially orange varieties, and porridge from it turns out to be about the same. To many, the fruits resemble porcini mushrooms, both in visual inspection and in tasting.

    In domestic literature, another name is more common - "Dish pumpkin", and young vegetables are known as "chickens". In Western countries, they are used not only for culinary and medicinal purposes, but also for decorating rooms. Various baskets are made from them, and in the USA they even replace the classic Halloween pumpkins.

    What to cook with patisson - look at the video:

    It remains only to say that this vegetable, of course, cannot compete with the same cabbage or pumpkin. Perhaps that is why he never took pride of place on the table in Eastern Europe. But at the same time, do not forget that due to the low calorie content, patisson is ideal for any diet menu. It turns out delicious in a variety of ways and in combination with all kinds of food!

    They are "members" of the pumpkin family: they are even called plate pumpkins in a different way - the fruits of squash are really very similar to plates. The Chinese call them "Buddha's palms" - this name can be understood if you look at the fruits "in profile".

    In the wild, patissons are not found- at least, no one has seen them in nature, and where their homeland is, it is not known exactly. This may be Africa, but most scientists believe that this is Central America.

    At the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century they came to Europe, but to Russia, like many other vegetables, only in the 19th century. And now patissons are not very popular with us: most gardeners prefer to grow zucchini, because there is “less fuss” with them, and they taste almost the same. Indeed, patissons require more thorough care than their counterparts, and they do not produce as rich a harvest. Cleaning is also more difficult, but nutritionists believe that they are healthier than zucchini, and their taste is more delicate. But the Americans respect squash: they are not too lazy to grow them, and of different sizes - the local housewives are very fond of them stuffed. In France, patissons are also popular: the French called the fruit - it seemed to them that it resembles a pie - and this is also true, and the pie in French is “pate”.

    Composition of patissons

    Not so long ago, only white ones were known to us, but then breeders brought out beautiful multi-colored fruits: light and dark green, golden yellow, orange, purple and speckled.

    Young patissons are tastier and healthier, and at the same time they don’t even need to be peeled.: they are good together with the peel, and the content of minerals and vitamins in them is very high, but there are few calories - only about 20 kcal per 100 grams, so they are “just right” for unloading diets. The weight of young fruits is small - from 100 to 300 grams, and large mature squash can weigh a whole kilogram, but their taste is lost, so you should not keep them in the garden for longer than 5 days.

    Squash rich in vitamins - C, group B, PP, carotene; and minerals are potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron; they contain dietary fiber and organic acids, natural sugars, enzymes, pectins.

    Properties of patissons

    Taste and dietary squash properties allow them to be used in cooking and dietology, but they are also used for medicinal purposes - many doctors introduce them into the diet of their patients, and in traditional medicine there are even recipes with their juice and seeds.

    The yellow-orange fruits contain lutein, a substance, in the absence of which a person’s eyesight is irreversibly impaired. Today, this problem has begun to manifest itself more often - the load on the visual apparatus of a modern person is enormous, and ultraviolet radiation also contributes to the destruction of eye tissues. With antioxidant properties, lutein eliminates excess free radicals and protects our cells from aging.

    The use of patissons normalizes metabolism: fats and proteins begin to be absorbed correctly, bile is better separated, and glycogen, the polysaccharide we need to restore energy, begins to accumulate in certain quantities where it is needed - in the liver and muscles.

    For people with diseases of the digestive tract, liver and gallbladder should be a mandatory component of the diet. The fiber contained in them gently stimulates the intestines, prevents fermentation and constipation. The kidneys also work better if there are a lot of dishes on the menu with squash; with them, even meat becomes safe and easily digestible - they have a lot of alkaline compounds that neutralize its oxidizing effect.

    Due to the large amount of potassium and magnesium, patissons are an excellent means of preventing vascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, liver and kidney diseases - they have a mild diuretic effect.

    patisson seeds

    The seeds of squash also have a lot of useful, but they need to be consumed for a long time to get a positive result. For example, with their help, you can get rid of excess salts accumulated in the body, as well as alleviate gout, an intractable disease that occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid in the tissues.

    Taking crushed seeds for several weeks, you can relieve swelling and improve kidney function. 100 g of peeled seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder, and the resulting mass is taken 20 minutes before meals, 4 times a day, 3-4 tsp, washed down with a large glass of clean water.

    Juice and pulp of squash

    Fresh squash juice also helps with kidney diseases - it should be drunk 100 ml up to 4 times a day, adding 10 g of honey.

    For constipation, once a day - preferably in the morning, half an hour before breakfast - they drink pure squash juice, also 100 ml each.

    The juice and pulp of patissons are so rich in healing natural substances that they are also used for cosmetic purposes. With their help, heal damage to the skin and mucous membranes; masks with them soften, rejuvenate and brighten the skin. The simplest homemade squash mask is applying its thin plates to the face. You need to keep them for about 20 minutes, and then remove and wipe your face with a swab dipped in unboiled milk.

    To lose weight with squash, you just need to include them in the composition of different dishes, and they should be their main component. Salt in dishes should be put less, and ideally do without it at all: squash quickly normalize metabolic processes, and remove excess cholesterol; it is not difficult to maintain a long diet on them - they are very tasty and are combined with any products.

    Squash in cooking

    Squash can be prepared in many ways: fry, stew, steam, marinate, bake in the oven or on the grill, pickle - when salted, they taste like porcini mushrooms. They cook pies, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles and even dumplings.

    You can also stuff patissons with anything: vegetables, cheese, meat, eggs, mushrooms, cereals - especially rice; some housewives even manage to fill them with sweet cream, but this is not for everyone, although squash jam turns out to be surprisingly tasty. Salads with raw squash and vegetable caviar are tasty and tender.

    No exotic ingredients are needed to prepare delicious squash dishes.

    Recipes with squash

    Good patissons in sour cream.
    4-5 young fruits should be washed, boiled in salted water or steamed until soft, then cooled and cut into slices. Put the sliced ​​patissons on a large flat plate, pour over sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley.

    Stuffed patissons
    As a dietary dish, stuffed squash is suitable - better with minced vegetable. The stalk is cut off from the squash, some of the pulp and seeds are taken out, the fruit is boiled for 10-12 minutes, and filled with minced meat. For minced meat, they take an onion, a couple of carrots, parsley root, green onions, black pepper, a few cloves of garlic and cheese (100 g). The vegetables cut into strips are sautéed in oil for several minutes, mixed with finely chopped green onions and garlic, grated cheese, and squash is stuffed. Then they are placed on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, sprinkled with cheese and ground black pepper, and baked at 150-170°C for 25-30 minutes. Serve topped with sour cream. You can not sauté the vegetable filling, but simply mix and stuff the squash with it; you can also add their taken out pulp there, chopping it - it will also be tasty, and even more useful.

    Salad with raw squash
    helps to lose weight and improves bowel function. It is necessary to cut into strips 300 g of young squash, add chopped onion, 1.5 tbsp. grated horseradish, chopped green onions and parsley, salt everything and sprinkle with black pepper, pour olive oil and mix.

    Because of their unusually beautiful shape and bright color, squash fruits are often used for decorative purposes: they can decorate any feast and even the interior.

    There are no contraindications to the use of squash, however, they should not be eaten by those who are prone to diarrhea and intestinal disorders. However, in combination with rice, they can still be consumed little by little - they are very tasty and healthy to refuse them completely.

    Its fruits, indeed, resemble a dish-shaped pumpkin. In this case, the color of the vegetable can be white (the more common type), green, yellow, purple, often differing in fancy spots and stripes.

    Usually its weight is from 100 to 600 grams.
    Fruits can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +1 degrees. But they need to be wrapped in polyethylene.


    Patissons, oddly enough, have a high content of many rare, but quite useful components for humans. Among them you can see:

    water (at least 93%);
    protein fractions;
    fats (represented by all types of fatty acids);
    carbohydrates (sugars are in the form of glucose and fructose);
    ash elements;
    organic acids;

    fiber (dietary fiber);
    pectin substances;
    vitamin K (acts on blood clotting);
    biotin (vitamin H);
    ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
    B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin);
    minerals such as potassium, calcium, lithium, copper, iron, sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, zinc, titanium, molybdenum, cobalt.

    The total calorie content of 100 g of squash does not exceed 19.5 kilocalories (this makes the product dietary).

    The percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 12/5/89%.


    This dished gourd is not deprived of properties useful to humans. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for:

    the formation of blood clots;
    various types of catarrh;
    general anemia and beriberi;
    constant stressful situations (calms the nervous system);
    violation of the functionality of the liver and kidneys;

    stagnation of bile;
    problems with urination (acts as a strong diuretic and relieves swelling);
    accumulation of salt in the body;
    constipation (has a laxative effect);
    unhealthy intestinal microflora (combats the effects of dysbacteriosis);
    failure in the absorption of proteins and fats;
    obesity factor (rapid saturation occurs due to fat, but this does not affect the figure);
    reduced work of the entire digestive system (its activity is stimulated and envelops the mucous membranes with peptic ulcer);

    slowing down the processes of hematopoiesis;
    lack or reduced function of glycogen recovery in the liver;
    reduced or no absorption of a mineral such as iron;
    the need to replenish the body with antioxidants (to prevent the development of cancer);
    low content of lutein;

    reduced immunity;
    increased content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood (it is excreted due to pectins);
    the risk of the appearance and deposition of free radicals in the body (their presence is neutralized by squash);
    reduced visual acuity and the risk of degenerative eye processes.

    In addition, it is very useful to introduce into the diet and vegetable seeds, ground into powder with a coffee grinder. After all, they are:

    highly nutritious protein-vitamin product (thanks to seed oil);
    natural medicine for diseases of the genitourinary system;
    restorers of the functions of the endocrine and nervous systems;
    excellent decongestant.

    Squash is one of the healthiest vegetables for the heart. Nature has combined in these fruits, it seems, all the useful substances that our cardiological system needs.

    What are patissons?

    Patissons are vegetables from the gourd family, whose closest relatives are cucumbers and melons. These are fast growing semi shrub plants. Grows best in well-drained sandy soils. On about 35-45 days of growth, bright yellow flowers appear on the bushes, from which cute slightly flattened disc-shaped fruits with wavy edges develop.

    In terms of chemical composition, they resemble zucchini and zucchini, but outwardly they are completely “knocked out” of the family. These small round fruits, resembling small saucers, first appeared somewhere in the region between Mexico and Guatemala. And today they delight people all over the world with their taste.

    In addition to the fact that patissons outwardly differ from their "relatives", they also surprise with an original variety within the species: pale green, white, yellow - they are one of those vegetables that can please the eye with juicy summer colors.

    The nutritional value

    As already mentioned, squash is one of the healthiest vegetables for the heart. They contain virtually no saturated fat, sodium and are completely devoid of cholesterol. But they are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

    In 100 g of the pulp of fresh patissons, there are no more than 20 kcal and more than 30 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. “Hidden” in the vegetable and almost 8 percent of the recommended daily intake of folic acid, and in addition, it is rich in B6, the most useful magnesium and potassium .

    Nutritional characteristics (per 100 g)
    18 kcal
    1.2 g
    0.2 g
    3.84 g
    1.2 g
    0.07 mg
    0.03 mg
    0.6 mg
    0.102 mg
    0.109 mg
    30 mcg
    18 mg
    0.13 mg
    3.3 mcg
    187 mg
    1 mg
    19 mg
    0.4 mg
    23 mg
    0.157 mg
    36 mg
    0.2 µg
    0.29 mg

    Benefits for the body

    These representatives of pumpkin are rich in various, important for strengthening the body and increasing its ability to resist disease. Ordinary fiber, for example, has the amazing power to prevent colon cancer. In addition, the same component (and, by the way, there are a lot of it in squash) helps to solve another extremely common problem of modern mankind - increased. Bypassing the description of the complex physiological and chemical processes occurring in the body, we can say that fiber “cleanses” blood vessels and blood from excess fat. And vitamin C helps to improve this process. Ascorbic acid, also found in patissons, prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood vessels, and this reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, vitamin C is a good, beneficial effect on most processes in the body, a substance that strengthens the immune system, protects against scurvy and many other diseases.

    The functions of potassium and magnesium are focused on lowering blood pressure. Why did you remember this? Only due to the fact that in the squash both elements are also contained in impressive portions. In addition, magnesium has another advantage for the cardiovascular system - it can reduce the risk of stroke.

    Compared to zucchini, fresh patissons (yellow varieties) contain more vitamin A, which makes them useful for maintaining healthy eye function and preventing some diseases that lead to blindness.

    Golden-yellow-skinned fruits are slightly higher in α-antioxidants, such as carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

    These substances, without exaggeration, are vital for humans. They protect against free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which play a key role in early aging and intractable or incurable diseases.

    Another feature of patissons, which positively distinguishes them from a number of pumpkins, is that they are the best sources, especially when it comes to folic acid, vitamins B3 and B6. Thanks to this characteristic, patissons can be useful for expectant mothers, since these vitamins are important for the proper formation of the fetus. In addition, folic acid is responsible for the proper synthesis of DNA. The lack of vitamin B9 is the cause of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

    No less useful are the seeds of squash. They are rich in glycosides, vitamins, proteins, and therefore, some of which are indispensable for the body. Interestingly, scientists found lecithin, the main component of egg yolk, in the seeds of this pumpkin. But what is most interesting is that in squash lecithin is presented in an almost identical amount. In addition, patisson seeds (dried and powdered) are considered useful for edema, endocrine, liver and gallbladder disorders, and also contribute to better absorption of proteins.

    Possible side effects

    And now the not so happy news. Among the abundance of components that make up the chemical "look" of squash, there are oxalates. These substances are in many cases the main culprits in the formation of stones in the body. Studies have shown that oxalates interfere with calcium absorption: large doses of the substance are not deposited in bone tissue, but in the form of crystals accumulate in soft tissues. Hence the warning: for people with chronic diseases of the kidneys or gallbladder, it is advisable to avoid squash.

    How to cook

    These beautiful vegetables are good for everyone. Blanched, boiled, frozen, steamed or grilled are great additions to a healthy diet. They are suitable for casseroles, stews and even for baking. But for food it is better to choose young patissons (5-7 cm in diameter) - at this stage of ripening they are sweeter, more tender and more appetizing. If the crop is not harvested in time, the squash will continue to grow, their skin will become tough, the flesh is hard and less juicy, and the seeds are inedible. When choosing squash, you should also avoid fruits with damaged skin, with "bruises" and dark spots - such vegetables are not suitable for storage and quickly rot. Squash is stored, like other types of zucchini, in the cold, wrapped in cling film to prevent moisture loss. Patissons get into dishes in a different form: chopped or whole (as a basis for minced meat or a la carte "plate"). By the way, in addition to fruits, squash flowers are also used for food. They are fried in batter, added to pastries, served as a side dish.

    A few culinary ideas

    Patisson salad bowl

    Cut off the top of the vegetable and make a small indentation, put your favorite salad in it. By the way, if young patissons are used as a “salad bowl”, they can be eaten along with the filling. This recipe calls for raw squash.

    For a couple

    Steaming vegetables is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to cook. Pierce a small patisson in several places with a fork and lower it into a basket over boiling water. To speed up the cooking process, the vegetable can be cut into several pieces. The average whole vegetable is cooked no more than 20 minutes. Serve with your favorite spices and sauces as an appetizer or as a side dish.

    Fried in breadcrumbs

    This recipe is reminiscent of the favorite zucchini dish. Cut the patisson into slices, dip in a beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs, again in an egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in vegetable oil until crispy.


    Cut into slices, drizzle with oil or your favorite sauce and send to the grill. To keep the patissons cooked in this way juicy, do not forget to sprinkle with oil or sauce during cooking.


    Wash the squash, cut off the top and select the pulp. Put any filling in the recess (cheese, meat, egg, mushroom, vegetable, or any one you have thought up is suitable), cover with a cut top and send to the oven.

    For the winter

    There are several ways to prepare patissons for the winter. The easiest is to freeze. And you can make pickled, salted, salted squash, cook vegetable caviar or salad. And some even make compotes and jams from them. By the way, squash jam is prepared like any other - in a 1: 1 ratio of vegetables and. They say that it turns out very much even nothing, and if you don’t know what the delicacy is made of, you will never guess that these are squash.

    Flower Dishes

    The simplest recipe suggests dipping fresh flowers in batter and frying them in oil. It turns out a tasty, tender and crispy dish. And those who are not looking for an easy way can cook stuffed squash flowers. As a filling, cilantro and goat cheese are suitable. The ingredients are mixed and the resulting mass is filled with a flower (half), and its tips are gently twisted (so that the filling does not come out). And now, as in an easy version - dip in an egg and fry.

    Some patissons resemble "flying saucers". And I must say, there is something in this: these amazing vegetables are as mysterious as UFOs. They are radically different from all their pumpkin relatives and, which is very important, in some respects they are even more useful.

    Pickled squash

    These are squash

    If you are planning to preserve squash for the winter, there are several simple recipes for their preparation. Squash can be prepared in sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces or whole (if they are very small). Whole patissons are often blanched before pickling - they are kept (boiled) in boiling water and then cooled in cold water. Still, patissons, even the smallest ones, are larger and denser than an average tomato, therefore, it takes more heat and time to cook it.

    Choose the recipe that will be more convenient for you to cook - according to the composition of the products or according to the canning technology. According to the same recipes, you can preserve small zucchini, cut into rings.

    How much brine (marinade) to cook

    There should be a lot of fillings for pickling vegetables. Suddenly you spill or there will be a precipitate from the salt.

    For 1 jar of 3 liters, you need 2-3 liters of brine. It is better to let the brine remain than not enough. If you filled the jars with brine and it is missing a little, add boiled water (if the filling according to the recipe is hot, then add boiling water, if not, then boiled water at room temperature).


    1. Pickled patissons with cucumbers and tomatoes

    Composition per can - 3 liters

    • Patissons are small (6-7 cm in diameter) - how much will go in;
    • Small cucumbers - 2-3 pieces;
    • Tomatoes - 3-4 dense;
    • Sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
    • Hot hot pepper - 1-3 pods (depending on how sharp you want to get the workpiece, you can not add at all);
    • Citric acid - at the tip of a knife;
    • Carnation - 2 buds;
    • Black peppercorns - 5 pieces;
    • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
    • Dill - several umbrellas;
    • Garlic - 3-6 cloves;
    • Currant and cherry leaves - 2-3 pieces each.

    For brine (marinade)

    per 1 liter of water (prepare the brine with a margin)

    • 50 g of salt;
    • 50 g of sugar;
    • 1 tablespoon table vinegar 9%.

    It is necessary to combine water with salt and sugar, bring to a boil. Add vinegar to the brine and pour hot brine over vegetables in jars.

    How to pickle squash with vegetables

    Prepare jars and vegetables for canning

    • Prepare jars: rinse, drain, pour boiling water or sterilize. Rinse and boil.
    • Wash vegetables and herbs, peel the garlic from the husk, sweet pepper - from the seeds (you do not need to peel the bitter one). Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, cut the sweet pepper into slices.

    fill jars

    • vegetables and spices, pour brine
    • At the bottom - spices, citric acid, cucumbers.
    • Patissons, arranged with greens: dill, cherry and currant leaves, sweet pepper slices (place bitter in some places);
    • Lay tomatoes on top.
    • Pour in hot brine. Cover with prepared lids. Put in a container for sterilization.

    Sterilize squash jars

    • Sterilize three-liter jars with squash for 25 minutes. If you close in jars of a smaller volume, then sterilize two-liter jars - 20-22 minutes, liter - 15-18.
    • Roll up jars with squash. Store at room temperature (not hot) or in the basement.


    2. Pickled patissons (without sterilization, whole)

    What do you need for canning


    for 3 l jar

    • Patissons are small (diameter 6-8 cm) - how much will go in;
    • Dill (chopped greens) - 3 tablespoons;
    • Dill umbrellas - 3 pieces;
    • Parsley - a few branches;
    • Tarragon (tarragon) - 1 sprig (optional);
    • Hot chili pepper - 1 pod;
    • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
    • Garlic - 2-3 cloves (peeled);
    • Horseradish - a piece of root (peeled) or 0.5-1 green horseradish leaf.

    For the marinade

    per 1 liter of water (prepare the marinade with a margin)

    • Salt - 50 g;
    • Table vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons.

    How to preserve squash in marinade

    • Prepare jars and lids (wash, sterilize or pour over with boiling water). Put on the bottom of the jars all the spices, greens indicated in the recipe (everything except squash).
    • Blanch small patissons: put them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then quickly transfer to cold water.
    • In parallel with blanching the squash, prepare the marinade: boil water with salt.
    • Catch the squash from cold water with a holey spoon. Fill them with banks. Pour in boiling brine. Cover jars with lids and let stand for 5-7 minutes.
    • Drain the water from the jars (put on lids with holes and pour the brine back into the pan). Bring the brine back to a boil. Add vinegar.
    • Pour squash with boiling marinade. Roll up jars with lids.
    • Ready jars turn upside down, cool. Store in a cool place.

    By the same principle of pouring and second boiling of brine without sterilization of jars, you can preserve and. Or .


    3. Pickled squash slices (with sterilization)


    per liter jar

    • Squash of any size - cut into pieces (large, so that it is convenient to get out of the jar later and eat);
    • Sweet red pepper (for beauty, you can yellow, orange, green) - 1 pod;
    • Black peppercorns - 5 peas;
    • Dill greens (washed, chopped) - 1 tablespoon;
    • Hot pepper (bitter or chili) - 1/4 pod (who loves hot, you can whole, then it is delicious to eat marinated).

    For pouring

    per 1 liter of marinade (take with a margin)

    • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    • Table vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.

    How to cook pickled squash slices

    • Prepare jars and lids as usual.
    • Prepare the filling: bring water with sugar and salt to a boil.
    • Wash squash and all vegetables and herbs. Cut the patissons into slices, peel the sweet pepper from the seeds and cut into slices.
    • Put everything in jars: first squash, on top - slices of sweet pepper, hot pepper, herbs and spices (peppercorns).
    • Pour the squash salad with warm dressing. Add vinegar. Cover with prepared lid. Place in a sterilization jar.
    • Sterilize jars with squash: liter - 20 minutes, two-liter - 25 minutes, three-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up covers.
    • Store at room temperature in a cool place.

    How to sterilize jars

    The sterilization pan should be with a wide bottom, then more cans will fit in it. The bottom of the pan should be lined with a clean cloth - for adhesion, so that the jars do not slip.