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  • Russian State Hydrometeorological University. Russian State Hydrometeorological University: address, faculties Russian State Hydrometeorological University lists

    Russian State Hydrometeorological University.  Russian State Hydrometeorological University: address, faculties Russian State Hydrometeorological University lists

    RSHU is the only university in Russia and Europe that has the status of a regional training center of the World Meteorological Organization. This is the first hydrometeorological university in the world that trains oceanologists, hydrographers, meteorologists, ecologists, specialists in aquaculture, economics, philology and artistic culture.

    The history of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University begins in 1930, when the Moscow Hydrometeorological Institute was established in Moscow, which after the war was transferred to Leningrad and renamed the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute (LGMI).

    Now the RSHU has 9 faculties, dozens of world-class scientific laboratories, training stations. Scientific schools and research directions have been created, the scientific journal "Scientific Notes" is being published. The university regularly appears in all-Russian and world education quality ratings, receives state grants and conducts joint projects with foreign partners.

    In 2015, the State Polar Academy was attached to the university.

    For more than 20 years, the Baltic Floating University project has been operating, which allows students to explore the seas and oceans in field expedition conditions. On board the training vessel, future specialists receive their first practical experience at sea. Expedition routes cover the Atlantic, Indian, Arctic oceans.

    Also at the university there is an educational and scientific station "Valaam", where students explore the hydrometeorological features of the Valaam archipelago and Lake Ladoga.

    Work in the field for future meteorologists, hydrographers, oceanologists is extremely important, and the Russian State Humanitarian University regularly conducts field practice and internships. Research work is of great importance: in the laboratories, students observe changes in climate, atmosphere, seismic activity, draw up their observations in reports and scientific articles.

    Students have at their disposal hostels, sports facilities, medical care, public transport benefits, social benefits and scholarships. There are student activists, a trade union committee, sections, circles and associations of interest, a center for promoting the employment of graduates. The university also has a military department that trains reserve officers in two hydrometeorological specialties.

    Graduates of the Russian State Humanitarian University can get a job in the organizations of Roshydromet, research institutions, specialized companies and firms in Russia and abroad.

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    Russia , Saint-Petersburg Website Related images at Wikimedia Commons

    Russian State Hydrometeorological University(RGGMU) is the oldest and only higher educational institution of hydrometeorological profile in Russia. Located in St. Petersburg. Formed July 23, 1930. For all the time, more than 20,000 specialists have been trained, more than 3,000 of them for foreign countries. The university prepares bachelors, specialists-engineers, masters. There are postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, as well as the faculty of advanced training.

    History of University

    UGS code Name of UGS The code Name Name of qualification sublevel
    010000 Physical and mathematical sciences 010700 Physics Bachelor of Physics Undergraduate
    020000 Natural Sciences 020600 Hydrometeorology Bachelor of Hydrometeorology Undergraduate
    020000 Natural Sciences 020800 Bachelor of Hydrometeorology Undergraduate
    080000 Economics and Management 080500 Management Bachelor of Management Undergraduate
    020000 Natural Sciences 022000 Ecology and nature management master Master's degree
    280000 Life safety, environmental management and environmental protection 280400 Applied Hydrometeorology master Master's degree
    020000 Natural Sciences 020601 Hydrology Engineer Specialty
    020000 Natural Sciences 020602 Meteorology Engineer Specialty
    020000 Natural Sciences 020603 Oceanology Engineer Specialty
    020000 Natural Sciences 020804 Geoecology geoecologist Specialty
    030000 Humanitarian sciences 030602 Public relations Public Relations Specialist Specialty
    080000 Economics and Management 080109 Accounting, analysis and audit Economist Specialty
    080000 Economics and Management 080502 Economics and management at the enterprise of nature management Economist-manager Specialty
    080000 Economics and Management 080507 Organisation management Manager Specialty
    080000 Economics and Management 080801 Applied Informatics (by area) Computer scientist economist Specialty
    090000 Information Security 090106 Information security of telecommunication systems Information protection specialist Specialty
    180000 Marine technology 180304 Maritime information systems and equipment marine engineer Specialty

    Specialties without state accreditation:

    Specialty 43.03.02. "Tourism" does not have state accreditation, about which on July 21, 2015, Rosobrnadzor decided to refuse state accreditation. Due to the lack of state accreditation of the specialty "tourism" at the Russian State Humanitarian University, documents of the state standard on the assignment of the qualification "bachelor of tourism" were not issued to graduates of 2015.

    Student sports

    The university is a participant in the championships within the Cup of Universities.

    The following sports sections operate at RSHU: Basketball, Judo and Sambo, Water polo, Table tennis, Swimming, Orienteering, Chess, Athletics, Boxing, Mountaineering, Arm wrestling, Rowing, Rowing slalom, Rafting, Freestyle wrestling, Sports tourism, Rugby, Cheerleading.

    According to the results of 2015, held by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of St. Petersburg RSHU (excluding GPA) participated in 29 competitions held as part of the Championship of Universities of St. Petersburg. At the same time, 2 gold and one silver medal were won. And according to the results of the championships in the team standings, 19th place was received

    There are many unique higher educational institutions in Russia, but the most special is the Hydrometeorological University, which operates in St. Petersburg. There is only one such university in our country. The uniqueness of the educational organization, the proposed specialties attracts applicants. What is this university that stands out among the universities of St. Petersburg? Let's talk about this school.

    History of the university: the first years of existence

    At the end of the 20s of the last century, the country felt a lack of qualified hydrometeorological specialists. This was the impetus for the opening of the corresponding educational institution. The Moscow Hydrometeorological Institute appeared in 1930.

    The largest scientists of that time were invited to work on the development of the university. They created the first programs, opened laboratories. From the first days the Institute carried out scientific research. In 1941, due to the Great Patriotic War, the university was evacuated to Leninabad. The new city lasted only 2 years. In 1943, the university returned to Moscow, and in 1944 it was transferred to Leningrad. At the end of the war, the educational institution was reorganized into the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute.

    Further development and modern period

    The first years of existence in Leningrad were quite difficult, because the bulk of qualified teachers remained in Moscow. To train students, the university invited employees of hydrometeorological institutions existing in the city.

    When the team was formed, the development of the institute was outlined. In the future of his activity, several important dates can be distinguished:

    • in 1960, an educational base was opened in one of the nearby villages, in which students began to practice;
    • in 1969, the second academic building was opened for students.

    Now the educational institution is called the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. The university received this status in 1998 for its contribution to education, high-quality training of students. The university is currently working on the quality of education. The educational institution plans to improve it, make the conditions more favorable for work, study, and the implementation of scientific research.

    Addresses of the Hydrometeorological University

    The university is located in St. Petersburg at several addresses, as it owns four buildings:

    • The first building is located on Malookhtinsky Prospekt, 98.
    • The second one is on Metallistov Avenue, 3.
    • The third one is on Voronezhskaya street, 79.
    • The fourth one is on Riga Avenue, 11.

    Those wishing to study at the Russian Hydrometeorological University do not have to come to St. Petersburg. The educational organization has a branch. It is located in the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Tuapse. The address of the university here is the following - Morskaya street, 4.

    Faculties related to the profile of the educational institution

    The Russian Hydrometeorological University has several faculties. Some of them are related to the profile of the educational institution. These structural units include the following faculties, which are not found in other universities in St. Petersburg and throughout Russia:

    1. Meteorological. In this structural unit, 2 groups are formed annually from applicants. One of them receives education in Russian, and the second - in English. Students learn to make meteorological forecasts, relevant measurements.
    2. Hydrological. This faculty provides training in the direction of "Hydrometeorology". Students are offered 2 specializations to choose from - these are "Hydroecology" and "Hydrology".
    3. Oceanological. This structural subdivision at the RSHU of St. Petersburg is chosen by those applicants whose attention was attracted by the name "Applied Hydrometeorology". There is only one profile - "Applied Oceanology".
    4. Geotechnology and information systems. At this faculty, undergraduate students are taught in the areas of "Ship armament" (profile - "Marine information systems and equipment"), "Applied Informatics" ("Geoinformatics"), "Business Informatics", "Physics". There is one specialty - "Information security of telecommunication systems".

    Faculty of Philology

    The Russian State Hydrometeorological University also has such structural subdivisions that are not connected with the hydrometeorological profile. This group of faculties includes philological. He has been working in the structure of the university since 1997. He, as the name implies, trains philologists.

    Education at the Faculty of Philology is conducted in 3 profiles - “Native Philology: Literature and Russian. language”, “Foreign Philology: Literature and French. language”, “Foreign Philology: Literature and English. language". These profiles indicate that students at this faculty study foreign languages ​​in depth.

    Faculty of National Artistic Culture

    Of particular interest is the Faculty of National Artistic Culture at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University of St. Petersburg. It is designed for creative individuals who want to develop their talents. The structural unit trains:

    • "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts";
    • "Design";
    • "Restorations".

    Specialists graduating from this faculty are in demand in the labor market. They work in the field of arts and crafts, are engaged in creativity, restore cultural heritage sites, and create innovative design products.

    Economic and management education

    At the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, they receive not only such an education that corresponds to the profile of the university. The Faculty of Hydrometeorological Support for Economic and Management Activities in Industries and Complexes offers prestigious undergraduate courses related to economics, advertising and public relations.

    After receiving a bachelor's degree at the university, you can continue your education in a master's program. Quite a few graduates do just that. They choose "Company Economics", "Environmental Economics", "Innovative Business Management", "Strategic Management".

    If you have a desire to become a student of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, you should definitely try to enter here. Here is a quality education, which is implemented in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. Talented students are given the opportunity to develop scientific projects, participate in competitions, conferences with reports, the results of research.