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  • The period of rehabilitation after cataract surgery of the eye. Postoperative period after lens replacement

    The period of rehabilitation after cataract surgery of the eye.  Postoperative period after lens replacement

    Operation cataract removal takes no more than 15 minutes, but the postoperative period is an integral part of the treatment.

    Full recovery usually takes 6 months, this period may vary depending on the patient's condition, his age, ability to regenerate, the degree of illness, lifestyle and compliance with the postoperative regimen.

    The recovery period also depends on the method by which the operation was performed.

    According to statistics, recovery after laser surgery is faster and easier than after ultrasound.

    Basic rules for rehabilitation after surgery

    With the right approach, the fulfillment of all prescriptions and the daily routine, the postoperative period will pass quickly and without complications.

    Compliance with the regime

    Requires proper rest and moderate activity, which means 8 hours of sleep. In the early days, it is not recommended to go outside (if necessary, it is possible to visit the street only in a special bandage).

    Quality nutrition is very important, the menu should be varied and rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits. You can eat dairy products, lean meats and be sure to broths.

    This will help to avoid constipation, which is not desirable during the first 10 days.

    If there is a predisposition, then at first it is necessary to carry out prevention, it is acceptable to use a little herbal laxative.

    Sometimes the attending physician prescribes a diet based on individual characteristics, it must be followed.

    It is worth abandoning the slopes in any direction if you need to pick up some object from the floor, then doctors recommend that you first sit down without bending your torso, then bend over a little.

    Do not lift heavy objects, do not carry heavy things - this can contribute to an increase in intraocular pressure, and sometimes hemorrhage.

    During the first 7 days, go outside only in a gauze bandage. Do all the manipulations in time, namely dressings, instillation of drops, regular visits to the doctor, and also, if there are any signs of complications, visit an unscheduled appointment.

    After surgery to remove the cataract, the eye begins to see already after 2 hours, but the vision loses its sharpness, foggy and blurry objects are possible. That's why doctors prescribe wearing glasses for the rehabilitation period.

    Diopters of lenses can vary greatly from each other, and experts insist on individual production, it is strictly forbidden to rent glasses or buy ready-made options. This may cause visual impairment.

    Carrying out hygiene procedures

    The operation, when the cataract is removed, in the postoperative period involves the observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

    This measure will prevent both viral and bacterial infections that are the cause of the complication.

    Daily washing should be carried out without the use of cosmetics, with warm, running water, with eyes closed.

    Bathing should be in the shower, hot baths should be excluded. When washing your hair, tilt your head back as much as possible, thus preventing shampoo from getting into your eyes.

    Using a special bandage

    This is a necessary measure after cataract removal. After surgery, a special bandage is applied by the doctor. It performs a protective function, it is removed only the next day.

    Then the patient independently rinses the eye, daily, using a solution of furacilin. Close the eye and blot it several times with a sterile cotton swab.

    Then apply a protective gauze bandage. Fold a sterile napkin in half and carefully fix it on the head with a bandage; for better fixation, you can also use a patch.

    The operation is a cataract, the postoperative period of which requires attention and compliance with all the rules.

    Application of eye drops

    During the rehabilitation period, the doctor prescribes drugs:

    Visit to the attending physician

    It is necessary to come for an examination to a specialist the next day after the operation, then after 10 days for a second examination.

    But at the first signs of inflammation, complications, severe pain, sensation of a foreign body, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist unscheduled.

    Also, if you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

    How to properly instill eyes during the rehabilitation period

    You should lie on your back, tilt your head back a little. Then pull the lower eyelid with your index finger without using force and drip 1 drop.

    Do not touch the eye with the dispenser, hold the vial vertically. If you need to repeat the procedure, you should wait 1-2 minutes and repeat the manipulation.

    Remove excess liquid with a clean sterile cloth, wipe the skin without touching the eye and without pressing on the nearest tissues.

    What not to do in the postoperative period after cataract surgery

    The operation was performed and the cataract was removed, the postoperative period requires some restrictions:

    What to do if complications occur

    It's important to know! If, nevertheless, water or foam from a cosmetic product has penetrated into the operated eye, then it is necessary to immediately rinse it with a specially prepared furatsilin solution.

    If there is a slight redness, then it usually disappears after applying the drops.

    Inflammatory processes - these include inflammation of the conjunctiva, vessels of the eye, iris. You need to see a doctor. Anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed by a specialist, and within a few weeks the eye returns to normal.

    High intraocular pressure - the patient has pain in the orbits, possibly turning into a headache. There is pain in the eyes, in the closed state a feeling of heaviness.

    Drops are prescribed by the doctor, they stabilize the work of the circulatory system of the eyeball.

    Hemorrhage is reddening of the protein as a result of rupture of the vessel- occurs extremely rarely, accompanied by pain and possibly blurred vision. You must immediately consult a doctor.

    Retinal edema - occurs due to mechanical action, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and a blurry image. Need therapy with eye drops.

    Retinal detachment - patients with myopia are at risk, but subject to all the rules for post-operative care and the use of drops, this complication can be avoided.

    Displacement of the lens - occurs when lifting weights and during active physical activity during rehabilitation. Requires immediate surgical intervention.

    What further eye care after cataract removal

    After the rehabilitation period is over, it is necessary to carefully handle vision, follow the following recommendations:

    If you follow all the rules in the postoperative period after cataract surgery, you can avoid complications. This will allow you to quickly rehabilitate, as well as improve visual acuity, while maintaining health for a long time.

    This video will tell you about cataract surgery and the postoperative period:

    In this video, you will be told about prohibitions in the postoperative period after cataract removal:

    Replacing a clouded lens in cataracts requires strict adherence to certain recommendations given by an ophthalmologist. Following them will help you recover faster after surgery and shorten the rehabilitation period, allowing you to enjoy clear vision. In this article, we will talk about how to behave after surgery.

    In this article

    Any operation is a technically complex process, especially when it comes to surgical interventions in the eye area. A real salvation for many people suffering from various pathologies of vision was the advent of laser correction. And if in the past few of the patients agreed to surgical intervention using a scalpel, then the laser allows you to make the operation minimally invasive and safe for humans. Carrying out laser correction, including the replacement of the lens of the eye, has many advantages.

    So, for example, it is well tolerated at any age, does not leave seams or scars on the eyeball, and is also absolutely painless, thanks to the use of drip anesthesia and high-quality materials and instruments. However, it is still impossible to completely eliminate the risk after lens replacement with a laser.

    Possible postoperative complications

    Indications for the replacement of the lens of the eye are always individual. That is why before starting treatment it is necessary to visit not only an ophthalmologist. In addition to him, you will have to go through specialists of a narrower focus, for example, an endocrinologist. This is necessary for those patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus or other pathologies of the endocrine system, which can become a serious obstacle to the operation. The selection of the lens, or, as ophthalmologists call it, the intraocular lens, is also carried out individually for each person.

    It is this scrupulousness that allows achieving high results of laser correction. However, despite this, some patients experience complications after the replacement of the lens damaged by cataracts has been carried out. The postoperative period for them may be longer and more difficult than for most other patients. The main types of complications are:

    We have listed the main types of complications that are possible after replacing the lens of the eye with an artificial one. However, if the patient suffered from chronic diseases, then the list can be expanded.

    Completion of the operation and the first days after it

    Immediately after the removal of the lens of the affected eye, the patient's visual organs are covered with a special bandage, which is necessary to protect the operated eye from various contaminants, such as dust. As a rule, the next day, it is removed. After that, it is necessary to wipe the eyelids with a special cotton swab dipped in a solution of 0.02% furatsilina or a solution of 0.25% chloramphenicol. In most modern clinics, this procedure is performed by qualified specialists, but after surgery in a municipal hospital, you will most likely have to remove the bandage yourself. On the first day after the operation, you should not wear a bandage all the time. It must be worn if the patient decides to go outside, especially if the weather is windy or rainy. The main rule is to use a new, sterile bandage each time. Indoors, during rehabilitation after replacing the lens, it can be replaced with a home-made “curtain”, which you can easily make yourself, for example, using gauze for this.

    Again, it is very important that the gauze used is sterile, ideally freshly purchased from a pharmacy. There are many videos on the Internet that show in detail how to make such a “curtain” bandage. It is attached to the forehead with a medical plaster. This does not prevent the eyes from moving and allows them to fully “breathe”. In the first days of the postoperative (recovery) period, pain may occur in the temporal lobes, as well as in the eyebrow area.
    In such cases, ophthalmologists recommend taking one of the non-steroidal pain medications available in the home medicine cabinet. If the pain does not go away within a week, you should seek medical help.

    Use of eye drops during rehabilitation

    It is important to understand that rehabilitation after replacing the lens of the eye with cataracts requires a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist. As a rule, the use of special eye drops plays an important role in this period. When used correctly, they can shorten recovery after surgery and protect the eyes from various kinds of infections. In most cases, the appointment of one type of drops is not limited. Depending on the individual indications, the patient may be prescribed:

    • disinfectant drops, for example: Okomistin, Albucid, Tobramycin;
    • anti-inflammatory drops, for example: Dexamethasone, Indocollir, Diclo-F;
    • combined drops, for example: "Thiotriazolin", "Dexon", "Neladex".

    The above drops after removal of the affected lens with a laser, ophthalmologists prescribe to apply according to the so-called "decreasing scheme". The first week they must be instilled into the eyes four times: in the morning, after waking up, at lunchtime, before or after dinner (depending on the annotation to the drug) and before bedtime. During the second week, the fourth dose per day is canceled, that is, the drops are used only three times.

    During the third week - two, during the fourth - only one. However, these are the most common treatments during the postoperative period. In each case, the plan can be adjusted by an ophthalmologist.

    Wearing an eye patch during the postoperative period

    Wearing a bandage is one of the highlights after a cataract lens replacement has been performed. The postoperative period begins with its use. It performs a protective function, protecting the patient's eyes from bright sunlight, ultraviolet rays, and dust particles. As we wrote earlier, you can make such a bandage yourself.

    To do this, you only need sterile gauze and adhesive tape. The bandage that is put on the patient in the clinic, after the completion of the cataract surgery, can be removed already on the second day, but such a gauze will come in handy at least during the first week.

    Rehabilitation after lens replacement. Mode

    Like any other operation, it requires compliance with a certain regimen and the replacement of the lens for cataracts. The postoperative period does not imply mandatory bed rest. The patient can move around and even go outside, the main thing is not to forget to put on a blindfold. However, in the first two or three days after laser correction, it is still not recommended to leave the house, especially without the accompaniment of loved ones. If the healing process is quite fast, then the bandage can be replaced with goggles, but in this case it is better to give preference to models with polarized lenses. It is very important to follow some of the recommendations of ophthalmologists related to sleep. Doctors do not advise sleeping on the side of the eye operated on for cataracts and on the stomach. In addition, during the postoperative period, physical exertion, sudden movements, as well as head tilts and squats should be avoided.

    Hygiene after lens replacement

    An important step after the removal of the lens with a laser is the observance of hygiene rules. Washing your face and washing your hair during the rehabilitation period is extremely careful. In no case should women apply masks or creams on their faces, and doctors even recommend men not to shave for several days, explaining this restriction by the fact that shaving foam or gel can get into their eyes.
    If water, shampoo, soap or any other household chemicals still get into the visual organs, then they must be immediately washed with a solution of 0.02% furacilin or an aqueous solution of 0.25% chloramphenicol.

    Proper nutrition after lens replacement

    The postoperative period for cataract removal imposes certain restrictions on some products. So, for example, you can not eat meat that is characterized by high fat content, lard, as well as any dishes cooked in a pan. It is better to replace them with kidneys, liver or sea fish. Particular attention at this time should be given to carrots, blueberries, apricots, tomatoes, as well as other fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A and C.

    After removing the cataract surgically, vision in a short time becomes much better. However, in order to maintain its severity and make the healing process as fast as possible, it is worth adhering to all the rules, as well as recommendations regarding the postoperative period.

    Postoperative period: features

    After the operation is completed, a special bandage is applied to the patient's eye, which will protect the damaged organ from potential contaminants that cause infection. The bandage can be removed the next morning after surgery. After removing the bandage, without lifting the eyelid, the operated eye should be treated with a swab of sterile cotton wool, which is moistened with a 0.25% solution of levomycetin or a 0.02% solution of furacilin.

    The first postoperative days are not recommended to leave the house, however, if such a need arises, you can go out by covering your eye with a protective bandage that prevents blinking and eye movement. To ensure the absolute safety of the injured eye, a protective bandage must be worn at home.

    A home bandage is made from gauze folded in half and attached to the forehead with a plaster. With the active healing process, with the permission of the doctor, you can use darkened protective glasses instead of a bandage.

    After a few days, when the pain has subsided, the patient is allowed to watch TV or read books, making sure that there is not even the slightest feeling of eye fatigue. After the operation, vision quickly becomes good, but the full healing of the eye takes a long time - several months. During this period, it is better to exclude serious loads for the eye.

    Possible postoperative complications

    Some time after the operation, many patients feel pain in the eye, eyebrow or temple - this is normal, because the eye was injured during the operation. However, in order to exclude the risk of postoperative complications, you need to tell your doctor about your feelings.

    Complications after cataract surgery, unfortunately, are not uncommon. A particularly common disease can be considered a secondary cataract, which develops over several years or even months after surgery. It arises due to the fact that all the remnants of the disease-causing cells of the cloudy lens were not eliminated, because it is incredibly difficult.

    Intraocular pressure may also increase, which occurs due to damage caused during surgery or under the influence of other individual factors (genetic predisposition, inadequate physical activity, disease).

    Another postoperative complication is retinal detachment. It can occur due to the carelessness of the doctor, some past eye injuries or the presence of certain diseases.

    In addition, sometimes there is a displacement of the lens. This complication requires repeated surgical intervention, as it occurs due to a surgeon's mistake or due to a discrepancy between the size of the lens and the size of its supports.

    There may also be hemorrhage in the anterior chamber. Such a complication occurs due to the fault of the doctor, due to poor installation of the lens supports or other operational errors, this often happens with serious physical exertion after surgery, which should be excluded. As a rule, hemorrhages are treated with medication, in rare cases, repeated surgical intervention is required.

    Retinal edema, a rather rare postoperative complication that occurs if the patient suffers from other diseases, in case of poor postoperative care or the presence of eye injuries in the past. The risk of postoperative complications is minimized if the patient strictly adheres to the rules and recommendations voiced by the doctor, regularly uses the prescribed drops.

    Postoperative restrictions

    Cataract removal, despite the short recovery period, is a very serious operation. In the process of its implementation, the eye gets a big injury. Therefore, for its speedy healing, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the following restrictions:

    1. Do not lift objects that weigh more than five kilograms. This is fraught with an increase in intraocular pressure and the occurrence of edema, hemorrhage and retinal detachment.
    2. You can not sharply and for a long time tilt your head down, because such a position contributes to an increase in intraocular pressure.
    3. It is forbidden to expose the eye to temperature effects. Therefore, you should refrain from visiting baths and saunas, do not stay in the open sun, do not wash your hair with hot water. After all, high temperatures seriously increase the risk of hemorrhage.
    4. It is necessary to exclude physical activity, accompanied by a concussion of the body. It is worth stopping running, cycling or horseback riding, various kinds of jumping, etc., since shaking the body can lead to retinal detachment.
    5. After the operation, the eye often waters heavily. To wipe it, you need to stock up on sterile swabs that are moistened in boiled water. It is not recommended to carry out such a swab over the eye or eyelid. You can only wipe the area under the eye.
    6. Until the eye heals, you must completely abandon the use of alcohol and nicotine. Limit the daily intake of liquids, salt, spices, fatty or fried foods, because this can lead to swelling.
    7. Do not use eye makeup.
    8. Do not sleep on your side, on the side of the operated eye.
    9. Stop driving for a while.

    As the postoperative period progresses, the restrictions will be gradually lifted. But, if complications are identified, the list of prohibitions can become even longer.

    rehabilitation period

    To ensure complete safety of the injured eye, it is necessary to follow the rules of rehabilitation. Often, these norms are the same for everyone, although in special cases an ophthalmologist can make an individual list.
    During the rehabilitation period, the patient must adhere to the following:

    Mode. Compliance with bed or semi-bed rest is not necessary even in the first days after surgery, but the intensity of physical activity must be minimized. Any activity can only be continued until minimal eye fatigue occurs.

    Hygiene. For the first few days after surgery, it is better to refuse to wash your face and limit yourself to wiping it with a damp cloth. In case of accidental contact with water in the operated eye, it should be immediately washed with a solution of furacilin or chloramphenicol. Washing your hair is also strongly discouraged, if necessary, wash your head with it thrown back so that the water does not touch your face. The use of cosmetics for the face is excluded.

    Visit doctor. Appointments with the attending physician must be attended to assess the condition of the eye and the absence of possible complications.

    Bandage. The bandage applied by the surgeon at the end of the operation can be removed the next morning. For mandatory wearing, you should make a blind bandage yourself from sterile gauze and attach it to your forehead with adhesive tape.

    Eye drops. This is a necessary means of rehabilitation, regardless of the speed and activity of the healing processes. Drops protect the eye from the occurrence of inflammation, infection, irritation, soothe inflamed tissues. Such drops are prescribed by a doctor, based on the identified individual characteristics of the patient's body. The doctor also prescribes the dose and order of instillation.

    It is very important for the patient to learn the correct application of eye solutions. It's not hard at all, as long as you follow these rules:

    • Wash your hands thoroughly;
    • Shake the bottle and open it;
    • Tilt your head back, look up;
    • Place the vial upside down over the eye;
    • Pull the lower eyelid down with your finger;
    • It is easy to squeeze the bottle or the attached pipette so that 1 drop of the product falls into the space between the apple of the eye and the retracted eyelid;
    • close eyelids;
    • Cover the eye with a sterile napkin and lightly press the inner corner of the eye with your index finger for 3-5 seconds;
    • If it is necessary to instill several drugs, it is worth observing a five-minute interval;
    • After use, the vial is closed and placed in the designated storage area.

    What are the restrictions on reading, physical activity, etc. after lens replacement Is it necessary to stay in the hospital after the operation, if so, how long?

    As an answer to your question, I give you the text from our memo to the patient after the operation to replace the lens

    After the operation, your vision improves, but it is completely restored within the first few weeks. Full recovery of your eye occurs within 1 month after the operation.

    The operation involves a special postoperative regime.

    After operation:

    After 30 minutes after the operation, you can get up to move around and, if desired, eat. Very hot and hard food is not recommended. You can go home 1 hour after the operation.

    - the next day After the operation, you will need to come for a post-op check-up. Within 10-14 days after the operation, you will need periodic postoperative examinations as prescribed by your doctor.

    - first five days sleep on your back or on the side opposite the operated eye.

    The first 7 days, do not allow raw water to enter, do not wash your hair. Use only special drops prescribed by your doctor. In order to protect your eyes from the irritating effect of bright light, wind and dust on the street, you must wear sunglasses of any color and with any degree of shading, which must be washed daily with soap and water. Do not drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks and large amounts of liquids. Eliminate visual loads (do not read, do not knit, etc.).

    For the first month, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical work, lift weights, move furniture, work in an incline, run and jump. It is not recommended to visit the steam room and sauna. The food may be ordinary. Can carry loads up to 5 kg. You can watch TV, go to the cinema, theater, etc., without forgetting to put drops in your eye. Communication with a large number of people in the early postoperative period is desirable to limit (especially during periods of epidemics of acute respiratory diseases).

    1 month after the operation, the above restrictions will be lifted and you will be able to return to your normal lifestyle.

    The doctor can give you additional recommendations and schedule an examination. In cases where urgent consultation or assistance is required (injury, sudden decrease in vision, inflammation of the eye, etc.), you must urgently contact your doctor.

    The selection of reading glasses, if necessary, is appointed 1.5 months after the operation. In 3-6 months after the operation, it is advisable for you to undergo a follow-up examination in our clinic, and if this is not possible, an examination by your doctor at the place of residence.

    All examinations and consultations in the clinic are carried out according to pre-booking.

    We remind you that within 1.5 months postoperative monitoring is carried out at no additional charge. Appeals within the period from 1.5 to 6 months are paid at a discount, after 6 months (from the date of the operation) for the full cost.

    Scheme of instillation of drops afteroperations:

    Drops can be instilled on their own or relatives can do it. After washing your hands with soap, pull down the lower eyelid of the operated eye, drop 1 drop of medicine into the hollow formed between the eyelid and the eye ( do not touch the eye with a pipette!). In this case, it is better to look up. It is convenient to instill drugs while lying on your back. The break between the instillation of different drugs is at least 5 minutes. First, the eye drops recommended by the attending physician are instilled, then the eye gel. No drops are needed at night.

    TOBRADEX (MAXITROL) 2 drops:

    5 times a day - 1st week (at 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00)

    4 times a day - 2nd week (at 9.00, 13.00, 17.00, 21.00)

    3 times a day - 3rd week (at 9.00, 15.00, 21.00)

    2 times a day - 4th week (at 9.00, 21.00)

    1 time per day - 5th week (at 9.00)

    cancellation - 6th week

    INDOKOLIR (NAKLOF, DIKLOF) 2 drops 4 times a day for 1 month (at 10.00, 14.00, 18.00, 22.00)

    KORNEREGEL 2 drops 3 times a day for 1 week (at 11.00, 16.00, 23.00). The instillation scheme can be prescribed by the doctor individually.

    In cases where an urgent consultation or assistance is required (sudden decrease in vision, inflammation of the eye, etc.), you must immediately contact your doctor at the center. During non-working and working hours, you can call 250-5090 (24/7).

    We wish you a speedy recovery.

    For your convenience, we offer a schemeinstillation of drops after surgery (cataract, glaucoma) by the hour

    drug watch


    1st week

    2nd week

    3rd week

    4th week

    5th week


    (clouding of the lens) very quickly there is an improvement in vision. But in order to strengthen and further complete recovery, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations of the doctor in the postoperative period.

    Rehabilitation after cataract surgery is an equally important stage that follows after surgery. After all, proper rehabilitation is the key to achieving maximum results and successful restoration of vision in the shortest possible time.

    At the end of the operation, the surgeon seals the operated eye with a gauze bandage, the purpose of which is to protect the damaged organ from external irritants and microorganisms.

    Gauze bandage - eye safety

    Important: It is forbidden to sleep on the side of the operated eye during the next 2-3 days.

    The next day, you will need to perform the following procedures: without opening the damaged eye, remove the bandage, then with a sterile cotton pad soaked in one of the disinfectants (0.25% levomycetin solution or 0.02% pure furatsilin solution), treat the eyelid.

    It is advisable to wear the bandage for the first 3-4 days to avoid contamination from the external environment. Full bed rest is not necessary, however, immediately after the operation, doctors do not recommend walking down the street, especially in winter.

    If you still need to leave the house, make a tight enough bandage in which the eye will not move. Arriving home, you can get by with wearing a bandage-curtain, consisting of 2 layers of gauze, attached with adhesive tape to the forehead.

    Home procedures in the postoperative period

    In order not to irritate the eye, you must follow the advice of an ophthalmologist or surgeon:

    What is the examination of the eyes for the presence of diseases, including cataracts, .

    Eye care after cataract surgery is extremely important. Follow all his recommendations and advice.

    What drops to drip?

    Which eye drops are best to drip after cataract surgery is a rather controversial issue. Most often, doctors prescribe such drugs:

    1. Anti-inflammatory drugs: "Naklof", "Indocollir".
    2. Disinfectants: "Flokal", "Tobrex", "Ciprofloxacin".
    3. Combined funds: "Tobraex", "Maxitrol".

    What types of work after phacoemulsification will be prohibited by the attending physician?

    Of course, after the operation, a number of significant restrictions are imposed on the patient's life. Below is a basic list of jobs that will be prohibited after cataract surgery:

    What are the restrictions after the operation?

    Immediately after the operation, pain is sometimes felt directly in the eye and in the periorbital region. With such pain, you can take painkillers.

    Avoid direct sunlight after surgery. On the street, wear only sunglasses.

    Walking in the fresh air is very useful for restoring the visual functions of the eye.

    Exclude for a while:

    • gymnastics
    • cycling,
    • swimming,
    • sharp turns and tilts of the head.

    You should also temporarily postpone visiting saunas, baths, beaches.

    Do not lift heavy objects. Limit physical activity for 3-4 weeks.

    As for sex, there are no restrictions, but there are recommendations for using more passive positions.

    Visual loads are resolved almost immediately. If there is no pain, then already 5-6 hours after the operation it is allowed to watch TV, news or movies on the Internet. But it is worth making sure that there is no feeling of fatigue in the eyes.

    But decorative cosmetics for the eyes can be used only after a month.

    Also, within a month after stabilization of vision, you can start reading.

    Already after 7-10 days, if necessary, flights by plane are possible.

    Food in the postoperative period

    During the rehabilitation period after cataract removal, there should be a lot of vegetables and fruits on your table. The diet should be dominated by foods rich in vitamins:

    • A (hard cheeses, dairy products, seaweed, garlic and broccoli),
    • E (walnuts, spinach, viburnum, oatmeal, sunflower oil, peanuts, almonds),
    • C (citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes, strawberries, horseradish).

    Do not use: alcohol, spicy and salty foods, no smoking.

    Protect yourself from stressful situations as much as possible. Find time for proper rest.

    After the operation, no doubt, vision will improve, but until full recovery, the doctor may advise you to wear temporary glasses.

    From the foregoing, it follows that there are a lot of restrictions after cataract surgery. Nevertheless, following them will lead you to a quick recovery and you will soon fit into your usual rhythm of life.

    What complications may occur?

    Common complications after cataract surgery include:

    • pain in the eyes,
    • in the temporal region,
    • in the brow
    • tearing eyes,
    • clouding and feeling of a foreign body in the eye.

    But all these symptoms disappear as you recover within a month.

    In 1-1.5% of cases, complications occur after a few months:

    1. Development .
    2. Increased intraocular pressure.
    3. Retinal disinsertion.
    4. Displacement of the lens.
    5. Hemorrhage.
    6. Retinal edema.

    Patients who underwent surgery before the age of 50-55 recover much faster than . Compliance with all the advice and prescriptions of a doctor will help you quickly return to a healthy and fulfilling life.

    Additional information on surgery and rehabilitation: