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  • Does laser vision correction correct age-related farsightedness? How is farsightedness treated with a laser? The need for surgery for farsightedness

    Does laser vision correction correct age-related farsightedness?  How is farsightedness treated with a laser?  The need for surgery for farsightedness

    Treatment of farsightedness (treatment of hypermetropia) is one of the most important sections of refractive ophthalmology. The correction of farsightedness is constantly being improved, and the treatment of hyperopia currently has a huge surgical arsenal, using all the most modern high-tech methods of surgical treatment. However, a specific method for correcting farsightedness is determined for each patient individually, taking into account the state of the organ of vision at the time of examination, the patient's lifestyle and the nature of his work, the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

    Often, patients with farsightedness (hypermetropia) have difficulty fitting glasses or contact lenses or problems with their intolerance. In this situation, as a rule, surgical treatment of farsightedness is the only possible solution for comfortable vision for patients.

    Correction of farsightedness (hypermetropia)

    Farsightedness correction has one single purpose - to change the optical power of the eye so that the image is focused exactly on the retina. The most widely used spectacle and contact correction of hypermetropia. However, the correction of farsightedness with glasses or contact lenses does not allow you to radically get rid of hypermetropia. Many patients experience considerable difficulty in their use.

    At present, this problem has been successfully solved by introducing methods of surgical treatment of farsightedness into the daily practice of an ophthalmic surgeon. And hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from hyperopia got the opportunity to look at the world with their own eyes.

    Below we will try to give a complete description, describe the advantages, advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods of surgical treatment of farsightedness.

    Surgical treatment of farsightedness

    The term "surgical treatment of farsightedness" refers to surgery or laser correction of farsightedness. Surgical treatment of hypermetropia, regardless of the technique used, is the fastest and most effective way to correct farsightedness. Surgical correction of farsightedness lasts for several minutes under local anesthesia, and the patient can be discharged home on the same day. Surgical treatment of farsightedness, regardless of the method, is to increase the refractive power of the farsighted eye. Each of them has its own indications and contraindications. Taking into account all the examination data, the doctor will suggest the most optimal operation for your eyes.

    Surgical correction of farsightedness

    Thermokeratoplasty - the refractive effect is achieved by applying coagulates along the periphery of the cornea with a metal needle heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which the latter contracts, increasing the refraction of the central optical zone. Laser coagulation - the essence of the operation is the same as keratoplasty, the difference is that instead of a heated needle, laser radiation energy is used.

    Laser correction of farsightedness (hypermetropia)

    In the last decade, farsightedness laser treatment has been the most effective, safe and predictable way to treat hyperopia. Laser correction of farsightedness is achieved by evaporation of a certain thickness of the cornea layer with an excimer laser. To correct hypermetropia, an operation called hyperopic laser keratomileusis is performed.

    Hypermetropic laser keratomileusis

    It has a wide range of correction of hypermetropia and hyperopic astigmatism, as well as a short rehabilitation period. The essence of the intervention is that the increase in corneal curvature necessary for the correction of hypermetropia is achieved by ablation (“cold” evaporation) of the middle layers of the cornea on its periphery with an excimer laser, as a result of which its refractive power changes, which makes it possible to obtain the refractive effect of the operation.

    The main advantages of laser keratomileusis

    • rapid recovery of visual functions (as early as 1-2 days after surgery),
    • minimal restrictions in visual load after surgery,
    • preservation of the anatomical structure of the cornea,
    • no open wound
    • minimal pain (2 - 3 hours after surgery),
    • laser correction of farsightedness has stable results and a stable refractive effect,
    • treatment of farsightedness can be performed immediately on both eyes, without bandaging,
    • absence of corneal clouding in the postoperative period,
    • the ability to correct high degrees of farsightedness (including those with astigmatism).

    Procedure for excimer laser keratectomy

    The operation is usually done on both eyes at once. Before the operation, anesthetic drops are instilled. No general anesthesia is required. The patient is placed on the operating table, the skin around the eyes is treated with a special microbe-cleansing solution and covered with a sterile bandage. Once again, painkillers are instilled. The following steps are then carried out:

    To provide access to the middle layers of the cornea with the help of a special “microkeratome” device, a flap (“lid”) is cut out from the surface layers of the cornea, which turns away. To achieve optimal results in the formation of corneal flaps of the required size, a computer method is used to calculate the parameters of the device.

    Then the middle layers of the cornea on its periphery are evaporated with a laser, changing its curvature.
    At the end of the operation, the “lid” is placed in its original place. The flap is fixed without suturing, due to the adhesive properties of the cornea's own collagen.

    Postoperative period

    • It is better to spend the first day after the operation in our hospital under the supervision of experienced staff. It is not recommended to touch the operated eye, rub the eyelids to avoid displacement of the corneal flap. Also at this time it is not recommended to wash your face. During these days, eye drops are instilled.
    • The next day after the examination by our specialist, eye drops (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory) are prescribed for a period of 2-3 weeks, and if there are no problems, the patient is allowed to go home.
    • In the first two weeks after the operation, it is not recommended to rub the eyes, put pressure on them, it is advisable for women not to use makeup on the eyelids and eyelashes, sprays and hairspray. Within 2 - 3 months it is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool.
    • Post-surgery visits to the primary care physician usually occur the next day, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery.
    • Vision after the operation begins to recover after a few hours and the next day in the morning it reaches a sufficient level. In the next 2 to 4 weeks, vision reaches its maximum.

    Correction of hypermetropia by intraocular methods

    The operations listed above do not belong to the abdominal ones, since during them the surgeon's knife does not penetrate into the eye cavity. In cases where there are contraindications to excimer laser surgery on the cornea, hypermetropia is corrected by intraocular surgery (phakic IOL implantation or lens replacement for refractive purposes).

    Removal of the transparent lens of the eye with implantation of an artificial lens

    Clear lens removal (CLL) differs from the vision correction methods described above in that the operation is performed not on the cornea, but on the lens. Instead of changing the shape of the cornea, the lens is removed and replaced with an artificial eye lens.

    The operation is the same as cataract removal, only the clear lens is removed, not cloudy. Like other refractive surgeries, the removal of the transparent lens is often performed on an outpatient basis, through a small incision. The lens is removed by ultrasound (phacoemulsification). Instead, an intraocular lens (IOL) of the required optical power is implanted. Seams are not applied. Vision is usually restored within 24 hours.

    UPH is used to correct any degree of hypermetropia. The method is most suitable for patients older than 40 years, because at this age the ability to accommodate begins to be disturbed in most people.

    Phakic Lens Implantation

    Implantation of a phakic lens (IOL) consists in the fact that an additional diverging (“positive”) lens is placed directly on the lens, which focuses the rays of light entering the eye onto the retina. Usually, phakic lens implantation is carried out at a young age and with high degrees of hypermetropia, which cannot be corrected by excimer laser vision correction. The IOL is implanted into the eye cavity through a puncture, without suturing. The biocompatibility of the lens material minimizes the risk of complications. The operation and the postoperative period are painless, vision improves within a few hours after the intervention. The advantages of this operation include, among other things, the possibility of removing the lens, that is, a return to the preoperative state of the eye.

    In the presence of opacities in the lens with hypermetropia, the lens is replaced with a refractive purpose. This operation is similar to that performed for cataracts. Currently, when carrying out such an intervention, the method of phacoemulsification is used, or crushing the lens with the help of ultrasound. The native lens is removed through a 2-3 mm puncture, and a soft artificial lens is implanted in its place, calculated in such a way that the patient no longer needs correction for distance. And recently, a number of large manufacturers have developed and are introducing multifocal artificial lenses, which allow you to see well not only near or far, but to combine sufficiently high vision for both near and far. This happens due to the fact that each such IOL has several focal lengths. True, quite often the patient needs to get used to such a correction.

    The choice of tactics for the surgical treatment of farsightedness is strictly individual and is determined on the basis of the results of a complete ophthalmological examination. Since refractive surgery is the method of choice, the decision to carry out the correction is made by you. We will help you navigate - recommendations depend on your age, general well-being, existing or pre-existing eye problems, your glasses or contact lenses, lifestyle, profession, work goals and the results you expect from the operation.

    Prevention and treatment of complications of farsightedness

    If you have developed complications of farsightedness such as amblyopia, impaired binocular vision or strabismus, you need a comprehensive treatment that improves visual acuity. Treatment includes various types of stimulation: laser, magnetic, classes on computers equipped with unique programs, as well as a number of other latest devices. If indicated, not earlier than 1 month after the excimer laser surgery, you may be recommended surgical correction of strabismus.

    • What will the refusal to correct hypermetropia lead to?
    • Reasons for the development of farsightedness
    • Classification of farsightedness
    • How to find out about farsightedness and the need for its correction
    • How farsightedness is detected in the clinic before treatment
    • Professional vision correction: methods of working with treatment and farsightedness

    What will the refusal to correct hypermetropia lead to?

    Refusal of spectacle correction in case of hypermetropia can lead to the occurrence of asthenopic syndrome (fatigue from near visual load), reduced vision at all distances and defective formation of the organ of vision and, as a result, the development of amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus in childhood.

    Patients with mild to moderate hyperopia who have not corrected it often have complaints associated with asthenopia (eye fatigue from visual work, for example, in front of a computer or with papers). The fact is that close visual work requires additional tension and increased accommodation from a patient with hyperopia, which leads to an almost complete depletion of the relative volume of accommodation. thus developing asthenopic syndrome

    The lack of clear vision and the constant tension of accommodation contribute to the development of strabismus. Squint from farsightedness is usually "convergent" as the pupils converge closer to the bridge of the nose. Correctly selected correction allows not only to cope with strabismus, but also allows the eye to form correctly with full-fledged visual functions.

    The problems due to simple farsightedness do not end there: it is a common cause of conjunctivitis, chalazion, recurrent blepharitis, barley. All parents know the reason - children, when they tend to fall asleep, involuntarily rub their eyes, because their eyes are tired of overstraining when focusing, and they infect themselves with this infection. In many far-sighted adults, the childhood habit of rubbing the eyes persists, as long as its cause remains.

    Over time, the decrease in the ability of the eye to accommodate, which begins at the age of 20, can make hypermetropia not detected in childhood more obvious: headaches, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes, and then a significant decrease in vision during the evening will add to eye fatigue in the evening. working day - up to the inability to read the text either at the usual distance, or at arm's length - hands begin to "not be enough". Those patients who had hypermetropia at a young age, after 40 years, with the onset of presbyopia, without a few pairs of glasses or without laser correction of presbyopia, will not be able to see normally either near or far.

    In addition, farsighted older people have an increased risk of developing glaucoma. The reason is that usually the eyes with hypermetropia are shorter, the anterior chamber is smaller, the angle of the anterior chamber is narrow. And with an increase in the thickness of the lens with age, there is a risk of closing the angle of the anterior chamber in low light conditions. This is how angle-closure glaucoma develops.

    Reasons for the development of farsightedness

    Farsightedness develops under the condition of incorrect refraction of light rays that pass through the optical system of the eyeball. The brain perceives the image as blurry when viewing objects at close range.

    Farsightedness, or hypermetropia, is caused by the following pathologies:

    • Insufficient convexity of the corneal surface;
    • decreased elasticity of the lens of the eye;
    • decreased ability of the lens to expand;
    • weakening of the ciliary muscles responsible for regulating the processes of contraction and expansion of the eye lens (focus adjustment depending on the distance);
    • congenital flattening of the eyeball due to hereditary factors.

    In addition, farsightedness can occur due to age-related changes and diseases of the ophthalmological profile. It can be provoked by:

    • high blood pressure,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • diabetes type diabetes,
    • other common diseases.

    Stressful situations, unhealthy lifestyle and frequent overwork also belong to the list of factors that increase the risk of farsightedness. As statistics show, a large part of the population suffers from this disease, not even suspecting that there is a problem.

    Classification of farsightedness

    Farsightedness is a pathology of a refractive nature, which is caused by the formation of the focus of vision behind the retina. Contrary to popular belief, a decrease in visual acuity with farsightedness occurs at both far and near distances. In ophthalmology, there is a separate term that defines the disease - hypermetropia.

    In conditions of hypermetropia (farsightedness), there is a violation of the function of the optical system, as a result of which the combination of light rays is insufficient, the focus moves beyond the retina. The disease requires forced correction and amplification of the optical system, due to which farsightedness is determined by "plus" diopters.

    In the case of uneven refraction of light rays from different directions, there is a combination of hypermetropia and astigmatism. The age-related form of the disease is called presbyopia. Regardless of the form of farsightedness, refractive error is well corrected by laser methods.

    Farsightedness is divided into separate types, types and forms, depending on various factors that characterize the disease and its severity. From the point of view of the mechanism of appearance, hypermetropia can be refractive or axial:

    1. In the first case, the development of the disease occurs due to pathologies of the cornea and lens of the eye.
    2. In the second case, the axis of convergence of light rays is lengthened due to the anatomical features of the eyeball.

    According to the severity of symptoms, the disease is divided into the following forms:

    • Hidden. Refractive disorders are weak and compensated by increased accommodation of the ciliary muscles. The latter help to correctly focus the light rays and ensure normal vision of objects.
    • Explicit. It is accompanied by a decrease in accommodation due to overstrain of the ciliary muscle. The patient has difficulty recognizing objects at close range.
    • Full. Accompanied by pathologies and refraction, and accommodation of the eye.

    When assessing the severity of the disease, the following ranges of indicators are used:

    • weak - reduced vision to 2 diopters,
    • medium - reduced vision up to 5 diopters,
    • strong - a decrease in vision of more than 5 diopters.

    In this case, to measure the degree of impairment, indicators of the optical power of the lens are used, which are necessary for correction and the formation of a normal focus on the retina. With hypermetropia, only "plus" lenses are used.

    By age, farsightedness is divided into the following types:

    • Physiological. It is the natural state of the vast majority of children and persists until the age of 4-5 years. During this period, the organs of the eye undergo self-correction, and vision normalizes.
    • Congenital. It occurs due to violations in the anatomical structure of the visual organs.
    • Acquired or presbyopia. Refers to the so-called farsightedness of adults and occurs due to a decrease in the functionality of the lens and accommodative muscles with aging.

    The disease in the latter case becomes apparent after 40 years and is accompanied by a progressive decrease in vision. The rate of visual impairment directly depends on the condition and lifestyle of the patient.

    How to find out about farsightedness and the need for its correction

    Given the traditional asymptomatic course of the disease, it is important to detect violations in a timely manner. To do this, pay attention to the following signs:

    • rapid eye fatigue while reading with accompanying headaches;
    • dizziness when working at a computer for a long time or using mobile devices;
    • vagueness of the outlines of objects at close range;
    • hypersensitivity to light;
    • frequent discomfort in the eyes, a feeling of the presence of foreign objects under the eyelid.

    At the initial stage of development, the disease is quite easy to correct.

    How farsightedness is detected in the clinic before treatment

    To diagnose the disease, modern methods of examining the patient are used, taking into account the age and type of the alleged disease. To detect farsightedness, the specialists of the Sfera clinic use the following methods:

    • Visometry. Vision is checked using a standard table. In the case of free discrimination of letters located on the 10th line, vision is considered normal. If the patient sees smaller letters on the lower lines, there is a risk of hypermetropia.
    • Refractometry. As part of this diagnostic method, the cornea and lens of the eye are studied using infrared rays. Before the examination, the pupil is dilated with special drops. The most commonly used method is computer analysis of an optical system.
    • Skiascopy. Assesses the change in the refractive characteristics of the eye in conditions of an enlarged pupil with light rays. During the procedure, the doctor examines the reflection and movement of the shadows. When working, ophthalmic mirrors and rulers are used:
    • Ultrasound eye scan or echobiometry
    • Early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of a successful correction.

    Professional vision correction: methods of working with treatment and farsightedness

    Treatment of the disease is prescribed only after preliminary diagnosis and a comprehensive examination. Depending on the identified indications, the patient is offered correction of farsightedness by conservative, hardware or surgical methods of treatment.

    Optical treatment of farsightedness consists in the individual selection of glasses or contact lenses to correct violations. This method of treatment is used in cases where hypermetropia is estimated at a level of 1 diopter and above. In the case of presbyopia, glasses are used exclusively for reading and small work. Optical correction of farsightedness does not eliminate the problem, but corrects the disease.

    Lenses are used as an alternative to glasses for people with an active lifestyle. They are more comfortable to wear and better correct refraction, expanding peripheral vision. The use of lenses for treatment is possible with mild or moderate hypermetropia with indicators of 1-5 diopters.

    The selection of lenses is also carried out on an individual basis, depending on the type of disease, the needs and budget of the patient.

    Good results at an early age can be obtained through the treatment of the disease with apparatus and physiotherapy methods. In adults, hardware recovery techniques are less effective.

    Laser correction of farsightedness is a procedure to change the shape of the cornea of ​​​​the eye. An ophthalmic operation is performed by an ophthalmologist using professional equipment, which ensures maximum accuracy of eye manipulations.

    hypermetropia and presbyopia

    Presbyopia, or, is a condition of vision in which it is difficult to see objects located at close range. With the lens of the eye, age-related changes occur, and it gradually begins to lose its elasticity.

    This results in the inability to focus on objects close to the eyes. Ophthalmologists note that absolutely all people over 40 are at risk, even those who had excellent vision. It is worth noting that presbyopia is age-related changes in the eye.

    But hypermetropia is a condition of the organs of vision in which the image is focused in a plane behind the retina. In this case, all objects become fuzzy. Hyperopia can occur at any age.

    The fact that it is difficult for a person to focus on an object in front of him: the image is fuzzy and blurry.


    • frequent headaches in the back of the head;
    • difficulty in viewing objects located directly in front of the eyes;
    • blurred vision;
    • eye fatigue.

    With the manifestation of any of these symptoms, the likelihood of developing farsightedness is high. You should immediately contact a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. At a low degree of development of the disease, glasses or contact lenses are usually prescribed. At high - farsightedness is corrected surgically - this is:

    • laser vision correction;
    • removal of the lens;
    • phakic lens implantation.

    Laser correction of farsightedness: pros and cons

    Laser correction of hypermetropia is one of the most popular surgeries among ophthalmologists. She is quick and easy to perform. All manipulations are carried out exclusively on the cornea of ​​​​the eye. However, such an operation, like any surgical intervention, has its contraindications. Among them:

    • the impossibility of correcting farsightedness with diopters greater than +6.0;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • progressive hypermetropia;
    • dystrophic changes in the cornea;
    • diabetes;
    • the age of the patient must be over 18 years;
    • various diseases of the eye, including inflammatory;
    • common infectious and systemic diseases.

    Due to the large number of contraindications, it is recommended to conduct a thorough diagnosis not only of vision, but of the whole organism. Laser farsightedness correction has its advantages:

    1. Speed ​​of execution. The operation on each eye lasts 15-20 minutes.
    2. Security. Manipulation is performed on professional equipment and with the help of computer programs. In addition, individual patient indications are taken into account.
    3. Absence of pain. Before the start of the operation, special anesthetic drops are instilled behind the eyelid, which block all pain sensations.
    4. After the operation, the patient can go home. There is no need to stay in the hospital.
    5. High efficiency and stability of results. In general, corneal changes persist for life.
    6. Fast recovery period. After 2 hours, vision begins to correct and returns to normal. Well, a complete recovery of the cornea is observed within a month.
    7. The risk of complications is 1%, which makes laser correction the most effective among other surgical methods.

    There are practically no negative sides to this method. The only drawback is that laser correction is not recommended after 55 years. But even in this case, the chances of a positive result remain high.

    Stages of correction and recovery period

    There are several types of laser correction. The most common for and hypermetropia are LASIK and super LASIK. They combine laser exposure and microsurgery. LASIK peels off the top layer of the cornea, allowing access to the deeper layers.

    Laser vision correction for farsightedness takes place in 3 stages. At the first, the laser on the cornea creates a kind of flap that is retracted to the side. On the second, a laser beam burns the cornea layer, giving it the shape that the patient needs. Well, at the final stage, the flap is returned to its place and cauterized with a laser. There are no seams or scars.

    Almost all patients experience temporary discomfort after surgery. These include tearing, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness, a painful response to light. The duration and severity of discomfort depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Usually the effects completely disappear within a month.

    After laser correction, there are certain rules that should be followed until vision is fully restored:

    • do not wash or touch your eyes for 3 days after the operation;
    • do not visit various reservoirs, as well as baths and saunas;
    • avoid direct sunlight;
    • wear sunglasses even on cloudy days;
    • avoid any physical activity and exercise;
    • do not use cosmetics;
    • do not drink alcohol;
    • do not use self-prescribed drugs, including vitamins;
    • do not smoke and do not stay in smoky rooms;
    • Do not strain your eyes with reading, watching TV or a computer.

    A special restriction for women is that you cannot become pregnant within six months after the operation. To the listed rules, the doctor can add any other recommendations.

    It is worth regularly instilling all the drops prescribed by the doctor: they help speed up the healing process of the cornea. It is important to comply with all the requirements of the doctor, and then the recovery period will pass faster and without unnecessary problems.

    Often the correction of hypermetropia passes without complications. In the event of severe pain or decreased visual acuity, you should immediately contact your doctor!

    Operation video

    With hypermetropia, the image does not focus on the retina, but behind it. Therefore, all nearby objects are not clearly seen. The intensity of image distortion and the distance to clearly visible objects depends on the degree of development of the pathology.

    In this case, the treatment is carried out in several ways (), but the fastest, most effective and safest is laser correction. But, like all methods, this therapy has its own nuances, consisting in indications and contraindications for the procedure.

    At the moment, about 20 types of laser correction are officially used. This article will consider the most common of them, which can cure not only simple forms of the disease, but also complicated ones.

    Age restrictions

    Important: Correction of farsightedness with a laser is prescribed by an ophthalmologist only after a thorough diagnosis and within a strictly limited age of the patient.

    In adults, after 50 years, laser vision correction for farsightedness is not appropriate due to the physiological characteristics of the organs of vision for a period over the age of 40.

    With age-related hypermetropia, laser vision correction can result in unpredictable consequences. Mostly the effect will just be short-lived. In this case, two choices remain:

    1. spectacle correction;
    2. operation.

    The choice of therapy depends on the complexity and stage of the disease.

    Almost all people who have crossed the age of 40 show age-related hypermetropia - presbyopia. This pathology is due to the gradual compaction of the lens, which occurs over the years.

    Among the manifestations:

    • weakness of the ciliary muscle;
    • reduction of accommodation reserve.

    Fact: Laser treatment in this case is simply not relevant anymore, since not only elements of the optical system are involved.

    Are children operated on?

    Not everyone knows whether it is possible to do laser correction in children.

    Most ophthalmologists will say that young age is one of the main contraindications to this therapy.

    But some private clinics have special developments in this direction, with the help of which some complicated visual impairments with farsightedness in children are treated with a laser. But even in this case, there are individual age restrictions.

    If the patient is between the ages of 18 and 40, farsightedness after laser correction, it no longer appears.

    Features of laser correction

    With the help of this therapy, not only hypermetropia is treated, but also myopia, astigmatism.

    During the procedure, the laser affects the shape of the cornea, which ultimately gives it a naturally correct shape.

    Fact: The parameters for each patient are configured individually.

    The characteristics of the effect of the laser on the organ of vision are based on:

    • disease and its stage of development;
    • the presence of complications;
    • individual physiological characteristics of the eyeball itself.

    The rays do not cause any physiological changes and do not harm the organ of vision itself, since their effect is narrowly directed and affects only a certain zone of the refractive medium of the optical system.

    The shape of a natural lens tends to change, so refraction is restored and the image is focused in the right place. A person acquires visual acuity at close distances.

    With the help of laser corrective therapy, you can get rid of hyperopia up to +4.0 diopters in just one day.

    The depth of exposure does not exceed 180 microns, therefore the method is considered the safest and most accurate.

    The procedure itself takes no more than 20 minutes, most of which is laser adjustment.

    Thanks to drip anesthesia, the patient does not experience any discomfort or other unpleasant sensations. There is only slight pressure on the eyeball.

    Types of corrections

    Now there are many developments. But only a few of them are in active demand:

    • LASIK;
    • EPI-LASIK;
    • LASEK;

    The difference between them is:

    • accuracy of adjustment to the individual parameters of the patient;
    • method of formation of the surface of the cornea;
    • the level of impact.

    The essence is always the same: to restore the patient's vision.

    The cost of the procedure depends on the type of correction. The price tends to vary, but it is also affected by the treatment center in which the therapy will be carried out.

    Important: Do not forget that all price lists for procedures indicate the price of working with one eye.

    In any case, before carrying out therapy in any clinic, an examination by an ophthalmologist will first be carried out to determine the need for a procedure.

    You can see how the operation is carried out in this video:

    Photorefractive keratectomy () is the first vision correction technique using an excimer laser. This method is used less often than LASIK, but in some cases it has advantages. During the intervention, a non-contact correction of the curvature of the cornea is performed with a preliminary cutting of the epithelial flap. The surface of the cornea is changed by evaporation in predetermined areas. Vision after such an intervention is restored within 3-4 days, the full rehabilitation period is up to four weeks.

    Other methods for correcting farsightedness

    Less commonly, thermal keratoplasty is used to correct hypermetropia. The essence of the method lies in the fact that under thermal influence collagen fibers in the cornea are wrinkled and its shape changes. There are two types of this intervention: laser thermoplastic (non-contact) and conductive (contact). Such operations are associated with the risk of postoperative development.

    All the described techniques are indicated for mild or moderate hyperopia. In case of severe refractive error, implantation is performed. Installing an artificial one is an effective method, but at the same time the eye loses its ability to, and there is also a risk of complications, including the retina.

    Video of laser surgery to correct farsightedness

    Not all patients need laser vision correction for farsightedness or other surgical methods. The choice of treatment method is determined by many factors:

    • what is the degree of farsightedness;
    • how much the eye adapts to a given refraction;
    • whether the pathology affects professional activity (for people of some specialties, for example, pilots, not all types of correction are allowed);
    • laser correction is not indicated for patients who are engaged in potentially traumatic sports (boxing, football, wrestling);
    • surgical treatment of refractive disorders in immunodeficiencies, endocrine pathology (including diabetes mellitus), if necessary, the constant use of steroid drugs is not indicated;
    • contraindications are inflammatory diseases of the visual apparatus, herpetic infection, undergone surgical operations on the eyes.