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  • Job description of a merchandiser, job responsibilities of a merchandiser, sample job description of a merchandiser. What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser? What is the essence of the profession of a merchandiser magnet

    Job description of a merchandiser, job responsibilities of a merchandiser, sample job description of a merchandiser.  What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser?  What is the essence of the profession of a merchandiser magnet

    We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a merchandiser, a sample of 2019/2020. Job description of a merchandiser should include the following sections: general position, duties of the merchandiser, rights of the merchandiser, responsibility of the merchandiser.

    The following items should be reflected in the job description of the merchandiser:

    Responsibilities of a merchandiser

    1) Job responsibilities. Determines the requirements for material resources, their quality compliance with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents, as well as concluded agreements. Takes part in determining the compliance of draft plans for the logistics of an enterprise, institution, organization with production plans, in monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the receipt and sale of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products, in preparing data for drawing up claims for the supply of low-quality goods -material values ​​and responses to customer claims. Controls the availability of material resources and finished products in warehouses. Communicates with suppliers and consumers and draws up documents for the shipment of products. Participates in the development and implementation of organization standards for logistics, marketing, product quality control, organization of transportation and storage of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products. Maintains operational records of the receipt and sale of inventory items, controls the timeliness of the shipment of returnable packaging, and, if necessary, conducts a search for undelivered goods. Participates in carrying out inventories, studies the reasons for the formation of excess excess material resources and illiquid assets, takes measures to implement them. It monitors compliance with the rules for storing inventory items in warehouses, preparing finished products for shipment to consumers, draws up the necessary documents related to the supply and sale of products, draws up reports in accordance with established forms.

    The merchandiser must know

    2) In the performance of his duties, the merchandiser must know: resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the logistics and marketing of products; market methods of managing; standards and specifications for inventory items, their main properties and quality characteristics; the procedure for developing plans for logistics and concluding business contracts; methods of accounting for inventory items, calculating the need for them; forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures; organization of warehousing and marketing of products; terms of delivery, storage and transportation of inventory items; current price tags and price lists; standards of production stocks of material resources; main technological processes of production; nomenclature and range of products; fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations.

    Qualification requirements for a merchandiser

    3) Qualification requirements.

    Commodity manager: higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 3 years.

    1. General Provisions

    1. The merchandiser belongs to the category of specialists.

    • Category II merchandiser: higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience as a merchandiser.
    • Commodity specialist: higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 3 years.)

    3. A commodity manager is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

    4. The merchandiser must know:

    • resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the logistics and marketing of products;
    • market methods of managing;
    • standards and specifications for inventory items, their main properties and quality characteristics;
    • the procedure for developing plans for logistics and concluding business contracts;
    • methods of accounting for inventory items, calculating the need for them;
    • forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures;
    • organization of warehousing and marketing of products;
    • terms of delivery, storage and transportation of inventory items;
    • current price tags and price lists;
    • standards of production stocks of material resources;
    • main technological processes of production;
    • nomenclature and range of products;
    • fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;
    • fundamentals of labor legislation;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    5. In his activities, the merchandiser is guided by:

    • the legislation of the Russian Federation,
    • the charter of the organization,
    • orders and orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction,
    • this job description,
    • The internal labor regulations of the organization.

    6. Merchandiser reports directly to ____ (indicate the position of the employee to whom he reports).

    7. During the absence of a merchandiser (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

    2. Job responsibilities of a merchandiser


    1. Determines the requirements for material resources, compliance of their quality with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents, as well as concluded agreements.

    2. Takes part in determining the compliance of draft plans for the logistics of an enterprise, institution, organization with production plans, in monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the receipt and sale of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products, in preparing data for drawing up claims for supplies low-quality inventory items and responses to customer claims.

    3. Controls the availability of material resources and finished products in warehouses.

    4. Communicates with suppliers and consumers and draws up documents for the shipment of products.

    5. Participates in the development and implementation of organization standards for logistics, marketing, product quality control, organization of transportation and storage of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products.

    6. Maintains operational records of the receipt and sale of inventory items, controls the timeliness of the shipment of returnable packaging, and, if necessary, searches for undelivered goods.

    7. Participates in the conduct of inventories, studies the causes of the formation of excess excess material resources and illiquid assets, takes measures to implement them.

    8. Monitors compliance with the rules for storing inventory items in warehouses, preparing finished products for shipment to consumers, draws up the necessary documents related to the supply and sale of products, draws up reports in accordance with established forms.

    9. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

    10. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    11. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

    12. Fulfills, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

    3. Rights of the commodity manager

    The merchant has the right:

    1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

    • to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction,
    • on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,
    • on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

    2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

    3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

    4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

    5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

    6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

    4. Responsibility of the commodity manager

    The merchant is responsible in the following cases:

    1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The job description of a merchandiser is a sample of 2019/2020. Job duties of a merchandiser, rights of a merchandiser, responsibility of a merchandiser.

    Job descriptionmerchandiser[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

    I. General provisions

    1.1. The merchandiser belongs to the category of specialists. He is hired and dismissed from her by order of the director of the enterprise.

    1.2. A person who has a higher professional education and at least [value] years as a commodity manager of the II category is appointed to the position of a commodity manager of the 1st category; for the position of a commodity manager of the II category, a person who has a higher professional education and work experience in the position of a commodity specialist for at least [value] years; for the position of a merchandiser, a person with higher professional education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, not less than [value] years.

    1.3. The merchandiser reports directly to the director of the trading enterprise.

    1.4. During the absence of the merchandiser (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

    1.5. In his activities, the merchandiser is guided by:

    Regulatory documents and methodological materials on the issues of the work performed;

    the Charter of the enterprise;

    Labor regulations;

    Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise and the immediate supervisor;

    This job description.

    1.6. The merchant must know:

    Decrees, orders, orders, other regulatory and governing documents of higher bodies for the logistics and marketing of products;

    Market methods of managing;

    Standards and specifications for inventory items, their main properties and quality characteristics;

    The procedure for developing plans for logistics and concluding business contracts;

    Methods for accounting for inventory items, calculating the need for them;

    Forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures;

    Organization of warehousing and marketing of products;

    Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of inventory items;

    current price lists;

    Standards of production stocks of material resources;

    Basic technological processes of production;

    Nomenclature and range of products manufactured by the enterprise;

    Fundamentals of economics, organization, labor and management;

    Labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

    Internal labor regulations;

    Rules and norms of labor protection.

    II. Functions

    The merchandiser has the following functions:

    2.1. Determination of the conformity of the quality of material resources with regulatory documents and concluded contracts.

    2.2. Establishing relationships with suppliers and consumers of products.

    2.3. Operational accounting of the receipt and sale of inventory items.

    2.4. Participation in the inventory of inventory items.

    2.5. Registration of documentation for the supply and sale of products, reporting.

    2.6. Implementation of control over compliance with the rules of storage of inventory items in warehouses.

    III. Job Responsibilities

    To perform the functions assigned to him, the commodity manager of the enterprise is obliged:

    3.1. Determine the requirements for material resources, their quality compliance with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents, as well as concluded agreements.

    3.2. Take part in determining the compliance of draft plans for the logistics of the enterprise with production plans, in monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the receipt and sale of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products, in preparing data for drawing up claims for the supply of low-quality inventory items and responses to customer complaints.

    3.3. Control the availability of material resources and finished products in warehouses.

    3.4. Communicate with suppliers and customers and draw up documents for the shipment of products.

    3.5. Participate in the development and implementation of organization standards for logistics, marketing, product quality control, organization of transportation and storage of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment and finished products.

    3.6. Maintain operational records of the receipt and sale of inventory items, control the timeliness of the shipment of returnable packaging, and, if necessary, conduct a search for undelivered goods.

    3.7. Participate in the conduct of inventories, study the causes of the formation of excess excess material resources and illiquid assets, take measures to implement them.

    3.8. Monitor compliance with the rules for storing inventory items in warehouses, prepare finished products for shipment to consumers, draw up the necessary documents related to the supply and sale of products, draw up reports in accordance with established forms.

    3.9. [Enter as required].

    IV. Rights

    The merchant has the right:

    4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise on the issues of its activities.

    4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

    4.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents on issues within its competence.

    4.4. Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the enterprise to solve the duties assigned to it (if it is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the enterprise).

    4.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

    V. Responsibility

    The merchant is responsible for:

    5.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

    Head of structural unit

    [initials, last name]


    [day month Year]


    Head of the legal department

    [initials, last name]


    [day month Year]

    Familiarized with the instructions:

    [initials, last name]


    [day month Year]

    A commodity manager is a person whose main task is to control the material base of a certain company. It is such an employee who should monitor the quality of the products sent, compliance with the terms of contracts for the supply of goods and equipment, the fulfillment by the reseller of his duties and other things related to the sale of something in a warehouse or store.

    The responsibilities of a merchant are numerous. In order for him to perform them well, it is necessary to take the work with all responsibility and seriousness. Among the main functional duties are the acceptance of the delivered goods and storage, its inspection for compliance with the standards. A commodity manager is a position present in almost all companies that deal with the storage, transportation and sale of any product.

    What exactly is the work of this specialist? The above duties of a merchandiser are just the tip of the iceberg. Such an employee also deals with other activities: he constantly works with documents, draws up contracts, participates in audits, prepares lawsuits and claims against manufacturers in cases where the products turned out to be of poor quality. If the cargo is lost on the road, the problem falls on the shoulders of the merchandiser. In addition, he must be concerned that the excess does not accumulate, and also look for the causes of such a phenomenon and eliminate them.

    Of course, the duties of a merchandiser will differ, depending on the specific place of work. So, people who occupy the same position in a warehouse, in a store and in a supermarket will be doing completely different things. Someone will work more with the goods, someone - with documents. For example, the duties of a merchandiser in a store will be more related to the conclusion of contracts and monitoring their compliance. Wherever a specialist works, he must interact with other employees of the company in order to optimize and improve its work.

    As for material remuneration, it also depends on the place and amount of work. We only note that the starting salary can be frighteningly low, but with time and experience it increases and can reach 30 thousand rubles a month. In addition, in large companies, as a rule, there is a system of remuneration and bonuses for a job well done.

    A person who wants to take this position must meet a number of requirements. The duties of a merchandiser can be qualitatively performed only by those who are economical and hardworking. Usually, employers look for concrete thinking, diplomacy and responsibility in applicants. The merchandiser must be well versed in the documentation and legislation that regulates his activities. Of course, he must be well versed in the goods with which he deals.

    To become a merchandiser, you must have the appropriate education. It can be obtained from economic institutes. If the company deals with specific equipment or machinery, it is desirable that such an employee also has a special technical education. From time to time, a merchandiser must improve his qualifications at special courses.

    It just so happened that for the last 6 years my work, one way or another, was connected with trade. Back in 2005, I worked at a wholesale base in St. Petersburg, later I worked in a regional supermarket chain in Udmurtia, starting my career as an ordinary security guard and ending as an administrator of a trading floor. In 2008, I was quite successfully engaged in an independent business in the field of housing maintenance, but the crisis and the general stoppage in the country, as well as the attitude of partners forced me to sell the business. Such a deal allowed for some time to live comfortably, without worrying about earnings. However, everything is not forever - my money has also run out, and the question of employment has arisen. In 2009, the octopus "Magnit" got to us. After digging around on the Internet, having examined the official documents and reports of the company, it was decided at the family council that this company could be trusted with a certain stretch, and my resume was sent to the address of the company. It should be noted that the answer was not long in coming. I was strained by the need to go to an interview 250 km away, to the capital of Udmurtia, but having written off all this “surplus production” and the youth of the branch, I set off. The interview went surprisingly quickly both in the HR department and with the branch director. Initially, I was approved as a merchandiser, which suited me perfectly. The need to complete an initial internship in another city for two weeks, followed by a month's training in Tyumen, was also written off on the scale of the company, although it slightly alerted me. In fairness, it is necessary to note several features of this company:

    1. In the process of passing the interview, the efforts of the interviewers form a positive impression of the company.
    2. During the training and initial internship, if it goes strictly according to plan, the trainee receives dosed and selected information about the company, which contributes to the formed impression of the company as a large, stable and positive organization that strictly follows the letter of the law.

    It was these two moments that alerted me. As a rule, high-quality advertising touts "free cheese", which indicates the proximity of the mousetrap. During a month-long training in another city (even a region), one generally gets the impression that he has fallen into a uniform sect. Enough "competently" handle teachers and coaches. However, it all depends on the specific employee-teacher, that with the training of AMM (magnet store administrator), that with internships and training of RP (ordinary personnel), a lot depends on the efforts and capabilities of the teacher, I got good teachers.

    So, two months after passing the initial interview, I received the proud title of trainee merchandiser, and a month later I opened my second store in this chain (the first one I opened during the internship), after which I became its director. I have been in this position for over a year. I would not consider my life as heavenly, as well as the life of my subordinates. Immediately after the opening of the store, it turned out that they did not have time to train me a merchandiser, so I would have to work alone, and in this mode, 11 hours a day, seven days a week, I worked for two months. Twice during this time I was given days off, they replaced directors from other stores: the first time they gave me a real day off, the second time I went to a training (a very interesting and useful thing, by the way). As a director, I performed all my job duties, which are spelled out in the employment contract: in addition to the duties of an administrator, I constantly stood at my post, sat at the cash register, and unloaded all the cars from the distribution center. By the way, an unpleasant story is connected with these machines: a girl-seller got a job in the company, hiding her pregnancy. During the internship, she took part in unloading the car, as a result of heavy bleeding (miscarriage), several weeks in the hospital and the nerves of the director, because the matter is something under jurisdiction. Worked in emergency mode and my sellers (cursing and swearing at me), there really is no one to work. Firstly, the constant opening of stores and, as a result, the transfer of employees, and secondly, the inability to staff the store with the company's management. Despite all the "paradise" promises, people do not really like such work, many do not even last a month, resulting in staff turnover, lack of staff. Store directors are not trusted by the PMO (human resources department) to recruit and conduct interviews, with rare exceptions, which affects the speed and quality of the selection of candidates. So several times they hired employees who were fired by me earlier from other networks for theft and other “joys”.

    If we evaluate the work of Tander CJSC as an employer, and this is precisely the goal I set in this article, then it is necessary to show maximum objectivity. Which is not so simple, given my lawsuits against the company, strained relations with management, constant disputes and swearing with direct supervisors, mismatch of internal expectations with actual working conditions, and other “features” of the work process, which were accumulated on seven thick folders. However, having discarded all prejudices, I will try to tell you as objectively as possible about what will await you in the Magnit chain of stores, about the “pitfalls” and how to avoid them. The main task is to be as objective as possible, in no case to slander or praise Tander CJSC for personal reasons.

    So, it is impossible to dispute the fact that CJSC Tander is the leader of Russian retail in terms of the number of stores, which indicates a huge number of network employees. And given the general “disease” in the form of “turnover” for the supermarket industry, it becomes clear where so many negative opinions about the company come from. In fairness, I note that the social guarantees and working conditions prescribed in the orders, regulations and other (very much guidance to love paperwork) do take place, but as in all of Russia, a lot depends on the individual, on his mentality, development (mental and mental) , impudence, and other personal characteristics. As elsewhere, disorder will reign if it can be theoretically done, the leader's friends will be in a special account (typical for all levels), negligence and carelessness of varying degrees of severity. It all depends on the individual leader. Each store, branch, bush will differ depending on the bosses. This is typical for Russia in general. Probably, a feature of the mentality, and it will have to be corrected for several generations. We do not like to follow the instructions that smart people develop, preferring to bypass them in order to get a “plus” from their leader or simply because of irresponsibility. It is because of this that there are shortages in stores, accountants forget to pay salaries to employees, or they do it with mistakes, goods arrive late, there are no consumables, sellers work for 15 hours, staying after work and going out on their weekends, cashiers incorrectly punch through goods , cheating buyers, who in turn steal goods that turn out to be expired. This is how it all goes round...

    When planning to work at Magnit, regardless of the initial position for which you are applying, you should remember a number of individual features of this trading network:

    1. Wishing to save on employees, Tander CJSC provides the seller (often also the administration) with an excellent opportunity to be at the same time and for one salary: a seller, a cashier, a security guard, a loader, a storekeeper, and so on.
    2. Your work schedule will directly depend on the staffing, but as a rule it is 3 through 3 or 2 through 2 for 12 hours a day. At least once every three months (targeting once a month) you will have to participate in a continuous audit, which involves working until 12 am with an exit by 6 am the next day, with an excellent prospect of staying all day. In addition, unforeseen problems will periodically arise (preparation for the audit, waiting for the car, the need to lay out the goods, the sanitary hour, etc.), while the sellers will have to stay late or come earlier, depending on the imagination of AMM and the Supervisor.
    3. Processing is paid conditionally, that is, the wage fund for the store is strictly dependent on the loss and revenue of the store. The total payroll fund is divided in proportion to hours worked and coefficients (KTU and KS) for all employees. That is, having worked the most hours, you will receive the most money, provided that you are not AMM (they have a different calculation system and hours do not affect wages), however, processing will not be paid according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in double size.
    4. Magnit stores are characterized by a frantic pace of work: they accepted the goods, immediately dragged them into the hall to lay them out, the influx of customers - they immediately sat down at the cash register. Lunch and tea parties are strictly on schedule and also as soon as possible - Remember that you are not alone ... Thus, if you are lazy or slow, then you will not be able to work in Magnet.
    5. All arrears at the cash desk (and for my practice in different networks, cashiers could “lose” up to 6,000 rubles from their cash desk per shift) fall on the shoulders of the cashier, and the whole plus goes to the income of the enterprise. So you also need to count quickly and accurately.
    6. There are also good points: a white salary (pension contributions from the entire amount of income received) in my practice (4 chains and more than 5 trade organizations) is the only enterprise with such a wage system.
    7. Pretty wide social. package: own pension fund, the opportunity to get a cheap ticket to a sanatorium in the Krasnodar Territory for a child and for oneself, a number of other “bonuses”, however, it is quite difficult to get them, as far as I remember, one employee rested for free in the south.
    8. A lot of things, including salary, intensity and schedule of work, relationships in the team, depend on the managers, sequentially on the store director, supervisor, office employees (NOP, personnel manager, accountants), on their personal qualities, relationships with each other , likes and dislikes. Ideally, if at all levels there are worthy competent specialists who have managed to establish business relationships with each other, accurately following all the instructions of the company, then we get an ideal store that is a paradise for customers and employees, with high salaries, normal schedules, acceptable workload and other paraphernalia " Russian" dream. It is a pity that in practice such a result is quite difficult to obtain.
    9. In a young branch, and also, if the network is just entering the market of your city (district, region, etc.), the employee has great chances to quickly climb the corporate ladder. In just half a year, you can grow from a salesperson to a store manager. One of the main conditions: loyalty to the company, it is a pity that many managers are not able to distinguish between the concept of "company loyalty" and personal sympathy. However, this can be quite successfully dealt with by turning to the management “over the head”, that is, directly to the supervisor, the NOP when visiting, or to the PMO department.
    Thus, in summary, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    CJSC Tander, namely the Magnit chain of stores, is an ideal place to work for young, not family, ambitious, hardworking, active, enterprising, flexible, in terms of adaptability, people. If you consider yourself to be such, then most likely you will be comfortable here, and pretty quickly you will become an AMM, and you will receive a decent salary. For everyone else, the Thunder will not become a home. The fewer criteria you meet, the more uncomfortable you will feel in the company. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there are not so many ideal employees in the understanding of the company.

    If Thunder has become a temporary home for you, or you have nowhere else to go to work, that is, you are forced, without much desire, but out of necessity, to work in this company, then it will be useful for you to know what any leader appreciates in his employees:

    1. Performance
    2. Responsibility
    3. Diligence

    Therefore, performing the assigned work with high quality, any employee can expect a decent salary and small intangible "bonuses". However, for this it is worth sweating a lot .... If everything is really bad: low wages, difficult working conditions and everything else, and you do not want to put up with it, then you will find a rather long and troublesome process, which, subsequently, will pay off handsomely. So, a few tips for those employees whose stores have a situation different from that provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the company's internal documents. The most essential thing you need is determination. You need to decide to fight with the employer, and in the person of a specific person, as a rule, the store manager. No matter how rude it may sound, everyone will blame their immediate supervisor for their troubles at work. The seller is a director, the director is a supervisor, and so on, although this is not always true. Due to the wrong actions of the supervisor, the store may lack staff, the personnel management department may not be able (read: desire) to employ new employees, and all this will affect the seller. Store employees can steal goods, which will affect losses and, ultimately, the salary of an ordinary employee. There are many such reasons, but in any case, the direct supervisor should solve them. And he will also have to eliminate your discontent. Therefore, temporarily, whether through his own fault (will), he becomes your enemy. Then I’ll tell you about how to win in such a “labor” war.

    Having decided to defend your labor rights, you can already consider yourself a hero, not everyone can decide to do this. But your struggle is not limited to determination alone. Your task is to take all measures so that your leader (hereinafter referred to as the enemy) does not find out about your discontent and desire to defend your rights. As soon as he finds out about your thoughts, your enemy will try to fire you, and this is quite easy for him to do. Therefore, we need to prevent this. DO NOT openly criticize the enemy, do not express your dissatisfaction, in no case say that you will sue and all that. As a rule, having learned about your plans, you will immediately be asked to quit, if you do not agree, they can slip the goods into things and write a bunch of memos. In no case do not write explanatory notes, do not sign acts that can be drawn up against you. Of course, they will have legal force even without your signature, but then the grounds for their preparation will have to be proved, which in itself will make life difficult for the employer.

    You need to collect documents with which you can argue and prove the violation of your rights. Especially do not delay the collection of documents, remember: you have three months to go to court from the moment you found out or should have found out (!) About the violation of your rights. What documents do you need? There is no universal answer, it all depends on the rights that are violated against you. It may be that in fact there are no violations, it may seem to you that you are overworking, working like a horse without days off, and at the end of the year you will meet all the norms. You may feel like you are not getting paid. It may seem to you that you receive less salary (overtime is not paid), but in fact it goes in an encrypted column in the statement. Consultation with a lawyer is quite an expensive thing, but you will most likely not be able to do without it. With a certain degree of probability, you can contact government agencies (the prosecutor's office, labor inspectorate, etc.), they should also give advice, but remember that they have enough work of their own, and therefore they will try to get rid of you quickly, limiting themselves to an unsubscribe (most often an extract from the law), but nevertheless, even such a reply will somewhat clarify the situation. You will be able to find out if there are at least theoretical violations, what they are and what the normative values ​​should be. So, having established the existence of a violation, you need to understand what documents you will need in court. At a minimum, this should be the employment contract that you were given when applying for a job. The composition of the remaining documents directly depends on the violations that you have identified and will become the basis for going to court. Several heterogeneous groups can be distinguished, the most common violations of labor legislation in trading enterprises, including in the company CJSC "Tander":

    Unpaid overtime
    Inappropriate working conditions (lack of heating in winter, no toilet, etc.)
    Penalties (bonus deductions, deductions from wages)
    Illegal dismissal.
    There are four points of violations known to me that take place in CJSC Tunder and can be proven.

    Unpaid overtime

    You will need:

    Pay slips (issued along with wages) for the period in which processing is noted. Keep in mind that under the terms of the employment contract, such a period is 1 year. For a year with a 40 hour week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), on average, you must work 2080 hours (the value varies depending on the year, for example, in 2011 it is 1981 hours). Anything over is processing and must be paid double. There is no “for overtime” column on the pay slips. Therefore, if you have worked more, you can demand payment. Of course, the company conditionally paid you the hours worked (see above), but did not fix this payment. You need to prove your processing, for this you must also collect all the time sheets (charts) that are posted in the staff room. Recently, the company has been going to great lengths to prohibit AMM from posting charts with hours. The time sheet is stored in the AMM computer, and it can print it out for you, how to achieve this is up to you. Personally, I never printed out and did not give such a time sheet to anyone, and they did not ask me for it. He himself regularly copied and printed it. It is desirable that the time sheet and pay slips have the seal of the store and the signature of the director. Of course, the director will not put a signature, but you can borrow the seal yourself. It is usually relatively free.

    Inappropriate working conditions

    In my practice, one of the shops worked for several weeks without running water, the toilet did not work at the other, there was no heating in my shop for almost the entire winter (tea was covered with a crust of ice in the office). In this case, it is necessary to enlist the support of the director and the team. It is much easier to solve the problem together. You need to draw up acts on a daily basis in which to describe the breakdowns (for example: “12/21/2011 there is no heating, the temperature in the room is + 5”) to be signed by the director and at least two sellers. Make copies (because they will lose it) and hand over the CB with the requirement to correct the situation. Nobody wants to do anything. And you will have to go to the prosecutor's office, taking with you the acts and copies of the requirements (which, unfortunately, the CB will not sign for you) and after the verification, the management will be forced to solve your problem.


    Despite the fact that formally fines in the company are called bonus deductions and everyone tells you that the amount of fines is simply not charged, in fact this is a complete lie. Each store receives (received) a letter every month, which indicates the amount of fines and from which it can be established that these are fines. True, it is very difficult to receive (print, stamp and sign) such a letter (in fact, only TMM and DMM, who do not want to, can). Theoretically, it is possible to prove the existence of fines, but in practice it is quite difficult, almost impossible.

    Illegal dismissal

    This is when the director calls you into the office and says that you are fired. Makes you sign an application and so on. If you wish to keep your job, you must politely refuse and return to your duties. Go to work on schedule, even if you are not allowed to work, the main thing is to come. And contact the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate as soon as possible. Although, in my memory, no one wanted to challenge the dismissal.

    So, in order to successfully resolve issues with the employer, you need to collect documents confirming that he is wrong. Then consult with a lawyer again. He will tell you if everything is correct, and evaluate your chances of success. Then boldly agitate employees, colleagues and managers to join you. The more you will be - the more likely to win the case. In addition, remember that the more you are, the more intensively you are ready to defend your violated rights, the sooner the employer will resolve the issue with you in a pre-trial order, eliminate the shortcomings, and pay compensation.

    Summing up, I want to note that despite all the shortcomings, Tander CJSC makes full payments in the social. funds, has a fairly wide social. package provides acceptable working conditions, especially when compared with similar enterprises. If you have problems with your employer, you feel that your rights are being violated, accumulate documents, be patient and courageous, try to unite and defend your rights. Together, you should be able to do everything.

    Sincerely, Khanygin Kirill Sergeevich,
    former store manager Magnit "Shumny"


    The profession of a merchandiser is multifaceted and, as its name implies, a specialist in this field “manages the goods”. He is responsible for the goods, both to the buyer and to the head of his enterprise. Some merchandisers are engaged in the formation of assortment and prices, others organize the purchase of goods and check the quality of products or are responsible for its high-quality storage.

    Places of work

    Representatives of this profession are most in demand in shops, supermarkets, trading enterprises and warehouses. Also, commodity specialists are required in product quality control centers, licensing organizations, agricultural enterprises, pawnshops and in institutions that control trade and consumer rights.

    History of the profession

    The profession of a merchandiser originated in ancient times, the works of ancient Roman scientists such as Columella, Varro and Cato the Elder, who described the methods of processing and storing crops, as well as methods for assessing the quality of products, have come down to us. However, the profession became most widespread in the early 20th century. At that time, the competitiveness of enterprises reached a new level and the demand for merchandisers increased significantly.

    Responsibilities of a merchandiser

    The main job responsibilities of a merchandiser include:

    • acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, as well as verification of accompanying documentation;
    • organization of the removal of goods from utility rooms to the trading floor;
    • control and maintenance of stocks of goods in the warehouse;
    • placement of products in the warehouse;
    • carrying out inventory and audits of goods;
    • maintaining order and cleanliness in the warehouse.

    If necessary, the duties and functions of the merchandiser include organizing the write-off and return of products, as well as preparing funds for collection.

    Requirements for a merchandiser

    The position of a merchandiser covers quality control, sales and supply of various products. That is why the requirements for representatives of this profession may vary depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Basic requirements for a merchandiser:

    • secondary specialized or higher education;
    • At least 2 years of experience in trading;
    • knowledge of the rules of trade;
    • availability of skills of acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    • the ability to organize the activities of the warehouse, storage conditions and transportation of goods;
    • PC proficiency and knowledge of the 1C program.

    If a merchandiser works in an international company, knowledge of English at a conversational level is welcome.

    sample resume for merchandiser

    How to become a merchant

    Do you want to become a merchant? To do this, you must at least unlearn at an institute, technical school or university with a degree in merchandising. You will also need experience in the field of trade and an understanding of its specifics and nuances. Depending on the specifics of the organization, knowledge in the field of economics, merchandising, logistics and methods of peer review of products may be required.

    Merchandiser salary

    The salary of a representative of this profession depends on the experience and location of the enterprise. The average salary of a merchandiser is 30,000 rubles a month. However, a specialist without experience can receive 10 thousand rubles. The maximum salary of a merchandiser was found in the Moscow region - 100 thousand rubles.