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  • Declarant - who is he and what does he do? Easy profession - Customs declarant Customs declarant.

    Declarant - who is he and what does he do?  Easy profession - Customs declarant Customs declarant.

    Today, the business of many companies is difficult to imagine without foreign partners. Someone imports goods from other countries, others, on the contrary, are engaged in export. The field of activity of firms with foreign contacts can be completely different: some are engaged in investment, others in trade, and still others in joint production, etc. Often, cooperation with foreign companies is impossible without investment activities, barter transactions, sales contracts, various contracts etc. The results of such activities are often various materials, goods and cargo that should be moved from the contractor to the customer or from the seller to the buyer. And in order to transport goods across the border, it must be declared and carried out through a series of customs procedures. And the work of a customs broker in Moscow, like in any other city, is precisely this. They provide goods to various companies at customs.

    The bar chart below shows the change in the level of the average salary of the profession Customs declarant in Moscow:

    The declaring customs broker will submit all the necessary documents to the customs inspector, calculate payments in accordance with government regulations, legislative acts, and draw up a cargo customs declaration. Also on his shoulders lies the provision of operational information on customs clearance and customs duties, both accompanying and transportation documents. The necessary certificates should be issued to consignees and consignors. For the successful and high-quality work of the customs declarant, it is necessary to know the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as international rules for determining the customs value of cargo and concluding contracts for the sale.

    Below is a rating of similar vacancies in terms of wages in Moscow. Among similar professions, the most highly paid is the Deputy Director for Logistics. According to our website, the average salary is 125,750 rubles. In second place is the Head of the Foreign Trade Department with a salary of 85,000 rubles, and in the third place is a Customs Clearance Manager with a salary of 72,500 rubles.

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    Among the qualities of a customs declarant, composure, attentiveness, stress resistance, perseverance, sociability, responsibility, knowledge of a PC, the ability to work with documentation, and decency are especially valued. Those interested in the vacancies of a customs declarant in Moscow will find them in no time at Trud. It doesn't take long to find your dream job. Unless, of course, you search through our job portal. Take just a little time to find interesting cooperation offers, and you will definitely find suitable vacancies. Even if you are a customs declarant with no experience, you can find something suitable for you.

    The declarant is a specialist who performs the function of interaction with customs control points when moving goods across the border. His duties include declaring, presenting and presenting the goods of the company. The position of the declarant in the company allows to significantly reduce the cost of customs clearance, and therefore such a specialist is a valuable employee, whom the company tries to encourage with decent wages and additional bonuses.


    The profession of a customs declarant is in demand in all large and medium-sized companies engaged in foreign economic activity. If a company exports and imports goods, that is, moves goods across the border, it needs a competent employee who will deal with the declaration and customs clearance of goods (this can be either a declarant, or a foreign trade manager or logistician)

    History of the profession

    The specialty of the declarant appeared not so long ago - just a few years ago. The current economic environment dictates its own conditions for companies - they have to cut costs in all areas of activity, including in the field of work with customs control points. It has become much easier and cheaper for companies to hire a declarant who is engaged in the dispatch, transportation and customs clearance of goods than to turn to customs brokers - intermediary organizations that perform the same functions.

    Obligations of the declarant

    The duties of the declarant include the following functions:

    • Selection and assignment of ETN VED codes for a wide range of products;
    • Elaboration of previously assigned codes, their timely execution and registration in SAP;
    • Preparation of a full package of documents for customs clearance of goods;
    • Registration of declarations and their transfer to the customs post;
    • Responding to customs inquiries, communicating with suppliers to agree on the coding of goods;
    • Calculation of payments and duties, timely correction of data;
    • Monitoring of customs regulations and legislation, as well as documentation related to customs clearance of goods in the company;

    In addition to what is the responsibility of the customs declarant directly, some employers expect the employee to perform additional tasks - for example, creating and maintaining a technical library about the company's products.

    Requirements for the declarant

    Most companies have the following requirements for the customs declarant:

    • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • Secondary technical or higher education, preferably in the field of customs or law;
    • Experience in the field of customs clearance and declaration of goods (on average, employers give a figure from 1 to 3 years);
    • Knowledge of the basic rules for coding and interpreting goods;
    • Knowledge of the basics of customs legislation;
    • PC user with knowledge of special programs (Article, Alta, Filler), electronic documentation skills;
    • Proficiency in English at a working level;
    • Sociability.

    Resume sample

    How to become a declarant

    The list of what a customs declarant should know is quite long, and therefore only a person with a special education can become one. This may be education in the field of customs or legal education. Sometimes employers hire people with a higher economic education (in the field of foreign economic activity) for the position of a declarant.

    Customs declarant's salary

    The salary of a customs declarant largely depends on the scope of his duties. On average, the salary of a declarant is 55 thousand rubles, but this is not the limit - many companies are ready to pay a specialist up to 100 thousand rubles. In addition, the specialist is provided with a full social package and additional bonuses.

    Where to get training

    In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

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    Many companies source part of their products or materials for their manufacture from other countries. To do this, they definitely need to carry the cargo across the border. In this regard, such a profession as a declarant appeared. This is an employee belonging to the category of specialists who are engaged in building relationships with customs control points in the process of transporting goods across the state border.

    Its main functions are the declaration of the company's products, their presentation and presentation to customs officers. The presence of such a specialist in the company allows it to save on the transportation of goods through customs control points, which makes an employee of this profession very important for the company. In other words, the declarant is a valuable employee with a high level of remuneration, which has a great influence on the company's activities.

    Where needed

    Specialists of this profession are in great demand in large companies whose activities are related to the foreign economy. This is due to the fact that firms involved in the export and import of goods, in any case, must transport goods through customs.

    Therefore, they need a competent employee who is able to declare goods for the benefit of the company. In some firms, these duties can be performed by managers and logisticians. But if a lot of goods pass through customs and there is enough work in this area, then such an employee as a declarant is an ideal solution for a company.

    History of the profession

    This profession appeared quite recently, just a couple of years ago. The thing is that the current level of the economy significantly affects the activities of different companies. It is very important for them to minimize costs to the maximum, including the costs of customs control. Therefore, it is much more profitable for a company to hire an employee who will provide declarant services, including dispatch, transportation and customs clearance of cargo. This allows you to reduce costs compared to contacting intermediaries, customs brokers, who, in fact, perform the same type of work.

    What should an employee do

    The employee holding this position is obliged to select and assign the ETN VED codes for a wide range of products, as well as work through the codes that were previously assigned, filling them out and registering them in SAP in a timely manner. In addition, the customs declarant must prepare a full package of documentation necessary for the full registration of goods at customs, he is engaged in the execution of declarations and their transfer to the relevant services.

    The duties of the employee include sending responses to customs requests, communicating with suppliers on the subject of confirmation and approval of product codes. He also calculates payments and duties, corrects incorrectly indicated data if necessary, monitors changes in legislation and customs rules, including in the preparation of documentation. In addition, some employers require the employee to perform additional functions, such as creating technical product lists and so on.

    Requirements for an employee

    When hiring an employee whose profession is a declarant, employers impose certain requirements on the applicant. Most often, he is required to have Russian citizenship, obtain a secondary technical or higher education in a legal direction or concerning customs. Typically, employers require one to three years of work experience in the field of cargo clearance at customs.

    Also, the employee is required to know the rules for coding goods, customs legislation, at least its basics. The employee must be able to use a personal computer and know how to work in specialized programs such as Alta, Filler or Article. In addition, he must have the skills to maintain records in electronic form. Employers prefer applicants who are sociable and have a good command of one or more foreign languages.


    The services of this employee are paid depending on the duties that he is assigned to perform. On average, the customs declarant receives about 50 thousand rubles. It should be noted that the salary of such employees in large companies can exceed 100 thousand rubles. In order for the declarant to fulfill his duties with high quality and wish to work for the benefit of the company, most often he is offered a full social package. Many companies have developed a system of bonus incentives for employees for a job well done.

    The rights

    The declarant is an employee of the company who is faced with customs shipments of goods and has the right to get acquainted with the decisions of the management, if they directly relate to his activities. He can offer management methods and solutions that will help make his work more efficient, and can also report problems to his superiors if they are within his competence.

    The employee has the right to request any information and documents necessary for him to perform his duties. He also has the right to involve other employees of the company to assist in the performance of the functions assigned to him and to require the authorities to assist in the performance of work.


    Quite a serious responsibility is assigned to the declarant. In addition to the fact that he must perform his functions with high quality and in a timely manner, any of his mistakes can lead to serious financial losses for the entire company. He can be held accountable for violating the current legislation of the country within the framework of the criminal, administrative and labor codes.

    He is also responsible for causing material damage to the company. Since the employee is required to minimize the company's costs for customs clearance, he must be well versed in all issues related to this, and be able to rationally distribute the forces and resources of the organization for the fastest and legal customs control of transported products.


    Despite the fact that the profession appeared quite recently, its popularity and demand is growing every year. Now many educational institutions and labor exchanges offer declarant courses, since there are very few employees of the proper level, and more and more companies are interested in the possibility of hiring such a specialist.

    The economic system of our country and customs control mean a large number of clearances, assignments of codes and checks. Therefore, reliable and talented specialists who are able to competently draw up all the paperwork will significantly save time and money for large and medium-sized companies. In this regard, such employees are valued by management and are often encouraged by the bonus bonus method for completed transactions.

    Customs declarant is engaged in the creation and execution of documents necessary for the import or export of goods, interaction with representatives of customs points. The specialist works with individuals and legal entities, being an indispensable employee. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and law (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

    Short description

    A customs declarant is a person who acts as a link between the participants in the transaction and customs control. The profession is quite popular, because all companies working in the field of foreign economic activity need such specialists. If the company has a customs declarant on its staff, then export and other customs procedures are carried out much faster, safer and cheaper.

    To work in this area, excellent legal, economic and linguistic training is required, because the customs declarant must know at least 1 foreign language, which is necessary for preparing documents and communicating with representatives of foreign companies. The profession appeared several decades ago, its popularity is due to a significant increase in the volume of goods. Note that the specialist must necessarily be a citizen of the country in which he conducts his activities.

    The work is very responsible, because any errors will lead to a slowdown in the clearance process, penalties, and delay in cargo. A young specialist and a person who has decided to change his field of activity, having completed specialized courses, will have to study the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, the basics of foreign economic activity and gain other knowledge that prevents force majeure from cover to cover.

    Features of the profession

    Experienced customs declarants can easily find a job in their specialty, because the service market needs such experts. This employee works not only with documents, but also interacts with representatives of other companies, advises management. It is he who is looking for ways to help reduce the cost, optimize or speed up customs procedures. The duties of a specialist include a huge number of works:

    • registration of customs declarations and documents, checking for compliance, selection of TN VED codes;
    • participation in customs inspections, evaluation of the transaction, if necessary;
    • introduction of information into electronic registers, archiving and storage of documents;
    • preparation and submission to the responsible authorities of a package of documents and permits necessary for the implementation of various procedures;
    • conducting business correspondence, sending requests for missing documents;
    • training of young employees;
    • control of the movement of goods and terms;
    • monitoring of all changes in legislation;
    • calculation of customs payments, payment of customs duties, delivery of money, ensuring their correct receipt and storage, reporting.

    The specialist must fully protect the interests of the company in which he works, preventing force majeure, penalties and other unpleasant situations. The scope of duties depends on the place of work, line of business, volume and nature of exported or imported goods.

    Pros and cons of the profession


    1. A sufficient number of vacancies, you can work at the enterprise permanently or go to a company specializing in the provision of customs clearance services.
    2. High salary, allowances and bonuses based on performance.
    3. The opportunity to gain knowledge in retraining courses, having a diploma of specialized education.
    4. Working in the company, the employee receives guaranteed social protection.
    5. For prospective customs declarants, the employer can pay for accommodation, retraining courses or a foreign language.
    6. Working in this area ensures continuous professional development.
    7. The working conditions are simple, the declarant spends most of the working time in a comfortable office.


    1. Irregular working hours.
    2. Daily stressful situations.
    3. Huge responsibility for negligence and mistakes made during work.
    4. Frequent business trips are possible.
    5. Material liability.
    6. It is difficult to find a vacancy without work experience of 1-3 years.

    Important Personal Qualities

    Responsible and nervous work has an impact on the nature of the customs declarant, because these specialists are able to notice all the inconsistencies, are distinguished by caution, quick response, and communication skills. Their character must contain the following features:

    • learnability;
    • excellent memory;
    • logical thinking;
    • accuracy;
    • punctuality;
    • stress resistance;
    • full commitment to work.

    It is desirable that the customs declarant be able to drive a car, know 1-2 foreign languages, and have organizational skills.

    Training for a customs declarant

    Applicants who aspire to work in this area can get higher education by choosing the direction of training "Customs". University graduates can get accelerated retraining by attending courses in their region. courses in St. Petersburg

    The duration of the course is 60 hours, you will have to attend classes in the evening, which is the best solution for working students. The program consists of 9 blocks, students are taught by acting customs officers, which increases the effectiveness of classes. The price of training is 14800 rubles. during the promotion period.

    We talked about what is meant by customs declaration, and about the existing types of customs declarations in ours. And who is the declarant in accordance with the customs legislation?

    Declarant: TK TS

    A declarant is a person who declares goods or on behalf of whom goods are declared (clause 7, clause 1, article 2 of the Customs Code of the EAEU).

    The main types of declarants are indicated in paragraph 1 of Art. 83 TC EAEU. So, customs declarants can, in particular, be:

    1) a person of a member state of the EAEU:

    • which is a party to a transaction with a foreign person, on the basis of which goods are moved across the customs border;
    • on behalf of or on behalf of whom the above transaction is concluded;
    • having the right to own, use or dispose of goods - if the goods are moved across the customs border not within the framework of a transaction, one of the parties to which is a foreign person;
    • which is a party to a transaction concluded with a foreign person or with a person of a Member State in respect of foreign goods located in the customs territory;
    • being a freight forwarder - when declaring the customs procedure of customs transit;

    2) foreign person:

    • which is an organization that has a representative office or branch established or registered on the territory of a member state of the EAEU - when declaring customs procedures only in respect of goods transported for the own needs of such a representative office or branch;
    • being the owner of the goods, if the goods are moved across the customs border not within the framework of a transaction between a foreign person and a person of a Member State;
    • having the right to possess and use goods, if the goods are moved across the customs border not within the framework of a transaction between a foreign person and a person of a Member State - when declaring the customs procedure for a customs warehouse, the customs procedure for temporary importation (admission), the customs procedure for re-export, a special customs procedure;

    3) diplomatic missions, consular offices, representations of states at international organizations, international organizations or their representations, other organizations or their representations;

    4) a carrier, including a customs carrier, upon application of the customs procedure for customs transit;

    5) a foreign person who, in accordance with an international agreement between a Member State of the EAEU and a third party, has received a document provided for by such an international agreement that gives such a person the right to export goods from the customs territory - upon application of the customs procedure for a customs warehouse, the customs procedure for re-export, the customs procedure export.

    In an organization, a declarant may be a person who holds an appropriate position and, in particular, performs customs clearance of export-import operations. When developing the job description of the declarant, the duties of a person may be indicated taking into account those given in paragraph 2 of Art. 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the qualification characteristics of the position of the specialist "Declarant", given in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 10, 2009 No. 977.

    Rights and obligations of the declarant

    The rights of the declarant under the Customs Code of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union, in particular, include (clause 1 of article 84 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union):

    • inspect, measure goods under customs control and carry out cargo operations with them;
    • take samples and specimens of goods under customs control with the permission of the customs authority;
    • to be present during the customs control in the form of a customs inspection and customs inspection by officials of the customs authorities and during the selection by these persons of samples or specimens of goods;
    • get acquainted with the results of examinations of samples or specimens of the goods declared by him, available in the customs authorities;
    • appeal against decisions, actions (inaction) of customs authorities or their officials;
    • engage experts to clarify information about the goods declared by him.

    And the obligations of the declarant are listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 84 TC EAEU. So, the duties of the customs declarant, in particular, include:

    • make customs declaration of goods;
    • submit to the customs authority documents confirming the information declared in the customs declaration;
    • present the declared goods;
    • pay customs duties, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties or ensure the fulfillment of the obligation to pay them;
    • comply with the conditions for the use of goods in accordance with the customs procedure or the conditions established for the use of certain categories of goods that are not subject to placement under customs procedures.

    The declarant bears responsibility for failure to fulfill the above obligations, for the statement in the customs declaration of false information, as well as for the presentation of invalid documents to the customs representative, incl. fake or knowingly containing false (false) information (