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  • What not to say to a man. What not to say to a man never What not to say to a guy

    What not to say to a man.  What not to say to a man never What not to say to a guy

    A couple in love or a man and woman who are friends can talk about a variety of things. However, there are topics that women should not bring up in communication with a man.

    Let's try to figure out what you can’t talk about with a man, and what, according to psychologists, you should never talk to a man about.

    Yes, there really are topics that should not be discussed with a man. And no one can tell about them better than men themselves.

    Before telling you what not to talk about with a man, and what you should never say to a man, we asked several men what topics they do not want to discuss with women, and what phrases they do not want to hear from their girlfriends.

    What should never be said to a man: undesirable topics for communication with a man

    Dear women, check out some tips from the representatives of the stronger sex about what you should never say to a man, and what it is better not to talk about with a man.

    What not to say to a man: do not touch on the topic of a former relationship

    The first topic that you should never discuss with a man is his former relationship and your relationship with other men.

    You should not tell a man about your failed relationship, because he can draw the wrong conclusions about you, which, of course, can affect the well-being of your relationship already.

    Also, men do not like to remember their failures, so it is better not to touch on these issues. Rest assured you will feel better this way.

    What you can’t talk about with a man: we don’t talk about what we are not competent in

    Agree, dear girls, that women often try to develop topics that I have no idea about.

    For men, to see a woman in front of him, who talks about what she doesn’t understand at all, looks ridiculous and ridiculous.

    Also, men do not like it when girls touch on topics in which the man himself is not competent. In this case, the man feels uncomfortable and unpleasant.

    Men are especially annoyed when persistent beauties do not stop discussing an unpleasant topic, even knowing that a man does not understand this issue.

    What should never be said to a man: to admire other men is bad manners

    The next topic that you can’t talk about with a man is to admire other men in the presence of a loved one or friend.

    Even if you just decide to compliment another man out of courtesy, your man may view it as flirting. It is unlikely that you need such problems, so it is better to avoid such situations.

    Also, you should not tell your man about the successes of another, because he can see in this your desire to compare him with another person who is much more successful in life.

    What you can’t talk about with a man: relatives and friends for a man are sacred

    Never speak ill of people who are dear to your loved one. A particularly important person for any man is his mother.

    Also, you don’t need to talk badly about the friends of your soul mate, because his friends are, to some extent, a reflection of his inner world. It is with friends that he is easy, simple and comfortable, and you are trying to destroy his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis comfort.

    Do not comment on your friend's appearance

    Even if you don’t like something about the appearance of your soul mate, you don’t need to focus his attention on the fact that you would like changes.

    If you think about it, for some reason you fell in love with him. So, it should not be so difficult for you to perceive such small imperfections in appearance.

    Men don't like hints

    Most women think that men have to read between the lines. In fact, men terribly dislike the hints that women so often sin. In addition, they simply do not understand the hints that women are so skillfully wielding.

    Also, do not try to look for hints in the words of a man yourself. Most often they do not use them, but speak as they think.

    What men should never be told: women's details

    What can never be said to men is our women's business. Manicure, pedicure, depilation and other issues - well, why fill your man's head with such nonsense.

    Your man sees before him a wonderful result of your efforts - and this is the main thing. All the rest is unimportant.

    Also, don't tell men how and what your maternal aunt does or what happened to your high school friend after university. He is not very interested in this.

    What you can never say to a man: his public humiliation

    Men love it when they are the best in the eyes of their beloved girl. If there are situations in which you somehow make fun of your partner in public, you risk offending your loved one and quarreling with him for a long time.

    If a man feels public humiliation on your part, you risk even losing him.

    Show your loved one that he is your leader, king, the best. This is how he sees himself next to you, so why not confirm this.

    Before you say something, think about whether

    Often girls in a state of euphoria can chat incessantly. This behavior is not the best in dealing with men.

    Men do not like unnecessary information, so try to think over what you want to say several times so as not to look ridiculous in the eyes of your beloved.

    In fact, the question of what should never be said to men is difficult to disclose in one article.

    We want to wish you to feel your man, to understand his desires and needs, so that your relationship and communication will be pleasant for both you and him.

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    According to psychologists, 27% of young couples break up due to misunderstanding of each other. Sometimes just one phrase is enough to seriously offend a loved one.

    But unlike women who are bad at hiding their feelings, men prefer not to show that they are offended or humiliated, but keep all the pain in themselves. Sometimes such grievances accumulate for a long time and eventually lead to betrayal and rupture of relationships. That is why we will figure out what phrases should not be used when talking with a man.

    Size in bed doesn't really matter...

    You should not say this phrase to your man, even if you praise his sexual abilities. On an intuitive level, these words are perceived as a comparison with someone. Your ex-men should not loom behind your beloved. If HE asks, you can talk about them without going into details.

    Do not resume conversations on this topic. Be sure to remind your man that he is the best.

    Well, I told you!

    Perhaps you really warned your man against some actions and actions. A man does not like to be responsible for his behavior. The reminder that a woman was smarter than him in some way will infuriate anyone. In order not to provoke such a reaction, it is better to remain silent.

    After such words, he may think that you do not value him, put him low and show off your superiority.

    The wisdom of a woman lies in the fact that she understands the inadmissibility of reproaches if a man has made a mistake in something.

    It is impossible to insure against all failures. The man is aware of his unfortunate mistake and he regrets his recklessness. And instead of sawing your loved one, it is better to support him in difficult times.

    We urgently need to have a serious talk

    This kind of wording can cause nervousness and irritation. Especially if such a message is sent in the morning by SMS, and the conversation will take place closer to dinner. A man is in agitation, tension all day, trying to unravel an unpleasant message, and in the evening he comes to a meeting in a cocked state, which will certainly lead to a litter.

    Never try to manipulate such phrases. It is better to immediately voice the topic of conversation so that your loved one has a chance to find the right solution.

    We won't have sex until you...

    This phrase can be continued with any condition, but such tactics will lead to sad consequences. To say such a thing to a man means to personally push him into the arms of another who will not put forward demands for him to make love.

    A man regards these words not only as manipulation, but also as a recognition that you are not interested in sex with him. He will look for the woman for whom sex with him will be desirable. Think!

    How can you spend all your time...

    Men love football, fishing, tinkering in the garage with a car and much more. It is unwise to speak negatively about the hobbies that are significant to your loved one. Even if you can't share his hobby, try not to reject his favorite pastime. If you snort and grumble every time your loved one goes fishing, sits down in a chair with an interesting book, or goes to a neighbor's house to play chess, you risk creating a tense atmosphere in the family.

    If a man's hobby takes too much time from family and work, try to negotiate with him. For example, he will be able to pay attention to his favorite pastime by performing certain duties around the house.

    How does your mother infuriates me, uncle ...

    If you sincerely dislike his mother or another relative, you should not talk about it in a sharply negative way. It is impossible to directly criticize and insult the relatives of a loved one.

    It is preferable to use such phrases:

    • “I hate that your mom interferes in our relationship”;
    • "I feel uncomfortable under the gaze of your uncle."

    State what you do not like in the behavior of a relative in a calm manner.

    Even if your loved one does not idolize his sister or aunt himself, he will painfully perceive criticism against them from your lips. If you can’t love his mother, try to at least respect her, and even better -.

    Here's my friend's husband...

    This phrase is followed by an enumeration of the virtues and achievements of an impeccable husband. Your faithful begins to hate this person. Your impulses were noble - having told your beloved about your friend's wonderful husband, you wanted to make your friend earn more, help around the house, etc. But the effect is the opposite. Instead of getting off the couch and becoming more caring, a man may suggest that you pack up your things and move in with someone who is better than him.

    Starting to praise someone else's man, you humiliate your own, and he will not tolerate this. It is better to give your loved one a chance to set goals for yourself and achieve them, praise more often. If you look at a man with an enthusiastic look and believe in him, he will be ready to perform feats for you.

    For once in your life act like a man

    With this phrase, you humiliate a man and show disrespect for him and for yourself.

    Never doubt your man. Support him and show that he is a man with a capital letter for you, your support, earner under any circumstances. Feeling that you believe in him, even the most timid man will find the strength to overcome difficulties.

    I will do everything myself

    This phrase makes a man irresponsible, deprives him of the desire to help. Sometimes it seems that it would be better if he did not get in the way under his feet and did not climb with his help. But, taking care of you, a man experiences a surge of strength and emotions.

    Your missus believes that he can handle any task, therefore, sincerely wants to help.

    Give him the opportunity to tinker with the equipment, let him vacuum the rooms, throw the laundry into the washing machine, cook something to eat. Even if a man just peels vegetables, he will already be proud of his act.

    Do not deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy a sense of self-worth. And thank you for your help.

    It's time for you to go to the gym

    Instead of sowing a man’s lack of confidence in attractiveness, try to infect him with a love for sports by your own example. Joint visits to the gym bring together and add a spirit of healthy competition to the relationship.

    If you criticize the appearance of a man, he will decide that you are shy of him, and will find himself one who will accept him without cubes on his stomach. And in a man, the main thing is that he be reliable.

    Instead of criticizing his appearance, encourage him to try to keep fit. Your admiration will help him overcome his reluctance to go to the gym.

    Do you like my manicure/pedicure/hair/dress?

    These questions are meaningless for a man. If he loves you, you are beautiful in any way. Experience shows that a woman will not be satisfied with any answer from a man. Why spoil the mood with such questions?

    According to the men themselves, such questions baffle them, and in order not to offend their beloved, they try to guess the option that the woman herself likes.

    Do you notice anything new?

    He cannot immediately notice that you have parted to the other side or changed the curtains in the kitchen. If you decide to ask such a question, be prepared for the fact that the answer may not please you.

    Men have a strong dislike for omissions, hints and riddles. They don't focus on the little things.

    To avoid quarrels, immediately tell the man what he should pay attention to.

    You can never understand me

    Instead of such a reproach, it is better to try to clearly explain to your loved one why your mood has deteriorated. It may be really difficult for him to understand you, but do not deprive him of the chance to do so. Patience and frankness will have a beneficial effect on your relationship.

    Do you remember what day it is today?

    Such a question drives a man into a corner. He feverishly begins to sort out in his mind all the significant and unimportant dates. Don't embarrass yourself. Even if he forgot about some episode in his life, this does not mean that he forgot about you. Men do not like showing off, so try to create a festive mood yourself. He will certainly thank you for it.

    Nothing happened, everything is fine!

    There should be a mystery in a woman, but you should not go too far with this. A man wants to enjoy a relationship with his beloved, and not solve puzzles.
    You answer your beloved with such a phrase, while you defiantly pout your lips and express resentment with all appearance. On the repeated attempt of the man to find out the reason for this behavior, you begin to sob and accuse him of insensitivity and callousness.

    To maintain calm in a relationship, it is better to intelligibly explain what plunged you into such a state, but in no case be silent.

    How many girls did you have before me?

    According to psychologists, wanting to find the truth and really knowing it are two big differences. In this situation, any answer can be losing. When talking to your sweetheart about sex, don't ask them about their exes. It will not be possible to talk seriously, but the scandal is guaranteed.

    Relationships that have already ended automatically become unsuccessful. And men don't like being reminded of their bad experiences. In addition, if he opens up, then your relationship may already be in jeopardy.

    What are you thinking about now?

    This question indicates your desire to control the whole life of a man, even his thoughts. Give yourself the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts, leave a piece of free space.

    Remember three simple rules:

    1. Not all of our thoughts we can clearly articulate.
    2. Not all thoughts we want to tell others.
    3. Not everything we think we do.

    I can't live without you even a day!

    Such words tell a man that you are ready for anything for him, you will bother him, cling. And men don't like it. They prefer to “hunt” for a woman, to conquer. So it is by nature. And a woman who is ready for anything is not interesting to them. So you deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy the victory. It is better to smile mysteriously at your beloved. Let the man run after you.

    You're acting like a child

    Men can't stand moralizing. After such words, the beloved will feel like a child who is scolded by a strict mother. Do not be a mother hen, guarding every step of a man. Is he stuck in computer games and there is no way to get him out of there?

    Proceed like this:

    • Instead of cooking dinner, pick up a love story that you have long wanted to read, or sit on the sofa with knitting, invite friends to visit. When the husband gets hungry and breaks away from the games, he will have no choice but to help you prepare the meal.

    And when will we get married?

    Here events can unfold in two scenarios:

    1. You squeeze your loved one and he will make you an offer;
    2. Dreams of marriage will have to say goodbye.

    Don't rush. Perhaps he has not yet reached the required degree of readiness, and it is pointless to reproach him. But if you have been together for several years, but there was no wedding, draw conclusions. A man is not interested in registering a marriage. This is responsibility, duties that the stronger sex does not like to take on. He is also afraid of losing personal freedom, he is horrified by the stories of married friends or the negative experience of his parents. All this adds up, and a man develops a strong immunity to the word “wedding”. He can change his principles only for the sake of his beloved woman.

    Ctrl+Enter .

    Each of you knows that the word is the strongest tool that can both inspire a man to take new heights, and forever push him away from himself, destroying love. Many women do not even think about the danger lurking in some phrases and words, but they can simply “blow up” even long-term relationships. So what is absolutely impossible to say to your chosen one?

    1. “That’s forever with you everything through ..”

    Such a phrase is simply humiliating for any man, and with it you will forever beat off his desire to do something for you. It doesn’t matter what caused your dissatisfaction: a house repair, an unsuccessful assembly of a new chest of drawers, or a replacement outlet. A man a priori should feel like a hero, performing feats for the sake of the chosen one.

    2. "Size in bed doesn't really matter..."

    Do not offer this dish to your loved one under any sauces, even if you say that it is better than the former at times - any comparison in the sexual field can cause discord. Tell about your ex-men only once and never return to this topic. And to his questions about how it was with this or that sexual partner, limit yourself to superficial answers and say that you are very good with him!

    3. “I told you!!”

    A truly wise woman will never reproach a man if he has suffered a failure or defeat - who can be insured against this? Do you think a man himself does not understand that he did not succeed, and does not blame himself for a mistake? And instead of an indefatigable saw, be a support during a difficult period.

    4. “We urgently need to talk about something important. We're going to have a serious conversation..."

    Such phrases cause nothing but nervousness and irritation, and the peak of its “perfection” comes when it is reported in the morning by SMS, and it will only be possible to talk in the evening. What do you think you will get after a day full of unpleasant puzzles, tension and excitement? Say important things right away so that the man can work out the options in his mind.

    5. "You won't get sex until..."

    There can be millions of variations, but such manipulations turn into one - a man finds himself a mistress who wants to have sex with him at any time without conditions. Ladies, do only men really need sex, and you don't give a damn about it?

    6. “Your mother got me with moralizing and advice. Your uncle makes me sick."

    Even if you hate his mother, brother or aunt with every fiber of your soul, never discuss them in a negative field. In no case should you get personal and speak negatively about his mother - this is a taboo. It’s better to say this: “I don’t feel very comfortable that my mother discusses our family. I feel embarrassed when your uncle looks at me in no uncertain terms.”

    7. “I'm fed up with your stupid hobbies. How can you kill your time on this football? (fishing)."

    Do not be offensive about your man's favorite hobbies, even if it seems to you that this is stupid and complete nonsense. And if you do not share his hobbies, show your loved one that you, at least, do not reject them. Your monotonous buzz about how tired you are when he watches the match will not change the situation - he will still love his football, but the relationship will always be tense at this point. You need it? And is your love series, Dom-2, or a vampire saga really more useful?

    8. "But Petya ..."

    And it started: Valka's husband earned money for a new fur coat, and Zinkin has already become deputy director and receives a lot of money. Colorful descriptions of an impeccable unknown hero will throw even the most seasoned man into the heat. Someday you will hear: “I am so happy for Petya and admire his talents and successes, so pack your bags and go to this hero - don’t waste your life on such a loser like me!”

    9. "You are my plush cat, puzatik, masik, pusik, kukusik ..".

    If you decide to lisp with your beloved in front of his friends, then there will be trouble - they will laugh at him, even in a friendly way. Replace such words with at least "dear, dear." Although all your tender words are best left until you are alone.

    10. "Yes, it's just my ex ..".

    You get a message on social media and you casually say, "Ah, it's just an ex-boyfriend." He will think that you are just a frivolous person for whom another relationship means nothing. Or, you communicate with an ex-boyfriend and try to hide it from your man.

    11. "Act like a man"

    And now, sorry, who is he? It turns out that now you do not consider him this very real man. Such a man’s motivation for heroic deeds for you has gone to zero.

    12. "I can handle myself ..".

    Your man considers himself a strong hero who will cope with any task, so he sincerely offers his help. He will enjoy it - he's a man! Let him open a can of food, move a heavy table, or screw in a light bulb, and while you can do it all yourself, let him get the morale out of it. And be sure to thank you for your help.

    13. "It's time for you to go to the gym and go on a diet.."

    Do you enjoy being poked in the nose with physical handicaps? You probably get goosebumps with indignation when employees at work throw: “Oh, how you got better! And the slimmer you were better!”. Your man may swallow resentment, although it will strike at his pride, but uncertainty and complexes will forever settle in his heart that he has "a big belly, like a pregnant woman." You run the risk that he will prove his attractiveness to himself by resorting to the help of other women, and will soon leave for someone who will love him for who he is.

    14. “How do you like my new manicure, dress, shoes?”.

    Never ask such questions to your man, as he absolutely does not care about such things. If the chosen one loves you, for him you will always be attractive and the most beautiful.

    15. "But my mother says that it is necessary ...".

    If your mother is a wise woman and gives advice for maintaining family happiness, let this remain your sweet secrets. Why talk about this to your man, because he will think that you do not have your own opinion.

    16. "Don't you notice anything?"

    Is he, an investigator or an experienced forensic specialist, to immediately determine that your hair has become shorter by 2 cm and has been lightened by one tone? When asking such questions, be prepared for the fact that his answer can deeply disappoint you!

    17. "Do you remember what day it is today?"

    A man nervously goes through all the dates known to him in the back of his memory: name day, the day you met, your mother’s birthday. Even if he forgot about some event, this is not the same as forgetting about you. Men are sick of any show, but in your own hands - after all, mutual pleasure is important to you, and not compliance with all transparent formalities?

    18. “You are not able to understand me, my thin spiritual strings…”

    Maybe the problem is that you don’t know how to properly explain what is the reason for your worries and worries? He is not a psychic to catch a change of mood, and spend time searching for and analyzing the reasons why you have been depressed for three hours.

    19. “Nothing happened. Everything is fine!".

    You pouted, resentfully silent and stiffly answer any questions: “No. I'm fine, nothing happened." And an hour later you theatrically throw yourself on the sofa in painful sobs, accusing him of callousness and insensitivity. This is where jokes about female logic are made up. Immediately say what you are upset about and what worries you - the problem will be solved, and there will be peace and quiet.

    20. "How many girls did you have before me?".

    And what will happen if he keeps silent, goes to the kitchen (to count), and after half an hour proudly announces: “58!”. Do you need it with your five ex-men?

    21. "I can't live a day without you.."

    How these phrases frighten the male sex, who would know. In appearance, you do not look like a defenseless baby, requiring every second guardianship and care? Such phrases give power to a man, and you can become a weak-willed rag, on which they wipe their feet and use at any time.

    22. "What are you thinking about now?".

    Isn't it enough for you to be on friendly terms with the chef's wife and best friends with his sister and mother and discuss his cute flaws over a cup of tea? Or do you consider total control in the form of hourly SMS and endless calls acceptable? Let at least in your thoughts your man be free to ride a horse across the field of pleasures and forbidden entertainments. Everyone should have personal space.

    23. "You act like a little kid."

    And you begin to resemble a caring hen, taking care of every step. He got into tanks or wets zombies in a computer game? Do the same: don't cook dinner, put on a love movie and weep to your heart's content at sentimental moments. Soon the hungry urge in the husband's stomach will force him to help you in the kitchen in cooking.

    24. "Now, if you really loved me, then you .."

    Full explosion, after which your man will ask himself the question: “Damn, for sure, I don’t love her so much, since I don’t carry 101 roses and teddy bears.” Can you drop everything and find real feelings, so that there is heat in your heart, and recklessness in your head?

    We women make mistakes in communicating with a partner. From our hastily spoken phrases, a man can become a passive, weak and indecisive person, and, perhaps, find a wiser woman for himself. Today, together with the site, we will analyze the most common female mistakes in communicating with a man.

    Today, in confusing reflections on the topic of proper communication with a man, it helps us Andrey Lukashenkov (Andreas Lukasz) is the author of several books on rehabilitation and family and health psychology, a practicing wellness coach (and, above all, a man!)

    So, you can not say to a man:

    1. “You are my baby / bunny / Masya” in public

    All sweet words and appeals are certainly pleasant to him. But in public, a man wants to feel strong and courageous. It is rare that "babies" have such characteristics. If his friends hear such appeals, be sure that your man will become the object of ridicule, even friendly ones.

    Instead of this…

    ... you can call your man, if not just by his first name, then at least "cute" or "beloved." But all the same, it’s better not to go too far with tenderness, as this causes serious damage to his male pride.

    2. “You promised!”

    First, decide what you want to show him with this phrase: his irresponsible behavior (he promised something, without even intending to do it), his forgetfulness (promised and forgot) or his inability to do something (promised, but did not work out) ?

    “It is common for all people to sometimes brag, lie, promise and forget. But it is easier for women than for men. And girls still love to prick once again with unfulfilled promises. Like, I was waiting.

    Dear ladies, this is not a method. If you want to be reminded, do it at least without reproach. And let’s assume that we, like you, also have time troubles, deadlines and annoying disruptions of plans,” advises Andrei Lukashenkov.

    Instead of this…

    ... just ask again, for example, like this: "Darling, I asked you to buy bread, could you go now?". Or if the matter is more serious than buying bread, then tell him directly, but without reproach: “Darling, you are a man of your word, I respect you very much for this. But it frustrates me when you don’t take your promises seriously enough.”

    If something didn’t work out for a man, then it’s stupid to blame him for this, most likely, he himself understands that he failed, and your dissatisfaction will only make him think of himself even more loser. Or ask about the reasons for not keeping the promise: “Did something happen to you that you couldn’t do this / go there?”.

    3. “You have stupid hobbies!”

    "Never ignore hobby men, do not insult his hobbies with your words or ridicule. Even if this is some nonsense like collecting butterflies or weekly fishing trips. However, a hobby is a separate issue, just remember that when choosing a husband, you almost certainly choose his hobby, which may soon become yours, ”advises Andrei Lukashenkov.

    Show him that you support his hobby, or at least don't reject it. If you speak negatively about football all the time, then he will not stop watching it, he will have less pleasure from watching matches due to a guilt complex.

    In addition, he will treat you worse because of the guilt imputed by you and because you cannot support him. In a word, prohibitions and discontent in this case do not work at all.

    Stop phrases:

    “You are watching this football again”, “What the hell are you doing”, “You spend so much time and money on this nonsense, you better…”

    Instead of this…

    … you can distract him from watching TV, computer game purely feminine methods - stroking his back, kissing while slightly distracting him. At first he will resist, and then go limp and succumb. This way you can draw his attention to you.

    If a man, because of his hobbies, cannot devote the necessary time to work and household duties, then you can make an agreement with him: only by doing this and that, he can devote time to his hobby.

    Do not put pressure on a man, he must understand for himself that he has responsibilities. And if a man still does nothing, then using the tricks of communication, you will not change his behavior and views on relationships.

    Use phrases:

    “I can’t do this without you”, “I need you now”, “Only you can do this”, “Please”, “Please”.

    About previous sexual experiences, bad gifts and former passions

    4. What was your previous sexual experience

    It turns out that it's not so simple...

    Andrei Lukashenkov says that “we men are always interested in this, and one day we begin to“ torture ”. Do not give up. Wanting to know and knowing the truth are two different things.

    In fact, every man is waiting for confirmation that he is better than all the previous ones. But how many of these previous ones must there be, and what must be said for him to believe? There are no recipes, and there will always be something wrong. So it's better to be quiet."

    What can not be said to a man? /

    And in general, you should not compare a man with anyone else in any area, even if he wins in all respects. Once he "won", and a man may well settle in his head that you are comparing. And if you compare, then someday it may turn out that he will lose. And if a man is clearly losing to someone, then these phrases are best left for girlfriends, or even for internal dialogue.

    Andrey Lukashenkov warns that phrases like "But Vasya ..." followed by a colorful description of the "unknown hero", who is strong and flawless, like an ancient hero, calm, like a monument and generous, like Santa Claus on New Year's Eve, belong to the category throwing absolutely any man into the heat, regardless of the situation. I just want to answer: “Darling, I’m happy for Vasya, I’m crushed by his virtues and talents, why don’t you waste your life on such an idiot like me and go to Vasya?”

    Don't tell your man

    “But Vasya was not like that”, “But he did it differently”, “He had a bigger / bigger apartment”, “Look at his torso. Yes, he probably doesn’t get out of the gym!”, “I have never met such an interesting man.”

    5. … that you are not completely satisfied with his gift / deed

    “Do not criticize a man for the actions done for you, do not mock them,” advises Andrei Lukashenkov,- because you do not know what it cost him to commit them. One of my clients was seriously traumatized and ended up in a serious relationship for a long time due to the fact that when he flew to the graduation party of his girlfriend, she walked by, pretending not to know him.

    The fact is that he was not wearing a tuxedo, but was just a shirt and jeans. The girl studied at a pretentious educational institution, and she was ashamed in front of her friends for such a companion. But my client traveled several thousand kilometers, got stuck somewhere on the road, lost his luggage, had to travel part of the way on a hitch...

    In general, such a "comedy of situations", but it ended in tragedy, because someone was not empathetic enough to understand that not everything always happens the way you want.

    Gifts are a completely different story. If you want to get something specific, then it’s easier for you, along with a hint of a gift, to casually throw a man that “it would be so romantic to choose this together!”. And if you just want some attention, a gift, then it would be logical to be glad that the man himself will give.

    To expect from a man that he will choose some kind of female thing in full accordance with your desires is at least strange. And remember that joy must be genuine. Seeing that he makes you happy with his gifts, he will give shoes of different colors at least every day. But even the slightest falsehood deprives any desire to surprise and make gifts even on occasions.

    Phrases to be taken out of context:

    “Why such a color?”, “And the one that we watched wasn’t there?”, “You got everything mixed up again!”, “Everything is not like that of people”, “It would be better if you didn’t do anything at all”, “ I don't need your gifts!

    Instead of this…

    ... after a while, as if in between times (trying on a donated dress, ring, etc.), ask him why he chose this particular color / style, hint that next time you would like something different. For example, like this: “Great dress/ring! I think that for my collection I now lack white / with emerald”, “It's good that we are going to Europe. Let's go to Turkey next time, all the same?

    6. ... that he did something wrong in the past, or he was very unlucky with his ex

    "It's just unacceptable," he says. Andrei Lukashenkov,- but, nevertheless, for some reason, every new girl seeks to win over a man's friends by talking about how unlucky he was with his ex.

    Usually she just wants confirmation that she is better. But it's a surefire way to go into the ex category as well. In any case, remember that talking about a man's past is taboo."

    Forget phrases:

    “Your ex didn’t notice what a wonderful taste you have in clothes”, “Here she has never cooked such pies for you.”

    What can you say about his figure, manner of dressing and your trust

    7. You don't believe in him / don't trust him

    Not so long ago, a story about Michelle Obama (the wife of the American president) circled the Internet, who, when talking with her husband, noticed that whoever she married in her youth, he would now be president. So strong is a woman's faith in her man. After all, he must achieve what he wants in order to justify your boundless faith in him.

    In addition, let your man solve any issue that he has taken on - by this you show that trust him. Do not interrupt him, even if you see what he is doing wrong. Even if there is no result, you will maintain a good relationship, and he will definitely appreciate your behavior. He will be able to draw conclusions himself, or with yours - imperceptible! - help.

    Taboo phrases:

    “You are doing a frivolous thing”, “Yes, you can’t do it!”, “He / she / it is stronger / better than you, you won’t succeed”, “I told you”, “Look, now you need to do this”, “You can’t be trusted with anything!”, “Well, I do it better!”, “Everything rests on me!”, “And then I’ll redo it for you again?”, “You don’t understand this!”, “You you do not understand! In fact, everything is so ... "

    Instead of this…

    … just support it! “Yes, of course, if you said that you need to go there, then we will go there”, “Darling, I believe you, we will do as you say.” Such phrases will be the basis of your conversation. When he is convinced of his leading position, your phrases “Do you think we can do this?” or “Beloved, if we go there, will it not be closer?” will no longer be greeted harshly with the idea that you doubt his abilities and skills.

    And over time (with a long relationship), when he no longer needs to prove his superiority in relationships in general, your proposals will be accepted easily and freely. But by then, you will surely understand that it is much more comfortable to close your eyes and trust the man you love.

    8. You don't like his body (and especially the most important parts of it)

    What can not be said to a man? /

    Confidence in his body is a big part of his confidence. If you do not like his appearance, then you are probably ashamed to be near him, to appear with him in society. Criticism of the body is another deadly prick to his self-esteem. Even if you want to add at least a couple of cubes to his ball on his stomach, you can always do it in a feminine way, imperceptibly, so that he will also thank you himself.

    After all, even an affectionately pronounced phrase cuts male pride into small pieces. “Darling, you have such a soft tummy” is no better than the phrase “You have become fat as a hippopotamus.”

    Don't tell him:

    “Size doesn’t matter”, “You have a belly like a pregnant woman”

    Instead of this…

    … improve yourself! By visiting the gym, spinning in front of the mirror, constantly admiring your figure, you can indirectly show him that he does not match you. Sometimes men feel it and understand it. Also, don't compliment his body and buy yourself and him a gym membership. Praise for the slightest success, motivating you to monitor your body constantly.

    The main thing that stands in the way of your struggle with his excess weight is your dissatisfaction with him. You may not approve, but don't say you don't like it. Then a man who is confident in your love will want to receive more of your praise, and the path to this is indicated on the subscription.

    9. You don't like the way he dresses.

    This is also a kind of criticism, and often unfounded. Contrary to the popular belief that many men put on the first thing that falls out of the closet, the logic in their clothes is usually present. If this logic goes against the general human taste, it is easier for you to take the compilation his wardrobe into your own hands.

    Shut up when you want to say:

    “What are you wearing?”, “Who dresses you like that?”, “Where did you get these trousers?”

    Instead of this:

    Talk to him about his clothing preferences, get to know them, offer to arrange a shopping raid for him and for yourself. Give him things, clearly stipulating what they should be worn with. Changing his wardrobe and instilling a taste in clothes, focus on the merits of the figure of your chosen one.

    “This sweater hides your broad shoulders, let’s better pick up a sweater like this for you ...”, “You have such beautiful eyes in a shirt of this color! This color is better than... (the color you don't like in his wardrobe)", "You look just like James Bond in this suit! Dress like this always! ”,“ These clothes hide your gorgeous figure / confident walk / beautiful shoulders. Admire him and maybe next time in the store he will remember what you said or ask for help.

    What can you say about yourself

    10. You're a bad cook/fat/sometimes stutter/doesn't look good in photos, etc.

    What can not be said to a man? /

    The problem is that your man believes you! Even when you scold yourself and talk about your shortcomings. Saying that you are not fat on the machine, each time he will look more closely at your figure.

    If you do this in order to be honest with him and avoid surprise: “I told you that I am like this,” then you risk simply not giving him the opportunity to create a good impression of himself. Maybe he likes plump women or doesn't care how you cook because he likes to do it himself?

    By presenting all your features as flaws, you set the stage for him to adopt your position. Do you need it?

    Honesty with a man is a laudable character trait. But often our behavior shows that we are very afraid of not being liked by a man, so we follow the path of least frustration: “if I tell him myself, it will be less painful than if he notices it himself.” But here we just put on display our complexes and self dissatisfaction.

    Don't tell a man

    “I always burn something when I cook!”, “Yes, nature didn’t reward me with a wasp waist, but everything else is in order”, “I don’t know how to run a house at all, I’m probably just not adapted to this ".

    Instead of this…

    … always highlight your strengths without showing off. Sitting in a cafe, for example, you can tell him this: “You know, it’s so nice and clean here! I also really like to create coziness in the house, I think that the order in the house is the order in the head and in the relationship, ”that is, everything can be in place.

    Do not comment on situations when something does not work out for you. Better get out! After burning the toast for breakfast, immediately come up with a better other dish, laughing off what happened. If you don’t know how to park in parallel, ask a man to teach you, and learn how to park so that he is proud of you, and not grab the steering wheel with fear in his eyes.

    And if a man directly asks a question that you cannot answer without showing your shortcomings, answer like this: “I can make sandwiches perfectly! And I will gladly learn how to cook everything else for my man.

    If you don’t know how to do something, but think that it is necessary for a relationship, you can always learn it - there is no point in flaunting it to a man. And if you don’t know how, because you don’t consider it necessary, then this is your conscious position, which should sound like a principle, and not like “I’m sorry, but I’m so stupid.”

    11. You wax, whiten your teeth, dye your hair, etc.

    But he will notice it himself, - you will reasonably notice. But it's one thing to notice yourself, it's another thing to be informed. Your image for him should be as natural as possible, isn't that what we strive for?

    Constantly emphasizing that you are changing something in yourself, you make him think that you are a product of the chemical and manufacturing industries, and not a girl. Of course, we greatly exaggerated, but the meaning was conveyed very accurately.

    12. You want to talk

    To be honest, the phrase “We need to talk” gives rise to nervousness not only in men, but also in women. Especially if this phrase is written in SMS early in the morning, and the conversation should take place in the evening. A day spoiled by experiences will not add a good and kind mood to the conversation. Put yourself in his place. How would you feel if you were told that?!