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  • Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P. Nakhimov

    Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P. Nakhimov

    By order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 035 dated April 1, 1937, the formation of a naval school for the training of command personnel for ships and parts of the fleet began in Sevastopol.

    The first set of cadets was carried out in late July - early August 1937. Classes were held in the open air and in unfinished premises. The cadets lived in tents pitched on the seashore, not far from the coastal battery. Simultaneously with training, using every minute of free time, cadets worked on the construction of school facilities.

    1794 college graduates went through the war. 13 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 2 were awarded this title already in peacetime after the war. Among the pupils of the school are the Hero of Socialist Labor and five Heroes of the Russian Federation.

    After the end of the Great Patriotic War on April 4, 1946, a decision was made to restore the Black Sea Naval School for the training of commanders of small ships with a training time of two years.

    On April 30, 1947, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 27, 1947, the school was awarded the Battle Banner of the unit, under which the ChVVMU for the first time after the war took part in the parade of the troops of the Sevastopol garrison on May 1, 1947.

    April 3, 1975 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for great services in the training of officers for the Armed Forces and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ChVVMU them. P.S. Nakhimov was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

    From 1937 to 1992, the school trained more than 16,000 officers, of which 76 graduates became admirals and generals, some became fleet commanders, heads of departments of ministries, defense ministers of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine. In ChVVMU named after P.S. Nakhimov trained ship specialists in navigational, artillery, mine-torpedo, missile, anti-submarine specialties.

    In 1992, by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on the basis of the former Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov and the Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School, the Sevastopol Naval Order of the Red Star Institute of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after. P.S. Nakhimov. In 2009, the Academy of the Naval Forces of Ukraine named after P.S. Nakhimov, which was the only higher naval educational institution in Ukraine until 2014.


    Creation of the school

    From 1937 to 1992, the school trained more than 16,000 officers, of which 76 graduates became admirals and generals. At ChVVMU, ship specialists were trained in navigational, artillery, mine-torpedo, missile, anti-submarine specialties. 15 graduates received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. 121 graduates graduated from the college with a gold medal.

    By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 490 of 19.08.1992, the Sevastopol Naval Order of the Red Star Institute named after P. S. Nakhimova (SVMI).

    In 2009, on the basis of SVMI, the P.S. Nakhimov Academy of Naval Forces (AVMS) was formed, which is currently the only higher naval educational institution in Ukraine.


    Morozov M. E. Soviet submarine fleet of 1922-1945: About submarines and submariners / M. E. Morozov, K. L. Kulagin. - M.: AST: AST MOSCOW: Transitbook, 2006. - S. 367.

    see also

    • Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School


    To the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P. S. Nakhimov (CHVVMU)

    First, a brief overview of the history of this school.
    The formation of a naval school for the training of command personnel for ships and parts of the fleet in Sevastopol was launched in accordance with the order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 035 of 04/01/1937. The newly formed VMU was given the name "2nd Naval School".
    More than two years later, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy No. 241 dated 06/25/1939, the 2nd VMU was renamed the Black Sea Naval School. Then, in accordance with the decision of the Council of People's Commissars No. 963 of 07/05/1940 and the order of the People's Commissar of the Navy No. 294 of 07/10/1940, the school was transferred to the category of higher educational institutions and became known as the "Black Sea Higher Naval School (ChVVMU)".

    After the outbreak of war in 1941, early graduations took place at ChVVMU. In August and September 1941, the ChVVMU was evacuated to Rostov-on-Don, and in November 1941, due to the approach of the front, the school was disbanded. Everyone went to the front.

    In 1946, the school was restored, and on November 1, 1952, the first post-war graduation of officers took place.

    In already "Ukrainian times", in 1992, ChVVMU was transformed into SVMI - the Sevastopol Naval Order of the Red Star Institute named after PS Nakhimov of the Navy. In 2009, on the basis of SVMI, in turn, the Academy of the Naval Forces of Ukraine named after P. S. Nakhimov (AVMS) was created.

    In 2014, the school was once again recreated, and already on June 18, 2014, the first graduation of officers for the Russian Navy took place in it - as I understand it, graduate cadets began their studies back in the Ukrainian ABMS.

    This album contains photos of cadets of the 1939 recruitment, as well as their teachers and superiors. Almost all of them went through the war, most of them eventually connected with the fleet all their lives. At the end of the album is a list of graduates for 1974 - 115 people. Received in 1939 - 349.

    I posted all the scanned pages in a separate album “Anniversary Album of the 35th Anniversary at ChVVMU im. P. S. Nakhimova 1939-1974 » on Yandex.Fotkah, here I will show only a small selection of them:


    Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (ChVVMU named after P.S. Nakhimov) in Sevastopol is located in the area of ​​Streletskaya Bay, on Dybenko Street.


    By order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 035 dated April 1, 1937, the formation of a naval school for the training of command personnel for ships and parts of the fleet began in Sevastopol. The first set of cadets ChVVMU named after P.S. Nakhimov was carried out in late July - early August 1937.
    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, early graduations took place at the school. 1794 graduates of the school with honor passed through the crucible of war, bringing the long-awaited Victory closer. 13 graduates became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and two were awarded this title already in peacetime after the war. Among the pupils of the school are the Hero of Socialist Labor and five Heroes of the Russian Federation.
    After the end of the war, in 1946, it was decided to restore the Black Sea Naval School for the training of commanders of small ships with a training time of two years.
    April 3, 1975 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for great services in the training of officers for the Armed Forces and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ChVVMU them. P.S. Nakhimov was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
    From 1937 to 1992 The school trained more than 16 thousand officers, of which 76 graduates became admirals and generals, some became fleet commanders, heads of departments of ministries, defense ministers of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine. In ChVVMU named after P.S. Nakhimov trained ship specialists in navigational, artillery, mine-torpedo, missile, anti-submarine specialties.
    In 1992, by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the former Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov and the Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School, the Sevastopol Naval Order of the Red Star Institute of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after. P.S. Nakhimov. In 2009, the Academy of the Naval Forces of Ukraine named after P.S. Nakhimov, which was the only higher naval educational institution in Ukraine until 2014.
    After the referendum on the declaration of independence of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, followed by reunification with the Russian Federation, on March 20, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the creation of the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star of the P.S. Nakhimov.


    At present, ChVVMU provides full military-special training for officers and foremen in seven specialties. Training is conducted in accordance with federal state educational standards of the third generation. Training is carried out according to programs of both higher and secondary vocational education.

    The list of specialties for which the recruitment of cadets is carried out:

    For higher education programs(training period 5 years, qualification - engineer):

    1. The use and operation of coastal missile systems and artillery. Specialties: 17.00.00 Weapons and weapons systems. 05/17/02 Small arms, cannon, artillery and rocket weapons.

    2. Underwater technical work for special purposes. Specialties: 26.00.00 Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport. 05/26/03 Construction, repair and search and rescue support for surface ships and submarines.

    3. The use and operation of missile weapons on surface ships. Specialties: 26.00.00 Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport. 05/26/04 Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines.

    4. The use of special support units and the operation of special ammunition. Specialties: 26.00.00 Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport. 05/26/04 Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines.

    According to the programs of secondary vocational education(training period 2 years 10 months, qualification - Technician):

    1. Operation and repair of diving and deep-water facilities. Specialties: 26.00.00 Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport. 26.02.05 Operation of ship power plants.

    2. Operation and repair of control systems and launch equipment for missile weapons of surface ships. Specialties: 27.00.00 Management in technical systems. 27.02.04 Automatic control systems.

    3. Operation and repair of coastal missile systems. Specialties: 27.00.00 Management in technical systems. 27.02.04 Automatic control systems.

    Cadets are in active military service and are provided with all types of allowances in the manner prescribed by legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Education, accommodation, meals, provision of established types of allowances are free of charge. In addition, cadets are paid a monthly allowance.

    Graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov under the programs of higher education is issued a diploma of higher education of the established form in a civilian specialty with the assignment of the appropriate qualification "engineer".
    Graduates of secondary vocational education programs are issued a diploma of the established sample in a civilian specialty with the assignment of the appropriate qualification "technician".