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  • Adverbs in which we often make mistakes
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  • What are the mistakes associated with the use of adverbs. Adverbs in which we often make mistakes

    What are the mistakes associated with the use of adverbs.  Adverbs in which we often make mistakes

    Kilina Alexandra Feofanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Kuedinskaya Secondary School No. 1 - Basic School, Kueda village, Perm Territory Watch the video sequence “Winter Landscapes” and choose words that can help express your attitude to what you see. Words should answer the question how? How? Amazing, delightful, bewitching, magnificent, unusual, beautiful, mysterious, magical, mysterious, unusual, openwork, frosty ... Dramatization-recipe The doctor asks a student who came to see him: - What grade are you in, young man? - At 7 Would - Would? I do not know this class, Do you live together in your class? - Fine. Terribly friendly, terribly fun ... - Terribly friendly, terrible and fun ... Do you study well? - Fine! The girls are especially hard at work. Their teacher praises to the nines. - It's fine... Praises to the nines... Yes, the disease is serious, You have a sick tongue. Here the doctor will not help. You can only heal yourself. Here's a recipe for you - a Russian grammar textbook. ? What do you think the lesson will be about? What cases of misuse of adverbs have you heard? What are the mistakes here? Read the epigraph. What part of speech is P. Chesnokov talking about? Sometimes it is desirable for you to explain the Action or sign. This means you need to invite me to help you. P. Chesnokov Guess the word 1) The root of this word is the same as that of the word drives. 2) There are two prefixes: like the word together and dry. 3) There are two suffixes: one from the word slippery, the other from the word inside out. 4) This word is synonymous with the word following. V-DO-GON-K-U M.V. Lomonosov said about this part of speech: “The adverb serves to briefly depict circumstances.” Do you believe or not? 1. Do you believe that the adverb is an invariable part of speech? 2. Do you believe that adverbs are similar in appearance to adjectives and nouns? 3. Do you believe that adverbs are not related to the verb? 4. Do you believe that the adverb has no degree of comparison? 5. Do you believe that NOT is written under stress in negative adverbs? 6. Do you believe that adverbs have dependent words? Do you believe or not? 7. Do you believe that b is always written at the end of adverbs after sibilants? 8. Do you believe that the adverb acts as a circumstance in a sentence? 9. Do you believe that adverbs with NOT are always written separately? 10. Do you believe that you know what an adverb is and can define it in any text? Performing a digital test. In what phrase are given "Ch. + adv.”? 1) buy in installments 2) very competently 3) naval pasta 4) run without looking back 5) moving slowly 6) eat to satiety 7) look into the distance 8) extremely cold 9) go towards 10) shoot point-blank Find a sentence with an adverb . 1. Morning is good today! 2. I feel good. 3.Good in the winter in the forest. Promotion of the working version of the study. Let's put forward a hypothesis. ? . How often do we use adverbs in speech? . What role do they play in speech? . Suppose that adverbs are often used in speech, play an important role. . Let us assume that adverbs can be used to characterize actions. . Suppose that in terms of frequency of use they take 5th place after nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives. ? The study of literary texts through the prism of the working version. . Group work. The class is divided into 6 groups. Performing research tasks Task 1st group Read the text, title it. Define the text style. How many nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs did you come across? Find out what place adverbs take in terms of frequency of use. For what purpose are they introduced? Observe the role of adverbs in the text, try to remove adverbs from the text. What will change in the text? What is the purpose of your research? First we got up and still quietly walked forward side by side. Soon, not far away, we saw the culprit of the noise. A medium-sized bear was fumbling on a rock near a large linden tree. The tree grew almost close to the rock, completely covered with shrubs. The bear was tiptoeing for honey. He stood on his hind legs and seemed to be stretching somewhere. Stones prevented him from squeezing his paws into the hollow. The bear was impatient, but decisive. He shook the tree with all his might to eat his fill. Bees curled around the hive and stung him on the head. The bear blindly rubbed its muzzle with its paws, shouted in a thin voice, rolled on the ground from left to right. Little by little, he got tired, sat down on the ground like a human being, and, opening his mouth, began to look at the tree, apparently thinking something. Then he instantly climbed to the top. Climbing up, he squeezed between a rock and a tree and, resting his front and hind paws on the stones, began to press hard with his back into the tree. The tree moved forward a little. Then he changed position and, resting his back against the rock, began to press the tree with his paws. The linden crackled and fell to the ground. Task 2nd group 1. Conduct a survey: Do you often use adverbs in your speech, in what speech situations do you meet? Is it a difficult part of speech, in your opinion? Invite the respondents to say the following words: enviable, boring, full, utterly, happy, more beautiful. 2.Find mistakes related to the use of adverbs. Eliminate them. 1. Back pouring rain went. 2. The boy fell backwards to the ground and poked his face into his palms. 3. The rivers in Siberia are terribly deep. 4. Dad took a long rail and sawed it in half. Then he carefully trimmed it with a planer. Then I sanded the rail with sandpaper. 5. You need to think ahead, and then answer. 6. The detachment set off, Volodya walked in front. 7. Ivan, hold on more freely. Assignment 3rd group Read the text expressively, title it. Define the text style. What is the main idea of ​​this text? Find adverbs in the text and replace them with synonymous phraseological units. The dog Barbos walked slowly And this is what he said indistinctly: "We lived together with the cat, But suddenly he broke the law." Now I'll go far, Never say hello. You value friendship dearly, Do not say unnecessary words thoughtlessly. For reference: Soul to soul, to the ends of the world, at a snail's pace, from the bay of floundering, forever and ever, under your breath, like snow on your head, worth its weight in gold. Task 4th group Read excerpts from poems, find adverbs in them. Determine the way they form words. What is the role of adverbs in poetry? 1. Trees plaintively rustled, When the cold came; Only the spruce was silent indifferently And turned green, as always. (A. Pleshcheev) 2. The sun once again glanced sullenly at the fields, And the whole troubled earth drowned in the radiance. (F. Tyutchev) 3. Reluctantly and timidly, the Sun looks at the fields. Chu! Behind the cloud thundered, The earth frowned. (F. Tyutchev) 4. The gray day crawls lazily, And they chat unbearably On the wall, the wall clock Tirelessly speaks. The heart freezes a little. (A. Fet) 5. Timidly looks into the eyes of the month, Amazed that the day has not passed, But widely in the region of the night, the Day spread his arms. (A. Fet) Assignment to the 5th group Read the text, determine the style of the text, title it. Insert adverbs that are appropriate in meaning, determine their role. Explain spelling in adverbs. ………. the sun rises. It rises …….. bright light. ……… this fiery miracle only……. warms the earth, ……… looks at the blossoming flowers, ……… smiles at the chirping birds. ….…. it ………… sparkles and ……… bakes. The sun ………. working all day……. giving warmth and joy. Words for reference: (c) start, fun, (without) tired, early, slow ... oh, hot .., (a) friendly, dazzling, gradual ... oh, (c) easy, then, generous. Task 6th group Read the riddles, guess them. Find adverbs in riddles, determine which semantic group the adverbs belong to. Remember the riddles where adverbs meet. 1. Sleeps in summer, burns in winter, Mouth opens, what is given, swallows. 2. I know how to cleanly wash Not with water, but with a tongue. Meow! As I often dream of Saucer with warm milk. 3. Easy to wear, hard to count. 4. Quickly chews, chews finely, She does not swallow. What's this? 5. I am small, but evil, I light a little candle, Sometimes I will fall so that I will bring a lot of grief. Listening to the results of the work of the groups. . General conclusions: all texts belong to the artistic style. Adverbs are often used in the artistic style, they give expressiveness, make speech accurate, bright, accurate. They serve to create means of expression - epithets. . Adverbs are used both in writing and in speech. Promotion of the final version of the study. Let's get back to the hypothesis. How often do we use adverbs in speech? What role do they play in speech? Let's compare. . Suppose that adverbs are often used in speech, play an important role. . Let us assume that adverbs can be used to characterize actions. . Suppose that in terms of frequency of use they take 5th place after nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives. . We use adverbs frequently. . In speech, adverbs play a figurative role, they are used to characterize actions, to describe the qualities of objects and phenomena. . According to the frequency of use, adverbs take the 6th place after nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions and adjectives. Summing up the results of the study. . Evaluate the results of the study. . Use adverbs to reflect. Choose adverbs for the verb, indicating how you worked today. Worked - ... . In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of P.S. Pustovalov: “Without adverbs, picturesqueness, emotionally expressive coloring, and the accuracy of the author’s characteristics would be lost.” . Do you agree with this statement? Homework. 1. Observe the speech of the parents and fill in the table, how often they use adverbs and words of the state category in their speech. Adverb Category of state Who said the word? Speech situation Adverb delicious papa At dinner he praised his mother. Homework 2. Select texts of scientific style (1st row), journalistic style (2nd row), official business style (3rd row). Complete the tasks on the text: Write down the text, find adverbs in it. Find out for what purpose adverbs are introduced? Observe the role of adverbs in the text, try to remove adverbs from the text. What will change in the text? Draw your own conclusions.

    If we are talking about the opportunity to take something, for example, a glass of coffee, with you, then the word "takeaway" is written together. So says the Big Explanatory Dictionary. In this matter, it is better to believe him, and not the Internet: Yandex offers 68 million sites where the incorrectly spelled "takeaway" is found, and only 10 million with the correct "takeaway".

    2. Firsthand

    The adverb "with one's own eyes" is used in conjunction with the verb "to see" and means that a person is clearly convinced of something. With the modern desire for conciseness, it rarely goes beyond book speech. But if you decide to write a novel, write this adverb correctly and forget about “eyes”.

    3. Not for nothing

    The adverb “for no reason” is written together, since the prefix cannot be separated from the word without changing its meaning to the opposite. However, in rare cases, a gap between "not" and "just" can be found. For example, in the sentence "he did it not casually, but according to a plan." But in this case we are talking about the adverb “simply” in the meaning of “unintentionally” with negation.

    4. Half ear

    5. Break through

    There is a school rule: adverbs formed by combining prepositions with nouns are written together if one more word cannot be inserted between these parts of speech. "Breakthrough" is a great illustration of this rule.

    6. In a hurry

    There are no "hurries" in modern Russian. This means that they cannot exist separately without a pretext. When you are in a hurry and write in a hurry, do not forget about it.

    7. Plus

    The situation is the opposite of the word "in a hurry": the noun "addition", although outdated, is still contained in dictionaries. And with a preposition it is written separately, even if we are talking about an adverb.

    8. Truly

    Soon you will need this adverb to respond to animated stickers with Easter cakes and eggs on social networks, so it's time to remember that your gap is your enemy. As dictionaries say, "truly" can be both an adverb and an introductory word, but it is always written together.

    9. At random

    The word "guess" does not exist in nature. If you try to find it in Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, you will find out that "guess" is used only with the prefix na-. So there is no reason to separate them with a space.

    10. Frowning

    “Frowning” is not at all the same as from under some kind of bed, because the word “bed” is there, but “brows” is not. And since the adverb is written together, there is no reason to keep the letter "z" at the beginning of the word. Due to its proximity to the deaf consonant "p", it transforms into an equally deaf "s".

    11. Backhand

    The same rule applies here: there is no word “backhand”, there is no gap in the “backhand”.

    12. Secretly

    The continuous spelling of the adverb "secretly" is considered the only true one. The same applies to its synonym "slowly".

    13. Soft-boiled

    Hard-boiled or soft-boiled - no matter what kind of eggs you like, both of these states are indicated by adverbs that are written together. Also, there is no gap in the adverb “soft-boiled” when it comes to a car accident or other incident.

    14. On the alert

    If we are talking about the adverb "on the alert" in the meaning of "alert", then it is written together. A space is required only if you are talking about a pomegranate, and not about a fruit.

    15. Draw

    Another word that might come in handy during this year's World Cup is 'draw'. If we are talking about a game in which no one won, a space is not needed here. Adverbs formed by combining a preposition with a pronoun are written together.

    16. Show off

    Easy, because the combination is used as an adverb or a noun with a preposition. In the first case, the space is not needed, but in the second case it is.

    17. Race

    But in the word "race" it is difficult to make a mistake. First, there are no "distillations". Secondly, even if they existed, it is impossible to insert another word between them and the preposition "on". So no space is needed.

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    Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 42, Vladikavkaz

    Features of the use of forms of adverbs (§ 109).

    The purpose of the lesson: 1) to prevent possible errors in the use of forms of adverbs, in placing stress in adverbs; the formation of the ability to distinguish them from the parts of speech from which they are formed; 2) draw students' attention to the connection of the paragraph with the USE test tasks (A1, A3).

    I. Checking homework.

    Frontal poll (§ 108):

      Hyphenated spelling of adverbs. Continuous spelling of adverbs. Separate spelling of adverbs.

    II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    1. Dealing with §109

    The use of forms of degrees of comparison of adverbs

    It is impossible to form a compound form of the comparative and superlative degree of an adverb from a simple form + the words more, less, most, least-, expressed more elegantly, did the least. This is a gross mistake! Adverbs above and below in the meaning of "closer to the beginning or end of the text" are used only in written speech, in oral speech one should say: as was said before, as will be said later. You can not use the adverb back in the meaning of "again, again."

    Difficulties in the formation of adverb forms

    Due to the fact that the adverb is unchangeable, the use of certain adverbs is most often associated with a historically established tradition. In particular, a number of adverbs end with a or y, while others can be used with both a and y at the end. For example, only with a: without refusal, from the nose; only with y: without a year, incessantly, sayu: without a miss and without a miss, blind and blind.

    2. Training exercise.

    Students complete exercise 276 (the first two sentences are written in notebooks, the rest are oral).

    276. Write down sentences, eliminating grammatical errors in the use of adverb forms.

    1) New drugs are more effective. 2) He, both in the old and in the new team, feels sideways. 3) It is most difficult to grow a bountiful harvest on arid soils. 4) Sparrows caressed by the spring sun chirped incessantly. 5) We are ready to agree with those mentioned above by the previous speaker. 6) Blindly, for a long time grandmother could not make out what was written in the telegram. 7) My younger brother brought back a “deuce” for calligraphy. 8) An experienced manager should be able to negotiate more flexibly.

    9) At the wedding, the guests danced all evening until they dropped. 10) It has become most convenient to use video equipment in the lessons after its fixed connection. 11) I need to talk to you face to face.

    3. On the basis of a textbook paragraph, one of the students prepared a message on the topic: "Difficulties in placing stress in adverbs" (Stressing in adverbs is due to historically established norms. Thus, the stress can either remain on the root or move to the prefix, for example: utterly , enviably - stress on the root; dry, long time ago - stress on the prefix.

    Adverbs can be formed by combining one or two nouns with prepositions. In them, the emphasis is often transferred to the preposition, for example: missing, without a year - the emphasis on the preposition. But it can also remain on a noun, for example: incessantly, for wear and tear. It is necessary to remember the place of stress in the following adverbs:

    shaft (to bring down), at exorbitant prices,

    close, clear

    enough, primordially,

    start, recklessly,

    hire, same

    again, a hundredfold,

    right now, smart.

    It is necessary to distinguish between the meanings of the adverb bald: bald - leaving no hair at all: shave bald; unsheathed - taking out from the scabbard (about edged weapons): keep the checkers unsheathed.)

    4. Work with the words written on the board.

    Indicate the number of the group of words in which all adverbs are stressed on the first

    1) masterfully, shaft, cleanly, from time immemorial; 2) enviably, red-hot, at exorbitant prices, backhanded; 3) in plenty, vzapuski, on top, headlong; 4) a hundredfold, from ancient times, white, up.

    III. Working with the text of exercise 278.

    278. Read the text carefully and do the tasks.

    After breakfast, the bus was brought to the entrance of the recreation center of the Academy of Sciences. At the camp site for the trip, scientists were allocated the best worker - an educated and intelligent person. The driver looked around to see if everyone was seated. Well, let's go ... Each new round of the road opens up the beauty of the world in a new way. Gentle sunlight lies lightly on the bluish asphalt, on the semi-circular water sliding over the round stones. Each spot of light has its own separate life, with its own warmth, meaning, form. And either gradually, or suddenly, the human soul is filled with its own light, feels itself, sees itself in this world with a desert sea, with gardens, with a mountain gorge, with spots of the sun; this world - she and not she - she sees it, or does not see it, she is full of peace in herself, thinks and does not think, she sees the depths of life and blindly slumbers. She thinks of nothing, but she is immersed in a depth greater than that which an interstellar ship can penetrate. A wondrous state, like the happiness of a lizard dozing on a hot stone near the sea, with its skin knowing the salty warmth of the air, the shadow of the clouds. Wisdom equal to the happiness of a spider frozen on a thread stretched between two blades of grass. The feeling of knowing the miracle of life by those who crawl and fly. From time to time the bus stopped, and Ivan Petrovich, the guide, quietly, as if afraid to disturb someone in the mountains, spoke about the geological history of the Abkhaz land, about the first ancient human settlements. Ivan Petrovich was worried about something by an elderly man - during the stops he stood at a distance from everyone and did not listen to explanations. Ivan Petrovich noticed that other travelers often glance at this elderly, untidy man. The guide asked: "Who is this uncle?" A famous name was called to him in a whisper. Ivan Petrovich was pleased - a researcher of the most complex issues of theoretical physics, the creator of a new view of the origin of the universe, participates in his excursion group. At the same time, he was offended: the famous scientist, in one article he was called a great thinker, did not ask Ivan Petrovich questions and did not seem to listen to his explanations. A few days later, Ivan Petrovich ran into a famous scientist on the street. "Probably he won't recognize me," thought Ivan Petrovich. But the scientist approached Ivan Petrovich and said:

    “I thank you with all my heart.

    — For what? Ivan Petrovich was surprised. “You didn’t ask me a single question and didn’t even listen to my explanations.

    “Yes, yes, no, no, what are you doing,” said the scientist. You helped me answer the most important question. After all, I am also a guide in this bus, - and he pointed to heaven and earth, - and I was very happy on this trip, like never before in my life. But I didn't listen to your explanations. We, the guides, are not really needed. I even thought we were interfering.

    (According to V. Grossman)

    1. Indicate what figurative means of language the author uses in the sentences of paragraphs III-V.

    Write out all the prepositions from the sentences of paragraphs I-III. Write out all the particles from the sentences of paragraph X. Write out from the sentences of paragraphs VII, VIII definitive and indicative.

    IV. Summing up the lesson and homework exercise 279. (Write an essay according to the text of exercise 278 in the format of part C1 of the exam)

    Teacher MBOU secondary school №42, Vladikavkaz

    Morphology occupies an important place in the initial course of the Russian language, since the study of parts of speech contributes to the development of logical thinking of younger students, provides the opportunity to improve students' speech on a conscious basis, and is a necessary basis for the formation of their spelling skills.

    At the same time, morphology is also the most difficult section of the course for the child, since its study involves the assimilation of concepts of a high degree of abstraction and requires a certain level of development of mental operations, the ability to generalize. In addition, the necessary conditions for mastering morphological knowledge and skills are a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to establish relationships between words in a sentence, as well as knowledge of word formation and syntax.

    In accordance with the State Standard, primary school students must learn the basic signs of three significant parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb. Regardless of the educational program, younger students learn to distinguish between the named parts of speech on the basis of a common lexical meaning, questions, permanent and non-permanent morphological features, and syntactic function. Also, students form an idea about the pronoun (for example, personal pronouns).

    Most modern Russian language programs for elementary school provide for an increase in the amount of knowledge in morphology acquired by schoolchildren and a higher level of their generalization. Expansion of the range of studied parts of speech, inclusion in the content of the course of many previously unstudied grammatical categories, increased attention to the meaning of grammatical categories, the formation of an idea in younger students about the system of parts of speech - all this characterizes the Russian language programs in the educational systems of D.B. Elkonin - V.V.Davydova, L.V.Zankova, "Elementary school of the XXI century", "Harmony".

    Such changes in the content of the Russian language course are explained not only by the need to create conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge.

    This is also due to the awareness of the shortcomings of the "traditional" approach to the study of morphology, which include formalism when considering grammatical categories, reliance not on students' understanding of the ways of acting with a word as a part of speech, but on memorization, a spontaneously formed orientation to questions in schoolchildren when recognizing parts of speech. .

    Our observations show that not only primary school students, but also the majority of school graduates, as well as primary school teachers can't reveal content morphological concepts such as Part of speech», « thing», « sign" or " action» as a categorical meaning of a certain part of speech, they find it difficult to explain the meaning of the grammatical categories of case, tense, person.

    At best, the concept is concretized: “a part of speech is a verb, a noun, an adjective ...”; "A noun denotes an object, it can also be a person or an animal, a natural phenomenon ...". Meanwhile, the results of teaching younger schoolchildren in systems of developmental education show that understanding the actual linguistic content of grammatical concepts is quite accessible already at the initial stage of education.

    The subject of our consideration are conditions for the meaningful assimilation of the concept of "adverb" by younger students. The inclusion of this concept in most new programs in the Russian language is caused by the high frequency of adverbs, the importance of their study for improving the speech of students.

    Unlike the main parts of speech, which are studied in stages, the adverb is introduced immediately on the basis of all essential features in the fourth grade. Although the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by students on the topic “Adverb” in the primary grades is small, difficulties may arise when learning the adverb.

    What difficulties do younger students have when learning adverbs?

    1. First, variety of lexical meanings expressed by adverbs can interfere with their generalization and assimilation of the categorical meaning of an adverb as a part of speech.

    Adverbs denote a variety of signs of action:

    • place ( away)
    • time ( yesterday)
    • reason ( rashly)
    • purpose ( in mockery)
    • mode of action ( by heart)
    • its quality characteristics fast, loud)
    • the degree of manifestation of an action or sign ( Often).

    These meanings have little connection in the child's mind with the word "attribute", which children are used to using in relation to an adjective and, most likely, should be interpreted as naming some feature of the object.

    In addition, adverbs, in accordance with their meaning, answer different questions (where? when? why? why? how?, etc.), which makes it even more difficult to combine words so different in meaning into one class. It should be noted that insufficient awareness of the categorical meaning of an adverb is observed not only in primary school students, but also in elementary school students, which leads to the formal assimilation of this concept, to difficulties in recognizing adverbs, mixing an adverb with an adjective. To prevent the occurrence of such violations in textbooks, there is material for comparing adverbs with adjectives.

    2. The second difficulty is related to delimitation of adverbs and homonymous word forms of other parts of speech. On the one hand, being formed from nouns, adjectives, adverbs, adverbs can completely or partially coincide in form with motivating words ( autumn, fast, away, tiptoe and under.). In such cases, when recognizing an adverb, it is necessary to focus primarily on the meaning, which, as we have already noted, also makes it difficult for the student, and the features of word compatibility, its syntactic function.

    On the other hand, adverbs move into other lexical and grammatical categories:

    • state category words ( fun to play - I have fun)
    • prepositions ( well around - walk around the house)
    • particles ( it's raining - it's raining more and more).

    Of course, in elementary school, such difficult cases of delimiting parts of speech are not considered, since students do not yet have an appropriate theoretical basis for this, however, the elementary school teacher needs to anticipate possible difficulties for students and take them into account when selecting material for exercises. It is hardly possible to consider it expedient to include in the exercise, which involves the allocation of adverbs, such sentences as Clouds floated slowly in the middle of the river or It is dangerous to move on the ice during the thaw.

    Focusing on the invariability of the word, children can refer to adverbs and invariable words that do not coincide with them in form, most often particles and prepositions ( only, as if, near, in spite of). In order to prevent such errors in further education, it is necessary already in elementary school to ensure that students understand the categorical meaning of the adverb as a part of speech.

    3. Schoolchildren also have great difficulties when mastering the spelling of adverbs, since it is not systematized enough, but this creates problems when studying the dialect already in the main school. The most frequent adverbs are included in the spelling minimum for elementary school, and younger students memorize their spelling in dictionary order, regardless of whether the adverb is studied as a part of speech.

    In cases where the study of the dialect is included in the primary education curriculum, only the simplest rules are considered:

    • spelling of a soft sign at the end of adverbs after hissing ones;
    • spelling of suffixes -O and -a at the end of adverbs with prefixes in-, on-, for-, from-, to-, with-;
    • spelling of suffixes -O and -e at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

    The assimilation of these rules usually does not cause great difficulties for students if they have mastered the ability to recognize adverbs.

    All the possible difficulties of schoolchildren identified by us in the study of the adverb are due to the peculiarities of this part of speech. The main difficulty for primary school students, apparently, is the assimilation of the categorical meaning of the adverb. It seems especially important to achieve its deep understanding on the basis of meaningful generalization, since this will prevent the occurrence of many difficulties in the further study of the dialect already in the basic school.

    Normalization contributes to the preservation of the features of the language unchanged, allows you to store traditions. At the same time, the inevitable processes of modification of language units lead to deviations from the norm. By characterizing violations of the norm as vernacular, one can to some extent restrain the changes themselves. However, the development of the language does not stop. One of the ways of the development of the literary language - the change of the norm under the influence of mass vernacular - is obvious. But this path is not the only one - there are always non-normalized areas in the language in which linguistic units can change arbitrarily.

    One such area is the morphological properties of adverbs. It is well known that adverbs are an actively replenished part of speech. In the development of the adverb, a new, still unstable, trend can be noted: the development of the category of case, expressed by prepositional means, that is, substantiation. This process cannot be restrained, because there are no corresponding norms and exercises in any textbook on the course "Russian language and culture of speech" (L.A. Vvedenskaya et al.; I.B. Golub; V.I. Maksimov - ed.; A .A. Dantsev and others) There is no ban on the use of adverbs in the prepositional case form and in other manuals on the culture of speech and grammar: there is no need to ban something that you don’t meet. The erroneous, from the point of view of the older generation, prepositional-case forms of adverbs that have appeared in recent years are quickly becoming not only usual, but also normative.

    A.P. Chekhov, in Nadenka N's Vacation Notes, ridicules the use of the adverb: "This summer, Russia fought with foreign countries, and foreign countries defeated us." A survey (more than a thousand people) shows that freshmen do not see errors in this phrase. Such perception is natural for the “multimedia” consciousness: in a word, frontier in the newspaper "Vremya" a whole page is called, and in television programs abroad they bow already without Chekhov's irony, following the example of O. Bender, who claimed that "Foreign countries will help us." Following the current situation, the dictionary “Slitno? Apart? Through a hyphen? B.Z. Bookchin normalizes the word abroad, without specifying, however, whether to consider it a noun. The use of the noun is becoming more and more common. armpit formed from adverbs under the arm and under the arm(derived, according to Vasmer, from the word mouse through a step muscle). Moreover, adverbs are perceived by schoolchildren as forms of a new noun (!), which leads to erroneous continuous spelling.

    Against the background of the normative, albeit colloquial, use of adverbs today and tomorrow with suggestions: for today, till tomorrow- there is a rethinking of adverbs where and from here, in which they are recognized as pronouns-nouns with prepositions. As a result, colloquial expressions arise to where and up to here, as well as the erroneous separate spelling of adverbs. Due to a similar error, there is a replacement of the adverb from below with a colloquial expression from below.

    In colloquial practice, prepositional-case forms of adverbs do the opposite, out of nowhere, for free, for cheap, with each other. In an interview with A. Pristavkin we meet: “In fights for a can of stew, for “just like that” ... groups of criminals grew up.” .

    Separate prepositional-adverbial combinations have become so familiar that they have passed into newspaper speech: “for free and the fish do not bite” (in the article “Pollock beguiled” - “Life” dated February 21, 2003); “Crowds come to help build. For free” (in the article “Classwork” - “Komsomolskaya Pravda” dated January 15, 2003) Journalists can freely use adverbs with a pretext because of the lack of a clear prohibition to do so. Apparently, the turnover for free will soon also be normative.

    Evaluating all the given examples, I would like to note that they do not have a well-formed grammatical tendency. However, some adverbs with prepositions, despite the lack of tradition, ridicule among the classics, have already been normalized. Such accelerated normalization suggests that changes in the literary language occur faster in areas not yet covered by the norm, and it is these areas that should become the object of close attention of linguists studying living processes in the modern language.