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  • A sentence with the word fit in English. The ambiguous word "Fit

    A sentence with the word fit in English.  The ambiguous word

    Translation: fit

    fit; suitable; corresponding; worthy; appropriate; able; adapted; ready; healthy; strong; in good shape; in a good condition;
    fit; landing; seizure; attack; paroxysm; convulsions; convulsions; hysteria; impulse; flash; caprice; mood; fit;
    correspond; fit; suit; fit; fall; sit; coincide; match exactly; fit; adjust; fit; fit; fit in; supply; equip; install; mount


    1. Most appreciated this and said that, provided the timing and subject of the course were right, they could fit in a 6 hour course.
    2. I "ve always owned apartments because I was born in a tenement in Glasgow and I like flat-life., If he has one regret it is that government never saw fit to offer him another major job as challenging as his chairmanship of British Steel when he gave it up in 1976.
    3. If you are thinking of having one of the larger, shaped baths, make sure it will fit through your bathroom door!
    4. One of the most important stages has yet to be started, namely beginning to fit the person into their new job.
    5. "The only car apart from a Rolls-Royce that he could fit into was an extra large Range Rover," says the driver, who also tells hair-raising tales of ferrying Maxwell about town.
    6. The major task was to re-design the transmissions to fit the small space alongside the engine.
    7. Although the usual coefficient of determination or scaled deviance can be used to indicate the global fit of any specified model, it is also important to examine model performance when estimating populations over areal units other than the wards from which the models were derived.
    8. Concluding, Mr Kinnock looked beyond the conference: "It is an encouragement, an inspiration to see this party working together, coming to a joint position on objectives, and of not only telling itself, but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country."
    9. We haven't got to fit in with theirs.
    10. Having a wardrobe of fragrances is as exciting as owning a vast array of stylish clothes (with the advantage, after you "ve made your initial choice, that perfumes always fit).
    11. The practical answer is to fit a U.V. steriliser, an 8W model being sufficient.
    12. He said, "Are you fit enough to ride Fringe?"
    13. Scion and rootstock must make a perfect fit

    With. fit, fit; seizure, attack, paroxysm, convulsions, convulsions, hysteria; burst, flash
    G. fit, fit, fit, sit; match, match; adapt, adjust, adjust; adapt, fit in; supply, equip; install, install
    adj. fit, fit; appropriate, worthy, befitting; capable, fit; ready, healthy, strong; in good shape, good condition

    to fit into a category — to fit into a category
    cut to fit well — cut exactly to size
    to fit / match / answer smb."s description 
    to indulge in a fit of the dismals
    snug / tight fit
    water fit for drinking
    movie fit for the whole family 
    fit time and place — proper time and place
    house fit to live in 
    physically fit — physically developed

    The coat fits her well.
    Just the coat for her.

    The uniform fitted her perfectly.
    The uniform fit her perfectly.

    The key fits the lock.
    The key fits the lock exactly.

    These clothes don't fit him.
    This kit does not sit on it.

    The food here isn't fit to eat.
    The food here is inedible.

    I am fit for another mile.
    I can walk another mile.

    The theory fits the facts.
    The theory is consistent with the facts.

    When buying smart devices, be sure to read the instructions for them. The same applies to working with a seemingly simple gadget like the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet. It is a sports smart tracker that, using a special Mi Fit program, establishes a connection with a smartphone. And on the smartphone, in turn, all the physical indicators of the person wearing the bracelet are visible. But for all this to work, you need to install the application correctly and make the right settings, and without the help of instructions, not everyone is capable of this.

    But the company sends instructions in Chinese, so even with a dictionary it’s too difficult to figure out what is written in it. But I am glad that craftsmen have translated the manual for Xiaomi gadgets, making it much more convenient to use the Mi Fit application. At least now you don't have to make all the settings, trying to guess which one will allow you to calculate the athlete's pulse, and which one is suitable for tracking his steps.

    Terms of use. First charge

    Charging is the first thing they pay attention to in the instructions, so as not to break the gadget, just buying it. Immediately after purchasing a fitness bracelet, you should perform the following manipulations:

    1. Unpack the device and carefully remove the tracker from the strap (it happens that the tracker comes in a separate package, then this procedure is irrelevant).
    2. Take the charger and install the Mi Band 2 in it, but so that it is with the contact inward. Do not overdo it when installing the tracker. It is important that it fits neatly, but sticks tightly.
    3. Next, the bracelet needs to be charged, and this can be done if it is connected to a computer port or to a power outlet. But the computer option is preferable. The fact is that the gadget is very sensitive to voltage drops, which often happen on the network, therefore it can break.
    4. Leave the gadget for about two hours, and the charge will be full. To check at what level, just look at the charge level indicator. When the bracelet can work fully, the three LEDs on the fixture will shine with a uniform light.

    Interestingly, two hours is the time for the first charge. Applying subsequent charges will take much less time if everything is done correctly now.

    Installing the Mi Fit program and registering an account

    After the device is fully charged, the gadget should be connected to the smartphone. This is a mandatory step that allows you to take full advantage of it, since without it it is only an ornament that brings practically no benefit other than decorative.

    That is why it is so important to download and install the Mi Fit program on your smartphone. Here are some features of working with this application:

    • To download the application to a smartphone from Android, you need to go to the Play Market and find Mi Fit among the applications;
    • For Apple smartphone owners, the app should be searched on the App Store;
    • After the application has been downloaded, further settings should be carried out through the browser or on the smartphone itself, whichever is more convenient for you.

    You can proceed to account activation directly in the program itself, so as not to search for a site on the network. The setup is quite clear, even if the user encounters such a gadget for the first time. On Mi Band 2, the instructions of which are now being considered, it is very simple to set up the program and register in it.

    But there are some restrictions both when registering from Android smartphones and from Apple products. In the first case, at least the Android 4.3 operating system and a working Bluetooth 4.0 module must be installed on the smartphone. But in the case of Apple, the situation is that the smartphone must run on an operating system not lower than iOS 7.0, that is, be no younger than the iPhone 4S.

    Program settings

    In order to ensure the normal operation of the program, it is necessary to synchronize the tracker and smartphone. And you can do this with the help of the instruction manual, which indicates the initial settings and when to do them.

    So, if the program has started, the person who plans to use it should provide the following data. In this case, it is advisable not to cheat and indicate the most reliable information:

    1. The first step is authorization. Since you have already downloaded the application and completed the first settings, you can handle this task.
    2. The second step is to enter your name.
    3. Further setting requires specifying the gender of the owner of the bracelet, since men and women have different pulse rates, and other processes in the body are different.
    4. The date of birth is also important, because thanks to it, the program learns the age of the owner of the bracelet, adjusting its indicators to age parameters.
    5. The fifth step is to indicate the height. This is important for counting steps and distance traveled.
    6. And of course, you should specify the true weight. This is in your own interest, otherwise there will be no sense in using the tracker.
    7. Be sure to indicate the daily purpose of using the gadget. For example, the exact number of steps that must be completed throughout the day. If the desired number of steps have already been taken, the wearer of the bracelet will feel a vibration.
    8. After entering personal information, from the list of proposed devices, click on "Bracelet".

    It works as follows - the program calculates the distance traveled and calories burned, taking into account the approximate step width. And if the goal is achieved, then the gadget vibrates.

    If the settings were made successfully, then using Bluetooth, the smartphone will update the Mi Band 2 firmware. After that, the system time will start to be displayed on the tracker display, steps will be counted and other parameters will be monitored.

    Features of the Xiaomi Mi Fit program

    The application is a very important part of the success of the bracelet, so you need to study its interface well. For example, when you click on the home screen, three tabs will appear:

    • Activity;
    • Notifications;
    • Profile.

    Each of these tabs has several functional sections. For example, click on "Activity" and see subsections: "Sleep", "Statistics", "Weight" etc.

    There is also a tab with notifications, where you can synchronize incoming messages on the bracelet. So, when a notification arrives on the smartphone, the bracelet will show it.

    But the profile menu allows you to view personal information that was entered at the time the program was set up. Also, with the help of this program, the removed bracelet is easy to find, as it starts flashing and beeping, which greatly helps in the search.

    Although it should be borne in mind that the instruction in Russian for Mi Fit is rarely available (unless you were specifically looking for one). There are many more English language options online. So if you don't know him, stock up on a dictionary.