To come in
Portal about sewerage and downpipes
  • Adverbs in which we often make mistakes
  • Idioms in English with translation and examples What are idioms in English examples
  • What is the difference between life and live in English
  • Dialogues in English - samples and colloquial expressions
  • There are more English prepositions than you think
  • English idioms: what are they and should they be taught?
  • Audio dialogue in English. Dialogues in English - samples and colloquial expressions

    Audio dialogue in English.  Dialogues in English - samples and colloquial expressions

    Everyone knows that learning English can be for different purposes. Someone needs to master business correspondence, someone wants to read books written in English in the original, someone studies a foreign language in order to understand famous songs of their favorite bands by ear, sometimes translation skills of special literature are required. In all these cases, the skill of direct communication may not be needed. But many people need English lessons precisely in order to communicate in it in everyday situations with friends, partners or people on tourist trips abroad. In this case, the most important means for the formation of everyday communication skills are a variety of dialogues in English.

    As one respected university English teacher used to say when he had his students repeat the same phrases over and over again: “An unprepared speech is a well-prepared speech.” This phrase, paradoxical at first glance, actually has a certain practical meaning. If you are not a native speaker, in any situation of spontaneous communication, it is important for you to have in mind a set of well-learned clichés on various topics. In this case, you will not think about the composition of each sentence, and all your attention will be focused on the meaning of what you are talking about. That is why, when practicing colloquial speech, the teacher gives the task not only to read and translate dialogues on various topics, but also to memorize them.

    Examples of dialogues on various topics

    As a rule, dialogues are compiled on certain topics. Usually, dialogues in English for beginners are an acquaintance dialogue that contains simple phrases: talking about the weather (a universal means of keeping up a conversation), talking in a cafe, talking in a store, talking about plans for the weekend, etc.

    In any case, it is important to remember that a dialogue is not just a set of phrases of the “question-answer” type, but also a reaction to the information of the interlocutor, and an emotional component of one degree or another. Therefore, when learning new materials and dialogues in English, audio accompaniment plays a very important role. Listening to dialogues, you not only memorize phrases, but also copy the intonation pattern and correct pronunciation, which is especially important in dialogic speech and listening to a foreigner's speech.

    Today we will present to your attention interesting dialogues in English with translation, the full versions of which you can see,. In this case, the presented dialogues will be accompanied by exercises, a detailed dictionary of new words and grammatical explanations.

    Dialogue on the topic "acquaintance"

    So, any communication begins with an engagement.

    Hello, how are you?

    fine, thanks. And you?

    Great! My name is Lima.

    I am Emily. It's nice to meet you.

    It's nice to meet you, too.

    Are you from New York?

    Yes, I am. Where are you from?

    I am from here, from Bedford.

    Oh great. Can we be friends?

    Hi, how are you?

    OK, thanks! And you have?

    Wonderful! My name is Lima.

    I am Emily. Nice to meet you.

    Nice to meet you too.

    Are you from New York?

    Yes. Where are you from?

    I'm from here, from Bedford.

    O! Wonderful. Can we be friends?


    Dialogue about the weather

    As you know, if you need to start a conversation with an unfamiliar person, the topic of weather will be a good option. This topic is international, politically correct and universal for any circle. This topic is especially popular among residents of the UK. And this is not surprising, because this country is known for its changeable weather. Therefore, a few phrases about the weather that acquaintances exchange when they meet are often just a form of greeting, and not at all a way to get some information.

    Hello, Martin, lovely day, isn't it?

    Absolutely wonderful - warm and clear. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know?

    Yes, it says it will be a bit cloudy in the morning. But the day will be bright and sunny.

    How nice. A perfect day for an outing. I promised my family a barbecue, you know.

    Great! I hope you'll enjoy it.

    Hi Tom

    Hi Martin, it's a beautiful day, isn't it?

    Absolutely wonderful - warm and clear. What is the forecast for tomorrow? You do not know?

    Yes, I know, they say it will be a little cloudy in the morning. But the day will be clear and sunny.

    How good. Great day for a country walk. I promised my family a barbecue, you know.

    Great! I hope you will like it.

    Dialogue in a restaurant

    Dialogues in a cafe or restaurant are often used in teaching materials and phrasebooks. After studying the presented expressions, you can use them on a trip abroad. In addition, some structures and so-called politeness phrases will be useful to you in other speech situations.

    Jerry: Let's go for a walk.

    Lima: Have you got any ideas where we can go?

    Jerry: Yes, I have. Let's go to the restaurant.

    Lima: OK. Let's go.

    Waiter: Good evening. What can I do for you? What would you like to order?

    Jerry: Have you got mashed potatoes?

    Waiter: Yes, we have.

    Jerry: Have you got any juice?

    Waiter: Apple juice, tomato juice and orange juice.

    Jerry: Give us orange juice, please. Have you got any ice cream?

    Waiter: Yes, we have vanilla ice-cream, chocolate ice-cream and ice-cream with topping.

    Jerry: Give us one vanilla ice-cream and one chocolate ice-cream.

    W: Anything else?

    Jerry: That's all. thank you.

    Jerry: Let's go for a walk.

    Do you have any ideas where we can go?

    Jerry: Yes. Let's go to a restaurant.

    Lima: Ok. Let's go to.

    Waiter: Good evening. What can I do for you? What would you like to order?

    Jerry: Do you have mashed potatoes?

    Waiter: Yes.

    Jerry: Do you have any juice?

    Waiter: Apple juice, tomato juice and orange juice.

    Jerry: Give us orange juice, please. Do you have any ice cream?

    Waiter: Yes. We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream and topped ice cream.

    Jerry: Give us one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate ice cream.

    Waiter: Anything else?

    Jerry: That's all. Thank you.

    Dialogue in the store

    Another popular topic for dialogues is the English shop dialogues, which will allow you to easily buy the necessary products:

    Emily: Hey Lima. Let's go shopping.

    Lima: Hi, Em. Let's go!

    Salesgirl: Good morning! Can I help you?

    Emily: Good morning! What is the price of this dress?

    Salesgirl: It costs one thousand dollars.

    Emily: Oh, it's a very expensive dress.

    Lima: Let's go to another store.

    Lima: Look at these jeans. I like them.

    Salesman: Can I help you?

    Lima: Can you tell me what the price of those jeans is?

    Salesman: Yes. The jeans cost three hundred dollars.

    Lima: Ok, I'll take those jeans and this T-shirt.

    How about a nice dress for my friend?

    Salesman: This dress is very popular this season.

    Emily: Ok, I'll take it. Thank you very much.

    Salesman: Welcome.

    Emilia: Hi Lima. Let's go shopping.

    Lima: Hey Em. Let's go to!

    Saleswoman: Good morning! May I assist you?

    Emilia Good morning! What is the price of this dress?

    Saleswoman: It costs one thousand dollars.

    Emilia: Oh, it's a very expensive dress.

    Lima: Let's go to another store.

    Lima: Look at those jeans. I like them.

    Salesperson: Can I help you?

    Lima: Can you tell me what the price of those jeans is?

    Seller: Yes. Jeans cost three hundred dollars.

    Lima: Okay, I'll take those jeans and this T-shirt.

    How about a nice dress for my girlfriend?

    Seller: This dress is very popular this season.

    Emilia: Okay, I'll take it. Thank you very much.

    Seller: Please.

    Friends Dialogue

    Dialogue of friends in English is a very frequent guest in all tutorials. You can discuss a variety of topics - school affairs, family relationships, plans for the future. Such dialogues provide a lot of room for imagination. After all, taking some ready-made audio dialogue in English as a basis, you can always “adjust” it to suit you. And when you talk about your own experiences and emotions, the material is much easier to remember.

    Lima: So, have you decided where would you like to go on next holiday?

    Emily: I think that I will go to my grandparents as usual. I will help them about the house.

    And what about you?

    Lima: I think that I will go to the seaside with my friends. Will you go with us?

    Emily: What will you do there?

    Lima: If the weather is fine, we will swim all the time. And I think we will go to an aqua park and maybe we will visit some excursions.

    Emily: Oh great. I think that I will join you.

    Lima: Ok, I will call you.

    Lima: Well, have you decided where you would like to go next vacation?

    Emilia: I think I'll go to my grandparents like always. I will help them around the house. What about you?

    Lima: I think I will go to the seaside with my friends. Will you come with us?

    Emilia: What will you do there?

    Lima: If the weather is good, we will swim all the time. And I think we'll go to the water park and maybe take some tours.

    Emilia: Oh great. I think I will join you.

    Lima: Okay, I'll call you.

    Dialogue in the hotel

    We offer you a couple of colloquial phrases on one of the most common topics "in the hotel".

    I need the cheapest room in this hotel. How much is it?

    We have 2 number. The price is 10 dollars pro night.

    It's not cheap. Sorry.

    I want the cheapest room in this hotel. How much is it?

    We have two such numbers. The price is 10 dollars.

    It is not cheap. Sorry.

    business dialogue

    The subject of business stood out in English as a separate subtopic. Today there are many courses of this profile, on online platforms there are special reference materials and entire intensive courses on this profile. We offer a short conversation about business in English:

    good morning! May I talk to Mr. Johns?

    good morning! Mr. Johns is busy at the moment. Do you mind leaving the message for him, please?

    No, I don "t. It is Mr. Simon. I" m calling to confirm our meeting.

    Yes, Mr. Johns asked me to confirm!

    Thank you very much for information!

    Good morning! May I hear Mr. Jones?

    Good morning! Mr. Jones is busy at the moment. Maybe you can leave him a message?

    No thanks. This is Mr Simon. I'm calling to confirm our meeting.

    Yes, Mr. Jones asked me to confirm!

    Thank you very much for the information!

    Effective Ways to Memorize Dialogues

    As noted earlier, memorizing dialogues and new vocabulary is the key to successful communication in English. The more speech clichés you learn, the easier it will be for you to form your thought in a spontaneous conversation. If you have an interlocutor or you are learning English in a group, learning and telling the dialogue is not a problem. Moreover, teachers usually add a creative component to the task - on the basis of the dialogue in the textbook, compose, learn and tell their own version. However, if you are learning English on your own, not having a conversation partner makes things a bit more difficult. But, as you know, hopeless situations do not happen. Listening to English dialogues online is the most effective learning method. As a rule, repeated listening helps to remember all the necessary phrases, and at the same time reproduce them aloud with the correct intonation.

    An online tutorial can just become a kind of lifesaver in such a situation. Texts and dialogues (dialogues in english) on the site are voiced by professional speakers. You can choose for yourself the most comfortable way of memorization - relying only on the sound version, or relying on the English or Russian version of the texts.

    Hello my dears.

    Let's start today with a question for you. How can you start developing your child's conversational language?

    But it's true! Indeed, at the beginning of his journey, your baby's vocabulary for free conversation is at its lowest level - if not to say that it does not exist at all. And it’s not always possible to talk “not freely” either. So what's the way out? And the way out is this: dialogues for children in English.

    Surprisingly, this technique has found a response in the hearts of both many children and their parents. The secret here is simple: you can read or listen to simple dialogues - at first I would even advise mini-dialogues - to disassemble individual words and phrases in them and recite them. Read them with translation, listen to them in audio and learn.

    If you are concerned about how to develop your child's English reading skills, I suggest you check it out - it contains step-by-step lessons with pictures and audio. Come and try - you and your child will love it!

    Today I will give you several different options, on various topics and of varying complexity.

    The practice of speech for preschool age is distinguished by its simplicity and themes. It is easiest for such small children to remember what surrounds them: colors, animals, family, etc. Let's start with the "Greeting" and "Introduction" dialogs. For instance:

    -Hi.(Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening)
    -What is your name?
    -My name is Maria. And yours?
    -My name is Diana.

    -Hey . (Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening)
    -What is your name?
    -My name is Maria. And you?
    - My name is Diana.

    This is the easiest option to start with. You can develop the conversation further, for example, like this:

    -How old are you?
    -I am five years old. And how old are you?
    -I am six years old.

    -How old are you?
    -I am five years old. And how old are you?
    -I am six years.

    -Do you speak English?
    -Yes, I do. Do you speak English?
    - Yes, I do.

    -Do you speak English?
    -Yes. A do you speak English?
    - Yes.

    You can also use this extension:

    -Where are you from?
    -I am from Moscow. And you?
    -I am from London.

    -Where are you from?
    -I am from Moscow. And you?
    -I'm from London.

    This is the most elementary thing that you can do with your baby today.

    And here are the options, for example, for grade 2 on the topic of family:

    -How many family members do you have?
    -I have 4 family members. A mother, a father, me and my older sister. And you?
    -I have a father, a mother. I do not have any sisters or brothers.
    -This is my mother Tanya and this is my father Vadim. My sister is Olya. She goes to school already.
    -My mother's name is Alina, my father's name is Nikita.

    -How many family members do you have?
    -It's four of us . Mom, dad, me and my older sister. And how many of you?
    -I have a mom and a dad. I don't have any sisters or brothers.
    - This is my mother Tanya and this is my father Vadim. My sister Olya. She already goes to school.
    My mother's name is Alina, my father's name is Nikita.

    For grade 3 students, you can combine dialogue and game " I can see something blue…". For instance:

    -I can see something red...
    -It's an apple. It's a towel. It's a shoe.
    -I can see something green...
    -It's a flower. It's a coat.
    -I can see something yellow...
    -It's a ball.

    -I can see something red...
    -This Apple. This is a towel. This is a boot.
    -I can see something green...
    -This is a flower . This is a coat.
    -I can see something yellow...
    - It's a ball.

    Talking about animals will help you quickly learn the right vocabulary.

    -Do you have a pet?
    -Yes, I have a rat. His name is Bonnie. Do you have a pet?
    -I already have two dogs and a fish.
    -What are their names?
    -My dogs" names are Dilly and Tisha, and my fish is called Loopy.

    -Do you have a pet?
    -I have a rat. His name is Bonnie. Do you have a pet?
    -I already have two dogs and a fish.
    -What are their names?
    My dogs' names are Dilly and Tisha, and my fish's name is Loopy.

    A good variant of the theme is a hobby. For instance:

    -Do you like football?
    -Yes, I do. My favorite football team is Barcelona. And you?
    -I do not. I like basketball and tennis. What about reading?
    -I like reading. I read several books per week. And do you like reading?
    -I do not. I like watching films. My favorite films are "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars".

    -Do you like football?
    -Yes. My favorite football team Barcelona. And you?
    -I don't. I love basketball and tennis. How about reading?
    -I like to read. I read several books a week. Do you like to read?
    -Me not. I love watching movies . My favorite movies are Harry Potter and Star Wars.

    In addition to the previous one, you can add the following:

    -How did you spend your summer?
    - We went to the sea. The town was beautiful and the sea was very warm. And you?
    -I was in the village with my grandparents. We played football with my brother and swam in the lake.

    -How did you spend your summer?
    - We went to the sea. The city is beautiful and the sea is very warm. And you?
    -I was in the village grandma and grandpa. We played football with my brother and swam in the lake.

    For grade 5 students who already have a good lexical base, you can connect all these dialogues, and reveal all these topics one by one: greeting, introduction, family, animals, hobbies, etc.

    The last thing I want to say, my dears, is that with the help of such mini-talks, your little ones can quickly learn new words, as well as get rid of the fear of talking. I can give you some advice:

    • don't try right away embrace something big and complex Take small steps towards your big goal.
    • be sure that your child is familiar with all the words when you say something. Words learned by heart, the meaning of which remains unknown, will do absolutely no good..
    • combine the use of this method with some kind of game so that the baby naturally memorized vocabulary.

    I recommend that all children and their parents take this course from Lingualeo « For the little ones» . This online course - in a playful and very enjoyable way - will captivate your child and make him ask you “I want to play English again”. My daughter still likes it)), although we bought it a decent time ago.

    That's all, my dears. I hope that these materials will help you in learning the language. Moreover, you can get even more materials by subscribing to my blog mailing list. Improve your English with my help every day.

    A selection of simple dialogues in English for mastering oral speech, for the accumulation of ready-made phrases and expressions that will help you in communication.

    Theater Dialogue

    • Did you go to the ballet at the theatre? Did you go to the ballet in the theater?
    • Yes, I do. I had never seen anything more wonderful. Yes, I went. I have never seen anything more beautiful.
    • Can you tell us a little more about it? It's a very interesting for me. Can you tell a little more about him? This is very interesting for me.
    • Yes, of course, with pleasure. The ballet seemed to me a faire-tale. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. Of course with pleasure. The ballet seemed like a fairy tale to me. The costumes were great. The dance and music made me extremely excited. From the very first minute, I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on stage.
    • I am a theater lover, too. I also love theater. Should I go to this ballet?
    • Yes, of course. The performance was a great success. I am recommending this ballet for you. Yes, definitely. The performance was a huge success. I recommend this ballet to you.

    A small dialogue about cinema

    • I like to go to the cinema. I like to go to the movies.
    • How often do you go to cinema? How often do you go to the cinema?
    • When I have free time, I always go to see a new film. As soon as I have free time, I always go to see a new movie.
    • What kind of films do you prefer? Which movies do you prefer?
    • I prefer feature films, but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. I prefer feature films, but also enjoy cartoons and non-fiction films.
    • On which movie did you go to the last time? What movie did you last go to?
    • The last film I saw was comedy "Why him?" with James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch starring. The last movie I saw was the comedy Why Him? starring James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch.

    A simple dialogue about the museum

    • How many museums are there in your town? How many museums are there in your city?
    • In town where I live are no big museums, but we have a good Natural History Museum. There are no big museums in the city where I live, but we have a good natural history museum.
    • What is interesting is the museum? What is interesting in this museum?
    • There is ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls , tools and arms. There is also an aquarium full of different fish, tortoises and shells. Nfv tcnm ancient vases and coins, crockery and bowls, tools and weapons. There is also an aquarium full of various fish, turtles and shells.
    • How often do you visit this museum? How often do you visit this museum?
    • In truth, not very often, but I was on an excursion at last week. To tell the truth, not very often, but I was on a tour there last week.

    Dialogue about the circus

    • There is a very good circus at our town. There is a very good circus in our city.
    • I know, last time my brother, my mother and I went to the circus during my winter holidays. I know the last time I went to the circus with my brother and my mother was during my winter holidays.
    • I dream to someday join the circus. I dream of one day performing in a circus.
    • This is great. I really like the circus performers. This is wonderful. I really like circus performers.

    A greeting is what every dialogue with any person begins with, regardless of whether you communicate in Russian, English or any other language. Therefore, it is especially important for novice English lovers to know what greetings are usually used when communicating with certain people. This will help to initially outline the scope and tone of further conversation. How to have a welcome conversation in English

    Dependence of the dialogue on the situation

    Further, the dialogue should develop depending on the situation. There can be many variations of the continuation of the conversation: these will be the so-called middle parts of the dialogues. Therefore, we will first introduce several possible wordings of farewell in English − saying goodbye:

    • good bye! - All the best! (Goodbye!)
    • Bye Bye! or just Bye! — Till!
    • so long! — Till! (See you!)
    • see you later. — See you later. (See you later)
    • See you (soon). - See you soon. or see you soon.
    • Have a good (nice, fine) day! — I wish you a pleasant (good, good) day!

    Now, after learning the basic wording of greetings and farewells in English, we can model any kind of greeting dialogues. They will include simple phrases that are understandable even for beginners. Let's look at some examples of English dialogue.

    An example of friendly-respectful English dialogue

    An example of a friendly-respectful English dialogue Suppose that our English student Jack Higgins left the house in the morning for a walk. He met a neighbor, Mrs. Dawson.

    Jack: Good morning, Mrs Dawson!
    Good morning Mrs Dawson!
    Mrs Dawson: Oh, Jack! good morning! Haven't seen you for ages!
    Oh Jack! Good morning! Have not seen you for a long time!
    Jack: I am studying in Russia now and just came home for a vacation.
    I am now studying in Russia and have just come home for the holidays.
    Mrs Dawson: I see. I am really pleased to meet you!
    Understand. I'm very glad to meet you!
    Jack: I'm also glad to meet you. How are feeling today?
    I am very pleased to meet you. How do you feel?
    Mrs Dawson: Never better, my young friend! There is a wonderful weather for a stroll today, isn't it?
    Good as never before, my young friend! It's lovely weather for a walk today, isn't it?
    Jack: Yes, it's a beautiful sunny day today. I think you will enjoy it.
    Yes, today is a beautiful sunny day. I think you will like it.
    Mrs Dawson: Thank you! See you, Jack!
    Thanks! See you again, Jack!
    Jack: Good luck, Mrs Dawson!
    Good luck Mrs Dawson!

    Example of friendly slang English dialogue

    Example of friendly slang English dialogue

    Eric: Hey man! What brought you here?
    Hey guy (dude)! What fates?
    Jack: Hey, Eric! Just came home to visit my parents.
    Hey Eric! Just came to see my parents!
    Eric: It's awesome that I met ya * ! It reminded me of my childhood.
    It's great that I met you! It reminded me of our childhood.
    Jack: Me too! We haven’t met since school times… What’s new?
    Me too! We haven't seen each other since school days... What's new?
    Eric: Nothing changed, I study and now lookin" for a job work. Have you got one?
    Nothing has changed, I'm studying and looking for a part-time job. Do you have? (Work)
    Jack: I can't get along with Russian language, so I've no chance for a job yet.
    I'm still not very friendly with the Russian language, so I still have little chance of finding a job.
    Eric: Oh, you're a brainy fellow, you'll find something!
    Oh, you're a brainy kid, you'll find something!
    Jack: Hope so!
    Eric: Lots of luck!
    Good luck!
    Jack: The same to you! so long!
    Wish the same to you! See you!
    Eric: Bye!

    Note: *ya = you, shortened slang

    Jack continued his walk. A little later he met his schoolmaster, Mr. Newman. Consider the third version of the English conversation:

    Official spoken dialogue

    Official spoken dialogue Jack: Good morning Newman!
    Good morning Mr Newman!
    Mr. Newman: Oh, Jack Higgins! Good morning, young man! I guess you shouldn't be here.
    Oh Jack Higgins! Good morning young man! I thought you weren't here.
    Jack: I am also surprised! Nevertheless, I am happy to meet my best-loved teacher!
    I am also surprised! However, I am happy to meet my favorite teacher!
    Mr. Newman: Oh, thank you! You are highly polite, as usual!
    Oh thanks! You, as always, are very polite!
    Jack: You taught me to, did not you?
    You taught me that, didn't you?
    Mr. Newman: I did, and I taught many children, but you stand alone… It was a rare pleasure to have such an eager disciple.
    That's right, and I taught many children, but no one can compare with you ... It was a rare pleasure for me to have such a diligent student.
    Jack: I hope I deserve your compliment.
    I hope I deserve your praise.
    Mr. Newman: Sure you do! Are you studying anywhere now?
    Certainly! Are you currently studying somewhere?
    Jack: I study engineering at a wonderful university in Moscow.
    I'm studying engineering at a great university in Moscow.
    Mr. Newman: I guess that you will become an A1 specialist.
    I am sure that you will become a highly qualified specialist.
    Jack: Thank you! good bye!
    Thanks! Goodbye!
    Mr. Newman: All the best to you!
    All the best to you!

    Beginners, that is, those who study English at an elementary level, are often faced with tasks such as role-playing games and making up dialogues in pairs. In this article, we will look at simple English dialogues for beginners on the following everyday topics: acquaintance, leisure, family, hotel, restaurant, shopping. Their advantage is that they are easy to remember and can serve as the basis for more extended dialogues.


    Hello. My name's Valerie. Hello, my name is Valerie.

    Hey Valerie! I'm Jim Robinson. This is my wife, Hannah.

    Hello Valerie. This is my wife, Hannah.

    Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

    Nice to meet you, too. Me too.

    Free time:

    Do you have a lot of free time, Harry? Do you have much free time, Harry?

    Oh no, not enough! No, I miss him all the time.

    What do you like doing? What do you like to do in your free time?

    Oh, a lot of things. Much.

    For example? For instance?

    I love painting. I like to paint.

    painting? That's interesting. Draw? It is interesting.

    And I like reading very much. And I really like to read.

    What kind of books do you read? What books do you read?

    Well, I really like detective stories. Well, I really like detective stories.

    What about music? What about music?

    I love listening to all kinds of music. I like listening to any kind of music.

    How old's your sister, Danny? How old is your sister, Danny?

    Jane? She's twenty-seven. Jane? She's 27.

    Is she married? She is married?

    Yeah, she is. Yes.

    Does she have any children? Does she have children?

    Yeah, she has a little boy, Billy. Yes, she has a little son, Billy.

    What does she do? What is her job?

    She's a dancer. She is a dancer.

    Ballet? In ballet?

    No, modern dance. No, modern dance.

    Does she like her job? She likes her job?

    Yeah. She loves dancing and she really likes traveling. Yes. She loves to dance and she loves to travel.

    Dialogues in English for beginners on the topics of Hotel, Restaurant and Shopping are the ideal basis for role-playing games. In order to play typical situations that arise during tourist trips in class, you need to move away from the framework of the training course and get as close to reality as possible. For example, take a real English-language cafe or restaurant menu or its short, educational version (there are a lot of them on the Internet), study it, “make an order”, then “pay the bill”.

    It is important not to forget that the main goal of role-playing games is communication, understanding the interlocutor, and not perfect pronunciation and perfect grammar.

    Here we provide mini-dialogues for beginners, which can be modified or supplemented. The lexical material for "tourist" dialogues are the names of dishes, souvenirs, clothing items.

    In a hotel:

    Excuse me. I have a reservation. I booked a room.

    Yes. What's your name please? Yes, what's your name?

    Katy Blacksmith. Cathy Blacksmith.

    How do you spell your last name? Spell out your last name.

    B-L-A-C-K-S-M-I-T-H. Blacksmith.

    thank you. You're in room 18A. Thank you. Your number is 18A.

    In the restaurant:

    A table for two, please. A table for two, please.

    Yes, come this way. Let's go.

    Are you ready to order now? What will you order?

    Yes, I'd like garlic mushrooms, please. Mushrooms with garlic, please.

    Could I have the vegetable soup? Can I have a vegetarian soup?

    And for your main course? What is the main course?

    I'd like the steak. I'll have a steak, please.

    Seafood pasta for me, please. I'll have some seafood pasta, please.

    Anything to drink? Any drinks?

    A large bottle of mineral water. Large bottle of mineral water.

    In the gift shop:

    Hello, can I help you? Hello, how can I help you?

    How much are these pens? How much are these pens?

    $1.50 each. 1 dollar 50 cents each.

    Can I have five pens, please? Give me 5 pens please.

    In a clothing store:

    Excuse me. Have you got these jeans in my size? Excuse me, do you have these jeans in my size?

    Yes. What size are you? What is your size?

    Let's see. Here you are. Wait. Yes, please take it.

    Can I try them on? Can you try them on?

    Ofcourse. The changing rooms are over there. Yes, the fitting rooms are over there.

    I think they're too big. I think they are too big for me.

    No, that's the fashion now. No, that's the fashion right now.

    OK. I'll take them. Can I pay by credit card? Okay, I'll take them. Can I pay by credit card?

    Yes, of course. Oh sure.