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  • How to steam food without a steamer?
  • How to cook steamed patties without a steamer Steamed patties in a colander
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  • Steam cutlets. How to steam food without a steamer? How can you replace a steamer at home? How to cook steamed cutlets, manti, vegetables, chicken pieces, meat, fish, steamed omelet, rice, the first vegetable feed without a steamer? What can you get

    Steam cutlets.  How to steam food without a steamer?  How can you replace a steamer at home?  How to cook steamed cutlets, manti, vegetables, chicken pieces, meat, fish, steamed omelet, rice, the first vegetable feed without a steamer?  What can you get

    Sometimes you want something so badly that you just can't ignore it. You will not rest until you bring your plans to life. And that's great!

    But, alas, it also happens that the idea cannot be realized even after numerous attempts. Know that this is not a reason to give up and despair, in this case you need to include imagination and creativity.

    Imagine that you really wanted to try a dish prepared for a couple... To do this, just use a regular or bamboo steamer.

    You do not know what bamboo is, where to get it and what to do with it? It doesn't matter, not everyone in the kitchen has this device. And this does not mean at all that you should forget about such a desired dish. You can make a steamer from scrap materials. For this, a deep and aluminium foil.

    How to make a steamer with your own hands?

    Instead of balls, you can use a tight foil ring. This way you can steam meat, fish and vegetables. The most important thing is to keep water out of the plate.

    The temperature is evenly distributed under the lid, but keep in mind that there must be several holes in the lid for the improvised steamer to work properly.

    Everyone knows that a steamer is considered the most convenient device for cooking steamed dishes on the household. Nevertheless, remembering the tricks and ingenuity of our mothers and grandmothers, you can completely do without her. How can you steam a baby's meal without a steamer? It's very simple!

    How can you make a double boiler?

    When you don't have a steamer at hand, you can make it yourself:

    1. Take a deep saucepan and a bowl of the same diameter.

    2. Pour no more than half of water into a saucepan, tie it tightly with gauze folded in two or three layers.

    3. Put the dish on cheesecloth and cover with a bowl like a lid. Inside, the dish will be steamed without a steamer - just as fast and delicious.

    In such a simple way, for example, you can cook tender ones.

    Instead of gauze, you can also use a colander or sieve and cover it with a regular saucepan lid. But in this case, the dishes must be enameled or stainless.

    In these ways, you can steam vegetables, rice, fish, cutlets and much more for your child.

    Safety when steaming without a steamer:

    The main rule in the kitchen is that the fixtures must be comfortable, reliable and safe. You need to be careful and careful when preparing food in a homemade steamer:

    - the slightest contact of the skin with steam threatens to burns - do not put your hands (fingers) inside under the lid, use oven mitts and cooking spatulas,

    - when using cheesecloth as a homemade steamer, remember that it can get wet and is also very hot!

    - the gauze should be tied tightly, and the ends should be hidden upward inside the "double boiler",

    - It is categorically impossible to use plastic colanders for cooking any steamed dishes without a steamer, only if they are marked "for high temperatures", which is extremely rare.

    By the way, a very convenient thing for preparing a small amount of food is a removable folding double boiler on a saucepan. It is very similar in meaning to the use of a colander, only fits pots of different diameters thanks to the folding petals along the edge. For example, the Vitesse VS-1261 (Margot) model from the French brand VITESSE

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    Chicken breast - 1 pc.

    Bran loaf - 2 slices

    Chicken egg - 1 pc.

    Seasoning for cutlets - to taste

    Onions - 1 head

    Butter - 30 g

    Garlic to taste

    Flour - as needed

    • 126 kcal

    Cooking process

    Diet cutlets are a useful and necessary dish not only in medical nutrition, but also when it is worth taking a good load off after the holidays. The recipe for steaming cutlets without a double boiler is a big magic wand for housewives. Not everyone has a steamer, steamer or multicooker, but there is a sieve or colander in almost every home.

    I propose to cook the most tender chicken cutlets in a colander. Our family really liked the option of cooking steam cutlets without a double boiler - for its simplicity and affordability. Washing the colander turned out to be faster than fiddling with the “normal” steaming utensils.

    The composition of cutlets is the simplest. We need a skinless chicken breast, two slices of bran bread or a loaf, onions with garlic, as well as salt, butter and a little spice for cutlets - to taste. Flour is taken at will.

    First, you need to prepare the main products for twisting in a meat grinder. Cut the chicken, onion and loaf into pieces.

    The prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder.

    The resulting minced meat is salted and seasoned with cutlet spices. Let's take just a little bit of seasoning.

    Break the chicken egg into the mince.

    Then the minced meat is very thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous cutlet mass. The better you mix the minced chicken, the more tender the steamed patties will be.

    Round cutlets are formed from homogeneous minced meat. To prevent viscous minced chicken from sticking to your hands, they are moistened with water. The bottom of the colander is pre-lubricated with butter, and then the cutlets need to be placed in it. Too "liquid" cutlets, if desired, roll in flour. The colander is placed in a pot of boiling water and covered with a lid. Actually, this is how our cutlets will be steamed without a double boiler.

    Control the active process of boiling water in a saucepan and steam cutlets will be cooked in 45-60 minutes. Try it! If you are satisfied with the taste of the cutlets, carefully remove the cutlets onto a plate. Garnish with herbs and serve as a healthy second for lunch.

    The double boiler is not so important when “the need for invention is tricky,” as it turned out.

    Steamed cutlets without a steamer
    A proven recipe for steaming cutlets without a steamer, step by step with photos.

    How to cook steamed cutlets in a multicooker, without a steamer in a pan?

    Many people are aware of the dangers of fried foods. But at the same time, no one is in a hurry to give up cutlets, chops, fried potatoes and other not very healthy, but at the same time very tasty dishes. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to find an alternative to such food. And sometimes it is simply necessary to do this, because with many disturbances in well-being, fried is under the strictest prohibition. A good substitute for fried foods is those that are steamed. Let me tell you how to cook steamed cutlets in a multicooker and without a steamer, in a frying pan?

    How to steam cutlets in a slow cooker?

    To prepare simple, tasty and very healthy cutlets, you need to stock up on half a kilogram of minced meat (from a mixture of pork and beef), a quarter of a white loaf, half a glass of milk, one egg, one medium onion and some salt and pepper. Also, if desired, you can use greens (parsley or dill).

    The first step is to prepare the minced meat. Cut a piece of loaf and cover it with milk. Chop a smaller onion (or chop it with a blender). Combine minced meat with egg and onion in a deep container. Stir well. Remove the soaked loaf from the milk, squeeze out the excess liquid from it and send it to the minced meat. Stir with your hands until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and stir again. Form patties. Brush a baking dish with sunflower oil and place the patties in it. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, place the steamer dish and close the lid. Activate the "steam" mode and set the time to twenty minutes. After ten minutes, you may well turn the patties to the other side, but this is not necessary.

    Steam cutlets in a multicooker from beef with cheese

    To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare half a kilo of homemade ground beef, one large onion, a couple of eggs and a tablespoon of butter. Also use ten grams of fresh herbs, one hundred grams of hard cheese, and some ground black pepper, oregano, and salt (to taste).

    It is better to cook minced meat for such cutlets yourself - from young beef. Rotate it in a meat grinder, add finely chopped onion, egg and spices to it. Knead the minced meat by hand until smooth and let sit for five minutes.
    Grind hard cheese on a grater.
    Add softened butter to the minced meat and stir again.
    Form a ball of minced meat, press it with your finger and fold a little grated cheese into the depression. Roll the edges of the minced meat and form the patty into the desired shape.
    Place the patties in a steamer bowl, brushing it with a little vegetable oil. Pour water into the bowl and activate the "steam" mode. Cook the patties for twenty minutes.

    How to steam cutlets in a skillet?

    If you don't have a steamer or multicooker on hand, you can cook steamed patties in a skillet. To do this, you need to prepare one chicken breast, five slices of a white loaf, one carrot, a couple of onions and a couple of garlic. Also use one egg, a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour, and some salt and spices, depending on your taste.

    Remove the fat and skin from the breast, rinse the meat and cut into random pieces. Cut the onion into quarters and peel the garlic. Also chop the carrots at random. Pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Pour the crumb of the loaf with boiling milk or boiling water, then mash with a fork. Stir this bread into the minced meat. Add flour, egg and spices to the mixture, then mix until smooth.

    Form minced meat into patties. Place them in a hot, oiled frying pan and fill with a glass of hot water. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the low heat until the patties are done.

    Steam cutlets in a pan

    To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare three hundred grams of veal or lean beef, the yolk of one egg, a medium onion, and boiled carrots. Also use a tablespoon of thick sour cream, a few chives, seasonings, and salt depending on your taste.

    Rotate the minced meat through a meat grinder. Grate the onion or chop with a blender, add it to the minced meat. Grate boiled carrots or cut them into small cubes. Chop green onions as well. Add these ingredients to the minced meat. Send the yolk and a spoonful of thick sour cream there. Season and salt the minced meat and mix well until smooth. Remove the resulting mass in the refrigerator, cover with cling film, for about half an hour.

    Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat by wetting your hands with cold water. Place them in a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and cover with boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and cook the patties until tender.

    How to steam cutlets without a steamer? How else can I replace my steamer?

    Instead of a double boiler, you can use an ordinary pan of sufficient diameter - just cover it with gauze folded in several layers. Secure the ends securely, for example, with a linen rubber band, and hide them inside the pan. Of course, before that you need to pour water into the pan. Bring the water to a boil, then put the patties on cheesecloth and cover with a lid or basin. This way you can cook cutlets, vegetables, and other steamed dishes.

    How to cook steamed cutlets in a multicooker, without a steamer in a pan?
    Many people are aware of the dangers of fried foods. But at the same time, no one is in a hurry to give up cutlets, chops, fried potatoes and other not very healthy, but at the same time very tasty dishes. Topics

    Many people are aware of the dangers of fried foods. But at the same time, no one is in a hurry to give up cutlets, chops, fried potatoes and other not very healthy, but at the same time very tasty dishes. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to find an alternative to such food. And sometimes it is simply necessary to do this, because with many disturbances in well-being, fried is under the strictest prohibition. A good substitute for fried foods is those that are steamed. Let me tell you how to cook steamed cutlets in a multicooker and without a steamer, in a frying pan?

    How to steam cutlets in a slow cooker?

    To prepare simple, tasty and very healthy cutlets, you need to stock up on half a kilogram of minced meat (from a mixture of pork and beef), a quarter of a white loaf, half a glass of milk, one egg, one medium onion and some salt and pepper. Also, if desired, you can use greens (parsley or dill).

    The first step is to prepare the minced meat. Cut a piece of loaf and cover it with milk. Chop a smaller onion (or chop it with a blender). Combine minced meat with egg and onion in a deep container. Stir well. Remove the soaked loaf from the milk, squeeze out the excess liquid from it and send it to the minced meat. Stir with your hands until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and stir again. Form patties. Brush a baking dish with sunflower oil and place the patties in it. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, place the steamer dish and close the lid. Activate the "steam" mode and set the time to twenty minutes. After ten minutes, you may well turn the patties to the other side, but this is not necessary.

    Steam cutlets in a multicooker from beef with cheese

    To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare half a kilo of homemade ground beef, one large onion, a couple of eggs and a tablespoon of butter. Also use ten grams of fresh herbs, one hundred grams of hard cheese, and some ground black pepper, oregano, and salt (to taste).

    It is better to cook minced meat for such cutlets yourself - from young beef. Rotate it in a meat grinder, add finely chopped onion, egg and spices to it. Knead the minced meat by hand until smooth and let sit for five minutes.
    Grind hard cheese on a grater.
    Add softened butter to the minced meat and stir again.
    Form a ball of minced meat, press it with your finger and fold a little grated cheese into the depression. Roll the edges of the minced meat and form the patty into the desired shape.
    Place the patties in a steamer bowl, brushing it with a little vegetable oil. Pour water into the bowl and activate the "steam" mode. Cook the patties for twenty minutes.

    How to steam cutlets in a skillet?

    If you don't have a steamer or multicooker on hand, you can cook steamed patties in a skillet. To do this, you need to prepare one chicken breast, five slices of a white loaf, one carrot, a couple of onions and a couple of garlic. Also use one egg, a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour, and some salt and spices, depending on your taste.

    Remove the fat and skin from the breast, rinse the meat and cut into random pieces. Cut the onion into quarters and peel the garlic. Also chop the carrots at random. Pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Pour the crumb of the loaf with boiling milk or boiling water, then mash with a fork. Stir this bread into the minced meat. Add flour, egg and spices to the mixture, then mix until smooth.

    Form minced meat into patties. Place them in a hot, oiled frying pan and fill with a glass of hot water. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the low heat until the patties are done.

    Steam cutlets in a pan

    To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare three hundred grams of veal or lean beef, the yolk of one egg, a medium onion, and boiled carrots. Also use a tablespoon of thick sour cream, a few chives, seasonings, and salt depending on your taste.

    Rotate the minced meat through a meat grinder. Grate the onion or chop with a blender, add it to the minced meat. Grate boiled carrots or cut them into small cubes. Chop green onions as well. Add these ingredients to the minced meat. Send the yolk and a spoonful of thick sour cream there. Season and salt the minced meat and mix well until smooth. Remove the resulting mass in the refrigerator, cover with cling film, for about half an hour.

    Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat by wetting your hands with cold water. Place them in a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and cover with boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and cook the patties until tender.

    How to steam cutlets without a steamer? How else can I replace my steamer?

    Instead of a double boiler, you can use an ordinary pan of sufficient diameter - just cover it with gauze folded in several layers. Secure the ends securely, for example, with a linen rubber band, and hide them inside the pan. Of course, before that you need to pour water into the pan. Bring the water to a boil, then put the patties on cheesecloth and cover with a lid or basin. This way you can cook cutlets, vegetables, and other steamed dishes.

    Now almost every home has household appliances that cope with complex tasks and make a person's life much easier. In many kitchens you can see harvesters, mixers, blenders, steamers and other "helpers". For example, using a double boiler, you can cook a dietary and no less tasty dish than you can make them in a frying pan, since the food is subjected to thermal processing with a high level of moisture. Unfortunately, not all housewives in the kitchen have such a device, and the question immediately arises, how to steam without cooking steam? How much to cook chicken this way? There are a lot of recipes on the Internet that you can cook without such a household device.

    How to replace a double boiler?

    When there is a complete household appliance in the kitchen, you just have to put the ingredients into it, set the cooking mode. Steamed dishes are liked not only by modern people, earlier our grandmothers also cooked in steam baths, providing their families with healthy, tasty food. And they did without any cooking appliances.

    Instructions for a homemade steamer:

    1. We take a deep saucepan or cauldron with a bowl. The vessels must be of the same diameter.
    2. Fill the pot with water halfway, and cover the top with gauze folded in several layers.
    3. We fix the gauze fabric with linen thread.
    4. Put pieces of meat or any other food on a gauze cloth and cover with a lid on top.

    Important! Instead of a gauze cloth, you can use a colander by covering it with a saucepan lid. It is recommended to use enamel cookware.

    Thus, you can steam any dish without a multicooker and a double boiler.

    General principles of steaming cutlets

    Despite the fact that steamed cutlets lack an appetizing crunchy crust, they are very tasty, moreover, they are much healthier than fried ones. Moreover, cooking them is not as difficult as in a frying pan, because you do not need to stand at the stove, constantly turn them over.

    If you don't have a steamer, but really want to steam your favorite dish:

    • Use a regular, flat-bottomed sieve pan.
    • The duration of cooking depends on the selected meat; chicken dishes are prepared the fastest.
    • It is better to make minced meat for cooking cutlets yourself, as cutlets from purchased minced meat can fall apart.

    Important! Vegetable products are added to the meat - cabbage, carrots, potatoes. They add juiciness and help to diversify the flavor range. Vegetable cutlets are prepared only from vegetables or cereals. This is a very good option for those on a low calorie diet.

    Steam cutlets in a pan

    To make delicious minced chicken steamed cutlets, follow these guidelines:

    Important! The prepared dish is no different in taste and appearance from the one cooked in a double boiler.

    Steamed vegetable cutlets without a steamer

    Vegetable cutlets are a great option for vegetarians. They are prepared according to the same principle as meat dishes.

    Important! The most delicious are cabbage cutlets. They are delicious and aromatic. And with the help of semolina, the cutlets keep the desired shape and do not fall apart.

    In order to steam vegetable dishes without a special appliance, you will need a pot of water and a sieve or a flat colander. The recipe for this healthy and tasty dish will be as follows:

    1. Grind the head of white cabbage.
    2. Three on a fine grater two onions.
    3. We mix vegetables.
    4. Add one raw egg, three tablespoons of semolina and spices to taste to the vegetable mass.
    5. Stir the ingredients until smooth.
    6. We shape the cutlets, place them in a preheated pan and pour a glass of water.
    7. Cover with a lid.

    Important! The process of preparing vegetable dishes takes much less time than cooking meat. Vegetable products are cooked for no more than 20-25 minutes.

    Steaming fish

    Fillets of red or white fish are usually steamed.

    Important! It should be borne in mind that cooking fish products will take longer than vegetables or meat, since fish are more susceptible to disease risk and, in some cases, is a carrier of various diseases.

    Before cooking, it must be properly cleaned and rinsed. Prepare the fish in a frying pan with a little water or in a sieve over a saucepan of boiling water. Before the cooking process, fish fillets are greased with your favorite spices and a few drops of vegetable or olive oil.

    Important! Cooked fish is served with mashed potatoes or rice.

    Tips for cooking without a steamer

    To make the food tasty and aromatic, you must follow certain recommendations:

    • Form patties with wet hands, periodically place them in cool water.
    • If the meat seems dry, you can dilute it with chopped vegetable mixture or white bread soaked in milk.
    • To preserve juiciness, cooked food is wrapped tightly in foil.
    • During the cooking process, you can add a piece of butter. It gives tenderness to products.
    • The shape of cutlets can be kept not only by semolina, but also by boiled rice or wheat.
    • If the meat is too coarse, beat it well before chopping.

    Security measures

    All used devices must be comfortable and reliable, and you must also observe safety precautions when working with steam devices:

    1. Use special gloves, as steam can burn too.
    2. The cloth gauze can get wet and be as hot as a saucepan. Therefore, do not touch it with your bare hands.
    3. Do not use a plastic sieve or colander, as dishes made from such material are not resistant to high temperatures.
    4. Firmly fix the cloth gauze so that it does not fall into the water and then you do not have to take it out of the boiling water.

    Important! Compliance with safety precautions is one of the main requirements when cooking with steam.

    In this article, we told you how to steam cutlets, vegetables, fish without a steamer. Do not indulge in laziness and the usual diet of the lightest dishes such as pasta, scrambled eggs. There are tons of really healthy, tasty and varied recipes that will not require much time and effort from you. Put them into practice to maintain your health in a consistently good condition and pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious homemade food.