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  • Zodiac sign Pisces: characteristics by date of birth. General characteristics: Pisces Former fish in the zodiac sign

    Zodiac sign Pisces: characteristics by date of birth.  General characteristics: Pisces Former fish in the zodiac sign
    • Planet patron: Jupiter, Neptune
    • Element: water
    • Mascot: knot
    • Color: green
    • Chinese horoscope sign: rabbit
    • Good luck day: Thursday
    • Difficult day: Wednesday
    • Lucky number: seven (7)

    Zodiac sign Aries: stones talismans and colors

    • Day ruler- Neptune, night - Jupiter, exalted - Venus, in the fall - Mercury, in exile - Mercury.
    • Motto:"I believe". “I am assimilating”.
    • Brief description of Pisces: feminine, double, fertile, nocturnal, secretive, Neptunian and Jupiterian, negative, double Water sign. Manages the world's hotel industry, beverage trade, hospitality, holiday homes, shelters, sanatoriums, dispensaries, clinics, hospitals, protection of the weak and animals, as well as betrayal, crime, suicide, scandals, prisons, dark affairs, occult sciences, conspiracies, espionage ...
    • Personality contradictory, abstract-creative, emotionally receptive, sympathetic, universal, renouncing.
    • Temperament melancholic, sympathetic.
    • Soul and mind with the predominance of the energy of Neptune.
    • Spirit and mind with a predominance of the energy of Venus (harmony, sympathy, compassion).
    • The basis of the worldview- psychism (comprehension through a state of mind).
    • In esoteric Christianity Pisces corresponds to the apostle Jude.
    • The stage in the alchemical process represented by Pisces- design.
    • Colors: sea ​​wave, smoky blue, light purple, lilac.
    • Metals: platinum, white gold.
    • Plants: magnolia, poppy, dope and hallucinogens.
    • Mascot: knot (monogram), daffodil.
    • Lucky numbers: 6, 7 (all numbers divisible by 7), 11; full magic - 3, 7, 9, 12.
    • Lucky days: Monday, Thursday, Friday. Unlucky day: Wednesday.
    • Common diseases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract (lungs), a tendency to nervous disorders, infectious diseases. The weak point is the feet.
    • Pisces stones: alexandrite, red coral, aquamarine, sapphire. The stones of the zodiac sign, opposite to Pisces (stones of Virgo), being in dissonance with their nature, can destroy well-being and life: emerald, jasper, chalcedony, pomegranates.
    • The happiest talisman for Pisces in April, May and September there will be sapphire, in October - aquamarine.

    Pisces: description of the zodiac sign, full characteristics

    (Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

    The famous American astrologer Evangeline Adams told people of the sign of Pisces: “The fact that you are Pisces is one thing, that you are two Pisces is another, but the fact that one of you goes with the flow and the other is against is completely different ". This characteristic of the sign perfectly reflects the type of complex personality of the sign of Pisces. Miss Adams knew her Pisces clients well.

    Many astrologers will agree that, according to the description, the sign of Pisces is the most eccentric of the entire zodiac. Their ruler is Neptune, revolutionary, mystical, romantic, sometimes deranged, but always distant. He brings nervousness and anxiety to his subordinates, pushing them to pretense and deception (sometimes unconscious), inspiring or disorganizing. It depends on the degree to which people perceive its powerful influence, and on other factors in their personal horoscopes.

    The characteristic of the zodiac sign Pisces states that they are usually involved in mysterious religions, interpretation of dreams, spiritualism and telepathy. When they are negatively influenced by Neptune, they tend to live in an isolated world of pretense and illusion, interpreting facts in a fantastic and dreamy manner. According to the description of the zodiac of Pisces, under the positive influence of Neptune, they acquire a higher understanding of the psyche, which they use for the benefit of humanity. People of this sign are the most sympathetic and compassionate.

    Strengths- understanding, perception, kindness, awareness, creativity

    Weaknesses- weakness, indecision, complacency, capriciousness

    Since childhood, the sign of Pisces stimulates the ability to imagine, which is often found in water signs, for example, in Cancer. The horoscope description of the sign indicates that more than other signs of the zodiac, Pisces is addicted to drugs.

    Pisces people have acute sensitivity, lively perception. They are more than anyone else prone to premonitions, intuition, telepathy, are susceptible to the influences of the external environment and react to them vividly. The full description of Pisces states that their behavior often changes under the influence of impressions and strong emotions, and their mood is characterized by periods of calm and sudden severe depression.

    Best Related Video: Pisces Zodiac Sign Characteristics

    Money, career and the best professions for Pisces

    Such people are endowed with a benevolent, sentimental and compassionate character. When analyzing the profession for this sign, it should be borne in mind that Pisces people feel the need to help those in need, to ease the pain of people and animals. They actively and loyally strive to contribute to public, humanitarian and philanthropic affairs.

    The sign of the zodiac Pisces is also characterized by inconstancy, internal inconsistency. This must be taken into account when considering professions for this sign. Fish have the ability to medicine (nurses, nurses) and paramedicine, to laboratory work.

    They are prone to commercial activities related, in particular, to the sale of liquids, drinks, alcohol.

    Pisces with the same probability can reach transcendental peaks or stay at the very bottom: everything will depend on the type of occupation, circumstances and the degree of determination of the Pisces themselves. Representatives of this sign work productively and with pleasure only on the condition that they really like the field of activity and place of work. Otherwise, they prefer “to be present without being present,” that is, to hover in the clouds and descend to earth only in case of urgent need. At work and in the profession, Pisces do not like pressure from bosses and colleagues, and they themselves try not to impose their views on anyone.

    The horoscope of professions indicates that they have certain ambitions, but the tendency to laziness and contemplation usually does not allow Pisces to get to the top. The big dream of these creative people is a free profession, which makes it possible to work in comfortable conditions.

    Pisces women and men are great painters, designers, decorators, costume designers, make-up artists, museum treasurers, actors, musicians and writers. Thanks to their intuition and imagination, they make excellent diagnostic doctors, psychologists, educators, researchers, astrologers and public figures.

    Everything material is transient - this is what Pisces thinks and they never put material values ​​over spiritual ones. Analyzing the professions that are suitable for Pisces, you need to remember that they are quite satisfied with average earnings, and they rarely embark on the pursuit of wealth. However, Pisces never refuses money going into their hands.

    They know how to tastefully spend large sums - both on their whims and on the needs of others. You can safely ask Pisces for a loan - they almost never refuse. Even if their pockets are empty, they can easily find someone who can lend you money. Pisces themselves are not very careful about returning debts, but this is more likely due to forgetfulness. Tactically remind Pisces about their obligations, and literally the next day they will pay you in full.

    Pisces in love and social relationships

    Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, which is why people of this sign put themselves in last place, disinterestedly catering to the desires of others. In love, Pisces men are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when positively directed, are powerful tools of creation, otherwise, in the love and relationships of men and women of Pisces, these qualities can lead to self-destruction. From an early age, Pisces should avoid relationships with mentally unstable people that contribute to their emotional instability.

    Few people manage to see through the changeable and mystically-minded Pisces, but they themselves can understand anyone, since they subtly distinguish the facets of moods and guess thoughts. In marriage, Pisces men are wonderful listeners and keepers of secrets. They are full of sympathy for the suffering of others and are always ready to help. However, Pisces men need support, and perhaps even more than representatives of other signs.

    From a young age, Pisces women cling to those people who can protect them and direct them along the right path. Usually, such patrons are found, and Pisces become both wards and loyal friends for them.

    Pisces have a sensitive and gentle soul. They prefer that they choose the direction in the movement through life for them, and at this moment they themselves will enjoy the beauty and tranquility. Love horoscopes distinguish two types of Pisces, some go with the flow in a relationship with a partner, completely uninterested in what is happening, the latter struggle with the flow and swim against the flow, adjusting the relationship for themselves.

    Pisces men often hide their rich inner world and do not open up to the first comer. Often times, they are stars in their little film, and they rarely care if anyone is watching this wonderful picture called "life". Pisces women in relationships and love are wonderful interlocutors, even in cases when they are trying to pass off lies as truth, they smile and simply allow the narrator to finish the story.

    In love and relationships, Pisces has a well-developed premonition and intuition. Pisces women also deeply feel a partner, often demonstrating guessing the thoughts and desires of a loved one, thereby tying their chosen one to themselves. In Pisces, be it a woman or a man, a creator is hidden who, under favorable conditions, is ready to make the world brighter and more interesting.

    Zodiac sign Pisces: what does the image of Pisces mean?

    The symbol of the zodiac sign Pisces is two lives or two fish swimming in different directions. Like Aquarius, Pisces has a double esoteric information code. If we talk about the physical, horizontal energies of the sign, then one life is a Fish swimming against the current for spawning, overcoming the resistance of the flood - the time lived. She swims in defiance of fate, obeying the laws of evolution in nature, with the sole purpose of conquering death, continuing life. People with such a strong evolutionary Pisces in the horoscope are extremely fruitful, remaining in the memory of grateful descendants with their art, books, students, ideals of mercy, philanthropy and religious and mystical teachings.

    Another life, the second Pisces, according to the description of the Pisces horoscope, does not rise up the mountain of evolution. She lacked either strength or determination. She limply drifts with the flow, being content with little, being in illusions about herself and the world around her, or in the simple joys of today.

    The vertical energies esoterically conducted by this sign symbolize the processes of birth and death. This is a state of mind before entering incarnation or immediately after death. Two embryos, two twin beginnings - physical and energy-informational - are depicted by the symbol of fish, in which the tendencies of upward or downward ascent are connected so far into a single whole.

    The characteristic of the zodiac sign Pisces suggests that this is the mother and the fetus in her, until the time connected by the umbilical cord; this is a person in a state of sleep or trance - a motionless physical body and relatively free - energy-informational; these are the laws of the Macrocosm, mirrored in the Microcosm, and much more.

    Christ, who came with the teaching about evolution at the beginning of the 2160-year-old Pisces era, pointed out the possible paths of evolution in the coming new cycle or zone of Pisces. Therefore, a person with strong Pisces in the horoscope is a being either highly spiritual and strong-willed, or infantile, dramatic and fixated on his problems.

    According to the horoscope, the sun passes the Pisces zodiac sign from February 20 to March 20. In nature, this is the period of the birth of new energy forces, the search for contacts with organic matter. Likewise, in a person, not yet clearly perceived aspirations for expansion and knowledge of their own place in the external world are formed. Strong desires and humane collectivizing feelings awaken in him.

    Pisces celebrities: politicians, scientists and artists

    1st deanery

    : Peter III, F. Ushakov, A. Zhdanov, D. Washington.

    : Alexy II, D. Mirandola, R. Steiner.

    Scientists: P. Nesterov, N. Copernicus, A. Volta, G. Hertz, L. Boltzmann, A. Schopenhauer.

    Artists: N. Ge, K. Goldoni, G. Handel, V. Hugo, O. Renoir.

    2nd dean's office

    State and political leaders: Alexander III, V. Molotov, M. Gorbachev, R. Luxemburg.

    Public and religious figures: Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova.

    Scientists: V. Dokuchaev, P. Lebedev.

    Artists: V. Trediakovsky, A. Verstovsky, A. Baratynsky, P. Ershov, B. Kustodiev, Michelangelo Buonaroti, D. Rossini, S. De Bergerac, M. Ravel.

    3rd dean's office

    State and political leaders: Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Scientists: V. Vernadsky, A. Popov, S. Makarenko, G. Om, A. Einstein.

    Artists: N. Yazykov, V. Bazhenov, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Petipa, V. Favorsky, S. Richter, I. Strauss.

    All those born under this constellation are patronized by the planet Neptune. She makes her “wards” for a long time remain in the grip of illusions and take an interest in all kinds of hoaxes.

    Basic facts about the Pisces zodiac sign

    Astrologers depict this zodiac sign as two fish swimming in different directions. They consider it a symbol of limitations, eternity and duality at the same time. This is probably why a person born under the sign of Pisces is destined to suffer under the yoke of conflicting desires. Material well-being is hardly of interest to such people. Moreover, some representatives of this astrological sign have no reason to think about the fullness of their pockets for the reason that they are already rich heirs. Pisces are the most selfless, sincere and devoted to their ideals people. But they trust their feelings much more than the arguments of their own reason and the opinion of a whole staff of authoritative specialists. These are perhaps the most uninteresting facts about the Pisces zodiac sign.

    Irresponsible, but incredibly talented

    Representatives of this sign rarely find themselves in positions of responsibility, as they are very fond of changing impressions. From the very birth of Pisces, there is a lack of energy. They are always tired and do not have enough strength to overcome the more or less significant obstacles that life places in front of them. Good-natured and carefree, Pisces is indifferent to the harsh reality. They rarely worry about tomorrow. Despising hard work, most representatives of this sign prefer "solo sailing" to teamwork. But they do not consider it necessary to fight for themselves and suppress the machinations of ill-wishers. Therefore, real success and recognition rarely find their way to these endlessly talented people.

    It is very difficult to list all of the zodiac signs in one article, closing the list of twelve constellations, endows a person with many talents. Among them, the ability to foresee events stands out. Pisces often have strange dreams, most of which turn out to be prophetic, and the sudden premonitions that visit them are in most cases not unfounded. If such people advise someone not to fly in airplanes, their words should be heeded. In addition, they have some innate ability to withstand a variety of diseases to which, unfortunately, they are susceptible. Pisces is an example of good manners and a sense of style. But getting them to prove themselves and start acting is extremely difficult. They are lazy, good-natured and indifferent to other people's opinions (as well as to other important things), although, if pissed off, they can be caustic and sarcastic.

    Pisces love and relationships

    Some people, being on the verge of a new relationship, try to get as much information as possible about their future partner. For example, they find out interesting facts about Pisces and immediately know for sure whether they are human or not. With representatives of their native element, they have more chances than with people born under the sign of Earth, Fire and Air. Family life will work out well if, being married to Scorpio, Pisces does not "call the devil" by the name of Jealousy and do not begin to check the fact that their half has possessive instincts (and they do). Union with Cancer is tantamount to giving up a leadership position and unconditional acceptance of his fateful decisions. They love to lead and appreciate those who indulge them. At the same time, the "air" partner can hurt Pisces with his inconstancy, the "fiery" partner will quickly get bored next to them, and the representative of the element of the Earth risks being too prosaic to the dreamy Pisces.

    The only exception can be a partnership, which is based on something more than the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. Pisces man - Pisces woman ... Peace and happiness of this union will only dream until both learn to do without mutual claims. Then, according to astrologers, they will be able to become a truly happy family and even claim the title of "best couple". By the way, the main reason for the conclusion of a marriage bond between two Pisces is almost always telepathic understanding. Sometimes the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac (Pisces man, Pisces woman) is almost ideal. They, like two opposite poles, are capable of getting as close as possible to each other at the right time. Willingness to provide help to those who need it is their characteristic feature.

    Pisces Man

    It is difficult for a dreamer born under the constellation Pisces to focus on one thing. He prefers to engage in several activities at once. His marriage partner, in order to keep such a man near her, if she is not the heiress of untold riches, is forced to work for two and be ready for any surprises. With something, an emotionally unstable spouse will provide her with surprises. The life of the Pisces man (and his immediate entourage), who has found his vocation, is completely different. Then universal recognition and success are guaranteed to him. His tolerance for everyone around him (including his mother-in-law and his wife's girlfriends) will make him a coveted object for the opposite sex.

    Pisces Woman

    Everybody dreams of her. She is beautiful, sensual and feminine. Of course, she has flaws, but they are safely hidden in a cloud of grace. Being impractical, it "floats" in the financial sphere, and the desire to help those in need attracts people suffering from an inferiority complex to it. A woman born under the constellation of Pisces is sure that any man can change the world. And the representatives of the stronger sex who are nearby feel this confidence and are drawn to it. After the conclusion of the marriage bond, the Pisces woman becomes demanding, but still tender. Attempts to mislead her are wasted work. She sees right through the partner. The Pisces woman has the unique ability to surround herself with powerful people. And this quality gives her confidence.

    General characteristics of Pisces

    Listing the most significant facts about the zodiac sign of Pisces, one cannot but touch upon such a topic as medicine. Almost all representatives of this constellation have a very slow metabolism, so they eat little. However, stomach and intestinal diseases, it would seem, lie in wait for them. Health problems can also be associated with the liver and lungs.

    A distinctive feature of all Pisces is high spirituality, generosity and compassion. Carried away by their dreams, they often forget that in real life, events sometimes do not develop at all the way they would like. Possessing a tendency to view the world around them through many representatives of this zodiacal symbol, trying to balance the desired and the real, they go headlong into art. And in this field, they almost always succeed.

    They are romantic, but susceptible to other people's influence, kind, sociable and inclined to idealize their beloved, but overly modest ... To be in a fictional world and less often to "emerge" - many Pisces lead such a life. The numbers of the sign are 6 and 7, as well as all multiples of 7. The most significant periods of life include the ages of 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84 years.

    Zodiac sign Pisces (February 21 - March 20) are unique people, they combine subtle mysterious features with irresistible stubbornness. In order to know how to behave in the society of fish, you need to know as much as possible about their water element. And for this we present to your attention a horoscope that can tell you about various spheres of life of this sign, be it family relationships, hobbies or business. The sign of Pisces symbolizes two paths along which they can swim: upstream, to achieve a goal, and downstream, to nowhere. Rare Pisces are able to fight circumstances and overcome the resistance of the current, but it is they who achieve real harmony and happiness.

    Many astrologers would agree that Pisces are the most eccentric personalities in the entire zodiac. Their ruler is a revolutionary, mystical sign, romantic, sometimes deranged, but always distant. He causes his subordinates to be nervous and anxious. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and usually these people put themselves in last place. They selflessly cater to the desires of others. Pisces is the 3rd water sign and people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when positively directed, are powerful elements for creation, but if they are relaxed, then these qualities can lead Pisces to self-destruction. Pisces need to fight and protect themselves from harsh criticism from those who do not understand their mystical world. Pisces' mental wounds do not heal for a long time.

    The zodiac sign Pisces loves to play the role of a martyr and should beware of self-pity and low self-esteem. Judging by the horoscope, Pisces are modest and shy, but they are just as nervous and full of energy, all together makes them look like they are always indecisive and puzzled. They tend to rave too much and worry too much about all sorts of things. Fish love to drink a lot: cold water with ice, ten-twelve cups a day of coffee or tea, soda, fruit, juices. Like other watermarks (and Cancers), Pisces knows very well not to get carried away with alcohol, and most do just that. Rarely do you find among Pisces those who are chasing fame, prestige and wealth. But this does not mean at all that they do not care. It's just that the zodiac sign Pisces will never themselves achieve this. Pisces motto: "I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to live the way he lives." The heart of Pisces is free from greed and ambition, because she understands better than others how transient such things are. And if any representative of Pisces has all of the above - fame, prestige, power and wealth - he probably either inherited them or acquired them as a result of marriage or marriage.

    Zodiac sign Pisces have an innate intuition and do not have perseverance and perseverance at all, preferring to go with the flow and be content with what life provides them. Rare Pisces are able to fight and overcome obstacles, but they are the ones who achieve real happiness. By nature, Pisces are so calm and apathetic that rage, anger, insults, reproaches and accusations do not hurt them. Pisces are indifferent to the opinions of other people. Their serenity, of course, can be stirred up, but not for long. From the outside, it may seem that Pisces is completely devoid of any emotions. This is not true. If the Pisces is pissed off, she can be sarcastic and sarcastic, but this mood will soon be replaced by the former serene calmness. Fish like to drink a lot: cold water, coffee or tea, juices. Like other representatives of the water element, Pisces knows very well that one should not get carried away with alcohol. Most Pisces do this, but unfortunately not all do. Being soft and pliable by nature, Pisces is more likely to fall into this sin than others.

    As the characteristic of Pisces tells us, they are born with a desire to see the world in a pink light and are happy with the very world that annoys others so much. Even knowing about all the cruelties of the world around them, Pisces do not draw any conclusions from this. Pisces are very calm and manage not to notice the bad, withdraw into themselves if the world becomes unbearable. And Pisces finds a way out in the subtle humor with which they perceive life. Not everyone who was born in the first half of March behaves this way, but in general this behavior is typical for Pisces. Pisces are so impressionable that they immediately try on any vividly told story. They so often fall prey to fact and fiction, truth and falsehood that the weakest types rarely achieve anything in life. They are verbose, their speech is flowery and believable. Their pronounced inconsistency manifests itself only when they are unable to implement the program that is expected of them.

    The Pisces zodiac sign is the last of the zodiac signs, the oldest and most complex sign. He symbolically sums up a certain cycle, absorbing the entire star belt, in part from each sign. Pisces usually understands everyone but themselves. All their lives they can search for their own "I", moving by touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive this "I". The Pisces symbol symbolizes two paths along which they can swim: against the current, to the perfection of the spirit and to the achievement of the goal, and downstream, to nowhere. The answer to the question which direction is correct depends on the circumstances. This should be decided by the Pisces themselves.

    Pisces traits

    • Influence: Neptune, Jupiter.
    • Symbol: two fish swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.
    • Colors: purple, violet, sea green, blue, purple, sea green, steel.
    • A rock: pearls, amethyst, alexandrite, emerald, sapphire, moonstone.
    • Flowers: daffodil, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
    • Metal: zinc.
    • Mascot: knot (monogram), daffodil.
    • Happy day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
    • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
    • Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (numbers divisible by 7), 11, full magic - 3, 7, 9,12.
    • Country: Turkey, Italy (east), Russia.

    Pisces is the most spiritual and divorced from material reality solar sign, while he manages to make friends with society, matter, learn to succeed and handle money during his life. However, innate spirituality and vivid states of an enthusiastic and passionate attitude towards life still remain the basis of the personality of the sign of Pisces. The sign combines strong Neptune, Jupiter and Venus. The simultaneous sounding of these planets gives one of these superpowers: becoming a spiritual authority, talent and realization in creativity, the ability to love and build relationships in marriage, a penchant for sea travel. However, the development of these properties is possible in Pisces only if they were able to harmonize the strength of the three planets in themselves. For a zodiac sign representative, what matters is how he was allowed to develop as a child. If parents ban or break his comfortable way of self-realization, then for a long time a teenager born under the sign of Pisces will live without finding himself. Those Pisces who were not given the opportunity to find their way of acting fall under the influence of stronger personalities and live in their shadow, their dreams do not come true, they lose inspiration. To avoid this, you need to find your own life style and your way of acting, making decisions and responding to life's difficulties.

    Characteristics of the sign of Pisces

    The sun sign is influenced by Neptune. It helps to harmonize the vibrations of Neptune:

    • reading philosophical books;
    • listening to classical music;
    • visiting religious monuments.

    Each representative of the sign knows that it brings him into a state of inner harmony, this is his personal setting of Neptune: it can be a walk in the park, a certain kind of tea, meditation or music.

    However, sometimes Pisces tries to harmonize Neptune with smoking or drugs. This gives a quick entrance to the resource state, followed by a feeling of devastation.

    With a strong and developed Neptune, Pisces exhibits such qualities as:

    • talent;
    • productivity in creativity;
    • cheerfulness and joyful mood;
    • sense of humor.

    If the representative of the sign is not Neptune in the lowest octave of manifestation, that is, he is not interested in spirituality, does not engage in creativity, smokes a lot or uses drugs. Then the psyche of such a representative of the sign is unstable, he is subject to a state of depression or apathy, as well as falling into dependence on bad habits or from unpromising relationships.

    Strengths and weaknesses of Pisces

    A unique feature of the sign is that strong qualities depend on the level of spiritual development.

    • Inspiration
      Those born under the sign of Pisces experience inspiration themselves and can inspire others, often they charge with some idea. For example, getting together, having a party or starting a joint business.
    • Exalted temperament
      By temperament, representatives of the sign are more often melancholic or choleric. This means that their mood depends on little things and it is unstable. This may also depend on the influence of Neptune, because this planet is a collective planet, therefore the mood of other people affects Pisces. It is difficult for them to be in a good mood if someone is suffering. Therefore, they often seek solitude so as not to feel those around them.

    Disadvantages of those born under the sign of Pisces are disadvantages from the point of view of signs endowed with a strong will and discipline, but these are only features of the governing planets:

    • Out of touch with reality
      Is a side effect of Neptune, Pisces can find it difficult to get into material affairs. They do not like cleaning, although some representatives of the sign avoid this problem by creating an interior in the style of Japanese minimalism. A small house with a minimum of items is ideal living conditions for Pisces.
    • Weakness, craving for sybarism
      - this is one of the manifestations of Venus. It may seem like disadvantages to Capricorns or Aries, but for the Pisces sign it is simply necessary to stay in a relaxed state most of the time. This is how their ideas ripen.
    • Withdrawal from society
      - this is one of the manifestations of Jupiter. Sometimes representatives of the sign feel comfort only in solitude, because Neptune is the ruler of the 12th house. Suddenly, Pisces can close at home and not communicate with anyone, go to the village or to a desert island. Representatives of the sign may have a craving for places such as prisons, hospitals, places of residence of hermits. This is the influence of the 12th house. Pisces may seek to find work in such places, or they simply go there to find inspiration.

    Favorite activities of Pisces

    Pisces' activities are determined by their desire to find a comfortable inner state. In this regard, they can be alone for a long time, for example, walking around the city, going to shops or galleries. Pisces walk around the shops, not like Taurus for a practical purpose, but simply admire things, like in a museum. Pisces also love to drink tea or coffee, for them it is a whole ritual.

    They rarely meet with friends, but regularly, they can talk on the phone for a long time, but often do not understand how they were drawn into this. After all, a long conversation is accompanied by empathy, and this is exhausting them.

    Pisces love to watch movies, attend concerts, and they love to spend time with their loved one. However, harmony in love life for them is often an ideal that is not immediately realized.

    Some representatives of the sign love water procedures, they visit spa salons or simply swim outside the city in a lake or river. This is also a special inspiring pastime for them, giving harmony to body and soul.

    Pisces man and Pisces woman - differences

    Pisces men are more prone to patronage and are often in a stable internal state, while women are prone to changing emotions.

    Pisces woman

    The Pisces woman is romantic and sensitive, she loves feminine images, so it shows that she is a true woman. Therefore, fashion is important to her. Fashion is not only a way to show your aesthetic taste, but also to create a mood. For her, there is no concept of sexual intimacy in isolation from feelings. The exaltation of Venus makes such a woman very romantic; she is looking for in a man not an ideal partner in a relationship, but someone who is worthy of her feelings. "The strength of a woman is in her weakness" ─ the credo for the life of a Pisces woman. She knows how to become a muse, whom a man wants to help, for the sake of which he will act. And with the other, she will simply not be interested. Having met a man who cannot do anything for a woman, she will simply be disappointed and sigh sadly. The Pisces woman will never conquer or seduce, although she knows how to attract the attention of the object of love. A woman of the sign of Pisces can stand close and look almost point-blank, and when they pay attention to her, turn away, she can penetrate the team where her lover rotates or write a long letter about her love. All these techniques are so unusual that men respond to them in return. However, truly a woman of a water sign flourishes in marriage, for her it is a comfortable living environment. At the same time, she does not stop flirting with other men, she is friends and even falls in love, but this does not spoil the relationship with her husband in any way. After all, Pisces' flirting is very subtle, and feelings are bright and fleeting.

    Pisces man

    The qualities of Jupiter are manifested more strongly in men, which means that the Pisces man is generous, aimed at success and constantly learns. Depending on the quality of Neptune, the male watermark can be of several types.

    • Creative extrovert
      This is an emotional and cheerful sign that loves to be the center of attention. In this type, Venus and Neptune are most pronounced. He can be distinguished by his creative professions - actor, musician, dancer.
    • Freelance introvert
      Neptune combined with Jupiter gives an introverted man who does computer work. Such men do not like to work in a team, because they need to get into a certain resource state. They are not demonstrative and uncommunicative, but they have an intuition for good opportunities.
    • Romantic
      The meaning of his life is relationships with women. He loves beautiful novels, knows how to create a romantic atmosphere. Can make a bathroom with rose petals, put on beautiful music, compose a poem. If the relationship with his wife does not work out, he will not tolerate an unsuccessful marriage, but will find love on the side. Jupiter combined with Venus makes him want to look fashionable and neat and go to a fitness club.
    • Yoga coach
      One of the rare but characteristic types of a Pisces man is a yoga coach. This type arises under the influence of a strong and sophisticated Neptune. Such a person has realized his mission and seeks to educate people in spiritual philosophy and practice.

    Features of the sign of Pisces by decade

    Pisces intuitively feel a connection with all water signs and are drawn to them, since certain shades of the water element are manifested in themselves. The aquatic properties of the constellation Cancer give such qualities as calmness, and the qualities of Scorpio - passion, true Pisces of the 1st decade are most susceptible to mood swings.

    • First decade (19.02─29.02)
      These are true Pisces, they are most influenced by Neptune. Their realization is gaining spiritual experience and creative self-expression, creating a family only if there is a destiny for that. They are not looking for anything on purpose and succumb to fate, as inevitability. They can sense a higher will in a person's actions and unquestioningly obey it: follow someone like a teacher, blindly fall in love.
    • Second decade (1.03─10.03)
      People who are influenced by the constellation Pisces and Cancer at the same time have, on the one hand, the ability to plunge into trance states, on the other, they appreciate the ordinary joys of life. They love to eat well and know how to cook, in contrast to the 1st decade, they value physical intimacy, and not just feelings. Water procedures are very useful for them.
    • Third decade (11.03─20.03)
      Representatives of the third decade are a very unstable psyche, it is very important for them to throw out their emotions. They can do it on stage, in an extreme lifestyle, sometimes it seems that they are "without brakes." In fact, all the problems that the Scorpio sign poses to people - the need to work on their shortcomings, a change in character, the representative of Pisces of the 3rd decade is going through too emotionally. If a true Scorpio is always calm, then Pisces rush from one extreme to another and they may develop hysteria. At the same time, they have the potential for change. Discontent with themselves is destructive for them, this emotion is used by Pisces of the 3rd decade as fuel for development. An example of Pisces - the 3rd decade is the actor Bruce Willis, who, in any of his roles, shows how a person can change for his purpose.

    Pisces in love

    Pisces are logicians and theorists of love. “I think with my heart, but I feel with my head” is their motto in relationships. At some point, it really seems that intuition makes their mind plastic and completely captures any moods of a loved one, no matter at what distance he may be. After all, they are masters of flirting, they will never say something superfluous, they will hide all unnecessary information without a shadow of a doubt. Pisces love distant romance for the reason that, unlike Taurus or even Aries, relationships for them are communication on a spiritual level, feelings and conversations on interesting topics, and physical contact is secondary. Intimacy requires trust and reciprocity. Representatives of the Pisces sign can experience constant leaps from a strong ecstatic state to absolute indifference and apathy. This is how the exaltation of Venus manifests itself, which makes the personal planet overheat at a certain moment, and then it becomes cold. There is one more feature of the watermark. They can fall in love remotely and really strive to meet their beloved, but when they meet, they suddenly lose attraction and any feelings. Over time, representatives of the sign are already married, in which they always strive to enter, learn to make their attitude more even. But there will never be complete stability, therefore, during periods of indifference and cooling, Pisces is better off doing work or creativity.

    Due to the fixation on their own feelings, they love to make a choice and begin to gently, without pressure, take steps towards their beloved. With this choice, they may not notice the circumstances of the life of a loved one, he may live in another city, be married. Therefore, in adolescence, watermarks have several failed romances. Representatives of the sign can be without a relationship for a long time due to their calm attitude to physical needs. It is almost impossible to conquer them, because no one understands the logic of their feelings. Representatives of the sign fall in love with individuality, talent, with some elusive qualities, the perception of which is only available to them. When Pisces feels that someone wants reciprocity from them, then there is a sharp rejection.

    A meeting with a lover in Pisces is always a mystical, fortunate event, fate, when a spark ran and the world trembled. They will not confuse this moment with any other and always feel it. This is where the uniqueness of Pisces is manifested: they can wait for their love for a long time and start a relationship in an instant, because they felt that this is destiny.

    Pisces - compatibility with other signs

    Only those who like strong feelings, romance and who are ready to appreciate their rich inner world can fall in love with water signs.

    Fish and the element of fire

    When Pisces talk about their feelings, it means something to them, signs of the element of fire prefer specific interactions. After all, fire is movement in space, physical contact. Conversations about feelings without actions are not taken seriously by signs of fire.

    Pisces - Aries compatibility

    Aries and Pisces can feel a strong attraction, because they complement each other: Aries has a strong Mars and the Sun, and Pisces has Venus. However, the Aries man needs to learn patience and not rush the Pisces woman with intimacy. Aries woman can completely trust her romantic partner in relationships, because he knows how to build them.

    Pisces - Leo compatibility

    Pisces are only compatible with Leo who can show a sincere interest in their work. The couple could perform on stage together.

    Pisces - Sagittarius compatibility

    Both signs have a strong Neptune and can find common interests in esotericism, mysticism, yoga and literature. This relationship has more potential for long-term friendship. Strong Jupiter causes partners to respect each other rather than passion.

    Fish and the element of air

    In these relationships, the matter will not end with conversations alone, Pisces often fall in love with the sun signs of the air element.

    Pisces - Gemini compatibility

    Gemini constantly talk about mutual acquaintances, science, business. Pisces has Mercury in exile and it is difficult for them to perceive such a volume of information.

    Pisces - Libra compatibility

    The strong Venus connects Pisces with Libra. If a spark has passed, it will not fade away. Partners are polite, understanding, tactful. Relationships can be friendly and loving.

    Pisces - Aquarius compatibility

    These signs are always mystically drawn to each other. Pisces is attracted to Aquarius by his originality, and Aquarius is pleasantly interested in himself. For the relationship to develop, they need to go to concerts, opera and ballet together.

    Fish and the elements of the earth

    Pisces has the best compatibility with the elements of the earth. Earth signs give water balance and stability. After all, the meaning of life of the elements of the earth is the cultivation of a garden.

    Pisces - Taurus compatibility

    Taurus and Pisces are a great combination, because they both know how to love, in addition, Taurus will always provide practical help. An addition is formed between the signs: they have fun with each other.

    Pisces - Capricorn compatibility

    Capricorn is cold by nature and slowly trusts people, if a Pisces woman falls in love with a Capricorn man, then he will certainly appreciate it, because he is not used to such an attitude, and the Capricorn woman will enjoy the romantic courtship of a Pisces man.

    Pisces Virgo compatibility

    Practical, stable in their moods and decent Virgos will calm temperamental Pisces and create a cozy home atmosphere for them, so necessary for creativity.

    Fish and the element of water

    The relationship between the signs of water is pure platonic friendship, a long romance that turns into marriage, but never a short affair. If after an intimate meeting they did not continue the relationship, then fate separated them, addresses and phones were lost.

    Pisces - Pisces

    An identical union in the element of water is difficult, because Pisces do not like their shortcomings, seeing in another laziness, impracticality or emotional instability, they get angry.

    Pisces - Cancer

    Water signs have a mystical attraction due to the combination of vibrations of the Moon and Neptune. Pisces begins to think that all plans are feasible and they intuitively see ways to implement their ideas in material form.

    Pisces - Scorpio

    The union of Pisces and Scorpio is a destructive and dangerous passion. You should pay attention to the circumstances of the acquaintance. The meeting of Pisces and Scorpio always occurs in some kind of crisis period, when a relationship can provide a cleansing of the soul. This relationship is often seen as a forbidden, extramarital affair. Their content is raging emotions and the destruction of the existing order.

    Professional inclinations of Pisces

    As many as three powerful planets for the development of an individual are in a strong position in the sign of Pisces.


    Neptune in his abode gives susceptibility to spontaneous spiritual experience, a sudden rush of inspiration. However, Neptune can be in different octaves of manifestation, because Neptune is the highest planet responsible for the spiritual level of society. Representatives of the sign, in their mentality, absorb a lot in the process of childhood and growing up. They are imprinted by the attitude of the environment to spirituality, music and films and poetry. Childhood is in many ways a source of inspiration for Pisces, they can remember songs that sounded in their parent's house, memorized poems. The creativity of parents or family members can greatly impress a Pisces child.

    Therefore, representatives of the sign already from childhood master such professions as:

    • musician;
    • singer;
    • poet.


    The planet responsible for learning and traveling is also in its abode, and this gives the potential for success. Without noticing that, Pisces can be lucky, they are often given a job or study by acquaintance, they are sent on business trips. But they will be able to become really strong masters only if Jupiter is worked out. For this, it is very important for Pisces to combine the principle of three strong planets in their education, that is, professional training in the field of art is suitable for such professions as:

    • art critic;
    • sculptor;
    • costume designer;
    • film critic.


    The planet of love is in exaltation in the zodiac sign, which means that it gives a strong impression. Pisces is perhaps the only sign that has access to sublimation and feels love for inspiration, to get a source of energy for creativity.

    In order to flourish, the representative of the sign needs inner freedom from the framework, it is important for him to visit those cultural places that are of interest to him, and he does this not with the aim of meeting and talking about art, like Libra. He really enjoys art. This passion makes higher education in design possible:

    • artist;
    • fashion designer;
    • photographer;
    • Graphic Designer.

    Areas of activity

    Pisces have such a feature, if they went their own way in creativity, then they will have great success, fame and money. This is due to the help of Jupiter, but the spheres of activity for Pisces are very narrow.

    Top 5 business areas for Libra:

    • Painting;
    • Music;
    • The photo;
    • Fashion;
    • Cinema.

    Professions for Pisces according to the Chinese calendar

    Pisces suits creative professions, but Jupiter in Virgo and Libra gives a penchant for programming and construction, which is characteristic of the year of the Rooster and Monkey.

    1. Rat due to the position of Jupiter will only achieve success through steady efforts in one area, the profession of an interior designer is suitable for them.
    2. Bull restless, the schedule of a touring musician will suit him.
    3. Tiger can become a cameraman.
    4. Rabbit manual labor is suitable: sewing, knitting, painting on wood.
    5. The Dragon has pronounced aesthetic skills and can be an artist.
    6. Year Snakes will give Pisces the opportunity to succeed if they are engaged in the promotion of their brand in art.
    7. Horse endowed with organizational skills and can be an assistant for actors in films.
    8. Representatives of the Year Sheeps due to the strong position of Jupiter, they will be successful if they begin to study art from childhood.
    9. Year Monkeys enhances Mercury, these Pisces can be programmers and architects.
    10. Representatives of the Year Rooster have a predisposition to study computer programs, they can be website designers.
    11. Pisces of the Year Dogs gravitate towards galleries, auctions or the jewelry trade.
    12. Representatives of the Year Pigs- the most spiritually developed Pisces, they can be teachers in the field of art or lecturers in Eastern philosophy.

    Dates of the zodiac sign Pisces falls at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. From people born at this time, creative personalities often grow. Their talent lies in submitting to their will. To be completely charmed by them, it is enough to have a heart-to-heart conversation. Speaking about the characteristics of the sign of Pisces, one cannot fail to mention feelings. The life of Pisces is a series of emotions. They are so impressionable that they let them pass through themselves, and therefore, in choosing friends, they need to be careful so as not to drown in other people's problems.

    Fish in society

    Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their rich imagination and inexhaustible creativity. They are drawn to art and esotericism. The inexplicable and mysterious attracts Pisces. Bright representatives of the sign have extrasensory abilities and strong intuition. They are quite perceptive and endowed with the ability to predict events, are always sensitive to the mood of others and easily adapt to it.

    Making decisions - hardest task for Pisces... They would rather relinquish their powers and float away, throwing a cryptic phrase. It is important for them to understand the hidden meaning and motives of people's actions, so they are often busy solving causal relationships.

    Features of the sign

    In the month of the birth of Pisces, the horoscope cycle ends and a new stage begins, therefore the sign combines all the characteristics of its predecessors and is the most difficult to understand. In one person, helplessness and firmness, inconstancy and love for traditions, the ability take a sober look at your actions from the outside and bias.

    Compatibility with other zodiac signs:

    1. Favorable relationships develop with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
    2. Inappropriate signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.

    a brief description of

    An intuitive perception of life gives the sign an excellent opportunity for development. As Pisces matures, they use this ability. for adaptation in society... Characteristic features of the sign by age and social role:

    Description and psychological portrait

    Representatives of the sign often idealize love. They are looking for a partner who can understand the depths of their soul. This is one of the main criteria in a relationship..

    Pisces is a man

    Women like his restraint. He is endowed with the ability to listen to people. And this is a very important quality in the modern world. This is a devoted friend who will be frank with those he trusts, a romantic man. He will remember all the dates and give cute gifts. Love rolls over him gradually, like a wave. He will build relationships deliberately, based solely on mutual sympathy.

    Men - Pisces are divided into 2 types... Some go with the flow, indulging in fantasies and pointlessly dreaming of a future that will never come. The latter catch their wave and go against the stream. Such people can achieve a lot in life. With gentle stubbornness, they achieve their goals.

    A Pisces man can keep other people's secrets for years, does not delve into extraneous matters, does without criticism and accusations during quarrels.

    He is a lover of outdoor recreation, sea walks, fishing. Needs privacy at times. He has a shy character, which makes it difficult to get along with people. Always polite and gallant in conversation, does not like rudeness and harshness. His speech is unhurried and florid. This person needs friendly encouragement. Of all sports is likely to choose yoga. Such gymnastics will calm his anxious mind.

    Often he can lose his temper, but such fits of anger are quickly replaced by calm. He is incapable of raging for a long time. Sometimes he is prone to deception, especially if he is forced to act in a way that is unfavorable for him. Attacks of jealousy do not overwhelm such a man. Most likely, he simply will not notice the views of his woman on other men, because he trusts completely. But she too will have to give up hysterics at the moments when he will listen to another tearful story from a colleague, because he has a lot of female friends.

    Pisces is a woman

    You don't have to be a famous astrologer to understand all the charm of a woman of this zodiac sign. She, of course, has negative traits, but after the first meeting, she makes the perfect impression of any man's dream. It is worth noting its advantageous difference from the emancipated representatives of other signs.

    Such a woman does not seek to surpass the man and, being married, does not feel the desire to command her half. She will calmly accept his courtship and will be glad to have a chair moved or a door open for her. A man will gladly fulfill her need for protection and a strong shoulder. The fish will carefully listen to all his problems and assure that these little things are within his power. She believes in her man, and he is next to her capable of changing the world, so you should not be surprised at the popularity of such a woman.

    Soft, calm Fish will surround you with warmth and comfort a strong man. The noise of the streets, the neon lights of nightclubs, the bustle of transport have nothing to do with her femininity. A man is drawn to her like a magnet. She is able to relax him with a couple of phrases and her extraordinary smile. The fish will never blame him for something or shift the blame. Gently and gently, she will guide her hero and make him go forward at the speed that he is capable of. Such a rival can be very dangerous for modern women.

    Mystery woman. She feels all the changes in the relationship, sees the partner through and through. Beautiful and deep, like a whirlpool, eyes will drive any man crazy. She is very receptive and has incredible inner strength.

    You can't be categorical with her. The framework and conditions are unacceptable for her, she values ​​freedom in all its manifestations. This character trait manifests itself in the family, at work, in relationships with friends.

    Pisces values ​​friendship and close company, but from time to time wants to be alone and engage in creativity, self-education. Well-being is of great importance to her. She has a strong emotional bond with children. A woman is able to understand and feel their problems without words.

    Spirituality of the sign

    Pisces is the unity and struggle of opposites. Two halves of one whole floating in different directions: one is looking for romance and adventure, and the other wants peace and clarity in life. This determines the constant duality of the people of the sign. Either a whirlwind romance, strong emotions and emotional experiences, or a quiet, predictable life.

    For them, love is like breathing, giving oneself entirely to a partner and tenderly accepting his reciprocal feelings. In a love relationship, representatives of the sign are not always faithful to their partner, they can have secret affairs and flirt with the opposite sex. This is because they need an understanding person next to them, who will listen and treat their problems with compassion, advise, support, suggest a solution. If the partner turns out to be insufficiently sensitive and attentive to their troubles, then they go in search of a more understanding one.

    Pisces have a vivid imagination and are artistic natures. All traits of their character are like water. They always get their way, but softly and naturally, like a stream finds its way around the stones. They are not able to put pressure on a person psychologically, but using secret tricks, they will get what they were striving for. Dreaminess in them is combined with inconsistency, and timidity with selflessness.

    Good doctors, artists, astrologers are often born under this sign.

    Pisces are naturally of great discernment. Based only on their feelings, they are able to draw amazing conclusions that defy any logic. But it happens that fantasies overshadow intuition, and Pisces can wind up the situation to the point of absurdity. They have a very restless mind, which constantly tries to subject everything to fruitless analysis.

    Neptune is responsible for intuitive perception in the horoscope. And from Jupiter they have kindness and delicacy. It is extremely difficult for them to give refusals to people. Many people use this when asking for a loan from Pisces. The representatives of the sign have a special relationship with money. These people easily share their savings and expect the same in return from others. Own and other people's property is no exception. Many crooks and counterfeiters were born under the constellation.

    Problems in their personal life can push them to choose the path of escape from reality with the help of alcohol, strong drugs or drugs. In such situations, they should be wiser, open their inner reserves and abilities, accept reality, learn from what happened, and move on.

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