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  • What does the name amelia mean. Amalia name meaning

    What does the name amelia mean.  Amalia name meaning

    Linguists claim that the name Amelia is a name of German (Old Germanic) origin. It is formed from the word amal, which means "labor" or "work". Logically, meaning of the name Amelia "hardworking" or "hardworking"... The name underwent certain metamorphoses during the transition to other languages. It is believed that the names Amelia, Amalia, Emmeline are different forms of the same name.

    In Russian culture, the name Amalia was more common, but now the name Amelia has become more popular. The name Amelia was and remains very popular in the land of eternal fogs, in Great Britain.

    The meaning of the name Amelia (Amalia) for a girl

    Girls named Amelia usually grow up disciplined and obedient. At the same time, Amelia must be asked, since it is almost impossible to force her to do something. She loves to help her parents, and especially her mother. Amelia is independent from childhood and knows how to do a lot herself, which often leads to early abandonment of her father's home. If a girl is very lively in childhood, then as a teenager she becomes more shy. Amelia is an honest and very correct girl.

    Amelia is a good student. She has a wonderful analytical mind. She easily learns new material and can even help lagging classmates. Amelia knows how to organize her time correctly. She has enough time to study and play. The girl is growing talented in many ways. Amelia will be happy to study in various circles and sections. The girl is quite athletic and can even seriously get involved in sports.

    Amelia is often in good health. Her sports hobbies also make the girl very attractive. However, Amelia needs to remember that as an adult she has an increased chance of gaining weight, so it is undesirable for her to quit physical activity. Joints are a rather weak point of Amelia's health. If this is not felt in youth, then this does not mean at all that you can neglect the precautions.

    Abbreviated name Amelia

    Amalya, Ama, Leah, Leia.

    Diminutive names

    Amelichka, Melichka, Amochka, Amushka.

    Name Amelia in English

    In English, the name Amelia is spelled Amelia. One of the 10 most popular English names of 2009.

    Name Amelia for passport- AMALIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

    Translation of the name Amelia into other languages

    in Arabic - أمل أميليا.
    in Hungarian - Amália
    in Greek - Αμαλία (read as Amalia), Αμέλια (read as Amelia).
    in Spanish - Amelia or Amalia
    in Italian - Amelia
    in Chinese - 阿米莉雅 (transliteration)
    German - Amalia, Amalie
    in Polish - Amalia
    in Portuguese - Amélia, Amália
    in Romanian - Amalia, Amelia
    in Serbian - Amalia
    in Finnish - Amalia, Amalja (read as Amalia)
    in French -Amélie (read as Amelie)
    in Czech - Amálie
    in Swedish - Amalia, Amalie.
    in Japanese - ア メ リ ア (transliteration)

    The name Amelia in the church(in the Orthodox faith) is absent - this is a non-church name. This means that at baptism, Amelia will receive an ecclesiastical name different from the worldly one. In the Catholic Church, Amalburga of Maubeuge is revered as a saint. Amalburga is one of the forms of the name Amalia. She is considered the patroness of the Belgian city of Ghent.

    Characteristics of the name Amelia (Amalia)

    If you try to characterize Amelia, then probably the first thing worth noting is her discipline and some restraint. Many people mistake Amelia's restraint for modesty, but this is not at all the case. She does not like haste and at the same time has time for everything. Amelia knows how to perfectly plan her time and always succeeds in everything. Her restraint is connected precisely with the fact that she repeatedly weighs everything before taking the next step. This allows you to avoid unnecessary mistakes, to which rush leads. Amelia is a kind and pleasant person to talk to. He knows how to have fun and have a good time, but usually this happens in a fairly narrow circle of people.

    At work, Amelia is respected by her colleagues and appreciated by her superiors. Co-workers love Amelia for her excellent human qualities and, of course, for her good work. The management appreciates Amelia more for her diligence and diligence. Amelia knows how to make decisions correctly and never takes on a job that she cannot cope with. She can make a decision for a long time, but if the decision is made, then she does everything quickly and well. Amelia also has a well-developed intuition and she uses it, including in work needs.

    Family ties for Amelia are a very serious step. She will never marry without love and usually looks for "that one" for a long time. Amelia is a very good hostess and a wonderful wife. She is kind, gentle and completely conflict-free. Amelia easily converges with her husband's relatives and they usually love her very much. She is a good mother and pays a lot of her attention to children. Marriage to Amelia is a safe haven of happiness.

    The mystery of the name Amelia (Amalia)

    Amelia's secret can be called her gullibility. She is good-natured and often falls for the bait of deceivers. Amelia needs to be careful and keep this trait in mind. And of course, her relatives should in every possible way protect her from various crooks.

    Planet- Uranus.

    Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

    Totem animal- Electric Stingray.

    Name color- Violet.

    Tree- Aspen.

    Plant- Barberry.

    A rock- Rock crystal.

    Amelia is currently a very popular name in England, in Russia it was first known by its name. The name comes from one version from ancient Germany from the word "hardworking". On the other - from the Muslim name Amil, which means "sovereign". Each country has its own form of pronunciation of the name Amelia: Great Britain - Emmeline, Spain -, France - Amelie, Denmark - Amalie, Amelie, Sweden - Amalie.

    Affectionate form of the name:, Ama, Amelochka, Amela, Amelichka, Amochka, Mia.

    The name Amelia is absent in the Orthodox faith, so the girls are baptized under a different name, sounding close to their own name.


    Depends on the time of birth of Amelia:

    Winter - An intelligent and outstanding personality, exact sciences are easy. The soul of any company will always help friends with useful advice.

    Spring - Honest, does not recognize lies and duplicity. He tries to do what is fair, avoids conflicts.

    Summer - Fully lives up to the meaning of her name, very hardworking. He makes high demands on others.

    Autumn - She does not take up energy in it, she manages to do several things at once. Easily adapts to everything.


    Amelia is a favorite of friends and family. She is always ready to help family and friends with housework. Outwardly, it is most often similar to her father, and her character to her mother. Has a talent for distributing time in order to manage to do several things in a short time.

    Always strives for perfection, the same is required from others. He tries to avoid conflicts, does not recognize intrigue, deception, always says directly what he thinks about. He will not leave friends and family in trouble, he will help them in whatever way he can.


    Amelia has been overweight since childhood, so she needs to adhere to a diet and exercise, otherwise there will be problems with the spine and joints.


    Since childhood, Amelia has a craving for sports, so she will be able to reach heights in her sports career. Thanks to her striving for excellence and high organization, she will make an excellent doctor, a highly qualified psychologist. The leader Amelia is loved by her colleagues for her justice, intelligence, kindness.

    Before getting down to business, Amelia weighs whether she can complete it on time. After that, she goes to the end, without deviating from the planned plan. Can easily get a contract that other people could not achieve.


    Amelia soberly evaluates her attractiveness and skillfully uses it in relation to men, which fascinates them. He prefers older men, smart ones, with whom he can discuss everything in the world. At the dawn of her life, she chooses wealthy men, the older she becomes, the less she is interested in the money of the chosen one.

    For a long time he chooses a reliable companion in order to create a strong family with him for life. A non-conflict and kind Amelia makes a wonderful wife and caring mother. She knows how to maintain emotional relations with her mother-in-law, she is very hospitable, the house is always full of friends and family.

    Horoscope for the name Amelia

    Aries is a sociable, intelligent person, for whom every day is a holiday. Popular among men, but does not build a serious relationship with them because of the desire for independence.

    Taurus - A talented speaker, intelligent, and popular. He loves his parents very much, he does not dare to leave them for a long time in order to build his personal life.

    Gemini is a dreamer, a creative person. Due to the desire for independence, he cannot build a personal life. Loved by friends.

    Cancer - Vulnerable, sensitive, does not forgive insults and betrayal, but is not vindictive. Requires perfection from himself and others. She needs a strong male protector.

    Leo - Principled, stern. It repels gentlemen and friends with its imperiousness, tendency to conflict and inability to compromise.

    Virgo - A wonderful companion and listener, will always come to the rescue. Prefers loneliness to a noisy company. She needs a sociable man who will stir her up and introduce her to a fun life.

    Libra - Calm, non-conflict. She knows how to make mutual concessions, she will be an excellent diplomat. Falls in love with men who can protect her.

    Scorpio - Purposeful, hardworking, stubborn. Thanks to these qualities, he will easily reach heights in his career. Knows how to surround himself with devoted friends. Only a strong-willed man can conquer her heart.

    Sagittarius - Nice to talk to, kind. Above all, he values ​​friendship, will give in to friends, even if they are wrong, so as not to lose them. She is unreliable in her career, does not always bring things to the end.

    Capricorn - Non-conflict, calm. Avoids noisy companies. She will choose a domineering man as a life partner, for whom he will become a wonderful wife.

    Aquarius - Eloquent, delicate. He will never point out to the interlocutor his shortcomings. She loves herself first of all, so it will be difficult for her to build a personal life.

    Pisces - Has an easy character and a talent to find a common language with everyone. With pleasure he will plunge into family life.

    The name that a person receives at birth is a kind of letter cipher that predetermines the fate of its owner. Professional astrologers p ...

    From Masterweb

    19.04.2018 18:01

    The name that a person receives at birth is a kind of letter cipher that predetermines the fate of its owner. Professional astrologers recommend taking a serious approach to his choice. We offer you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Amelia, as well as how it will affect the character and fate of the owner.

    Where did it come from and what does it mean

    This beautiful and rather rare name has ancient Greek roots. The meaning of the name Amelia is work, hardworking. There is also another version of the origin, according to which Amelia is a Muslim name, translated as a ruling, sovereign.

    Despite the fact that this name is rarely found in the CIS countries, it is in the Orthodox calendar. Amelia's birthday falls on July 10 and September 19.

    The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl: fate and character

    The girl will inherit the appearance of her father, and in character will go to her mother. From an early age, she is very disciplined, obedient and tactful in dealing with adults. The girl is happy to help her parent with the housework. However, she hates it when strangers make her do something.

    The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl suggests that this child will be diversified. She seeks to learn about everything in the world, and for answers, as a rule, turns to her parents. Despite her hyperactivity, Amelia spends most of her time at home. She loves listening to contemporary music, drawing and reading. If you turn the girl's energy in the right direction, then she can achieve significant results in art and sports.

    School years

    In adolescence, the girl shows leadership qualities. The meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she will be very sociable and open. The girl hates flatterers and liars. She behaves very harshly with people who aroused her antipathy. Most of Amelia's friends are boys. This is due to the fact that the girl, unlike her peers, does not like to gossip at all. Amelia is a straightforward person. She will never discuss anyone behind her back.

    The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl's penchant for the humanities. She also demonstrates good academic performance in subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, physics. Teachers admire the mental abilities of an assiduous and attentive girl, set them up as an example to other students.

    The name Amelia: the meaning of the name, character and fate of an adult woman

    With age, Amelia's character becomes more rigid. However, this does not prevent the girl from having many friends and fans. She strives for physical and mental comfort, makes every effort to create coziness around her. She is a man of her word. Will never let you down or betray.

    She is demanding not only of herself, but also of those around her. There will be only honest and positive people next to the girl. She does not tolerate hypocrisy and lies. The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines to its owner such character traits as dedication, perseverance. She will definitely achieve what she sincerely wants. On the way to his dream, he does not lose his head. She does everything slowly, thinking over her every step. This approach helps to avoid potential problems that usually arise from haste.

    The meaning of the name Amelia predetermines the girl's penchant for careerism. She is a true workaholic who is able to work 24 hours a day. However, because of this, the girl may have certain difficulties in finding a soul mate. After all, few people want to build a relationship with a person who disappears around the clock in the workplace.

    Relationship with the opposite sex

    The owner of this beautiful name attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Despite the fact that the girl has a rather complex character, the meaning of the name Amelia suggests that she does not mind flirting. However, you should not count on anything more. This girl will not let you cross the line and always keeps her fans at a distance.

    Amelia is attracted to strong and independent men who have achieved certain results in life. She, as a rule, is attracted not by her appearance, but by her mind. She seeks to find that man, next to whom she would feel like a small, fragile and unprotected girl.

    Compatibility and incompatibility

    Despite the fact that the girl will have many fans, she will not be able to build a strong and happy union with everyone. The most successful marriage will be with:

    • Michael;
    • David;
    • Timothy;
    • Maxim;
    • Sergey;
    • Paul.

    Nothing good will come of an alliance with:

    • Ivan;
    • Stepan;
    • Denis;
    • Anatoly;
    • Vladimir.

    Family life

    Amelia takes a very responsible approach to organizing her personal life. She will build a family only with that man whom she loves with all her heart, will trust him infinitely. Despite the fact that the girl is by nature a careerist, she is able to give up her own ambitions and devote herself to her family.

    She becomes a very good housewife, wife and mother. She competently manages the family budget, never unnecessarily spends money. With incredible ease, she manages to maintain comfort in the house, raise children and work. Amelia is a non-conflict and rather calm person. These character traits allow a girl to find a common language with her husband's parents. Amelia responsibly approaches the upbringing of children, whom she tries to instill exceptionally good manners, to give a decent education.

    Career and business

    Amelia is a very hardworking and responsible person who knows how to set goals, complete tasks. Perseverance is a character trait that allows this girl to achieve high results in any area. Amelia is able to build her own business, become a successful entrepreneur.

    Autumn birthday girls tend to be the most successful in business. These women are real careerists. They strive to self-actualize at all costs. They constantly motivate themselves to take new heights. Material well-being and high social status are what makes Amelia truly happy.

    From early childhood, Amelia has a love of sports and has good physical characteristics. She is able to build a dizzying sports career, doing, for example, figure skating, volleyball, ballet.

    Perseverance and an analytical mind - what is useful to Amelia if she decides to try herself in the scientific field. As a rule, girls with this name become good engineers, developers, designers.

    Amelia most often enjoys well-deserved authority both within the team and among the higher authorities. She is sociable and friendly. Always extremely honest and fair. Can't stand lies and flattery. She has organizational skills and is able to prove herself as a successful leader. She is able to unleash the potential of any employee.

    The meaning of letters in the name

    The meaning of the name Amelia, the character and fate of its owner are as follows:

    • A - the pursuit of physical and mental comfort. Start symbol. Striving for creation.
    • M is a sophisticated and romantic nature. People who have this letter in their name are quite vulnerable and touchy, which often brings additional difficulties.
    • E - the desire for self-realization, talkativeness, insight.
    • L - innate artistry, hard work. The desire to find your true purpose.
    • And - peacefulness, insight.
    • I am striving to achieve authority in society.


    From an early age, she has strong immunity and practically does not get sick with colds. However, these girls tend to be overweight. That is why it is extremely important for future parents to instill a girl's love for sports. If you do not fight extra pounds, then in adolescence, Amelia may have serious problems with the pancreas, liver or spleen.

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    A girl named Amelia is executive, conscientious and hardworking. She is kind to others, but will never allow herself to be pushed around. She is friendly, sociable, it is interesting and pleasant for men to communicate with her, they distinguish her from thousands of other women, do not skimp on compliments and take good care of this girl. Amelia never behaves provocatively, she is not used to wearing bright clothes and wearing flashy makeup, but she can always be seen in the crowd.

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    The girl does not believe in signs of fate and is not particularly lucky. She relies only on her own strength and reaches great heights in life, using only honest methods for this.

      Show all

      Meaning and origin

      The meaning of the name Amelia is "hope", "aspiration". There are several versions of the origin of the name Amelia:

      1. 1. from the ancient Germanic Amal, which literally translates as "hardworking";
      2. 2. from the Latin Emily, which stands for "rival";
      3. 3. the interpretation of the name in Islam is "expectation", but it sounds differently - Amal.

      According to the church calendar, a woman named Amelia does not celebrate her birthday, since there is no mention of saints with this name in the Orthodox calendar. Among people of the Catholic faith, Saint Amelberg is revered (this is the full name, its abbreviated form is Amelia). It is popular in the UK. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is a rarity, although it has a beautiful and delicate sound. In Slavic culture, as well as in Muslim countries, the name Amalia is widespread.

      Name forms

      In short, Amelia can be called Amelie. Diminutive forms of the name: Amelusya, Amelichka, Amelchik, Emilichka, Amila, Ami, Amika, Amelyushka, Aliya, Liya, Li, Malya, Mel, Milia, Mila, Amelka, Malika, Mili.

      Name forms in other countries:

      • England and America - Emily;
      • France - Amelie;
      • Czech Republic - Amalie.

      Childhood and youth

      Baby Amelia is a quiet, modest and meek girl who obeys her relatives in everything and behaves calmly. She does not arrange tantrums, rarely cries and grows up earlier than her peers. The girl is serious about her mother's errands and always washes the dishes and cleans up not only in her room, but throughout the house.

      Amelie is very curious, but never violates parental prohibitions. She is sociable and cheerful, she has many friends, and the girl is very fond of animals and nature. She will certainly ask to have a kitten, a parrot or a puppy at home, and her parents should not deny her this, since Amelia will take care of her pet herself and will not cause much trouble to her relatives.

      At school, Amelia studies diligently and diligently, she is one of the best students in the class, but she is not proud of her knowledge and always helps classmates who are lagging behind in any subjects, sparing her own time and effort. Also, the girl wins prizes in sports competitions and in creative competitions. Also among her hobbies are music, drawing and theatrical art.

      Amelia is an honest girl with a keen sense of justice. She never cheats on her parents. The owner of this name is alien to flattery, pretense, envy and other human vices.

      The girl Amelia is a real beauty and clever girl. She manages to study in several higher educational institutions at once, gets a job in the evening and helps her parents with housekeeping. This girl intelligently plans her day, avoids empty conversations and unnecessary meetings, spending every minute of her time with benefit.

      Amelia is attractive, feminine, always looks neat and does not lack attention from the strong half of humanity. However, this is not the girl who rushes into the pool with her head, for the first time feeling in love. Amelie is reasonable and consistent, in her life there is no place for random surprises and spontaneity, so she is in no hurry to learn the charms of love relationships and behaves with restraint with the guys, not giving them any promises.

      The girl organizes cultural leisure for herself and often visits exhibitions, theatrical performances, concerts of symphonic and modern music. She leads a rich and interesting life, sets clear goals for herself and achieves them on time.


      Amelia's personality changes depending on the time of year when she was born.

      SpringCharismatic, agile nature with a sparkling sense of humor. Spring Amelie knows her worth, strives for self-realization and will never miss the opportunity to change her life for the better. She is not afraid of change, because she is always confident in her own strengths, rarely asks for help from loved ones and never shows her own weaknesses to others. Amelia is ambitious, rational and principled, honoring family traditions and always open to new things
      SummerA vulnerable, naive, touching and melancholic girl who believes in fairy tales and loves to dream. Summer Amelie is stubborn, sometimes capricious and impatient, she wants to get everything at once, so she takes on several things at the same time, but rarely completes what she started. Amelia is demanding of herself and others, does not like criticism and is indifferent to other people's opinions
      AutumnAn enterprising, spontaneous and inventive girl with whom you never get bored. Autumnal Amelia is an interesting storyteller, she knows how to listen and always gives valuable advice. This lady is calm about comments and criticism in her direction, she knows how to admit mistakes and benefits from her own failures. Amelia is energetic and the unspoken leader in any company.
      WinterWinter Amelia is distinguished by willpower, good nature and iron discipline. She always embodies her own plans and ideas into reality, tolerates other people's shortcomings, but does not forgive her own mistakes, taking defeat hard. Amelie will never discuss anyone behind his back and is not afraid to express her own opinion, but she is always tactful and polite towards others.

      The mystery of the name

      The characteristics of a woman named Amelia are presented in the table.

      Character typeSanguine
      Basic qualitiesModesty, politeness, hard work
      Positive character traitsPurposefulness, responsiveness, fairness, insight, conscientiousness, sincerity, honesty, optimism, discipline, activity, sociability, patience
      MinusesExcessive enthusiasm, self-criticism
      MoralAmelia is a decent and moral woman who will never change her own principles. She will not hurt anyone to achieve her own goals and will never step over her conscience.
      friendshipAmelia is a devoted friend who can be trusted with any secrets and not be afraid that the secret will become public. Amelia has many friends, among whom there are men with whom she has purely friendly relations. You can turn to this woman for help at any time and be sure that she will not leave you in trouble.
      HealthAmelia rarely gets sick, she has strong immunity and is not overweight. She monitors her diet, moves a lot during the day and regularly plays sports, so she is in good health and rarely seeks help from doctors
      PsycheThe bearer of this name has a stable psyche, she is not subject to sudden mood swings and feels calm and confident in any situation. Amelia knows how to control her emotions, rarely cries and never screams. She has boundless patience and enviable endurance.
      ProfessionsDoctor, designer, composer, artist, writer, photographer, journalist, TV presenter, financier, linguist, singer, actress
      Hobbies and hobbiesTheater, music, handicrafts, cooking, travel, foreign languages, literature, fashion, cinema, sports
      Mental capacityAmelia is smart and quick-witted, she quickly memorizes information and approaches any business thoroughly, deeply delving into the essence of what is happening. The bearer of this name completely concentrates on the work process, but can easily do several things at the same time, if the circumstances are so.
      IntuitionAmelia's intuition is poorly developed, the woman prefers to make logical conclusions, rather than listen to her inner voice

      Love and marriage

      Amelia falls in love at a conscious age. She does not choose a guy based on selfish interests. She likes calm, decent and intelligent young people who do not use obscene expressions in their vocabulary and do nothing in a fit of feelings.

      Amelia loves flowers very much, so a man should delight his beloved with a beautiful bouquet not only on holidays. She will never deceive her chosen one and will not look towards another man if she is already in a relationship. Amelia will not forgive the betrayal on the part of her beloved, and even if she loves him strongly, she will not stay next to the traitor, because trust in this person will already be lost.

      Amelia often remains a virgin until the wedding, but having married, she learns all the delights of intimate relationships and behaves in bed passionately and uninhibited, without fear of experimentation. She is attentive to her partner, always thinks about his needs, but does not forget about hers either.

      For this girl, the opinion of the mother and father about their daughter's potential fiancé is important, so a man who will not be approved by her parents will never become Amelia's husband.

      Amelia name compatibility in love and marriage with male names:

      • High - Pavel, David, Alexander, Dmitry, Maxim, Mikhail.
      • Average - Sergey, Timofey, Artem, Roman, Daniil, Alexey.
      • Low - Vladimir, Ivan, Gleb, Boris, Denis, Vitaly, Victor.

      Family and Children

      Amelia dreams of a big family, so she often becomes a mother of many children. She takes care of her kids on her own and brings them up in love, peace and kindness. Amelia cannot be called a strict parent, she allows her children a lot, but does not indulge them in everything, clearly defining the prohibitions and boundaries of what is allowed for the younger members of the family.

      This woman always meets her husband from work in a good mood, never arranges interrogations and scenes of jealousy for him. She loves to spend time at the stove and regularly prepares culinary masterpieces for her household.

      Amelie is household, she takes good care of the family budget and never requires anything for herself. She does not need luxurious and exclusive things to feel happy, she knows how to be content with little and enjoys every minute she lives.

      The doors of Amelia's house are always open for friends and family, she will always find something to treat uninvited guests, and will not be taken by surprise by the arrival of a large number of distant relatives.

      Career and business

      Amelia can not be called a careerist, but she is able to provide for the lives of her loved ones, if this is the case. Amelie will become a good doctor, entrepreneur or accountant. She can master any profession and reach great heights in the chosen field of activity.

      Having opened her own business, Amelia will competently manage her money and become a fair and wise leader, not sparing awards and praise for executive employees.

      Amelia will find herself in a creative field in the field of music, cinema and art, she can become a good judge or prosecutor, connect her life with professional sports, dancing or travel.

      Mascots and Lucky Symbols

      Talismans and lucky symbols for the owner of the name Amelia:

      Famous women

      Women named Amelia (Amalia) who left their mark on history:

      • Nathanson (Freud) is the mother of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst.
      • Prussian - Princess of Prussia, sister of Frederick the Great.
      • Rosselli is a writer from Italy.
      • Saxon is the Spanish queen.
      • Garcia is a politician from Mexico.
      • Moresmo is an athlete, tennis player from France.
      • Mordvinova is a Russian radio actress.
      • Lacoste is a Canadian figure skater.
      • The sacristan is the wife of Ivan Riznich, an officer of the Russian Empire, and was for some time the beloved of A.S. Pushkin.
      • Earhart is a female aviator who became the first representative of the fairer sex to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.

      The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

      Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other bad force.

      But who will help you in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It's hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket, at first glance, could have such an impact.

      It all started when I ordered a personal ...

    1. Personality: those who ponder everything

    2.Color: purple

    3. Main features: sociability - intelligence - activity - health

    4. Totem plant: violet

    5. Totem animal: robin

    6. Sign: Aquarius

    7. Type. Modest in appearance, but not letting you forget about yourself, like their totem - a violet. These are very truthful natures, with rather contradictory character traits, at the same time restrained and wanting to please.

    8. Psyche. Trying to find their own individuality, sometimes they withdraw into themselves. They lack courage and self-confidence. They know how to use their indecision.

    9. Will. Very strong, combined with a strong sense of duty, helps them achieve success.

    10. Excitability. People with this type of character know perfectly well where the limit is, to which you can act, and where you should stop and not go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.

    11. The speed of reaction. Very slow. Some of them seem to be the embodiment of humility and patience, which helps them to complete their plans.

    12. Field of activity. They seem to enjoy coercing others to work more than working on their own. They do not have any special ambitions, but they know perfectly well which road to take. They love sports and become great swimmers. Everything connected with electronics, radio, television brings them success. They can work as pediatricians or in preschool childcare facilities, as they love small children. And don't forget that they often manage to bypass their boss!

    13. Intuition. Good. In addition, they have an excellent knowledge of human psychology. Know which page to rip out. They love to play the role of a "woman-child" and wear all sorts of bows, ruffles, etc. until old age.

    14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mindset that allows them to avoid mistakes in life. They perfectly see all the circumstances surrounding this case.

    15. Susceptibility. There is a certain amount of false naivety and feigned innocence in their sensitivity, which make a strong impression on men.

    16. Morality. These are mysterious women. They manage to be two-faced by misleading others. Relatives and friends of Danuta, be careful ...

    17. Health. Excellent, has served them for many years. Are prone to being overweight. These women do not hurt to pay attention to the joints and knees and carefully engage in winter sports.

    18. Sexuality. Strong and challenging. Here and calculation, and spontaneity, fears and sensuality, bordering on masochism. These women do not feel the need for motherhood, on this basis they may have problems in life.

    19. Activity. They talk more than they do.

    20. Sociability. We are always ready to provide a service, even if they do it with consideration. Excellent hostesses, guests are received with style, they can even go into debt, just to show off.

    21. Conclusion. Even when they achieve great success, they remain restless, perhaps subconsciously realizing that their successes are not a reflection of their merits.