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  • Dream interpretation of what tornadoes dream about. Why is the Tornado dreaming? Who had a dream

    Dream interpretation of what tornadoes dream about.  Why is the Tornado dreaming?  Who had a dream

    Dream interpretation tornado

    The tornado is endowed with the same symbolic meaning as the spiral. Because it has a similar shape and carries the same message into space. The spiral is one of the most complex symbols of the macrocosm. After all, with the naked eyes it is difficult to determine what is happening there in the foggy spiral substance. The tornado combines the shape of a circle and a moving impulse. Hence the tornado symbol as a sign of cyclical and progressive movement. The end of one cycle is the flowering of the next, a symbol of ascent. And what the images of the elements can dream of?

    If you dreamed about a tornado

    Competent dream books

    Most cases of a tornado in a dream are interpreted as a cycle of life events. What happens in this cycle, we ask reputable dream books.

    Miller's dream book

    According to the psychologist, a dream where a tornado caught the sleeping person means the collapse of your hopes. It seemed to you that everything was planned out as carefully as possible, and the desired result would be. But plans await failure, which will plunge the dreamer into despair and melancholy. Perhaps there will be a change in fate associated with loss.

    If you had to hear the roar of a tornado, to see how the trees are sinking to the ground, or even uprooted trees, a sign of future exhausting expectations, they will be replaced by a desperate attempt to avoid collapse.

    The interpretation of a dream, where a tornado has destroyed your home, boils down to a call for adjusting your lifestyle. You will often have to change your place of work and housing.

    The dream book gives good forecasts if it happens to see the consequences of a terrible tornado in a dream. This means that in the near future everything will go well with you and troubles will be bypassed.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    If you have seen the consequences of a tornado

    The seer says that seeing in a dream the destructive result of a tornado, although she is not injured, warns of an impending swift maelstrom of life events, to which you really will not have time to react.

    The fact that sins will not go unpunished is told by a dream where the sleeping man was injured in a tornado. Consider your actions. Indeed, children sometimes have to answer for the sins of their parents.

    I dreamed of a tornado descending from somewhere from heaven, and many people trying in vain to hide from it warn of a disease that came from space, which will take many lives. And perhaps the dreamer, or his descendant, will be able to save humanity from her.

    Freud's dream book

    According to the philosopher, a tornado is a symbol that is quite simple to interpret. Seen in a dream, he promises a meeting with a person, acquaintance with whom will turn your ideas about life, about loved ones and familiar people, and will bring serious life changes.

    If the dreamer has become a victim or victim of a tornado, hurricane, it is interpreted as disappointment in the usefulness of a recent acquaintance.

    To see a tornado in a dream, which is approaching you every minute, means concern about the fate of a friend, which, in your opinion, is unlucky in life. Sleep gives a message not to interfere in a situation that may suit a friend.

    Dream interpretation Longo

    The white magician gives an unambiguous interpretation of this image from a dream, as a messenger of cardinal changes in life.

    A cruel retribution for refusing to help, when a request was received, promises a dream, where the sleeping person watched the consequences of a hurricane, a tornado.

    If the sleeping person is caught by a whirlwind, this is the personification of a dizzying and very passionate sexual feeling. And if the sleeping person did not suffer in this whirlwind, then this feeling will grow into new love and bring happiness.

    What does the element promise

    what time of day was the tornado

    It is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to resist such a formidable and dangerous force as a raging tornado in life. Why do we dream of this image in our dreams. Having considered the details of dreams, we can more accurately understand the message:

    • watch the elements;
    • death from the elements;
    • beloved in the whirlwind of the tornado;
    • dispelled the tornado with his hands;
    • time of day of the incident.

    A dream where the sleeping person became an observer of a dangerous element foreshadows the invasion of a superior enemy in your usual life. It will be very difficult to overcome. He, in turn, will try to influence the fate of the dreamer in a radical and rather violent way. This dream gives a message not to neglect the advice of elders. Perhaps in them you will find a clue to be able to avoid moral and financial losses.

    The interpretation of sleep, where the sleeping person was a victim of the elements, died during the accident, carries unfavorable signs. He admits a situation in which complete physical weakening is possible. Immobility and possibly paralysis are not excluded, if during the time you do not take measures to restore the psyche.

    What is the dream of a tornado that has caught your loved one into its whirlwind. This may indicate his secret passion for another woman, carefully hidden. But do not rush to sort things out, climb with unnecessary questions. Otherwise, you yourself will push him to continue the relationship and treason. Try to pleasantly surprise him with a visible change in yourself and in your intimate relationships. See it works.

    It happens in the plot of dreams that the dreamer is lucky enough to dispel the elements with his hands. This is an auspicious sign. He promises that some event is coming, which will give you unshakable confidence in yourself and your strengths, which will allow you to rebuff the person to whom you unconditionally and unquestioningly obeyed earlier. However, be very careful, as such bold actions can provoke very serious conflicts.

    The message of a dream, in which a tornado played out at night, calls for a quick adoption of an important decision, because an unfavorable situation is hanging over you. And procrastination is like death.

    In a case when quite unexpectedly the elements raged during the day, this only portends an exacerbation of the spirit of competition and competition in entrepreneurial activity.

    When in a dream you observe how a stranger was caught in the whirlwind of a tornado, and you want to help him, but do not know how. However, he copes himself and saves himself, this portends you the performance of a very difficult and responsible job.

    Your mark:

    In reality, a tornado is a frightening, grandiose natural event that destroys everything on the way. Bringing people great misfortune, the cataclysm is mesmerizing. Interpreters give an ambiguous interpretation of the sleepy tornado. In order to understand exactly what the tornado is dreaming of, it is important to remember every detail, to analyze the state after waking up, to assess the real life situation. Dream Interpretations give an explanation based on the peculiarities of the plot, however, the observer of the dream must rely on personal intuition. It is she who often gives the correct hints.

    Total value

    As the dream book says, a tornado is not always endowed with a negative interpretation. People are accustomed to treating a huge crater, sucking in any objects on the way, blowing off roofs of houses, turning villages or even cities into ruins, with superstitious horror. Previously it was believed: this is how the great gods punish humanity for many unforgivable sins committed.

    Today, water, air, dusty tornadoes are scientifically explained, but they don't make it any less frightening or destructive. People both felt horror and experience, although they understand the nature of the phenomenon. The Americans give the cleared cataclysms names, most often tender, feminine, as if trying to make the whirlwind less dangerous. But the destruction is not decreasing.

    According to dream books, seeing a tornado is a sign of different life events. Both the most difficult transcripts (the death of someone close or an observer of a dream) and inspiring ones that promise cardinal changes in fate are offered. To understand the exact meaning, it is important to make out what you saw in detail, because every detail clarifies the meaning of the subliminal message.

    Psychological prerequisites

    Psychologists interpret a tornado in a dream as news of upcoming changes in the consciousness of an individual. A person goes through an age crisis, rethinks the existing system of values, tries to redefine his own position in life and society. As a result, the subconscious mind sends frightening visions of a clearing tornado. Remember what element the cataclysm belonged to.

    To see a water tornado in a dream means strong experiences that cause emotional outbursts in a person. It is good if the liquid is clean, it is bad when it is dirty. Water symbolizes the sensual side of human existence. According to dream books, a tornado at sea promises excitement, strong feelings, changes in personal relationships.

    Interpreting what a fiery tornado can dream of, many sources pay attention to feelings that have a sharp, negative expression - anger, jealousy, and pernicious passion. Experiencing a stressful state, the dreamer risks losing a lot in reality, succumbing to emotions.

    Dusty tornadoes are a symbol of the soil receding from under our feet. The person loses control over the situation in reality. Dramatically changing events do not depend in any way on the actions of the observer, even the semblance of control of what is happening is lost. A similar state of affairs pours out into dreams with a raging dusty whirlwind.

    According to the common point of view of psychologists, a tornado in a dream is a sign of powerful internal personality changes. Did the subconscious mind send visions of a rampant terrible element? Listen carefully to yourself. Analyze the state of mind, pay close attention to the anxiety gnawing from the inside. Chances are high that it was they who became the basis for the frightening vision.

    Interpretations from various sources

    What to prepare for if you dreamed about a tornado? It is this question that torments observers of the described dreams, causing vague anxiety. Prepare for tragic events or expect something bright, completely changing your life? Various sources look at the vision from their own angle, offering interesting interpretations.

    Arabic dream book

    Explaining why the tornado is dreaming, the eastern interpreter connects the image with negative events. In reality, the observer is trapped by misfortune, trouble, a sudden negative turn of affairs. Interpretation of the subliminal message for specific people:

    • lovers expect disappointment, betrayal, the end of a built relationship;
    • having their own business - serious diseases leading to ruin, collapse of the company;
    • those who are going to travel - insurmountable difficulties, dangers associated with a risk to life;
    • other categories - family feuds, work conflicts, disagreements.

    The Arab interpreters did not anticipate any positive outcome. However, other sources are not so categorical in decoding.


    According to the dream book of a famous psychologist, a tornado in a dream is a symbol of an unexpected, complete collapse of carefully constructed plans. Such dreams warn: now is not the time to act, it is necessary to stop, wait, weigh the possible risks. Until a favorable period for any enterprise has come, undertakings threaten to turn into a fiasco. Further, Miller interprets dreams, relying on the plot move:

    • a house destroyed by a tornado promises a constant change of place of residence or work in reality;
    • the person hid in a shelter, but the elements blew away the roof, - to the need to make fateful decisions;
    • to see a tornado in a dream that engulfs the observer means an unjustified risk to which he deliberately exposes himself;
    • the night revelry of the cataclysm warns of hasty adoption of wrong decisions, the daytime - about the aggravation of competition in the professional environment;
    • a natural phenomenon, inexorably approaching a familiar person, is a sign of uncertainty, a dreamer's sensation of a precarious position.

    According to the named dream book, tornado images are not always negative, they often warn of possible mistakes. Having carefully analyzed the message, having established the real reasons for the emergence of a frightening plot, you can understand what exactly the subconscious wanted to communicate.


    The famous white magician described the image of a tornado from a dream book as a harbinger of imminent irreversible changes in the fate of the observer. Negative, positive - the plot of what he saw will tell. Destruction, loss of life, tragic events speak of imminent retribution, which is inevitable. In the recent past, the dreamer offended a loved one, committed an ugly act, or became the cause of a conflict. The time has come to answer for the atrocities.


    The founder of psychoanalysis interpreted human visions in terms of latent sexuality. Explaining why a tornado can dream of a woman in a dream, Freud predicted a quick meeting with an important person. A new acquaintance will transform the girl's life so much that it will help her to look at the world from an unexpected angle. If a woman has suffered as a result of a spontaneous riot - in reality, complete disappointment in sexual life is foreseen.

    For a man, tornado dreams promise passionate meetings, a new hobby. However, the damage inflicted by the tornado is a direct sign of a renegotiation of the developing relationship, which does not bode well. According to Freud's interpretation, such a dream indicates a violent love affair, which may have unpleasant consequences.

    Children's dream book

    An interpreter for the little ones, explaining why a fire, water or air tornado is dreaming, connects vision with powerful manifestations of feelings. Perhaps, in reality, a person is disturbed by ill-wishers or circumstances that cause strong emotional upheaval. Rampant elements - a subconscious interpretation of real scandals, quarrels, high-profile showdowns. In addition, such a dream can mean interference, situations leading to defeats. The observer of the dream acts, goes to the realization of the dream, but constantly stumbles over something external, frustrated and worried. The interpreter advises: seek tips, help from the older generation with rich life experience.


    The Bulgarian seer deciphered the tornado as a signal of an imminent fateful turn, completely changing the usual way. And not always in the negative direction. It is important to remember with what feelings the person has awakened. Any positive emotion is a good sign that gives the symbol you see a positive interpretation. Ahead are grandiose changes for the better! The negative experiences caused by sleep transform the meaning to the opposite. Greza showed people affected by the spontaneous rampage? Get ready to pay in reality for bad deeds committed earlier.

    Decoding by the details of the dream

    If you want to get a more detailed, accurate interpretation of what happened, scroll it again in your mind's eye. Many interpreters advise to record the plot immediately after waking up, until consciousness has supplanted the night pictures. Every nuance, detail, seemingly insignificant, clarifies the meaning of the mysterious message.

    Devastating consequences

    Serious damage is a symbol of future life changes. Are the calamities caused by the cataclysm large-scale? Expect grandiose, inevitable events, positive or negative, it depends entirely on you. Alternative interpretation: take a closer look at the closest environment you trust. Perhaps among the friends there are enemies who are plotting. The third option: the dreamer is used to relying too much on the help of friends, relatives. Expecting to get an unreasonable amount, he often makes mistakes, being disappointed in others. The tornado here symbolizes the collapse of hopes, another bitterness.

    Did the element demolish your home? In reality, a sharp change in place of residence or work activity is expected, entailing radical redefinition of the usual way of life.

    Victims, deaths

    Dreamed of a tornado that caused the death of residents of the affected area? In reality, the intrigues of enemies will be crowned with success, be as careful as possible in your own actions. To see a lot of victims, but alive, to help them - in reality, you will provide support to relatives and friends. On the contrary, did they help you? This means that in reality you will have to turn to people.

    Quick jump to interpretations

    A tornado in a dream is always a harbinger of troubles, conflicts, troubles and assault. When a dangerous atmospheric phenomenon is dreamed of, then in real life everything will go somersault, the plans conceived will not come true. You should prepare for a negative event that cannot be prevented. To accurately decipher a dream, you need to remember its details.

    The dreamer's behavior during a tornado

    It is important when deciphering a dream how the dreamer behaved during a hurricane.

    If a person observes how a tornado is formed from air currents, then in reality there is a high probability of the death of someone close to him. The feeling of fear during the formation of an air funnel is a reflection of the dreamer's real experiences and life vicissitudes. If a person sees that a thunderstorm is brewing, lightning begins to flash, then in reality he opens a new page in life, changes his worldview, and finds spiritual harmony.

    The howl of a tornado in a dream signals that the dreamer will experience disappointment due to the actions of another person, but will not be able to correct the situation. If you happen to see how the natural element destroys everything in its path, then in reality you will have to become a victim of meaningless expectations and failed plans. A dreamer who watches how an air funnel destroys a residential building will in reality want to change jobs or housing. A person who is considering the consequences of the revelry of the elements, in reality, troubles will be bypassed.

    The dreamer, who is at the epicenter of the storm, is in reality going crazy with passion. Sometimes sleep means it's time to pull yourself together and make an important decision. A dream in which the air flow tears a person off the ground signals that it is necessary to exercise caution, not to commit rash acts, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided. If the dreamer is carried away by a hurricane in an unknown direction, then in reality he is taking a pointless risk. Also, a dream may mean that you will have to experience a dizzying passion, but it will not meet expectations.

    If a tornado passes by, then in real life you need to be careful, as there are hidden dangers. The dreamer, running away from the hurricane, cannot cope with business, wants to ask for help, but hesitates, hesitates. However, it is impossible to hesitate, otherwise things will reach an irreparable impasse. A dream in which a person is looking for shelter from the elements means that in order to correct troubles, it is necessary to maintain prudence and composure. The dreamer who has found shelter will receive a serious and responsible task. And the dreamer, who has found where to hide, will have to experience a state of shock in reality.

    If a person sees in a dream that a tornado is threatening his family, then in reality he feels helpless and worthless. Also, a dream may mean that a certain person from a close circle has a secret passion for the dreamer. If a person in a dream tries to stop a tornado, then in reality he will receive an important task or hear secret information. The dream says that you cannot let people down: the task must be done in the best possible way, and the secret must be kept. If the dreamer dies from a hurricane, then he will become seriously ill, he will be bedridden for a long time.

    Tornado outside the window

    The interpretation of such a dream is determined by how the tornado looked from the window.

    If you dreamed about an ordinary hurricane, then the close people of the dreamer may run into trouble. And if the dreamer does not begin to act promptly, then troubles will affect him too.

    If several air funnels are visible from the window, then a conflict is heating up around the dreamer. To extinguish the conflict, you need to remain cool.

    A person who sees a fiery funnel in a window in a dream in reality seeks to live brightly and stormily. There are many love adventures and frivolous acts in his life, but sooner or later this will lead to disappointment.

    Tornado in the city

    A tornado against the background of buildings is a dream of hard work. If the dreamer observes how buildings collapse under the pressure of a hurricane, then in reality he will feel discomfort due to the courtship of a persistent and dishonorable admirer. Hiding in a building from the elements in a dream - in reality it is painful to cope with obstacles. If the dreamer notices that the hurricane over the city is subsiding, then in reality you should not wind yourself up because of fictional problems.

    Tornado over the sea

    A dreamer watching a hurricane over the sea, in reality, is tormented by doubts, cannot find the right solution. To see a storm subsiding over the water is to find the best way out of the situation, to extinguish the developing conflict. The rainbow that appeared over the sea after a hurricane foreshadows a fortunate coincidence, a favorable end to an important enterprise.

    See the tornado from the side

    A dream in which a person does not take direct part, but is an outside observer, has several meanings determined by the details of the plot.

    If the dreamer stands and watches the destructive manifestations of a tornado, then in real life changes are coming that will turn the way of life upside down. Some dream books say that such a dream portends death.

    If a person in a dream manages to see a tornado in detail, then in reality he is mentally prepared for a sharp development of events.

    A dream in which people affected by a hurricane appear means that the dreamer cares too much about other people's needs.

    See the air funnel

    A dream has an important interpretation, in which an air funnel clearly stands out. Sleep signals the rapid approach of trouble.

    If the funnel is water, then the trouble will be the result of the dreamer's irrepressibility and gambling nature.

    If the funnel sucks in a loved one, then in reality this person will be in a hopeless position. If a tornado has captured a loved one, then there is a possibility that the chosen one has a secret passion for someone.

    A dream in which a funnel sucks in and destroys the dreamer's house, property, car, warns that in reality trouble can happen with this property. For example, if a tornado carries away a car, then in reality there is a high probability of an accident involving this car.

    The meaning of sleep for a woman

    A woman observing a tornado from the side, in reality, will fail. A dreamer who sees how a hurricane wind knocks down trees, in reality realizes her own powerlessness, realizes that she will not achieve anything by diligence. A woman who notices how thunderclouds are gathering in the sky should in reality be wary of intrigues on the part of relatives. If the dreamer managed to hide from the hurricane, then she will be able to cope with the problems.

    It happens that a tornado dreams of a pregnant woman. In this case, sleep warns of premature birth. The child born is likely to be male.

    The meaning of sleep for a man

    For a man, this dream always portends difficult trials. If the dreamer sees the approach of a hurricane, but does not try to escape, then in reality he is very afraid of something. A man who has suffered from a storm in a dream will have to become a victim of adultery in reality. The dreamer who has found shelter from the elements will be entrusted with an important task. And if the dreamer failed to hide, then in reality he will have to take risky actions.

    Ivanov's newest dream book

    Seeing a tornado - you have to take into account the opinion of the people around you.

    Children's dream book

    Something will happen in life that will be very difficult to resist. Fate will be changed dramatically and violently. Sleep means that you need to listen to comments and not talk unnecessarily.

    Dream interpretation of the White magician

    A tornado in a dream means that an event will soon occur that will disrupt the usual way of life. A dreamer, caught in the epicenter of a hurricane, will in reality experience violent passion. A dream in which one has to observe the consequences of a natural disaster warns that there is no escape from reckoning. The dreamer refused to support a person who needed help, for which he should be punished.

    Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

    A hurricane in a dream is an unfavorable sign. This is a warning about a developing disease, due to which paralysis may occur. To avoid illness, the dreamer must normalize his mental state.

    It is unlikely that many people had to see in reality such a natural phenomenon as a tornado. This is a huge destructive force that brings terror and fear into reality. It is difficult to imagine that a tornado seen in a dream will bring good luck: all its power is capable of destroying the environment, and not restoring it. To make sure how right these judgments are or to refute them, you need to consider the interpretations of several popular dream books. So, it is worth considering in detail what the tornado is dreaming of.

    It is unlikely that many people had to see in reality such a natural phenomenon as a tornado.

    Basically, all books with an explanation of dreams assume that a tornado is a serious test, both in dreams and in reality. And Freud's dream book approaches the interpretation of a tornado in its own way.

    • At the sight of a tornado, it is important to think about the course of life, big changes are coming in fate, you need to be ready to accept them.
    • Freud does not believe that one should be afraid and consider a terrible hurricane natural phenomenon as a harbinger of misfortune.
    • If a tornado approaches the owner of a dream, in reality it is necessary to visit a close friend, for sure he needs support.
    • If a tornado in a dream does not cause a feeling of fear or anxiety, then all changes in life will go smoothly, without surprises and unpleasant surprises.

    In Longo's interpretations, a tornado can bring new love experiences, and the usual routine of life will change greatly.

    Dream interpretation: tornado (video)

    Why is a hurricane or tornado dreaming

    Sometimes you can turn to other interpretations of sleep. Modern predictions are more specific, they believe that the above-mentioned destructive phenomena of nature in a dream are a similar situation in reality, but details are of great importance.

    1. A hurricane wind knocking down on your feet speaks of caution in real life. Passion can backfire.
    2. If the funnel is inexorably approaching, but the one who is dreaming is trying to find shelter from the impending disaster, then all the actions of real life are not devoid of prudence.
    3. If the shelter failed to protect, the actions taken by the person are not entirely correct.
    4. If there is no panic in a dream, and there is no desire to avoid a hurricane, this does not mean fortitude. In life, this panic will overtake, and the opportunity to cope with the situation will no longer be provided.

    A woman sees a tornado in a dream

    If a woman had a dream, and she sees a tornado only from the outside, then all the same troubles accompanying the hurricane will not pass her

    Interestingly, how gender affects the interpretation of dreams. If a woman had a dream, and she sees a tornado only from the outside, then all the troubles accompanying the hurricane will still not escape her. With a successfully found shelter from a tornado, you can calm down in reality, since any conflict will be settled, although the problem will be big, and a lot of effort will be required for this.

    • When a woman dreams of such pictures: the wind picking off leaves, branches are falling around, then life has no opportunity to change the course of real events.
    • But the harbinger of the end of all troubles will be a dream, where a thunderstorm that has begun is accompanied by thunder and lightning.

    Black overhanging clouds should be treated as a harbinger of an impending conspiracy from loved ones.

    You should take a closer look at your friends, whether they are all honest and benevolent.

    To dream of a tornado on the sea

    Sometimes, as in reality, in dreams, a tornado and a hurricane can begin at sea.

    Sometimes, as in reality, in dreams, a tornado and a hurricane can begin at sea.

    1. This is also no coincidence, such a natural phenomenon means confusion of feelings, difficulty in choosing a solution.
    2. And when in a dream it is possible to see how the tornado gradually disappears, it means that conflict and a difficult situation can be avoided.
    3. Sometimes, immediately after a strong hurricane, the sky may clear up, and a bright multi-colored rainbow is visible on it. This is a very good dream - good news awaits the one who saw it, business will be successful, and everything can happen completely unexpectedly.

    You should not take everything to heart, as can be seen from the previous interpretation, even dreams with unpleasant weather conditions can portend joy and success.

    Why is the tornado dreaming outside the window

    When the wind blows, a hurricane or tornado begins, even watching everything that happens becomes scary

    When the wind blows, a hurricane or tornado begins, even watching everything that happens becomes scary. If you see everything that happens in a dream outside the window, this means that the troubles that will happen to others can affect everyone. To prevent this from happening, you should take any action, it is inaction that can sometimes very much harm and ruin the situation. A dream in which there are several tornadoes means a warning about an impending conflict. Considering the meaning of sleep in terms of the days of the week, you can learn the following:

    1. Monday is a tough test.
    2. Tuesday - an unseemly act was committed by a close friend, for which you will have to ask for forgiveness.
    3. Wednesday - minor quarrels and resentments.
    4. Thursday - personal life is waiting for changes.
    5. Friday - loved ones are in danger.

    Fire tornado in a dream

    A dream with a fiery tornado means that the one who sees it has inner anxiety.

    A dream with a fiery tornado means that the one who sees it has inner anxiety, is dissatisfied with the existing situation, work, and the whole way of life. Not knowing for sure what to do, you have to commit rash acts, and the emerging troubles are the result of such actions. Sometimes I dream that a fiery tornado is observed only from a window. In this case, the interpretation is similar to the previous one, so you should not commit frivolous acts.

    Any important decision that can radically change the existing situation must be carefully considered. There is no way to rush in this matter, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.

    What does tornado mean in Miller's dream book

    Many people turn to Miller's dream book to find out the interpretation of their dreams. He has a specific explanation for what the tornado dreamed about.

    • If a person is inside the funnel, this does not bode well: the changes will be very serious, with despair and grief. What used to inspire hope in reality, in fact, will soon collapse, expectations will not come true. We'll have to make clear adjustments again.
    • If the dreamer observes not the tornado itself, but its destructive effect in the end, then you can calm down, since everything that happens will not affect him.
    • And if the dreamer's dwelling is destroyed, you will have to change jobs or look for another place to live.

    All natural phenomena that bring destruction, death and grief are rarely interpreted as promising happiness, joy and success.

    Why is the hurricane dreaming (video)

    It is necessary to read dream books, since in many cases they give the right advice: you should not relax, you need to rely only on your own strength, on prudently made decisions. Speaking specifically about a tornado, a sharp change in the usual way of life of the dreamer and his family is expected. And it will not be superfluous to remind a child or teenager that it is worth listening to the advice of adults, especially since they will soon be able to change everything in a child's life.

    So, there is often a tornado or a tornado in a dream, isn't it? Moreover, it often happens that a tornado or tornado is walking somewhere nearby, something is crushing, destroying, breaking, taking away, but personally, trouble will pass you by, and you are only an observer.

    However, there is another picture ... The tornado touches you in some way, or even picks up, spins ... And a catastrophe happens :-) right?

    Sometimes even a tornado does not touch you directly with a funnel and does not carry you away, but the consequences of its destructive procession, so to speak, affect you indirectly. For example, shrapnel, objects inflict wounds, scratches, bruises on you, or even maim or even kill you.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

    Dream interpretation - Hurricane

    Having fallen into a hurricane in a dream, in reality you will experience despair due to the failure of long-hatched plans that were supposed to lead you to your cherished goal.

    The roar of a hurricane wind heard in a dream portends a painful expectation, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist the collapse.

    If in a dream a hurricane destroys your house, then you will have to change your lifestyle. You may have frequent moves and job changes.

    A dream in which you saw only the consequences of a terrible hurricane means that misfortune will not touch you personally.

    If in your dream you yourself or someone else suffered from a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you can bring you trouble.

    Watched in a dream how a hurricane was approaching - in reality you are worried about the fate of your friend, who is not very lucky in his personal life.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book