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    How to save a house in minecraft after a wipe.  How to save a house in a single player minecraft game Commands for minecraft save space

    Every player should know basic Minecraft commands which is simply impossible to do without during the game. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with them before starting the game, otherwise you may have a number of difficulties.

    Commands for Minecraft that allow you to interact with in-game chat

    • / g - this command allows you to send messages to the global chat, and your message will be visible to the whole game world.
    • / m [message] - with this Minecraft command you will be able to send a message to a specific player.
    • ~ bind [\] - this command allows you to program any key. In the future, when you press it, the message or command will be sent automatically. If you put [\] after the message, the message can be edited.

    Minecraft commands related to the savepoint in the game

    • / sethome - assigns a point of the house (place of revival or saving).
    • / home - this command for Minecraft will allow you to teleport to a savepoint.

    Commands for building a house in Minecraft

    Besides the main commands, there are more commands for home in Minecraft that you will need when creating your living area. In order to get a home zone, you need to type a special command:
    • / settle- find out the maximum possible size of the zone;
    • / settle 35- installation of a house (instead of 35 there may be another number);
    • / removezone and then / settle- transfer of the house. First write removezone, and then in the place where you want to put the house, write settle;
    • / enterhome nick- add a friend to our house (instead of nick we write the friend's nickname);
    • / leavehome nick- remove a friend from the house (instead of nick, write the friend's nickname);
    • / guests- shows who walked in your zone while you were offline;
    • / peoples- a list of those who are registered in your house;
    • / explosion- permission or prohibition to use explosives on the territory of the house.
    Depending on the your server, home control commands may differ. For more information on the commands associated with the Minecraft house, you can find out by typing / help.

    Other Minecraft Commands You Should Know

    • / cprivate - place the item in private.
    • / cinfo - find out information about the private subject.
    • / cremove - the command allows you to remove private from any of your items.
    • // wand - the command for obtaining a wooden ax to select two extreme points of the region's diagonal.
    • // hpos1 - the first point of the selected region.
    • // hpos2 - the second point of the selected region.
    • // sel - removes the selection of the region.
    • // expand vert - using the command, you can expand the region to the maximum values.
    • / region claim - the region that you have selected can be registered.
    • / region remove - deleting your region.
    • / region addmember - with this command you can add players to your region.
    • / region removemember - and so players from the region are removed.
    • / region flag pvp deny - this command puts a ban on PvP within your area.
    • / region flag pvp allow - a team to resolve PvP.
    • / myreg - display of your regions.

    However, not everyone knows how to private their buildings and chests. As a result, any player easily takes resources and a house from such people. Many get upset and leave the servers, but in this article we will tell you in detail how to lock a house in minecraft.

    Private at home on servers in Minecraft varies, but there are no significant differences, so let's start private at home in MInecraft.

    How to private a house in Minecraft on a server?

    1. First, we need to select the territory that we will privatize.
    2. Then we run to one of the corners and start digging for ourselves - we need to dig to the lowest point of the desired territory. However, you should not private before the bedrock, as a rule, private on servers is limited. In this case, the desired area may not be enough for you. Therefore, it is worth stopping at the 6-8 stone block.
    3. As soon as we have dug it, we register the command / rg pos1 ( pos1 needs to be written together !), after which we return upstairs and run to the opposite point, located at the other end of the private.
    4. We climb to the desired height. Attach in height as high as possible - as much as the size of the private allows.
    5. After reaching the required height, write / rg pos2 (pos2 must be written together!).
    6. Next, we need to register / rg claim region_name. The name must be indicated in English letters.
    7. If the private has not been created - instead of / rg claim, you should write / rg create region_name
    8. In such a simple and uncomplicated way, we were able to seize the territory. Stoves and chests are privatized at the same time as the region, no additional commands are required. But still it is better to ask the Server Administration on which you play!

    How to unprivilege a house in Minecraft?

    The distribution of the region is much simpler - it differs on some servers, but the principle is simple.

    • Enter / rg delete region_name or / rg remove region_name.
    • After that, all buildings are unfolded and everyone can break them. However, be careful.
    • If you privatize, any other player can privatize!

    That's all, in this article we have analyzed how to privatize and unprivatise a house on a Minecraft PE server!

    Attention! To our website:

    How to save a house in a single player minecraft game

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    Every player starting out should know;
    What is private territory or how to private a house in Minecraft
    otherwise, you can lose everything you have acquired, this is not a single player game where only you and you play! There are many different people on minecraft servers and
    not everyone has a good intention.

    So that this does not happen, let's figure it out in detail - what is

    Territory privacy in Minecraft

    For a private territory in Minecraft you will need; a stack of any blocks and a wooden ax, an ax for private, and blocks to build a pillar underneath to mark the second top point. You will have to dig up the blocks, but wooden ax for privat can be obtained by writing a command to the chat // wand and hitting Enter.

    And so, you dug up the blocks, you have a wooden ax, now you need to find a territory for building a house and lock it.

    When choosing a territory for your house, pay attention to nearby houses, as their private can interfere with your future private, giving an error like
    Having chosen a place for a house, imagine what kind of one you will have and go to private.
    Grab the territory diagonally, as shown in the picture.

    How to make a private in minecraft

    In order for you to know how to make a private in minecraft, I paint in detail. Having chosen the territory, we are preparing to mark the first point, we make a deepening,
    (the depth depends on how much you go down when building a house, often a basement is built under the house, so this also needs to be taken into account)
    and by clicking the left mouse button mark the first point of the private.
    Next, go along the diagonal of your chosen territory and begin to build a pillar,
    (the pillar should be at least 5 - 6 blocks higher than your future home) and with the right mouse button mark the second point of the private (right the block you are standing on).

    Having marked both points, we register the private command / region claim [region name],
    for example: / region claim dom7, then press Enter,
    at the same time, a recording should be made in the chat
    Region saved as dom7, in your case, instead of dom7, the name of your region.

    That's all! Your territory is sealed!

    How to check private in minecraft

    I think everyone knows how to check private in minecraft - skin.
    Therefore, we take the skin in our hands and check the correctness of the private,
    this entry should come out:

    If everything is ok, we start building a house, without forgetting
    put a full stop at home by registering the / sethome command.
    Also, when building a house and after the completion of construction, check all corners with leather for the presence of a private.
    But if this inscription did not come out, then a reason should appear in the chat why
    failed to seize the territory.
    Possible causes and solutions.
    The selected area touches another region
    We'll have to look for where exactly your region comes into contact with someone else's private.
    You have exceeded the region limit - marked more than 30,000 blocks
    Help: By purchasing, you increase both the size and the number of private regions.
    Reduce the size of your region
    You have used all your regions (they all have different ways, we have 3 regions available on our servers)
    What are you doing here at all).
    I am sure that everyone understood how to privatize a house in Minecraft,
    and yet for those who are in the tank, I advise you to watch the video about the private too.
    Private home in Minecraft

    Commands for private in Minecraft


    The main team of private territory in Minecraft
    / region claim [Region name] - Create a region.
    (All this is written separated by a space and without parentheses)

    How to add a friend to private

    When thinking about how to add a friend to private, you must remember;
    Prescribing | by adding a friend or someone else to your private you endanger both your house and your property!
    Since after adding your "friend" can simply break everything, you are solely responsible for this action! The administration will not return anything to you and will not help you with anything, so think about whether it is worth adding someone to your private.
    / region addmember [Region Name] [Player Nickname] - Add a resident to the region
    (Nicky separated by a space if there are a lot of people).

    / region addowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Add owner to region
    (just like you can manage the region)

    / region select [Region name] -Highlight the selected region.
    / region info [Region name] - View information about the region.

    How to delete a region in Minecraft

    - Removing a private.

    Decided to expand the region or move, you should know how to delete the region in Minecraft. B is - if the house does not have a private, then it is nobody's and any player has the right to pick it up or break it, so remember;
    Deleting a private will lead to the loss of everything acquired!
    / region remove [Region Name] -
    / region delete [Region name] - Delete the region you created.

    How to remove a friend from private

    To remove a friend from private, you need to know the appropriate commands.
    / region removemember [Region Name] [Player Nickname] - Remove a resident from private.
    / region removeowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Remove owner from private.

    That's all! Now knowing the command of the privat territory and your territory will be under reliable protection. Build houses, fortresses and castles, create clans and guilds, play at your pleasure on the servers.