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  • Interesting dreams about love. Love story in a dream

    Interesting dreams about love.  Love story in a dream

    Dream interpretation what dreams are there for love

    Many people believe that night visions can predict our future. Of course, any person will be interested to know what awaits him.

    Most often, people are interested in how their future fate will develop in their personal, family life. Accordingly, the question arises, what kind of dreams are there for love, for the emergence of new relationships or for strengthening feelings in an already established couple.

    What dreams promise love?

    Interpreters of dreams often indicate what exactly you can dream about, foreshadowing love and happiness in family life. Among the most basic objects and phenomena: bird nests, doors, some animals, springtime, bouquets of certain flowers, kisses.

    To thoroughly figure out which way you should go to happiness, you should divide these items into categories.

    Images of animals from dreams


    Every second dream book will be able to give you a hint which animal or flower is a symbol of good luck and joy in family life. All that is required of the dreamer is to detail his night vision.

    You dreamed of beasts

    Of course, not every animal will promise you positive changes in your personal life. Interpreters of dreams believe that it is important for the dreamer to know which animals will predict a stormy, but fleeting romance for him, and which ones promise a long union or the strengthening of existing ties.

    Often these are animals that we associate with grace, beauty, kindness. For example, dolphins, horses.

    Women should take a closer look at those animals that have strength. They may be a sign that you are about to meet a really strong man.

    A bear seen in a dream promises you a strong and long-term relationship. White rabbits caught in your night vision predict, oddly enough, your partner's loyalty.

    The meaning of birds seen in a dream

    Birds, insects, plants dream

    Among birds, pigeons and storks are especially distinguished. Dreams in which they were present are considered prophetic. A sleeping person who saw such a dream will soon be very lucky in his personal life.

    If you dreamed that you see a butterfly fluttering beautifully on a sunny day, it is a great dream. He says that in the very foreseeable future you will have a soul mate that you will love. These feelings will be mutual.

    From plants, the dream book highlights trees in bloom, also positively if you dreamed of a gazebo that is entwined with living flowering plants, as well as ripe tomatoes.

    Have you received a bouquet of flowers? Love will visit you one of these days, the main thing is not to pass it by.

    Vision of people

    Dreamed of a foreign girl

    Of course, people are also considered to be living beings. If you saw in a dream a beautiful young girl, or it was a man of exotic appearance, then you can safely prepare for the fact that your personal life will change for the better.

    If you noticed that a person has beautiful facial features, hands, then a big and pure love will appear in your life. The main thing is that in such dreams there is no hint of intimacy, sexual connotation.

    Inanimate nature

    Oddly enough, but dreams in which you saw the door lead to real, sincere relationships. It's good to see the doors open wide open. Such a vision says that the dreamer will love the person, and the feelings will be mutual.

    Family people dream of new doors when an addition is expected. Interpreters believe that in this way you can predict what gender the child will be. This kid will be a boy.

    What else is dreaming about love? If in a dream you ate chocolates, then Cupid's arrow will soon pierce your heart, however, feelings will be fleeting. You will not stay with that person for a long time.

    What other subjects promise you a new relationship:

    Enjoy chocolate in a dream

    • buy perfume in a dream - you will become the object of someone's passion, you will have admirers and admirers;
    • find jewelry, in particular diamonds - mutual love for the rest of your life;
    • antique thing - meet your past love, feelings can flare up with renewed vigor;
    • binoculars - oddly enough, such a dream means that in reality someone is interested in you, look around;
    • pin - if you are pricked with a pin, then you will have a close connection with an aggressive person, he will seek to create a pair with you;
    • the nest symbolizes the family, as a unit of society, if it was a cuckoo's nest, then you will meet a person who will be against children;
    • cut an orange into slices - you will marry successfully, but such a marriage will not bring happiness;
    • cigarette butt - if a woman in a dream picks up a cigarette butt from the ground, then in reality she risks falling in love with a man of short stature and with a lot of complexes.

    Warm feelings dream

    What does a dream about love itself mean?

    If you begin to study in detail the topic of what kind of night visions are a symbol of great and pure love, then it will not be superfluous to find out what love itself means in a dream.

    Many dream books consider this vision in their sources.

    French interpreter

    When a person has a dream about love, it means that in reality he will be truly happy.

    To see fleeting feelings in a dream - you will be lucky professionally.

    Watching a happy couple in love - defeat awaits you ahead. A night vision that you dreamed of meeting love or missed a loved one indicates that you will have to worry about a relative or a good friend.

    Happened to see how the other half is cheating, as well as night vision about how the other person does not reciprocate you? Oddly enough, this vision is positive. It predicts you success in business, career advancement.

    Dreamed of cooling real feelings

    Female interpreter

    According to this dream book, when in a dream you see your soul mate, then in reality you feel good, you are safe.

    If you dreamed of the love of the people around you, which you literally felt, then you will be lucky in business. Also, the interpreter believes that everyday troubles and minor troubles will leave you for a while.

    A vision in which you see that your feelings have cooled down suggests that soon you will be faced with a choice. You will have to either radically change your life, or legalize your union in order to have material security in the future.

    Do you dream that your spouse and spouse do not like each other? They will have a happy joint future, many children and grandchildren.

    Interpreter Tsvetkova

    Why dream of the love of the people around you for the dreamer? The esotericist believes that such a vision suggests that the sleeping person will find his happiness.

    Experience strong feelings in a dream

    To love yourself - get rewarded for your services.

    21st century interpreter

    Why love something or someone in a dream? Such a dream means that you are satisfied with everything in real life, and this is true.

    Falling in love with another person to madness - a difficult time is expected, the dreamer will have to work twice as much. But if he does not stop, does not feel sorry for himself, then he will certainly achieve dizzying success.

    They love you - the interpreter promises happiness in reality.

    Actions in a dream

    Seeing how the moon in the sky splits into several parts - you will create an alliance with a person of the opposite sex, but he will not bring you the desired happiness.

    Celebrating, walking, having fun at the celebration - to great love.

    And now I dream that a guest has come to our family, like a friend of my brother's in a dream, but in reality this friend does not exist (my brother is 4 years older than me). He talks about how he lived in some countries, some other stories. I listen to him and gradually realize that I am starting to fall in love. Then there is a feeling of euphoria, I am happy, I understand that I love!)

    Time passes by the plot of the dream. I have a relationship with this guy. And now, my mother and brother are suddenly trying to impose their opinion on the object of my love on me. They say that he is not what I imagine him to be. That he is deceiving me and does not really love me. They say he is a bad man.

    I am very upset. I understand that they are wrong. They do not know him at all and have no right to judge !!!

    I decide to leave the parental home, to Him, with a scandal, but I don't care! I love him and this is the most important thing in the world!

    I walk down the street, smiling), I know that I will soon meet Him. I'm madly happy. I feel intense excitement and awe. People are walking towards and towards me.

    Suddenly I see a descent down the stairs, like an underground passage. I go down there, there is a public toilet. I see a couple at the end of the corridor, "probably a husband and wife," the thought flashed. They swear a lot, shout ... I smiled, felt even stronger, against the background of this couple, how happy I am now! She turned to the side and saw mirrors on the wall. I looked at my reflection ... I have fiery red hair (in fact, my hair is ash-brown). For some reason, I was not surprised by this fact, and even liked myself. I admired it, straightened my hair and went out into the street.

    Soon I see HIM. I throw myself on his neck, we kiss (I really felt kisses in a dream, although I never kissed in my life at that time). And we are going with him already.

    Suddenly we see wide open doors and all the people flow there. We go along with everyone. It turned out to be a large hall, like a concert hall. Rows of seats to the right and left. The stream of people is dense, it separates us from my beloved. And my young man is ahead of me.

    I see how he, suddenly, takes another girl by the arm and they sit down together (on the seats on the left). I'm not even worried (smiling), I know that he, stupid, confused me with someone).

    Finally, I go up to him, and he, unexpectedly, gets up from his seat and shouts to the whole audience: "I am a womanizer! I am a womanizer!"

    I understand that my parents were right ... He is not what I thought ... He betrayed me! Now I feel like the most unfortunate person in the world. I sob, go to the exit. A guy (a real friend of my brother's) walks next to him, with a guitar and sings a song about unhappy love.

    I walk down the street, still crying and already thinking about how ashamed I will be to return home ...

    The strangest thing is that when I woke up, it turned out that I was actually in tears ...

    Love relationships in the park in a dream

    I had a dream as if I was walking in the park and meeting a girl about 14 years old. We started a conversation. While we were walking in the park, she shows a notebook (I don’t remember exactly a notebook) there was written a song that she composed today. The song was about love.

    First there were notes and then the text. I started looking and suddenly found myself on something in the form of a carousel. There was a lot of space in the form of a circle. I stand in front of her and notice she has a ring on her ring finger and I had a ring with a chain in my hand. I put it on and we start to climb. And then I woke up!

    Love dream with a foreign girlfriend

    The essence of the dream: The dream seems to pass by, at her house, if it is important, the city of Tokyo. We are sitting with her on some kind of sofa, holding hands. At this time, our parents at the table are discussing something, writing down, everything is noisy, with laughter and exclamations. I look at this girl's hand, a ring shines on the ring finger of her right hand. Here, through a dream, I usually understood that I had proposed to her, and my parents were discussing the upcoming wedding (while I myself never liked magnificent ceremonies). Nevertheless, after a while we get up and head to the street, where we are already walking in an embrace along a rural road. Then we stop, I kiss. This usually ended the dream.

    The second, slightly altered dream, begins precisely from the moment we are on the street, everything continues as in the first dream, however, after a kiss we all also go for a walk in the park in an embrace, smile and talk about something.

    Actually, that's all.

    Love consequences Water pain of a cat in a dream

    I recently broke up with a young man. It seems to be final. But I am always haunted by the feeling that everything is not over yet ... Recently I had a dream that he had brought me to one place where I used to be in my dreams, but alone. This place is kind of like a forest, but everywhere there is a river ... Stones ... It's very beautiful there ... The water is clear ... Shallow ... We walk on the water ... Suddenly he went somewhere ahead without waiting for me, I wanted to I dream to tell him that I’ve been here before, but he didn’t listen to me. It was already far away. Suddenly his friend came up to him. They were talking about something. I didn’t hear ... But I remember that it was not pleasant for me ... Then a friend came up to me. For a second I thought it was a girl. Then the young man's face was clearly expressed again. He told me something. I asked if we know each other. He said that he wanted to take a picture of me ... As I understood everything, in the nude ... The feeling was that my former boyfriend set me up and all this was just to lure me and bring me to a friend ... I felt that it was against me there was a conspiracy ... There was a continuation - but it doesn't matter ... And yesterday I had some kind of long dream ... But I clearly remember only that I was washing some light ginger cat! I remember that the wool got into my mouth ... What could that mean? I so want to understand all this ... Because it causes me a lot of pain ... Maybe I'm paranoid, but in my life I am haunted by signs that I do not understand about him. But I feel that something will happen again soon ...

    Love relationships in a dream

    I had a dream, as if in a dream I met my classmate in the house of my ex-girlfriend, in this house there is a party in which all my relatives are present. At this time, my classmate and I are trying to retire in the same room, but so that no one will notice or hear anything. We go to one bed, but it is too narrow and cramped. We kiss, it comes to sex, but at the most crucial moment he suddenly gets out of bed and says that we cannot do this. I try to persuade him to do this, but to no avail. I'm crying. Then I suddenly suddenly find myself in a big city, already with my second cousin, as if I'm in love with him, but he is not. We walk around the city, go to a cafe, sit down at a table, and resting my head on his shoulder, I fall asleep, and I feel that he is falling in love with me. Then he goes to his home, my mother comes up to me, and I lead her along the route along which we walked with my second cousin. But then I got lost, and I don't know where to go. Mom went somewhere, leaving me alone, I try to ask passers-by for directions to the station, but they all say different things. And I don't know who to believe.

    Dream love stories

    On the night from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream in which there were: Lera (me), Anya (my best friend), her boyfriend (Sasha), my ex-boyfriend (Misha, but in a dream, for some reason, he is my current boyfriend, although we were pretty long ago), Igor (friend with whom they recorded the track)

    In a dream, I was married to Misha

    We had love

    And everything was fine

    Anya and Igor recorded a track and after that Sasha began to notice that she was moving away from him. He was very worried

    And then I (Lera) find out that Anya is going to marry him because she thinks that he is more caring and what she was looking for

    And Sasha is her childhood affection ...

    And at Misha's birthday (there was Anya, I Igor, and Misha himself), we learn that Sasha is leaving for another country to work in a prestigious football club (in real life, he plays football)

    And he leaves with some girl ...

    And this girl is definitely our friend, but I cannot understand who she is ...

    Here is such a dream)

    Please explain where are these weaves of fate from?

    And in general about sleep

    I look forward to hearing

    A story from a life in a dream

    My large Jewish family (I want to note that I am Russian) was evicted to another city. We lived in a small apartment, in a house that looked more like a barrack than a house. I was slightly reddish with curly hair, short hair, and some kind of stupid brick-colored coat. Every evening the whole family went to the neighbors to watch television at 7 o'clock. And I was the last to take my sister out in a wheelchair and ran to the first floor myself. There lived a man with whom I ummm ... I spent time while his brother was in the next room. My brother had some serious business and he locked himself in, and we had free time. That evening I ran to him in my terrible coat wide open. My brother was already at home, I was about to go into the room, but this man stopped me in a small corridor and said looking somewhere at the wall that I no longer go to him. I didn’t say anything .. I remember his face, some sort of sharp-nosed and pockmarked. Why did I go to him and did not know myself ... I went out into the street. Rain, dark, I only reached the end of the house and stood there. It seemed to me that I was standing at the edge of the universe and life stopped and the world collapsed. There, one of my sisters found me and took me into the house. Before I woke up, I saw a cat that ran through the darkness into the entrance in front of us.

    A story in a dream

    I walk through a huge building, like GUM. On one side I walk, there is a space between us, on the other side my ex drives up in a car, I'm afraid that he is on the other, but an old woman gets out of the car, probably his grandmother. He calls out to me, but I don't seem to hear, he calls out several times, and in the end I turn as if I just saw. He realized that I was pretending, and expresses it to me. We are still separated by space (as in Gum). I all fly back and forth. And I see myself as in a mirror, though only the lower part of the body. But this part of the body is very attractive, I like myself, that is, my butt, hips. Then all sorts of things happen. And here again about him, I am standing on the side of the road, cars are passing by, and suddenly I see his car. But already when she drove by. I somehow virtually click on the button with the number of his car, and it’s like this button is on the car. But the car drives away, I was unable to stop him.

    The story of an airplane in a dream

    To begin with, in my life I have never flown in an airplane.

    In the dream there was me, some 2 guys and 2 girls. And tomorrow they were going to transport us to the USA for treatment. We sat together in the house, I did not know these people, but we communicated. One guy treated me to candy, I didn’t eat them, but left them.

    And now the next day and we are sitting on the plane. From that moment on, everything became as realistic as possible. The plane was at the airport, and now it started to move and went to accelerate. I feel how we are driving, then we take off, I remember everything in seconds, it was a little scary from habit, but then it became interesting. We fly and I see the sky in the stars, although I was just looking at the ceiling of the cabin. And then someone picks me up from the plane in the middle of the flight, as if this is really possible. For some reason, supposedly I did not finish something before leaving. And so I was somewhere on business and I heard the news about a plane crash, and it turned out to be the plane on which I flew. I understand that my acquaintances and the entire crew died, I begin to cry, and journalists appear next to me and take pictures of me, as if I am the only person who miraculously survived from the entire plane. I take out those lollipops that the guy gave me, it gets so bitter, but I share them with someone.

    A story about a village in a dream


    The dream was built in the form of a story by one person about the village. Having learned something new from history, I, sometimes he too, moved into these events. I did not remember my narrator or guide, but he was unfamiliar to me.

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Later, the village caught fire. The guide said that fires in this village are a tradition. During this fire, unnecessary houses, buildings, ANIMALS AND PEOPLE are burned. The puppies ran away somewhere, and I went to look for them. While I was looking, I examined the village, which was on fire. Crackling flames spread under the moonlit night sky. The guide continued the story. He argued that during this fire, residents by frog paths go to another place for a while. Frog paths are pretending to be FROGS. Uuuuf .... I remember, the puppies were found, and with them and the guide we walked along the path to the hospital. We abruptly hit the floor with some grandmother. It turned out to be a psychiatric hospital! They tried to burn this grandmother, as a result of which, she began to imagine herself as a frog. She was sitting ON THE SHELF and talking about some kind of apparatus. I don't remember which one. She spoke competently, in a well-posed speech and smiled amiably.

    Please explain.

    Thank you.

    (I will upload inappropriate artwork)

    I woke up ... It was another pointless day. The clock was 8.30 am. I went into the kitchen and made myself some strong coffee. I don’t know, stupid, caffeine never worked for me. This is probably a habit. I went and took a shower. Hurray, now at least a little cheered up! I got out of the shower and then the phone rang. I picked up the phone and heard a woman's voice, it was my mother.
    -Hi dear, how are you? - I looked at the clock, 9.15. As always. It was possible to adjust the clock according to my mother.
    “Okay mom, thanks…” I replied.
    - “How is Katya, what happened to you?” - I knew that she would ask. Katya, this is the girl I have been dating for 3 years. Everything seemed so perfect ... But she got tired of me and she found another. How stupid, he shone three years of his life to a man and gave her his heart, and she took and trampled him like a rag and wiped her feet on him ...
    - “There’s nothing to mothers, we didn’t fit each other” - yes, we are too different.
    - “Don't talk nonsense! Okay, son, you have to run, hello from your father. " “Mom is good for him too ...” I feel sorry for mom, she still thinks that he is alive. He died of a heart attack 2 years ago. The mother was in shock for 2 months. But, for her, he will always live in her heart.
    I hung up. He opened the curtains ... Large skyscrapers, noisy streets, thousands of people walking along their life path. Along a thin thread that can break off at any time. And it does not depend on the person, it depends on how the old lady decides to act.
    Immediately, the feeling of loneliness returned to me, which haunts me almost all my life. All my life I have searched and continue to search for my soul mate. I believe that my meaning in life is to seek happiness, and my happiness is my half. And Katya ... it was stupid, too stupid.
    I was already standing in front of the mirror, dressed, and straightening my tie. I hate these ropes that hang from almost every respected person in this city. History says that ties were worn by free people. Yes, since that time it has become a habit, but if I do not wear it, will I become a slave? No, this is one of the stupid things people do. This is a small thing, but stupid. Well, to hell with her.
    Time to go. I left the apartment and closed the door. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. Suddenly, I realized that it was not working. Maybe due to the fact that the button was not lit. Or maybe because there is a note on the door: “At the moment, the elevator is not working. Technical difficulites. We are sorry for the inconvenience. " And then the signature: "Administration". Okay, running up the stairs is good. Going down the stairs, I remembered how Katya and I climbed it, the same inscription was cheerful on the elevator doors. I must forget he is her! I must forget about her ... I repeated several times in my head. I walked out of the front door onto Main Street. And as always had to go through the Bridge of Kisses. But this would remind me of Katya even more. I decided to go around Harris Avenue. He entered the crowd and, like thousands of millions of people, walked along his own thin thread. The thread called life. I looked at the faces of those around me. Everyone has their own problems, their own concerns. There are people who are happy, content with their lot. But I do not envy them, ask why? The answer is simple. People blinded by their happiness do not see the sorrow, pain and fear that surrounds us all. Yes, fate does not give everyone a chance. But not everyone uses it, and some just don't see it.
    In our world, a world built on corruption and deceit, it is impossible to survive without money. In our world, money gives happiness, material happiness, but not spiritual. Spiritual happiness can be achieved, but you have to work very hard. Then you can be sure that you have not lived your life in vain.
    I passed a small jewelry store on Harris Avenue. And already having passed the fountain in the square, I saw the main entrance to the building in which I worked. There is a huge poster above the oars aisle: “3D design. New technologists! ”. Yes, this is where I work. The salary is not bad, so I am not complaining. I work as a 3D designer.
    Entering the hall, the first thing that you will notice is a huge robot that stands in the middle of the hall. It was a holographic projector. I came up with it. The toy is not bad. I got into the elevator and clicked on the 21st floor. My office was located there. Although I make most of my robots at home. At my computer. But it was necessary to select several layouts and submit several reports on the longitudinal robot. So far, only 1 person has met in the entire building. The building is like a huge anthill, but on a weekend (but not for me) there is almost no one here. Got out of the elevator and went straight to the boss's office. He sat in a huge chair and went through the reports.
    - "Good afternoon, sir" - I turned to him. He looked at me intently and put the papers on the edge of the table. It was hard to do. And it looked very funny. His table was simply huge and made in a very unusual style, and my boss is a small man, even very small, about one and a half meters.
    - “Good day Sergey, you are very early today. Well, okay, what's up with the project, how is the promotion? "Very good," I replied - "I can say almost finished. Give me at least two more days and I'll finish ... ”- he interrupted me.
    - "I give you exactly one day or you will not receive a salary."
    He said it rather softly, he knew perfectly well that if I tried, I could do it in a few hours.
    I went home. The way home was pretty calm, I didn't think much about anything, my only thought was to finish the project as soon as possible and fall into bed. But the project was not so easy to do.
    After a few hours in front of the computer, I finally finished the project. I'm completely exhausted. I was so tired that I even forgot to set the alarm. I fell asleep instantly.

    I was awakened by the ringing of the alarm clock. Strangely, I didn't turn it on. Well, okay, to hell with him. So I would have slept. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He took the kettle and turned on the tap, but ... but the water did not flow. Damn, they turned off the water again ?! He opened the refrigerator in order to at least take a sip of the mineral water, which he didn’t drink yesterday. But ... but the refrigerator was empty, and in addition there was no light. What the hell?! I looked at my watch, but it was still 8:30. The clock didn't work, so how did the alarm go off ?! Only now did I notice that the room was deadly still. The window was open, but I did not hear the noise of the cars and the city. I went over to the curtains. A drop of fear played in me. What can wait for me behind these curtains? Anything! I opened it ... But I didn't see anything like that there. Only the city. But, but empty. There was no one there. Only empty streets and cars. I became very scared. I didn't understand anything. Suddenly I died, I suddenly thought. Or is it just a dream? I hit myself on the cheek, but I felt pain. Strange ... I quickly put on my pants and left the apartment. There was a sign on the elevator: “THE ELEVATOR IS NO LONGER WHEN IT WILL NOT WORK! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCES ... ”, but then the inscription was overwritten as if it had been for several years, so I could not finish reading. I ran up the stairs. I was very scared. So I was already standing on the street, in only my pants. But, all around was empty. I screamed, but all I heard was my echo. Walking the streets, everything seemed so old to me, as if there had been no one here for several decades. A little expensive squeak fell asleep. Walking near the park, I noticed that everything was overgrown. It can be seen that someone was not following him. It was all like a horror movie. There is no more mysticism. So I wandered for several hours, at least it seemed to me so, But I never met anyone. Suddenly, passing the cafe, in which I often sat with Katya, I saw a cup on the table. A cup of something hot. I sat down at a table, took a cup and sniffed. The smell of strong coffee ... um. A very pleasant smell and all this is very strange. Not hesitating for a long time, but what to think and what to lose. I took a small sip. The coffee was fresh and very tasty. Suddenly, in the distance, there, near the fountain, I saw a silhouette, the outline of a man. I quickly got up and ran to him. As I almost ran up, I noticed that it was a girl, a very pretty girl. 26-30 years old I can't say so right away. Brown hair, brown eyes.
    - “Hello!” - I said - “What's going on, I overslept the end of the world? :)” - I said with a smile.
    -"Hey. I wanted to ask you this. Today I got up as usual, but ... everything is around, that is, there is nothing around ... "- she smiled," ... well, you understand me in my opinion ... ".
    - “Yes, in this I understand you, by the way, call me Sergei ...”.
    “And I’m Dasha, Dasha Nikolaevna, it’s nice to meet you.”
    She held out her hand. Rarely, when meeting, a girl holds out her hand to you.
    - “I have been wandering for several hours, but I can neither find nor understand anything. It is as if someone has not lived in this city for a long time ... "
    - "Yes, I already noticed it, it's all very strange."
    “Would you like some coffee?” I asked with a smile.
    - "If you offer, then I will not refuse."
    I took her to the cafe where I was sitting recently. We sat down at a table and I pushed a cup of coffee towards her. I'm not afraid to say that I really liked her, a girl like her, I could probably only meet in a dream ...
    - “The coffee is wonderful, I can't imagine how you got it, but in return I can offer you a bottle of cognac, which I found and almost drank it myself.” She smiled again.
    - “Of course, I will not refuse, only a fool would refuse” - we laughed.
    “Then send me home,” she said to me without taking a voice from me.
    -"OK, let's go…".
    We got up from the table and walked straight along the road.
    - "By the way, where do you live?" - I asked her
    “At No. 2 Neibolt Street. ”- without stopping to smile, she answered me.
    -"Yes? I live near, but I have never seen you. "
    - "I just moved, I haven't even had time to unpack the boxes."
    We walked for about 5 minutes. Quite a good area, there is little crime and apartments are not expensive. We went to her apartment. I sat down on the devan and waited for her to bring the brandy.
    We sat down on the sofa and drank a rather tasty cognac. The conversation was no longer about what had happened, but about us, about our life ... I don't know at what moment, but we got off the Devan and were already lying on the carpet together. I took her hand and looked into her eyes. So beautiful ... I kissed her, she looked into my eyes, and I looked into her. A gentle hug ... and a passionate kiss ... she whispered, "... I love you." I answered her in kind. And as soon as I once again touched her passionately burning lips ...
    … I woke up.
    I opened my eyes. NO! NO! NO!. Was it just a dream ?! No, no, no ... I jumped out of bed and threw open the curtains. The same noisy city filled with people. Well, everything was so real ?! I do not believe in this…
    I took a shower, the phone rang. No mom, I can't answer ... I got dressed and left the apartment, went to the elevator and pressed the button. He went. I went to the boss and gave the project. On the way I decided to go to the same cafe. He sat down at a table and took coffee.
    Opposite me, I saw a girl sitting with her back to me.
    - "DASHA, IS IT YOU?" I asked.
    The girl turned around (yes, brown hair, brown eyes, cute nose ...), looked at me and ....
    ... smiled ...

    If in a dream you feel strong and irresistible love for your chosen one, it means that in real life you will be cheerful, cheerful and satisfied with your position.

    A passionate and stormy manifestation of love in a dream portends that in reality you will be inspired by the successes achieved and this will give a new impetus to your creative abilities.

    For a woman to show in a dream a touching and tender love for her husband and children promises an unclouded family happiness and a house - a full cup.

    The dream in which you see your parents treating you with paternal love suggests that you will bring up a straightforward character and other positive traits and dignity in their image and likeness.

    For a woman in love, to see a dream in which she is driving in the car of her chosen one means loyalty to each other, despite all the vicissitudes of fate.

    If you fall in love with an eloquent talker in a dream, this suggests that in real life, superficial factors will play a fatal role in your life choices.

    If you dream that your husband is in love with another woman, such a dream should simply alert you and force you to diversify the style of your relationship with him in order to bring some element of novelty into it.

    If you dream that you have fallen in love with another man, it is true that such a dream is a reflection of your spiritual loneliness, despite the seemingly rich life.

    Showing love for animals in a dream speaks of your peace of mind, even if you are not inclined to agree with it; perhaps understanding of this will come later.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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    Dream interpretation - Love

    Experiencing a bright feeling of pure love: a very good sign that heralds a rich, interesting life for you. try not to lose this magical feeling after waking up, and then everything, whatever you undertake, will bring you success.

    To observe the platonic love of other people and sincerely rejoice for them: a sign of a special disposition of fate. Fortune promises to favor you.

    Touching love for animals in a dream: indicates a kind of disappointment in life, which gradually darkens your life and spoils relationships with people around you.

    At the same time, to experience a blinding passion of love for someone: portends serious difficulties in business and conflicts with others.

    Seeing love passion from the outside or becoming the object of someone's unwanted passion: a sign of events that can unsettle you and confuse all your plans. This dream portends unexpected difficulties that can greatly complicate your life.

    Interpretation of dreams from