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  • How to make juice from fresh apples. Apple juice with pulp for the winter

    How to make juice from fresh apples.  Apple juice with pulp for the winter

    The harvest of apples in our dachas is often so great that they have to be harvested for the winter. There are many options for blanks: it can be jam, jam, compote. One of the most delicious preparations is apple juice. At home, making a healthy drink from apples is not difficult at all.

    clarified drink

    To make apple juice, some simple equipment is required, but summer residents, as a rule, must have in their household electric juicer one design or another. To know how to properly prepare this delicious product, just read a couple of instructions, and you can safely get down to business:

    The blanks obtained by the described method can be stored at room temperature for several years.

    Making juice with pulp

    If there is no juicer at home, it doesn’t matter: you can easily find a lot of recipes on how to make apple juice in this case. True, it will not be light, but the most important elements for the body are present in the pulp, they are especially important in baby food.

    1. It is advisable to choose apples of sweet varieties and sort them out carefully.
    2. Apples are washed under the tap with warm water.
    3. Cut as finely as possible into an enamel pan.
    4. Fill with water so that the apples are completely covered with it.
    5. Slowly heat up, stirring constantly, until the apples soften and begin to choke easily with a slotted spoon or spoon.
    6. The fire is turned off and the product is given to cool slightly.
    7. Everything is rubbed through a sieve, while removing the peel.
    8. Prepare, as usual, jars and lids: wash, sterilize.
    9. Grated apples, now looking like liquid porridge, are heated in a saucepan to a boil, poured into jars, rolled up, turned upside down for 10-12 hours, covered with a towel.

    The product obtained in this way, of course, is “an amateur”, but it is even more useful than clarified one.

    Using a juicer

    In addition to juicers, a certain juice cookers are popular with housewives that work in a completely different way. In this device, sliced ​​apples are processed with water vapor during the cooking process, which extracts the juice from the fruit. The preparation of raw materials for a juice cooker is absolutely identical to that in the case of using a conventional saucepan. Sliced ​​apples are placed in the mesh part of the juice cooker, and water is poured onto its bottom. The unit is put on fire or connected to the electrical network (there are various models).

    In most models, the resulting juice is drained into a receiving container through a silicone hose. The whole process takes from one and a half to three hours, depending on the size and quality of the juicer. As a rule, the product turns out even lighter than on a juicer. Its rolling into jars is no different from that described above.

    Blended types of drink

    Here are the main ways to make apple juice. Usually at the same time as apples in the garden ripen and other fruits. Almost any of them can be mixed with apples and blends can be prepared not only from a mixture of fruits, but also from apples with some vegetables, such as carrots or pumpkin. It should only be remembered that some juices do not contain enough acids, and therefore they are poorly stored at home.

    So, to apples you can almost add currants, carrots, raspberries, cherries in any ratio. But pears should not be put a lot: depending on how sour the apples are, pears can be from 10 to 25%. Otherwise, you will have to add, for example, citric acid to the blend. You should not add too much apricots, especially if you want to prepare clarified juice: it is unrealistic to make it transparent using apricots.

    Thus, the answer to the question of how to make apple juice is very simple: this technology is available to anyone who has minimal kitchen skills and loves to prepare food for the winter.

    There are many different ways to store apples for the winter. From summer varieties, you can make mashed potatoes, jam, they are also dried. Such fruits are not very suitable for juice, as they differ in a small amount of moisture. For this reason, for this purpose, it is best to use late varieties, which are much juicier. And, of course, it is advisable to process your own, homemade apples, although you can also choose good store ones. And now we will look at how to roll up on our own and how to save it for the winter.

    general information

    Many can remember how in the nineties of the last century they dragged sacks of apples from dachas and shops to their apartments and turned the latter into canning shops for some time. Given that there was only one variety of fruit on sale, most often they prepared juice of one variety - from 30-40 liters. Now the time has come that you can buy everything and inexpensively, but the habit of harvesting vegetables and fruits for future use has remained, perhaps not in such huge quantities. After all, no store purchase will ever replace real, home-made apple juice.

    For the winter, this is a very useful product, both for children and adults - especially those who are engaged in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, the process of harvesting juice is not the fastest and not the easiest, but it's worth it. Moreover, modern equipment will provide maximum assistance. We proceed directly to the story of how to roll up apple juice.

    The first version of the preparation of apple juice

    We will need: juicer, apples, lids, jars, slotted spoon, gauze, rolling machine, tweezers, preservation thermometer. Here is the step by step recipe:

    Another option on how to roll up freshly squeezed apple juice

    Modern cooking offers us more than one way to accomplish our task. The only thing they have in common is that you need to choose fruits carefully: they must be undamaged and always ripe. Proportions and ingredients depend on the desired result and on the variety of apples. After all, you can prepare juice clarified and with pulp. To get an unforgettable aroma of the drink, adjust, combine different varieties of fruits at your discretion. Thus, it is possible to get completely new tastes that could surprise even people who are very demanding on drinks.

    Experts in this industry argue that it is wrong to harvest juice using only slightly acidic apples, since the result of such work, among other things, will not meet the required quality requirements. The most favorable varieties for making a drink are: pear, anise, titovka and winter parmen. If you are interested in how to roll up apple juice after a juicer in other ways, the information below is for you.


    Squeeze the fruits cut into slices in a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into an enameled or glass dish. To prevent oxidation and further browning, it is advisable to add a little lemon juice. We need a large pot. After squeezing, pour the future drink from the dishes, without heating, into jars and cover with lids. We put them in a saucepan and fill with warm water to the neck. We heat the water to a temperature of 85 degrees, reduce the heat and, maintaining the temperature, the time depends on their size: 20 minutes for one-and-a-half-liter and 30 minutes for two-three-liter ones. With the help of a towel folded several times or a thick tack, we carefully take out the hot jars one by one and immediately roll them up. Mastered another way how to roll up apple juice.

    Recipe for apple juice without a juicer

    A natural and tasty drink can be obtained without much effort and without a juicer. We will need fruits with light flesh and necessarily sour taste. In this case, sugar and water are not required. We cut the fruits into several parts and pass through a juicer or meat grinder.

    The resulting pulp is squeezed with gauze, the remaining pulp is sent to a saucepan filled with water (the ratio is two liters per 10 kg), soaked for six hours, heated and squeezed again. Let's move on to the next step. We brew a drink: heat the liquid to 80-90 degrees, hold for five minutes and pour into jars. We boil the lids in a water bath and roll up the resulting nectar. At home, you can cook without pasteurization by slightly increasing the temperature of the water to boil the jars. In this case, for additional sterilization, they need to be rolled up with lids and turned upside down. Apple juice for the winter is ready.

    Juice recipes with sugar and pulp

    If you want to prepare nectar with sugar, then the technology is similar to the previous one, only at the second stage, take 70% sugar syrup and add it to the juice. Syrup can be obtained either from secondary juice or from sugar. The proportion is as follows: for one liter you need one hundred grams of sugar and 150 ml of syrup. Now we will describe another version of how apple juice is made. Recipe for a drink with pulp: we pass fruits through a meat grinder two or three times, moreover, through a small cell. It is necessary to prevent the darkening of the outgoing mass, for which we add ascorbic acid to it.

    The ratio is as follows: for 10 kg of fruit you need 10 grams of acid. You should already know well how to properly roll up apple juice, do not forget to pasteurize it only. By the way, the more crushed and homogeneous the resulting mass is, the tastier the juice will be, and its storage will be longer.

    Another way to make an apple drink

    Apple juice can also be prepared in a juice cooker, but since in this case you need to have good quality equipment and certain skills, we will not describe the process. Just follow the recipe exactly and strictly maintain the temperature regime, and everything will work out. With our next method, we will use and you will learn how to prepare and how to roll up freshly squeezed apple juice in this case. Let's do it quickly and easily. To improve the taste and color, you can combine our drink with blueberry, grape or chokeberry juice. Necessary products: apples, if desired - granulated sugar, and for washing cans - baking soda. Necessary utensils: juicer, saucepan, colander, metal lids, glass jars, seamer.


    Cooking apple juice. The recipe is next. My fruit, cut and pass through a juicer. Let the squeezed juice settle, then filter through two or three layers of gauze.

    The resulting drink is poured into a saucepan and brought to 95 degrees over high heat. At the same time, we constantly remove the foam, thus brightening the juice. Strain the hot drink through cheesecloth again and bring it almost to a boil. Pour into jars and roll up. Then upside down - and to cool. Having mastered well how to roll up apple juice, in winter we will get a very healthy drink, which, due to the presence of potassium, normalizes cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the removal of radionuclides. Apple fasting days will help with obesity.

    Find the best reliable recipes for apple juice for the winter in the richest collection of culinary super ideas site. Try classic and mixed variations of natural juice, make a drink with or without sugar. Try a pasteurization or sterilization technique. Treat your loved ones with unforgettable pleasure!

    For making juice from apples, juicy winter varieties are best suited: Semerenko, Antonovka, Pear or Anise. The juice from these fruits can be mixed. So the taste of the final product will be more interesting. To prepare the drink, you should take ripe fruits without damaged areas or wormholes. As a last resort, all suspicious places should be carefully removed. The easiest way to squeeze the juice is with a juicer or cook in a juicer. But if these helpers are not available, then the drink can be obtained using a meat grinder with a special nozzle.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in apple juice recipes for the winter:

    Interesting recipe:
    1. Wash ripe juicy apples. Cut into slices.
    2. Squeeze the juice in any convenient way (with a juicer, a meat grinder with a nozzle or manually).
    3. Strain. Pour liquid into a saucepan.
    4. Add sugar to taste.
    5. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
    6. Boil for 12-15 minutes, carefully removing the resulting foam.
    7. Pour hot apple juice into sterile jars.
    8. Sterilize according to the volume of jars.
    9. Seal tightly.
    10. Leave under the “fur coat” (warm blanket, blanket, etc.) until completely cooled.
    11. Store in a cool place (preferably in the cellar).

    The five fastest apple juice recipes for the winter:

    Helpful Hints:
    . To prepare juice, it is desirable to use enameled or stainless steel dishes.
    . Apple juice can be mixed and harvested not only from different varieties of apples, but also with juices from other fruits and vegetables.
    . From the pulp of squeezed apples, you can cook wonderful compotes or fillings for baking.

    In terms of its popularity and usefulness, apple nectar ranks first among all known juices. And besides, it goes well with many fruit or berry juices, even carrot juice. How to preserve apple juice? Consider some popular and commonly used juice options with the addition of different fruits. Preserving apple juice is a fascinating activity.

    This product is the base for the production of all mixed juices. Apples can be sour, sweet, red or green, but always ripe. Depending on the variety of apples, you can add sugar (1 tablespoon per 500 milliliters of juice) or do without it if the raw material is sweet enough. At home, juice is almost always obtained with pulp, concentrated. In winter, before use, it is diluted with boiled water. The product is part of baby food.


    • apples - 3 kg;
    • sugar - 50 gr.

    How to make apple juice for the winter?

    1. We sort the apples, discard the spoiled ones, cut into slices, remove the core and pass through the juicer. The resulting liquid comes out very cloudy and must be filtered through a flannel cloth or several layers of gauze. This will help remove excess debris.
    2. If you do not have a juicer, then pass the prepared pieces of apples through a meat grinder. Then collect the pulp in a canvas bag and put it under the press.
    3. Next, pour the liquid into an enameled pan and bring to a temperature of 85 degrees, but do not boil.
    4. Pour the hot product into prepared jars, loosely cover with metal lids and sterilize. Depending on the capacity of the jar, the sterilization time can be from 12 to 20 minutes.

    Also, many housewives prepare delicious homemade apples from apples, the recipes of which we have prepared especially for you on our website.

    Apple juice through a juicer with the addition of a pear

    Apple-pear juice is a dessert for daily consumption. It has a tonic effect and improves the metabolism in the body.

    A juice cooker is a common kitchen tool for gardeners who harvest a generous harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables from year to year, and with large volumes of processing, an assistant is indispensable. With the help of a juicer, we get a product that does not need to be heated, but poured into jars and immediately corked. The juice cooker works on the principle of a double boiler, where chopped fruits are steamed. The juicer is easy to clean, unlike the juicer mesh. She works silently. Modern juicers are electric and work on the hob.


    • apples - 3 kg;
    • pears - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 150 gr.

    How to make apple juice at home:

    1. We thoroughly wash the fruits, cut out the spoiled places, seed boxes and cut into small cubes. Then we lay out the cubes in a pan - a grid.
    2. Pour cold water into the lower container of the unit, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then we install a saucepan to collect juice, we install a grid with apples and pears on it. If the apples are sour varieties, then you can sprinkle a little sugar. Close the juicer with a lid, and close the silicone hose. Let the juice boil for an hour.
    3. At this time, you can prepare and sterilize jars and lids.
    4. After an hour, we open the lids of the juice cooker, crush the boiled fruits a little, put the jars under the hose, open the tap and fill the warm jars with a hot product. Next, tightly cork with metal lids and cool. The juice is much clearer than in a juicer.

    The remaining pulp can be used as a filling for pies and marmalade. With the same success, you can put halves of sweet plums instead of pears. It will be great too.

    From the remaining apples, you can cook another excellent preparation for the winter, which both children and adults like -.

    Apple juice - raspberry

    Apple-raspberry juice is useful in winter not only as a tasty vitamin drink, but also as an antipyretic, it can be used instead of raspberry jam at a temperature.


      • Apple juice - 60%;
      • raspberry juice - 40%;

    For raspberry juice;

    • raspberries - 1 kg;
    • water - 200 ml.

    How to make apple juice at home:

    1. Apples for juice can be taken of sour varieties, we process apple juice in a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a bowl and prepare raspberry juice.
    2. To do this, sort out the raspberries, discard the unripe ones. We spread the berries in a colander and dip it three times in a bucket of salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 5 liters of water). The fact is that in ripe raspberries there may be raspberry bugs and they float in salted water. Then put the raspberries in a saucepan, knead with a wooden pestle, fill with water and warm up, but do not boil. Then we pass the raspberries through a sieve. We stand the resulting juice for 15 minutes, after which we add it to the apple juice.
    3. Then we bring the mixture to 85 degrees, pour into jars, sterilize and cork.

    Apple-carrot juice

    The drink contains a large amount of vitamins A, C and group B. It is included in dietary and sports nutrition.


    • apples - 1.5 kg;
    • carrots - 1 kg.

    How to make apple juice at home for the winter:

    1. Preparing apples.
    2. Peel and wash the carrots, cut them into small pieces.
    3. We first pass the apples through the juicer, pour the apple juice from the juicer, and then pass the carrots.
    4. We mix the juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, removing the resulting foam from the surface
    5. Then we pack it in jars and sterilize it without fail, then cork it, cover it with a blanket and cool it for about a day.

    Apple and apricot juice

    A difficult and time consuming recipe. The product is part of baby food. The juice has a mild laxative effect, and in general, it is very tasty and the kids drink it with pleasure.


      • apple juice - 50%,
      • apricot juice - 50%

    For apricot juice:

      • apricot puree - 2 liters;
      • sugar syrup - 1 liter.

    For syrup:

    • sugar - 250 gr.,
    • water - 1 liter.

    If you run apricots through a juicer, you will get too much waste. It's good if you live in the south, where apricots grow and bring a good harvest. And, if you are residents of the North or Siberia, where only imported fruits come. It is necessary to use this wonderful fruit to the fullest, minimizing waste.

    How to prepare apple juice with pulp for the winter with the addition of apricots:

    1. For juice, we take ripe or overripe apricots. We sort out the fruits, remove the wormy, spoiled and stalks. Then rinse, break in half and remove the bone.
    2. We spread the apricots in a saucepan, fill with water, at the rate of 1 cup per 2 kilograms of apricots. After that, boil the fruit until softened. Then we wipe the boiled apricots through a sieve or colander. The resulting puree is diluted with boiled sugar syrup, mix and boil for 10 minutes.
    3. Apples, preferably sour varieties, are processed and passed through either a juicer or a meat grinder. The resulting juice is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into apricot and heated to the desired temperature, like ordinary apple juice.
    4. Next, pour into jars, sterilize and seal tightly.

    We get a rather concentrated and thick product, which, preferably, should be closed in jars with a capacity of 0.5 - 1.0 liters, no more.

    You can give this juice to children from 6 months. Better if diluted with plenty of water. There are children who do not drink water, but they will drink water with juice.

    Apple juice with blackcurrant

    In this recipe, you will learn how to make apple juice at home for the winter. This drink is more suitable for a festive table. Blackcurrant, with its unique aroma, makes it unique. Serve it on its own as a dessert. With the addition of champagne, rum, liqueur or cognac, exquisite low-alcohol cocktails are obtained. Juice is often used to make smoothies, jelly, which is served in portioned vases.

    As a rule, this juice is prepared in small quantities. Since currants give their juice hard, the juicer is used only for processing apples.


    • apple juice - 75%,
    • currant - 25%

    How to make apple juice with pulp at home:

    1. Squeeze apples through a juicer.
    2. We process blackcurrant, remove twigs and overripe fruits.
    3. We wash the berries, put them in a basin, knead with a wooden pestle, pour a little water and put on fire. We boil the mass for several minutes, then cool it, spread it on several layers of gauze and manually squeeze out the liquid.
    4. Then pour currant juice into apple juice and heat to the desired temperature.
    5. Packed in jars and preserved in the usual way.

    From the remaining berries, you can also prepare, which will decorate your dining table and your household will like it.

    Let's summarize. Apple juice prepared at home is many times healthier than what is sold in stores. Apples are a versatile fruit. They are grown all over Russia, all you need is a desire and you can make a wonderful dessert drink using additives from any fruit that your region is rich in.

    Natural freshly squeezed juice is always useful. And to make it available all year round, it is recommended to harvest apple juice for the winter using a juicer. For its preparation, juicy sweet varieties of apples are taken: the fruits must be even, whole, without damage and disease. Most often, varieties such as Anis, Grushovka, Glory to the winners, Malinovka and other sweet and sour-sweet apples are used. You can combine varieties.

    Apple juice for the winter from a juicer: a quick and healthy recipe


    • Apples (5 kg);
    • Sugar (enough and 100g).

    Preparing apple juice is similar to preparing tomato juice for the winter, only we add sugar instead of salt. The selected fruits are washed and cleaned from the seed box without fail, since if there are seeds in the juice, it can ferment and deteriorate. Cut into 4 parts, apples can be sent to the juicer.

    So that the juice does not darken after squeezing, you can squeeze a little lemon juice into it (a quarter of the fruit per 1 liter of juice). Also, when squeezing fruit, a lot of foam is formed - it can be removed immediately, or later during cooking. But do not rush to throw away the remaining cake, it can be used to make delicious pancakes, applesauce, marshmallow or marmalade.

    All the resulting juice is put on medium heat in an enamel bowl and heated to 95 ° C. If there is no kitchen thermometer, then you need to bring the juice until the first small bubbles appear around the perimeter of the pan and immediately turn it off.

    Attention! Juice should not boil, as useful substances and vitamins are quickly destroyed when boiled.

    Sugar is added if desired, but it is not required. If the apples are not too sour, then it is better to leave the drink natural, without additives. Juice can be stored in traditional jars and bottles, or in clean glass bottles with a cork. The selected containers, along with the lids, are washed with baking soda. After the containers are washed, we send them to be sterilized for a couple or in an oven preheated to 100-120 ° for 10 minutes.

    After the jars are sterilized, ready-made hot juice is poured into still warm containers and closed with screw caps or corked. Everything, natural, very healthy and tasty juice is ready. Store it in the cellar, basement or in the pantry of the apartment. The main thing is that the place is cool and dark. Such juice is stored up to 2 years.

    Note! The resulting apple juice in a juicer for the winter is quite concentrated, so it can be diluted with boiled cold or mineral water before drinking. This is especially true for people who have stomach diseases against the background of high acidity.