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  • Long distance relationships: how to save? Long Distance Relationships: Save or End? How to kindle love from a distance.

    Long distance relationships: how to save?  Long Distance Relationships: Save or End?  How to kindle love from a distance.


    In the last article, you read how to bring passion back into a relationship. Today I will tell you how to keep love at a distance.

    Did you get into a long distance relationship? Of course, if you are not around, keeping a girl is not easy. If you really understand that she is what you need, it's worth a try.

    Love at a distance is not an easy task. Both of you will need to be patient and remember why you started all this.

    There are several effective ways that will help maintain relationships at a distance, which I will tell you about in this article.

    Try to stay close:

    1. Stay connected.

    Due to the fact that you will rarely see each other in person, it will be very important for you to establish a strong emotional connection with your girlfriend.

    From all these little things, then an ideal relationship is formed. If you know how to use this knowledge.

    In addition, you will definitely know what to give because you will study it.

    5. Build relationships on trust.

    It is clear that no normal relationship is possible without trust. Especially if it's a long distance relationship.

    You should try to earn the trust of the girl as much as possible and not let her down.

    Don't think that since she can't see you, you can do whatever you want. Be honest about your plans, even the ones she might not like.

    This is much better than the lies that will only get bigger.

    6. Loyalty and devotion are the basis of everything.

    Your girlfriend should be sure that you are not cheating on her. And you, accordingly, should not give her a reason to think about it.

    You understand perfectly well how important loyalty and devotion at a distance are. When she can't just pick up and come.

    Try not to let the girl down, be as sincere as possible with her and not lie. In turn, demand the same behavior from her.

    Discuss expectations and limits with the girl:

    1. Discuss your relationship.

    You need to discuss which relationship format is right for you. What do you both want and expect from them, what are your requirements and wishes.

    Because when such things are found out at the beginning, then unpleasant surprises from each other can be avoided.

    It is very important to understand that such a conversation must take place. You need to at least approximately understand what will happen next. Who will be able to move to whom and how long will it take.

    Be sure to talk about these moments, because you may want and expect completely different things from each other.

    2. Discuss your fears.

    You must understand that you should not only talk about pleasant things. But also about what causes you difficulties, insecurity or fear.

    It’s clear that you don’t want her to know about your weaknesses at all. And it is important for you to appear before her in the best light.

    But, if you are set for a serious relationship, then as soon as you start living together, all the unpleasant moments will come out on their own. It would be better to warn about everything in advance.

    3. Set rational expectations.

    You must not forget that relationships require hard work anyway. You have to pay attention to your girlfriend and take care of her. Even when you are far apart.

    You need to understand that many difficulties will await you. Much more than couples who live together. But if you learn to cope with such difficulties, in the future your relationship will only become stronger.

    You must understand that sometimes circumstances are to blame that you are not yet able to change. And this means that now you must squeeze the maximum out of the situation and not give up.

    Business trips, internships at remote enterprises, training courses abroad, contract work in another city or even another country - all these are quite common realities.

    Of course, this does not mean that going through separation will be easy and simple. You need to use a ready-made psychological strategy or develop your own so that parting for a while does not turn into permanent separation for you.

    For honest love, even the smallest distance is too long,
    but even the greatest distance is surmountable.
    Hans Nouveau

    Relationships at a distance: PLUSES and MINUSES

    "Pity, you are not here!" - this phrase reflects the essence of relationships at a distance.

    Being thousands of kilometers apart, people show boundless trust in a partner who they have never seen in reality, have great hope for a meeting, spend a lot of time talking on the phone and Skype, chatting in social networks.

    Such relationships can last for several years, more and more assuring partners at a distance that their feelings are eternal.

    In 10% of cases of love at a distance, lovers actually meet in reality, but only in 2% of cases they remain with each other for a more or less long time.

    Why do people so stubbornly believe in love at a distance?

    Relationships at a distance: a few pros

    • Love at a distance is a convenient thing. In order to print and send a couple of lines over the network to your soulmate, you do not need to carve out scarce free time;
    • no need to put yourself in order for hours - beautiful photographs taken in advance replace both a living partner;
    • expenses are minimal - for communication, because rarely anyone dares to send gifts to the other end of the world, and even more so money. In addition, you do not need to pay for an apartment and utilities (most often, fans of love at a distance live with relatives);
    • fans of love at a distance are spared from the daily routine - it is thanks to this that their relationship lasts so long. Only romance, love and euphoria. No socks all over the apartment, taking out the brain and garbage, going to supermarkets.
    • On the Internet, people often dare to share very intimate things, this connects even more. At such large distances, the protective barrier - the boundary of personal space - does not work. If lovers at a distance say that they know each other better than anyone in the world, they are more likely to be right than wrong.
    • love at a distance is fanned by a special romance. Loving at a distance is fashionable. Not infrequently, partners remain partners only to spite all the skeptics, whose voices begin to sound in their heads when the relationship has lasted long enough.
    • The opportunity to send your soulmate a couple of stickers, beautiful pictures and sensual melodies more than compensates for the lack of gifts and meetings in a cafe. Oddly enough, people enjoy virtual signs of attention no less than real ones.

    Relationships at a distance: a few "AGAINST"

    Skeptics are right about long-distance love in many ways, for example:
    • Physical contact means a lot. And it just does not exist in long-distance relationships. It's not even so much about sex (although it is also about it). Without touch, body smell, the feeling that a loved one is near, love at a distance - a set of symbols, although with a very romantic meaning. Words do not warm like the warmth of a loved one.
    • The absence of this warmth often pushes lovers to cheat. And while their heart still belongs to a distant partner, it won't be for long. Soon physical affection will outweigh terabytes of love messages.
    • No matter how much a person tells about himself, he will never tell about his facial expressions, about his gestures, as well as about subconscious motives. He just doesn't know about it. And if he thinks he knows, then his information on this subject is incomplete at best.
    • In photographs and videos, people look different than in reality. Usually much better, precisely due to the fact that even the most modern cameras have a lower resolution than the human eye. The camera simply hides minor defects in appearance from lovers.
    • Peer pressure also plays a role. Only the strongest feelings and the most stubborn people are able to resist him. In the end, under the pressure of friends and relatives, lovers begin to suspect each other of betrayal or cooling of feelings.
    • The absence of a routine does a disservice to lovers. Spoiled by romance, they are completely unprepared for everyday difficulties. A banal difference in views on the order in the house can kill almost any love.

    The lists of "FOR" and "AGAINST" relationships at a distance can be continued indefinitely. But the decisive word on the question of the existence of love at a distance still belongs to lovers - it is up to them to decide whether to refute all the arguments of skeptics or join the ranks of the army of those disappointed in love at a distance.

    But everyone who dared to let such love into their hearts needs to be prepared for great difficulties and be able to maintain such relationships for a long time.

    Anything can be a ritual, from cycling to grocery shopping. The main thing is that the time matches for you and for him, and so that you can later discuss whether you liked breakfast, how many kilometers you managed to cover while jogging, etc.

    6. Don't try to control your partner's every move.

    Firstly, it is unrealistic, and therefore does not make sense. Second, it's very annoying.

    Sooner or later, the guy will have a thought: if she controls my every step for so many kilometers, what will happen when I return? Will he follow me like a ponytail? Track me down? Hire a detective? Do I need it?

    7. Make good use of your time apart

    No need from morning to evening to shed tears and feel sorry for your beloved. Do something that you haven't had time for in a long time. Read a book, sign up for a pool or a fitness center, learn how to cook deliciously, master oriental dances. Lots of options. After all, you have freed up a lot of time that you used to spend with your loved one. So put it to good use. Imagine surprising him with your toned figure or culinary talents when he returns.

    8. Don't let your interest fade away

    Men are known to love with their eyes. It’s not enough for them to just talk on the phone, especially when there are a lot of unfamiliar and, quite possibly, pretty girls around. Therefore, do not forget to send mms to the guy or post your photos on social networks, showing yourself from the best side - in beautiful outfits, with makeup, hair, etc.

    Quite candid photos would be quite appropriate (if your relationship has already gone beyond the candy-bouquet period) in sexy lingerie or without it at all. Of course, such photos should be shown only in private communication. Skype video calls are another great opportunity to stir up interest in yourself.

    There are many options for how to do this - it is worth showing imagination.

    How to keep a long distance relationship with a girl

    Not all guys know how to maintain a relationship at a distance with their beloved. Indeed, this is a difficult task, but if you really love your soul mate, then she will be up to you. So, long distance relationships - how to save love?

    1. Don't Forget Romance in Relationships

    Daily calls are, of course, good. But they are not enough to save the relationship. Do romantic deeds - order flowers for delivery, pay for dinner for your loved one in your city, send a small gift by mail. It is better if it is unexpected - such a gift is doubly pleasant.

    2. Use different ways to communicate

    Email, video calls, even paper letters are all good additions to regular phone calls. Communication at a distance does not happen much, especially for a girl who now feels abandoned and alone. Don't let her be sad.

    3. Come to each other

    If you have the opportunity to visit a girl, be sure to use it. Of course, you can set the order of trips to each other, but other things being equal, it would be better if it was you who went on the road. Of course, there may be exceptions - for example, if you are on a business trip in Paris, and not in Magadan. Any girl will fly to the capital of France with pleasure, not really worrying about the difficulties of the journey.

    4. Be patient

    Girls are jealous, emotionally unstable, excitable, whiny. And all these traits can become aggravated in separation from a loved one, when there is no one to hug, reassure, pity. Take it easy. Now it is not easy for both of you, but it is you who are the strong half in your pair.

    5. Do not shy away from discussing joint plans

    Even if it seems ridiculous and inappropriate for you to discuss at the beginning of autumn where you will go on vacation next summer, do not deny your beloved the pleasure of dreaming. After all, this is the time when you will be together. If you are going to get married, then get ready for endless discussions of dress, costume, wedding ceremony and venue.

    You can plan anything you want - even the joint purchase of an apartment and the number of children you want to have. Believe me, this is really important for your girlfriend - common plans bring together, reduce the distance between you and help maintain relationships.

    6. Take an interest in the life you love

    You don’t need to get your girlfriend with constant questions about where she was, what she did, why she didn’t answer the call right away. But you should not be completely indifferent to her life - ask her about friends, old and new, events in life, say how much you love her and how you envy all those who are now next to her. Remember, women love with their ears.

    7. Give gifts

    You don't have to buy expensive jewelry. Although, if you have such a financial opportunity, you can stop at this option. But even cute trinkets, teddy bears, pendants will show your girlfriend that you do not forget about her, and will remind you of you during the hours of separation.

    8. Be there

    Even though you are separated by miles, your girlfriend should know that you can always be relied upon. If she ends up in the hospital or some other trouble happens to her, you must drop everything and immediately rush to the rescue. Perhaps she will understand if you fail to do this. But a crack in the relationship, as well as a hidden resentment, will appear. In addition to everything listed above, psychologists advise - treat separation as an opportunity to slowly think about your relationship.

    At a distance, it usually becomes more obvious whether your feelings are as strong as you thought. Are you willing to wait to meet this person instead of starting a relationship with a new boyfriend or girlfriend? And if you are ready, then for what reason - because you cannot imagine a relationship with anyone else, or because you are afraid to start a new relationship, even if the existing ones do not suit you very much.

    It has always been so that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.
    Gibran Kahlil Gibran


    Testing love by distance is not such a bad way to find out if you are really dating your soul mate, with whom it is worth creating and maintaining a relationship for many years.

    Sometimes it is the miles that separate you that kindle feelings that were barely smoldering. Or vice versa, extinguish them. From this point of view, it is worth considering separation not as a punishment, but as a gift from heaven.

    Bad reputation. I'm sure each of you will be able to remember a dozen such stories. And most certainly didn't end well. What else can long-distance relationships teach, besides the ability to live alone and fall asleep in a cold bed?

    PHOTO Riccardo Tinelli

    I'll start with myself. When I told my husband what I was writing about, he laughed nervously. We have been together for 9 years, of which 4.5 years we lived in different countries. First, our common Moscow, then my 3.5-year internship in England, then his work in Germany ... For the last year and a half we have been living together and almost never part. Finally, and hopefully forever. These were difficult years, but I am sure that it was they who helped two still very young people (we met at the age of 20) to maintain relationships at a distance, not to run away, not to break into life, which separated dozens of our familiar couples. Focusing on yourself, your studies, jobs and interests - was it hard? Yes. Have there been moments of despair? What more! However, it was a wonderful time in its own way, with random dates, unforeseen flights, letters, cards and packages, small-town meetings, and falling asleep in front of an open Skype window. It would be a shame to condemn this relationship simply because the circumstances were not in our favor and we could not live together.

    Subsequently, while undergoing psychotherapy, I realized that it was thanks to this experience that my husband and I felt quite early that any relationship is a big job, and not just a boundless feeling. Long-distance relationships cannot be left to chance. Every day, both people need to put something into their relationship: finding the time to connect, finding the right words of encouragement, adjusting schedules and schedules. That is why psychologists believe that relationships that have passed the test of distance, most likely, will withstand any trouble.

    3.7% of the Russian population are in a long-distance relationship, in the US the figure is higher - 4.3%

    Where do legs grow from?

    Researchers from the American Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships (yes, imagine there is one!) Blame the economy and the Internet for the emergence of a huge number of separated lovers. The conclusion is, in general, obvious: the increasing mobility of the labor force does not have the best effect on the quality of personal life and makes a great contribution to the treasury of the long-distance relationship. Like numerous dating sites: every year, tens of thousands of people around the world find each other on the Internet, despite geography.

    Students who for the sake of studying leave their first (or maybe second) great love and leave for other cities and countries are also at risk. The ease with which people move around the world and take on projects in different parts of the globe has led to the emergence of the phenomenon of distant marriage, or, as sociologists call it, the distant family. At the moment, in Russia, such families make up about 6% of the total number of married couples, and their number is only growing every year. The difference between such marriages and "traditional" ones is that the spouses do not live together (usually because of work), maintaining a tender romantic relationship and not intending to divorce.

    Gossip and affection

    A reasonable question: why do some couples can not stand separation, while others do not care? Is it possible to predict which couple will cope with long-distance relationships, and which will fall apart? According to psychologists Lee and Karol Pistol from the American University of Purdue, this is quite real. The fact is that our relationships with others are most influenced by the pattern of attachment that we formed in childhood, communicating with parents and family members.

    People with the so-called secure attachment style are self-confident, they do not need confirmation of their own attractiveness and worth from other people, they are able to balance independence and closeness in relationships. Such people (I would even say, superhumans) are not afraid of loneliness, they are comfortable alone with themselves, and therefore their attitude towards a partner is unchanged, regardless of whether he is nearby or thousands of kilometers away.

    If a person is characterized by an anxious or avoidant type of attachment, then far from loved ones it is terribly hard for him. Without constant approval and confirmation of love, such people wither and begin to go crazy. When a loved one is far away, "anxious" types head first into self-criticism, and then begin to look for flaws in a partner and relationships in general. They are as sensitive as possible to the difficulties that inevitably appear in a long-distance relationship, and the absence of a loved one for them is tantamount to losing themselves.

    After conducting a study among 600 people who have had long-distance relationships, psychologists have calculated that those couples where at least one partner has a secure attachment hold the blow. But what if both of you are not yet wise enough and experienced enough to not worry and doubt at all? First of all, realize that from the moment you say goodbye at the airport and the silver-winged plane leaves only a shadow on the ground, you can no longer control anything. This is generally an addiction, for that matter, and in ordinary, traditional ways. But from a distance it is like death. Any attempt to control increases anxiety, excites an unhealthy fantasy, covers with a veil of doubts and fears. And as a result, you have less and less energy, time and attention for love - the only thing that helps to survive separation.

    Your task is to establish a strong connection, and any doubt creates micro-breaks. How to avoid it? To be here and now, not in thoughts and dreams. Call each other, write to each other during the day (thankfully Viber, WhatsApp and iMessage allow you to do this for free), share everything that happens to you - both a chronicle of events and feelings. Also, gossip! Discussion of a third person, no matter how unethical it may sound, is very close. Calm your conscience: you are not hatching a malicious plan, but just sharpening your tongues. Psychological fact: sharing the latest gossip makes a relationship stronger. You seem to say to each other: “We are not like them” - and this acts as a sedative for the souls wounded by separation.

    At first, it may seem to you that you have sacrificed yourself - to his studies or career. Or, on the contrary: that the victim is a beloved man, if you had to leave. Both are unconstructive and add unnecessary pathos to everyday conversations. You feel like a martyr, or, conversely, you struggle with guilt and, as a result, begin to talk exclusively about the sublime. Drop this silly business. Sharing feelings, cute little things, witty observations and sexy selfies - all this is the best way to support the fire of love and passion.

    scent lost

    Do you know what advice (after the standard “call up several times a day”) is most often given to beginners by experienced “remote people”? Leave things with each other so that they remind your loved ones of you. It is desirable that these things smell like you, your favorite scent. This little trick is not just a tribute to cute everyday tenderness. This behavior will approve of your body. Smell plays an important role in the formation of intimacy - not only sexual (oh, what a pity that the aroma is still impossible to transfer via Skype! ..), but also emotional. Having met after a long separation, you understand that you have a loved one in front of you, the meeting with whom you have been waiting for. But the body falls into a stupor and flatly refuses to recognize the wanderer: everything in it seems unusual and alien. As a result, instead of the expected hot sex, you internally cringe at every touch.

    That is why psychologists recommend a good “sniff” to help a forgetful body recognize a loved one. The longer you haven't seen each other, the higher the chances that the "sclerosis" has gone too far. It is better to see each other every month on the weekend than to spend two weeks together every six months. Breaks longer than a month and a half make the "disease" progress rapidly.

    160 km must separate lovers so that their relationship is recognized as distant

    deep connection

    TV producer Lesya is 29 years old, she lives in Italy, and her husband has been working in San Francisco for a year. “I’m terribly depressed by the lack of a daily routine,” says a friend, “some kind of boring regularity, scattered socks and uncovered toothpaste in the bathroom (I would never have thought that I would miss all this so much!). When I get sick, there is no one to call a doctor or cook soup. Or, it happens that a loved one has a hard day, and I can’t hug him. But I see how we differ for the better from those couples who spend all the time together. My husband and I chat for hours on Skype, share everything we have experienced with each other and quarrel less. To be honest, sometimes it seems to me that due to the distance we have become closer.

    Absurd at first glance, Lesya's statement is confirmed by scientists at Cornell University. This year, they conducted a study and concluded that deep affection and a long-distance relationship go hand in hand. The fact is that distant couples value every minute of live communication more and are more willing to devote each other to the smallest aspects of daily life, which is often neglected by those who live under the same roof.

    Must be clearly marked. A year, two, three, but at least ten - most importantly, a certain date, which you both focus on. Having a clear goal ahead, it is much easier to calculate forces. And there is something to answer curious friends and relatives. This is a well-known psychological trick: when people realize that they need to endure pain for exactly five minutes, they don’t hurt so much.

    Set a deadline and don't forget about it. Make plans, do not hush up grievances and remember that there are no guarantees. Long distance relationships may or may not work. But they should definitely be given a chance.

    The cleverest

    Psychologists believe that educated people are more likely to keep love at a distance. The higher the IQ, the stronger the person is prone to reasoning and analytics and less likely to give in to emotions. This allows people with education to see the future in "remote" relationships.

    Ocean is shaking

    Traditionally, the number of long-distance romances increases after the summer holidays. Holiday romances develop into something more, but, alas, by November their number is reduced by at least a quarter.

    Love and family


    27.09.13 16:36

    There are many wonderful stories about how two people met online, being in different parts of the world, began to communicate, fell in love from the first messages and could no longer live without each other, so they broke all the barriers in their path and got married, of course, they lived for a long time and happily.

    As a rule, these are more beautiful fairy tales, in reality they will meet at best and continue to communicate for another couple of years. However, in the life of most people there comes a time when they have to leave for different cities or countries for some time - study, promising work, business trips, family circumstances, or just looking for themselves.

    In these situations, it is important not only to maintain feelings, but also to strengthen your union, because for lovers there is nothing sadder than distances.

    Features of "remote" love

    Each person decides for himself what love is for him, the main thing is that the couple have the same views on this issue, otherwise there is no point in maintaining a union that, in fact, does not exist.

    There are two main types of such relationships: a married couple who, due to certain circumstances, are forced to live separately for a while, most often the reason is the work of one of the spouses, and lovers who have not yet married each other, for example, young people studying in different cities .

    These factors also affect this situation, because each has its own characteristics. If in the first case there is already a fruit of mutual love - a family, an awareness of all the charms and difficulties of living together, then in the second it is still to be, but for now the feelings are idealized.

    But in any case, distances do not bring much joy to lovers, and the more kilometers separate you, the longer you wait for a meeting, the more difficult ordinary everyday life becomes.

    People who are accustomed to constantly seeing their partner, spending a lot of time together and very emotional, for whom it is important to see a person’s emotions, to catch the slightest changes in voice, experience a particular difficulty.

    What to expect from a long distance relationship

    First of all, you lose constant tactile contact with a person, because you cannot hug, kiss your loved one, even just see him whenever you want.

    Communication via telephone and the Internet makes it impossible to capture the full range of emotions of the interlocutor, and since most of the information is transmitted through non-verbal communication, this can cause its own difficulties - misunderstanding, groundless insults.

    Also, do not hope that Skype and SMS will replace real communication, you can call up all day, exchange thousands of messages 24 hours a day. Remember the reasons for your separation - this is a necessity that needs to be experienced.

    Many believe that if a person is geographically far away, he is tempted to start a new life, because there is some kind of freedom, independence and lack of control. From here arises a feeling of jealousy, which only exacerbates everything.

    The key to any relationship is trust. If you do not trust your chosen one, then you should first of all think about the sincerity of your feelings for him. The exception is when your doubts are justified and confirmed.

    Distance can help you rediscover a person: learn his new traits, positive or negative qualities. For example, familiar things become something unusual, which irritated before, now causes tenderness, or, conversely, all illusions dissipate and you can finally see the true face.

    All this further confirms that separation is a test for a couple, which will either pass the test of feelings by distance, or dot all the "i".

    How to keep feelings

    Parting- this is not a temporary pause in a relationship, not a moment when you can relax and forget about your soul mate, this is a time when you need to make every effort not only to maintain the union, but also to awaken new feelings.

    Confidence is the foundation of any relationship. Trust your lover, and then he will trust you. If your soul mate has taken a serious step - separation from a loved one, then she is trying for your relationship, and accusing her of betrayal, controlling and arranging scenes of jealousy, you not only offend, but also push her away from you.

    Try to compensate for the separation with communication - write SMS, send messages on the Internet, call, write letters. Try to pay more attention to each other.

    If possible, replace the alarm clock with calls or SMS, wish you pleasant dreams, remember joyful moments, share new experiences, communicate on familiar topics, and resolve issues. Most importantly, do not bore anyone with this stream of messages, because everyone at least sometimes just wants to relax.

    And if you want to say so much at this very moment, then write a letter, your beloved will be pleased to receive such a rare message today, and he will be able to reread it at any time.

    Set dates and meetings with each other on certain days, arranging video conferences, it will not be superfluous for them to dress up and clean up. Cook dinner together, watch movies, in general, do something together, chatting on Skype, creating the effect of being nearby.

    Talk about the future, build joint plans. Uncertainty is detrimental to relationships, especially if you are sure of your feelings. Therefore, do not build castles in the air, discuss your actions when you are constantly together and nearby. In addition, real plans are a strong motive to make life together better.

    Discuss relationships. Share your worries and doubts, ask questions that matter to you, talk about the dynamics of your relationship. At a distance, the feeling of loneliness intensifies, even if you give a person gifts, so confess your love, say how dear and necessary you are. Both of you need support and understanding.

    Make surprises for each other, indulge, distance is no reason to abandon the usual joys of life. Send gifts, flowers, write songs and poems with declarations of love.

    Today, there are many options for how you can express your feelings. Contact an event agency or come up with something yourself, the main thing is to show your care and attention.

    Any relationship- this is work, relationships at a distance - work with many obstacles. Everyone chooses which path to choose, but if the couple is ready to go for it, endure and overcome everything, then you can be sure that this union will be the strongest, and the feelings the most sincere.

    It is important to just always be together in spirit, support each other, appreciate and trust, but do not forget about the pleasant little things that will only warm up your feelings.

    Not always everything in the life of loving hearts develops smoothly. Sometimes people break up, but not because, but out of necessity - they were drafted into the army, went to another city to study or work, move to another country, etc. Both a girl and a guy can leave. Is it possible in such a situation to maintain love and relationships at a distance?

    There is also such a situation when people already live far from each other, but they get acquainted through the Internet. They fall in love, are interested in each other, even come to visit each other. However, they continue to live at a great distance, which deprives them of the opportunity to see each other in reality every day, to hug, kiss and make love.

    No matter how the situation develops, and if loving hearts are far apart, the question arises whether they can maintain their relationship while they are so far away. The men's site site will consider all possible options to kill hope for some or inspire them not to part with their loved ones.

    When are long distance relationships possible?

    It should not be unambiguously said that someone's relationship will break up or, conversely, remain, since each couple is built individually. Every reader should know that everything depends solely on him and his girlfriend, with whom he is in a relationship. If both want to maintain love and relationships, then they will do everything for this. And if someone is no longer trying, then there is a risk of a collapse of the relationship.

    Long distance relationships are possible if:

    1. The couple loves. Here we are talking about true love, and not about the one when a man and a woman only scream about their feelings. It's one thing to talk, another thing to do. Loving people can save a relationship if they love, because the feeling makes them take all the actions that can save the union. If someone does not love or both partners do not love, then the relationship will collapse literally in the first six months or a year.

    At first, of course, the guy and the girl will communicate, say that they are bored, even really suffer because of the forced separation. However, a couple of months will pass, and emotions will subside. Each of them will understand that in fact there is no love, and the connection will gradually disappear. Everyone will start looking for love already where he is.

    People romantically say: "Love only grows stronger at a distance." How true is this? If we are talking about love, then the distance is really not able to destroy it. If there is no love, then the distance will destroy any feelings that partners perceive as love.

    2. The meeting time is known. It is much easier for partners to keep their feelings and relationships when they know how long it will last. Uncertainty often makes people question the need to maintain a relationship. After all, you can wait a lifetime. And why is this necessary, if it is better to break the union, which makes it impossible to experience and receive love, to have close contact with a loved one?

    Therefore, discuss the issue with your girlfriend when you meet. These dates must be clear and precise. It will be easier for both the girl and you to wait when you know exactly when you will see your beloved.

    3. There was sex. No matter how indignant some people are, a person still lives by instincts. And not a single relationship has yet been preserved at a distance if there were no sexual contacts between the partners.

    If it was pleasant, people love each other, moreover, they try to keep the fire in each other in various ways (for example, sex on the phone or on Skype), then the relationship has a chance to survive.

    4. You trust each other. One of the factors that destroy relationships is jealousy, which arises on the basis of distrust that a partner in another city or country is not cheating on you. At first it will only be doubts. Over time, they will become complete confidence that the girl is still cheating.

    If trust and confidence in the loyalty of a partner is lost, then the relationship will not last long. Unfortunately, jealousy will eventually absorb the jealous person, and he will begin to quarrel, worry, do stupid things, etc.

    When is a long distance relationship impossible?

    At a distance, relationships usually do not last. Therefore, couples where one leaves for another city or country should already prepare for the fact that they part forever. The one who leaves may not plan or simply simply not say that he is not only leaving, but also breaking up. He can speak words of love and swear that he will be faithful. And in fact, all this is not true.

    It is difficult for modern people to be faithful, not only at a distance, even being close to each other. Therefore, it is better for both partners to be prepared for the fact that, most likely, their love or relationship will not stand the test of distance, and they will definitely part sooner or later.

    Relationships are not possible at a distance if:

    1. Someone is leaving forever. The house is for sale, the parents are moving, so the whole family is going to another city. This is not a temporary separation, but a permanent one, unless someone stays in the same city as the second partner.

    It is impossible to maintain a relationship if the partners constantly live away from each other, while it is not known when they will see each other again. Undoubtedly, you can play Romeo and Juliet, be in love for about six months. But then everyone gets bored. Everyone will understand that they are just wasting their time. And if parting does not happen after understanding this idea, then betrayal, deceit, betrayal and other unpleasant moments will follow.

    There is only one way out: either to leave already at the beginning of sending one of the partners to another city, or to move to the second partner (to remain the first partner and not go anywhere) in order to be close to your loved one.

    2. There is an interest in the person. This situation develops if a guy and a girl met on social networks or on a dating site, already being at a great distance from each other. They talked for a long time, were already interested in each other, even talked on the phone, Skype, etc. If a guy and a girl are sincerely interested in each other, then they can start a relationship at a distance.

    It is unlikely that sincere love can arise here, since the partners have not yet seen each other. But the relationship of a virtual nature is quite possible. They can last both a few days, and many months and even years, which depends solely on the characters of the partners themselves. If a man and a woman have serious physical disabilities, continuous failures with the opposite sex, or deep fears and complexes that interfere with building real relationships, then such people can correspond for a very long time, call up, build relationships at a distance.

    However, in almost 99% of cases, the relationship breaks up as soon as the guy and the girl meet. What is the reason? In their appearance, habits, gestures, facial expressions, smell, look, even in the structure of the figure. In other words, what the partners did not have the opportunity to see instantly destroys any "virtual" love as soon as they finally meet.

    While people do not see each other, they create images in their heads of those with whom they communicate. And in almost 99% of these images do not match the real appearance of people. What a disappointment comes when a guy and a girl see each other and realize that if they saw each other on the street without being acquaintances, they would never have approached each other.

    How to keep relationships and love at a distance?

    Fortunately, today it is much easier to maintain love and relationships, being at a great distance from each other. This is facilitated by social networks (correspondence), telephone and skype, by which you can call up, as well as Viber, where people from different cities and countries can communicate and even turn on a video picture.

    The Internet allows people to keep what they don't want to lose. However, here the question arises: is it necessary to maintain a relationship when you cannot see and cannot hug your loved one? Even sex becomes impossible at a distance, no matter how people turn on their imagination and even use video broadcasting. Nothing will change a real intimate act!

    Every guy should ask himself questions:
    1. “Do I really love this girl so much that I’m ready to wait for her until she returns and not pay attention to other girls?”.
    2. “In principle, I am ready to maintain a relationship at a distance, not being sure that she really does not cheat on me, that she also loves and misses me?”
    3. "Am I willing to spend my time in a long distance relationship without being sure it won't end?"

    The most valuable thing that everyone loses in a long-distance relationship is time. You definitely won't get it back. You will miss many chances to meet other interesting girls. Perhaps the girl will also not be able to build her happiness if she remains faithful to you. How valuable is such suffering?

    Every couple is in a different situation. If the partners are leaving for only a few months or even days, then here you can keep the relationship at a distance. But if we are talking about a long departure or a final move to another city (country), then you should think about the need for such a relationship. If, nevertheless, there is love and you want to keep the union, then someone will have to abandon their plans and end up in the same city where their love is located.

    What decision will you make in the end?

    You should not soar in the clouds. You can waste your time thinking that love will endure and survive everything. All people are imperishable. Your life is slowly coming to an end. Are you willing to spend that time on long-distance relationships? Depending on your decision, your destiny will go in one direction or another.