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  • What is a semaphore alphabet. Semaphore alphabet (Russian) Marine semaphore flags

    What is a semaphore alphabet.  Semaphore alphabet (Russian) Marine semaphore flags

    Course programcSemaphore alphabet for summer practice in a cadet school grades 1-4.



    Introduction: "What is the semaphore alphabet and where is it used"

    Students learn the basics of the semaphore alphabet, for what and where it is used. They also make their own flags.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    "Study of the first and second group of letters"

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    "The study of the third group of letters"

    Students get acquainted with the letters that they show with both hands and with one hand. They also develop memory and attentiveness.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    Repetition and consolidation of the past.

    Students consolidate their knowledge in pairs.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    "Study of the fourth group of letters"

    Students get acquainted with the letters that they show with both hands and with one hand. They also develop memory and attentiveness.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    Repetition and consolidation of the past.

    Students consolidate their knowledge in pairs.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    Final demonstration performance

    Reporting lesson on the acquired skills of the semaphore alphabet.

    Knowledgeable, creative


    Communication, knowledge

    Semaphore alphabet course for elementary school

    Topic of the lesson

    Number of hours

    Meaning "Semaphore alphabet"

    Learning the first and second group of letters

    Learning the third group of letters

    Learning the third group of letters

    Study of the fourth group of letters

    demonstration performance


    RUSSIAN FLAG Semaphore Alphabet


    To teach children the methods of transmitting and receiving texts through a flag semaphore;

    To consolidate knowledge of the alphabet and the correct pronunciation of letters;

    Increasing self-esteem of children due to the possession of new, unusual in everyday life, knowledge.

    The study is conducted in three sessions, lasting 30 - 40 minutes.

    To work out the material of each lesson, 2 lessons of ~ 30 minutes each for 2-3 days should be allocated daily.

    1 LESSON.


    A flag semaphore is the simplest means of visual communication during daylight hours over a short distance (with the naked eye - about 2 km, with the help of optical instruments - about 4 km). The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. The signalman is responsible for the transmission of information by semaphore alphabet on the ship; this specialty in the Navy was introduced in 1869.

    The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet and includes 29 alphabetic characters. It does not contain numbers or punctuation marks. Their transfer is made by letters, words. For example, the number "7" will be conveyed by the word "seven", and the sign "," - by the word "comma".

    Each letter corresponds to a certain position of the hands with flags. The conventional signs set for the letters of the alphabet are summarized in a table called the semaphore alphabet.

    The transmission of information by a semaphore is carried out by signalmen using flags. The color of the fabric depends on the time of day: at dusk or against a dark sky, flags with a light-colored fabric (yellow, white) are used, and in the daytime - with a dark-colored fabric (red, black). In the absence of flags - semaphores with peakless caps. The average transmission speed of a flag semaphore by a trained signalman is 60-80 characters per minute.

    For ease of study, the semaphore alphabet is divided into several groups.

    First group of letters - is shown by the symmetrical position of both hands, facing the children. Children repeat simultaneously with the teacher, repeating the sounds of letters.

    Image of lettersA T At similar to their spelling in Russian.

    For pictureb b the same sign.

    Second group of letters - is shown with one hand, first with his back to the children, then with his face.

    H V E E I Y - depicted with the right hand

    andthe pairs of letters E - E, I - Y have the same semaphore sign.

    O G WITH - shown with the left hand.

    The signs B and G, H and O, symmetrical in image, stand side by side in the semaphore alphabet.

    The show is repeated several times.

    At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers the reading of words consisting of the letters of the first and second groups. Shows the teacher.


    cotton wool





















































    The methods of transmission and reception of words consisting of letters of the first and second groups are worked out in pairs. First - repeating the display of letters, then - reading words. The teacher should stock up on a large number of cards with words (5-10 words per card). You can offer a game to make sentences from words consisting of letters of the first and second groups. For example: “We have autumn”, “Nastya has a guest”, “Spring is in the taiga”, etc.


    Children stand in 2 - 3 lines in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The teacher stands so that everyone can see him (preferably on a dais).

    Third group of letters - are shown with both hands, first turning their backs to the children, so that it is clearer how the letter is shown, then - with their face, so that it is clear how it looks. The position of the hands is spoken.

    This group is characterized by pairwise symmetry in the image of semaphore signs.

    F-Z L-M P-R F-S

    C - W W - W

    In addition, almost all of these signs stand side by side in the semaphore alphabet.

    The show is repeated several times.

    To consolidate, the children are divided into pairs and turn to face each other. The teacher calls the letters, the children show them, looking at each other. In this case, not only the display of letters is memorized, but their perception. The teacher, if necessary, suggests the correctness of the image.

    At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers the reading of words consisting of the letters of the first, second and third groups. Shows the teacher.























































    Practicing methods of transmission and reception of words consisting of letters of the first, second and third groups is carried out in pairs. First - repeating the display of letters, then - reading the words on the cards.

    You can offer a game to compose small texts of 2-3 sentences on a given or free topic, consisting of letters of the first, second and third groups.

    You can increase the distance in a pair up to 10 meters. Change the composition of the pairs until the “ideal” pairs are selected.


    Children stand in 2 - 3 lines in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The teacher stands so that everyone can see him (preferably on a dais).

    Signsfourth group of letters are also pairwise symmetrical, shown with two hands, both hands are on one side of the body, first turning their backs to the children, so that it is clearer how the letter is shown, then with the face, so that it is clear how it looks. The position of the hands is spoken.

    B - D, X - K, Yu - Z

    Repeat show.

    Fixing the display and memorizing the image of letters in pairs.

    Reading words.


















































    Testing is carried out in pairs at a distance of up to 50 meters.

    The result of the training is the holding of competitions within the detachment. Pairs are formed at will. Participants who have not chosen a pair for themselves can show their achievements in a pair with a teacher.

    The goal of learning is achieved if each child can, in varying degrees of skill, at different speeds, transmit and receive a simple text.

    The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov.

    The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic and 3 service characters. It does not contain numbers or punctuation marks. Their transfer is made by letters, words. For example, the number "7" will be conveyed by the word "seven", and the sign "," - by the word "comma".

    Each letter and symbol corresponds to a certain position of the hands with flags. A semaphore message consists of words made up of letters represented by the corresponding position of the flags.

    The transmission of information by a semaphore is carried out by signalmen using flags, the size of which is 30 × 35 cm. dark tone (red, black).

    In the absence of flags - semaphores with peakless caps.

    The average transmission speed of a flag semaphore by a trained signalman is 60-80 characters per minute.

    Alexander Sergeyevich Suvorov ("Alexander Suvory")

    Photo chronicle book: "Legendary BOD-SKR" Fierce "DKB Navy 1970-1974".

    25. Sevastopol Maritime School DOSAAF. Flag alphabet. 05/24/1971.

    Photo illustration from the open Internet. Russian semaphore alphabet.

    Sources: Arkhipov S.N. Surveillance and communications on a warship. M ed. MO 1953 112c rice soft cover, reduced format.

    On May 24, 1971, after lunch, during the second couple of classes at the Sevastopol Naval School of DOSAAF, our “Captain” immediately told us that “we have successfully completed the theoretical part of the topic“ observation and communication ”and now, in practice, we will learn the Russian flag or semaphore alphabet, signal flag code language and at the same time Morse code.

    It is very convenient to learn all the signal, semaphore or telegraph alphabets at the same time, - the Captain told us, - because they intersect, echo and complement each other.

    The "captain" stood at the blackboard, picked up two small red flags and showed us the first letter of the Russian semaphore alphabet - "A".

    He stood up straight, proudly, threw up his head, straightened his shoulders, instantly rejuvenated, and suddenly, sharply, like wings, spread his arms lowered down with the flags to the sides.

    Look, the Captain told us. - I spread my arms to the sides not wide, but at an angle of 45 °, that is, so that the flags spread their panels and were clearly visible from afar. From the side it is clear that my figure, with arms-wings-flags spread out in breadth, resembles the shape of the letter "A" of the Russian alphabet.

    Remember once and for all! – said “Captain” solemnly. - The look of a sailor, the uniform of a sailor, the posture of a sailor, the speech of a sailor and the behavior of a sailor should always be clear, well-coordinated in a military way, masculine, proud, courageous, handsome.

    Naval service, - said the "Captain", - this is not "khukhry-muhry" on the shore, where a sailor can fool around a little, show off, relieve stress from naval service, but clear, responsible and very serious combat work, on which not only the life of the sailor himself, but, above all, the life of his comrades, brothers, the life of the ship, the life and well-being of the Motherland and Fatherland, the Soviet people.

    This is not bravado, not agitation and not propaganda, - said the "Captain", - this is the true truth, because according to international law, a ship at sea is the territory of the state, the state itself is on the scale of the ship, and the crew of the ship is the Soviet people, the bearer of the state , multinational and popular sovereignty, that is, independence, independence and the rule of democracy.

    That's what a Soviet sailor is, - said the "Captain". - That is why the Soviet sailor must always be slender, strong, courageous, worthy, brave and outwardly handsome. People traditionally see themselves, people, state, country, Motherland in sailors.

    That is why, - said the "Captain", - the well-known proverb: "The sailor will drink everything, but the fleet will not disgrace" should be understood as follows: "The sailor will demolish everything (that is, overcome), but will not disgrace the people." It's clear?!

    "Exactly!" - we answered in unison, students of the Sevastopol Naval School DOSAAF with a degree in "helmsman-signalman" ...

    After that, the “Captain”, not in a military way, but very accurately, clearly and beautifully, turned to the blackboard and wrote with chalk the first letter of the telegraph Morse code - “dot and dash” - the letter “A”.

    To the right of the place where the Captain was, there was a large ship signal searchlight. The “Captain” applied power to it in advance and showed us how the blinds “blink”, transmitting a signal - “A”, that is, a short press on the trigger (short opening of the blinds), a pause and a long press on the trigger (longer opening of the blinds).

    It is necessary not to press the trigger of the signal spotlight quickly and not for a long time, - the “Captain” told us. - Exactly so and exactly so much in time that you yourself understand yourself and read your signals, if you yourself were now far away.

    Take care of your brother, - the Captain told us, - who is now in a stormy sea, in rain or fog, trying to read your proud, dashing fast signals and you will do your job with dignity. Otherwise, you will receive a signal “did not understand”, “repeat” from your brother, and you will be forced, because of your pride, to transmit an important message again and again, wasting time, and therefore contributing to the enemy.

    We stirred and the “Captain” took our stirring as disagreement ...

    Yes, to help the enemy, - said the "Captain" with conviction. - In the Navy there is no concept: "it's me like that, just like that." In the navy, either by your actions and deeds you help and contribute to the victory over the enemy-enemy, or you interfere with this victory, move away from it, do not properly fulfill your duties, which means you contribute to the enemy-enemy. No other is given.

    Do you know why? the captain asked us. We were silent...

    Yes, because the sailors are alone on the ship! - Said simply and heartfelt "Captain". - There is no one else on the ship except for the sailors of the crew. No one at the moment will come to the rescue, will not do what needs to be done. There are no extra people on the ship. Each in his combat post performs not only his personal duties, but participates in a single collective cause. Therefore, it is not the gunner, not the torpedo pilot, not the rocketman, and not even the commander, who wins, but everything, the entire crew, even the cook and the cook.

    But you can die or be defeated because of one negligent, dishonorable, cowardly person, - said the “Captain” sadly. - Incorrectly or at the wrong time, it will transmit an important message, command or coordinates and that's it - a small oversight generated by selfishness, laziness, pride, self-praise or stupidity can lead to a fatal mistake.

    You can relax a little in civilian life, on the shore, and allow yourself the behavior of a free, lax young man, - the Captain said peacefully. - Youth and youth are allowed a lot ... but when you take on the duties of a professional or a military man, be collected, worthy of your level and status. Then even the most nondescript and inconspicuous of you will be attractive and beautiful, inspire respect and trust.

    Do you know "Boatswain" from Apollonovka? the Captain asked unexpectedly.

    We nodded our heads and said we knew.

    Well, here, - the Captain was satisfied. - Here is an example of a true sailor and a handsome man, with the behavior corresponding to a real sailor. Take an example from him. True, except for one of his shortcomings - it hurts to use foul language ...

    We giggled in unison. A flurry of jokes, famous "boatswain" expressions, opinions swept through the audience ...

    So, - "Captain" reminded everyone the topic of the lesson, - What does the beech "A" of the Russian semaphore alphabet look like. Suvorov! To the blackboard!

    I walked out on shaky legs. I tried clearly, in a military way, to stand up and turn around in the place of the “Captain”, but it turned out in such a way that the guys burst out laughing.

    Then I took the flags in my hands, stood up, straightened my head proudly and sharply, with a wave, so that the flags beautifully flew wings to the sides, spread my arms and froze in the pose of the figure-letter "A".

    Fine! said the Captain. - Now the letter "A" on the signal spotlight.

    Before that, of course, we all played around and pressed all the buttons and levers of all the devices in the audience, including the signal spotlight. The only thing is, we didn’t know where the spotlight turned on, but the blinds from our games “blinked” often ...

    With a familiar gesture and movement of my fingers, I “blinked” the blinds “dot” and after a short pause “dash”.

    Well done again! said the Captain. “Have you already practiced signaling?”

    I did not tempt fate and answer in a military way “No way!”, But simply answered “No”.

    Okay, said the Captain. “You might make a good signalman. Sit down.

    Now everyone wanted to be “good signalers” and “Captain” gave everyone the opportunity to beautifully and dignifiedly wave flags, show a signal-sign-figure-letter “A” and “blink” this signal-letter with a signal spotlight.

    In the same way, we began to study all the letters and signs of the semaphore and telegraph alphabet ...

    The last hour of classes on May 24, 1971 flashed by almost imperceptibly. By the end of the lesson, we already knew a lot of figures and signs.

    Leaving the building of the Sevastopol Naval School DOSAAF, we still continued to wave our hands in front of each other with imaginary flags.

    I noticed that we were leaving the building and going down the stairs to the street, not like last time - a noisy crowd of hooligans, but evenly, harmoniously, measuredly, slowly ...

    From that day on, I began to look in shop windows, and at home, in a workers' hostel at 53 Dzerzhinsky Street, I looked long and carefully at myself in the wardrobe mirror.

    Now I began to develop my own gait and demeanor, manner of moving, speaking, looking, turning, turning around, sitting and even lying on the bed.

    Now I began to “design” my male appearance and male behavior myself.

    I started to create my own "real sailor" behavior...

    The Russian semaphore alphabet that exists today in the Navy was developed in 1895 by Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. The Russian semaphore alphabet is compiled in accordance with the Russian alphabet, includes 29 alphabetic and 3 service characters. She is not ... ... Wikipedia

    Wiktionary has an entry for "abc"

    This term has other meanings, see ABC. A radio operator transmits a signal using Morse code ... Wikipedia

    ABC semaphore- a conventional designation of letters and service signs, depicted by a different position of the hands with semaphore flags. It is used to connect ships to each other on the move and parking, as well as with coastal posts ... Dictionary of military terms

    The radio operator transmits a signal using Morse code Morse code Morse code, Morse code, "Morse code" is a method of encoding letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols using long and short signals, the so-called "... Wikipedia

    - (or Polybius cipher, Polybius square) a method of encoding letters of the alphabet, in order to bring it to a form convenient for transmission over a communication channel (through a wall). Often the table used the natural order of the letters of the alphabet, ... ... Wikipedia

    Abur / Ancient Permian writing Type: consonant vocal Languages: Komi Territory: Perm region Creator: sv. Stephen of Perm ... Wikipedia

    Abur / Ancient Permian writing Type: consonant vocal Languages: Komi Territory: Perm region Creator: sv. Stephen of Perm ... Wikipedia

    Greek alphabet Type: consonant vocal Languages: Greek Date of creation: circa 8th century BC Period: to the present ... Wikipedia


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    • Fundamentals of classical cryptology. Secrets of ciphers and codes, Adamenko Mikhail Vasilyevich. The proposed book is devoted to issues related to the history of the emergence and development of ciphers and codes, as well as the basics of cryptography, cryptanalysis and cryptology. Particular attention is paid to the features…

    At the beginning of the 19th century, a special method of transmitting information from a ship to land was invented in France, the so-called semaphore alphabet. On the mast, several crossbars were raised and, by moving them, letters were added, and then words. "Semaphore" in Greek means "bearing sign". For almost two centuries, this sign system has been actively used around the world. Later it was replaced by radio communication and Morse code. Today, flag communication is practically not used in the fleet.

    Semaphore alphabet in Russia

    In Russia, the appearance of the semaphore alphabet is associated with the name of Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. At the end of the 19th century, he developed a system for transmitting Russian letters using flags. The Russian semaphore alphabet consists of twenty-nine alphabetic characters, to which, if necessary, three service characters can be added. All numbers and punctuation marks are spelled out, since it does not have a separate designation for numbers or characters.

    Each letter or service mark is a set hand position with flags. Sometimes, if there are no flags, signals are transmitted using a peakless cap. It is believed that a sailor well trained in the alphabet of flags can clearly reproduce 60-80 letters or characters per minute. In the evening or at night use flags of bright and light colors, such as yellow or white. During daylight hours - black or red. Currently, the semaphore alphabet is taught only in special courses. After all, the flags were replaced by searchlights with Morse code and radio communications.

    Semaphore alphabet abroad

    In the 17th century in England, pictures were used to transmit information at a distance. The semaphore alphabet in its modern form was created in France only two centuries later. The flag system used abroad is a bit similar to the Russian one. She also uses flags to represent the letters that make up words and sentences. But there are some differences between them. The first is that the flags are not single-color, as usual in Russia, but colored, with a different combination of colors and symbols. Each such flag is a single letter. That is, you can hang flags in a certain order, making up words and sentences from them. Based on the Latin alphabet. Another difference is that the Western semaphore alphabet has special designations for numbers as well. In this case, the method of transmitting information and two flags is allowed.

    Flag language systematization

    In view of the fact that the method of transmitting information using a semaphore was considered very successful, it became necessary to streamline all signals. In the 19th century, the number of ships increased, many countries acquired their own fleet, so it became necessary to create a single maritime language for communication at a distance. In 1857, the Code of Signals was developed, where international flags, their colors and meanings were designated. It included eighteen main flags that are constantly used in the fleet. Initially, four maritime powers took part in the development of this code: the USA, Canada, France and Britain. In 1901, all states with a military and merchant fleet approved this document for use. It is believed that from that moment on, the marine semaphore alphabet was adopted and officially registered as a unified communication system.

    In 1931, the Code of Signals undergoes minor changes. In view of the fact that radio communications and searchlights began to be used more and more actively to transmit information using Morse code, some of the flags were removed, and the meaning was changed for the rest. In 1969, flag signals were translated not only into Latin, but also into Cyrillic. The system has become truly international and understandable for sailors almost anywhere in the world.

    Flags and their meaning

    At the moment, the International Code of Signals consists of three blocks. The first includes twenty-six flags that represent only letters. Naturally, the Latin alphabet is taken as a basis. The second contains ten flags to indicate numbers from zero to nine. There are three replacement flags in the last block. They are used in exceptional cases: if there is only one set of flags on the ship and there is no possibility to display, for example, repeating letters in a word. Substitutes come to the rescue.

    After the collapse, the system of flag signals in Russia and in the CIS countries has not changed much.

    Use of the semaphore alphabet today

    With the advent of radio communications and electricity, the flag signal system gradually lost its relevance and is practically not used at the moment. But in almost every country, in case of a critical situation, there is a sailor on the ship who knows how to transmit information using flags. Also, the semaphore alphabet is actively used in parades and during demonstration performances. Now it is more a tribute to tradition than a means of communication at a distance.