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  • Jedi: who is this. Who is Padawan Padowan Star Wars

    Jedi: who is this.  Who is Padawan Padowan Star Wars

    The Jedi are one of the main characters in the Star Wars universe, a kind of knightly order that performs mainly a peacekeeping function during armed conflicts. The main task of the Jedi Order is the protection of the Republic and democracy. Any humanoid capable of controlling the Force could join their ranks. The ability to handle the Force gives the Jedi some superpowers.

    The Jedi have never sought power per se, supporting the Republic only to the extent that its policies were consistent with the Code. In the new franchise trilogy, the Order was subordinate to the government, but after the revival of the Republic, it took the form of an organization independent of the state. Nevertheless, when making decisions, the Jedi always took into account the opinion of the authorities.

    origin of name

    The word "Jedi" itself was coined by franchise creator George Lucas. He claims that he took the name of the Japanese cinematic genre "jidaigeki" as a basis. This genre refers to historical drama, the leitmotif of which is the life path of a samurai. Since George Lucas is a big fan of Japanese culture, most likely the image of the samurai was taken by him as the basis of the Jedi as a character.

    So who is the Force with?

    According to the plot, the Force exists because all life in the universe is interconnected through symbiotic creatures - midi-chlorians. The greater their content in the cells of the body, the stronger the contact with the Force. However, the presence of midi-chlorians does not guarantee proper control over the Force, this art requires long and hard work.

    Children with a high content of midi-chlorians were specially found and, with the permission of their parents, were given to the education and training of the Order. Those who completed the training to the end and coped with the five tests received a knighthood. Occasionally, one could become a knight without any trials - in the case of an exceptional feat.

    The most famous weapon of the Jedi is considered to be a lightsaber, consisting of plasma released by the hilt. According to tradition, the newly-born knight must make a light "blade" with his own hands. The ability to wield this weapon well, as a rule, is combined with high concentration and harmony with the Force. In addition, thanks to the Force, the Jedi are characterized by increased dexterity, possession of telekinesis, hypnosis, as well as the gift of foresight.

    Of course, the Jedi have sworn and strong opponents - the Sith. Unlike most Jedi, they have a rather unpleasant appearance, since the appearance of a person who has chosen the dark side changes under its harmful influence. The most striking distinguishing feature of the Sith are the "cat" eyes.

    The Sith themselves were once Jedi, however, carried away by the dark side of the Force, they chose the path of separation and moved to the desert planet Korriban. The planet was inhabited by a race of red-skinned humanoids who also had Force abilities. After a couple of millennia, the settlers enslaved them and became known as the Sith Order.

    The Jedi Code

    Many books in the Star Wars universe contain the Jedi Code, which includes the following truths:

    • There is no excitement - there is peace.
    • There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.
    • There is no passion - there is serenity.
    • There is no chaos - there is harmony.
    • There is no death - there is Power.

    Hierarchy of the Order

    As in any professional environment, the Jedi have a hierarchy based on their level of proficiency in the Force:

    • Yongling. So called children with the ability to the Force, selected by the Order and raised by the Jedi as younglings.
    • Padawan. The knight could take one of the younglings as an apprentice. The Padawan followed his mentor everywhere and received invaluable first-hand knowledge. When the teacher saw fit, the Padawan could take tests to determine the strength of the spirit.
    • Knight. After successfully passing the tests, the padawan was recognized as a knight and could take his own student. Knights were full members of the Jedi Order and were subject to the Council.
    • master. The most honored and respected knights were elected to the Council and appointed masters.

    Jedi among us

    Due to the huge popularity of the stellar saga, a peculiar teaching of Jediism was born. Of course, it is more of a subculture than a religion, however, in the UK, Jediism is an officially registered religious movement. Only in this country the subculture has about half a million participants and is popular in many European countries, Australia, New Zealand. Modern "Jedi" consider themselves the same noble knights, following the path of Light and trying to live up to this title. Whether real followers of Jedi have the Force is a mystery.

    Padawan is a Jedi apprentice, who will undergo training under the guidance of his teacher, the Jedi Master, as well as the Jedi Master.

    The mastery levels are as follows:

    • Yongling;
    • Padawan;
    • Jedi Knight;
    • Master/Master.

    The Padawan had to complete tasks, both the simplest and the most difficult. Over time, after gaining enough experience, he would qualify for the title of Jedi Knight. Yongling is the first rank, but as soon as the teacher agrees to take under his leadership a young warrior, he immediately becomes a Padawan.

    A distinctive feature of the Padawan is the presence of pigtails which he wore behind his ear. The naturally bald races had no right to even think about joining the Light Side of the Force.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker

    Star Wars character Anakin Skywalker was lucky enough to become a Padawan without being a youngling, as the boy joined the ranks of the warriors at the age of ten, which is quite a long age by local standards. Obi-Wan Kenobi agrees to be his teacher.

    A Padawan who belonged to the light side of the Force had no right to feel anger had to learn to control his emotions.

    As for the representatives of the Dark Order, they had to strive for complete control of the fire within each of them. Feeding negative emotions such as rage, anger, deceit and hatred helped increase their strength.

    The fall of the republic makes its own adjustments

    The Great Jedi Purge was the cause of the disappearance of such a title as "padawan". Luke Skywalker becomes the founder of the New Jedi Order. The presence of a pigtail is now optional, and beginners are no longer called "padawan". From this point on, only the term "disciple" is commonly used.

    The number of Jedi Knights is rapidly declining, as a result of which, on the orders of Skywalker, the restrictions on the number of students per Jedi have been removed. Even Skywalker himself takes two nephews to his training: Anakin and Jacen. However, the new system was not without problems. It was difficult for one master to pay due attention to several students, there were cases that some students could go over to the dark side. Most likely, this is the reason for the restoration of the original rule.

    Timeline of the Jedi

    In the days of the Jedi, there was a special form of time calculation. The Battle of Yavin ended in victory for the Rebel Alliance. Since then, the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic have used a new chronology. it is marked like this: 'till I. b." - before the Battle of Yavin, and "p. I am. b." - after the Battle of Yavin. So, by 40 p. I. b. the students again have a traditional pigtail. The term "padawan" will be returned only after 130 "p. I am. b."

    The direction of science fiction today remains one of the the most popular among filmmakers and writers.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more terms that surround us in everyday life come from this area.

    So the word padawan is familiar to many thanks to the excellent series of films. star Wars, as well as numerous games, series and books dedicated to this universe.

    Thanks to all this work, modern citizens know about the age-old confrontation between the dark and light sides of the Force, on the side of which the Sith and Jedi, respectively, act.

    Some of the words that can be found on the pages of books or in a film remain firmly in our memory, although their meaning is not always clear.

    An excellent example is terms such as Jedi, Padawan, or Youngling. Let's try to eliminate this lack of information by joint efforts.

    Meaning of the word padawan

    This word refers to student, which consists of serving the Jedi. But here it is important to understand that the service of the Padawan is not related to the tasks that the pages performed under the knights.

    The Padawan will undergo grueling workouts, as well as learn various tricks under vigilant the control of a Jedi Master or Master.

    If we talk about the existing degrees of mastery that a Padawan can achieve, then their list will look like this (in ascending order):

    • Yongling;
    • Padawan;
    • Jedi Knight;
    • Master/Master.

    Padawan's tasks include performing various tasks set by the mentor. First, he must learn the basics, after which he will be able to participate in battle along with his mentor.

    When the latter considers that the Padawan has sufficient experience, he will allow him to apply for title of Jedi Knight. All Padawans have to go through a lower level - to become younglings.

    This title is awarded to those who power was discovered. Apprentices, when the master takes them under his wing, automatically become Padawans.

    How can you tell a Padawan from a Youngling? It's pretty simple. It's enough to look on their appearance. Padawans should grow hair and leave a pigtail that is worn behind the ear.

    For the same reason, it is difficult to find among the Padawans people or races that did not have scalp hair. Them All that remained was to choose the Dark Side of the Force.

    It should be noted that in the book universe, which was then filmed, there were exceptions.

    It's about some Padawans who missed the stage of becoming younglings and immediately became master's students.

    An example is Padawan Skywalker who became a Padawan At the age of 10 that wouldn't let him go for training in a normal situation.

    However, Obi-Wan Kenobi agreed to take him as his student, as he saw in the child big potential.

    It should be understood that there were significant differences between the Padawans of the light side and the dark side of the Force.

    Thus, in the first place, it was strictly forbidden to experience anger. They had to learn to maintain control over their own emotions in any situation what the code required of them.

    If we talk about representatives of the Dark Order, then they also had to control inner world in all its manifestations. However, negative emotions, including rage as well as hatred, only strengthened the power of the representatives of the order.

    After the order was brutally exterminated during the fall of the Republic, led to significant changes in its charter. As a result, the very concept of padawan is falling out of use.

    Skywalker becomes the very master who founds a new order in an attempt to revive former power of the Jedi.

    Under the new rules wearing a braid is no longer necessary, so there is no longer much difference between beginners and learners. Now, for anyone who is engaged in the harnessing of power, the term is applied student.

    Another feature of the new Jedi Order is that the number of knights is gradually decreasing, therefore, in order to prepare students, each master Can take multiple Padawans to train at once.

    For example, myself Magister Skywalker simultaneously teaching two nephews. But The new system also has its drawbacks.

    Thus, it is difficult for several students to receive enough attention at the same time, which often leads to that some apprentices (padawans) become followers of the dark side Forces.

    Probably the root of the problem lies in the Force itself. According to the original rule There must be one dark side knight for every light side knight., which is reflected in a similar phenomenon of apostasy, which destroys the new order.


    Padawans always followed their master, helping him in everything. Under the guidance of the master, the Padawans performed various tasks - from the simplest to the dangerous, gradually gaining experience. Later they became Knights and continued to study. When a Padawan applied for the knighthood, he passed the "test of the Jedi", and his pigtail was cut off during the ceremony of initiation into the Master (Padawans, who do not belong to the naturally bald races, wore a small pigtail behind the ear). There was no set age for this to happen - adults could be Padawans, but for humans, the age was usually 20-25 years old.

    If a youngling was not chosen as a Padawan by the Jedi Master by the age of 13, then the youngling was transferred to a less significant position in the service association of the Jedi and occupied the role that most corresponded to his talents - it could be the agro-industrial department, medical, research, etc. Luke Skywalker abolished this tradition as soon as he created the New Jedi Order.


    From the time of Old Sith Wars the practice of multiple Padawans studying under the same master was rejected, due to their apparent inclination towards the dark ways of the Sith. Thus, while ancient masters such as Arca Jet had multiple students at any given time, a tradition developed to have only one Padawan, allowing the master to better focus on the student and give him more attention. Ironically, this innovation in the Jedi Code was very similar to the Sith Rule of Two, where the equivalent of the Padawan was the title "Shadow Hand".

    There were exceptions to the age restrictions for Padawans. Revan, after having his memory erased by the Jedi Council, retrained as a Padawan.

    Anakin Skywalker became Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan without being a youngling, due to his relatively advanced age of ten.

    After the fall of the republic

    Following the great Jedi Purge, the first few Jedi who formed the New Order never held the "rank" of Padawan, as there was no Order or masters to train them. Among them was Luke Skywalker, who was trained in a short time and "unofficially" by Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grand Master Yoda, as well as Kyle Katarn, who owned the Force and studied on his own, following the instructions of the spirit of the Force Ku Rana.

    When Skywalker founded the New Jedi Order, things changed somewhat: the traditional Padawan pigtail, like the term "Padawan" itself, disappeared during this time period. Instead, the New Order used the term "apprentice".

    Due to the low number of Jedi Knights, Luke Skywalker lifted the limit on the number of apprentices per Jedi at a time. Skywalker himself, for example, simultaneously trained his nephews Jacen and Anakin Solo. Soon there were also problems stemming from the new system, as the master could not give full attention to both students - an example of this would be Kyle Katarn's students Jayden Korr and Rosh penin (who turned to the dark side for a short time), so perhaps the original rule was restored, although this is not known for certain.

    By 40 p. I. b. the traditional Padawan pigtail reappeared among students - one such student was Ben Skywalker. But the term "padawan" itself was not used until 130 BP. b. That's when it started being used again. Thus, Cade Skywalker was called the Jedi Padawan of Master Wolfe Sazen.


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    • Power of the Jedi Handbook.

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    See what "Padawan" is in other dictionaries:

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