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  • The article the with geographical names. Articles before proper names in English

    The article the with geographical names.  Articles before proper names in English

    Articles are of particular difficulty for English learners, because they are absent in the Russian language. provides additional information about the noun before which it stands. There are two articles in total ( a - uncertain , the — certain) and it is always better to put article than not to put at all. If you do not put the article, always be ready to explain “why?”. In this lesson, we will understand in which cases the article the is placed before geographical names.

    Rule 1 Article the not countries and continents:


    1. the RF (the Russian Federation)
    2. the UK (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
    3. the USA (the United States of America)
    4. the Netherlands - the Netherlands or Holland (Holland is an unofficial name)
    5. the Irish Republic
    6. the Chech Republic
    7. the Philippines
    8. United Arab Emirates

    Also Article the not used before the following geographical names:

    Europe, Eurasia, Antarctica, Central Asia, North (South) America, Latin America, South-East Asia, Northern Africa, Western (Eastern Siberia), Siberia.

    Remember: the Crimea (Crimea), the Far East (Far East), the Middle East (Middle East), the Midland s(Central counties in England), the Highland s( Highlands, the Lowland s(Lowlands).

    Rule 2 Article the not used with titles cities.

    An exception: the Hague – The Hague

    Remember: The Hague is in the Netherlands. The Hague is in Holland.

    Rule 3. Article the used before titles cardinal directions(since they are the only ones in the world): the East (east), the West (west), the South (south), the North (north).

    Rule 4. Article the used before denoting nouns type of geographical landscape

    1. at the seaside - on the coast
    2. on the coast - on the coast
    3. in the country - out of town, in the countryside
    4. in the countryside - in the countryside
    5. in the forest - in the forest
    6. in the wood(s) - in the forest
    7. in the mountains - in the mountains
    8. in the jungle - in the jungle

    Rule 5. Article the used before names of water spaces: oceans, seas, rivers, canals, straits, lakes, Besides bays.

    1. The Atlantic Ocean - Atlantic Ocean
    2. The Red Sea
    3. The Volga - Volga (river)
    4. The Panama Canal - Panama Canal
    5. The English Channel - English Channel
    6. The Gulf Stream
    7. The Baikal (the Baikal Lake) - Baikal (lake), but Lake Baikal, Lake Seliger

    Exceptions - bay names: Hudson Bay - Hudson Bay

    Rule 6. Article the used before titles mountain ranges and archipelagos of islands(collective function of the article the, see ending -s at the end)

    1. the Urals
    2. the Caucasus - Caucasus Mountains
    3. the Rocky Mountains
    4. the British Isles
    5. the Kurilas - Kuril Islands


    • mountain peaks: Elbrus, Everest, Ben Nevis, etc.
    • single islands: Cuba, Cyprus, Haiti, etc.

    Rule 7. Article the used before titles deserts:

    1. the Gobi
    2. the Sahara
    3. the Kara-Kum
    4. the Kalahari

    The article the with geographical names. Exercises

    Exercise 1.Complete the table with examples.

    Exercise 2.Insert the article the where necessary.

    British Isles are a group of _____ islands in ____ North Sea on ____ Atlantic coast of ___ Europe. ___ two largest islands are called ___ Britain and ___ Ireland. ___Ireland is divided into ___ two countries: ___ Irish Republic and ___Northern Ireland which is part of ___ United Kingdom. ___ two islands are separated by ____Irish Sea.

    Exercise 3Write down and memorize the geographical names from exercise 2.

    British Isles, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Britain, Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Irish Sea.

    » Articles. place names

    Red Square, the Volga River or the USSR - do we need articles in English when we talk about geographical names? There are some rules for countries, others for streets and squares, and third rules for rivers and seas. Moreover, for each of the categories there are a number of exceptions when the rules do not apply. Articles are used or not used with geographical names simply because "it happened". Let's try to figure it out.

    The article is needed only in two cases - firstly, if the name of the country contains what is called the "form of government" - union, kingdom, states, republic, and so on. Therefore, there is a definite article in the names of such states, as the United States of America, the United Kingdom(the article remains in abbreviations - the USA, the UK). For lovers of exotic and skyscrapers - add here the UAE – the United Arab Emirates, but for those who remember the Olympics-80 and the Berlin Wall – the USSR, the GDR. For modern Russia, everything is simple - Russia(without article) or the Russian federation(with an article, since federation is a form of government).

    I'm back in the USSR. You don't know how lucky you are, boys. I am returning to the USSR. Guys, you don't know how happy you are here (The Beatles song full of irony).

    The second case when an article is needed with countries is when the name of the country is a plural noun. Usually these are islands lost in the middle of the ocean - for example, the Philippines(Philippines) or the Bahamas(Bahamas). There is also a non-island state, in the name of which there is a plural - the Netherlands, Netherlands.

    An exception that is unlikely to come in handy in life is a small African country The Gambia(Gambia), she is perhaps the only one who is written with the article "just like that."

    An interesting situation has developed with Ukraine - Ukraine or The Ukraine? Until 1991, Ukraine was part of the USSR, in which case other grammatical rules apply - and until 1991, indeed, the form The Ukraine. And since 1991, Ukraine, having become an independent state, is officially written without the article - Ukraine.

    In this lesson, we will consider the use of the article with proper names. As you remember, there are two articles in English: definite and indefinite. And we can talk about the so-called "zero" article, that is, about cases where the article is not used.

    We have already noted in the lessons of the Elementary level that the article performs a semantic function. The presence or absence of an article can greatly affect the translation of a sentence. The article in English is the most ambiguous thing in English grammar. The article is used "by intuition" more than other grammatical phenomena. And in order to develop this intuition, you need to know the basic rules for using the article and the exception. Only then will you be able to freely navigate the articles.

    Interestingly, the article can be used (or not used) even when it is prohibited by the rules! But only if you can explain why You have used one article or another. In newspapers and other literary sources, you will come across such moments of using articles that were not described in textbooks. And most of the time it won't be a mistake. It's just that not everything is covered in textbooks.

    With a solid basic knowledge, you can easily understand the nuances of using the article. In the case of geographical names and names, it cannot be said for sure that the article is used only in this way and not otherwise. Therefore, when explaining the rules, "usually" or "usually" is added.

    Below is information about the classic use of the article.

      As you already know, articles are usually not used with country names and cities.

      But, there are exceptions:

      1. The Hague (The Hague)

        countries (for historical reasons):

        The Sudan, The Yemen, The Argentina - these country names can be used without the article. Also The Netherlands (Netherlands), since the name has a plural for historical reasons.

        The Philippines (in fact, this is the name of a group of islands)

        Countries whose names contain such terms as States, Republic, Federation, Kingdom… that is, not proper names: The United States of America, The United Kingdom, The Russian Federation. With the abbreviations of these names, the definite article is also used: The USSR.


        The definite and indefinite articles can be used with the names of cities and countries, but only if there is a special context.

        It was the Paris of my youth. It was (the same) Paris of my youth.

        "of my youth" is the context needed to use the definite article.

        When he returned twenty years later, he found a new America. - When he returned 20 years later, he discovered a (some) new America.

      Names of continents, (peninsulas), mountains, deserts and regions.

      As a rule, when a geographical name has the ending -s, that is, an allusion to the plural, then the definite article is used with it.

      1. Names of continents: Africa, Europe, America. Even if there are definitions before these names, the article is still not put: Western Europe, Southern America.

        Mountain ranges and ranges: The Urals, The Alps, The Andes.

        The names of groups of islands are always preceded by the definite article: The Canaries (Canary Islands), The Kuriles (Kuril Islands).

        If there is only the name of the peninsula, then it is used without articles.

        Kamchatka is famous for its geysers.

        If after the name there is the word peninsular (peninsula), then the definite article is already put before the name.

        The Taimyr peninsular is a very cold place.

        The names of individual mountain peaks and islands are used without articles.

        The mountains: Elbrus, Everest; Haiti, Cuba, Kilimanjaro.

        The names of some regions are used with the definite article for historical reasons: The Crimea, The Caucasus, The Ruhr, The Tyrol.

        When there is a plural in the name of the region, or a common noun, then, as a rule, the definite article is used with such names: The Highlands, The Lake District, The Far East.

        The names of all deserts come with the definite article: The Gobi, The Sahara (desert), The Kara-Kum.

      Names of natural water reservoirs:

      1. The names of all rivers are used with the definite article:

        The Volga (The river Volga), The Don, The Thames.

        the names of all lakes are used with the definite article:

        The Seliger, The Baikal.

        But, if the word Lake is present before the name, then the definite article is not used - Lake Ilmen.

        The names of all seas, oceans, canals and waterfalls are accompanied by the definite article:

        The Black Sea, The Dead Sea; The Pacific Ocean, The Indian Ocean; The Suez Canal; The Victoria Fall, The Niagara Fall.

        But the names of the bays come without articles.

        In this lesson, we will consider the use of the article with proper names. As you remember, there are two articles in English: definite and indefinite. And we can talk about the so-called "zero" article, that is, about cases where the article is not used.

        We have already noted in the lessons of the Elementary level that the article performs a semantic function. The presence or absence of an article can greatly affect the translation of a sentence. The article in English is the most ambiguous thing in English grammar. The article is used "by intuition" more than other grammatical phenomena. And in order to develop this intuition, you need to know the basic rules for using the article and the exception. Only then will you be able to freely navigate the articles.

        Interestingly, the article can be used (or not used) even when it is prohibited by the rules! But only if you can explain why You have used one article or another. In newspapers and other literary sources, you will come across such moments of using articles that were not described in textbooks. And most of the time it won't be a mistake. It's just that not everything is covered in textbooks.

        With a solid basic knowledge, you can easily understand the nuances of using the article. In the case of geographical names and names, it cannot be said for sure that the article is used only in this way and not otherwise. Therefore, when explaining the rules, "usually" or "usually" is added.

        Below is information about the classic use of the article.

          As you already know, articles are usually not used with country names and cities.

          But, there are exceptions:

          1. The Hague (The Hague)

            countries (for historical reasons):

            The Sudan, The Yemen, The Argentina - these country names can be used without the article. Also The Netherlands (Netherlands), since the name has a plural for historical reasons.

            The Philippines (in fact, this is the name of a group of islands)

            Countries whose names contain such terms as States, Republic, Federation, Kingdom… that is, not proper names: The United States of America, The United Kingdom, The Russian Federation. With the abbreviations of these names, the definite article is also used: The USSR.


            The definite and indefinite articles can be used with the names of cities and countries, but only if there is a special context.

            It was the Paris of my youth. It was (the same) Paris of my youth.

            "of my youth" is the context needed to use the definite article.

            When he returned twenty years later, he found a new America. - When he returned 20 years later, he discovered a (some) new America.

          Names of continents, (peninsulas), mountains, deserts and regions.

          As a rule, when a geographical name has the ending -s, that is, an allusion to the plural, then the definite article is used with it.

          1. Names of continents: Africa, Europe, America. Even if there are definitions before these names, the article is still not put: Western Europe, Southern America.

            Mountain ranges and ranges: The Urals, The Alps, The Andes.

            The names of groups of islands are always preceded by the definite article: The Canaries (Canary Islands), The Kuriles (Kuril Islands).

            If there is only the name of the peninsula, then it is used without articles.

            Kamchatka is famous for its geysers.

            If after the name there is the word peninsular (peninsula), then the definite article is already put before the name.

            The Taimyr peninsular is a very cold place.

            The names of individual mountain peaks and islands are used without articles.

            The mountains: Elbrus, Everest; Haiti, Cuba, Kilimanjaro.

            The names of some regions are used with the definite article for historical reasons: The Crimea, The Caucasus, The Ruhr, The Tyrol.

            When there is a plural in the name of the region, or a common noun, then, as a rule, the definite article is used with such names: The Highlands, The Lake District, The Far East.

            The names of all deserts come with the definite article: The Gobi, The Sahara (desert), The Kara-Kum.

          Names of natural water reservoirs:

          1. The names of all rivers are used with the definite article:

            The Volga (The river Volga), The Don, The Thames.

            the names of all lakes are used with the definite article:

            The Seliger, The Baikal.

            But, if the word Lake is present before the name, then the definite article is not used - Lake Ilmen.

            The names of all seas, oceans, canals and waterfalls are accompanied by the definite article:

            The Black Sea, The Dead Sea; The Pacific Ocean, The Indian Ocean; The Suez Canal; The Victoria Fall, The Niagara Fall.

            But the names of the bays come without articles.

            In this post, I will explain how and when and what article to use with place names. A little boring, but I hope this information will save someone.

            1. Names of continents, countries and cities written without an article. Also, the article is not put if they are preceded by such words as northern, southern, western, eastern, central, southwest, old, modern. Central Africa, Southern America, China, Cuba, Ukraine, Moscow, London, West Germany, Old England, Ancient Greece. The exceptions are place names such as the North Pole, the South Pole, the Antarctic, the Arctic. This rule also applies names of the cardinal directions: the North, the East, the South, the West.

            2. The is placed before geographical names that imply association, community: the United States of America, the Arab Republic of Egypt, etc. Also, some names of countries, cities and localities are used with the article the, simply because it happened historically. The Caucasus, the Crimea, the Hague, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Riviera, the Saar, the Transvaal, the Tyrol.

            3. If the geographical name is followed by a refinement, then the article the is used, and if it is a descriptive definition that gives the geographical name a new connotation, then “a” is used. The New Orleans, where one of the greatest Zoos is located, is a nice green city. (clarification) This was a new free Cuba. (description)

            4. “the + noun + of + place name

            The city of New York, the island of Majorca, the Strait of Dover

            5. The is used with bodies of water: names of seas, rivers, lakes, straits and canals.

            The Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Magellan Strait, the English Channel, the Panama Canal, The Dnieper, the Thames, the Baikal, the Ontario.

            But if the name of the lake is preceded by the word "lake", then the article is not used. Lake Baikal, Lake Geneva, Lake Ladoga.

            6. Names peninsulas used without the article: Kamchatka, Labrador. The is used if the name of the peninsula is followed by the word "peninsula": the Balkan Peninsula

            7. Names deserts, mountain ranges and ranges, mountain gorges, groups of islands used with the definite article the: the Sahara, the Gobi (Desert), the Saint Gotthard pass. The Alps, the Urals, the Himalayas, the Bahamas, the Canaries. But the names of individual islands, waterfalls and mountain peaks are used without the article. Cyprus, Madagascar, Niagara Falls, Easter Island.

            And again, an exception within an exception: the Isle of Man, the Isle of Capri

            That's all for now, but not all with articles))