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  • Why dream of lava in the house. Why does lava dream from a dream book

    Why dream of lava in the house.  Why does lava dream from a dream book

    Why does a woman dream of lava:

    Seeing fiery lava in a dream means that you will meet your love, and so strong that you will forget all your previous affections.

    If you dream that you are saving yourself from a seething lava flow, you will soon receive very unpleasant news. Loss of a loved one is possible.

    Watching frozen lava - portends that you will become a participant in a terrible scandal or witness an emergency. Such a dream for a young lady suggests that one should not be very upset over trifles.

    1 Lava according to the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

    Seeing lava in a dream means:

    The flowing fiery lava, carrying away in its fiery stream everything that meets on its way, portends the emergence of a new and strong passion in the heart of a woman (man).

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

    The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

    Sigmund Freud

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    A dream with lava means:

    If you see in a dream a volcanic eruption and lava flowing like a river, sweeping everything in its path - to a stormy passion.

    1 Lava according to the Small Dream Book

    The meaning of sleep lava:

    If in a dream you see the erupting lava of a volcano, then in reality strong shocks await you. Seeing solidified lava means that you have convinced yourself that you will never be able to love again. However, remember that things are changing.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    There will be consequences of the case you forgot about, but in vain.

    Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep ...


    1 Lava by Home dream book

    Disease; hot emotions.

    1 Lava according to Dream Interpretation 2012

    Lava, in a dream means:

    Reflection of an imminent (or already happened) release of suppressed anger and aggression. The need for constructive solutions to prevent violence (not necessarily physical). Violence most often manifests itself in an attempt to force oneself or others to do something (do), motivating it with some supposedly important necessity.,

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    If a girl dreams of lava, then this means:

    Seeing a lava flow in a dream is a natural disaster.

    1 Lava by American dream book

    Why does a woman dream of lava:

    Something repressed for a long time, usually anger.

    When in a dream it seems that someone is waking and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - it is one of the deceased relatives who calls you to him.

    1 Lava by Eastern dream book

    Why does a woman dream of lava:

    To see the erupting lava of a volcano - to strong shocks with quarrels and scandals.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation alphabetically

    Seeing lava in a dream means:

    To dream of fiery lava erupting from the mouth of an awakened volcano portends violent disputes that can seriously damage your reputation, and for a young girl such a dream is a warning that her selfishness will lead to unpleasant consequences. Fleeing from the lava chasing you on your heels, burning everything in its path - such a dream means that you are taking full advantage of the opportunities that have opened before you to succeed in your business. In general, a dream about lava speaks of the onset of great life changes.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of the 20th century

    The dream with lava in the dream book is interpreted as:

    Fire-breathing lava in your dream: a reflection of your overheated emotions. it seems that some events are about to take over you completely.

    Usually, such dreams are a call to relax and calm down a little, otherwise overwrought nerves can cause overwork and conflicts.

    1 Lava according to Rommel's Dream Interpretation

    A dream with lava means:

    A fiery river of lava flowing from the crater of an active volcano means a new all-consuming passion for you, which suddenly arises in relation to some person, and will destroy the old love.

    1 Lava by Esoteric dream book

    The meaning of sleep lava:

    Burning lava is a sea of ​​passions. Feelings, passionate love will overwhelm you.

    Extinct - the world of memories. Someone long forgotten can remind of themselves.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of lava:

    What is the dream?

    What does Love mean in a dream?

    You see in a dream a fiery stream of lava - in the coming days you will meet your love; despite the fact that you already had some hobbies, you will consider this love the first, because it will be really strong and will capture your whole being.

    The lava flow is about to burn you, and you are forced to flee - the news that you will soon receive will be very unpleasant; another interpretation of sleep: you did not even know, but were for quite a long time under the microscope with the authorities; your activities will be reviewed at a meeting; ill-wishers will try to use a situation that is unfavorable for you. You see in a dream that the lava is solidifying - an incident that you will witness, you cannot call it anything other than extraordinary; you will be impressed by it for a long time. A young woman sees frozen lava in a dream - the dream tells this woman that she takes trifles too close to her heart; this woman should take care of herself.

    If in a dream someone shudders, then this person is growing.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    What lava can dream about:

    You suddenly see the eruption of a certain volcano and streams of fiery seething lava pouring out of it, burning everything in its path, get ready for the fact that in reality you will be overwhelmed by passionate feelings for a swing person. And although love usually brings joy and happiness with it, if you dreamed of lava at night, it is obvious that this is not your case. The passion that will seize you will be fiery and incinerating, it will be impossible to fight it, it threatens to incinerate you from within. But if you saw frozen tongues of extinct lava in a dream, your dream is peaceful and suggests that you will be immersed in some kind of memories.

    1 Lava by Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    Lava, in a dream means:

    Probably, if you see fiery, boiling and seething lava, you have a good idea of ​​exactly what a volcanic eruption looks like. As for the meaning of your dream, it is a warning that you will soon be seized by a strong love passion. Like fiery lava erupting from a volcanic vent and carrying away in its fiery stream everything that comes its way, it will pick up and carry you in an unknown direction. And you won't have any chance of resisting it. However, the consequences of such a feeling can be no less catastrophic than those that the lava leaves behind.

    Agree, even in a dream, fire-breathing lava erupting from a volcano is not a sight for the faint of heart. But why is this natural cataclysm dreaming, what does it bring to the dreamer and is it worth it to be afraid of him? The dream book will tell you in detail and without prejudice.

    New love

    It should be said right away that volcanic lava in night dreams symbolizes the inner state of the sleeping person. Based on her appearance, strength and movement, a lot can be said about the person himself and the events that await him.

    Had a dream of fiery lava pouring out of a break in the earth? Soon in life there will be events filled with passions and emotions. Perhaps you will meet a new love that overshadows existing attachments.

    It is not difficult to guess why you dream of running away from hot lava. You will probably not be ready for a relationship and will try your best to avoid it. At the same time, the cooled volcanic lava in a dream personifies memories and already obsolete relationships.

    An explosion of emotions

    The dream interpretation considers red-hot lava a sign that your heart and mind are overwhelmed with not the best feelings - aggression, anger, resentment, anger and others. In this light, it is quite easy to determine what the dream of a volcanic eruption is.

    One day you will break down and literally explode. By the way, if you had such a dream, then it's time to think about rest. In general, lava erupting in a dream in reality usually promises serious changes in fate. And having received the correct interpretation of the dream book, you must definitely take measures for your safety.

    Watch out for scandals!

    The dream interpretation believes that you can independently decipher a dream about a volcanic eruption and hot lava flows. It is enough to think a little and you can understand that these phenomena are most associated with scandals, showdowns and quarrels.

    And if you dreamed of the earth burning under your feet, beware - you will be dragged into a very unpleasant situation with loud screams, smashing dishes and possibly a massacre.

    If in a dream you had to run away from this natural cataclysm, then perhaps in reality there will be a chance to avoid all of the above troubles. Another interpretation of the dream book says that seeing red-hot lava from afar really portends a great natural disaster.

    The result of actions

    Very often, fiery lava can be dreamed of as a result of actions. Why, for example, can a young girl dream of this natural phenomenon? The dream book warns that her personal selfishness will one day lead to very sad consequences.

    If in a dream avalanche waves literally demolish your house, then the reasons for future problems should be looked for in your own actions. For dreamers of both sexes, the fiery wave promises violent disputes, gossip and, in general, conversations.

    By the way, if you dreamed that lava flows were burning literally under your feet, then some business will capture you so strongly that all other problems will recede into the background.

    Don't miss your chance!

    But really, everything about volcanic activity in a dream has such destructive predictions about the real life of the dreamer? The dream book has a very positive interpretation.

    If in your dream you had to not only see, but also run away from the lava that burns all life on its way, and it burned your heels, then in reality you will have an excellent chance to show your best professional qualities and abilities.

    Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

    Choose your dream!

    Did you dream sometime?


      5-Feb-2019 Diana:

      I conjured the sleeping volcano to wake up, the lava burned my feet. I felt fear and a sense of delight at the same time. The lava was bright in color and flowed from the mouth of the volcano.

      I ran around the castle from the lava, everyone else around died, not having time to hide. Then I found myself in a large hall, on the top floor, and there was nowhere to run, lava flowed from all the doors. As a result, it escaped and I was carried to the very bottom, the lava was at first hot, and then it cooled down and became cool like in a lake.

      I was born in a city, I have a dacha in a village, I often come there and ride a bicycle around the village. And so I dreamed that I was there, at the dacha. And now I look, from my favorite tree - birch - lava falls. I called my family and hid in the house. Through the window I saw that the birch itself was not falling off, but lava was still dripping from it. And then I woke up. Some similar dream, about lava, I have already seen three more times. But for some reason, in those dreams, I ran with my family from the lava in a car to the hospital. Tell me, what does all this mean?

      I dreamed that the whole world was crumbling, I was leaving the house. I walked and hot lava flowed. All my neighbors I know can't run away, they fall, and I can see them die. They scream. And I'm running. I want to find my children. I’m crying. And the houses began to collapse. And the houses are like big containers, they fall on people. It’s like there’s a big train, and there’s a big hole under the rails, and they say you have to jump there. It's humid in there. The lava won't come. I grab the kids and jump. It turns out where the waves are. It's scary as if there are sharks, big different fish. They fall right on the city with the waves. Then I woke up, the man said in the morning: you were screaming in your sleep. All the worst is as if in one dream !!

      • 3-Mar-2018 Anonymous:

        I almost dreamed the same thing today! First the lava, then the way people jump into the shelter and dive into the water, and then there are sharks.

        19-Sep-2017 Irina:

        I was driving in a car with children, at first there were coals on the roads, then they saw that the lava was floating towards the roads, I was trying to drive faster, but the ground began to crack, and the lava was even greater, I was scared for the children and woke up.

        At first we (there were classmates) left some building, it was huge. And this building was supposed to explode in a few minutes (this building stood behind the place of the school), we run faster to the doors, but they did not open, and if they did open, then we could not go through them, we were swarming around, everyone was running on emotions. I was afraid that everything was about to bomb! It seems like they passed through these doors (glass), but a classmate could not get out, just a little bit remained, but they were stupid! And finally, we go down the steps (all this is already on the street) and run to the exit from the school grounds, when I began to go down the steps, a slight earthquake began. Now near the exit, and I turn around and see - from this building (this building was in the form of a mountain) a volcano erupts from the top! IT WAS SO SCARY. I do not have time to run home faster, and the volcano seems to be chasing me, overflowing, I already go home telling all my parents that (there was a usual situation) FAST RUN THERE LAVA! And they thought I was lying. Then I leave the house again and see that this lava is hundreds of meters away from us! In short, I "spat on them" ran out the window and ran on, I did not look at what was in front of me, there were fences, houses, I ran only forward then I turned around and looked at my house in lava and I also saw that this the lava was caused by a terrible, incomprehensible monster, but I saw only its head. Lava flowed like a fountain from his mouth, and he did it on purpose to kill me. I don't see people running further, then I saw a girl with a bike, and I asked permission to sit on it, she allowed, but suddenly she noticed that she had a flat tire and ran further all in fear that this lava would soon kill me! I run and then she runs after me (escapes) along the road we got obstacles through which it was impossible to pass, everything was closed everywhere, the fences were high, and the lava was getting closer and closer! Here I am a dead end, stopping with her and without turning my head, I see lava, which is already very close, and because she was so close I was enveloped in warmth and I did not want to see me die, I opened my eyes.

    Seeing fiery lava - you will meet your love, and so strong that you will forget all your previous affections;
    fleeing a seething lava flow is unpleasant news, the loss of a loved one is possible;
    frozen lava - you will become a participant in a terrible scandal or witness an emergency;
    for a young person - you should not be very upset over trifles.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Dream interpretation - Run

    A dream in which you are running all alone means that you will be able to surpass your partners in terms of well-being and take, and firmly, an honorable step on the hierarchical ladder of social position.

    If you dream that you are running as part of a group of people, this portends a possible participation in some kind of fun holiday, moreover, you will soon find that things have improved dramatically and lead you straight to financial success.

    To stumble or fall in a dream at the same time means in reality to go nuts, or even go broke.

    To be ahead of someone in a race is to outlive that person. Running barefoot is in trouble.

    Running after someone until tired is a monetary loss, after game is an unexpected joy if the game is caught.

    To run away from someone - to a dangerous journey, to run away from somewhere - your success will be replaced by failure. Seeing the running of hunters or horsemen for those who participated in it is to receive joy, while falling down is to get offended.

    Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that can suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also mean fleeting and superficial hobbies.

    Seeing that your horse is supposedly running away, joining a wild herd, means that you are waiting for the news of someone's illness.

    A running donkey, dreamed of by a young girl, means that she will not have an end to her gentlemen, but none of them will make a serious offer.
    If you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you in a dream, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name.

    If you dream that you are running away from a large spider, it means that luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances.

    In general, if you dream that you are running away from some kind of danger, it means that you are in danger of loss, and you will lose hope of settling your affairs in a way that is acceptable to you.

    At the same time, running through the window means that you will find yourself in trouble, from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

    If you dream of other people running away from danger, this can turn into grief for you, the death of friends.

    To see a hare running away from you in a dream means that you are gradually, unnoticed for yourself, losing something really valuable to you.

    Running after the mouse is a sign of an approaching matchmaking.

    Running, participating in a sports competition, someone will encroach on what you have created, but if you come to the finish line as a winner, then you will defeat your rivals in life.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Seeing fiery lava - you will meet your love, and so strong that you will forget all your previous affections;
    fleeing a seething lava flow is unpleasant news, the loss of a loved one is possible;
    frozen lava - you will become a participant in a terrible scandal or witness an emergency;
    for a young person - you should not be very upset over trifles.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing Lava in a dream

    Flowing fiery lava, carrying away in its fiery stream everything that meets on its way - the emergence of a new and strong passion in the heart of a woman or a man.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

    What does sleep Lava mean

    To dream of fiery lava erupting from the mouth of an awakened volcano portends violent disputes that can seriously damage your reputation, and for a young girl such a dream is a warning that her selfishness will lead to unpleasant consequences. Fleeing from the lava chasing you on your heels, burning everything in its path - such a dream means that you are taking full advantage of the opportunities that have opened before you to succeed in your business. In general, a dream about lava speaks of the onset of great life changes.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    See Lava in a dream

    If you see in a dream a volcanic eruption and lava flowing like a river, sweeping everything in its path, - to a stormy passion.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

    What Love's Dreams Mean

    Fire-breathing lava in your dream: a reflection of your overheated emotions. it seems that some events are about to take over you completely.

    Usually, such dreams are a call to relax and calm down a little, otherwise overwrought nerves can cause overwork and conflicts.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Find out from the online dream book what Lava is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreter authors.

    Why is lava in a dream?

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    What is Lava dreaming of and what does it mean:

    The flowing fiery lava, carrying away in its fiery stream everything that meets on its way, portends the emergence of a new and strong passion in the heart of a woman (man).

    Esoteric dream book

    The secret of sleep:

    Lava - A burning sea of ​​passions. Feelings, passionate love will overwhelm you. Extinct - the world of memories. Someone long forgotten can remind of themselves.

    New family dream book by Nadezhda Soboleva

    How to understand why Lava in a dream?

    I dreamed about Lava - a disease; hot emotions.

    Large modern dream book

    Lava - why is the dreamer dreaming?

    You see a fiery flow of lava - in the coming days you will meet your love; despite the fact that you already had some hobbies, you will consider this love the first, because it will be really strong and will capture your whole being.

    The lava flow is about to burn you, and you are forced to flee - the news that you will soon receive will be very unpleasant; another interpretation of sleep: you did not even know, but were for a long time under a microscope with the authorities; your activities will be reviewed at a meeting; ill-wishers will try to use a situation that is unfavorable for you. You see that the lava is solidifying - an incident that you will become a witness to, you cannot call it anything other than extraordinary; you will be impressed by it for a long time. A young woman sees frozen lava in a dream - the dream tells this woman that she takes trifles too close to her heart; this woman should take care of herself.

    The interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Lava - There will be consequences of a case that you forgot about, but in vain.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Seeing a lava flow in a dream is a natural disaster.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    If you see in a dream a volcanic eruption and lava flowing like a river, sweeping everything in its path, - to a stormy passion.