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  • Dream interpretation broke a tea cup. Tea cups

    Dream interpretation broke a tea cup.  Tea cups

    Why does a woman dream of a cup:

    The chalice is a symbol of energy, the ability to feed the dreamer's powers.

    To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your own destiny.

    According to Freud, the cup, the cup is a female vaginal symbol.

    A cup of water is a more favorable sign than an empty one.

    A cup is a miniature cup. All the prophecies for the cup are the same with the downsizing of the joy.

    To break a cup is to start a new period of life.

    1 Cup of Home dream book

    Seeing a cup in a dream means:

    Receiving the information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; breaking a cup is an unexpected disaster; drinking wine from a teacup is a combination of pleasure with useful activities.

    1 Cup of Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

    A vessel that is a vaginal symbol.

    The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

    Sigmund Freud

    1 Cup of Dream Interpretation of Krydy Veles

    Sleeping with a cup means:

    Be a guest, wait for guests; break up - a quarrel in the family; full - profit.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

    Sleep cup meaning:

    If you dreamed about a cup, it means that you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.

    If you dreamed that you were washing a cup, in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.

    You dreamed that you bought a cup - you will make friends with a person who used to have a very bad opinion.

    Receive as a gift - to an unpleasant acquaintance.

    If you dreamed that you sold a cup, you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.

    If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup, you will reconcile your two friends.

    In a dream, you broke a cup - to a quarrel with a person who for a long time was stuffed into your buddies.

    1 Cup of Christian dream book

    Tea cups - With tea - to unexpected joy (see Tea). Empty - you spend too much time on pleasure. It hurts the business. Imagine that you are pouring strong tea into cups, putting them on the table and treating your friends.

    Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep ...


    1 Cup of Russian dream book

    Tea room - an unexpected short-lived joy

    1 Cup of Esoteric dream book

    A cup in a dream means:

    Empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    A full soup bowl - making a profit; there is from it with others - an amicable section.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Why does a woman dream of a cup:

    What do Cups mean in a dream - You see cups in a dream - you spend too much time on pleasures. It is as if you are drinking wine from a tea cup - the pleasant in your life will be useful, and the useful will become pleasant. A woman dreams that she broke a cup - happiness will soon be replaced by disaster.

    When in a dream it seems that someone is waking and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - it is one of the deceased relatives who calls you to him.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

    Why does a woman dream of a cup:

    A tea cup, drinking from it is an unexpected visit to you by someone.

    To break is an accident.

    To see porcelain - great happiness awaits.

    Faience is good news.

    Find porcelain shards - all good.

    1 Miller's dream book

    Seeing a cup in a dream means:

    Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasures;

    for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected misfortune;

    drinking wine from a teacup is a combination of business and pleasure.

    Also see Drink, Wine.

    1 Cup of Culinary dream book

    A dream with a cup in the dream book is interpreted as:

    A porcelain cup, gilded, presented as a gift to you in a dream, is a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

    1 Cup on the Online dream book

    Sleeping with a cup means:

    Symbolizes the fact that at this stage you want to have more fun.

    If she is broken, something unpleasant will happen in your family.

    If you washed it in a dream, you will try very hard to reestablish connections with someone you have not seen for a long time.

    Buying a cup - suggests that you will become closer to someone who has long been an unpleasant person for you.

    It was given to you - you will start a new relationship that will turn out to be pleasant and promising.

    I dreamed that they sold it - do not rush to open up to a little-known person.

    If you dreamed about a broken cup - your idyll may soon end soon, you will face some big troubles, worries, a break in relations with loved ones is possible.

    If you dreamed that you washed cups, soon you will have to spend time in the company of nice people at a festive table or at a dinner party.

    1 Cup of Modern dream book

    Sleep cup meaning:

    If you dream about cups, in reality all your thoughts will be directed towards pleasure.

    For a woman to break cups in a dream is a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.

    Drinking wine from tea cups - predicts that in the near future, luck and pleasure will combine to bring you joy.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a cup:

    A broken cup - a quarrel; see - an invitation; clay - a humble life; buy - fear in the family; full - profit.

    If in a dream someone shudders, then this person is growing.

    1 Cup of Chinese dream book

    What a cup can dream about:

    Porcelain Cups - Heralds booze and snacks.

    You buy cups, jade and jasper dishes - fortunately.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    A cup in a dream means:

    Filled cup - Blow, nuisance

    1 Cup of Imperial dream book

    If a girl dreams of a cup, then this means:

    Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , large and small intestines, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation In the history of mankind, the bowl is one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual objects. Household options for a bowl (a cup, glass and any drinking container) are not symbolic in themselves, but they are a clear evidence of the impossibility of a person to live without water, therefore, when interpreting dreams, not only the bowl is important, but also the contents. Water is the basis of all liquids that can be poured into a bowl. Water is amphorae and easily takes any form, easily absorbs and stores information of the fundamental principles of creation for an unlimited time. The mirror gives information immediately, while water for giving must enter into resonance with the recipient or penetrate into him. No wonder in ancient times a bowl made of stone, which gives water or wine healing properties, was supposed to be heated with the warmth of the hands and only then drink the contents. Sacred, magical actions are part of not only a cult ritual: our everyday life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without hesitation, perform magical actions, programming a certain course of events for the correct exchange of energy, which ensures us good luck, health, or transfers the energy of ancestors to descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water drunk early in the morning also has a magical effect on the body: it gives the body a signal to start daytime life, the daytime flow of energy in the body. And any dream with a cup or cup cannot be accidental. In ancient times, drawings and sacred signs were carved on bowls made of stones and precious metals in order to facilitate the development of the situation in the right direction. And in a dream, on the bowl, you can see signs symbolizing the future, but such dreams rarely come and only to a select few. To see the cup in a dream / other drinking utensils / drink from the cup or not drink - the cup symbolizes the fullness of yin information, striving for implementation in actions. To see and drink a cup filled with something in a dream means to consciously assume any obligations to do something. The preliminary reflections before the bowl, resolved by a timely act, of weighing all the pros and cons do not diminish the significance of the action, for thoughtless commitments do no good to anyone. To see the cup, to feel the need to drink, but the cup is empty - there is no energy for the task, or the matter in the presented form will not bring results, or the information has been transferred / arbitrarily taken by someone else. It is necessary to change the course of action and adjust the goal. To see the cup and know its necessity, but to hesitate means not to have a stable worldview and willpower. Not drinking, leaving and even pushing the cup away means taking the path of betrayal. Betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to oneself. In the latter case, a dream portends misfortune and illness. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Changing cups with someone / drinking from one cup - fraternization, exchange of energy, support and responsibility for the other as for oneself. To break / spill a cup - to let go of the matter, to lose energy. With the mother or father to drink the cup / they give to drink - this means the transfer of the energy of the clan. Empty bowl lack of energy of kind. All household options for a bowl - a cup, a glass, a glass - reduce the symbolism from the general to the personal, but no less significant level. The interpretations will be the same, but other details of the dream will acquire much greater significance: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl, where the action of the dream took place, and so on.

    1 Cup of Imperial dream book

    Why does a woman dream of a cup:

    Cup, glass. Vagina, woman. Whole person.

    If it's cracked. Weakness of I.

    Two cups. Contrast between Mother and Terrible Mother.

    1 Cup of Slavic dream book

    To see a cup in a dream means:

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    Interpretation of a dream about a cup:

    Drink water with paper from a cup - you will have to write a lot, you may have to give information about someone; filled cup - profit

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

    Interpretation of a dream about a cup:

    To noisy guests; filled cup - profit; breaking a cup is a quarrel in the family.

    1 Cup of Dream interpretation of health

    A cup in a dream predicts:

    Seeing a cup of water - to the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup - to psychological problems; break a cup - to conflict and stress.

    1 Cup of Danilova's erotic dream book

    Why is the Cup dreaming about:

    Holding a cup in your hand in a dream and slowly sipping liquid from it - to the latent desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

    Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with a person you like and sexually attractive.

    To break a cup for a woman in a dream means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.

    If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

    1 Cup of Ukrainian dream book

    Cup (wash it) - go to visit.

    We all have dreams. They are varied. But often people want to understand why they had this or that dream, they want to see a secret meaning in it. Consider today what it means if you dream about a cup in a dream.

    What is the dream of a cup from Miller's dream book?

    According to Miller's dream book, seeing the image of a cup in a dream means the following: you spend or will spend a lot of time in pleasures, however, perhaps these pleasures are not at all useful to you.

    Cup - Wangi's dream book

    According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also, to see a cup in a dream means soon to receive an unexpected invitation from someone. In general, in this dream book, the image of a cup does not carry a negative meaning (as, for example, the image of a clock, the appearance of which in a dream predicts a person some tragic events in his life).

    Cup in a dream - interpretation by Freud

    According to Freud's works, the image of a cup is of great importance in a person's life, it denotes the feminine principle, the very image of a round cup is similar to the appearance of female genital organs. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is a feminine element. Therefore, if a man dreams of a cup, for him it is a harbinger of future sexual contact with a woman, and if a woman dreams of a cup, then, according to Freud, she herself seeks to realize her female sexuality.

    Italian dream books - what the cup dreamed about

    These dream books interpret the image of a cup in a Freudian way, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream is a prediction of future love relationships, perhaps completely unexpected.

    Cup - Velesov dream book

    The so-called Velesov dream book believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream - wait for guests, if you broke the cup - there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

    Why is the cup dreaming - Azar's dream book

    This dream book believes that a broken cup is a harbinger of a future quarrel, and a full and whole cup, seen in a dream, indicates the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

    What else is the cup dreaming of?

    • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

    If you dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, it means sad omens: your happiness may be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

    • If you saw tea cups in a dream

    If you see such cups, rejoice, some significant profit awaits you soon.

    • I dreamed about how you wash your cup

    Such a dream means that you will soon make peace with those people whom you have deliberately or unknowingly offended.

    • Why dream of a cup of tea

    A dream about a cup of tea, as a rule, promises future joy to the brim.

    • A cup of coffee

    A cup filled with aromatic coffee seen in a dream vision promises wealth in the future.

    • If you saw a cup and saucer in a dream

    Dream Interpretations believe that those people who see a cup and saucer in a dream will soon meet a large number of guests who came to them unexpectedly.

    • Why is an empty cup dreaming

    An empty cup is a prototype of future empty troubles that will take away your time and mental strength, but will not lead to a positive result.

    • In a dream, a cup full of wine

    If you dream that you are drinking wine from a cup, it can mean that you will be spending time with benefit, which will bring you both pleasure and a sense of satisfaction from your behavior.

    So, as we see, the image of a cup in a dream has many interpretations: from joyful to sad. But still, I would like to hope that the image of a cup you saw in a dream will be positive.

    Miller's dream book

    If you dream about tea cups- this means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

    If a woman breaks a cup in a dream- this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by unexpected misfortune.

    If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup- this portends the combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

    Dream interpretation of Medea

    Bowl- a symbol of energy, the possibility of feeding the dreamer's powers.

    Hold a cup or goblet in your hands- means to control your own destiny.

    According to Freud, cup, cup- female vaginal symbol.

    Cup of water- a more favorable sign than empty.

    A cup is a miniature bowl. All the prophecies for the cup are the same with the downsizing of the joy.

    Break the cup- start a new period of life.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

    Cups in a dream -

    If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your home, it doesn't matter if they are full or empty.- such a dream speaks of a good course of your affairs.

    Dirty, ugly cups- a sign of domestic troubles.

    Cracked cup- warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones. If you want to avoid breaking up the relationship, you should be careful in communication and not give a reason for conflict. The meaning of this dream can be more fully suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

    Jewish dream book

    A cup- to noisy guests; break up- family quarrel

    Dream interpretation for bitches

    Tea cups- profit, benefit.

    Drink from a cup- you like to have fun sometimes to the detriment of other business.

    Break the cup- unexpected troubles.

    Buy or receive tea cups as a gift- hobby for a pleasant and useful business.

    New family dream book

    The tea cup you saw in a dream- means that you are spending too much time on pleasure.

    If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup- and her happiness will be broken by some unpleasant event.

    A dream in which you drink wine from a tea cup- portends the combination of business with pleasure.

    Modern combined dream book

    If you dream about cups- in reality all your thoughts will be directed towards pleasure.

    For a woman to break cups in a dream- a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.

    Drink wine from tea cups- predicts that in the near future, luck and pleasure will combine to bring you joy.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

    Break a cup in a dream- to mental patience.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    Break the cup- to intrigue and deception.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    A cup- to noisy guests; break a cup- to a quarrel in the family.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    Broken cup- argument; see- invitation; clay- a modest life; buy- family fright.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    Drink in a dream from a porcelain cup- marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency.

    Glass cup- a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and acquaintance with him.

    Small cup- indicates high demands, but modest requirements, you should more resolutely seek what should be yours by right.

    Split cup- portends misfortune with loved ones.

    Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

    Broken cup- argument; see- invitation; clay- a modest life; buy- family fright; complete- profit.

    Female dream book

    Tea cups that you dreamed about- indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

    Break a cup in a dream- to unexpected trouble.

    Drink wine from a tea cup- in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

    General dream book

    I dreamed about a cup- it means that you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.

    If you dreamed that you were washing a cup- in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.

    You dreamed that you bought a cup- you will make friends with a person about whom you previously had a very bad opinion.

    Receive as a gift- to an unpleasant acquaintance.

    If you dreamed that you sold a cup- you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.

    If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup- you will reconcile your two friends.

    In a dream, you broke a cup- to a quarrel with a person who for a long time crammed into your buddies.

    Italian dream book

    A cup- a vessel that is a vaginal symbol.

    Chinese dream book

    Porcelain cups- portends a drink and a snack.

    You buy cups, jade and jasper dishes- Fortunately.

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    The cup is full- depending on the drink; empty- the uncertainty of the relationship; friend.

    Break up- Lucky case.

    Culinary dream book

    Porcelain cup, gilded, presented in a dream to you as a gift- a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

    Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

    A cup- be a guest, wait for guests; break up- a quarrel in the family; complete- profit.

    A soup bowl filled with- Receiving a profit; there is from it with others - an amicable section.

    Danilova's erotic dream book

    Hold a cup in hand in a dream and slowly sip liquid from it- to the hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

    Fill a cup with a drink and bring it to someone- testifies to your desire to offer yourself, to be with a person you like and sexually attractive.

    Break a cup for a woman in a dream- means the loss of your femininity and sexuality in the eyes of your partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man this dream- portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.

    If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it- this suggests that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

    Esoteric dream book

    A cup- empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things.

    Ukrainian dream book

    Cup, wash it- go to visit.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Cups- guests.

    Collection of dream books

    A cup- to noisy guests; cup filled- profit; break a cup- a quarrel in the family.

    See a cup of water- the need to cleanse the body; empty cup- to psychological problems; break a cup- to conflict and stress.

    Why is a broken cup dreaming?

    Basically, as many reputable dream books interpret, the cup symbolizes general well-being. If in a dream she is filled to the brim with something, then life is supposed to be comfortable and not boring. If it is empty, then you will have to "spin" to ensure a normal existence.

    A broken cup in a dream is an unpleasant omen from all sides. Regardless of who broke it, this sign will not bring any comforting consequences for the dreamer.

    But still, you should find out some of the details of the interpretation of the dream, so as not to get lost in your own guesses.

    For a woman who breaks a cup in a dream, such negligence can turn into either misfortune after unexpected happiness, or a major quarrel with a loved one or other close people. And if you believe Freud's sexual dream book, then the culprit in the soul has a desire to change the annoying lover.

    However, upon waking up, a woman who wants to change her partner should not immediately hang up her boyfriend, who is nestling next to her. If you believe the majority of erotic interpretations, then, perhaps, he himself is already going to "sail away" from the lady of the heart who has lost her attractiveness.

    A woman who broke a cup in a dream, according to some interpretations, has every chance of being completely alone in a short time. Her subconscious gives a warning that she is losing her external sexuality, and this circumstance will reduce men's interest in her to almost zero.

    Nothing good in this regard promises a dream with a broken cup for men. If the dreamer himself breaks the cup, then he will also become uninteresting, at least for one, but, unfortunately, his most beloved passion.

    It seems that in the above story with lovers sleeping next to each other, there was a rare case - they both broke dishes in their sleep!

    For the rest of the people, who are not burdened with care about the periodic change of life partners, it is more important to know about what the broken cup is dreaming of, which portends such a dream in the future for themselves and their families.

    For the most part, such a dream warns of possible quarrels, troubles, broken destinies, misfortunes. In reality, you need to take a closer look at the close people around you, worry about their health, plans (an accident is possible). It will not be superfluous to look after the children for a certain period, not to leave them alone, not to give them complete freedom and to stop them from rash actions.

    In a family, you need to show patience, not to offend (not take offense) once again your household.

    However, you should not completely indulge in thoughts about a bad dream and the possible consequences, since dreams do not always come true. Moreover, there are such dream books in which a cup broken in a dream promises well-being and success in real life for the dreamer and his loved ones.

    Dreaming is one of the opportunities for human nature to manifest on a subconscious level. Sometimes the benefits of dreams are obvious: we remember someone or something that already seemed to be forgotten forever. And some people in their dreams come to hints on how to act in difficult situations. Dreams need to be appreciated and tried to solve.

    A broken cup in a dream warns of impending unpleasant events. If a woman sees her in her dream, especially if she breaks the cup herself, then the dream suggests that her seemingly strong happiness can crack due to an unusual reason. Often a dream portends quarrels, injuries and accidents. There is a danger and quarrels with loved ones because of the incontinence of one of the conflicting people.

    This dream also has an erotic interpretation. In this case, for a man, a dream predicts that he may lose attraction for his beloved. After this dream, a woman has a risk of ceasing to be sexually interesting for her partner and worrying a lot about this.
    Some dream books interpret a broken cup in a dream as a lucky break.

    Cracked cup

    Dream interpretation cracked cup dreamed why in a dream. Cracked a cup? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a cracked cup in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Cup. cup

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    They symbolize well-being and fullness of life.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Also see Drink, Wine.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Broken cup

    Dream interpretation Cup burst dreamed of why in a dream a broken cup was dreaming? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a broken Cup in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Cup. cup

    The chalice is a symbol of energy, the ability to feed the dreamer's powers.

    To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your own destiny.

    According to Freud, the cup, the Cup is a female vaginal symbol.

    A cup of water is a more favorable sign than an empty one.

    A cup is a miniature cup.

    All the prophecies for the cup are the same with the downsizing of the joy.

    To break a cup is to start a new period of life.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Holding a cup in your hand in a dream and slowly sipping liquid from it - to the latent desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

    Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with a person you like and sexually attractive.

    To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    A tea cup you saw in a dream means that you are spending too much time on pleasures.

    If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup, then her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.

    A dream in which you drink wine from a tea cup portends a combination of business with pleasure.

    If in a dream you were presented with a porcelain cup with gilding, someone will show disposition and sympathy towards you.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    They symbolize well-being and fullness of life.

    If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your home, it doesn't matter if they are full or empty: such a dream speaks of a good course of your affairs.

    Dirty, ugly cups: a sign of domestic troubles.

    Cracked cup: warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones.

    If you want to avoid breaking up the relationship, you should be careful in communication and not give a reason for conflict.

    The meaning of this dream can be more fully suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    To see coffee or tea cups in a dream - to spend time in pleasure or wait for the arrival of guests.

    A filled cup - to profit.

    To break a cup - to survive the grief.

    Drinking wine from a cup - soon combine business with pleasure, so things will turn out.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasures;
    for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected misfortune;
    drinking wine from a teacup is a combination of business and pleasure.
    Also see Drink, Wine.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    (See interpretation: promises, porcelain, milk, tea, coffee, kettle)

    Putting cups on the table in a dream means that you are ready to receive guests.

    To dream that you are pouring something into it and the liquid overflows, then look by the name of the liquid. Depending on the symbols that the liquids carry, such a dream can mean either unexpected profits that you will immediately spend, or the limit of tolerance, which, if you step over it, you will become literally uncontrollable in the eyes of others. Empty cups in a dream are a sign of disappointment and disappointed hopes.

    Filled cups in a dream portend some kind of event. See the interpretation: what they are filled with.

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    If you dream about tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasures.

    If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by unexpected misfortune.

    If in a dream you drink wine from a teacup, this portends the combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. To break a cup in a dream - to unexpected trouble. Drinking wine from a teacup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Drinking from a porcelain cup in a dream marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency. A glass cup is a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the very first meeting and acquaintance with him.

    A small cup indicates high demands, but modest requirements, you should more decisively seek what should be yours by right. A split cup portends misfortune with loved ones.

    Dirty cup

    Dream interpretation Dirty cup dreamed why the Dirty Cup was dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a Dirty Cup in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Cup. cup

    The chalice is a symbol of energy, the ability to feed the dreamer's powers.

    To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your own destiny.

    According to Freud, the cup, the Cup is a female vaginal symbol.

    A cup of water is a more favorable sign than an empty one.

    A cup is a miniature cup.

    All the prophecies for the cup are the same with the downsizing of the joy.

    To break a cup is to start a new period of life.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Holding a cup in your hand in a dream and slowly sipping liquid from it - to the latent desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

    Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with a person you like and sexually attractive.

    To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    A tea cup you saw in a dream means that you are spending too much time on pleasures.

    If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup, then her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.

    A dream in which you drink wine from a tea cup portends a combination of business with pleasure.

    If in a dream you were presented with a porcelain cup with gilding, someone will show disposition and sympathy towards you.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    They symbolize well-being and fullness of life.

    If you see beautiful porcelain cups in your home, it doesn't matter if they are full or empty: such a dream speaks of a good course of your affairs.

    Dirty, ugly cups: a sign of domestic troubles.

    Cracked cup: warns of a possible quarrel with loved ones.

    If you want to avoid breaking up the relationship, you should be careful in communication and not give a reason for conflict.

    The meaning of this dream can be more fully suggested by the contents of the cup and the material from which it is made.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    To see coffee or tea cups in a dream - to spend time in pleasure or wait for the arrival of guests.

    A filled cup - to profit.

    To break a cup - to survive the grief.

    Drinking wine from a cup - soon combine business with pleasure, so things will turn out.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasures;
    for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected misfortune;
    drinking wine from a teacup is a combination of business and pleasure.
    Also see Drink, Wine.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    (See interpretation: promises, porcelain, milk, tea, coffee, kettle)

    Putting cups on the table in a dream means that you are ready to receive guests.

    To dream that you are pouring something into it and the liquid overflows, then look by the name of the liquid. Depending on the symbols that the liquids carry, such a dream can mean either unexpected profits that you will immediately spend, or the limit of tolerance, which, if you step over it, you will become literally uncontrollable in the eyes of others. Empty cups in a dream are a sign of disappointment and disappointed hopes.

    Filled cups in a dream portend some kind of event. See the interpretation: what they are filled with.

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    If you dream about tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasures.

    If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by unexpected misfortune.

    If in a dream you drink wine from a teacup, this portends the combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

    Dream interpretation - Cups

    The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. To break a cup in a dream - to unexpected trouble. Drinking wine from a teacup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

    Dream interpretation - Cup

    Drinking from a porcelain cup in a dream marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency. A glass cup is a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the very first meeting and acquaintance with him.

    A small cup indicates high demands, but modest requirements, you should more decisively seek what should be yours by right. A split cup portends misfortune with loved ones.

    Comments (1)


    Please help to reveal the meaning of sleep. Yesterday I had a dream that I was standing at a well and drinking water, a cup fell out of my hands and fell into the well, but it did not break. I look at the bottom, and there is my cup and another and other rubbish, but the water is clear. And today I had a dream that I was walking through the supermarket with a cup in my hands (not very new) and chose 4 more cups, very beautiful and left without paying for them.

    Julia Dream Interpretation:

    The fact that you dropped the cup in this dream most likely warns you that something will surprise you very soon.


    hello there are many different cups to see on the shelf. what does it mean? Thank you.


    I dreamed that the cups broke .. And I look, my favorite cup broke (well, more precisely, a splinter broke off), presented by a friend and at that moment, when she broke, that friend was next to her and saw it too .. I run up to her with this cup and showing the shards .. What does this mean?


    please help me to reveal my dream))) I dreamed that somewhere on the street where there is a lot of water that is not entirely clean and as if I were jumping from a ship into this water and swimming and catching all sorts of different cups, and then I caught such a big white beautiful cup, what could it be ??


    a cracked cup in the hands of my friend's boyfriend and ash at the bottom of the cup, and my friend waved her hand and I saw a large gold wedding ring on her hand


    I bought a gold cup and showed it to my girlfriend .... saying that if you drink from this cup, then our marriage will be happy


    I dream about a light-colored cup glued together in pieces, it was glued by a friend I know !!! I took it in my hands and hold it wondering who broke it. It is empty, clean. ALL !!!


    a friend gave me two coffee cups, one green, the other brown, it so happened that a friend pushed me and I accidentally dropped one of the cups and it broke, what can this mean


    I dreamed that I was holding a cup (mug) with the handle already chipped in half, I take it by this place and the handle breaks completely.


    My partner washed our cups and brought them to the workplace, only I had an orange one and turned white and a different uniform.


    I bought myself a cup many years ago, and it broke last winter.
    I had a dream:
    "This cup appeared like new, whole and intact. I was very surprised because I considered it broken and thrown away long ago."


    Hello, Tatyana, I dreamed of one of my cups, the one from which I usually drink, that a piece of the bottom broke off, but the cup itself did not leak, but it remained with a whole bottom, just a piece fell off from the side. Clay cup with painting.


    I dreamed that I was breaking a cup from my house, then I inadvertently knocked with a cup, I gave a gift to a kohan, with our photograph, and it’s also necessary ...


    I saw in a dream a lot of books in good old bindings and I had to choose books because they were distributed and I took one in a leather binding and several in a regular one. I put them in a bag and some things, then I went and saw the plumbing was thrown into the trash and there was a beautiful set of beautiful cups and I took one to have a look, wondering why they threw good plumbing and beautiful cups on the trash, and there was a cockerel on the cup, and I saw when I chose books they repeated a set of even numbers many times I remember them_what does that mean?


    At first, I was driving a car and saw two friends who were walking, one with a full bucket of cement, the other with a full bucket of water. Then we arrived at the car service and there sat with my friends, they gave me a cup of coffee on a saucer (in a dream I saw a cup and saucer from which I always drink) but there was a chip on the cup, I freaked out at them and threw a cup and saucer from all over on the floor .. I even felt the coffee splash out on my feet. My close friend, who came with me, began to explain to the others that it is important for me that no one touches my things, then we went into the bath and began to wash off the coffee from the pantyhose and I was surprised that he immediately washed himself without leaving stains and the legs immediately became dry, when we left I was already given a new cup of coffee on a saucer and it was the same color only without chips


    Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream: I was holding a porcelain cup on a saucer in my hand and, as if by chance, turned, my hand trembled and the cup and spoon slipped and broke, and the saucer remained intact. Thank you.


    I went down the stairs where there were cups sold nowhere to step. and accidentally threw off the cup and it cracked. then fist fought with the saleswoman.


    I had a dream that I had a bakery in my hands from which I drink tea and the bottom of this bakery was straight pure white, as if I had washed it well, I would like to know what this means, thank you in advance.


    Hello! I dreamed that I was collecting my things. Relatives were there, but no one helped. And when I started packing the dishes, a piece broke off from the glass mug ... Help me unravel the dream. Thank you in advance


    A pair of pale pink service cups and saucers. Nothing happened to them


    I dreamed that I won a huge cup of tea, and the tea that I love. and after that I dreamed that my beloved distant relatives had arrived and I wanted to cook food for them, went shopping.


    Hello, Tatyana! Today I had a dream where I am very nervous and break two empty red cups with the inscription Nescafe, the cups in my dream are not mine, and in return I give someone else's cup to the one whose cup I broke. Everything in a dream happens at work.


    I was driving a car with a guy I didn’t know! We arrived somewhere, got out of the car, gave me a box with the words "this is for mom from my son-in-law" I opened it, there were two cups, and one of them was broken! wanted to offend!


    I dreamed that in the hallway at work I broke my favorite dark blue mug. My work colleague, with whom we communicate very closely, was going to meet me. What could this mean?


    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed of guests arriving, but I had broken furniture, a table and could not find cups, all dirty and broken.

    no one:

    I don’t like this developed online nonsense consultation. I don’t want my son to ask his questions in this way in secret from me twenty years later and the problem you have are full of idiots, those to whom my son is indifferent to everything except money. I hope the Internet will be closed and you will also disappear.


    I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that in my cupboard, where there are cups, there are 2 new beautiful large cups. I also thought that my wife bought a pair for myself and me, I took one in my hands and was very pleased that it was big and beautiful.


    I dreamed of a cup, we have this at home, ceramic, my friend gave me this set of cups, there are only 2 of them left. And this cup is on the tabletop in my mother's house, I pour water into it, and I see that the water is flowing, they examine the cup and I see several cracks, then I don’t remember ... it seems like I’m trying to pour water into it again and then I seem to worry about another ... ..


    Mom put the gilded cups in the dishwasher, which I washed and put something heavy on one of them. As a result, a crack appeared on one cup.


    I saw in a dream how I offered my mother-in-law to drink coffee, but the small transparent cups were dirty, I tried to wash them and their handles broke off. and so with two cups and the third cup had a broken handle. what does it mean.
    the dream was today. Thank you.


    hello ... the dream was that my boyfriend brought some shopping and gave me two beautiful cups with pink peonies ... I liked them


    dirty teacups, it was necessary to wash in order to pour the tea. Several times in a dream, the number 14 or 17 was pronounced (the number of people to whom to pour tea). They all came to the house. It's like I rented a house (on Airbnb) and they came to visit. House type hut. Then a bearded man came and said that he had rented a room in this house. I was surprised because I kind of rented a house. I remember the feeling that I was worried, where is my bag, and is everything ok with the money. I clearly understand two men, bearded, who were driving somewhere, truckers (?). They drove from the South of America in the super, bypassing those states in which Jacobo's everything shitty with booze and women. In, sluts, I thought.
    The men are so big and bearded. Everyone is bearded there.
    I remember how a girl helped me with the cups.
    The very tea-drinking in the dream was not.

    I do not remember at what moment I look out the window and see the sky turning black sharply. I see lightning, I hear thunder. Very pretty, but a little scary. I feel safe in the house, but I worry if the roof will blow.
    The feeling that I am with a former young man in the country.

    In what order everything happened, I don't remember.


    Hello ?, I would be very grateful if I could interpret my strange dream. The dream was very long and consisted of small parts. At first I dreamed about how I came to some room, and there were guys from my university, I saw the place where the guy I knew was lying and I wanted to fight with him, and started to get mad with him, then he asked: "You are not tired of Liiz ", I said:" Well, I'm still a girl ", while I remember that in a dream we were in love with each other (although in reality it is not so) then I lay down next to him and we hugged. then I don’t remember how another dream came, but I was looking for something there for a plate with the number 26, it was supposed to give some kind of ability, sort of like a super ability, but I was not the only one looking for it, and therefore we had a type of competition, who will find it faster, I remember that I crossed the road and entered some kind of puddle, I don't remember, but in my opinion it was a little muddy because of the cars, I went through it and found a sign, but as I thought it was not the same sign although everyone thought that I won. Then I found myself in some poorly lit building where there were a lot of people, again from my university, I went into some bright room and something happened there, there were a lot of shelves but few people, my friends came up to me, we went to which one a cupboard with glass doors, there were a lot of old things on glass shelves, we took 3 white cups, one of them was broken, then we went to some counter (as happens in libraries), I was all worried that the cup was broken and did not understand Why do we need her, then it turned out that a friend had stolen something and there were some sort of showdowns about this. I don’t remember anything further.


    The cup was presented by a young man with whom we have been friends for a long time. Giving it, he seemed to be talking about his feelings for me (in any case, such were the sensations in a dream). Then he invited me to the cinema, and when my husband came, he disappeared somewhere. In reality, we haven't seen him for a long time, I don't have enough family time, he has a job.


    I dreamed of my favorite coffee cup, I take it in my hands, and it is with the remnants of coffee (dirty) and the handle is broken off. I washed it and decided that I would not throw it away (I always throw out broken dishes). I’m going from the kitchen to the house, and there my dog ​​brought 8 puppies , but I didn’t know, puppies already grown up sit under my bed for about a month


    New, porcelain, huge cups, very beautiful gray-pink color, beautifully shaped, bought by my husband. very beautiful.


    I was presented with a red cup from which they already drank tea or coffee and it had a chink on the edge


    I was presented with many large and pure white tea mugs and among them was one very beautiful small cup with a chipped


    I entered the room and saw the broken cups that I use every day. She was not upset, but immediately fussed and climbed onto the shelf for other cups. The cups were clean.


    I come somewhere. It seems like a super market or something like that. And they gave me a white mug with a pattern of a bear. And they kicked out of the super market. On eiom ends my dream. Eio was only one of my dreams.


    An acquaintance came to us and gave me 2 beautiful blue cups with a painted dog, and my husband a little black puppy with a white tie and long curly ears, and I didn’t seem to be allowed to have dogs in the house anymore, but when I saw this puppy I allowed to leave him to us because he was very beautiful ...


    in a dream my house was flooded, and I scooped up water with a red cup. what is it for?

    Every night, a person necessarily dreams of something, but many dreams are quickly forgotten: in the first five minutes of wakefulness, the brain clears the memory of dreams almost completely. Dreams are seen even by those people who believe that they have slept without a dream, they just have time to forget them by the time of their awakening.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    What is Vanga's dream book? Why did the collection of interpretations of the Bulgarian seer of the last century become one of the most widely read books of the new century and does not lose its relevance even in the modern world? The article will tell you about the features and benefits of the famous fortuneteller's dream book.

    The probability of fulfilling dreams by day of the week

    Wondering if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready for a joyous omen in reality.

    The art of cat sleep

    All cat owners know perfectly well how their furry pets pass their days: they took a nap, ate, took another nap, ate and went back to sleep. Yes, such a pleasant pastime and instant falling asleep can only be envied. Why do cats sleep so much and do they dream?

    Why is the Cup dreaming

    A cup in a modern dream book

    A dream in which you see full or empty beautiful porcelain cups in your home reflects a successful course of business. Ugly, dirty cups portend family troubles. If you dreamed about a cup with a crack, you need to be careful in communication, not to give a reason for the intensity of passions. In a dream, quenching your thirst from a cup - for an unexpected waking visit. Beating cups in a dream is an accident. To see porcelain cups is great happiness, earthenware - to good news. It is considered a good omen to find porcelain shards in a dream.

    Cup in Miller's dream book

    To indulge in an excess of pleasures, to the detriment of deeds, is for the dreamer who saw cups in a dream. An unexpected misfortune after a short-term happiness is predicted by a woman in a dream in which she breaks a cup. Drinking wine from a cup in a dream - to a successful combination of useful and pleasant activities in reality.

    Cup in Freud's dream book

    A cup symbolizing a woman reveals a man's desire to make love with a constant partner in reality. If the dreamer pours liquid into a cup, it means that he simply wants immediate intimacy. A woman drinking from a cup in a dream, in reality, dreams of having a child. A broken cup indicates a desire to change sex partner. Wash cups in a dream, in reality, be careful when choosing a partner for an intimate relationship.

    Death follows us, circles around us, not leaving us for a single moment, under its banner a dream takes possession of us every day.

    Will be crushed by unexpected disaster.

    If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup- this portends the combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

    Dream interpretation of Medea

    Bowl- a symbol of energy, the possibility of feeding the dreamer's powers.

    Hold a cup or goblet in your hands- means to control your own destiny.

    According to Freud, cup, cup- female vaginal symbol.

    Cup of water- a more favorable sign than empty.

    Dream interpretation for bitches

    Tea cups- profit, benefit.

    Drink from a cup- you like to have fun sometimes to the detriment of other business.

    Break the cup- unexpected troubles.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    Drink in a dream from a porcelain cup- marks the rise of positive emotions and increased efficiency.

    Glass cup- a sign that you will make an irresistible impression on your future chosen one at the first meeting and acquaintance with him.

    Small cup- indicates high demands, but modest requirements, you should more resolutely seek what should be yours by right.

    Split cup- portends misfortune with loved ones.

    Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

    Broken cup- argument; see- invitation; clay- a modest life; buy- family fright; complete- profit.

    Female dream book

    Tea cups that you dreamed about- indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

    Break a cup in a dream- to unexpected trouble.

    Drink wine from a tea cup- in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

    General dream book

    I dreamed about a cup- it means that you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.

    If you dreamed that you were washing a cup- in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.

    You dreamed that you bought a cup- you will make friends with a person about whom you previously had a very bad opinion.

    Receive as a gift- to an unpleasant acquaintance.

    If you dreamed that you sold a cup- you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.

    If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup- you will reconcile your two friends.

    In a dream, you broke a cup- to a quarrel with a person who for a long time crammed into your buddies.

    Italian dream book

    A cup- a vessel that is a vaginal symbol.

    Chinese dream book

    Porcelain cups- portends a drink and a snack.

    You buy cups, jade and jasper dishes- Fortunately.

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    The cup is full- depending on the drink; empty- the uncertainty of the relationship; friend.

    Break up- Lucky case.

    Culinary dream book

    Porcelain cup, gilded, presented in a dream to you as a gift- a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

    Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

    A cup- be a guest, wait for guests; break up- a quarrel in the family; complete- profit.

    A soup bowl filled with- Receiving a profit; there is from it with others - an amicable section.

    Danilova's erotic dream book

    Hold a cup in hand in a dream and slowly sip liquid from it- to the hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.

    Fill a cup with a drink and bring it to someone- testifies to your desire to offer yourself, to be with a person you like and sexually attractive.

    Break a cup for a woman in a dream- means the loss of your femininity and sexuality in the eyes of your partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man this dream- portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Cups- guests.

    Collection of dream books

    A cup- to noisy guests; cup filled- profit; break a cup- a quarrel in the family.

    See a cup of water- the need to cleanse the body; empty cup- to psychological problems; break a cup- to conflict and stress.

    If you dreamed:

    Dreams from Sunday to Monday

    If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

    Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

    Turn the linens inside out.

    Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.